Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Gameplay - Final Boss [Part 75]

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@BladeOfLight16 11 жыл бұрын
I think it was so bad because it didn't advance the plot any. The reason we wanted another Golden Sun game is because we wanted to know the rest of the story, both missing things from before GS and TLA and what followed. Dark Dawn just brought in a bunch of new elements that it didn't resolve. The dumb thing is that adding things wasn't even necessary. The originals had plenty of depth and missing pieces to work with. It felt like an attempt to drag the series on instead of continuing the story.
@PixelleHearts 13 жыл бұрын
@teker33 yeah...its kinda been confirmed that this game was a standalone spinoff...the real series will restart with the dark psynergy story supposedly.
@Turtlebear 13 жыл бұрын
Here's what u do.... set the Djinn Chasm to Matthew or Himi and just have him/her use Chasm, set it back to him/her then repeat. Boss will deal like 10-20 dmg to u whenever chasm is in effect. When i fought this boss, my Rief and Karis couldn't even heal for more than 160 hp for all party members. My party was around lvl 46-47. And the characters I dont usually use were around lvl 42.
@Turtlebear 13 жыл бұрын
@Atstyle agreed. I thought that song wasn't bad too, but I'm talking about mainly the "town" songs, some of them made me cringe and didn't want to stay there for too long (1 of many example: The default Belinsk music, it was just straight up horrible)
@Turtlebear 13 жыл бұрын
@Jonnycastaway32 the older version's music were better than GSDD imo. However, the puzzles in older versions were soooo much harder than GSDD, i could figure everything out by myself on GSDD while I had to read walkthroughs playing GS 1 and 2.
@Turtlebear 13 жыл бұрын
@Lertic it wasn't an epic fail. Graphics, and gameplay wise was pretty good. I didn't like some of the repetitive puzzle solving in every single map of a dungeon... also the music in this game is just horrid.
@Turtlebear 13 жыл бұрын
@CtrlAltRepeat Thats exactly my party, except they were lvl 46 lol Svetta is just a powerhouse... sooo strong, did like 700 dmg to the boss every normal hit (no synergy)
@Turtlebear 13 жыл бұрын
@Jonnycastaway32 the old game was even worse D:.. i just love the combat system and storyline... the puzzles and music is just horribad =/
@Jotari 13 жыл бұрын
For this battle i noticed he was weak to Thor so i made full use of six of my characters (every except Karis and Sveta). You know increasing attack using Odyssey and summons repeatedly with regular switching. When he did manage to kill the four characters I had out all at once my party switched to my four other characters (including the completely fresh wind adepts) so then I simply blasted him with four Thors finishing him off. He wasn't an overly hard final boss but compared to everything up
@FroslassManiac 13 жыл бұрын
I defeated the beast with all chars around lv 41. I found it sad how quickly my summons became stronger so fast. (I was mainly spamming with djinni's doing their moves... I really love Void, Shell and Bark. They really prove theirselves useful against such powerful bosses, mainly void. :D) 1st judgment: 396 damage. 2nd judgment: 1568 damage. 3rd judgment: 2943 damge. seriously... :/ and crystalleux was insanely powerful...
@DrakeSilvos 13 жыл бұрын
o.o I was lvl 40 when I got to this fight. XD what a nitemare. Strange that I fought Doom Dragon at the same level. :/ but why is Chimera being compared to Doom? DD seems more like the first GS, in that its the first part of a new story, so I think this is more like Fusion Dragon. (More proof being that the first battle is the fight with the three who fuse into the final boss. ^^)
@omega197 13 жыл бұрын
@Zant91 in 3-4 turns, well ,that would make sense, now try it without djinns. it was more fun since no pure wish and other great psynergies.
