Why Anakin Being Denied the Rank of Master Mattered SO MUCH

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@hunterkiller1440 10 ай бұрын
This is why the novelization kicks ass. The master rank can access forbidden Jedi knowledge so Anakin could use it to save Padme. That's why it's criminal to leave it out of the movie.
@thirdplanet4471 10 ай бұрын
@dilbertfish 10 ай бұрын
@hunterkiller1440 Except Anakin wouldn't have had enough time to find anything to help, so he still would have been frustrated. It's basically win win for Palpatine.
@Spider-Man647 10 ай бұрын
Anakin caused her death tho
@hunterkiller1440 10 ай бұрын
​@@Spider-Man647But it showed there's a deeper reason in wanting to become a master, not just because he's an ambitious entitled brat.
@Theleaver5088 10 ай бұрын
@Freesorin837 10 ай бұрын
So the council didn't bother to just tell Anakin "Hey, we don't actually want to do this, but we're on orders from the Supreme Chancellor so we're doing the bare minimum on compliance. It really is just a stunt to appease him, sorry." Once again those in authority sabotage themselves by refusing to explain or justify their actions, because they believe their position precludes them from having to do so. Presumptuous arrogance.
@ultrashadow9551 10 ай бұрын
​@@bernardoayres1139and as you can see Anakin respected that when he told them he understood. It was Windu still giving him the seat yet denying him him the rank that set him off because in his mind they were basically saying "we're going to let you sit with us but because you're not as good as us you won't be getting the rank of master". To Anakin they were mocking him.
@Spider-Man647 10 ай бұрын
@@ultrashadow9551 anakin needs to grow up. How couldn't he undertake such a simple concept. No other master was put on the council by decision of an outside source. He was the youngest ever, that in itself is a privilege
@ultrashadow9551 10 ай бұрын
@@Spider-Man647 Perhaps but it was stated in the novel that Anakin was VERY sleep deprived at the time so he wasn't thinking straight.
@decepticonxhunter4850 10 ай бұрын
@@ultrashadow9551 Anakin's rant 100% demonstrated why he didn't deserve the rank. He was far too full of himself and emotionally unbalanced to see the situation for what it was. The ROTS novel shows exactly why he wanted the rank, further proving that Anakin deserves 0 pity or sympathy for being denied. All he cared about was advancing his own objectives.
@ultrashadow9551 10 ай бұрын
@@decepticonxhunter4850 And I'm not saying he did, all I'm doing is pointing out the multiple variables that explained why he reacted the way he did.
@Kazuma11290 10 ай бұрын
Palpatine is a genius for this move. He used the Jedi's suspicion to manipulate them into insulting Anakin and chain him down. Acts that go against Jedi principles. They were looking so deeply at their justification that they didn't see the surface harm their actions caused. Much like the entire war. This is how all Darkness is born, as a response to hypocrisy.
@user-vg5fk3xe3l 10 ай бұрын
And since Uncle Palpy has been a close friend and mentor of Anakin for years, Anakin will only put his anger on the Jedi council,who only gave him all sorts of crap missions to complete, how genius Palpatine is.
@DeathMessenger1988 10 ай бұрын
It gets even more genius when you think about what would have happened in Anakin TRIED looking Darth Plagueis up, mastery or not. Anakin would never be able to properly verify the Tale of Darth Plagueis, and any attempt to do so would only end up fueling his suspicions and frustrations with the Jedi Order, as well as play into Palpatine's scheme. So, Anakin goes around the Jedi Archives asking for Darth Plagueis. No Jedi has ever heard of the guy, there are no records of him anywhere. Would that necessarily signal something wrong to Anakin or the Jedi? No, because think about it: The Sith have fought against the Jedi for millennia, especially during the Old and New Sith Wars (7000 years in total). There have been *_countless_* Sith Lords across history, and the Republic went through a Dark Age where a lot of records and knowledge was lost. Plagueis could have been a part of Vitiate's True Sith Empire or Darth Ruin's New Sith Dynasties, all of which included thousands upon thousands of Sith Lords and many of whom sought immortality and claimed to have done so. The Jedi also did their best to bury anything too Dark Side in the secret archives accessible only to the masters. Most Jedi would be sincerely confused and/or unable to help, more self-righteous Jedi like Jocasta Nu would dismiss it as a fairy tale and the Jedi Council would stonewall any such inquiry and demand to know where Anakin heard of such Sith. And no reaction or excuse given any Jedi would pacify Anakin. He would assume that the Jedi are concealing knowledge from others that could save lives (especially Padmé's) over their fears, that they probably destroyed said knowledge in their zealot crusading against the Dark Side and/or are outright lying to him. Palpatine would've sent him on a wild goose chase that just made him angrier at the Jedi. Palpatine was completely in the safe as well. Anakin would never tell on him knowing so much about the Sith. And even if he did, this would only spur the Jedi into doing EXACTLY what Sidious wanted them to do: stalking or assaulting him for no concrete reason, giving him the excuse he needs to execute Order 66 with the Senate's approval. In fact, Anakin openly seeking such knowledge and getting rebuked could cause a Fifth Schism within the Jedi Order, which already pretty divided because of the Clone Wars. Anakin wasn't the only traumatized, war-worn Jedi, and many of them would be interested in a Force Power that prevents death that they could use on their troopers and allies. A new Jedi Civil War could also be a perfect excuse for executing Order 66, only one where a huge percentage of Jedi would be on Palpatine's side! No wonder he's the Dark GOAT of the Sith.
