George Lucas On The Force Awakens

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Script Trooper

Script Trooper

26 күн бұрын

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@kendrathompson5207 24 күн бұрын
Mark Hamill, Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor tried to advise Kathleen Kennedy about the projects they were in and she wouldn't listen to them. Not just George Lucas she doesn't like, but his actors as well.
@RaikenXion 24 күн бұрын
Yeh she forced the Reva character in there, interjecting and taking up screen time that should have been focused on Obi Wan's and Anakin's story. Also Kennedy is the one who made the Leia kidnap storyline get stretched out across the whole series. This is what all those script rewrites was about. It's all Kathy Kennedy she's the real poison here! She keeps influencing and in manner cases ordering drastic change ups of Creative's work. Kennedy is the one who sabotaged Jon Favreau regarding his BOBF spin-off and what happened to his Rangers show getting shelved and his 3rd Mando Season being ruined.
@Funboi68 23 күн бұрын
Well no one likes KK’s characters
@ThisHandleSystemCanGetNicked 23 күн бұрын
@@RaikenXion Source!
@Christian39521 20 күн бұрын
I wonder what would've happen if alll of them walked way. If they would've said, "No George, no me."
@christinel.9742 8 күн бұрын
I don’t remember this. Was it in a book or news article?
@vegasgone07-dh4lb 24 күн бұрын
How is The Last Jedi different? It's literally The Empire Strikes Back backwards.
@chaoticiannunez2419 24 күн бұрын
Missed opportunity to say “Empire Strikes Backwards.”
@Funboi68 23 күн бұрын
It’s far from Empire 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@BOYTOY_HEAVEN 23 күн бұрын
​@@chaoticiannunez2419(psssst... there's an EDIT tab 🤫)
@vegasgone07-dh4lb 23 күн бұрын
@@Funboi68 really? AT-ATs at the end, Rey lifting rocks, DJ betrayal like Lando, Resistance being chased like the Falcon, Rey in the Cave like Luke, entire Return of the Jedi throne room scene, Rose Tico sister in a Bomber like a Tie Bomber in Empire, Yoda training Luke again and this is just me being nice. Don't fall for talentless corporate subterfuge.
@hamza7518 24 күн бұрын
If someone is actually willing to pay 2 billion for Star Wars, Disney would be insane to not sell. Just take the money and forget everything happened.
@aragmarverilian8238 23 күн бұрын
The only good thing about the Farce Awakens was that it moved me to write and publish my own space opera. I will never forget how full the movie theater was at that premiere, or the sepulcher mood after the movie. The broken looks of the parents, and the sobbing, confused beyond measure children.
@stevena.7022 23 күн бұрын
No plug?
@aragmarverilian8238 23 күн бұрын
@@stevena.7022 No.
@chaoticiannunez2419 24 күн бұрын
There’s a guy named Nerdonymous who made a two part video that suggests that Abrams pushed to abandoned Lucas because he wanted to get away from anything even remotely prequel-like. It’s interesting stuff. I recommend it.
@phillyskyguy9535 24 күн бұрын
I second the recommendation. People also want to argue if JJ or Rian took it in a worse direction, but it was simultaneously ALL of them. They're all full of lies
@KRobinson-ko1ne 24 күн бұрын
Star Wars Apocrypha Everyone needs to watch it
@RaikenXion 24 күн бұрын
I think it wasn't just Abram's idea but Bob Iger and Kennedy's decision there, because George Lucas even told about how he walked in the room the first day of meeting at Disney, for talks about how they would go about doing the sequel trilogy, right after he'd sold it; and he said when he opened that door and walked into the office, they were already all sat down at a big table waiting for him. George said at this point he knew they had already made their decision without him, and were not going to use his treatments.
@matthewgaudet4064 23 күн бұрын
@@RaikenXion , he did share his treatment with the art people including the art director. In the very early stages they did try to add in Darth Talon and some of his ideas. Whether a script of them exists is anyones guess. Doubt Michael Arndt would confirm or deny since Disney makes them sign an nda.
