GORN: Index Addendum

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Certifiably Ingame

Certifiably Ingame

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The Gorn were given an overhaul in Star Trek Strange New Worlds and we have a lot of new Lore on them primarily from their life cycle and biology from eggs to young, then seeing an adult Gorn in season 2. It looks to be a major part of SNW heading forwards so let's look into their history with Starfleet and the added content to this reptilian species.
This is the Cultural Index a series aimed at exploring various Science-Fiction species.
For outsiders to a series to get to know the basics and maybe even hardened Sci-fi nuts might discover something new.
Thanks for watching!
VOTH: • VOTH: Cultural Index
Cultural Index Series:
• VULCANS: Cultural Index
Star Trek Online developed by Cryptic Studios and Perfect World.
Star Trek, Star Trek First Contact and Star Trek Enterprise/Voyager/Deep Space Nine and The Next Generation are all owned by Paramount Pictures and distributed by CBS.
This Video is for educational purposes with commentary.

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@tomisabum Жыл бұрын
The whole "Gorn are our allies now" still strikes me as a "HOW?!" way harder than any other species this happens to.
@Al1701 7 ай бұрын
This could be based on the Starfleet Universe when after the Cestus III incident, the two sides realized it was a misunderstanding and developed diplomatic relations that resulted in an alliance based on their mutual antagonism with the Romulans. This was all before they turned them to xenomorphs for Strange New Worlds. Personally, I hate this take on the Gorn. The point of the Gorn was to present a very alien life form to humans, but still show they deserve respect and the right to live. Yet, now they are the monsters Kirk believed them to be. Personally, I would have gone with the Kzinti (going more the Predator than Alien route if we're going to borrow from Sci-Fi horror) as the opponent for Pike's tour.
@tomgon3D Жыл бұрын
I'm curious what would happen if the Gorn ever encountered the Hirogen. Some solid AVP style potential there
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
My money is on the Hirogen. The Hirogen tech is significantly more advanced than Star Fleet who is on par with the Gorn tech.
@Geth7777 Жыл бұрын
@Hagunemnon Жыл бұрын
Considering the tech of the Hirogen being a notable threat to friggin' Voyager, and that's not even getting into the fact they seem to have downright overpowered power armour, my money's on the Hirogen.
@skullhelmet1944 Жыл бұрын
@@GeorgeWashingtonLaserMusket Thanks for clarifying what you meant
@silentxero5955 7 ай бұрын
Gorn vs.Hirogen would be AWESOME!!!
@kevindavis5966 Жыл бұрын
"Do you think anyone would notice if we copied almost the entirety of the 'Aliens' xenomorph lifecycle?"
@justinruim5262 Ай бұрын
don't worry it will be covered up by the predator references we threw in
@wolfpack_104 Жыл бұрын
I'm curious if we're dealing with a Xindi situation where the Gorn consist of different reptile-esque species that all developed alongside one another. Considering how little we've seen of the Gorn in Canon, it might explain the varying designs we've seen so far while allowing for even more unusual designs later on.
@JimPlaysGames Жыл бұрын
I had a similar thought. That the Gorn Hegemony is composed of multiple species, just as the Federation is.
@TylerMKimball Жыл бұрын
This was actually true of the Gorn in the canon of the old Star Fleet Battles series of tabletop war games/video games.
@thejestor9378 Жыл бұрын
Like, these are the vanguard species, that are sent in to claim planets with lower defensive capabilities, relying on quick parasitic reproduction to secure the population centers in a fast yet terrifying manner, with a communications blocker emplaced till the planet has been secured for incorporation into the hegemony. Think similar method to what alot of advanced insectile species in sci-fi tend to do, only applied to a reptilian form. This would also explain the gorn setting up a bomb onboard the wreck of the federation vessel, was most likely to wipe evidence of federation ship ever being there.
@DeathBYDesign666 Жыл бұрын
In no way shape or form am I considering calling the "guy in a terrible nonarticulating rubber mask" a "design". As much as I love Trek I don't romanticize the low budget, b movie aesthetic of the original. I know how to suspend disbelief in that case and say that it realistically would have looked better than it does. You can't just go back to that and not look incredibly ridiculous because Enterprise tried with CGI and somehow made it even worse.
@meswoopnoseenothing 7 ай бұрын
@@DeathBYDesign666easy to retcon the TOS Gorn to look like the STO Gorn
@cbrock68 Жыл бұрын
Would’ve been awesome to see in the dominion war jem’hadar vs gorn
@shanenway2647 Жыл бұрын
I think the new Gorn are too savage for the technology they display on the show
@casbot71 Жыл бұрын
With all the discussions about how will Gorns interact in the future .. a *Lower Decks* episode ? Have a bit with a Gorn baby accidentally getting loose, and they have to hunt it down _without hurting it_ so they can return it to its anxious and apologetic parents. The parents are also worried that this will impact their chances of getting a new non-sentient host body replicated by their sickbay for a potential sibling. The Gorn will have to be from a docked ship or station as the Cerritos isn't a family-friendly ship. As the ultimate twist, Boilmer comes up with a safe way to capture the kid and the parents are so grateful they bestow upon him a great honour - the brainless replicated host for their future children will look just like him.......
