Gen-Z Workers are NOT Lazy | Psychiatrist Reacts to Career TikToks

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@BassedMike 2 жыл бұрын
I've both quit on sight and given 2 weeks notice. It ENTIRELY depended on how I was being treated. Jobs where I was being treated like a mule, I quit on sight. Jobs where I was being treated like a human, I gave 2 weeks. In fact, at one job my coworkers and boss were so dope, I spent months setting up systems for the next person to take over my spot.
@sethkang4410 2 жыл бұрын
its funny how most people give 2 weeks notice and dont even show up or show up twice per week.
@andergarcia4953 2 жыл бұрын
People are waking up and not allowing companies to rule their existence
@javianbrown8627 2 жыл бұрын
I can't wait to be the one actually providing a job tbh. My friends shift changes everyday and it even sounds annoying as he will have a shift that ends at like 11:30pm and have to go back to work at 8:30am which makes no sense. There are peolple there who have a commute time of over 1 hour and that's not healthy
@sethkang4410 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimilsungthefirst6840 i hate the 2 week notice. because theres people in my work place that hand over their 2 weeks. and they got fired on the last 4 days.
@TheMrQuepe 2 жыл бұрын
@@kimilsungthefirst6840 you talk to your coworkers and let them know you'll quit soon. You don't tell the company.
@soccerislife5012 2 жыл бұрын
As a nurse, “The nurses aren’t hero’s they’re sacrifices.” You’re amazing. Thank you. I want to make a correction though. Most of us didn’t receive hazard pay, I worked on a covid unit and didn’t get hazard pay. And everything you talked about is still going on now. I doubt nursing as a career will ever recover.
@dragonvang1 2 жыл бұрын
Nurses are braver than the navy seals
@juliuschuang6098 2 жыл бұрын
I think he answered that specifically with talking about travel nurses. That basically if you aren't getting hazard pay the answer is to go move or convince other people to go to another state where they actually care enough and want you enough to give hazard pay. And maybe if enough people leave, they will get desperate enough to start offering hazard pay at your original place.
@rastaman2236 2 жыл бұрын
@@dragonvang1 wrong , but they are still brave
@flamenightblitz 2 жыл бұрын
I worked culinary and delivered food to covid patients and for a while at that time the hospital refused to allow employees to wear masks, now it's the opposite and everyone has masks on by requirement despite having 5 patients with covid of the 300+ patients
@flamenightblitz 2 жыл бұрын
We also didn't get hazard pay throughout 💀
@tanner0397 2 жыл бұрын
I am a Gen-Z worker, what's kept me at my current job is that it's a workers coop. We have elections and voting built in for a lot of decisions, profit sharing, and guaranteed at least 2 raises a year for every employee no matter their role. So while you're employed here, there is guaranteed workplace mobility. You get to have a say in how things are ran in your team, even if you're a junior developer. Even if you're a new hire, you're not treated like an idiot. I think a lot of workers my age are looking to be treated with respect and have at least have some form of guaranteed social mobility. We're tired of being treated as just a way to generate capital for people we probably don't even see.
@joungyalen25 2 жыл бұрын
What do you do? That sounds dope!
@ed341 2 жыл бұрын
I'm curious in how you can ensure 2 raises a year; does this happen even if the company has a bad year?
@tanner0397 2 жыл бұрын
@@joungyalen25 I am a software engineer for a coop utility, I mostly just write Apache Spark Jobs.
@tanner0397 2 жыл бұрын
@@ed341 That's a great question actually. All profits of the year are actually given back the employees as the 2 raises that year, and then bonuses if there's more money than we expect. So in theory I guess if we had zero profit, then you wouldn't get any. However since we are a utility coop, demand is pretty inelastic. The majority of our members (other coops) are in rural areas, so big companies won't even attempt to build infrastructure out there. So because of that we serve a lot of farmers, so if we're even in spot where electricity demand in these areas is so low that we can't make money, the world might be falling apart lol. We're actually pretty resistant to things like economic resessions, we've been around since the 1950's and in 2008 with the housing market crash it didn't actually affect us nearly as much
@tanner0397 2 жыл бұрын
@@ed341 But also, not all raises you get are equal. It really just depends, I've been only working there for 3.5 years. The majority of the raises have been 3-5%, but I have had one 10% raise, and another being 20%. Raises are much larger when operating cost are cut. An example is that we used Amazon Redshift as a our data warehouse, I worked on the code that removed that and uses another warehouse technology, and that single-handedly saves us about $500,000 a year on operating cost, so in a perfect world where no other costs were increased by other dev team, that all goes back to all the employees. So there is a pressure for us to make good software that's cost efficient.
@t.n.patronis4098 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve spoken to my present boss on two occasions now about my unhappiness in the workplace; one was over the fact that the recruiter mislead me about every aspect of the job, and the second was when multiple people pressured one of our business partners to make an unsafe choice while on the job, in my presence. The partner could have been horribly injured had they proceeded under peer pressure. I made it clear when I was onboarded with this company that I didn’t need this job, and when I expressed my displeasure at the unsafe behavior that was being promoted, my boss asked if I was worried about losing my job. I was so confused. I told him, again, that I didn’t need this job and I didn’t work from a scarcity mindset. More importantly, I had standards about safety and didn’t want someone hurt on my watch. I’m not Gen Z, but there is absolutely a difference in power dynamics when someone knows their worth and their standards, and someone who does not.
@GroundbreakGames 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you stood your ground
@ye-xf5mw 2 жыл бұрын
@eddyhypnotizer2481 2 жыл бұрын
If that's true, you are pretty badass
@eideticex 2 жыл бұрын
My last boss made a point of telling me how replaceable I was multiple times over. That part didn't really bother me because he never acted upon it. However he also constantly insulted my intelligence in roundabout ways as well as ignored any signs that I actually knew what the hell I was doing. Put up with that crap for awhile before finally I just got sick of it and walked right out on him. "Wire monkeys are replaceable", except I wasn't just a "wire monkey" I was also the only one that understood Linux which is what powered one location we supported as well as the only one willing to actually read and comprehend specs and manuals for the stuff we were working with. As far as I know he still hasn't found a suitable replacement. I'm sure he can find a lot of "wire monkeys" but I doubt he'll find many that bother to learn the tech feeding those wires.
@dragonvang1 2 жыл бұрын
That man needs a therapist
@pencilcheck 2 жыл бұрын
If they have guts, and they really think you suck, you don't have to even listen to insults, you are already shown the door.
@josephzimmer6364 2 жыл бұрын
My last boss fired me for telling a customer that gave a large tip that it goes to the boss cause I knew they wouldn’t just want to give 100$ to our rich boss, it was a very toxic work environment there was one time I had bent down sweeping and my belt was failing slightly, and he decided it was appropriate to kick my ass and I fell on my face and then i beat on him with on of those sharp ass spatulas, he acts like it never never happened from there on, worked there another 2 years
@nakamiyonemura2001 2 жыл бұрын
You can monetize any skill you honed. Wellness is the guarantee of longevity
@teratoma. 2 жыл бұрын
easily replacable in tech? that ahole was bluffling lmao
@SophiaAphrodite 2 жыл бұрын
I am Gen X and I support my kids not putting up with unhappy jobs. There is nothing redeemable about working at a job physically demanding and their body breaks down in their 50's ( like myself). I am 52 and have bad knees. I have done many physically demanding jobs in my 20's and 30's and less so in my 50's. But the damage has been done. You cannot make people do a job that shortens their career due to the physical toll. The money is NEVER worth it.
@EdGeLV 2 жыл бұрын
Hard labor jobs get modernised more slowly for some reason, there are still multiple places where you work hard labor 12 hours a day, which in my opinion, is very bad for longevity
@__-fi6xg 2 жыл бұрын
Same, i am 35 and my feet hurt just by walking for a while. I allways carried some heavy shit. I cant lift anymore because of backpain.
@Dragens2 2 жыл бұрын
Most back related illnesses are caused because of sitting work. There needs to be a golden middle. We need movement and we also need body demanding Jobs. But all those Jobs sitting standing or heavy body work should get better health standards built in the workers law
@rem9750 2 жыл бұрын
You'll be glad to in Australia, tradies are paid well. Plumbers are the highest paid and all trades are paid well. Not so much as an apprentice but stick out those couple of years and you'll be rolling in the money
@SophiaAphrodite 2 жыл бұрын
@@rem9750 they pay relatively well here too once you move past apprenticeship, however it does not change the fact your body is worn down at a younger age. That extra money is just not worth it anymore
@hansonel 2 жыл бұрын
"The nurse aren't heros - they're scarifices. ...They're cannon fodder." So sadly true. This also goes for other "essential workers" too. There's a massive shift going on in the job market IMO, changing attitudes about work/life balance (for the better) and how people think about their careers. I think younger generations are waking up to this increasingly.