@Kazuma11290 10 ай бұрын
@@DeathMessenger1988 Anakin only wanted to be a master so he could access restricted sith knowledge. Palpatine realized this and either used the unverifiable truth about his master to cast doubt on the council, or it would serve as a reward if Anakin were willing to break into the archives and follow up on it. Forbidden knowledge direct from the source.
@isaackim7675 10 ай бұрын
How can you be on the Council, and not be a Master? Post death Dooku, “First time?”
@DeathMessenger1988 10 ай бұрын
@@bernardoayres1139 Nope, they didn't allow him in for the same reason they refused Qui-Gon Jinn and Anakin. Because they were (originally, in Dooku and Anakin's case) men of integrity and action that didn't let philosophy, dogma and politics blind them to the reality of people's lives and struggles. Jedi want everyone to tow the party line.
@DeathMessenger1988 9 ай бұрын
@@bernardoayres1139 I got the joke, I was explaining it to you. If you don't want to or can't explain your opinion, then why mention it at all? Otherwise, you're adding nothing to the conversation, pal.
@darthconquest1046 10 ай бұрын
There is an African proverb that says “A child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.” This is literally Anakin.
@kidprime6863 10 ай бұрын
Yep, that sums it up
no not really.
@robertbarrows6687 10 ай бұрын
There is also a factor of Anakin's past here. When Yoda said he would not have a voice, nor vote on the Council...it was like Anakin was being shackled again. He had escaped slavery thanks to the Jedi, but now, in his mind-hence the personal insult, the Jedi were putting him in chains again due to their beef with the Chancellor no matter how founded it was. I have a feeling Obi-wan was the only one who realized this, hence why he tried to calm Anakin down, but the more conservative members of the Council, namely Windu who has a bias AGAINST Anakin, didn't see it that way.
@dilbertfish 10 ай бұрын
@robertbarrows6687 Anakin didn't have a voice in council affairs because he was representing Palpatine, not himself.
@decepticonxhunter4850 10 ай бұрын
(1) Windu did NOT have a bias against Anakin. The AOTC clearly shows this when Windu defended the council's decision to send Anakin to be Padme's bodyguard _because_ the members believed he could handle it. (2) You clearly omitted the fact that Palpatine wanted Anakin on the council to be HIS representative. The decision was far from personal, but Anakin was too self-absorbed to see it.
@robertbarrows6687 10 ай бұрын
@@decepticonxhunter4850 Windu showed ever since he met Anakin he had a bias against him he didn't even trust him or tried to understand him. He treated Anakin poorly throughout his time in the Order. Why don't or call him out on that?
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@robertbarrows6687 That guy provided evidence and you didn’t
@ronjon7942 29 күн бұрын
@@robertbarrows6687I think your OP point nailed it.
@albertlamar5938 10 ай бұрын
Given their distrust of Anakin and the Chancellor, it would have been shrewder to grant him the title of master, then see what he would do, and get more insight into Palpatine's agenda that way. Or, following what they did, it would have been less humiliating to have Obi Wan tell Anakin privately, rather than shame him in front of everyone like that. Regardless of their thoughts about his arrogance, mostly true, he had already proven himself a hero countless times, and saved the lives of many of the people in that room. His boasts were not empty. He HAD pulled off the impossible...many, MANY times, always putting himself at risk to do so. He deserved some courtesy at least, even if they ultimately decided to refuse the title due to his youth and their mistrust of Palpatine.
@jmwilliamsart 9 ай бұрын
Exactly, they could’ve at least given him a little more respect after everything he had done on their behalf and on the Republic’s behalf.
@JDog2656 4 ай бұрын
Being a Jedi master is not about heroics. There is no question of his warrior prowess, it’s about being wise and disciplined. Being able to impart wisdom and practice it yourself. Anakin had not mastered himself, and as a result did not have what it takes to be a master. Also, it does not help that Palpatine put the idea in his head and pushed the council to appoint him in the first place. It’s not a politicians place to push such choices onto the Jedi.
@alwaysplotting2096 10 ай бұрын
Windu: Take a seat! Young Skywalker. Vader: The black dude dies first.
@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 10 ай бұрын
Imagine if anakin had refused to be on the council, stayed silent and walked out the room.
@theevildrummingsithlord1492 10 ай бұрын
"This is outrageous. It’s unfair. How can you be a Sith Lord and not have legs?" Only legends get the reference
@andreykuzmin4317 10 ай бұрын
This whole situation was a master's stroke frome Sidious. If Council yields and makes Anakin a full master, he will get a spy in the Jedi Council at the crucial phase of his plan and would drive a vedge between Anakin and the fellow Jedi masters (who will, understandably, see him as Palpatine's stooge). If the Council refuse to make Anakin full master, Anakin will be driven off even further from the Jedi Order and closer to Sidious (as it happened). If the Council would refuse Chancellor's order, that could later strengthen anti-Jedi rhetoric and accusations of treason. Palpatin have created a scenario, where each Jedi move would strengthen him!
@jbone9900 10 ай бұрын
That's some 4d chess
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
Exactly. The Jedi are NOT political like that and don’t do these games. Idk where people get that they are
@stingerjohnny9951 8 ай бұрын
@@vintifada7115 Yeah, it’s like asking an order of monks about economic stability, what were you fucking expecting? The Jedi were spiritual guides and defenders of peace, they never claimed to nor WANTED to rule the republic and therefore they took no interest or knowledge from such steps or paths. I remember Obi Wan stating that polititians were not to be trusted, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a common attitude amongst jedi; seeing the senate as a bunch of Force deaf, short sighted, greedy, deceptive idiots and manipulators who only ever argued to a stalemate while nothing ever got done. So if that’s what they think about politics, why would they waste their time and energy on it.