@RaikenXion 23 күн бұрын
@@matthewgaudet4064 True, i mean Darth Talon was from just one of George's treatments, that one being a story about an old Darth Maul who has now become more of a crime-boss, and he trains Talon as this new kind of villain; while Leia is dealing with trying to build the New Republic. George's other 2 treatments he's not said much about, but one would go into the whole macrobiotic world of the Midichlorians; most Fans literally took this at face-value, believing George was actually going to do a sort of Osmosis Jones/Innerspace idea with the force lol. I don't think he actually meant that, it was just Lucas's poor choice of words, how he was describing his vision and ideas. And the 3rd treatment i don't know if that was the one that had the "Skylar2 character, who seeks out old man Master Luke who has ended up in self-imposed exile, she basically restores his faith in the force and he ends up training; but that's all Lucas revealed about that one. So Disney just picked the few little things they wanted from his treatments overall and discarded the rest. That's why he's never been happy with what Disney did, they ignored his overall vision and ideas.
@Dinosreviews 23 күн бұрын
May I recommend nerdonomous Star Wars Apocrypha part one video. It gives good evidence that they were going with George’s treatments until JJ Abrams got onboard. The character Kira Solo from George’s treatments, got turned into Rey.
@fizzgig000 22 күн бұрын
I'm still upset that JJ took away our chance to see the big 3 back on screen again. Killing off Han without reuniting the 3 was a total dismissal to all fans everywhere.
@RaikenXion 23 күн бұрын
5:47 I argue TLJ did not take the IP in anykind of "new direction", all it did was Deconstruct the lore and mythos. Sure, JJ didn't do anything new at all by bring back the "Empire 2.5" with the First Order. But at sametime all Rian had to do was established his movie as being set a good 4-5 years later and the FO was completely destroyed with Starkiller base gone. That way he COULD have set up "Snoke" as a wholly New and Original villain. Just because Snoke is sat in a chair wearing long robes, doesn't mean he automatically has to just be another "Emperor". If Ruin actually had a "original" bone in his body he would have had the talent and imagination to actually think up all new ideas and origin for exactly who and what Snoke is; OR just play it safe and simply make Snoke - "Darth Plagueis" which pretty much most Fans would have embraced. I disagree, TLJ didn't do anything "different" all it did was DECONSTRUCT and SUBVERT the *Lore* that's it. If George Lucas truly loved what both JJ and Rian had done with the Sequels, he would have tons to say about those movies, yet he says zip; except for pointing out they (Disney) have gone off and done their own thing with it. That tells you alot about how George TRULY feels.
@tanukidrummer 5 күн бұрын
The only reason why TLJ was so different was thanks to all the Fandom Menace parasites online giving "The Force Awakens" bad reviews online and complaining about how it was more of the same thing. Due to this, Disney went with a new director and spiced things up for TLJ, only for the Fandom Menace to complain that things were changed too much. Face it, whether it's Lucas piloting the franchise or not, the Fandom Menace is still going to be in their corners shitting their pants and bitching because the stories unfolding in the Star Wars universe aren't THEIR stories AKA the metric fuck tons of fan fiction.
@RaikenXion 4 күн бұрын
@@tanukidrummer That's wholly wrong, Disney had no intention whatsoever of even trying anything original, and they didn't use George Lucas's treatments. Rian Johnson confirmed that he was actually writing the script for his TLJ movie at the same exact time that JJ. Abrams was out filming TFA in the Wadi Rum Desert in Jordan. Rian turned in a first draft script and Kennedy loved it, she specifically chose him for his divisiveness. KK wanted a "starwars story" for her sequel trilogy that would Challenge the very mythos of Starwars and the *Lore* George Lucas helped to create. When TFA first came out there was no "Fandom Menace". Most fans liked it, then once all the huge, massive hype had died down after some weeks, that's when the realization began to set in and Fans started to truly see the hills for the trees; the reality that they had been had, and that JJ had not had the confidence or guts to truly go in a whole new direction and tell anykind of original story.
