Got Both My Leg Fracture & Went Temporary "WFH", So My Party Lover Sister Took It as An Opportunity

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Mr. Reddito Animated

Mr. Reddito Animated

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@sandrapersaud3105 11 ай бұрын
That last commenter is really delusional for blaming OP. The sister got a dose of reality. I hope she learns from her mistakes.
@karaoconnoraliasraidra 11 ай бұрын
Second commenter: You could have had your landlord watch them! Me: Why should he have to watch someone else’s children, especially when he’s doing work on the building?! Second commenter: You should have tried harder! Me: She nearly passed out from an infection!
@trachelle35 11 ай бұрын
Exactly. OP was experiencing a medical emergency in which she was in excruciating pain. There's no way she could possibly think straight in the midst of that situation. I don't know where OP lives, but here in America when you call for help in an emergency the police show up with the ambulance. The police would have taken the children either to the hospital or they would have called CPS to come get the children and take them to the hospital or their office until a family member could pick the children up.
@nimisilverbird1239 11 ай бұрын
I think they need a warning sign bc they're on a level of ignorance that is dangerous
@kathyschaefer5768 11 ай бұрын
I agree none of it was OP's fault had a broken leg which got infected because of her sister's selfish behavior
@katherinevaipo3141 11 ай бұрын
Maybe it's one of ops sisters friend? I mean from the get go, ops sister knew op was injured and couldn't babysit them, but the sister still dropped the kids off at the sidewalk without op knowing. Maybe that commenter is exactly like the sister, why she thinks it ok for strangers to look after strangers kids, or maybe the commenter thinks op can fly upstairs or downstairs with injured leg. The boggles how delusional people thinks.
@pixiechick05171971 11 ай бұрын
I really believe the people that comment on these types of posts blaming the OPs are the family/friends that are pulling the crap.
@billyduffany3387 11 ай бұрын
How dare someone blame OP when she is heavily medicated and in pain and is having trouble moving around. Maybe she was supposed to not take the medication and be in more pain so her sister can go out and gossip with her friends.
@delorescannon455 11 ай бұрын
The great comment section is ridiculous
@e.d972 11 ай бұрын
​@@McBruce999true 100%.
@brandypebler2054 11 ай бұрын
@jaguar.dragon 11 ай бұрын
I think those judgemental ppl r the type that always attempt to force their views down other's throats & never consider another's point of view. They r convinced their opinion is right & infallible, so everyone should live their lives according to their values & never challenge them. I can just see this person going to those school board meetings demanding their views become adopted as school policy. Such as book banning, no acknowledgement of LGBTQ existing, rewriting history to ignore any wrongdoing of "white ppl", teaching white supremacy values & demanding God be part of any curriculum thus vilifying any other religion as demonic. Those people r the reason this country is so close to losing our democracy.
@kimlehman8179 11 ай бұрын
Did the sister make the second comment from prison? OP is no way at fault. The paramedics should have called CPS to come and get the kids.
@paraax 11 ай бұрын
Yes. If anyone other than the sister is to blame for anything, it seems like there should be a process in place for when a caretaker needs to be removed for medical intervention leaving very young children behind. Maybe they thought the 9 year old was mature enough to baby sit, but that doesn't feel right, and this can't be the only time this (the responsible adult becoming incapacitated) has happened. It makes me wonder if a detail has been omitted that would otherwise make the OP look bad. But as presented this is a failure of the emergency response team.
@cathybaldry7822 11 ай бұрын
Umm they do it as per following procedure.
@lynnhobbs9901 3 ай бұрын
Or at least the police...
@melissawittman 11 ай бұрын
Comment 2 at the end was insane! OP was in tremendous pain, so much so that she had to call an ambulance! She could not concentrate on what to do with the children. The EMTs should have called the police to alert them that they had to take OP to the hospital and were leaving minor children alone. OP is in no way responsible for the outcome.
@Cornealia28 11 ай бұрын
Where I live fire rescue comes with the ambulance. They would have stayed with the kids and called for a social worker. The kids wouldn’t have been left alone.
@rmhartman 11 ай бұрын
... And if she wasn't in pain, it would only be because she was doped to the gills with painkillers.
@MusicGirl881 11 ай бұрын
How much wanna bet that second commenter was OP’s sister? Literally OP is in a case with little mobility and physical strength to watch three kids. If partying was so important why did the sister not just hire a babysitter or better yet waited till she was done with partying to have kids and settle down. I’m glad the ex husband got custody and I wish them and OP all the best.