@vintifada7115 8 ай бұрын
@@stingerjohnny9951 Almost thought you were mad at me you’re so forceful about what you’re saying but I agree!
@stingerjohnny9951 8 ай бұрын
@@vintifada7115 Lol sorry, I’m a passionate fella 🤭
@DeViceCrimsin_ 10 ай бұрын
There it no pity for weakness nor incompetence. The order failed him. Plain and simple. And to that end, they dug their own graves (dragging along a massive amount of innocent with them). For being so proud of their wealth of knowledge and wisdom. They fell for such a simple trick that they themselves would have considered mere child’s play in hindsight.
@stingerjohnny9951 8 ай бұрын
If you keep your nose turned up, you’ll never see the root before it trips you.
@darthrelfie4822 10 ай бұрын
I’m finally reading the RotS novelization and I love it. These sort of insights, especially into Anakin’s mind, really explain and develop scenes like this more. It really shows how manipulative Palpatine is and how Anakin went down the path to the dark side
@waynehenry127 10 ай бұрын
It's always part of Sidiuos' plan. A plan B. 1. He gets Anakin on the council Anakin gets master and Palpatine gets another friend in the highest ranks of a galaxy wide organization. 2. They deny Anakin master and push him further away from the light Palpatine always wins. The only way to deny Palpatine his win was to deny him his access to Anakin
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
Anakin always had a choice. We always have a choice
@waynehenry127 7 ай бұрын
@@vintifada7115 so true
@yokai333 10 ай бұрын
If anything, being away from coruscant would have been a safer option. A master, maybe; but not on coruscant
@garomcfbgdd3211 10 ай бұрын
Once again, the Jedi Council treated Anakin like a thing to be ordered about.
@theresidentteacher2438 10 ай бұрын
I think if Obi-Wan had just TOLD Anakin he KNEW about him and Padme, and OFFERED COUNCIL that would've gone a LONG WAY. He had First Hand experience with ot after all.
@RoyalFusilier 6 ай бұрын
It's tempting to feel that way, especially to us, since we don't agree with the prohibition against relationships generally, but Obi-Wan was way more of a 'company man' than his Master. If they did talk about it, it's more likely he would try to get Anakin to break it off. It really is a shame that Qui-Gon got taken out like Obi-Wan himself, as the mentor figure that leaves the hero to fend for himself, at least Obi-Wan was able to still offer some guidance afterwards. Luke really benefitted from that, and Anakin could have used, uh, any other old sagely mentor than the one *he* got.
@wetwillyis_1881 10 ай бұрын
I think they should have done the inverse. He should have been a master and not on the council. He had every right to complain here, as they have thrown him into hell, and treated him like shit over and over again. Overall, they should have thought threw it all more than they did.
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
What are you talking about man Palpatine appoints him to the council the whole problem is it’s out in motion by Palpatine. They don’t have a choice to make him master but not on the council bc it’s not their doing
@SavageSamxV 10 ай бұрын
You have to remember there was NOTHING that could have convinced Anakin that he was going down the wrong path. When he thinks back onto the fall of the Jedi as Darth Vader he insists that he was not stupid and knew the emperor was lying to him all along. I know that is hindsight but in those passages he also insinuates that Obi-Wan ruined his chances at setting everything right because he always has to put the blame on someone else and think he is perfect. Honestly I agree the Jedi could have prevented his turn but by not telling him he was the chosen one, he thought he was so perfect no one should dare to question him because no matter what he would bring balance.
@OnionSoup-yj2pf 10 ай бұрын
That arrogance is how he lost all his limbs.
@wolfmother25 10 ай бұрын
It kinds socks that the chosen ones destiny is to bring about a mass genocide of a people existing for the supposed betterment of the galaxy for over a thousand years😅
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@wolfmother25 Are you purely joking? That’s not true. That’s not the prophecy. The genocide of the Jedi was not bringing balance
@schurerest7661 10 ай бұрын
Holy shit… didn’t know that part was that dark… incredible!!! That’s a way bigger impact than the film that wish they included!
@marshalllatta2073 10 ай бұрын
I love revenge of the sith this star wars movie is a masterpiece
@alexhudson277 10 ай бұрын
I believe the council was completely in the wrong here. They'd failed Anakin for well over a decade by this point. And, if we factor in the existence of Asohka, the he had technically eared the title, by the rules brought about with her creation. And he really was easily just as mature as any of these other super-powered children who were on the council. As they all tend to be a constant example of ego and arrogance. And that comes across very clearly in all the prequels, and in the original trilogy where Obi-wan and Yoda are concerned.
@thorn9264 10 ай бұрын
Not really ahsoka left the order if anything that compounded their thoughts on him not being ready for the rank of master on top of everything he did was against the code they might have failed him but he failed himself just as much especially obi-wan who enabled all of his behavior
@alexhudson277 10 ай бұрын
@@thorn9264 You're overlooking the fact that they summarily drove her out of the order. Which has been covered here, in many other videos. They did this, overlooking their duty to actually support their own members, and investigate properly. Which they tried to retroactively "fix" by telling her she has passed her trials by holding true to what she'd been taught. And, through this and other moments it's pretty clear that Anakin is a fantastic teacher, and that she had certainly earned her place as a knight. But, she knew her worth, and her learning was a reflection on the failings of the Jedi. Not any failing of hers or Anakin.