@Azunai4 13 жыл бұрын
Sadly I knew at the very first point that I would fight volecheck when I saw that monster first. I dunno. I beat him on the first try, GS2 endboss took me half of a year (xD?). Even GS1 was much harder... I guess. So what's left to say? Ah. Yeah. I WANT GS4 T__T
@UNOwenWasMe 13 жыл бұрын
got information that they started with GS4 for 3DS... question: can u play 3DS games also on DS i/light/normal??????
@ladatree 14 жыл бұрын
@Traip20-I doubt that there will be a number 4, because Camelot said if we don't do another one you will have to imagine the outcome But it would be pretty cool though
@Jotari 13 жыл бұрын
compared to everything up to that point his difficulty was ridiculous. Noting in the game managed to even knock more then one of my characters out at once up until this guy
@mariokarter13 13 жыл бұрын
I'm at this point in the game and I was STILL questioning whether I was fighting the final boss! Haven't defeated it yet, but I've only tried it once so far.
@Atstyle 11 жыл бұрын
To be honest This game is very good. The only thing it lacks from the originals is a arena mode, and the removal of point of no return. If you are a true fan of the series you'll see that the story makes perfect sense and that DarkDawn was the intro of a much bigger story. After all the real issue still lies in the mysteries of psynergy vorteices and Mt Aleph. Just hope that they make a unrestricted sequel for the 3ds(no point of no return and return of arena mode w/ online)
@vrigash 12 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up, if u perferred the old 2D games. Golden sun:ds was the only Jrpg i was looking forward to in aa long time, and they BLEW it. Sorry to say this, but all the chars in this game are just so damn bleak,no challenge and sorry for saying this but im tired of ds grafics,i find them worse than psx1, i know grafics dont make up for a good game only, but with all these things combine it just make a shitty game. What i miss most is the slick combat the other games had..well enough bitching.
@kitsunade 13 жыл бұрын
@vrossv i agree with you well the game wasnt a let down but like the last boss was the only boss that actually made me struggle and i actually had to go back and lvl up a bit to be on par with him and even then i had to be careful. its odd like he isnt tough per say but the longer the battle drags on the harder and harder it gets and the weaker i seem to become so i have a specific way of killing him as fast as i can
@superfakerbros 13 жыл бұрын
@Kashlikaro The Chaos Wolf or whatever it's called didn't use those moves till a couple of turns later and all my characters had between 500-1000 HP so I guess that's how and I ALWAYS continuously used Rief to heal my characters except for the first turn. Buklao I would mostly attack with that Sword Sol or whatever but if a character died I would revive him or her with his reviving Psynergy, Tyrell usually buffed my party's defense but if I couldn't buff them anymore I would just heal
@Kashlikaro 13 жыл бұрын
@superfakerbros In later levels (70+) Hitting them normally is better. Psynergy scales, if not at all, slower than your melee attacks with your level. Psynergy is still useful for deal with huge groups. I'm not including Psynergy that litterally multiplies your attack, like Death Plunge or Psynergy Lunge. I have no clue how you managed to not get completely dominated by Choas Uprising and Dark Ruin or whatever that attack was called in one turn before you could heal.
@superfakerbros 13 жыл бұрын
@Kashlikaro Psynergy does FAR more damage on enemies than with attacks or at least when I fought the boss. I just skipped the soldier and went on to battle the final boss and I was at level 40-41 with everyone of my characters. I also didn't have any Waters of Life, I just used Rief and Buklao (I named the main character that) to heal and bring back my characters while Sveta attacked and Tyrell buffed my party's defense. That was my strategy and it worked, but it took a while.
@gerulphos 13 жыл бұрын
This boss is so weak. I was expecting something epic like GS 1 & 2 bosses but I just got disappointed with a stupid dog with four arms and wings. I love the 2 previous games but this one its not good compared to the them. The only thing I really liked in this one were the summons and the music (dam Benlisk music is so fking fun LOL). The story is not so bad, kinda the same line of GS 1 & 2. Now I must wait for the GS4 and see whats coming with the psynergy vortexes. BTW I hate Dullahan XD
@Jonnycastaway32 13 жыл бұрын
@Turtlebear Well I will be buying the game soon enough to get the feel for the music. We share a common ground as far as the battle system. However if the music doesn't grab you in the battles and stuff it leaves a bit to be desired so I can see how it would overall kill the experience. What do you mean exactly by the old games were worse. Are you referring to the puzzles or the music? I personally think the music kicked all kinds of butt.