@RaikenXion 4 күн бұрын
@@tanukidrummer It's well known that Abrams is a purely "Mystery Box Director", he is obsessed with creating a mystery, making a thing ambiguous or feel that it could branch out into any number of directions; that's always been his thing. The key crucial thing here is that JJ did not do his homework, i.e. he never bothered to come up with anykind of actual backstory to any of the characters, both Legacy as well as New generation. The thing with *Star Warrs* is it's built on LORE, and alot of indepth "Backstory" to events, key characters, places etc. It's perfectly fine to introduce mystery, but you have to also provide answers to the very questions and mysteries you have set up. And so what happened here as Rian chose not to "answer" anything JJ set up. Abram's massive fault here was creating all the mystery, without having any intention of providing answers; instead his tactic was purely to agree to only doing One movie in the sequel trilogy; making sure that movie of his was as "safe" and as similar and "Nostalgic" to George Lucas's ANH, in order to win over a majority of the fans, then once Abrams had accomplished this he would step away, and simply Expect the next director that came in, to come up with the answers, and little pieces to fill in the gaps and make up part of the puzzle. Puzzle being where the FO came from, how they built up their massive war machine. Who was Snoke, Rey, what did either of them track back to? And what had happened to Han/Luke/Leia over the 30 long years that had passed? But Rian had no interest in providing any of those answers, instead he only care about telling his specific story, forgetting that the story he was hired to tell was always meant to be a "middle chapter" or episode, that would help make up this Complete Conclusion to what was always intended and meant to be the - *Skywalker Saga". And so JJ did all the "rehashing" and Rian did all the "subverting".
@RaikenXion 4 күн бұрын
@@tanukidrummer You simply can't blame the Fandom Menace for any of this, because when you create "mystery boxes" in the Starwars franchise, it's not like other popular things; fans are going to *Expect* those mystery boxes to be answered. And so what JJ did was dangerous because he created the "mystery" having no intention of answering anything himself but instead leaving it to someone else to do all the heavy-lifting coming up with the "answers." And so over a good 2 years hype and anticipation began to build and build, because "Fans" are going to naturally come up with *Speculation* and much "Theories". That's just what starwars fans do and there's nothing wrong or inherently bad about doing this; because at end of the day it was Abrams who caused this in the first place, by approaching the "Sequel Trilogy" in his exact - "Mystery Box" style.
@RaikenXion 4 күн бұрын
@@tanukidrummer Now we can moan and say - "The Fandom Menace were just all a bunch of pissy fanboys that turned ito crybabies when their precious THEORIES never got answered!" lol The truth here is by the time TLJ came around, Rian had not even bothered to come up with anykind of "Theory" of his own for exactly who/what "Snoke" was. Instead of manipulatively tried very hard to divert away from that issue, by making out Snoke was never important. However, if Snoke was never important, then how come Ben Solo brings up the very fact that Luke Skywalker had injured Snoke badly. How come JJ himself said in interviews that Snoke feared Luke in some way, that the two knew about eachother. And so when you go saying these things, as the writer/director/producer you have to be very aware that "Fans" are going to take onboard everything you say when describing the characters you have created. The Fans are Trusting you, that you know what you're doing, and that you have planned things out. When Social Media became a wash with nothing but "Snoke Theories" Rian Johnson himself took to twitter at that time (before his TLJ movie was coming out), to show the "Fans" some cards that read - "Your Snoke Theory Sucks." So it's clear that to Rian exactly WHO "Snoke" was did not matter one bit. But who Snoke was mattered to JJ, he just did not have the guts or confidence to commit his ideas to Film; most likely for fear Fans may turn out to not like whatever his ideas were. Either way it absolutely did matter to Fans, and as a Hollywood Director, hired to make a movie that's part of one of the biggest, most beloved Franchises in history; choosing to tell "Fans" that their theory sucks, regardless whatever that theory may be, no matter how outrageous it is; is a very stupid and unprofessional thing to do. What does that say about all the many kids/children that may have actually sat down and used their imagination, to think up what a certain character in a space opera series could be; how are they expected to feel when the director is literally telling them, their ideas SUCK. The Fandom Menace was created by the likes of Kennedy, Abrams, Johnson and Pablo Hidalgo. Because long before TLJ came along, they were not a Menace to anyone, they were "Fans" who simply trusted and expected that the "Sequel Trilogy" was in good hands and would be handled with respect.