@aSpicyCow 2 жыл бұрын
as a gen z, i got my first job, i worked in a logistics office doing data entry, id like to think i was being fairly simple, i showed up worked my entire first day, and by "worked" i mean, they gave me my work, i finished it and said that they had nothing else to give me because i did everything for the day, but i wasnt allowed to work on any work for my college, i could not leave, i could not use my phone, i had to sit and do nothing on an 8 hour shift that they only had 15 minutes of work to give me and needless to say. i did not show up for my second day of work :) and it was really awkward because i had this conversation with the person who was helping me and giving me my work and I said, "well if i dont have any work to do, and i cant do my homework, or use my phone, or listen to music with my airpods, or do anything, what am i supposed to do?" and they responded "well you might be able to bring a book" maybe im in the wrong here, but i refuse to be told i have to sit and do nothing if you're not going to at least give me something to do- I don't care how much im getting paid im not going to sit and do NOTHING??
@josephkingsford8480 2 жыл бұрын
Nice lie, Generation Clueless. Now, try telling the truth.
@ltchugacast131 2 жыл бұрын
This is a repeating theme across the work field that I genuinely do not understand. Why are we treated like high school kids? Why can’t we use our phones? Many people at my job picked up smartwatches so they could use some of their phone functions like messaging, translating, to do lists, or schedules without pulling out their phones. No customer’s complain, it didn’t hinder productivity, in fact it helped most of us speak to non native speakers and keep track of our tasks. Management didn’t like it and for a while just expressed they didn’t like it but they inevitably began writing up people saying it was “cellphone use during work” but WHY is that an issue??? Why is it a problem that I check the weather or my schedule for tomorrow? What is the point of infantilization towards grown men and women as if we can’t be trusted to be professional while upper management doesn’t have to adhere to those rules
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
@@ltchugacast131 Why would a company hire someone that doesn't speak the language, especially when you've implied you're dealing with customers all day. You're not allowed to use your phone because you'll be on in constantly and it'll kill your work production, period. They likely allowed it before you worked there and it was abused and the privilege was taken away.
@ltchugacast131 2 жыл бұрын
@@bc1173 first off I don’t appreciate that you’re chastising me like a child, secondly the “drop in productivity” is bull because most retail jobs are purely graded by individual metrics. If someone sits on their phone, their numbers will suffer and they’ll be weeded from those with professional standards. It’s not just kids that want to play around on the internet all day that want this archaic policy done away with. It’s not the end of the world if your cashier can text their spouse when there’s a lull in customers. You’ll still be able to buy your wrenches and flex seal all the same. And regardless of this argument my store has a special use case I live in Florida in the Agriculture region in the southwest. Our town is mostly English speaking white Americans however the large number of citrus companies in the area means there’s also a lot of migrant workers from Spanish speaking countries that know little English and even less about life in America. Many important policies can’t be properly implemented and much time is wasted in dealing with frustrated Spanish customers attempting to use bills too large to accept or upset that a coupon works different than expected. If we simply used the translation on our phones much of this stress could be avoided and increase sales for the store. Corporate fixates on performance numbers and threatens discipline often over lack of growth but I can confidently say it doesn’t matter how hard we push sales if customers don’t speak the language.
@Queef_Storm Жыл бұрын
I would have brought that book. Getting paid to read is a pretty good gig, especially if your book has your phone hidden in it.
@TowelGard 2 жыл бұрын
I like my boss but something he doesn't seem to understand is that his employees' bandwidth shouldn't be 90-100% filled. He won't hire new people out of fear that there won't be enough work but we're almost always at capacity. So instead of enough employees with a bit of downtime he has the bare minimum number of employees that are all at their wit's end.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
i mean you're getting paid to work not to have down time. down time is what happens when you're not working.
@propheticrain-maker1486 Жыл бұрын
@@bc1173 and zero down time is not sustainable. I have seen multiple entirely new workforces in the span of six months because employees burn out so quickly. Staff not receiving breaks, getting 12+hour shifts multiple days in a row, late finishes, early starts. Some amount of downtime is healthy for employees. Not to mention that during the hiring process, managers will lie through their teeth to get you in and expect you to stay in their sinking ship. Staff turnover is usually a great indicator on what you are in for in a new job.
@Queef_Storm Жыл бұрын
You're boss isn't being honest. He's not worried that he might have more workers than there is work to be done; he can see that's not the case if you're almost always at full capacity. He just doesn't want to have to spend more money. You guys have to bear the brunt of all the labour, and he gets to keep the extra funds that are left in the pot.
@FalseF4CZ 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@Queef_StormYes because is it also not reasonable that you should keep a little bit of what your business makes? Depending on the owner’s situation, if he isn’t making enough to even spending a little here and there then there’s no point in hiring another if work is still being done on time and correctly. At the same time that it sucks for the workers, the boss is also entitled to the earnings after compensating the workers. This is a delicate balance and it seems hiring just ONE more person could be enough.
@Queef_Storm 10 ай бұрын
@@FalseF4CZ I found OP's boss
@cringeygothkid8470 2 жыл бұрын
I just started a new job and we had an all hands meeting with the COO. At one point she said "My focus is not taking care of the customers, but taking care of the employees because if you take care of the employees they'll take care of the customer"
@Queef_Storm Жыл бұрын
That's a Simon Sinek idea. Great guy.
@gino14 9 ай бұрын
This is what my first Commander once told me when mentoring me in the Military.
@mawtymawty9010 2 жыл бұрын
Walking out of my abusive housekeeping job was one of the most intensely gratifying experiences of my life. Now I'm making twice as much, and that hotel is yet again scrambling to hire new managers
@ye-xf5mw 2 жыл бұрын
Nice, what job did you find after?
@mawtymawty9010 2 жыл бұрын
@@ye-xf5mw I work in a warehouse that ships toys worldwide. My coworkers (and more importantly my managers) are all great. Night and day improvement in the quality of my life
@timkom2289 2 жыл бұрын
I think, that one of the reason many companies dislike home office is because it drastically change the power dynamic. Before that, when you dont want to work for that one big empolyer (especially in small town) - you have to suck it up. Now I can work literally for everyone in the world and I could be as picky as I want.
@nakamiyonemura2001 2 жыл бұрын
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
there's no shortage of gen z's with degrees that are unemployed and need a job. you're replaceable, if your production goes down and stays that way after warnings you will either quit or be laid off/fired and replaced with someone else. the power dynamic hasn't changed, someone still signs your check and gives you employment.
@thatwastakenagain 7 ай бұрын
what sucks is if ur at a certain state and they just cant hire cos of that
@georgejones5019 2 жыл бұрын
It's not much Gen-Z as it is the entire work force in general. We have the internet, people can find out if a company isn't really being competitive with pay and benefits, they see that other developed countries get more vacation time or other benefits, there's a work/life balance, etc. People are getting tired of being mistreated by these companies that despite record sales or if they tank CEOs take the money and run and cut everyone their severance packages. We're hitting a boiling point for many issues in the US where the government has been lax due to lobbying, investments, etc.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
salaries online are not accurate. i make 2.5x more money than it says my field of work makes on the internet. my company isn't special, it's standard pay for my job.
@Cobalt985 8 ай бұрын
@@bc1173 job postings though
@ChompDude 2 жыл бұрын
What's funny is if the guy didn't bring up Harry Potter it's possible he'd have been able to work there for YEARS with no one mentioning Harry Potter at all.
@popojelly1895 2 жыл бұрын
Harry Potter was probably just a metaphor for the worker's values I guess.
@PlazDreamweaver 2 жыл бұрын
The boss would've probably exhibited the same ego-challenging behavior in a similar situation. It was only a matter of time. Thankfully for the employee, it was his 2nd day, so he got out early.
@MrToradragon 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with Popo Jelly, it could have been metaphor and for some reason s3xual orientation came to my mind. Working in place where boss is so disrespectful to that would really take toll on that employee.
@elenal1906 2 жыл бұрын
It was a shit test, they clearly demonstrated disrespect for boundaries
@userequaltoNull Жыл бұрын
​@@elenal1906 No it wasn't, the boundaries were stupid lol. "If you disrespect muh fandom one more time, I'm quitting" boss was probably thinking "no way this kid is serious, who would do something like that" I can guarantee that the boss wasn't fretting and crying over the new hire proving that he's an idiot before he even got his first paycheck. Any manager would be glad to get rid of someone like that.
@stephenpetersen354 2 жыл бұрын
My wife was told "yeah we know that branch has a turn over higher than any other but the manager would be more expensive to replace than the frontline" she left.
@infinitecurlie 2 жыл бұрын
In the military you can drop dead and be replaced in two seconds. I saw it for myself when my medical doctor committed suicide in her office on deployment. You can't give a two weeks notice or quit but a really long story short recognizing that the Navy was extremely toxic (for me anyways, it got to a point that I spent a week in the psych ward.) and that it wasn't going to just get better at my next command and people weren't going to be held accountable is part of what made me decide not to re-enlist again. I got out last year and it was the best decision I've ever made for myself.