@Jonnycastaway32 13 жыл бұрын
@Turtlebear Well WTH when a great game goes to freakin awesome and then you wait a century to release the next one. First you have the stress of hungry fans. Then they tend to over exagerrate how cool the next games needs to be. Then they start finding everything wrong with the game. Even the fact that the old characters are not really in the game and the music sucks....its a DS you can't expect HD quality unless you maybe have a 3DS.
@astronautis1674 13 жыл бұрын
@Hemmingfish Wrong. Dullahan can be beaten - without being lvl 99 or summon rush. I beat him with a party from lvl 51- 54 and i wasn't doing the summon rush just have to heal party almost every round (with Mia or Jenna) use a djinn or two once in a while and then summon once or twice. With a little patience and thinking Dullahan was dead in about 20 mins :O YEAH it took long!! P.S. I entered the fight with all djinn SET, so I didn't have any decent summons for about 4 rounds.
@WeirdGuy983 13 жыл бұрын
I don't know why everyone thought that Doom Dragon was so hard, it obviously means you weren't prepared to fight doom dragon...did you all think that the final boss at the final lighthouse would be easier? I thought this boss was the hardest since there was no way to know how hard or what level you needed to be due to the new gaming system and how easy it was to level in this game
@shanemason789 12 жыл бұрын
How do you get that much HP??? I only have 400 to 500 per character, and Tyrell has 700. I am at the last boss, and he wipes me out every time :(
@Atstyle 11 жыл бұрын
weapons unleashes and psynergy is also my fighting style, I like keeping the stats boost from djinnies. but using summons early on in fights raises your elemental power AND resistance which then boost the strenght of your psynergies. Using a psynergy at default elemental power versus maxed elemental power makes a good difference.
@AlwaysShamo 12 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but I completely disagree with your "this boss is pretty tough" statement. I literally dominated him in two turns by summon rushing. And that was after I had already failed by fighting as I normally would and thought, "What the heck?" and summon rushed. This boss was a joke, and the game should have been a lot more challenging.
@fallenvash 13 жыл бұрын
@Kazdal567 We do not know if it will be on the 3ds. Threre is a chance there will, however that chance will diminsh if by some odd chance the 3DS doesn't sell well, which despite the outrageous $300 price tag is unlikely. Too many people will buy it, all fanaticly foaming at the mouth because they NEED to get it for their kid.
@BPlor 13 жыл бұрын
My predictions for the next Golden Sun: Isaac and Garet are missing. You can on the lead of Felix's son. Norwell will be your "Mia" for the main party. Or maybe Pier's son. Final boss would be at Sol Sanctum to discover the truth about the vortex. I thought this game's boss would be a 4headed dragon. Then next game would be 5 headed. That wouldve been awesome
@zamoracfsiempre 12 жыл бұрын
golden sun 2> golden sun 1>>>>>>>>>>>>> golden sun dark dawn. very good game, but it´s adisapointing sequel. why is not alex the final boss??
@Raballer 13 жыл бұрын
K couple questions! Is it dealt not possible to get anywhere else in the game?? Like in the world map I mean. Like down to where golden sun 2 took place and crap. Also, what are te best blades in this game and where is they? Finally, WHERE THE F IS FELIX,JENNA,PIERS ETC!!!!
@SujinKroners 13 жыл бұрын
@CharlyyHD yer ikr. dont know why they didnt keep the art and graphic style simple like it used to be. when i hear of golden sun 3 comig out, i was expecting it to have all the gameplay elements, graphic, play style etc etc kept the same, plus new content. i wasnt expecting this junk.