@e4b611 23 күн бұрын
The reason I heard that Disney didn't want to use Lucas's sequel versions was that he would get more money per movie and character. Each character had a different price. This is why Disney wiped out all the original characters and came up with their own characters with in the sequels. None of the sequels did we ever see Luke, Han, Leia, Chewy, and Lando all together. To me this all came down to seller regret and greed from Lucas and greed from Disney and the topped it off with the woke to destroy Star Wars universe.
@ardendragoon 23 күн бұрын
I thought we were getting version of Sword of the Jedi with the twins. Nope, we got a remake of the OT, star princess gurl bosses style.
@peteypiranalover 23 күн бұрын
I feel like people need a word change when people say "They played it SAFE" My definition of safe in an IP is everything behaves actually as it is supposed to my writers who understand the core and then added new content. I like that in a sequel that is Safe but Other people's def of Safe is Copy paste continuity be damned
@EddieBloecher 20 күн бұрын
At the end of Force Awakens, I totally thought Rey was a Solo. I actually argued with a non EU familiar friend about this. I would have put money on it even. But....wrong was I. 😢
@eryqeryq 22 күн бұрын
Sometime in the next 50 years (hopefully far less), some producer is going to try to remake the whole damned series.
@robertdahl6113 22 күн бұрын
Concur, Disney has made Star Wars bad....there is fan fiction out there on the Internet that is far superior to the Sequel Trilogy....good video.
@memsybabe 22 күн бұрын
It's not so much that Disney doesn't know what they're doing, it's that they don't care. They had a once in a lifetime chance to show the fans what they'd dreamed of for so long. The original 3 characters that we cared about, after 30 years, together again. And they just ignored us. They just didn't care. Now its time for us to show Disney that we no longer care...
@sassy7766 22 күн бұрын
Wasn’t Maul’s second death you are referring to in Rebels? Isn’t that under Disney and therefore after George submitted his treatment with Maul.
@billmcdermott9647 22 күн бұрын
Yes ….if maul had been the villain. The rebels would likely have never happened
@sassy7766 22 күн бұрын
@@billmcdermott9647 more than likely. Good point!
@BOYTOY_HEAVEN 23 күн бұрын
Gotta admit, I can't abide thos sequels, yet abs fukn loved Rogue One. Was also fine with Mando s1+2, an BOBF was great fer me too, whilst Andor felt surprisingly hi qual in every aspect. Kenobi an Ahsoka wer at best 50-50 imvho, and s3 Mando a total misfire. I left out Solo cos it's 100% inconsequential to my life.
@VIPEFFECT 23 күн бұрын
They should sell SW back to them at cost
@DanielS2001 22 күн бұрын
8:45 - I can tell you why those who would have "liked it if it were different." Those are the who are brand loyal, who see the Star Wars name and doesn't give a damn about the quality. The only reason why the Sequels made any money was because they took advantage of a desperate fanbase who didn't have any Star Wars films on the big screen after 2005, despite there being an animated series with The Clone Wars. I refer to it as the Man in the Desert hypothesis: take someone you know who swears they would never touch a drop of alcohol of any kind and put them out in the desert for a day. Come back the next day with a bottle of alcohol and hold it out to them. Do you think they're gonna refuse it? No, they won't. They'll grab it and guzzle the alcohol all the way down because they'd be desperate for something to drink, regardless of whatever it is. It's that kind of desperation that got them the box office numbers they got. And it's that desperation those fans who are brand loyal are clinging onto, because to them, low quality Star Wars is better than no Star Wars. And as a result of Disney listening to the brand loyal fans, allowing for the quality to drop, the fanbase who actually cared about story and the characters barely give a crap anymore. I doubt anyone who cares about the stories and characters gives a damn about Star Wars anymore, even more so with the upcoming Acolyte series.
@matthewgaudet4064 23 күн бұрын
Disney wanted a sequel like the ot and not like the prequel, its how we got requels. Just with Han, Luke and Leia ruined and pointless. Replaced by Finn, Rey and Poe. Rose was the 4th member of this new group kind of like Lando but Abrams sidelined her in 9. Ot group was Luke, Han, Leia and Lando , Lando was the only one not ruined.
@jeffreyrivers1983 24 күн бұрын
Tweetie bird.
@user-hc9qv9yb9m 24 күн бұрын
So why do so many people keep saying episode 7 was good?
