Jepang sebaiknya mengurusi negara sendiri, mengapa Jepang kok ribut dan berisik mengomentari kereta cepat Indonesia dianggap buruk dan gak bisa merawatnya. Jangan sombong merasa paling pintar di dunia. Ingat kesombonganmu akan membuat Jepang akan hancur.
@HitYoutube5 ай бұрын
@@rudyrudiyanto1930 Are you the type of person who gets angry when the truth is told?
INDONESIA akan memperpanjang jalur kereta cepat tersebut sampai SURABAYA hmm😂❤ akan semakin panjang jalurnya sampai ujung pulau jawa hhh dan di mulai tahun ini😂
Indonesia is like a golden plate, the country with the largest and best investment prospects in Asia and also a place for competition from investor countries such as Japan, South Korea and China... especially in the fields of economics, transportation and technology... especially trains... even in the future transportation such as lrt, mrt, krl and fast trains will be really needed. Likewise, investors have the opportunity to compete, first come, first served, too many people think they are slow.
Untuk Tegal luar bandung sampai Surabaya Sepanjang 700KM akan mengunakan kereta buatan Indonesia bukan Kerata cepat tapi KERETA semi cepat kecepatannya hanya 250KM..
@Blublu256 ай бұрын
Fungsi di buat jalur di pedesaan adalah meningkatkan perkembangan daerah tersebut mari kita lihat beberapa tahun ke depan itu akan terlihat, tidak hanya untuk mengembangkan kota yg sudah besar tapi meratakan perkembangan daerah terpencil, dan pada faktanya itu tidak menjadi masalah di sini.
Apakah anda mendoakan indonesia mendapatkan kemalangan karna mengambil projek kereta cepat dari china??
@さといもうまい6 ай бұрын
@@Blublu25 日本の嫌味ですね。
@daviano_R.T.8 ай бұрын
Also premium economy have power outlet under the arm rest😅 it's Understandable if you missed it because it wasn't on obvious location and no indicator to point out where the outlet is.
@Amadeus6177 ай бұрын
Netizen Jepang ini harus nya di kasih pelajaran dan komentar nya di balas pakai bahasa Jepang
@mcmxci66637 ай бұрын
Gw kira netizen Jepang itu lebih bijak dalam berkomentar, karena mereka berasal dari negara maju, tapi ternyata sama aja 😂 suka mengejek, menyindir, & banyak yg sombong ternyata. netizen Korea & China juga sama. Pantes orang asia timur saling benci satu sama lain.
@WarzoneOfficial227897 ай бұрын
@@mcmxci6663 bangsa mata sipit ini memang tipikal seperti itu.. mereka gampang ,maju tapi gampang juga hancur.
@daviano_R.T.7 ай бұрын
@@mcmxci6663 iya, jangan heran mangkanya, orang Indonesia, Jepang, Korea sama China sama sama punya karakter yang mirip😅
So explanation about Jakarta territorial/city for those of you who might not know. Jakarta province were consist of 5 administrative city (North Jakarta, East Jakarta, West Jakarta, Central Jakarta, and South Jakarta) So Halim station actually not at all far away from it actual city centre because the halim station were part of East Jakarta administrative city and not part of Central Jakarta administrative city, meaning it was very closer to East Jakarta city centre compared to Central Jakarta city centre, for measurements, Halim station were 8-10 km depending on what you called part of city centre in Central Jakarta, and for East Jakarta city centre depending on what you called city centre it was 2-3 km. They already planned to bring the HST toward city centre as part of integration of Java North Line HST, but Indonesian government focus on East bound extensions towards Surabaya first since it was already planned, and the Java North Line HST were still decades away from planning, there for they were not in rush to put this South line HST towards Central Jakarta administrative city. As for baggage check, it was implemented because the station were listed as vital government building, and in Indonesia it means baggage check were necessary like when you enter government building. I know it might sound crazy to do baggage check on train station but it was needed because of that reason, if government in the future wants to exclude the HST station from vital government building, then baggage check were not longer necessary.
@Amadeus6178 ай бұрын
ジャカルタ自体も2027年完成予定の地下鉄MRTなどの高速鉄道駅を結ぶ鉄道の建設を続けており、駅が市内中心部から離れすぎているからといって言い訳はできない。空港にあるような X 線装置は、鋭利な武器などの禁止品を所持している乗客を識別できるため、非常に優れています。東海道新幹線で刺傷事故が発生し、日本の新幹線内で死者が出ており、予定されている出発便数は1日あたり60便近くと、2023年12月のほぼ2倍となっている。期間中は1か月以内に3,000万人が輸送されることになる大型連休だけでも、この高速鉄道が延長されれば、普通列車を利用する乗客も乗り換えることになるだろう。
@@Amadeus617 yes, that's why if they didn't change the planned, they are a future plans to extend the HST station toward central Jakarta administrative city to integrate with future North Java HST, the North Java HST was the one that will use locally independent manufacture rolling stock "Kereta Cepat merah putih", in the future Halim station might just focused to serve East Jakarta, south Jakarta and Depok residency. Aka Ueno station version of Jakarta, Meanwhile the central Jakarta will be the main hub for Java HST. But it's still on paper, and as we all know government can still f up something that should be done correctly, so hopefully they didn't change that planned and proceeds to integrate South HST and North HST in Central Jakarta administrative city.
Regulasi di Indonesia telah mengatur tentang kebisingan, sehingga setiap ada pemukiman penduduk di dekat jalur kereta cepat dipasang dinding sound barrier yg mampu mengurangi tingkat kebisingan yang signifikan
Indonesia is like a golden plate, the country with the largest and best investment prospects in Asia and also a place for competition from investor countries such as Japan, South Korea and China... especially in the fields of economics, transportation and technology... especially trains... even in the future transportation such as lrt, mrt, krl and fast trains will be really needed. Likewise, investors have the opportunity to compete, first come, first served, too many people think they are slow.
@OMG_LoL7 ай бұрын
@SuryaSurya-fv3tk6 ай бұрын
Kereta cepat Indonesia bukan untuk menghadiri rapat saja, tetapi untuk mengurangi kemacetan lalu lintas 😊
@YayahYayah-yw9hz6 ай бұрын
Population indonesia 270 million people, to much traffic jam, to much people in this island
@YayahYayah-yw9hz6 ай бұрын
Imagine if japan product banned indonesia, yamaha,honda,toyota, economic japan will be colaps...
Datang saja ke Indonesia dan kamu lihat sendiri nanti 5 tahun lagi😊
@Steve-so7uk5 ай бұрын
Even the old and discarded JR commuter trains are very clean , well maintained ( few Japanese technicians can maintain ), air conditioned and has security officers. There are special coaches for women as well. Our stations are modernized ( even old one ) , kept clean .