@UGNAvalon Жыл бұрын
Bonus points if it’s someone from the Gorn Wedding. ;D
@NoahLoydOG Жыл бұрын
All in all, my understanding of alpha and beta canon, including bits from Star Trek Online, is that their species is prone to a very high degree of genetic adaptation. Much like Earth's dogs have such an incredibly wide variety of breeds, so too have the Gorn; a species with many, very different, breeds. Castes, sometimes they're referred to. I'm fine with understanding the SNW Gorn as another breed from ones we've seen before, doesnt bother me. Same thing with the Mirror Universe Gorn.
@CertifiablyIngame Жыл бұрын
That's why I added the reference to genetic modification and stuff at the end, not sure where they will take the Gorn but I think this is definitely a possibility they'll carry over from beta canon.
@NoahLoydOG Жыл бұрын
@@CertifiablyIngame I will be happy to see them expanded. They're my favorite race in Trek, and my favorite to play in STO. I'm really hopeful to see some of these new physical appearances be added to the game, in particular. I've always wanted a tail for my Gorn. Their beta canon has some fascinating information, such as the myth of the birth of their race.
@DocWolph Жыл бұрын
1) You sure these guys were not the real predators for Tribbles? 2) The life cycle reads like a cross between Xenomorphs and WH40K Orks. 3) These guys, along with the Romulans really need fleshing out.
@dupersuper1938 Жыл бұрын
Seriously? The Romulans aren't fleshed out???
@DocWolph Жыл бұрын
@@dupersuper1938 Not as much as the Klingons. Not like the Klingons, where their culture and internal working ARE the story. The Romulans are still just a plot device. They have few named characters or note, really only the Tal Shiar are their only "character", and just when we could have learned more about them "Oops! Romulus got exploded!"
@dupersuper1938 Жыл бұрын
@@DocWolph Klingons are a high bar: they've basically been supporting characters throughout Trek, especially TNG and DS9; but I think we know far more about the Romulans than you've acknowledged. We know their history, their military codes of conduct, the secrecy and scheming that permeates their culture, their technology, their space...we've met honorable Romulans, duplicitous Romulans, bigoted Romulans, open-minded Romulans, cruel Romulans, merciful Romulans, unhinged Romulans, tactical Romulans...we've seen them reunified with the Vulcans, we've seen their homeworld, their senate, their secret organizations,...they've been in TOS, TAS, the movies (TOS, TNG and Kelvin), TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Lower Decks, Prodigy...
@TomGallagherSuperboyBeyond Жыл бұрын
What if the gorn don't just use people as breeding sacks, what if a part of the host is transferred. Maybe they are undergoing some big changes, transforming future gorn into ones more fitting TOS. I dunno, would be interesting though.
@ChrissieBear 10 ай бұрын
Sounds like how the Wraith evolved in Stargate from the Iratus Bug.
@DoctorX17 Жыл бұрын
If the super-fast breeding also leads to quick evolution, it would make sense that there may be related but very different variants -- like the examples of the SNW tailed Gorn [which kinda reminded me of the Space Pirates from Metroid Prime], Enterprise tail-less, more dinosaur-shaped Gorn, and the TOS/Lower Decks style. Plus that "refractory lens HUD" thing could totally work. I like when there are in-universe explanations to fill in gaps created by changes in FX ability and style [like how Enterprise attributed the ridgeless TOS Klingons vs. TMP-era/TNG ridged Klingons to an oopsie with a Human augment virus experiment]
@shanenway2647 Жыл бұрын
Now the Gorn are all complex an intimidating what fun is that..
@AzraelThanatos Жыл бұрын
You know, I stumbled onto something else that now makes me wince in comparison with the source material. For some reason, I think that the writers and people attached to SNW seem to be fans of the Carnosaur movies because mentioning the new Gorn had someone else bring up those movies and books...I'd managed to wipe them from my mind, but the Gorn are now CARNOSAUR: THE SERIES/IN SPACE!
@Cdr2002 Жыл бұрын
My theory: the babies need warmth and food and the bridge to peace will be partially accomplished by finding some alternative to live hosts that suits these basic purposes
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
A chunk of meat grown from stem cells attached to life support should do the job fine TBH. We'll probably be able to do stuff like that by the end of the century as we already have the technology to grow meat from stem cells in bioreactors, plus if it is basically just a cube of muscle with no organs and running off external life support, then when it regrows it can be reused.
@Cdr2002 Жыл бұрын
@@JimmyBlether sounds like a really interesting idea, maybe we’ll see something like that
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
@@Cdr2002 It could let the show deal with stem cell ethics potentially, but it would also make the Gorn look more stupid as they invented warp travel, yet couldn't figure out how to be more efficient with their reproductive method and for some reason decided that dumping hosts and kids on random planets light years from home is "a good idea." How'd they even get to space aswell, let alone get warp drive. The only way you could at all justify them using other M class planets for breeding would be if their home planet was comically overpopulated that there's no room for places for the kids to go, but logically that would happen well well before warp, and they'd either kill themselves through action (too much competition resulting in extinction) or inaction (collapsed ecosystem severing food and host supplies resulting in extinction).