@phoenixjones7191 2 жыл бұрын
I'm getting out in 10 days. It's been a long journey lol.
@infinitecurlie 2 жыл бұрын
@@phoenixjones7191 enjoy your freedom dude! For a few months all I did was play Elder scrolls online and use CDB and hemp products LMFAO.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
you thought that being in the military was just going to be a free ride with a lifetime veterans check every month for your service? how did you not know it was going to be hard?
@phoenixjones7191 2 жыл бұрын
@@bc1173 you're either a officer that's out of touch or you've never served. There's a massive difference between "hard" which people of character can handle and drowning in stress and trauma on 100 hour weeks then getting sent to the psych ward because your coc didn't listen to three times you told them you don't feel comfortable standing an armed watch. You're talking out of complete ignorance.
@userequaltoNull Жыл бұрын
​@@bc1173 No, she just didn't expect to be beholden to Eremenko-tier assholes her entire enlistment.
@properconciete14 2 жыл бұрын
I worked for Amazon fulfillment center for 3, 10 hour shifts and at the end of the 3rd day when I realized that I couldn't breathe in the corner by myself without an ambassador running up to me to tell me how I was doing it wrong or not fast enough. I didn't even say anything to anyone. I just stopped coming to work. Fuck that shit. I get it from the consumer side but their poor workers are worked like animals. I never bounced from a job so quick
@dilaisy_loone2846 2 жыл бұрын
Mee too, I lasted 3 months there and my feet hurt so bad I collapsed in the 15 minute walk I had to do to the lunch room
@itsjammbi 8 ай бұрын
same, quit my Amazon warehouse job too.. it was inhumane amount of work
@outsidethewall8488 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you brought up the exploitation of teachers. My mom was a teacher in the US for years, and after the no child left behind act, we moved to Australia when I was a kid (there were other reasons for this, but that definitely contributed) and while even here, teachers absolutely get mistreated and underpaid, the difference is phenomenal. I remember in primary school we would have 'teachers strike days' where we went to school but pretty much had no class and just got to do what we wanted because most of the teachers were on strike to negotiate their pay or contracts etc. As a kid I didn't understand what that meant i just knew that a strike day meant we didn't have to do any schoolwork but in hindsight the normalisation of that was pretty awesome. She eventually became very burned out by the bureaucracy of the Australian private school she worked for and changed careers to become a counsellor, starting as a school counsellor, but then switching to general counselling outside a school context. She's now moved back to the states and is doing special education which she loves from the kids side of it but is once again overwhelmed with the workload so is looking into renewing her counselling qualifications. My mum is such an inspiration to me not only because she shows me that it's perfectly valid to decide to change careers if you aren't happy, at any age, she also shows me how important it is to feel passion for your work and be motivated towards personal fulfilment. Also, everyone I know who dropped out of school or hated school have stories about teachers who were just awful to them, called them stupid, told them they had no potential, or teachers who were completely apathetic towards their learning. This only happens when the teaching profession is seen as a "back up plan" if you fail at something else, and when even the teachers who got into it for the right reasons have become so burned out and overworked that their passion has been forgotten and they become bitter and take it out on their students.
@Matt_the_pirate 2 жыл бұрын
My mother is a teacher in Poland and even though we are in the EU teachers here are treated like trash to the point there is a massive shortage in public education system.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
teachers are the biggest reason why gen z's are failing in the workforce. they're lazy, entitled and often push their uber left wing ideologies onto students. in canada teachers make $90,000/year and they still strike every few years when their contract ends.
@sybilasteri5758 7 ай бұрын
@@Matt_the_pirate Hey, my mom was a teacher in Poland too! She eventually got so done with how the teachers are paid, all the overlooked responsibilities they have and their general treatment by the goverment that she just quit school and became a truck driver. She seems much more happy now, hah
@sunsetanimator4187 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, my sister is looking to quit teaching, she gets really overworked (Australian private school too)
@Semicolon42 2 жыл бұрын
In Europe, there is no "at will" employment. You get three months (paid with cheng benefits) after you are fired before you actually have to leave. Gives you time to figure out your next gig.
@MrToradragon 2 жыл бұрын
2 months in Czechia and you still must go to work for those 2 months (or take rest of your vacation). EDIT: I forget to mention that if they want to get rid of somebody they will by various means force people to sign "agreement of contract termination" that is often effective immediately or they will fabricate something that will allow them to terminate contract immediately. They know that people will not resist and will not take the case to court as courts are too slow to effectively help. Not to mention that companies tend to hire only on limited term contracts that are often of certain type that allows them to use as little as 14 days notice.
@nikhera 2 жыл бұрын
It kind of boggles my mind that a lot of these wellness solutions, like 4 day works weeks, or work from home, are cheap/low and have demonstrated to lead to better productivity, but somehow corporations are just terrified of implementing them. It's just like - why???? Because it goes against "common sense?" because "it look bad?" because then manager can't micromanage and breathe down workers' neck? idk. My partner does and he loves it and I love having him close. My psychiatrist practices telemedicine and yet I've never seen her in person, even while visiting the clinic. I go into the clinic, get checked in/have vitals taken by nurses, and then I turn my head to the giant screen on the wall, where my doctor actually talks to me via video calls. She works in multiple clinics across multiple cities this way. Kinda genius actually hahahaha
@redactedcanceledcensored6890 9 ай бұрын
It's all about control. I'm from the former Eastern Bloc and being unemployed was a felony until the end of communism here, and full-time self-employment was impossible until the very last days of communism. I know someone with multiple chronic autoimmune disorders and the employer forced her to go to the office during covid... just to de remote work from said office.
@BrianGivensYtube 2 жыл бұрын
The workplace is changing now for 2 main reasons: 1. People have been abused like slaves for decades and the “keep your head down and work” attitude does not pay off anymore. That model and attitude is outdated. 2. During covid, essential workers and medical workers were literally working triple shifts and sometimes DYING from their job duties. This marked a point in time where every collective abuse in the workforce came to a tee and people fucking exploded. The great resignation is the result.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
gen z's are stockpiled in their parents houses because they're unwilling to work. once the boomer/gen x parents stop giving you free shelter/food/clothing/cars/gas etc homeless problem that is already a major problem will balloon into a pandemic level.
@hugefriend514 2 жыл бұрын
“The nurses aren’t heroes, they’re sacrifices.” Nurse here, this is extremely accurate.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
the only people that say nurses are heroes are nurses and people that virtue signal. surgeons are heroes, nurses are nurses.
@midnull6009 9 ай бұрын
Yeah my mom lost her job. As a nurse when she refused a year into the plandemic...only to be replaced by a travel nurse who was unvaccinated due to her home state policy. They disrupted 4hrs of hospital operation and closed it to do a police esxort of all the unvaccinat3d medical staff....she worked there for 25 years...delivered some of the drs babies that fired her... It was shit. I will never forget. I will never forgive. And the only reason that the hospital is still standing and not burned down, for now, is I have 3 family members still working there. After they leave well...there will be no reason for to remain standing. :)
@plaidchuck 8 ай бұрын
@@midnull6009 reported to authorities
@midnull6009 8 ай бұрын
@@plaidchuck ok :)
@midnull6009 8 ай бұрын
I hope you know that they shut down a hospitals in the middle of the plandemic too cuz of medicaid. :) But I guess not criminal at all. :) Or how assisted living homes murdered a shit ton of ppl by starvation and ordering an influx of end of care rxs during the plandemic....but that's ok huh?! Oh you sweet summer child. You don't know how the world works. :)
@willis9421 2 жыл бұрын
I’m 25, been working since I was 14. I had some decent jobs, some fun jobs and mostly oppressively bad jobs. I’m from a middle class background and I’m college educated but I’ve never really had a career in my mind until recently Basically, to sum up my learned experiences with work is 1. The employer most likely doesn’t give a shit about you 2. You’re being underpaid. Therefore I structure my life in a way where I won’t depend on a paycheck as heavily as some of my peers. I live in a 400 sq Ft apartment, I don’t have a car and I don’t have nice things. I workout for fun and play free games. Most of my expenses are food and rent. I value the leverage of being able to leave a shit job at the drop of the pen, because I’m so fed up with being abused to build the upper echelons stock portfolios. Extrapolate my experience and outlook to a whole generation and you have a lot of people that are not willing to buy into the system. It’s a bad structure for society but it’s good business strategy from a worker perspective. It’s in everyone’s interest to change this, however, it’s not in the interest to a corporations bottom line. So I’m not sure how you’ll ever fix it.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
its the fault of the parents for allowing their children in their mid 20s to sit in their house rent free and not work because the working world is too ''scary and toxic''. gen z's are filling the streets right now, homelessness is rampant and it'll only get much worse when the gen x parents dont allow them to live there anymore
@jreamer971 2 жыл бұрын
I was in the military. I saw and experienced abuse of power on a daily basis. Unfortunately I couldn't just quit and walk away. The only thing that kept me going were my friends and colleagues.