@thorn9264 10 ай бұрын
Even so all his other actions almost always went against the order on top of him almost always dancing close to the darkside that's not ever going to be master material good teacher or not he always caved to his emotions and let them dictate his actions
@alexhudson277 10 ай бұрын
@@thorn9264 And Yoda"s constant submission to fear was better? Or Ki Adi Mundi, with his almost psychopathic treatment of all lifeforms other than his family? Anakin shouldn't have been a Jedi, in his time. The order was, itself, ruled by fear and far to restrictive and dogmatic. But he was and excellent example of Jedi, for most other ages.
@thorn9264 10 ай бұрын
None of them are worthy is the point including anakin who mind you killed a bunch of women and children out of anger and tortured a prisoner with force out of anger along with killing a unarmed and crippled prisoner not the actions of someone who should be a jedi master
@WorldArchivist 10 ай бұрын
So the consequences were, to quote Palpatine, "ironic."
@tristynbishop6158 10 ай бұрын
What if Anakin said "what?" because he can't hear correctly?
@Theleaver5088 10 ай бұрын
The novel did a better job at why Anakin not getting the rank of master upsets him as a Jedi master can access the unrestricted section where it contains Sith Holocrons. The movie didn’t give such context
@thalmoragent9344 10 ай бұрын
In the end, I've always liked the nuance of this. On the one hand, Anakin probably didn't respond in a way becoming of a Master... for obvious reasons, but on the other hand, much like Sidious, the Council took this as an opportunity to use Anakin. Palpatine stirred the pot, but the Jedi Council asking him to be a spy and only allow him on the Council for their own benefit was just adding seasoning to this disaster of a recipe.
@misanthropicattackhelicopt4148 10 ай бұрын
Palpatine knew they would do that the Jedi played right into his hands. Compared to Palpatine the Jedi were like children.
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
How dare they ask Anakin to spy for them (a person people always say they apparently don’t trust) after the dark lord of the Sith just overstepped his political boundaries and appointed a non master to the council. They’re suspicious of literally the sith master and archetypal devil and you’re like woah wtf hey man just like chill out. Like you know Palpatine will want Anakin to spy for them right?
@jmwilliamsart 9 ай бұрын
@@vintifada7115Except Anakin didn’t see himself as Palpatine’s spy, he just desperately needed access to information in the secret archives. He didn’t understand all of the political intrigue that Palpatine was up to.
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
@@jmwilliamsart Yeah I’m not responding to Anakin dude I’m respondingto thalmoragent9344 who out of universe sympathizes with Anakin
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
@@jmwilliamsart Palpatine appointing someone to the Jedi council already breaks with how these things are supposed to work with the Jedi having a large degree of independence. I think it’s clear Anakin knows this without Anakin thinking he’ll be used as a spy for palpatine
@michellerahe4853 10 ай бұрын
How can you do this?? Its outrageous!! Its unfair!!
@brettphillips9949 10 ай бұрын
Meanwhile Palpatine "just like the simulations"
@chadflanaganCFC 10 ай бұрын
It wouldn't of mattered whether Anakin was given the rank of master, or not Palpatine has spent as much time indoctrinating Anakin as the Jedi have, but unlike the Jedi Palpatine was willing to play dirty he knew where to tug at Anakin's heart to make him do what he wants. If Anakin hadn't of found any Sith knowledge on preserving life Palpatine would 100% of told Anakin that it'd of been impossible for the Jedi to know of Plagius the Wise and merely elaborate as to his own connection to the Sith which he did anyways.
@lacucaracha111111 9 ай бұрын
All but honesty was given, when it was all that was needed. -There is more to a master than skill : Calmness, life experience, the will to let others go even at ones own pain. -Palpatine wishes you to be here by force, wether you are ready or not. Most likely as a spy and informant. We tell you this, cause we trust you fully -What do you wish to gain from being on this council?
@davidstevens9461 10 ай бұрын
'Go ahead and Vapaad this--' Christ Anakin xD
@lenninho5113 10 ай бұрын
are we really gonna ignore his pronunciation of Plagueis?
@inquisitorgarza312 10 ай бұрын
Anakin has prove himself multiple times that he was extremely bash and hothead, and while that prove to be a great trait for war that doesn’t make him a great Jedi, but he also didn’t truly understand that while he is the Chosen One he was more attached to individuals rather than the Order ideals.
@satmtca 10 ай бұрын
He acts like a little BEE with and ITCH, granted he is the hero of the clone wars or poster boy but don’t forget his padawan quit the Jedi order after the temple bombing so he’s still technically a Knight
@brokenbridge6316 10 ай бұрын
It's amazing how much impact certain scene's have on a story. That's what this scene is really all about.
@bradhig 10 ай бұрын
Even Obi Wan would not stand up for his Padawan here because he believed the councils rule was absolute even thou he told Anakin on Mustafar only Sith Lords believe in absolutes. Worse Obi Wan and Yoda would leave Anakin alone when Obiwan went after Grievous and Yoda went to Kashyyyk to help the wookiee's They were too afraid of fear to the point they alienated themselves from all emotions including love.
@jmwilliamsart 8 ай бұрын
Exactly, later after Obi Wan became one with the force he deeply regretted that he never fought for Anakin whenever the council broke Anakin down.