@Cdr2002 Жыл бұрын
@@JimmyBlether stem cell stuff would be interesting, and overpopulation could be an issue for the Gorn. Given that they seem to still adhere to some base instincts despite their obvious advancements, I think it’s possible that they never considered more humane options and prior breaches of their territory made them think lesser of other species. Or the simple fact that they’re reptiles and most other Alpha and Beta Quadrant sentients are mammals creates a gap in understanding. I know people in the comments of Rick’s videos love to be extremely negative, but I think the writers can figure something out
@samk522 Жыл бұрын
​@@JimmyBletherDon't underestimate cultural influence, though; they may already have the capacity to support their young perfectly well without live hosts, but their culture, based on predation and survival of the fittest as it is, may place high value on continuing to hunt down hosts.
@zenkomenhi Жыл бұрын
The updated Gorn are absolutely terrifying, I'm a huge fan tbh. I also love the parasitic reproduction aspect, it makes them more alien than just being space lizards.
@Micha-qv5uf Ай бұрын
It's kinda stupid though. Juveniles spraying acid as defence that also somehow contains eggs.. Idk that just doesn't make any sense.
@aaron-v5r8e Жыл бұрын
Even if i don't like much the alien copy element this update is great inc design even if i would have their babies act more with planning, intelligences and cunning mixes in with the animalistic parts
@martinlutherkingjr2 3 ай бұрын
Keep up with these updates. I love to hear how things changed or improved
@christopherg2347 Жыл бұрын
With that new "ridley scott alien" angle going on, maybe the grown up Gorn is influenced by it's host species? If so, their current behavior might be largely due to a previous host species. And the much more...cooperation capable Gorn from TOS+ might be the result of breeding on humans.
@andrewhaight2888 Жыл бұрын
I like my gorn from STO. SnW made them look like Zorak from space ghost
@samuelazzaro Жыл бұрын
As long as they start to move away from the full xenomorph treatment in season 3, I think they're ok. Hell, actually have the federation talk to the gorn and the gorn be like "this is how we reproduce, we don't get to have a choice in the matter," type conversation.
@yuzzem64 Жыл бұрын
What happens when the writer's only understand the gorn as "that monster from the old show" while forgetting the entire point of the original episode it was it
@gimzod76 Жыл бұрын
Implying the writers of new trek have even see TOS.
@GooseGonnaGoose Жыл бұрын
The gorn were a literal joke in TOS. Y’all need to relax. Trek has been back in a golden era the past two years and y’all are still sitting here acting like the comic book guy from the Simpson’s. Sad.
@gimzod76 Жыл бұрын
​​@@GooseGonnaGooseCopy pasting from alien with worse acting is a golden age?
@kaitlyn__L Жыл бұрын
They didn’t forget the point, otherwise it wouldn’t be such a stark inversion of that point. Not to mention we have Admiral April saying Pike shouldn’t judge them so quickly, before Pike then realised they _can_ work together. People really need to stop comparing one or two episodes against decades of TV, everyone always acts like there’s no plan or further development to do.
@eol6632 Жыл бұрын
It's pretty bad when even Star trek online did a better job with writing the Gorn. Think about that for a minute.
@lovipoekimo176 Жыл бұрын
I have a strong suspicion that SNW will make the Gorn somewhat similar to the Scarrans of Farscape., that is, they develop specific breeds depending on the need, ie intelligent (but weak) Gorn for leadership and diplomacy, feral but unintelligent Gorn for warfare, etc
@shanenolan5625 Жыл бұрын
There are also like the magog from andromada. ( gene rodddenbery show , ) raiding species impregnated people
@julius-stark Жыл бұрын
Even though this seems to conflict with the Gorn we've seen in pre-2005 Trek, I have to say I kinda dig the xenomorph Gorn. It's nice to see a rarely used legacy villain be used instead of Klingons again or shoehorning the Borg in somehow.
@maybetoby Жыл бұрын
That bait-and-switch ending in the finale was pretty clever. You see everyone get transported up thinking they're safe, but then I was like "wait, that's not how the Enterprise transporter beam looks..."
@BretStevens-j4g 6 ай бұрын
I always liked a comic that featured the Gorn. They discussed how being around mammals "creeped them out".
@michaelmutranowski123 Жыл бұрын
so the Gorn are now Xenomorphs...... lazy and disappointing. The Gorn in The Original Series were an incredible design and so full of mystery and potential. They should've learn from Enterprise that the Gorn don't work in CGI; they have to be a guy in a rubber suit. Why did Viacom/Paramount/CBS hire a guy from ABC to do new Star Trek instead of calling back the surviving writers, directors, and/or producers of Next Generation, DS9, and/or Voyager? He has to work for pennies 'cause that's the only reason I can think of that makes any kind of sense. The lesson we can all learn from this is don't smoke crack.
@Cdr2002 Жыл бұрын
I get the problem people have with the xenomorph thing but I think they’ll move away from that when we see adults fully in season 3
@eol6632 Жыл бұрын
Yeah..... that mean's they have to retcon the retcon they just did. If you have to rewrite what you just did to make it work for future episodes then it probably wasn't any dame good to start with.
@Cdr2002 Жыл бұрын
@@eol6632 they don’t have to retcon anything. YOUNG Gorn act like xenomorph, and ADULT Gorn can talk and operate technology and all that. We’ve already seen evidence of this dichotomy . No rewrite needed
@happyslapsgiving5421 Жыл бұрын
But... they're *PEOPLE.* Not parasitic spider-raptors.
@Cdr2002 Жыл бұрын
@@happyslapsgiving5421 correct. The babies are the only ones we’ve seen behave like parasites. Human babies are a lot less advanced than human adults.