@G360LIVE 24 күн бұрын
There's some bad stuff in TFA, but there's also a lot of good stuff in there. I did my own re-edit of the film in which I removed things like Rey being a Mary Sue and Finn being a clown and Kylo Ren throwing tantrums. TFA is a really good movie when you remove that stuff. I also did the same thing with Solo. I removed L3-37's political stuff, among other things, and the movie is so good when the film has the right flow to it. However, that said, I can't re-edit TLJ or TROS, because those movies are just so bad on so many levels. But TFA could be saved in the edit, which is why people are more likely to say TFA is good than they are to say TLJ or TROS are good. I feel like people can see that there is good in TFA.
@RaikenXion 23 күн бұрын
@@G360LIVE The thing with TFA is above all it's rehashing and ripping off of ANH, it did set things up quite nicely BUT; TFA does not get off lightly at all. Imo Abrams and his TFA are equally to blame as Ruin Johnson and his TLJ because Abrams made the spectacularly STUPID idea to kill off Han Solo in his movie. Now i will point out, the killing of Han by his own son was a actual original idea of George Lucas, that Abrams took from Lucas's treatments (along with Luke in self imposed exile on some distant planet). BUT, JJ killing off Han in the first movie of this "Sequel Trilogy" actually destroys any chance of having the *Legacy Characters* back on our screens ALL TOGETHER IN THE SAME SCENES for a reunion. So Abrams caused lasting damage going into Episode 8, by killing off Han in his movie. Han's death would have been perfectly fine at the end of the middle "Episode" or TLJ, would have really made that movie shocking and dark and tragic; and atleast we Would have had one awesome, last adventure and reunion of Luke, Han & Leia et al for Ep7. Imo Abrams shares equal blame as Rian here and they both kinda sabotaged eachother here. A reunion of the legacy characters and to see them ALL interact and join up with the new characters of Rey/Finn/Poe was crucial in PROPERLY handing over that baton, passing it on to a New Generation. That would have really brought both the old generation of Starwars Fans, together with the New fans of this generation today. But now, thanks to Both JarJar Abrams and Ruin Johnson, these two generations of "Star Wars Fans" will most likely be forever DIVIDED.
@ddsjgvk 19 күн бұрын
​​​@@RaikenXion How many interviews or reports do you need to read that Ford was only coming back to play Han if Han was killed. And you fans are still winning about it. How about you should've just stopped saying the only good star wars was the OT then we could've got movies that don't rehash crap because you ''fans'' would crap on everything new So you didn't want Han killed them you never should've said bring back Luke and Co. The actors were to old for live action anyways and ford hates star wars so get over it
@RaikenXion 19 күн бұрын
@@ddsjgvk Okay so first off i'm not a OT Purist, i luv the Prequels despite their few flaws. My favourite funniest scene in TPM was when Jabba flicked that little ball creature off his balcony, and during the pod-race when Sebulba shoves Mars Guo and he crashes out when he shouts - "RAAAooooOOOh!!" I always knew Ford wanted his character killed off, I'm saying it was a huge mistake for JJ to kill Han off in ep7 because that destroyed any chance of the Legacy Characters reunion, which was crucial for the Sequels to be hugely loved. We have to be given a full understanding and insight into what has happened with Han, Luke & Leia after all of the 30yrs that had passed. Also, we deserved to spend some time with them and that's really what episode 7 should have allowed; for us to see Han, Luke, Leia back together, and going on one last awesome adventure with these new characters; and for the old dogs to have a positive relevance to Rey/Finn/Poe. Han could have still been killed off in episode 8, but giving fans that important Reunion of those characters was of most importance first.