@marcelxd1633 10 ай бұрын
We grant you the rank of master but you are not on this council
@DeathMessenger1988 10 ай бұрын
The best part about this is that Palpatine spinning the "Tale of Darth Plagueis" is a story that Anakin would never be able to properly verify, and any attempt to do so would only end up fueling his suspicions and frustrations with the Jedi Order, as well as play into Palpatine's scheme. The Jedi and Sith fought for millenia, through the Hundred-Year Darkness Second Schism, the Old Sith Wars and New Sith Wars. That's 7000 years of warring. Plagueis could have been a part of Vitiate's True Sith Empire or Darth Ruin's New Sith Dynasties, all of which included thousands upon thousands of Sith Lords and many of whom sought immortality and claimed to have done so. Anakin could look around the Jedi Archives and ask about it, and the Jedi would never be able to find anything about Darth Plagueis, but wouldn't be worried about it; much knowledge and historical record could have been lost during 7 millennia, after all, and the Jedi did their best to bury anything too Dark Side in the secret archives accessible only to the masters. Most Jedi would be sincerely confused and/or unable to help, more self-righteous Jedi like Jocasta Nu would dismiss it as a fairy tale and the Jedi Council would stonewall any such inquiry and demand to know where Anakin heard of such Sith. And no reaction or excuse given any Jedi would pacify Anakin. He would assume that the Jedi are concealing knowledge from others that could save lives (especially Padmé's) over their fears, that they probably destroyed said knowledge in their zealot crusading against the Dark Side and/or are outright lying to him. Palpatine would've sent him on a wild goose chase that just made him angrier at the Jedi. Even if they gave him mastery, Anakin would find no clue and would assume that even as a Jedi Master the Council is keeping him chained and ignorant. Palpatine was completely in the safe as well. Anakin would never tell on him knowing so much about the Sith. And even if he did, this would only spur the Jedi into doing EXACTLY what Sidious wanted them to do: stalking or assaulting him for no concrete reason, giving him the excuse he needs to execute Order 66 with the Senate's approval. In fact, Anakin openly seeking such knowledge and getting rebuked could cause a *_Fifth Schism within the Jedi Order,_* which already pretty divided because of the Clone Wars. Anakin wasn't the only traumatized, war-worn Jedi, and many of them would be interested in a Force Power that prevents death that they could use on their troopers and allies. A new Jedi Civil War could also be a perfect excuse for executing Order 66, only one where a huge percentage of Jedi would be _on Palpatine's side!_ No wonder he's the *Dark GOAT of the Sith.*
@andylee6022 10 ай бұрын
Everything the council did with Anakin was wrong. He was the fulcrum of so many things and they just kept giving him the finger each and every time. This kid so powerful? Nah f him. Cares about his mother? Leave her in slavery. This guy gives us the info to find the master sith? Sit here and we will trust you then if true. Having visions of a senator dying? Why? Oh ffs let her die. Palpatine wants you on the council? We allow but you get nothing in benefits.
@Rj-pw7zs 10 ай бұрын
He wasn't denied the rank for petty reasons. He hadn't earned it yet.
@zexalbrony4799 10 ай бұрын
Anakin may have had Dark Side tendencies that Palpatine was able to manipulate so he'd join him, but the Council also made their own mistakes that led to this outcome, like right here. They should have properly explained what they were doing here, but in their arrogance, they think they know best and don't have to explain anything, just like with the whole Ahsoka framing thing, they have a lot more in common with Anakin than they like to think. It's kind of ironic, the Clone Wars showed off the best of the Jedi with many of them saving people and caring for their Clones and helping them gain some humanity, but it also showed off the worst as some of them fell to the Ddrak Side and even some that didn't still were greatly arrogant and dicks who think they are above all this simply because they have the Force, but as the Clone Wars showed having the Force doesn't make you invinsable, someone skilled enough even without the Force can take you down.
@lerneanlion 10 ай бұрын
Mace Windu: The Council has made the decision. You will be on this Council but we will not granted you the rank of Master. Anakin Skywalker: I know that the Council has made a decision but since it it such a stupid decision, I've elected to ignore it.
@ronjon7942 29 күн бұрын
I had fleeting thoughts of what you described, but after digesting your perspective, yeah…very clear. It adds up nicely.
@the_cyberchill 9 ай бұрын
So in the novelization he just outright says "My Love" the council knew about Padme and he is horrible at keeping secrets.
@logancaine9616 9 ай бұрын
In all honesty. Anakin was like Alvin York, Manfred von Richthofen, & "Mad" Jack Churchill rolled into one during the Clone Wars. The dude went above and beyond more times than that hypocritical phallic headed prick Ki-Adi-Mundi.
@user-ff6pq1eg8x 7 ай бұрын
Unlike Star Trek, Star Wars is more fantasy than science fiction. Fantasy's are more about magic whereas Science Fiction's are more about technology.
@nahte123456 10 ай бұрын
The Jedi could never connect to Anakin and in the end that damned them. All Sidious did in the end was act like a friend and point out the Council's flaws. The sheer fact he thought of ot as an insult and they could've just work that put, it's already to late for them as a group to connect with him.
@neodigremo 6 ай бұрын
Palpatine does more than act as a friend. He manipulates and grooms Anakin, feeding his ego and sense of "I am Mr super special awesome" to try to get him on side. I don't deny the Jedi made mistakes in their time, but they are fewer than people think.
@goldeagle6431 10 ай бұрын
It mattered so much because the Senate would not have been as successful had Anakin been granted the rank of master.