@Wolfgang-Schnaufer Жыл бұрын
@@Cdr2002 Tricorder detects high levels of copium.
@sardonicspartan9343 Жыл бұрын
The Girn update is one of the VERY few updates that actually works.
@fabr1cat0rgeneral94 Жыл бұрын
Still kinda feels like a bargain-bin xenomorph.
@jbadger30 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the people who worked on Strange New Worlds have proven to me that they just don’t understand the Gorn. Back when the Baby Gorn episode came out all the behind the scenes stuff was talking about how the Gorn were pure savage and pure evil, conveniently forgetting that the whole point of Arena, the episode the Gorn were introduced in was that the Gorn…we’re not monsters! Capable fighters and capable of mistakes sure, but they didn’t attack for pleasure or as inhuman beasts, but as a sentient species that saw an unknown species with unknown intent coming into their space without so much as a greeting. AKA What any sentient species would do. These writers, conveniently forgot that the Gorn were people, not discount Xenomorphs. And while I do like the Sangheili space suit design, they keep making the same mistake of thinking of them as monsters to kill rather sentient beings. They judged atheist Gorn book by the scaley cover, and missed the whole point of not just the Gorn but of Star Trek in general.
@Not-Ap Жыл бұрын
I don't even think they even care about old trek or what the Horn were supposed to be. They just want full creative freedom in someone else's universe.
@Tezunegari Жыл бұрын
While I agree that the Gorn may need an overhaul over the primitive rubber suit used in TOS... I really hate that they turned them into Xenomorph copycat. If they had turned the Gorn into a live-action version of the STO Gorn I would have been happy. All that I would remove from the NuGorn is the Xenomorph style birth. Have the NuGorn lay eggs that hatch and the newborns are the bloodthirsty little killing machines shown so far. That would make Gorn select hatching worlds for their abundance of prey, or the ease of being able to deliver prey. Hell, this would still allow the survivor-Laan backstory (you could even make that the name Gorn is based on her description of a sound they make). So, how are they going to explain that Kirk in TOS had no idea what a Gorn is? Or that they couldn't identify the Gorn ship? Or are they finally admitting that the show is not in the same timeline as TOS?
@justinwallace269 Жыл бұрын
Not a fan of them ripping off Alien for Gorn procreation. I'd be much more interested in a faithful adaptation instead of all these gimmicks. These guys are for focused on trying to turn everything into a horror movie than making good Star Trek. Another great source outside the books is Starfleet Command II, where Gorn were featured piloting massive, heavily armored ships with Plasma Torpedoes. The artwork in their profile was fantastic and faithful to the original. If I ever created a Star Trek novel, show, or game, I'd honestly remove anything Kurtzman or Kelvin from canon and continue on from Deepspace 9, decades later. I seriously would have loved to see the Gorn ripping the Jem'Hadar apart.
@mystyle_jm8997 7 ай бұрын
I highly wonder if La'an will see this "Gorn" in 2409 in Star Trek Online era without being traumatized? Since this Gorn are humanoid, civilized, intelligent and not as animalistic as they were before unless the one she encounters are subspecies of Gorn.
@calvinlweir2795 Жыл бұрын
The Gorn act like the Zenomormph from the Alien movies.
@D5quared91 Жыл бұрын
I love Gornography!
@meswoopnoseenothing 7 ай бұрын
Im really hoping we’ll get a point where we find out there’s many different gorn races all under the hegemony
@fingerboxes Жыл бұрын
They decided to just make them aliens from Alien? Well that's disappointing.
@followerofjulian1652 Жыл бұрын
3:30 Oh dear. We'll have to eliminate this threat. Greetings from Platonius! 😃
@jedijam91 Жыл бұрын
I guess the writers wanted a Xenomorph episode.
@leoadimanea7826 2 ай бұрын
Did you know there actually were plans for a xenomorph and star trek crossover comic? There are still some official concept covers up but the thing was cancelled, I can't really remember why though.
@danteanise3013 2 ай бұрын
In the TOS it was established that in the Prime Universe Kirk's Enterprise (including Spock) knew nothing of the Gorn and that the Enterprise was the first Federation starship to make contact with the Gorn. If the Federation knew about them it doesn't hold water that they wouldn't, or at least Spock wouldn't have provided Kirk with info about the race, rumors or other wise. Hell, the people on Cestis III should have been warned. When Kirk established he believed the Gorn/Aliens were invading the Federation Spock didn't say a thing beyond saying in this area of space there have been strange subspace signals and legends - more than likely referring to the Metrons not the Gorn. Even after Spock scanned them, ectothermic reptiles, on Cestis III he didn't recognize them. This gives even more evidence (besides the tech, uniforms (Starfleet didn't use black collars or red uniforms until after Kirk was in already in command, not before), the Klingons, the Enterprise itself, etc.) that SNW doesn't take place in the Prime Universe but takes place in the separate Discovery Universe. I guess, if they can't be bothered to even get the Enterprise right, why bother with established "Star Trek" history. This makes any extra details appearing in Discovery and it's spinoffs about aliens that appear in the Prime Universe, like the Gorn, suspect. Fan (people who have actually seen "Star Trek") produced extensions of TOS, like "Star Trek Continues" demonstrate what shows in the Discovery Universe could and should have been, i. e. No Gorn (at least in connection with the Federation and Starfleet) in pre-TOS.
