Ghosts In Depth - PDW Handgun Review

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@tempviduse 11 жыл бұрын
Driftor the 93r is the raffica. the B"23"R in the one from bo2
@MavicAVF 10 жыл бұрын
And the B34R? From zombies
@darianthescorpion1132 5 жыл бұрын
Great point. Because the B23R is actually a modified or modern updated variant. And the supposed variant that the B23R is, looks more like a modified Beretta M92. (the semi auto one) Of course with a foregrip attached to the rail under the barrel and the stock is removed. Add fibre optic iron sights, and Bob’s your uncle. The B23R
@WhiteSqweegel 11 жыл бұрын
For all people confused, the 93R is a MW2 gun. Similar to the B23R in BO2
@DeadLight63 10 жыл бұрын
I just called the B23R the Bear.
@alansullivan4993 10 жыл бұрын
@MavicAVF 10 жыл бұрын
420 rpm total, 420!!
@KEVIN-yf9ln 11 жыл бұрын
I thought it was b23r not 93r
@not_so_prohenis4881 6 жыл бұрын
It is.
@RappingLawnGnome 11 жыл бұрын
The PDW doesn't have the akimbo "attachment"
@vatsalDgreat 11 жыл бұрын
This is a weird PDW. LOL....speaking of PDW's, the BO2 PDW-57 was epic in terms of mag size! (random thought/fact)
@letsgoiowa 11 жыл бұрын
Oh, look! No word limit anymore! Found this, worth the read: Blood Brothers Carter awoke to a crash from the kitchen echoing through the halls of his home. Groggily, he rubbed his eyes and got out of bed. He wondered briefly if it was simply his brother sleepwalking, much like he often does after his football games. A quick glance across the room to see his brother facedown and snoring refuted this explanation. Suddenly, he was filled with fear as he recalled that his parents had gone to town for the weekend to visit some of their old friends from college. It took only an instant for him to realize that they had an uninvited guest. He quickly roused Abraham and hissed at him, “Get up! There’s someone in the house!” Carter’s younger sibling rolled off of his bed, groaning. “I don’t wanna…” he protested, half asleep. That response earned Abraham a slap in the face. Startled, the assaulted little brother shrieked and flailed at him in self defense. To avoid alerting the intruder, Carter muffled Abraham crudely with a hand over his mouth. He shushed him and whispered, “Mom and Dad are gone, remember? There’s someone in the kitchen!” Abraham’s eyes widened and Carter removed his hand from his brother’s face. Just then, ominous thuds from below shook the house. The two looked at each other in the hope that one of them might possibly know what could make such a noise that sounded of impending doom. Their heartbeats synchronized with the racket that was gradually increasing in volume as it neared them. Eyes frantically darting across the room, searching for a suitable hiding place, both elected to hide under their beds. The floor underneath Abraham’s bed was dusty, creating a puff of fluff when he tried to scamper to cover. Carter rolled his eyes from beneath the bed; his brother had always been a slob. They only had enough time to control their breathing before the door flew off its hinges explosively, landing right in the gap between beds. The resulting shockwave cleared dust and dirt directly into their faces, blinding them and tickling their noses. Carter scratched his nose to no avail: only a hearty sneeze could alleviate the itch. Three claws clad in gleaming chrome clacked on the wood floor with every step, scratching and slicing the polished surface. The two brothers made eye contact briefly when their eyes were tracking the movement of the feet of the beast, making an almost telepathic connection. Sheer terror threatened to overwhelm Carter. Making the slightest noise was a risk he could not possibly take. He was fighting a sneeze that would surely alert the intruder, but winning that battle may have been for naught as the armored claws turned to face his bed. Carter flattened himself to the ground and closed his eyes in preparation. It seemed to him as though an eternity passed before Abraham suddenly sneezed. A great screeching roar reverberated throughout the room, and both beds were lifted and thrown against the wall with unimaginable force, splinters flying everywhere like shrapnel as the sheer power of the impact left something that resembled a crater approximately seven feet in diameter in the wall. The perpetrator of this astonishing feat was protected in a dazzlingly lustrous plating covering its entire body. With the brief glance Carter was able to take, he noted that the creature was at least seven feet tall, somewhat slender, and the gaps in the plating exposed sluglike, slimy red-pink skin. Carter’s survival instinct took over and he caught himself running straight towards the newly-formed hole in the wall to escape. All thoughts of anything or anyone but himself ceased. Second thoughts did cross his mind as he performed a leap of faith. Luckily, he timed his landing correctly and bent his knees for impact and rolled accordingly. He instinctually looked back as he ran to see his brother just an instant behind, but the creature was in hot pursuit. Fortunately for the siblings, it was much more cumbersome and slow, nowhere near as agile as the two humans who were like rodents in comparison. Abraham had now caught up as they bolted out of their backyard and dashed four blocks away before they looked back again. By then, they had lost their pursuer. They heard its howl in the distance and shivered, either from the cold or from the bone-chilling screech of hate and frustration. Abraham said simply, “Let’s go.” So began their run across the desolate suburbs, eerily silent and lonely besides the occasional frightening sighting of a pack of the creatures. There were