@vivvy_0 2 жыл бұрын
that's what the military is builded on, hierarchical abuse and making people have relief in enduring it together, comradery becomes the emotional anchor but also driving force for not quitting
@annaaquitaine4225 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely the weirdest collection of emotions I’ve ever experienced now that I’m out
@satouhikou1103 2 жыл бұрын
@@vivvy_0 So by that logic, slavery is okay because it build comradery amongst the slaves against a common enemy.
@ryanroache3042 2 жыл бұрын
I think government jobs are the worst for tyrannical power dynamics. Salute.
@ryanroache3042 2 жыл бұрын
@@satouhikou1103 do you think he’s advocating for slavery?
@blopartDGRI 2 жыл бұрын
6:45 *"hero" = "disposable human sacrifice for society"* *_PREACH !_*
@cosmicnerve5239 2 жыл бұрын
Perhaps Gen-Z is lazy, but it could be a result of the lack of motivation rather than the lack of work ethic and genuine care. For example, if you're put in a toxic environment, with low pay, crappy hours, no benefits, and no foreseeable chance to advance in the given job... How motivated would you be to work hard? To work fast? To dazzle every customer and encourage every coworker? The answer is simple: you wouldn't be motivated to do well at all, because there's absolutely nothing to motivate you. You show up to work and do the bare minimum and get paid just enough to cover your bills, because you're trying to survive. That's Gen-Z right now.
@mango-strawberry 2 жыл бұрын
Just do the bare minimum at that crappy job and find a better one. Simple!
@skyranger1366 2 жыл бұрын
Management has long forgotten the saying you get what you pay for.
@paperfart3988 2 жыл бұрын
The most gen z part about that is saying that you're "put in" that situation. There is an increasing emphasis on the fact that our environment influences who you become and what you do. While that is certainly a piece of the puzzle, it seems like people are readily abandoning personal responsibility on deeper and deeper levels. Let's just say for example, worst case scenario, the country truly is falling apart. Do we sit here and blame or do we do something about it even though it's unfair? I am not liking this mentality of doing nothing but being able to say I told ya so. And I don't think people are going to like it nearly as much as they thought they would when it really comes down to it.
@cosmicnerve5239 2 жыл бұрын
@@paperfart3988 I agree, a certain level of responsibility must be taken on an individual and national level. Everyone should be trying to improve every system in any way they can. But when I use phrases like, "put in", I'm referring to large majority of people who don't have as much of a choice as they'd prefer. Everyone would prefer to have a well paying job, in a stable market, working a job they love. However this is not available to most, especially those just joining the job market (very little experience), going to college (lots of expenses), and with employers at most entry level jobs asking for a lot and offering little in return. If this ^ is not your experience, I'm glad for you. But try not to discount the experience of the majority, we can't all be so lucky.
@joost1183 2 жыл бұрын
Also some of the young peoples goals are unobtainable like housing. It has gotten more expensive vs yearly salary.
@boots1622fan 2 жыл бұрын
im glad youre addressing systemic issues like this because i gotta say economic anxiety is my #1 problem w my mental health rn lol. its not always something you can talk to a therapist about. a lot are focused on 'get better go to work'' and dont consider what happens in between
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
did you just say.... economic anxiety? lmao jesus christ
@lelagill4923 Жыл бұрын
@bananko5062 2 жыл бұрын
My mom is a nurse, and as you described, that is what exactly happened, just under stress all the time, coming home late, quite sad to see my mom like that. I wish she just works a more easier job.
@Henoik 2 жыл бұрын
Man, am I happy that I live in Norway. In a country where we've had collective bargaining rights and strong unions for over a 100 years now. Employers understand their employees have limits, and employers understand that they need to respect their employees, because the consequence of not doing so is not one or two people leaving the company. The consequence of not doing so is the whole workforce striking.
@Ozzianman 2 жыл бұрын
Unless you are desperate enough for a job to be fooled into making a Enkeltpersonforetak/Sole Proprietorship and sign a business to business contract with a foreign staffing agency. My guts were yelling how shady the contract was, but I needed a job. They did not pay me for almost two months, having to threaten with quitting on the spot for them to pay me. Quit this week as they can go screw themselves. I am able to afford a few months without a job. Lesson 1: If a company does not have an official presence in your country, AVOID! They will fuck with your money if they can. Lesson 2: Sole Proprietorships is not worth it.
@LinusE 2 жыл бұрын
I think another topic to discuss that I see with Gen-Z workers is the enthusiasm for unionizing workplaces. Quitting, certainly in a toxic workplace, is great advice. But Gen-Z’s aren’t just quitting in order to voice their complaints, there’s also more unionizing.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
im a union worker, what miracle do you think happens once you go union? explain your thinking here
@LinusE 2 жыл бұрын
@@bc1173 USA, one of the lowest unionized nations in the world, has experienced, since around the 70’s, increased productivity while wages have been stagnat (if not even dropped with inflation). Joining a union helps all workers in the selected industry to get increased wages, and other benefits. And if you hold the idea that being in a union is something bad, can you explain to me why you’re in one? Just leave if that’s the case.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
@@LinusE I work a job that poses life threatening risks, non-union companies ignore safety protocols and put us at risk. If you go union you'll be working much harder, and yes you'll be making more money. There will be less people working at your company because the owner can't afford more people. They can lay you off and put out a call to the union local to replace your position the same day, they'll do this if you don't work hard. They can also just close up shop, rename their company and keep their client list if you go union on them, this would mean losing your job. People think union work is just more money, better eveything, all positives, it's not. There are positives and negatives, in my line of work the positives outweigh the negatives, in your line of work it may not.
@Cobalt985 8 ай бұрын
@@bc1173 evidently they don't work you so hard that you can't troll in comments for a few hours at the end of the day
@biskore7792 2 жыл бұрын
I quit my job from home after 6 months. I saw the red flags from the beggining but it was not a big deal, I get to work from my room I can watch netflix, It was good. The client was very bitchy and the company was just like "yes, daddy!", after reducing the team and sabotaging everything to make a simple job more challenging. And when we had a meeting with the boss all we got was "you gotta be perfect! Every single call has to be perfect!" So I decided to leave. It was pretty bad and stressful but the thing is now I dont get hired by anyone, havent landed a job in 4 months
@Danielxt34 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry about the time it'll come to you for sure.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
this is what happens when parents let their kids live rent free. there's zero incentive to work as there are no bills. quitting your job (you know the one you've admitted to watching movies instead of working at) without another job lined up is entitlement and a complete lack of critical thinking skills.
@biskore7792 2 жыл бұрын
@@bc1173 I mean I didnt neglected my job watching movies, I just had enough time in between calls. And I did pay bills they are just more forgiving since I dont have the same income. I was fine with the extremely low payment (below minimum wage, even lower compared to a living wage) at first since as I said before, the job was complicated but got easier when i got more experience but again they just wanted to make bad decisions making a simple job more stressful. So tell me, would your supreme critical thinking say that its worth risking your mental health for $3.25/hour?
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
@@biskore7792 lt is illegal to pay an employee below the national minimum wage, it's a federal crime actually. People like yourself fill the streets, and in a few years when you're all in your early 30s it's going to get bad. Parent's wont carry you anymore, you don't want to work, it's an impending pandemic.
@biskore7792 2 жыл бұрын
@@bc1173 that might be in the states, in my country they pay you whatever the hell they feel like paying, even if i was working for clients in the USA, but i mean the company is getting sued for that payment anyways but thats non of my business anymore. And it is not that I dont want to work, ive havent stop apllying left and right, even my dream job interviewed me, i just dont get hired. And right my country is down bad in crisis. I dont know what is the point judging, its not like i can got to a company and start working just because i want to. I do not regret quitting, I just wish getting a new job wasnt so full of bs
@dismaljester 8 ай бұрын
I'm a little late to the party on this video but I wanted to chime in and say the part about pay vs work environment is spot on for me. I could make significantly more money (easily 20-40%) if I would switch jobs or chose a different career. But I have it made where I am. I work the hours I need to get my job done and that's it. I can't remember the last time I talked to my boss about "work", I know what's expected of me and I take care of it. When I was a teenager I had a realization that when we're on our death bed, no one ever says "I wish I had spent more hours at work". So for me, as long as I've made enough to cover the things I need, and most of what I want, I'm satisfied.