@ogerpinata-nu2th 10 ай бұрын
Oh please. Anakin was a hero of the Republic. He fought and won some of the most important battles, killed Count Dooku and proved highly deadly on commando missions. You don't deny a man without whom you would have surely lost the war.
@codename618 10 ай бұрын
So in other words, the Council's response was the result of Palpatine using reverse psychology on them. Clever.
@robertagu5533 10 ай бұрын
He was only SORTA ready for Mastership. Not FULLY ready yet. He controlled his anger, sorta, showing some restraint an maturity. HOWEVER administratively his Padawan FAILED to not only stay a Jedi but make Knight. Which was a bare minimum. He was still rash, sometimes arrogant, an a bit impulsive. ALSO, Anakin forgot, the Council could an had the power to induct ANYONE they wanted to their Council IF they wanted. Even a Padawan if they truly wanted. If Anakin was borderline he'd seen here that BOTH Sideous/Chancellor AND the Council alike was using him for a pawn. An even IF one way or other he became Master, studied the exact area that mightve helped him... AND NOTHING turns up.. what then??? Hes near genius in battlefield strategy but often lacking in similar fashion. When he was TRULY ready an they legit offered he wouldn't even have hardly cared. Or seen it coming. Perhaps even felt like it wasn't earned right... now in Luke's Order his reasons woulda been more understandable an at least he'd gotten more help.
@LastGoatKnight 10 ай бұрын
When I got the noti, I just finished rewatching this movie😅
@ajerjavec4723 5 ай бұрын
One thing I like about the clone wars is that actually shown that the council views might be preventing them from actually helping people I mean they’re supposed to be about compassion, but how can you be compassionate about people if you’re not allowed to attach yourself to them plus the council was just using him to spy on the chancellor plus considering that masters is what a night makes Padawan a night, considering that they kicked his Padawan out on the flimsiest evidence. Yeah, there are multiple points where Anakin views are justified.
@cjthebeesknees 10 ай бұрын
Anakin throwing a fit in the High Council Chamber is confirmation in itself that the rank of Master is far from his grasp. His power, force abilities and control, combat prowess etc is just a few slices of the whole Master cake and he’s lacking in emotional intelligence, restraint, wisdom, spiritual depth, understanding on levels foreign to his narrow young, brash world view and somewhere deep below, Anakin knows this but his vulnerabilities and emotional attachments overwhelm his patience and judgement, that of below the Master rank. He was a living, breathing Jedi Master, in all but official name and designated rank. As Obi Wan and Yoda said many times.. much to learn, young one.
@ZoeMalDoran 10 ай бұрын
Obi-Wan flat out tells him that in the novelisation after the meeting. "Your outburst in the Council Chamber was an eloquent argument against granting you Mastery. How can you be a Jedi Master if you have not mastered yourself?" Anakin entirely misses the point though, due to sleep deprivation and Palpatine's manipulations, instead asking Obi-Wan "What do I have to do? They want me to do something for them before they'll give me the rank I deserve, don't they? Please, just tell me what they want"
@jamiewalsh3349 10 ай бұрын
Pretty much sums up his distrust in the council
@emzonik8851 8 ай бұрын
@admiral_franz_von_hipper5436 10 ай бұрын
Background music is a bit too loud in this video.
@UnexpectedWonder 10 ай бұрын
Naw...They were right not to make him Master. We can't excuse this messed up Mindset from Anakin.
@MrSHADOWANGEL999 10 ай бұрын
It just further isolated anakin from the jedi, who desperately wanted to just be accepted and feel like he belongs
@michaelandreipalon359 10 ай бұрын
Pays to be brutally honest, even if it means public and peer damnation when the hard truth with a certain forbiden relationship is unmasqued.
@KepaniGrayson 10 ай бұрын
Anakin was already so close to the edge. The council just push him over by there poor decisions.
@slicer940 10 ай бұрын
Yes he was powerful but I doubt he could take many of those masters. He never really beat any of them in combat either.
@kirtmanwaring3629 9 ай бұрын
I get the Jedi were playing right into Palpie’s hands but I have a hard time blaming them for this. Anakin was far too hotheaded to be a Master, much less get a tiebreaking vote on the Council. Knowing what we do it's easy to see how Palpie arranged this, like everything, but making Anakin a master on the Council would have set such an awful precedent and done a lot of harm.
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
They’re not really his main issue anyway. It’s all his possessiveness of Padme
@kirtmanwaring3629 9 ай бұрын
@@vintifada7115 Eh I think it'sall a symptom of emotional imaturity and not being able to let go of the few people he’s loyal to. Shmi, Padme, hell even Obi-Wan … all the same root there.
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
@@kirtmanwaring3629 I liked your comment anyway even tho we can see this is ultimately is most prominent issue in the Mace death scene. You at least see it that way instead of saying Anakin was right like some people
@kirtmanwaring3629 9 ай бұрын
@@vintifada7115 Yes Anakin being posessive of Padme was the biggest thing Sidious used, no argument from me there at all. I just think that was more because of Anakin’s deeper abandonment issues and not really knowing how to have healthy relationships with people. Like if Padme wasn’t there Sidious would have found another person Anakin was really close to and it could have still worked.