@LordProteus Жыл бұрын
A new Cultural Index episode! :D
@kirbyfan4 Жыл бұрын
So, they’re just Xenomorphs now?
@rodan9773 Жыл бұрын
Xenos don't have a monopoly on this method of reproduction look at Wasps and Spiders.
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
@@rodan9773 Well, with parasitoid wasps, they at least tend to either lay eggs on/in hosts that won't harm them (e.g. caterpillars), or actually subdue the host in one way or another. Their offspring also don't just violate the 1st law of thermodynamics when they feel like it, like a xenomorph. Plus parasitoid wasps are small in comparison to humans so there's a size disparity. Only things that really distinguishes the SNW Gorn method and the xenomorph version is no facehuggers and that SOMEHOW the offspring can impregnate others, but then all the same, those two kinda combine into "the offspring are made into bootleg facehuggers" as there is no logical reason why their spit somehow can make you make more SNW gorn, but also its an "immature form of the adult specimen" (a la facehugger) implanting seeds/young into a host, meaning it is kinda facehugger by any other name and without the facehugging part.
@leoadimanea7826 4 ай бұрын
@@JimmyBlether I actually kind of like how the xenomorph basically gives the middle finger to the law of thermodynamics. I feel like it makes weyland yutani's desperate want for the xenomorph make more sense. Who wouldn't want to study a creature that messes with our understanding of physics. Shame that they never really acknowledge how illogical they are in the movies, the novelization kind of did it when the characters started contemplating what it could do.
@Usa_mikek Жыл бұрын
The whole alien stuff popping out of the body was just so unoriginal. Being sentient as they are supposedly believed to be, it would be assumed that they would raise their offspring like any other intelligent species.
@Shinzon23 Жыл бұрын
You're applying preconceptions of how we raise children against the biology of a species that is clearly a hypercarnivore. Many predator species will eat their own young, this is that but dialed up to 11.
@igncom1 Жыл бұрын
Not to mention how logistically infeasible it would be to consistently search for aliens to use as incubators rather then just having some lesser animal species domesticated for the role instead. Or a purely technological solution with birthing pods or cloned biobags.
@Shinzon23 Жыл бұрын
@@igncom1 Perhaps it's a case where they use people as incubators whenever possible, but have other ways of breeding in case that's not possible
@kaitlyn__L Жыл бұрын
@@igncom1this is what I’ve all along been expecting the ultimate solution to be, in another season or so
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
@@Shinzon23 This wouldn't make sense as logically on their homeworld, there shouldn't just be a random humanoid species usable as hosts. There would be every other kind of animal besides that and logically they would have a preference, but there is no reason to change to humanoids which will actively try to kill your young because highly intelligent species, ya know, hold grudges.
@Shinzon23 Жыл бұрын
I really want to see what they look like Outside of the suit we see the adult in... Because what we can see from the suit itself, its going to be extremely dangerous. I mean, their physically strong as hell, as when Chapel first sees the adult it is hanging upside down from the ceiling accessing the panel using just its feet and a single hand, and the tail itself if you look at the suit has bone colored blades and spikes coming out of the suit, meaning its hide at least on its tail is tough enough to deal with the cold and vacuum of space for extended periods of time. To be honest, the only reason spock and chapel won was because space itself was a factor; if that adult hadn't had a vulnerable faceplate, it would have killed them both. As a aside, taking a look at a closeup of the spacesuit the gorn qas wearing, the bit that had me applauding the modeling was that they remembered that a predatory species like the gorn would have big ass talons on the feet, and the suits feet aren't "boots" like I've seen other sci fi do for predator species, its more like a "mitten" that conforms to the foot and allows full ranges of motion, as we see it "perch" on the railing when its fighting spock
@AnotherDoomerWeeb Жыл бұрын
An alien reference is always welcomed but strapping it onto a pre-existing species in such a brazen way now cements the Gorn as nothing more than an Alien knock off, despite pre-dating the xenomorph. This is why I struggle to love New Trek, it just feels like a unhinged melting pot of ideas with no refinement or restraint.
@shanenolan5625 Жыл бұрын
5 years ? Time flies
@JoacinoDaGona Жыл бұрын
Turning the Gorn into Alien aliens, is the most stupid thing coming out of Kurtzman Trek, wait no, that are still the musical numbers. Point being, this undermines the whole point of the TOS episode 1x18 "Arena".
@joshuawells835 Жыл бұрын
Next on Cultural Index: the Votan Races from Defiance (Please? Their time is long overdue)
@jasonshort9001 Жыл бұрын
I loved the new Gorn episode, but I wish we saw more of the Gorn. I want to see some badass Gorn fight scenes.
@RichO1701e Жыл бұрын
Over-use, and reliance of baddies makes them impotent. Look what Voyager did to the Borg.
@robblerouser5657 Жыл бұрын
Why weren't there more conflicts with the Klingons and the Gorn?
@dupersuper1938 Жыл бұрын
How do we know there weren't?
@JDEhlert Жыл бұрын
Can you see the Dad jokes when they're dealing with their teenagers? ;)
@PeoplecallmeLucifer Жыл бұрын
@notgonnahappen7899 Жыл бұрын
I love the update. Trek needs more aliens that aren't humanoids.