little to no signs of any conflict anywhere. There were no cars strewn about, nor were there any other visible refugees. They went street to street, only stopping when they needed a brief rest. They had been spotted by a pack when they had gotten careless a while back; they were greeted with a hail of red-hot steel spikes lodging themselves in the house beside them. This provided further incentive to just keep running. Neither had any idea for how long they had been running as they lost all concept of time in their panic. Carter’s breath betrayed him. A small cloud of carbon dioxide wafted into the night sky dominated by a massive harvest moon, illuminated like some kind of spectral fog by the streetlights. He tried to hold his breath and to zip his lips, but the chattering of his teeth in the cold crushed any possibility of that. In a futile attempt to slow his heavy breathing, he sucked in a chilling breath of the bitingly cold air. Abraham, irritated, motioned to keep moving. Carter doubted that he could continue for long; his rest stops were becoming more frequent. He was not in the best physical shape: he never was. His brother, however, certainly was what Carter was not. Abraham, clearly frustrated by his older brother’s lack of finesse, motioned once more before beginning to run again. Coming up to the corner of a house, Abraham nervously checked both ends of the street. He waited for Carter to catch up and shot at him, “You’re so useless. You’re going to get us killed! I should just leave you behind.” Carter, out of breath, responded simply, “Not now.” The pair continued their run from house to house, across streets, barely avoiding the sight of the terrifyingly intimidating armored monstrosities. Once they were satisfied they had achieved considerable distance between them and the creature that had found them, they snuck around to the backyard of a typical suburban home they didn’t recognize. Taking care not to activate the motion sensor and trip the lights on the porch, they made their way up to the back door. Carter took the lead and found the door cracked open, only needing to gently push it for it to swing all the way open. Once inside, he locked the door and the two siblings quickly checked the house to confirm that they were the only inhabitants. The doors were all still locked besides the back door; there was no sign of a struggle. “You need to stay calm,” Carter blurted out. “Well, you need to keep up!” Abraham retorted. Carter countered, “We need to go a little more slowly and a little more carefully otherwise we’re going to get caught; I don’t want to take my chances trying to outrun those things. Freaking out isn’t the solution. We need to think about what we’re doing because we don’t know what the situation is.” His temper rising, Abraham said, “We absolutely know what happened! Everyone’s gone and probably dead! Case closed! Now, we need to figure out a way to get back at them.” Carter considered this and remained silent for several seconds. Finally, he responded calmly, “We both saw what those...things...can do. A fight against them isn’t what either of us want if we’re going to live.” He paused briefly, his voice breaking as he tried to maintain the illusion of calmness, “I think we know why our parents didn’t come home.” The two sat in silence after that earth-shattering statement, both trying to stay afloat above the sea of grief that threatened to overwhelm them. Once he regained his composure, Abraham said simply, “That doesn’t mean they’re dead. We don’t know what those things did to them.” Carter agreed. “We have to see. We’ll make our way to the city somehow.” His eyes drifted to a pair of car keys lying on the kitchen counter. Abraham’s eyes widened as he realized what the plan entailed. A mischievous grin appeared on the older brother’s face. “Get in the car! There’s no time to explain!” he quipped, mocking one of Hollywood’s favorite lines. They headed into the garage, scanning the room for useful supplies. Abraham’s eyes rested on two bat bags hanging on the wall. They pilfered the bags for aluminum bats for the both of them to use as crude weapons. Maybe this could put a dent in that plating, Carter thought. Bats in hand, the boys climbed into a massive black Hummer. “So much for stealth,” Abraham remarked. Carter drove Abraham to school every day; he knew his way around town. The brothers agreed that the first priority was to find out exactly what was happening, meaning their priority was to get to a suitably tall building to scout out the situation and begin a search for the mysteriously missing people. It was devoid of logic: why them? Why were they the only survivors they knew of so far? Why were there no signs of a struggle? These questions weighed heavily on them both. There was no use in discussing it, for one only knew as much as the other. Keeping this in mind, the siblings rolled out of the driveway and prepared for a wild ride. The clock on the dashboard read 3:16, glowing a dim red. Carter elected to leave the headlights off in the hope that they could remain somewhat covert despite the roaring motor of the beastly vehicle. While they drove slowly and cautiously, they rolled the windows down in order to increase their awareness of the possibly-hostile surroundings. They had only made it five minutes out of the twenty required to get to town before they rounded a corner to come face to face with a handful of the creatures. The pack howled in a goosebump-raising chorus, an almost mechanical screech that certainly demolished all hopes they had of a silent journey. “Ram them.” Abraham suddenly spoke in a resolute and grim tone. “No! We’re not going near them! They’re too strong and