@SujinKroners 13 жыл бұрын
@GRH235 ikr. this looks like some Nintendo 64 graphics. Why couldnt they just keep the original gameplay style, character art, original summon animations and new summons and original graphics. this is just a big let down with a bunch of characters and summons that look like lego blocks.
@pankoe1 13 жыл бұрын
@sunwolfgod i'm curntley lvl 50 just set all djinn standby then unleash a catastrophe and 2 deadalus try to keep em alive till the missles of deadalus have been hitted then when that team is death just keep usign remainign summons after a few attacks tehn he shoudl be death
@CommanderBroShep 13 жыл бұрын
@Arkenes I'm in the mid 40's when I got to this fight, I just got extremly lucky thanks to Himi's Weapon Grace and Sveta's Beastform. =/
@shockzz1234 12 жыл бұрын
Don't worry guys! There WILL be another game, because they can't just leave it like this! Alex is still alive and where the hell have Issac and Garet gone? Maybe to stop Alex? If there wasn't another game then that will be pretty stupid of them.....
@superfakerbros 13 жыл бұрын
@Kashlikaro a character that was low on HP or switch him with Karin so I could inflict massive damage or heal. I more or less defeated him by this strategy. Could thing Jupiter was his weakness, though otherwise I would've been screwed.
@NXG0DL1K3 13 жыл бұрын
This game disappointed my expectations so much... when i saw this game on release i was so excited.... But when you play it, you realise that camelot ruined it :/ But hey im a fanboy for Golden Sun no matter the situation. Just didnt reach my expectations :/
@Atstyle 13 жыл бұрын
@crazyforvideosdx nostalgia? to me this game is an improvement in everything xcept battle difficulty. story-wise, gameplay-wise, innovation-wise, oh and also music wasn't as good xcept for the normal boss theme which was my favourite of all 3.
@itachidia 13 жыл бұрын
damn.... i just bean this game 20 mins ago... the cliffhanger at the end pissed me off. there are too many unanswered questions i have about this game. its still awesome though! the last boss was a pussy and was way too easy. doom dragon was 5x harder
@Morrnsta 14 жыл бұрын
Man...the boss doesn't get a cool screenshatter like Doom Dragon.. And the music is way dreary.. 12:08 Kingdom Hearts is summoned wtf
@Kashlikaro 13 жыл бұрын
@superfakerbros Because for the most part, Psynergy sucks. Anyhow, grind on the soldiers you fight at the tower for a while. You gain crazy levels and Waters of Life. What were your classes? It affects attacks alot.
@SpookGod 13 жыл бұрын
@koerund No offense but that's a really stupid question. You can't run newer games on older consoles/devices. It just doesn't work that way. Same reason you can't run SNES games on NES, or PS3 games on the PS2.
@SujinKroners 13 жыл бұрын
ugh...if there are no flashy moves in the GS:DD, then I dont wanna play. I played the other versions for the awesome BGM SFX and Awesome looking and strong moves...If it gets lame like this then I dont want to play.
@kitsunade 13 жыл бұрын
in order for these bosses in golden sun to be really tough and i mean like you gotta super struggle every one could die in one or two hits you gotta fight them at around lvl 45 maybe 50 that makes them so exciting and tough.
@Jonnycastaway32 13 жыл бұрын
@Turtlebear All that said I believe that the repetitive puzzles could get anybody so you have some grounds for argument there. I just think that if you feel that way you should go play the old game over.
@mastafresh14 13 жыл бұрын
you know whats funny i use both partys the first time and lose to him with all my summons i say to hell with it and use my main party mattew Karis tyrell and rief killed him without summoning once -_-
@RetroPokemonDepot 13 жыл бұрын
When Golden Sun went from the Gameboy Advance to the DS, it worked well, unlike some other games that made that transition.