@RaikenXion 19 күн бұрын
@@ddsjgvk Secondly it really doesn't matter how many fans kept banging on about the Starwars they love, that's what they love and supported the franchises after even ROTJ had been out, by buying the EU stuff. It was purely upto JJ.Abrams to have the BALLS to DO SOMETHING NEW AND ORIGINAL!!!! George Lucas even spelled it out in his interview afterward on 60mins. He said - "JJ made a 'Retro Movie'. Where are all the new starships? New Vehicles?" Instead we just got recycled Ralph Macquarrie designs of X-Wings and White/Black Tie fighters, more new-age Storm Troopers and a giant, massive Planet-Size "Deathstar III." Any of the actual "new vehicles/ships" JJ did have we only saw glimpses of. Like the Quadjumper, which has a really cool, compact design, but just get's blown up as soon as it's shown in the background. JJ actually had a whole deleted scene that involved a interesting design of speeder, and Constable Zuvio on Jakku; but all that got removed in the final movie. JJ could have included E-Wings in this new era of the "New Republic" but instead he chose to have the New Republic completely wiped out because he wanted to take everything back to "Rebels vs Empire". That's NOT our Fault, that's the fault of JJ not having the guts and confidence to actually go with any NEW IDEAS he may have had.
@mrorange8576 22 күн бұрын
It's really sad how the sequels turned out. Especially ep 9. At least episode 8 was better than the prequels and pretty on par with to original trilogy. Hopefully Disney learns from it and makes similar stuff in future
@BOYTOY_HEAVEN 23 күн бұрын
Serious qn tho - on what basis do u presume that Dis-knee relinquishing SW IP will lead to any improvements? Only another megacorp like Apple, Amazon, Netflix or possibly HBO Warner cud afford to buy it, an ALL thos corps have a fairly similar boardroom-based fiscal agenda to implement, thus EVERY IP acquisition is purely a means to an end. If ur argument is that other studios will dedicate *more xp or mor skilled writers/directors/producers to the brand* , then u overlook the fact that Dis-knee is also able to attract this ppl, but in the world of Hollywood DEI we presently inhabit, meritocracies no longer thrive.
@KaosNova2 23 күн бұрын
Seriously, why are people in denial about this? I mean there’s movies from every major film studio in Hollywood right now with the same bad storytelling in their films. Not all of them, but many of them.
@BOYTOY_HEAVEN 23 күн бұрын
@@KaosNova2 Yup I concur, there's really not one major hw studio that's giving us superior fare on any consistent basis - even Sony an Paramount vomit out tons of substandard dreck in between a few gems. We desperately need an entertainment revolution, an foremost that equals REJECTING the proliferation of streaming platforms wasting their billions on badly produced TV fodder fer couch zombies.
@scripttrooper 23 күн бұрын
There are many billionaires that could simply buy it with cash.
@BOYTOY_HEAVEN 23 күн бұрын
@@scripttrooper U mean like Musk??? He's not a studio, wot on earth wud he do with it, or buy it for..??
@analothor 20 күн бұрын
To be fair legends brought back sidious too but id help explaining the prophecy wasnt what they thought ot was
@ecobasetech4558 21 күн бұрын
Isn't this old news? Why are we beating a dead horse?
@OtterloopB 23 күн бұрын
The movie that killed cinema for me. Seriously, after The Force Awakens, I have _NO_ excitement for movies anymore. Disney unceremoniously killed one of the most iconic characters in all of cinema, Han Solo, and tossed him like garbage off a bridge. That broke something in me... and it was my interest in film that died that day. Let the whole industry rot. There's nothing worthwhile to be seen anymore. Disney's ruined everything.
@JN-vt7mz 22 күн бұрын
They need to stop completely
@kingbaby8761 22 күн бұрын
It's entirely George Lucas's fault. He sold Lucas Film to Disney for peanuts, and he just recently sided with Iger.
@ardendragoon 23 күн бұрын
Now we are supposed to think lucas loves what disney did to his work. Especially that trash Obi-Wan show that wrecked even more lore. Sure pablo.
@DRxFEELGOOD88 22 күн бұрын
Honestly, not a very enlightening video. ‘We’ is used a lot. Not that I disagree with any assessment, but express your opinions to yourself. I would note that the prequels were also not well received. Original fans of the series were not happy. Are most of us, now those future fans? Possibly. However, I would expect some redemption would have been had in the future for the original creator. He wasn’t afraid of any angry fanfare and I think a lot of his work has aged like a fine wine.
@moabman6803 21 күн бұрын
The prequels had some poor dialog. And people hated jarjar. People blew ot out of proportion. But they had awesome storied, and aided canon and didn't create huge plot holes.
@Lord_darkside74 23 күн бұрын
7:44 two words, Kathleen Kennedy, and her feminist agenda ideas
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