@RichO1701e Жыл бұрын
100%, enough with the playdoh stuck to foreheads... *cough*Naomi*Wildman*cough
@dupersuper1938 Жыл бұрын
I love non-humanoid aliens in Star Trek. Despite making them more "monster-y", the Gorn still don't qualify. They're still just binocular bipeds. I'm looking for more species like the Horta, Lactran, Medusans, Gumtu, Crystalline Entity, Q, microbrain, space amoeba, species 10-C, Nascene, Sheliac, Excalbians, Phylosians, Kelvans, conspiracy parasites, etc.
@zintosion Жыл бұрын
I'd be honest even though it's similar to xenomorph, I really enjoy the new Lore on the Gorn.
@Raso719 Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see how the Gorn and Hirogen get along (or don't).
@gmon78 Жыл бұрын
They're kind of being presented like the Magog from Andromeda.
@samrizzardi2213 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if Sord, a character introduced in the 1970s Star Trek animated series, will be retconned as a Gorn, considering the design is pretty much identical to that of SNW.
@joshthe_thing Жыл бұрын
Can I just say that I love that Strange New Worlds used practical effects for the Gorn.
@thejestor9378 Жыл бұрын
I think the hegemony might be a multi-species civilization, more similar to what we see used in intelligent insectile and plant based species in sci-fi usually. Like, these are the vanguard species, that are sent in to claim planets with lower defensive capabilities, relying on quick parasitic reproduction to secure the population centers in a fast yet terrifying manner, with a communications blocker emplaced till the planet has been secured for incorporation into the hegemony. Think similar method to what alot of advanced insectile species in sci-fi tend to do, only applied to a reptilian form. This would also explain the gorn setting up a bomb onboard the wreck of the federation vessel, was most likely to wipe evidence of federation ship ever being there.
@misterflibble6601 Жыл бұрын
Trying to construct some kind of crossover with the "Alien" franchise or just ran out of original ideas?
@thedarkdragon1437 Жыл бұрын
Lol, love the youtube friendly gorn emoji xd
@WilliamHostman Жыл бұрын
I'm hoping the Gorn of SNW are NOT the Gorn of Cestus III - I love the slow xenoreptiliians with compound eyes. (A dodge which makes the Gorn captain in Arena impossible to determine the gaze of... which means far less likelyhood of said Gorn telegraphing their attacks.) Then again, I really like the alternate Trek Setting of the ADB produced board and roleplaying games.... in which there are 3 Gorn species, plus a related 4th which is aviaform...
@GregPrice-ep2dk Жыл бұрын
SNW is not Prime. The showrunners have thrown in the towel on that claim.
@johnsteiner3417 Жыл бұрын
The Trek game based on the 2009 movie did the Gorn way better. Strange New Worlds Gorn are just a bad rip-off from Alien.
@timfremstad3434 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, I don't see any possibility of beings that function on a primal basis like this or klingons being technologically advanced, that's like saying a neanderthal can build and fly an F-22
@walterlyzohub8112 Жыл бұрын
One issue I have is the placement of eggs inside hosts. Can’t believe it as I’m not aware of any reptile on Earth that did. Insects, nematodes, worms do it but no reptiles. I think the writers could have used crocodilians as a social model for the Gorns instead. At least parental instincts exist with possible social structures. I’d like to know how they could actually resolve not having a tail in the original series. Otherwise it’s a good update.
@RichO1701e Жыл бұрын
The Gorn aren't from Earth so why are you failing to grasp that detail? Just bcos earth reptiles don't use parasitical eggs & hosts doesn't mean an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SPECIES from an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PLANET wouldn't.
@KingBearmane Ай бұрын
I'm not a fan of them pretty much taking from Xenomorph lore. But I hope somewhere down the line they will change it saying something like this reproduce this way only when there is war and that's the quickest way to replenish their ranks.
@drthompson65 Жыл бұрын
Rubber Suit Gorn is the best Gorn. :)
@AnonEyeMouse Жыл бұрын
Yes FAR more ALIEN. Possibly a bit too much...
@membranethethirteenth3164 Жыл бұрын
Is this series dead? He hasn't updated it in ages, this video is essentially a remake, and there was no poll at the end
@grahamturner1290 Жыл бұрын
@aledwalters8977 Жыл бұрын
I got an idea for another cultural index video. How about the cybermen from doctor who
@highlordlaughterofcanada8685 Жыл бұрын
At the very least they could have gone for the STO design if they had to change it
@henryheavy8044 Жыл бұрын
Can you do Battletech universe please ?
@Lyze 11 ай бұрын
ST:NW interpretation of Gorn was just bleh. They wanted to do a ST:Alien episode and couldn't just make a new alien. Instead they made this weird thing and sifted through the Star Trek alien name list and used the Gorn.
@leoadimanea7826 4 ай бұрын
There actually was an alien and star trek crossover comic planned at one point though it cancelled. there is still some concept art online.
@MonsterKidCory Жыл бұрын
I especially liked how "Arena" was an allegory about how people who seem very different, alien, and even monstrous to us can have legitimate grievances, and then Strange New Worlds was like "nah, people who are different from you really ARE just mindless, ontologically evil monsters! Careful you don't go near them or they might infect you!"
@MonsterKidCory Жыл бұрын
@@TaterTotinski yep... that, Strange New World ENDORSING eugenics, and Seven's speeches about the cold dark hard brutality of the universe (as well as every crew being comprised of emotionally-stunted adult children crying and screaming all the time) told me that whatever these new shows are, they aren't Star Trek. They're a Star Trek skinsuit.