@DrakeSilvos 13 жыл бұрын
Also Retribution is an evil attack. >,< One turn: Retribution, then Darksol Gasp, and finally Chaos Upheaval. Me: *blinks*
@Atstyle 13 жыл бұрын
What i like to do in that part is beat the 1st part of the fight using gaia blade, then when they merged into 2nd form, i switch for sol blade. it makes the whole fight funner.
@ctrlaltrepeat6599 13 жыл бұрын
@Turtlebear my party had Matthew, Eoleo, Sveta, and Amiti. They were all level 52, but it was still difficult. My strategy was to use Eoleo's djinn to increase attack, then use chain.
@PixelleHearts 13 жыл бұрын
@HeadshotPwnage2 its a storyline won't be able to advance without it....and you only get it before the end boss to trigger the last two boss battles...kinda pointless...
@kitsunade 13 жыл бұрын
man this fucker was so hard i was at lvl 48. i think what made him tough was the retribution coupled with the smash move he does can seriously devistate your party at that lvl
@JasonEkonomakos 13 жыл бұрын
am i missing something because it was never explained where Alex went, i know he fought those two idiots, but nothing was explained, how do i know if he died or something
@DarknessIsThePath 13 жыл бұрын
It also depends on how lucky u are. for instance, everytime he used Retribution 1 or 2 of my characters died instantly 1 KO...-.- even if their helath were 900...-.-
@Hemmingfish 13 жыл бұрын
@astronautis1674 Dullahan doesn't really count, though. The only possible way to win is to be all level 99 or summon rush. The doom dragon was designed to be fought properly.
@SerbLOLguy 13 жыл бұрын
i beat this guy at lvl 65 with main party. When 1 guy dies it fucks me up and i hate how he attacks 3 times at once and ive never fought the doom dragon :L
@BoydTheMilkmanX 13 жыл бұрын
@itachidia That's kind of the point. If Doom Dragon was weaker than this thing, that says a lot. Isaac and Felix went through a lot more than their descendants do.
@AlwaysShamo 12 жыл бұрын
Yes, which I tried just for laughs after trying to beat him legit with psynergy and whatever. And it was a laugh, seeing how I beat him in two turns.
@Atstyle 13 жыл бұрын
@lustdany well i think it would be epic to see him gain enough power to call back from the dead Saturos an menardi to make us fight them then face him
@Mdude123456789 13 жыл бұрын
@CharlyyHD i agree gs and gsla had no flaws, exept when i finaly whent to the end of gs it had a big "to be continued" i was like WHAT TEH HECK??? XD
@zamaguthan 14 жыл бұрын
One helluva boss, I admit. I just got done beating him. Using Coatilcue really helps a lot, because then you don't have to waste moves healing your team.
@Wormology 13 жыл бұрын
@Atstyle ye i like the music except morgals mountain roc rising song that the wolf band plays, after 10 minuites u start to build a headache
@astronautis1674 13 жыл бұрын
@Hemmingfish Yeah, i guess I'm a little lucky too....but anyway, with a decent strategy, good levels and a little luck you can beat that guy! ;D
@PixelleHearts 13 жыл бұрын
@gered92 Eyes...ears...noses....feet....private parts perhaps LOLZ XD....idk...but the number thing is kinda cliche now for the series.
@Ecalyptus90 14 жыл бұрын
This boss was FAR to easy. Doom dragon was far worse. LOVED the cliffhanger in the end though :D Makes me a tingly for another game :D
@UNOwenWasMe 13 жыл бұрын
@McCoy196 but wow wait, you realy thought i was serious about all this??? LMAO xD
@megadeejay83 14 жыл бұрын
no estoy seguro de que este sea el jefe final no he usado la pluma de buitre ni un palo que te dan ni si quiera se para que sirven
@omega197 13 жыл бұрын
if you want this more challenging, fight without using djinns. its hard as hell.