I’ll just go over the grass around them. I don’t want to aggravate them.” Less and less time remained to make a decision as the car was barreling straight towards the group. Abraham lost his temper. “THEY’RE KILLERS!” he roared. “But we aren’t!” Carter countered. The speedometer hit sixty MPH as he accelerated in panic and a decision needed to be made in the next three seconds. Suddenly, Abraham reached over and wrenched the wheel from his older brother, swerving the car directly into a path to take out most of the group. Carter tried to fight back, but he wasn’t fueled by fury neither was he as muscular as his brother. The Hummer directly rammed two of the armored creatures like a torpedo and sideswiped a third. The sheer weight and size of the car plowed through the metal plating of the creatures easily, splattering the windshield with dark purple blood. The shock of their actions disoriented them for a few seconds before they simultaneously spotted hordes of the creatures pouring out of every crevice of the suburbs on each side of the otherwise-lonely road. This snapped them back to reality. “Why the hell would you do that?” Carter sniped. Abraham, now realizing the weight of his actions, replied in a voice broken by fear: “I don’t know… I don’t know! It just happened!” They entered the flood of reflective armor-clad creatures as if they were parting the Red Sea. They swarmed everywhere, an overwhelming force on the road. Carter had no choice but to floor the accelerator and hit as few of them as possible. By now, both brothers were yelling in terror, and they looked at one another in a moment frozen in time. Their expressions would have been hilarious to each other if they were not facing almost certain death. Red-hot spikes punctured the doors of their vehicle, coming within inches of piercing their flesh. Abraham stopped screaming and yelled, “If I’m gonna die, I want to die to good music!” and he switched on the radio at full blast. Obscene gangsta rap buffeted Carter’s ears while they rolled along at a healthy eighty-five MPH, swerving around clusters of the creatures. “I thought you said good music!” Carter sarcastically remarked as he switched the radio to another station that was playing Highway to Hell. The two laughed uncontrollably at how perfect it was for the situation. “I..can’t...breathe!” Abraham forced out through bouts of laughter. They had momentarily forgotten that they were driving through a hail of needly death while they were too busy cackling like hyenas. No longer terrified and now nearly cocky, the brothers let out a victorious hoot. Abraham yelled obscenities through the window, middle fingers up for full effect as they left the huge swarm behind and rolled into town. The tallest building in the city--the new hotel--towered above all else in the skyline. Carter parked directly in front of the doors. The teenagers stumbled out of the car, loaded with adrenaline. Abraham laughed and said, “Again! Again! God, that was fun!” Carter, on the other hand, laughed nervously. The adrenaline rush was wearing off and was beginning to tire him and make his limbs feel like lead. His heart was beating as fast as the cylinders of the car had been firing, and he felt mildly sick. Despite this, he kept it to himself and continued on his way. They entered the deserted hotel. Emergency lights flickered in the darkness, adding to an already eerie scene. Abraham whispered, “We should head towards the elevators,” and took off without Carter to the elevators lying in wait. Carter hissed back, “That doesn’t make sense! There’s no power so there won’t be power to the elevators!” Abraham either did not hear or did not care. He called the elevator, and the doors mysteriously dinged open. Carter grabbed his little brother’s beefy shoulder before he entered the domain of the lift. “This doesn’t make sense! Something’s wrong here,” he warned. “Whatever, we’re fine,” said Abraham, throwing caution to the wind. They entered the elegant, wood-paneled elevator and hit the button for the top floor. The impossible elevator shuddered and obeyed. As they ascended, the brothers remained in grim silence. Carter couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was horribly wrong. Why was the hotel completely vacant like all the other buildings? Why was the elevator working when the power was out? Nothing added up. The unknown made him uneasy; it always had. He never quite grew out of the phase a toddler goes through demanding to know “Why?” to everything that goes on around them. He was perpetually curious, when Abraham seemed content with the explanation that it’s the way it is just because. Perhaps that’s why Abraham had no problem with charging into the void of the unknown without a plan. Carter was out of his element, without a direction. He reflected that courage is overcoming fear, not the lack of fear. This reassured him a little. He clung tightly to his trite aphorisms. The doors opened to darkness. Both brothers simultaneously whipped out their cell phones to light the path. Every door along the hall was left wide open, hinges creaking. They crept along the creepy hallway to the first open door on the right. They entered the room and peered off the balcony, where they witnessed a dark and lifeless skyline with the exception of a single pair of towers off in the distance: the rival insurance agency's headquarters side by side. Their lights shone with a dazzling brilliance, looking like Christmas trees in a pine forest. "That right there could be the answer to some of our questions," Carter stated matter-of-factly as he lowered his bat to point. Before Abraham could pipe up, the brothers heard the elevator down the hall