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
@@kirtmanwaring3629 Ah see I don’t disagree either I mean to say what would and what does he tell us in his own words is the primary subject and justification of this fall to the dark side. He wouldn’t be like “it’s bc I have too much attachment to my wife” 😁
@thomasparque7834 10 ай бұрын
Yes i did view the scene in that way but the council was still right to dinied him the rank of master however they should gave Anakin limited amount rights of a master and let share his own views and create an new rank for him or future knights that might be a pointed to the council yet not promoted to their rank such as like ‘High Knight’ or something like that
@vksasdgaming9472 9 ай бұрын
I guess in military it is called acting rank. As in your duties and possible privileges are of higher rank while you officially retain your old rank.
@neodigremo 6 ай бұрын
I just disagree. The council should have explained WHY he was not being given the rank of Master by explaining his being appointed to the council is a massive overstep of the Chancellor, that he is very young and would normally not be considered (Ob-Wan was quite young to join the council and he was a Padawan for longer than Anakin was in the order), that he is being used as a pawn by his friend. But the order should not remake everything about who they are and what they do just for 1 person. Oh I doubt it would have helped even one jot had they explained everything completely, but at least they should have tried.
@jrrizzy5579 10 ай бұрын
I cant tell if this scene reinforces a delusional side of Anakins character or is just a poorly chosen way to shake Anakins faith in the order since it’s so obvious it’s a political move and doesn’t reflect in any way good or bad on Anakin as a Jedi
@stephenheinrik5294 10 ай бұрын
Why couldn't they just give Ani that art degree...
@dynjarren5454 6 ай бұрын
The music is a little annoying but damn the video is super amazing
@MrJonesthe1st 9 ай бұрын
To be realistic, Anakin is worthy of the rank from a standpoint of power. Many council members lack strength, and only have piety, which is meaningless without the strength to back it up
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
That’s called being strong in the dark side. From George’s mouth the dark side is more powerful and a quicker path to that power
@MrJonesthe1st 9 ай бұрын
@@vintifada7115 anakins power comes from the very roots of the force itself, not just the dark side. But I agree his pre disposition towards the dark side would be a concern for a potential council member
@vintifada7115 9 ай бұрын
@@MrJonesthe1st I didn’t say he was getting power only from the dark side. But the kind and volume of strength he has is consistent with the path he was going down. And sure that’s one possible reason they don’t want him on the council
@MrJonesthe1st 9 ай бұрын
@@vintifada7115 fair point
@adfdasdfadfadsfareae 10 ай бұрын
Good grief, this comment section is crazy. It's like half of you didn't pay attention to the movies, and the other half would have been appropriately targeted by Order 66.
@ArtistiqueMusic 10 ай бұрын
The music is so loud compared to the narration at some points
@lacucaracha111111 9 ай бұрын
Cause it is outrageous , its unfair
@ericthreeman 10 ай бұрын
Why is the music so loud and intense. I'm too much of a goldfish to focus through that gd
@indianajones4321 10 ай бұрын
Because it was outrageous, it was unfair
@SkywarpG1X 10 ай бұрын
I feel for Anakin, but the counsel was right to. Not grant him the rank of master. He'd was a inch away from falling to the dark side. And too brash and impatient. Plus lets not forget the war crimes lol. 💀
@RossIsFine 10 ай бұрын
The jedi code forbids attachments... do they also mean attachment to the jedi code?
@Eintracht-uy3cz 10 ай бұрын
Anakin entered the Jedi Order as a child and left it as a manchild
@macwade2755 10 ай бұрын
This is Canon for me!
@dianepulley7439 9 ай бұрын
I do agree with Anakin how can you be on the council and not be a Jedi master to me I do believe Anakin will make a good Jedi master.Have a good one.
@depressedpepe69 10 ай бұрын
The background music is somewhat too loud to hear what the narrator is attempting to explain. 4/10
@DarkKing009 10 ай бұрын
Having a political Sugar Daddy can only get you so far. He hadn't earned it yet.
@wordlesslfiddling 10 ай бұрын
I feel like the council just shouldn't hqve put anakin on the council anakin was probably far more likely to understand the council denying a request by thr chancellor because he shouldn't have any business in jedi affair anakin says as much himself But as always the council os stupid
@BeauKillaB 10 ай бұрын
Either turn down the background music, or turn up the volume of the speaking.
@brandonscott4808 10 ай бұрын
Personally, I think the EU made better sense than the Disney Canon on Anakins transition into a Jedi Knight because its not until 19 BBY (3rd year of the war) that happened about few months before Episode 3, making the council scene in the film more in impactful.
@Josh-ye9ol 10 ай бұрын
Council should of put a blaster bolt in the Skywalker line when the first interview went south.
@nameynamename3758 10 ай бұрын
because anakin is a manbaby that wants all the rewards and respect despite relentlessly breaking the rules and dipping into the dark side semi-frequently
@danielbeck2739 10 ай бұрын
While the argument can be made that Anakin wasn't ready to be a master, I think this was yet another mistake in a list the Jedi had done when it came to Anakin. They didn't want him part of the order, in fact they were willing to ship him back to Tatooine to be enslaved again. The other younglings and padawans treated him like crap and the instructors did nothing to help. He was held back from being a knight a short time after the events of Geonisis. His padawan was blamed for a crime and thrown out of the order, oh and nearly executed had it not been for him and the vast majority of said council members gave a half-hearted apology at best. And he was the one to prove her innocence, standing up to be the example of a jedi as protector for justice. And then gave him an empty position where he was not allowed to voice his own opinion and couldn't even vote on matters of the Jedi Order as whole. Yeah no, the hissy fit he threw while childish I think was more than warranted by this point. Truth be told he should have used the force to crush that chair or throw it out the window and tell the council that if they were going to make him sit there as an empty chair, he wasn't going to put up with it and that they are better off without it if that's how they were going to treat him. That point they can kick him out of the order, which honestly probably be the best thing for him. Leave the order and go to Padme's and take some time off back on Naboo, still screw up Palpatine's plans to a degree as his favored apprentice is gone and is happy. And the jedi were already by that point planning on going after Palpatine, so chances are Anakin wouldn't be around to save him from Mace.