@OfficialCANVAS 8 ай бұрын
Starting to talk with your employer about work and be constructive in your work relationship is in my personal experience beneficial. Not saying you have to do it but I wanted to share that
@McWigan 2 жыл бұрын
I quit during the pandemic. I was working at a liquor store, I was promoted right before the pandemic, and I lasted a year with that. It was miserable. I was surrounded by both people I loved and people I hated. But if you're given power over people it's your duty to give both respect and hear both out, which I tried my best to do. The customers were horrid. Every day was triple our usual sales while listening to "have to make it through the week with the kids at home, har har har" and frantic questions of if we were closing (Not for a single day). When I started counselling during my time there I realized just how sad I was. I wasn't paid enough for my job, and the people working with me sure as fuck weren't either. My boss, shock horror, was lovely. Great guy who would listen to any and all issues, be it work or home. But he's not THE boss. He's MY boss. And his boss isn't the boss. And his boss isn't the boss. That's the issue. There is no responsibility. You want to know where all your store's money is going, it's to the guy at the top who no one can reach because he's stuck as many people between him and the retail worker, and the retail worker is the one doing ALL of the hard work. They want full time, but they don't get it. They want a living wage, but they don't get it. Then the higher ups act like they've had a hard day because they had to drive or fly a few hours to stare at shelves in another store and tell us to move the dog shit brands that they've made back door deals with to better shelves. I would rather die happy than live 40 years of 40 hour weeks. Maybe one day I'll pick up part time again, but I'm never devoting my mental health to a corporation again. It's working out for me so far.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
so now you're unemployed and on welfare... not the best decision bud.
@McWigan 2 жыл бұрын
@@bc1173 Nope, neither of those things. I'm self employed, haven't received anything from the government (which isn't a bad thing anyway), and happier than ever. Great assumptions though, tell me more about my life, bud.
@russaz09 2 жыл бұрын
When it comes to video games I think improving the work conditions of the people in the industry actually plays a large part in creating a game with a good community. I think the central question is how are people supposed to design a good community if they don’t work in good community?
@Balloonbot 2 жыл бұрын
Which is stupid why so many gamers mock and shit on ANY move or hiring to improve this. They see treating people well as "woke" - and its just depressing to see.
@russaz09 2 жыл бұрын
@@Balloonbot yeah I’ve been pursuing a career in software and all I’ve heard about the video game sector is work condition horror stories except for the indie devs who get lucky and explode in a niche. It’s something I’m definitely interested in, but thoroughly discouraged.
@paperfart3988 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say that responsibility comes down to both parties. It's not doing anyone any good to blame everyone else and not acknowledge the part they can play.
@PlazDreamweaver 2 жыл бұрын
From an outsider's pov, this is what I think is the situation with WoW.
@pronoydutta614 2 жыл бұрын
I'm in favour of hiring community/employee health managers for better work practices, but a chunck of the people being hired have agendas and do the political equivalent of the bare minimum by altering designs and turning things PG arbitrarily. It doesn't help the writers, artists, programmers and game testers, etc. It's the same things the managers do when they try and alter design and work hours to maximize profits. They need to hire people like Dr. K instead and actually implement changes. Management tends not to hire people who'll call them out or affect their gravy train, hence... The unhelpful hiring decisions.
@maxs.6517 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, I don’t think there has “become” an antagonistic relationship between employee and employer. That relationship has always existed, and the proper long term solution is to get rid of that distinction. Worker ownership of the means of production bruv.
@lelagill4923 Жыл бұрын
@victorygarden556 7 ай бұрын
Then go make a business and own your own production capabilities by making some sacrifices.
@shiny_birb2678 2 жыл бұрын
Aren't bosses allowed to fire workers on the spot while workers are supposed to give 2 weeks notice?
@CJbrinkman602 2 жыл бұрын
most work places do not have two week policies, it's just a courtesy.
@shiny_birb2678 2 жыл бұрын
@@CJbrinkman602 I hate that. If I was a worker and I wanted to quit my job because, for example, I hated my boss, then courtesy would be thrown out the window.
@suzanne1430 2 жыл бұрын
@@shiny_birb2678 but wouldn't you want to have a good reference for the next company that you want to apply....good references are good to don't want to mess that up....I wouldn't.
@EtherealNature 2 жыл бұрын
@@shiny_birb2678 it depends on the location. For example, employers where I'm from can't fire an employee without documentation and if they do, the employee can claim unemployment benefits. But employees can leave without notice but they can't claim benefits because that was their choice to quit.
@BruceCarbonLakeriver 2 жыл бұрын
I never "honored" the 2 weeks notice xD
@OPUP 2 жыл бұрын
I love the message, I really do, but as someone with brillo pad style hair, I'm jealous of Dr. K brushing his hand through his lustrous locks every 3 seconds.
@AxeKick80 2 жыл бұрын
Dr. K, spinning and posing for the camera as he runs his hands through his luxurious, luscious, lustrous locks: “Because I’m worth it.”
@OPUP 2 жыл бұрын
@@AxeKick80 He's he most uplifting shampoo Ad on the internet and I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices.
@hallamshire 2 жыл бұрын
I'm married to a teacher and my sister is a social worker. And I'd have to say, social work is worse than teaching for abusing mission-driven employees. My sister got a social work job that required a masters and was paid $23k a year. My husband who teaches in Detroit public schools at least got $47k straight out of the gate.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
that is entirely her fault.
@VioletEmerald 2 жыл бұрын
@@bc1173 her fault for accepting the job or for choosing the degree? It seems like the system is screwed though. We need good social workers in this country. Why don't they get paid a truly living wage.
@userequaltoNull Жыл бұрын
​@@VioletEmerald Government job.
@VioletEmerald Жыл бұрын
@@userequaltoNull United States government employees often are overpaid in other parts of the government. I worked on a contract as an administrative assistant type role (more like administrative worker, not an assistant to anyone though) in the government being paid $40k a year while I watched colleagues who had less skill than me doing the same with being paid six figure salaries, no lie. I know social work has always been severely underpaid but I don't understand why it has to be that way. To be fair, if you work in a high cost of living city, salary expectations shift a little but. Still.
@badart3204 7 ай бұрын
@@VioletEmeraldit’s investment in people that don’t matter to the power structure. It’s going to be given token funding due to that nature. Same applies to businesses favoring revenue centers over cost centers even if the cost center is important
@GuzzlingDuck 2 жыл бұрын
So, Target? I applied just because I was sick of Fast Food. Turns out, they didn't offer medical and instead offered free online therapy. A convoluted cesspool something like Betterhelp does better (at least UI-wise) but no medical? Yeah, therapy can be expensive, but so is my $5,000 doctor visit because they had to touch my balls again. There was also no explanation or course on how it works nor a meeting of any kind. They never even said it, I found it by accident :l Inevitably, I quit because my mom was sick and I couldn't work full-time anymore. One manager (not even mine) said "I don't pay you to work less" and wouldn't budge, even if I was one of the harder workers. I stayed after all the time, helped in various areas, was liked by everyone, but he didn't want to give me that flexibility. Toxic managers ruin everything.
@archytas3115 2 жыл бұрын
This video is the summary of my working experience so far at 25 lol Currently in a great position with a fantastic work environment - it just took a lot of time shuffling through employers who essentially wasted a lot of my time via insistence on a 40h work week and undervaluing me. A lot of older managers haven't realized that it isn't 2007 anymore, and I'm very much aware of my bargaining power vs the market. My current industry's labor market is ravenously worker favored, and I'm building a skillset that's rare and valued (that I enjoy doing ofc). Before getting to my current position, I was able to shuffle through a lot (with my least time on a project being 2 months), and usually end up in a better spot each time.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
not gonna lie, if 40 hours a week is much more than you can handle then you're not gonna be successful, you're entitled, and lazy.
@isabella4793 8 ай бұрын
In my opinion, it's not that Gen Z is lazy, we're just expected to put up with maximum effort for minimum wage payment.
@slamkam07 2 жыл бұрын
34:00 I've been through quite a few jobs and I've always had the most respect and admiration for a boss willing to work on the floor with the rest of us. Power hungry ass kissers infuriate me to no end.
@mecanuktutorials6476 2 жыл бұрын
Double edged sword. Those bosses can be worse cause they’re always there. Working in the trenches might make them more empathetic and understanding but not necessarily m. It could also make them more pushy and egotistical. It all comes down to basic morals and principles. Too many narcissistic/self-centred people go into management.
@slamkam07 2 жыл бұрын
@@mecanuktutorials6476 I have never once experienced a boss working on the floor be worse than the nicest boss that didn't. Nor have I heard of that.
@mecanuktutorials6476 2 жыл бұрын
@@slamkam07 take my word for it. Not all bosses are bad people. But the difference is not necessarily “willingness to work in the floor with the rest of us”. It has everything to do with their upbringing and principles. People have to deal with toxic colleagues too. It is not even always just the bosses with profit motive. Others want attention or to screw with you. Bitter and selfish people just … exist.
@slamkam07 2 жыл бұрын
@@mecanuktutorials6476 well yeah ofc. But my point is there tends to be a pretty clear correlation.
@SweetKnock 2 жыл бұрын
At my work my manager tells me that I don't have to work so hard but she doesn't give me my work. My colleagues are the people applying the work pressure and pushing my boundaries. Feels like a good cop bad cop relationship.