ding again. They both knew they had visitors, and they briefly hoped that whoever was on the elevator was another survivor. This hope was crushed when they heard the clanking, ominous footsteps of one--no, two of the beasts--on the floor. Sparing not a second in reacting, the brothers lined up on both sides of the door, preparing to ambush the metallic monsters with their salvaged bats. The door was already wide open; the creatures stamped on in without bothering to check what was beside them. Perhaps their peripheral vision isn’t the greatest, Carter wondered. Carter looked back at his brother, looking for approval for their makeshift plan. The brothers appeared to share an almost telepathic connection; they knew exactly what they were going to do. Abraham readied his bat and approached the one of the left silently as Carter moved to the shorter one on the right. Carter nodded. Abraham swung with full force, aiming at the monstrosity’s head but only finding the gap in the armor of the collar. He heard a nasty crunch that made him cringe, and a pathetic whimper from his victim. The younger brother looked over at his elder to see his target slumped on the ground, seemingly knocked out while Carter stood over it with a look of shock. Abraham looked back ahead just in time, for the creature was staggering backwards with powerful crushing footsteps threatening to squash his comparatively small and weak feet. He dodged just as it fell with an almighty crash. The creature was still conscious, but only just. Its twitching arms and legs suggested that Abraham had paralyzed it instead of simply knocking it unconscious. The moonlight illuminated the scene just enough to see the creature’s neck turn dark purple quickly as a blood vessel was cut from a fragment of a shattered vertebra. The creature let loose a low, pitiful howl, much like a puppy looking for its owner. Carter saw what his brother had done. It was a fatal wound and the beast did not have long to live; that much was clear. The horrible howl from the dying being elicited a feeling he never thought he would associate with such a dangerous and intimidating race: pity and an odd sense of respect. It coughed and uttered the single word, “why?” Its voice was rasping and sounded as if it was distorted. The brothers’ eyes widened as they both realized this creature could speak. Carter knelt over the creature and asked, “You...can speak?” The creature gargled and responded, “Some. Not much time left for me.” It shuddered and tried to go on. “We know you...we are like you. We were friends with man until we were betrayed.” The effort required was draining his dwindling energy quickly. Carter asked, curious, “What do you mean ‘betrayed?’” The dying beast responded with a groan, and explained, “We protected you from the darkness in the Void. We guarded you from predators. We did this until we were attacked by one of yours.” The creature’s heavy breaths became more ragged and infrequent. “We were brothers too,” speaking of the other incapacitated beast in the room. The human brothers looked back at the other one, understanding. “Spare him. We are like you. This is all I can do for him.” He only had seconds left. “You’ll learn that all you have is each other.” With this, he released his last breath and lay still. Carter stood over the body of the magnificent creature, overwhelmed by what he learned. He had no time to digest the information, however. He heard a primal roar come from behind him and suddenly he found himself unable to breathe or feel anything. He slowly looked down to see a spike protruding from the center of his chest. Abraham’s eyes registered this, and his instincts took over. He screamed an unearthly scream of anguish and rage as he ripped the spike out of Carter’s heart and lunged with it at the remaining creature. Carter heard the punch of metal driving through metal, and swayed as he found himself incapable of staying upright. An ugly rose was already growing rapidly on his white T-shirt. He felt his brother’s arms lowering him to the ground. He lay on the floor, still in shock. The sight of his brother’s face, heartbroken and streaming with tears, shook him to the core. His voice was breaking, heavy with the tone that nobody should ever have to hear. “You were all I had! You are all I have!” Abraham choked out between sobs. “Don’t leave me!” he cried. “I need you! Today should have a 80% chance of rain and a low of seventy-two degrees. The high will only hit eighty-five…” Carter was rapidly fading from life, but he knew something was off about this. There was something off about this from the start. This can’t be real, he thought. This isn’t real! He closed his eyes and embraced the end. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Carter opened his eyes. He expected to see something along the lines of a golden gate; either that or darkness. Instead, he saw the walls of his room. He rolled over and shut off the alarm clock blasting the morning radio show at an obscene volume. Why is my alarm going off? It’s Saturday, Carter remembered. He got up and got out of bed. Abraham’s bed lay vacant. He must be downstairs already, watching some baseball on TV. Carter rubbed his eyes and walked down the stairs to see his little brother exactly where he pictured him. “Sup, noob,” Carter greeted him. Abraham just grunted. “Grab your bag. We’re gonna go play some ball.” informed the older brother. Abraham looked back at his sibling, a warm smile growing on his face. “Really? Finally! I’ve begged you to play catch for weeks! Look at these guns!” Abraham flexed his biceps. Carter turned to hide his mischievous smile. He couldn’t imagine life without his younger brother.