@Not-Ap Жыл бұрын
That sums up what why I don't like modern Star Trek. They forgot the whole point of trek. It wasn't about the aliens, technology, or action but about morality/understanding.
@RichO1701e Жыл бұрын
@@TaterTotinski you are the definition of a mindless, toxic fan stuck in the past.
@RichO1701e Жыл бұрын
@@MonsterKidCory SNW "endorsed eugenics" in the SAME WAY as Deep Space Nine did with Bashir. Or is DS9 "Star Trek in a skinsuit" too? Lame as fuck toxic fans like you with same old BULLSHIT complaints about new trek not being trek, until it's not new trek.
@RichO1701e Жыл бұрын
@MonsterKidCory, NOTHING in SNW contradicts the depiction of the Gorn in TOS. Nothing. Your entire stupid and redundant comment is based on PERCEPTION!! The whole "mindless, ontologically evil monsters" argument you just spouted is Khan's/humanities' PERCEPTION of them. SNW pre-dates TOS remember. I know thinking hurts when you're a mindless toxic fan, but give it a try for once.
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
If we ignore all the alien aspects, they decided to give them gecko eyes. Gecko. Eyes. The only gecko that looks even halfway threatening is a tokay, and thats by reputation of being grumpy alone really. Otherwise, they look like little cuddly idiots. Conventional slit pupils without the multiple pinholes would have done fine, but instead they gotta entirely overdesign the species to the point where its comically aggressive/monster like which really no lizard is like for a point of comparison. They can be spiky, but its always for a justifiable reason, not just to shrink-swap every plate on the body into a spacesuit. (I'm someone who's a fan of reptiles hence why I'm annoyed at the wrongness on the reptile side of things, plus well, illogical spacesuit design from a real world practicality perspective)
@jtjr26 Жыл бұрын
I like the changes to the Gorn except for the infecting prey with eggs by spraying them with something. It's a little too Magog (Andromedia) for me. I would like to see the Strange New Worlds take on Tholians.
@rodan9773 Жыл бұрын
The Fedaration should of went to War with them after all The Death and Damage they did but The Puss...Peaceful Fedaration God Bless them wanted to make Friends with The Mass Murdering Raptors. Respect and keep up the epic work.
@Lambda3141 Жыл бұрын
As much as I have enjoyed Strange New Worlds, the reimagining of the Gorn is something I don't like. It's a bit too cliche.
@johnnybullfrog8941 Жыл бұрын
Tbf the original Gorn were also cliche. Just generic bad guy of the week 18. With SNW continuing to have the Gorn as a main bad guy their actual culture will begin to show instead of just being angry space lizards.
@eol6632 Жыл бұрын
And a lazy rip on other sci-fi franchise's
@brightlord-ov7cm Жыл бұрын
They sound and look like Trandoshans from Star Wars.
@Not-Ap Жыл бұрын
Or the Barbel but yes that's basically what the Gorn were supposed to be.
@brightlord-ov7cm Жыл бұрын
@@Not-Ap cool!
@jacobhederstrom8198 10 ай бұрын
i am sort of fine with their parasitic form of population growth, but with the way they come out and that (intended or not) refrence to the scene in alien 3 really makes me look at the as discount xenomophs (at least in terms of reproduction). A problem i have is that from the info we have it seems that most/all of their (current) hosts are abductees rather than "livestock" consisting of either animals kept, bred and infected in farms or some kind of slave population, either is something that one would expect from a species that is capable of interstellar travel with this kind of reporduction method. abductions should be a supplimentary way of pop growth, not the main way.
@superspark813 Жыл бұрын
what's your Opinion, are human arguments stronger than the gorn?
@samrizzardi2213 Жыл бұрын
No way. Augments are evenly matched with vulcans. Vulcans on the other hand are easily outmatched by gorn.
@kaitlyn__L Жыл бұрын
It’s quite trying, how many people are calling it a “copy” or a “ripoff”. Especially since there’s no “facehugger”, the method of egg implantation is totally different. They’re not acid-blooded, their spit doesn’t melt through deck plates. They have a very different physiology. The _only_ real point of commonality is they way they burst out of the host body in exactly 1/3 of their new episodes. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call an _homage,_ not a ripoff.
@benallen7704 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@thejarredhog3936 Жыл бұрын
I still think these aren't proper Gorn, just animals from Gornar. Like how you can call a dog or gorilla a "terran" or "earthling" and not technically be wrong.
@booboolips6053 Жыл бұрын
Gorn vs Species 8472
@Tezunegari Жыл бұрын
"Hello. I brought a nice Chianti and those Fava beans you mentioned." Species 8472
@Not-Ap Жыл бұрын
8472s immune system would consume the gorn embryos before they had a chance to hatch. It would also probably kill the adult Gorn too.
@jm823 Жыл бұрын
Nice video but what confuses me is the timeline, if the Federation were "aware" of the gorn in stardate 2254 why was Captain Kirk unaware of the gorn if his encounter occurred in stardate 3054.6, surely the gorn must have been in their datebanks by then? LLNP 🖖
@BeyondDaX Жыл бұрын
Probably the information did not reach everyone fast enough or a cover up among Starfleet higher ups. Who knows
@attila535 Жыл бұрын
So now I wonderhow the Klingon Empire deals with their life cycle in Star Trek Online. Do they send criminals, who are way too bad even for Rura Penthe to the gorn or do they use some other method?