@OfficialCANVAS 8 ай бұрын
That some big corp hierarchy bs. Do what your job pays you for. Be appreciated in your work relationship
@ameliahannert3786 2 жыл бұрын
colleges and universities also need help with wellness. im tired of “mindfulness napkins” at the food court n somehow thats a solution
@inplane9970 2 жыл бұрын
They think a napkin with a Google Images inspirational quote is somehow going to take stress off from 5 exams within a week.
@sccello 2 жыл бұрын
Dr K, this is another one of those videos where the tone of the intro is at odds with the rest of the video. Better than the last few have been, but still not selling the content that well. On topic - I've been wanting to move on from my current position because it's that time in my career to make a move, but my current employer is making it hard to find someone else who's competitive. I recognize it's a massive W for them that the math has been working out that way so many times - but the benefits, working conditions, and compensation combined is the best in the game, and it's been effective at keeping me around. I suppose I'm lucky to be in that position, but it's not really helping me get on the trajectory I need to be on for my endpoint goals. Going to have to give something up to get where I want to go.
@Abach-ABC 2 жыл бұрын
That green thing around the corners is so fun to look at. I love it.
@johngriffon2118 2 жыл бұрын
Theres a story that was passed around when i was in the Marines about Mattis taking duty from a junior officer on thanksgiving. I dont know if its true but the story is the a junior officer was on duty on Thanksgiving. Mad Dog walked in and saw him, asked if he was missing anything by being on duty. when he said his family was having dinner Mattis told him to go home and he took over his watch. again dont know if its true, but we believed it and its one of the reasons Mattis has so much respect.
@thanosvasileiou6704 2 жыл бұрын
You are on fire Dr.K . Picking trending topics one after the other am hooked on your content. Thank you for your contribution on this platform am currently a broke senior university student but when I can afford am definetely getting those meditation courses. My boss thinks that two masters and the manager position make him a superior being that can order me around and push my limits while I have 4 years of experience in retail and minimum wage xD I wont say am the best salesperson but you get what you pay with 5 euros per hour
@BruceCarbonLakeriver 2 жыл бұрын
Regarding the "Harry Potter Superfan" Well I can't add much to the explaination it was well done by Dr.K. I don't think being petty on such crap helps in regards to the actual chance to re-negotiate many working/employing deals in the end. But in Austria (which is the country I life in) there is a major shift as well. And some CEOs started to raise the payments and changed the working environment, which is even more important than a bigger check to most ppl! Most "conventional" CEOs are criticizing it to "bow into workers". Funny enough, those companies who do, are doing great the others struggle badly xD
@killertruth186 2 жыл бұрын
I would actually like to hear the context of what part of making fun of Harry Potter.
@BruceCarbonLakeriver 2 жыл бұрын
@@killertruth186 Me too, maybe it was that silly at it seems (like doing a thing by principles) or it stands for something serious which could make the whole thing reasonable. 🤔
@BooTedesco 7 ай бұрын
So much wisdom in discussing the dynamics of healthy relationships between employer vs employee and comparing it to a marriage.
@jonathanschafer5459 2 жыл бұрын
quick feedback for the editor: the green moving frame looks kinda cool, but for me personally it distracts me a bit :)
@MattMcConaha 2 жыл бұрын
Same, I pretty much just watch it go around the window for the entire video. Kinda watching how it almost lines up with the corners, sometimes not quite, sometimes pretty decently.
@Saint-8 7 ай бұрын
I refuse to work for a job for any extended period of time unless they give me enough time to care about and treat my mental wellbeing with the respect it deserves. Im willing to be flexible with my schedule because I understand some seasons are busier than others, but refuse to work any position I dont want to.
@aryansarc 2 жыл бұрын
My father is a very passionate Physics teacher and what you said about the teaching profession is indeed true.
@shinodamasaru7945 2 жыл бұрын
Dr.K always hit the spot. And I ended watching this vid.
@allisonclaro442 2 жыл бұрын
I’m always excited when I get a notification for a new Dr. K video!
@danielsanchezpbueno 2 жыл бұрын
Me too, Allison!
@Afroofthenight 2 жыл бұрын
5:50 These stories are excellent examples of a concept called doublethink, from a book they like to act like they've read
@ijustdocomments6777 2 жыл бұрын
For things such as this I am reminded of the timeless axiom... "I don't need this, my man has TWO jobs!" Seriously though, only ever hated a job enough to quit once, and sadly it was during a recession, so instead I turned in poor performance til the company moved me to a different area. This cost me money in bonuses for a couple of years, but I've been working in the same field ever since. Big tech is quite a bit different from the retail/service industry though. I doubt there's any point in being "loyal" to the local Taco Bell.
@Meechy37 2 жыл бұрын
As a manager, it's nice to hear someone delineate between reasonable expectations of an employee and absurd requests. I work very hard to get every benefit out of my own bosses for all of my staff. It can be frustrating when people assume I'm some sort of tyrant that doesn't want people to have sufficient living wages.
@AW-qz4kk 2 жыл бұрын
Nice make them suffer pfp
@Meechy37 2 жыл бұрын
@@AW-qz4kk \m/
@PlazDreamweaver 2 жыл бұрын
If some of your workers feel that way, then you should, at the very least, reflect on what behavior you exhibit may be causing that. Then respectfully communicate with them. Listen, reflect, then respond with relevant feedback. Take the hit to your pride. Even the most humble of people have to swallow their pride from time to time. Not saying the issue is with you, but this is how it usually goes. And this is the first step in addressing such issues.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
@@PlazDreamweaver Gen z's will always feel like that, you're entitled and have been coddled by a gen x generation that failed at parenthood worse than any generation in history.
@userequaltoNull Жыл бұрын
​@@PlazDreamweaver The behaviour that causes this response is being more successful in the workplace, therefore creating envy. However, he holds more power due to his position, so the only way lazy Marxists can lash out is by blaming him for their own emotional reactions, in order to cope with the lack of any other means of removing the envy.
@matthewgilfus1640 2 жыл бұрын
The point of the industrial revolution was to give employees more free time, not massive profits to companies.
@elenal1906 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, most people shouldn't even have to be working??
@BygoneT 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure it wasn't
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
uh.... the point of the industrial revolution? there was no point, it was an evolution of manufacturing. it enable companies to make thousands of times more product. the point was specifically to make more money.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
@@elenal1906 so my taxes have to pay for your welfare, food and housing?
@neogivxapwntcpaa 7 ай бұрын
@automobilership9888 2 жыл бұрын
I love how these ideas can be reflected in so many other random things. Just had the realisation that i'm bad at 4x games because "wellness", the OVERALL production of my empire isn't part of the "design" of how i build, and is tacked on as an after-thought.
@inplane9970 2 жыл бұрын
Customer service work also has the personal performance paradox. For example, fast food drive thrus have window times where customers should get their product and leave within a certain time. Usually, that number is 25-35 seconds per person on window. If it is any longer, the employees working that shift will get less "labour," A.K.A. less hours and money. In return, the team gets less support to achieve that goal time. All a result of corporate thinking paying more people to work and suppor the floor isnt worth it, so the workers feel it directly.
@hetlerz4sken 2 жыл бұрын
I think the easiest way to to be treated well at work is to work in a job that has a skill blue collar jobs like machining, and sometimes welding, you can get into a job with zero experience and they will train you but it takes years before you know everything so they can't just get rid of you and they respect you much more
@LegendaryBrandon1 2 жыл бұрын
I would say this is more millennials that have been dealing with this shit way longer.
@AwkwardWhispers 2 жыл бұрын
The young people that I worked with... ohhhh BUDDY. They didn't even know how awesome our boss was because it was their first job. The only time they got reprimanded was for being rude, late, or unproductive. And all of that was done in private. It was a food service job. I worked there for two years and not once did anyone yell. If I wanted a day off, all I had to do was tell him within an appropriate amount of time. My boss was amazing. I really felt for him when his Gen-Z employees were showing up an hour late or doing no-call no-shows.
@PlazDreamweaver 2 жыл бұрын
They likely weren't paid enough to care. Also, your manager sounds like they do the bare mininum. They aren't "great," they're just "good."
@AwkwardWhispers 2 жыл бұрын
@@PlazDreamweaver We definitely were. It was over minimum wage plus tips. This was a small business, too. He didn't make much more than we did. I know because I closed the store every night xD
@AwkwardWhispers 2 жыл бұрын
AND we could pick the house music! All he asked for was no top 40 and no cursing. My job was great. Customers, however... D:
@lauraigla6319 2 жыл бұрын
What Dr k describes at 29 min is called efficiency wages. It's very real, and very possible to pay well and offer a good work environment. Economics 101 but managers clearly forget about it
@KanaTenshi 2 жыл бұрын
Literally a bunch of my coworkers are still staying at this min-wage job that has no upper mobility or benefits or anything, even as a part-time simply cause they like and respect our boss, cause hes always fighting for us. Its been a struggle for him to find more staff and everyone was there to support him till hes able to get more help before quitting.