@bendella7572 11 жыл бұрын
Can I borrow your enemies, mine kinda shoot back.
@Juan-vh7bb 2 жыл бұрын
@tyler22117 11 жыл бұрын
you cant akimbo the pdw
@123catey 10 жыл бұрын
or acog they got rid f it
@nicholastrombone9899 7 жыл бұрын
Wait yes you can put an A.C.O.G. sight on it still
@darianthescorpion1132 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah I don’t remember akimbo at all for the PDW. Back in the Ghosts Beta? However I do remember it as a 4 Round Burst before they patched at release. The magazine held 16 Rounds, and 24 extended. Just for fun I actually have a copy of Ghost that was never patched prior to release. So on that copy the PDW is a 4 round burst. I don’t play online with that copy of course.
@AlexLee-dc2vb 5 жыл бұрын
Darian the Scorpion I played so much Ghosts and thought it was really underrated, biggest problem was that the maps were too big
@alexl.4362 5 жыл бұрын
@@AlexLee-dc2vb After all these bullshit CODS that came out after Black Ops 2 and Ghosts I would agree Ghosts actually plays decent.
@Wolfs0n 11 жыл бұрын
Love the new intro. One day Drift0r will be at some big event like E3 and that intro will be the tune playing as he walks out on stage to greet his fans.
@miraie 11 жыл бұрын
Guys this is so true :x When Drift0r used a weapon (example PDW) OMG it's amazing I should buy it and beast with it! When u bought it, This is shit I can't kill anyone :( (nahh maybe few?) lol
@Cakin 10 жыл бұрын
Nigga, you are lame.
@dess.3761 3 жыл бұрын
@@Cakin jeez.
@Diegopie007 3 жыл бұрын
@@Cakin lmao
@jipjipjip2 10 жыл бұрын
Acog + Muzzle break
@MK.5198 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for putting these out so fast Drift0r. These videos help me spend my precious squad points wisely.
@hiddenfog180 11 жыл бұрын
I'm glad it sucks. Burst and automatic pistols have always been to OP since mw2.
@KageRyuu6 11 жыл бұрын
I think those holes you refer to are actually connections for a wire stock, what with the weapon being a PDW and all.
@tyler22117 11 жыл бұрын
could be, but if you look in them closely, they look like other sights
@Asian95 10 жыл бұрын
The stock located just under those sights. The VBR-PDW has three sights: iron sights, and two aperture sights.
@johncmcham 10 жыл бұрын
The real life pistol has those holes to fit a stock. If I'm not wrong, it is meant to be a high penetration pistol chambering PDW type rounds.
@SirWaffleKnight 10 жыл бұрын
johncmcham I think the holes may be sights as the stock is built into the gun but is not extended.
@julianlopez320 7 жыл бұрын
KageRyuuUji it looks like it has black reticles mabey they are small flip up sights
@Th3OnlyCaptain 11 жыл бұрын
Driftor you have inspired me to start a channel of my own and I almost have reached 400 subs thank you guys so much!!!
@richhomietrevon778 11 жыл бұрын
@TWH-lp4bn 4 жыл бұрын
@@richhomietrevon778 Same what? 6 years later 2 subs no vids
@KSeigY 11 жыл бұрын
Not to nitpick, especially since we get what you mean anyway, but I believe I hear 93r, in reference to BO2, (which had the B23R). Just mentioning it (even though it's inconsequential as a detail), since you tend to focus on getting every detail right (a trait I appreciate your having) to the best of your ability. As a positive note: You're doing a great job on the ghosts in depths. The usage notes and data are a great help as usual. Gonna have some knowledge come the XOne release). Keep up the great work! An experimental guide (done by estimates from raw usage, rather than code, if necessary) to weapons and etc. for the survival mode might be possible, though maybe not to the same precision as in depth.
@Statusinator 11 жыл бұрын
Drift0r I know you must be quite busy right now with Ghosts and all but I'm sure that many of your fans would appreciate another Epic Dream-episode.