@jmwilliamsart 9 ай бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree with you, the Jedi order had fallen so far from what it once was. They alienated Anakin at nearly every turn, and after everything he had done for them and the Republic they never gave him any respect. Plus they threw Ahsoka to the wolves just to save face (it was all a public relations thing), shame on them. And considering how sleep deprived Anakin was (nightmares about Padme), and all of the blatant disrespect the council had shown him, yeah I would’ve reacted in a similar way if I was him. If I was him I would be like “You know what, you can keep that chair over there because I don’t need it! I’ve had enough, good luck winning the war without me!!” and then I would exit the council chambers and leave the Order and become Padme’s bodyguard. That way I could watch over her and protect her from harm.
@danielbeck2739 9 ай бұрын
@@jmwilliamsart While the idea of him sticking around and being Padme's bodyguard around the Senate seems like a reasonable, there are few more factors to consider. Palpatine is still within close proximity to Anakin and by extension Padme and the babies. While Anakin may not see it as a bad thing, he would by this point know the Jedi is out for Palpatine and they discover his children are force sensitive, they might take them away from Anakin and Padme purely out of spite. Padme also isn't overly fond of Palpatine by this point either and technically Jar Jar is around. She can probably put in for maternity leave to go home and have the kids and take a few weeks to recover and spend time with them and the family before going back. Leaving Jar Jar to act in her place as he did before, but this time leave notes or call her up should he need her input on something. Pretty sure she would make that point abundantly clear given he was the one who gave powers to Palpatine. Only be fair he be the one to push to remove them. Anakin could either stay with the kids on Naboo in case the Jedi and/or Palpatine pull something while Padme is back in the Senate pushing for Palpatine's removal of power. And chances are she might prefer he be around the kids as whose really going to harm a hair on those kids' heads with Chosen One around. Even Palpatine would be smart enough to give it time and let the guard slowly drop before trying.
@DrthCola 10 ай бұрын
The music on this video drowns out the narration. I won’t be finishing this viewing.
@oriongear2499 10 ай бұрын
What happened to that other commentator?
@Spider-Man647 10 ай бұрын
Anakin didnt deserve to be a master. His outburst further proves this. Him slaughtering a village proves this. Him having a relationship and then children with a senator prove this, and the list goes on and on
@Eg0n97 10 ай бұрын
No one knew that
@Spider-Man647 10 ай бұрын
@@Eg0n97 did I say they did?
@nameynamename3758 10 ай бұрын
bro was a single decision away from committing mass child murder, should've been kicked out of the order long ago
@@Spider-Man647 f u
@trentreffner5699 8 ай бұрын
Come on nerds... you know when he was saying, "How DARE you..." It wasn't Count Dooku's voice.... It was Greta Thunberg's :D [Future Nerds replying to this post]: "How DARE you!!!"
@gigamoumantai2696 10 ай бұрын
This is why Anakin Skywalker shall never deserve to become a Jedi in the first place. Even if Qui Gon Jinn just repaired the hyperdrive and left Anakin on Tatooine instead, he still would have the time to be saved by someone kind enough to free him and his mother from the scum and villainy of Tatooine.
@DarthVages 10 ай бұрын
@MrHellsing76 10 ай бұрын
they could have just said, yes, you are a jedi master, and this would have been a non issue.
@rootsnootthnute8598 10 ай бұрын
Anakin killed an entire village, then snuck into a Geonosian industrial facility, where he murdered the unarmed workers, then, after being put on trial and sentenced to execution, his jedi rescuers suffered massive casualties. Anakin was kind of dog water at this whole jedi business, everybody in his immediate vicinity at any given point in time was highly likely to be killed intentionally or incidentally.
@thirdplanet4471 10 ай бұрын
After what they did to his mother I wouldn't blame him and who knows how many they've hurt like that. Granted he never went with the intent to kill the village but only after mom's death.
@rootsnootthnute8598 10 ай бұрын
@thirdplanet4471 Yeah, but those geonosian workers were entirely innocent, half of the people he kills in that scene in the hallway are actually running away from him, only one tries to properly apprehend him, and even then, without a weapon.
@decepticonxhunter4850 10 ай бұрын
@@thirdplanet4471 Anakin can be blamed. As a Jedi, he's supposed to be above things like revenge. That may sound harsh, but that's the life he signed up for. Qui-Gon told him to his face in TPM that being a Jedi wasn't easy.
@thirdplanet4471 10 ай бұрын
@@decepticonxhunter4850 I still think his actions saved other people from suffering a fate similar to his mother
@thirdplanet4471 10 ай бұрын
@@rootsnootthnute8598 I'm only referring to the Tusken raiders
@Ontop_editz 10 ай бұрын
14 sec gang
@andreasschaeflein4233 10 ай бұрын
@goingblargh 10 ай бұрын
Take a seat, young andreasschaeflein4233.
@andreasschaeflein4233 10 ай бұрын
@@goingblargh forgive me master
@wolfu597 10 ай бұрын
He's too young, and not yet suited for that type of position.
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