@rileysimmons6572 8 ай бұрын
I worked as an EMT during Covid. It’s pretty different compared to before. Some of what you said struck a cord with me. It was odd being called a “hero.” Actually very uncomfortable. I really loved dealing with people though. It’s super rewarding to empathize with someone who is confused, misinformed, and angry and leave them better than where they started. I really miss that
@DJTS1991 2 жыл бұрын
Your description of Gen Z was the sorta similar me, as a millennial, in High School, and perhaps early workforce. I was an avid Star Wars fan, back when it 'uncool' to like Star Wars in the 2000s. The problem was people didn't criticise the movies, rather, they criticised the people that liked them. It wasn't until I had an employer, who was also a nerd, who taught me that it's okay to like nerdy things did I feel more comfortable expressing who I was in the workplace. Nowadays, I think people focus less on the people, and more on the content as its all become so engrained in pop culture. Instead, we criticise the content because we're too afraid to criticise people.
@Danielxt34 2 жыл бұрын
Recently, I could manage to get over my low self esteem and lack of confidence to get another job (couldn't keep the last one). Its my first time working full time with contract. The place, coworkers and everything its awesome, except for the time it takes to get there. 1hr+ and getting up at 4 am in the morning its the hardest situation i have faced in my life. I hope companies start to accept that there are people who cannot work in the same conditions as others.
@afreaknamedallie1707 8 ай бұрын
I am so glad you specifically brought up feedback! That's been a sudden issue for me where out of the blue I started getting corrections on how to do tasks I've been doing for 3 years and only been told "everything looks great! Thanks!" Granted, I think there's a slightly deeper issue at play, I found out the company that bought us was short changing us as their new employees on milage rates that we were getting prior to them buying us, and weird wouldn't you know it the corrections started a month after I brought up the law that that broke and a week before the new parent company announced "changes to milage pay" that returned us back to our previous pay structure. But also like, I do not WANT to be doing this work wrong. I'm in a scientific career where my job is a foundational part of my identity (toxic I know, but common in my field and a lot of research sciences) and doing things wrong isn't just an ego wound its a hit to my ability to do a fundamental part of identity. These criticisms are totally valid, I just wish I'd been given them before the incorrect methods became rote memory. 3 years is a fucking long time to be doing things wrong, and I cannot understand why it went under the radar that long. I think related to bad management, at least in my overall career field, seems to be a weirdly bitter refusal to just fucking train people? Like, I don't know how many other career Archaeologists are watching your channel to agree or contradict me, but it seems like there's a top down refusal to train newer/younger people to the career in how to do the fundamentals of our job that were never covered in anyone's schooling anyway. And even more toxically, there seems to be a refusal to just given open and clear directions and communications to company specific paperwork requirements? Friends across multiple companies have all had similar issues where we're just handed paperwork and expected to figure out how each company expects things to be done, and then people are fired or deemed incompetent for not using psychic powers to guess at what the company specific protocol is. It's baffling to me, maybe more so BECAUSE I have managerial experience even if that experience is in restaurants. Like, I would never have expected a new hire to just know how to fill out our end of day paperwork, and I wouldn't expect them to just ~know~ where things in our kitchen were. So we trained them, gave both positive and negative feedback as was appropriate, and ran a crew of people who enjoyed being around each other and could handle being slammed. Seeing the "real jobs" side of the economy struggle with such basic things like respect and comraderie is so wild.
@adsventuresome7511 8 ай бұрын
As someone who enjoys working from home, it's easier to set deadlines so I can take a proper break from work at home than it is at the office for me. I feel like I can avoid burn out better this way.
@swafflemanish 2 жыл бұрын
I've had mostly good managers. My current one is super chill and she doesn't care about anything I do as long as I do my job well.
@christineg8151 2 жыл бұрын
in regards to pay cut vs. job satisfaction, in a heartbeat! I have taken a 20% paycut to go from a mediocre boss to a decent one. If I knew I was going from a toxic environment to a good one, I'd take an even bigger one. I'm currently finishing a degree that should result in a pretty damn nice income if all I cared about was money, but I already know I'm going to be looking for a good environment rather than a paycheck. I have worked too damn hard for bosses that don't appreciate their employees to put up with it now that I'm likely to have a decent pool of choices.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
it isn't their job to appreciate you and hold your hand. they pay you money, you both agreed to the money when you started.
@ShazyShaze 2 жыл бұрын
I think the conflict between worker and employee is inevitable as long as employees aren't meaningfully represented in their workplaces. We can implement wellness policies into the structure of a private firm, and that will probably improve things. But, those policies are completely decided on by unelected bosses who have no accountability to the people said policies actually affect. Frankly, I think the employees are better suited to figure this stuff out.
@bc1173 2 жыл бұрын
did you just imply that there should be an election for people trying to get a higher position in the company that is open? are you out of your mind or?
@owenleynes7086 2 жыл бұрын
i feel like a truly good manager/management will make a lot of people willing to stay for a little less than they'd like. My work environment is very positive and I really like all my managers genuinely so the fact we dont get paid amazingly at least while im in college isnt a big deal
@zorkan111 2 жыл бұрын
Want to increase wellness in the workplace? Introduce flexible work hours wherever possible. For many jobs it's completely irrelevant whether you do your tasks between 9 and 5 or 6 and 2. Why should these workers stick to the typical outdated 9 to 5 format? Let people adapt their work time to their sleep schedule. Make it easier for people to balance their work and life schedules. From experience, that's one of the biggest things you can do for someone's work satisfaction.
@LeonKuzzy 8 ай бұрын
The invisible workforce ready to take you job has vanished XD
@soomi 2 жыл бұрын
tl;dr - Don't be quirky at your job. It's not twitter, where you can say everything you think. You can't get along with everyone at work and this literally happens at almost any job. People come and go in teams. You have no guarantee that you will always be buddies with all your co-workers. Your employer or co-workers usually couldn't care less about your personal life or interests. It's a job. Not a friendship. It's best to be neutral and not make a fool out of yourself. Only quit if you're underpaid or if your environment is literally unsafe.
@quinncyisqueer 2 жыл бұрын
i feel CALLED OUT on the harry potter situation. i was really upset with my job taking earphone privileges and even though i haven’t been happy with my job lately it’s not worth the outcome of quitting even though i really want to.
@luhan5123 2 жыл бұрын
I worked in a place were everything was ok the first months but then they started paying me less and less and didnt get me personal commissions (which as you can guess by the name, are better paid), and so I got to a point where while talking to the boss about it and the reason why I wanted to quit, he told me that I didnt know how hard it was for the mánagers to find commissions, and I told him " I got myself 11 commissions in 2 weeks, and also i see what they do to get commissions I TAUGHT ONE OF THEM WHERE AND HOW T DO IT" and he was like "I dont understand why you gotta tell me al of this when you're already about to quit why didnt you tell me before, we could have solved it" and I was like "no, because if your team wasnt gonna try and get me personal commissions after me telling you about my discomfort, then there wouldnt have been an agreement because I wanted those commissions" Like working for 10 dollars a month is really discouraging and it's specially stressing out when due to them not getting me personal job I have to do 3 Jobs: one is looking myself commissions, another one is working on those commissions and the third is working on his team's commissions because literally even the smallest work is stressing out when it can't buy you a meal and it takes up space for rest and personal commissions work time, like nothing will buy you health after living like that. And they had lost workers for the same reason before, those were the ppl I enjoyed working at the beggining, but the boss chose to hire more ppl, WHICH IS EXACTLY what got us to that point where he couldnt get enough commissions for everybody. I found no pleasure working there anymore, my friends were gone and I wasnt properly paid at the cost of them paying a stable salary yo well known artist who already were doing well at commissions and didnt really need to be there.
@saswitchcraft7881 2 жыл бұрын
I can see the benefits of working from home, but doesn't it disrupt work-life balance? I like some degree of separation, some compartmentalization between "work" and being able to live and relax in my home. At the same time, I can see how a work environment can be so toxic (or feel so unnecessary) that it would truly be preferable to work entirely from home. But I think we're running the risk of inviting some of that toxicity into our own homes...
@andergarcia4953 2 жыл бұрын
Its honestly just personal preference
@tnk4me4 2 жыл бұрын
That would be true if work was actually 100% engaging. Most jobs are 60% work and 30% finding a way to look busy and 10% useless meetings that get nowhere. Productivity for these jobs goes through the roof at home because you don't get "penalised" for finishing early and the free time it give helps more with the work life balance than working from home hurts it. So it'll work fine until management finds a way to "optimise" how people work from home and not "steal" hours. Which will drive people to be burnt out all over again.