@KEVINFERN0 11 жыл бұрын
As always, thanks souch for putting the time in to do these informative and accurate analyses. Much appreciated!
@ZERO-MH7 11 жыл бұрын
Those tubes or sights on the left and right of the laser dot is for transishoning from left hand to right hand to shoot like gears of war style around corners from all angles. Its more convenient that to just "guess" pot shots in a bind
@LonExNeWb 11 жыл бұрын
Keep up the good work. It helps me know more about ghost and instead of comparing and complaining about this PDW to bo2s version, I'm giving this vid a thumbs up.
@requiemunchained 11 жыл бұрын
Humiliating an ememy is tbagging them xD
@killjoysplace 11 жыл бұрын
1:25 looks like we got ourselfes a camper. Good job Driftor!
@wymondgoolsby8070 11 жыл бұрын
the raffica and 93 r are the same thing u know 4 your future vids (:
@umidkwhattomakeit 10 жыл бұрын
I think he meant 23r, as in the b23r.
@julianlopez320 7 жыл бұрын
Evan Welch yeah Beretta 2023 raffica or b23r for short
@LaZyd3mOn 10 жыл бұрын
His voice is soooo soothing.I almost fell asleep.Good vid driftor anyway love the series
@dillonc7955 9 жыл бұрын
I hate how ghosts doesn't have camos or customizable stuff for your secondaries. There's almost no incentive to going with a pistol if you can't complete any rewarding challenges along the road. Thats one of many flaws in this game.
@kevinsanaee682 11 жыл бұрын
In depth off the grid!!! Ty for the good update
@maximas95 11 жыл бұрын
The new in depth intro song always reminds me of the Game of Thrones theme song at the very beginning lol
@Statusinator 11 жыл бұрын
Those holes Drift0r spoke of looks like attachment-points for a telescopic buttstock, similar to the MP7.
@jamesorthebombdotcom 11 жыл бұрын
Drift0r the 93R in BF3 but in Black Ops II it's called the B23R
@olivierkoster 11 жыл бұрын
ur right its also called raffia 93r in mw2 + 93r and b23r are different guns all together
@Underdog74745 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info driftor, you're hard work does not go unnoticed
@kathuzada41 11 жыл бұрын
ITS THE B23R GOD DAMNIT. I had to get that out of my system. Keep up the good info.
@francissteitz1310 11 жыл бұрын
@vatsalDgreat PDW is just a sub-category of SMG's and machine pistols. It stands for personal defense weapon.
@b33croft 11 жыл бұрын
My Ghosts RTC live comm series uploads daily! Take a peek, cheers!
@darianthescorpion1132 8 жыл бұрын
I don't like it either. Like you said, the PDW is a Sniper's last resort, but I still just use any other pistol with a Sniper Rifle. I really enjoy the M9A1 with the Tactical Knife instead. Maybe it's just me, but Tactical Knife reduces the M9's kick. There's less noticeable view kick given the fact that the gun is held out farther or something.
@Schlitzeye 11 жыл бұрын
im german, but i enjoy looking your Videos, they are so helful thank you for the in depth episodes!
@hummanuhblubberrumma 11 жыл бұрын
OMG I was yelling at him so much! the B23R was in BO2 the 93R is another name for the M93 Raffica, as seen in MW2
@nhrunner 11 жыл бұрын
I like the intro music!!
@andy642k 11 жыл бұрын
Love how some people who have played COD automatically become firearms experts!
@Skreeze_Nuts 4 жыл бұрын
Lol wtf that makes no sense
@roebbiej 11 жыл бұрын
Your intro is better than ever before!
@BombedOut 11 жыл бұрын
Drift0r, you should start doing the sleight of hand reload time as well and maybe some of the other weapon-affecting perks.
@fromach 9 жыл бұрын
This is going to seem completely random, but I actually got to use this gun in Fallout New Vegas. I am going to assume that the mod that spawned the PDW(renamed to the VBR Pistol) is called Book of Earache. It was available on Nexus, but some flamers got a massive reaction from the author and got him banned and now it is only available on ModDB. It has a 17 round mag, fires semi-automatically, and uses the 9mm Pistol's reload(animation and time). I think the damage was around 45. It has mods, but you can't apply them normally because there is some quest or something to get "Permanant Mods" removable only at a Workbench.
@MegaUbernator 11 жыл бұрын
The red dot seems to make the PDW kick more :P Its probably just cuz red dot is more accurate so its more noticable.