@Not-Ap Жыл бұрын
I think these are separate universe s at this point. In STO beta cannon the Gorn were shown nesting with physical eggs on a swamp like planet. Part of the mission was too destroy the nest and the attack ing adult Gorn afterwards.
@casbot71 Жыл бұрын
Prehaps with Replicator technology they completely change their life cycle? It becomes mainstream between TOS and TNG, and the idea of using a _Replicated_ host might result in a complete change in their society and culture. [After all Vulcans went through a massive change soon after the time of 'Enterprise' with Telepathy going from forbidden to mainstream.] And the changes results in the Gorn becoming able to coexist with the Federation. Add in Holodecks as a outlet for their hunting instincts and they could become regular citizens that just need to make special arrangements when breeding and having recreational programs that _most_ others find disturbing. Or _these_ particular Gorn are a separate religious fundamentalist sect that practice _the Old Ways_ that mainstream Gorn reject, who use lab grown non aware host (which might be far more medically safer for the young). But if this is 'currently' the common behaviour of their species, 24th century Gorn might consider mid 23rd century Gorn as barbaric the same way Federation Humans view pre contact Humans. "We used to use living beings as incubators." Gorn parent to their now intelligent child that they raise in a traditional Humanoid fashion. "Honey, we've got company tonight, make sure junior is well fed beforehand, we don't want him hunting the guest.... well put him on a leash."
@Not-Ap Жыл бұрын
Idk but at some point they gotta make this work. Gorn are supposed to be intelligent enough to play baseball. These aren't it.
@Geth7777 Жыл бұрын
X Gorn give it to ya
@nuclearsimian3281 Жыл бұрын
I fucking hate the redesigns. Its continually made things look less appealing in any way.
@MichaelLaing71 Жыл бұрын
As normally, thank you for the content but I can't say I am a fan of turning the Gorn into Alien wannabees.
@MightyJosh1985 Жыл бұрын
They whole Typhoon Pack was stupid
@Andreas-gh6is Жыл бұрын
Very controversial topic. I'm Gorn apart, so to say.
@MasterJordan1000 Жыл бұрын
I don't think they are true Gorn. I think they are are a genetic engineered faction of the Gorn. Which ties well the La'an character arc.
@timebrain3188 Жыл бұрын
...ngl, it irritates me to no end at how the Gorn got depicted in the new show. One of the few reptilian races in the franchise, and a perfect chance to produce a sympathetic depiction of a reptilian race which we rarely ever see. BUT NOOOOOOOO, they're just a bunch of predatory raiders with a bit of random xenomorph added. Mind you this is fuckin Star Trek that did this, Star Trek the franchise, not just show, FRANCHISE about exploration and peace through understanding.
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
I agree with you wholeheartedly as beta Canon Gorn seemed done in a mostly respectful manner in the previous index by the various writers of their lore. Really mammals tend to be considerably more brutal than reptiles. If you look up snakes competing for mates, even venomous ones, you'll see they'll do wrestling matches and almost literally every time never bite each other. Of course they ain't got arms or claws but monitor lizards are kinda similar in that they too wrestle, and I believe don't kill each other. Mammals, uh, let's just spear the opponent with my massive bone horns and let them bleed out on the ground or something IDK. Or "this is my harem now, I'm gonna kill all the kids."
@dupersuper1938 Жыл бұрын
I love Strange New Worlds. It's my favourite of the "new Trek" shows (and I love Prodigy and Lower Decks, liked Short Treks, liked SEASON THREE of Picard [season 2 was awful and season 1 is probably my least favourite Star Trek ever], and - though Discovery's been a mess from the beginning - I have found it improves slightly each season). I seriously look forward to SNW each week that it's on. Great cast. Great classic Trek feel with blessedly episodic stories (current Trek doesn't seem to do season long arcs...well). I was even in for the musical episode. All that being said, their take on the Gorn is - I feel - one of their few missteps. If you need a species to be THAT different from what we see in the earlier episode (and - thematically - that different from the point of that episode), and you have an involved arc planned complete with subspace border negotiations with a people Kirk and crew (including Spock, Uhura and Scotty) don't know at all years later, just make up a new species.
@neonspecter2730 Жыл бұрын
The reptilian look does make them look far more alien, but they're also a bit too much Alien.
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
"We wanted more alien, not more Alien!" basically.
@RichO1701e Жыл бұрын
Okay Goldilocks.... stop whining
@drrohanjacob Жыл бұрын
We also learned that the gorn have no sense how solar systems work and are prone to draw lines through the center of them in 2 d space😂
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
You've just made me realise that with that logic, the gorn could take over a planet, which then slides over the border as well, it's orbiting a star of course, and whoever is on the other side of the border could glass the planet with impunity as by the bad logic of the situation, it's in their territory now.
@drrohanjacob Жыл бұрын
@@JimmyBlether Precisely why episode 10 was dumb. Just wait till the planet cross to ur side🤣
@JimmyBlether Жыл бұрын
@@drrohanjacob Also, stellar drift is a thing, so given time, and probably not too long at that, the star system's trajectory would move the line either towards the federation side or the gorn side, meaning said planet would wholly be on one side, making it even more laughable.
@drrohanjacob Жыл бұрын
@@JimmyBlether I know 🤣The writers have no idea what they are doing. Not even an elementary school level of knowledge.
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