@kinseylise8595 2 жыл бұрын
I think it depends on the situation. For someone who really values the emotional distance gained by a 30 minute commute, working from home would not be a good option. For someone who values the time gained by not driving for an hour a day or the freedom of being able to stop working when their work was done (rather than waiting around until 5 like some people say they do) working from home is a great option. It also might depend on the type of duties carried out in a particular job.
@chef_moquin9535 2 жыл бұрын
I personally found a way around this when working at home to create a bit of separation. My work laptop and PC are on the same desk so sometimes the work day never felt over going from one to another. What I ended up doing is I would get dressed as if I am going to work, then when the day is done I would change into my normal casual wear and that would tell my mind work is over.
@matthewgilfus1640 2 жыл бұрын
@@tnk4me4 There are companies that have made spyware for WFH employees so management know if they are working or not. Keyloggers, mandatory microphone and webcam broadcasting, mouse movement tracking, among a few others so you literally can't leave your computer for 30-45 seconds of time and it grades you on your "productivity" and sends the analytics to your managers.
@dogsfromthecity 2 жыл бұрын
I am someome that used to be employee in the creative business. And I was always surprised of how many of my coworkers would resign/get fired on a monthly basis because the conditions weren't up to their personal standards. I stayed working because the pay was good. And my boss wasn't the best, but as long as I delivered by end of day, he was fine with it. And I was in a mentality that I wanted to make as much money possible + have a challenge for myself. And the job was fairly challenging for me, although wasn't for others. They would always say that projects sucked, etc. We would have tons of crappy prpjects and a few very good ones, and I stayed for all the projects. Because there is always someway of making it a challenge. And once I made my own company(that is not in the crative business) .... I though it would be easier to get workers because it was not in the 'creative' field. And boy... Was I wrong. I had people leaving the comopany every month even if working hours were fairly short and work was routinely and I wouldn't bother them as long as they deliver the work. I realized the amount of young workers that are actually quite lost in how to work and persist in a job. And I shouldn't be having a mentality of 'how to keep people for the long ride'. But how to really just see the strong features of each individual and push them to do different things and learn skills that could be important for them after they leave. Once I had this view, things got much better and resignation rate dropped. They still left after a year or so, but at least work time was enjoyable until it was time to move on.
@ValentinaTeodorani 8 ай бұрын
I have one simple rule: i'm gonna do everything you want, as long as you treat me with respect, honesty, kindness and in general behave as we are equals. This of course means also pay me a good salary, give me trust (responsabilities and new fun and challenging work), not trying to play me in any way. The moment you don't do this, your dead to me
@eligoldman9200 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not lazy I’m just under appreciated because all the jobs I want are filled with boomers. Not that they shouldn’t be there but maybe the company should of offered them the ability to retire so that they don’t take the job I want. It is what it is.
@gorgmeiers2049 2 жыл бұрын
what's wrong with boomers?
@AdamKirbyMusic 2 жыл бұрын
@@gorgmeiers2049 they grew up in a world that indoctrinated them with toxic ideas. A lot of them can't get past those bad ideas.
@eddyhypnotizer2481 2 жыл бұрын
8/10 shitpost
@indigopines 2 жыл бұрын
I mean this is the kindest take I've ever seen on Boomers tho. "Just give them what they need to retire already so that everyone stops being miserable"
@RealTwistedTwin 2 жыл бұрын
Idk about others but the animated border in these videos is stressing me out. I keep following the green blob with my eyes and completely losing track of what Dr. K is saying.
@TheHaiku2 2 жыл бұрын
I recently left the healthcare industry and I remember when they started calling us heroes. Totally fucking insulting. Nothing but propaganda. Leaving was the best thing I ever did. I still have nightmares and it's been six months. I was in supply chain, fuck my life. So glad it's over. I gave everything for our residents, for as long as I could. Nursing homes having been eviscerated--just totally gutted over the last couple years.
@calvindthao95 2 жыл бұрын
Idk what it is but I feel relief that dr.k is talking about real like 9-5 people. And not encouraging everyone to quit their job or become irresponsible.
@Sinetheballwoman 2 жыл бұрын
I remember a saying that one workhorse can pull something like 100 kilos 2 can pull 300 but If the two know each other and work together often they can pull up to 600 together
@vazzaroth Жыл бұрын
Love the comparison to mental health and wellbeing the tack-on feature in gaming. Back to the roots! I am having a hard time disproving my own theory that everything going on in the world can always be seen and understood via the gaming market. It's a microcosm of the wider universe, every time!
@danielbrandstetter8713 2 жыл бұрын
@31:05 This is actually something well understood in economics and capitalism: the value of someone's labor is increased when they co-operate. This is why your labor as a programmer at google can produce more value than your labor as a solo programmer. This is why large companies exist: because me cooperating with others can increase the value of my labor as well as the value of the labor of others. Similarly, whenever two people voluntarily exchange goods or services, both gain value from the trade. Because the buyer would not sell if they did not value what they get more than what they pay, and the seller would not buy unless they value how much they got paid more than what they valued the thing they paid. Economics is not a zero sum game. This is known as the fixed-pie fallacy.
@badart3204 7 ай бұрын
In an industrialized world specifically. Historically the world is Malthusian and operates exactly as a zero sum game. That’s why we evolved to view things that way
@AnP865 9 ай бұрын
Gen X were talked about as lazy ("slackers"), millenials were talked about as lazy ("millenials"), now it's Gen-Z's turn. It's on record back in Aristotle's time, that the youth of that era were lazy.
@sweetpixiesmile 2 жыл бұрын
My dad went back to Hong Kong to work as a radiologist, after 30+ years in Canada. He took a contract job at a clinic that worked inside a fairly well-known hospital. He gave presents on significant holidays and would ask if he could perform the radiology tech procedure, not just to give them a break, but because he genuinely liked talking with patients and was always trained to the latest radiology procedures. Contrast that with the owner of the clinic, a woman who would receive 30+ extremely expensive gift baskets every significant holiday and wouldn't even leave one for the employees to share. All the techs loved my dad and really, really hated the owner. Many of them left the clinic when my dad retired.
@giorgosterzakis3286 2 жыл бұрын
First guy gave me migraine
@Moose92411 2 жыл бұрын
Thinking about wellness as a resource is FASCINATING to explore!
@foreverfirebird5712 2 жыл бұрын
I believe the reason both curly and straight hair exists, is that curly hair provides more protection from the sun. Idk if there is any benefit for straight hair, but to my knowledge that's why people in warmer areas have curlier hair.
@badwerds 2 жыл бұрын
Curly hair doesn't grow down as easy so straight hair might be better for cold climate to keep ya neck warm
@toast_on_toast1270 2 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of my old job where I was either invisible or the sole cause of every problem. Worked for 3 months then quit just before my trial period ended and it felt gooood
@stormraider2626 2 жыл бұрын
6:00 the level of stupidity of "the family" triggers my physical pain receptors, especially when I had the pleasure to experience it face to face with my parents, which led to my ultimate disappointment in my parents intelligence, and to think I was born to continue what they fucked up
@eqmaeve 2 жыл бұрын
My current and last job have both been with management either in gaming or gaming adjacent. Both executive managers that I have reported too have both been beyond toxic, to a verbally abusive point. I’m a Gen X’er and have never had experiences like this in a workplace until now. My hope is that it’s not just a general gaming industry thing, but unfortunately I’m anxious about moving to another studio or adjacent industry.
@ChaosChatOfficial 5 ай бұрын
i was thinking lately about this So, my thought process is that, while the boss is the boss, he/she needs those workers to do the job he/she pays them for And the employees understand that the boss is their boss and the reason they work is because they get paid So this creates this sorta relationship between boss and employee that has this special fine line of respect and discomfort Let me put it like this: Boss should respect their worker while also not feeling inferior And the employee needs to respect the boss to get paid while also not feeling inferior to the boss So this creates this line of serviability, where both boss and employee try to please each other based on their roles, while not overstepping this fine line It’s the same thing with guest and host, the guests have this line where while they may be a guest, they need to be polite and not cause any trouble for the host and the host has this line where he/she needs to make the guest feel welcome while also not become a doormat this is also the line where both parties must serve each other as to keep the balance of order, so who has the power in both of these scenarios? Who is the authority and who is not? My answer is, nobody since both parties are bound by these methods At least that’s how I see it
@ChaosChatOfficial 5 ай бұрын
And yes, there are many plot holes and nuances that are not explained in my comment but if you read between the lines, you can see it
@thismissivemisfit 7 ай бұрын
When I quit, I gave the excuse that my family member was sick, which was true, but that wasn't the real reason. The real reason was that the President and the managers were mistreating every single staff they have, especially the interns. The interns and I got along, and they told me so many outrageous stories before I joined. Even the other staff joined in our group, and it solidified my gut feeling that the managerial people are sadists. I left so fast, as legally as I could get away with. Good riddance, and I hope they go under soon.
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