@SharkOfTheRedSea 11 жыл бұрын
I've watched sooo many In Depths that I knew exactly how Drift0r was going to review this gun before watching this video. I had the same issue with people stepping away from my burst and I would only hit them with 1 or 2 shots. Not a fan but have been using it cause I actually like the iron sights, B23r was way better.
@movies4kids2 11 жыл бұрын
In BO2 it was the B23R, the 93R was in Battlefield 3 :)
@BLACKWOLF129075 9 жыл бұрын
93R?? Cant think of a gun in bo2. Unless he meant b23r
@devackroyd 9 жыл бұрын
BLACKWOLF129075 The B23R was supposed to be called the 93R but wasnt due to licencing issues, I also think that he had Battlefield 3`s 93R on the mind!!!
@gordonf5553 9 жыл бұрын
The B23R (Beretta 23 Raffica) is a fictional weapon based on the real life M93R (a mp version of the Beretta 92 pistol (aka M9)).
@dillonc7955 9 жыл бұрын
The b23r doesn't exist smart aleck. The M93R is the real thing and it was called the b23r in black ops 2 due to gun licensing issues. I hate how you nerds get cocky just because you don't know what a real gun actually sounds like.
@RyanIdlett 8 жыл бұрын
+Gordon Freeman I see you went to the xboxahoy school of knowing fictional guns information
@peanutbutter6667 11 жыл бұрын
i dont even like cod but i like these videos
@eddiea.1916 11 жыл бұрын
@BobJo M93 Raficca was the burst pistols in MW2.
@NinjaMouseGames 11 жыл бұрын
Driftor, you should do one on Fully loaded V.S Scavenger
@TwiistyEU 11 жыл бұрын
Please pump these out asap drift0r. I don't know what guns are good
Guys, I hope you know that PDW not is a specific gun in real life. It stands for Personal Defence Weapon, which could be a burst fire, fullauto or semiauto pistols, machinepistols or submachineguns.
@tigersbaseball2388 10 жыл бұрын
Maybe there would be less recoil if the designers allowed the character to hold the grip on the pistol..
@John_BP 11 жыл бұрын
kids that started cod on mw3 are so confused, lol.
@KornColonel72 11 жыл бұрын
what do you mean?
@John_BP 11 жыл бұрын
KornColonel72 Exactly, one person got it.
@Adam-tu1qx 10 жыл бұрын
I love this pistol! I just finished getting it gold
@S1eth 11 жыл бұрын
best used Akimbo with steady Aim and Dead Eye.
@KeArY1324 11 жыл бұрын
Best intro ever
@CassiusCle 11 жыл бұрын
The holes on either side of the sight are there for the option to attach a stock in real life I believe
@thekingbradable 11 жыл бұрын
I miss the KAP 40 :(
@gabrielcaleb763 11 жыл бұрын
The rate of fire is blazin it
@RobertLambertsonofficial 11 жыл бұрын
I've liked all the current gen cods except MW2 after nube tubes were discovered and MW3 in general.
@FrankieHiltz 11 жыл бұрын
How the fuck do you say all that stuff, in every episode, and not mess up .-. Drift0r's the best commentator !!!
@obzcura515 11 жыл бұрын
Is there a possibility that the CoD franchise is trying to phase-out the OP machine pistol? Focus more on the semi-auto pistols or move the game into the direction where most of the fire fighting will be with a primary. Personally I would prefer the raffica or the dr32 over most primary SMG or AR's.
@CrunksUchiha 10 жыл бұрын
Why don't you ever talk about the guns in terms of hardcore mode? Everyone I know plays in hardcore. I play both, so having at least a few comments in terms of HC would be a great help. Just an extra 30 seconds is all I ask and I can guess that a few other players would be happy with that. I enjoy your videos and have been subscribed for a long. That has been my only complaint. It wouldn't affect many people, but the minority would love that. Keep it up Drif0r.
@katfish1936 11 жыл бұрын
there is no akimbo option on this pistol
@ShikayHawken 11 жыл бұрын
All pistols are actually for last chance to fight back, so its fine if it has low amount of reserve ammo
@RaiZeOfficial 11 жыл бұрын
vatsalDgreat the pdw isn't a weapon its a type of weapon. Pdw means personal defence weapon. This includes guns like a mp7, p90, uzis and tons more
@GreyWolfLeaderTW 11 жыл бұрын
It seems to me that Infinity Ward has been upping the ante by adding or changing weapons which need practice and skill with to be good with them, what with this PDW and the Magnum's limitations and quirks.
@killerquan1 11 жыл бұрын
You Should Do The .44 Magnum Or The ArX Assault Rifle.