@omega197 13 жыл бұрын
@pokemonmanta train on the apollo lens, the enemies there give you 10000+ exps.
@Atstyle 13 жыл бұрын
@Turtlebear lol it was okay, far from best but none of the town/dungeon musics where horrible just not as much symphonic as in gs.
@Swordmaster1993 13 жыл бұрын
well, I finally beat the game, and once the credits finish rolling, it's time to head to Crossbone Isle! Next stop: Crossbone Isle!
@paxpacis2 13 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who thinks that this boss was much too weak to be a final boss? I thought he was easy. Didn't even summon a god.
@TheKratken 14 жыл бұрын
I was really surprised when I got to this point...I didn't even realize I was killing the final boss until about half way through!
@peacocktheking 13 жыл бұрын
@koerund No. There is a little piece of plastic sticking out the top of the games. So you have to buy a 3ds to play the games.
@kitsunade 13 жыл бұрын
and using more than 1 or two dijinn at a time was definetly out of the picture it would put me to weak to withstand his attack
@omega197 13 жыл бұрын
@EzioAuditore0103 everyone can beat dullahan in 3-4 turnswith summon rush.
@Atstyle 13 жыл бұрын
@DEVILRISING236 where are you? if you're b4 eclipse you'll see your damae drop dramatically when facing eclipse monster.
@lustdany 13 жыл бұрын
@lionfang12 Don't you think that it'll be reeeeally epic if we fight him under the Mourning Moon in the next Golden Sun?
@Sarinomu 13 жыл бұрын
I had to powerlevel my guys (Matthew, Sveta,Tyrell, and Amiti) to almost level 60 I beleive and THEN I beat him :)
@ctrlaltrepeat6599 13 жыл бұрын
@Turtlebear is it true after you beat the game, if you clear your save data you can access the optional areas?
@superfakerbros 13 жыл бұрын
How are you doing so much damage with regular attacks?! I just barely do that much with Psynergy Attacks.
@Xmaple3X 13 жыл бұрын
What makes a game good is a Storyline,Skills,Character Description and Interruption Events.Not Graphics =/
@darkKyrios13 13 жыл бұрын
I hated fighting this damn thing. It took me five to six times to get it right. freaking Chaos Chimera.
@32parchy 13 жыл бұрын
Hmmm this boss is gonna be a bish all i hav 2 say about it. Im only at Ayuthay and im at lv 17 16 17 17
@SistinaChan 14 жыл бұрын
I'm already stuck in the beginning of the game. I don't know what to do after you get the Freeze spell.
@YuriDavid16 13 жыл бұрын
@Mdude123456789 13 жыл бұрын
for some reason the first thing witch whent through my mind when i saw this was: omg evil cow LOL :D
@InfinityOnHi 13 жыл бұрын
@koerund i'd prefer mccoy over you. atleast he doesn't spam the same post about four times. sorry.
@Hemmingfish 13 жыл бұрын
@astronautis1674 Yeah, but that's mostly hinging on hoping that he doesn't djinn storm -> charon.
@janzambrowski 14 жыл бұрын
hey unwiseone1, i am a big rpg fan, so do u think i should get this game for christmas, plz reply
@cickmore12 14 жыл бұрын
Does anybody knows what happened to Arcanus aka Alex at the end of this game I dont mind spoilers
@paxpacis2 13 жыл бұрын
@BPlor I want Alex or an evil Wise One as final boss! Or evil Isaac and Felix as final boss.
@Nonno272 14 жыл бұрын
I used Himi to max boost sveta beastfrom attack and she would attack for 600 dmg every time
@sailormoonfan224 13 жыл бұрын
@lionfang12Most likely he will be in part 2. (Which I hope isn't for 3ds)
@UNOwenWasMe 13 жыл бұрын
@InfinityOnHi thats not me spamming, thats youtube being buggy
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