@kigo555 11 жыл бұрын
Not to sound like an attention to detailer but Drift you keep saying the 93R in the Black ops 2. When in acuallity its the B23R. Just thought id point it out. Great vid though brah!
@xXxTikayoxXx 11 жыл бұрын
This. Kept bugging me, because the B23R is my favorite pistol in BlOps2.
@TheWtf211 10 жыл бұрын
@awesomez46 11 жыл бұрын
can you do a video on the night owl kill streak because a have no idea what it does
@rooneyfire9901 11 жыл бұрын
the b23r was like the auto 9 from robo cop this thing looks like something straight out of star wars or star trek
@bobscneuben4573 10 жыл бұрын
I wish you could akimbo, would be really fun, kinda like dual KAP40s
@kkrummelrhs 7 жыл бұрын
The burst delay is too long or the burst RoF is too slow to make it useful for close range use. The Raffica or B23R in past games could compensate with a high burst RoF minimal burst delay. The PDW does neither and I'd rather be able to control the RoF
@giffordoppatumis5631 11 жыл бұрын
923R Driftor has already transitioned into ghosts lol B23R
@n00blyLP 10 жыл бұрын
oh that gun actually exists, its either VBR or X-VBR, not entirely sure. In real life though its a 4 Burst I think
@Kevlashnikov 11 жыл бұрын
Drift0r can you do wall test? Those were extremely helpful
@TheAssassinOfAwesome 11 жыл бұрын
Can you do an In-Depth on I.C.U. and the Thermobaric Tactical Grenade sometime soon?
@BelodyEpic 11 жыл бұрын
this video dosent play for me, it just says an error has occured
@Guitarjamzfan 11 жыл бұрын
Nice video, keep the good content flowing. Ps. You should do ARs next on in depth.
@jonathanwithers8380 11 жыл бұрын
I think the pistol your talking about from black ops 2 is the B23R not the 93R
@jaquisereed51 10 жыл бұрын
Use the pdw=muzzle brake no lethal or tatical. For perks use dead eye,marathon,scavenger,and sleight of hand and this gun will dominatw even at long range trust me.
@TheJeevo92 11 жыл бұрын
I did 20 matches with this pistol and I gotta say it's a good Cranked gun.
@minglifoo2323 11 жыл бұрын
the raffica was such a beast, but it didn't really shine that much cause in mw2 every gun was a beast:D
@TheCard309 11 жыл бұрын
I loved using that silenced as a secondary :D and it bugs the hell out of me that everyone keeps complaining that Drift0r said it wrong. He even says the 93r in MW2 during the video.
@minglifoo2323 11 жыл бұрын
@RockyLXXXVIII 11 жыл бұрын
I only using it with sniping classes so I have a great close range weapon
@WingsTK 11 жыл бұрын
Could you do a reveiw of the chain SAW?
@NitromeSupporter 11 жыл бұрын
its like the lawgiver from judge dredd, less so than the Kriss Kard Kap-40 from blops 2
@TheFleetAdmiral33 10 жыл бұрын
"I didn't like the PDW akimbo".... uhhh, drift0r, do you actually test these attachments or have you been lying? :P
@scrumpypancakes406 10 жыл бұрын
The PDW oddly looks like the first, non-DLC machine pistol in BRINK.
@tylermoffett1721 11 жыл бұрын
Please do dmr's next i would like to know your thoughts on each of them
@Highkagex 11 жыл бұрын
So the moral of this video is that it is a balanced pistol. Not meant to be a primary gun. Thank yow IW
@Guelua 11 жыл бұрын
That thing is beast
@r0yaltyproductions642 11 жыл бұрын
The raffica IS the 93r in bo 2 it was b23r get your facts driftor
@goofygorilla39 10 жыл бұрын
this gun has a similar reload animation that the pp2000 had on mw2
@quickB0B 11 жыл бұрын
bless you infinity ward for rewarding the pros with reload cancel and rewarding the noobs with a hell of a lot corners to sit in!
@jarnea.7988 11 жыл бұрын
it's B23R, gee drift0r i thought you would know that :o
@henryingleson304 11 жыл бұрын
Bob it is the b23r not the 93r he is gone crazy since bo2
@francissteitz1310 11 жыл бұрын
Drift0r, the PDW doesn't have akimbo because they don't want another akimbo FMG9 situation.
@kfactor99 11 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure you can't akimbo the pdw. I was looking for the attachment and didn't see it. I could be mistaken but I am pretty sure.
@zombieisland 11 жыл бұрын
I looked for it and I didn't see it as an option either which means only semi autos can be akimbo'd?
@xxsilentminixx1360 10 жыл бұрын
When i use it it sucks but when bots use it its a one hit kill
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