@beverlyarcher546 11 ай бұрын
Or someone like OPs sister or one of sisters friends
@danacarter9147 11 ай бұрын
So, am I.
@GreenBoy9000 11 ай бұрын
Or better yet, just don't even bother having kids.
@beverlyarcher546 2 ай бұрын
Or one of those ppl just like sister I know my sister loved doing that while mom was still alive
@MamaK65 11 ай бұрын
The person blaming OP is the type of person that would do the same thing. She's selfish and self centered. Me being a mother i would not and i mean NOT do that to my kids or family. How selfish is she when she has an active husband that helps with the children and a maid that cleans her house for her. It's not like she's over worked!! She should be ashamed of herself.
@beverlyarcher3744 11 ай бұрын
How about 11 weeks 2 of which mom was in the hospital with cancer and lazy sister didn't come home to take over responsibility of her kid so it would take alot of the load off of us me and my brother couldn't even visit mom except the first day because we were still taking by for e might I say our lazy sisters kid her husband at that point didn't need her there he was in therapy and they would have lazily stayed there if I hadn't told Mom I had enough I couldn't take care of her and the brat and the house and her side of the family all at the same time hethe brat got worse with every week he wasn't with his stupid parents and the forcing me and brother to be babysitters was ridiculous cause every emergency they never made sister babysit us and I hate kids literally I barely can stand them stupid bil put himself in the hospital with all that crap he put in his system the only 2 positives that came out of that was at 8 the brat wasn't potty trained he's autistic and finally getting rid of him should have called CPS that was ridiculous especially since they always made mom till after that babysit him for 2 weeks every month why he never got potty trained though we did have him trained the first time he stayed with us for 2 weeks but that lazy family never stayed on top of it until he forgot it finally took threatening to put a baby back in diapers as big kids don't potty in britches except diarrhea as even adults have trouble controlling that and the second bathroom which is the basement and the farthest part from the stairs we were only in there till our trailer got renovated to finally get him to understand GO TO THE BATHROOM MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER THEN IN YOUR OWN PANTS
@Imissnormal 11 ай бұрын
The woman had money too. She could have put them in day camp at the YMCA or something. Leaving young kids with an injured adult is very irresponsible.
@reaganbryant6520 11 ай бұрын
​@@Imissnormalyep seriously as a single parent I wouldn't ever just drop my kids off with someone without their permission heck even with permission I almost never leave kids with others unless it something I absolutely have to do
@DesnieGlover 11 ай бұрын
I feel you girlfriend, I would not do that to my family either.
@draco4540 11 ай бұрын
@@Imissnormal totally agree. and to top it off, the sister knew that op was taking painkillers for her leg. that in of itself, in my mind, make op unqualified to watch the kids until she gets completely healed. the pain meds are no joke. while op was under the influence of the pain meds, she would not have been able to deal with any kind of emergency when it came to the kids.
@annabella7188 11 ай бұрын
Whoever was trying to make the op feel guilty about not having kids or stopping her life to babysit family need to go touch grass cause wtf?!?!! And theeeee absolute audacity to place blame on someone who is injured for being injured and could’ve found a babysitter before going to the hospital 😂😂😂😂 (insert sentence full of cursing) I’m happy her entitled sister is being taught a life lesson in the worst way
@beverlyarcher3744 11 ай бұрын
My freaking sister and her kid is why I don't want kids
@tomispandacuddle 11 ай бұрын
I bet 100% the last person's comment is a hard left side voter god dam there braindead
@keeondamoore4163 11 ай бұрын
She just left the kids there. If the landlord hadn't called she wouldn't have even known the kids where outside 😰
@lynnechapman6204 11 ай бұрын
I feel so bad for OP and those poor kids. I also feel bad for their father. I'm glad that the husband got the kids. It's good that he is taking them away from that town and a fresh new start.
@danacarter9147 11 ай бұрын
Same here. If the courts still ruled in favor of OP's sister, someone else would've contacted CPS, and those poor kids would be in the foster care system.
@annnichols3091 11 ай бұрын
My late father, who was twice married and divorced before he married our mother, told me and my younger siblings that he would disinherit us if we married before we were 25. He was especially stern with me and my younger sister, telling us we'd better not drop out of college to get married as one of our cousins did.
@daishawilliams8301 11 ай бұрын
Glad the husband divorce the sister and got custody of their kids.
@darkshadow2679 11 ай бұрын
The husband had another woman on side that he left his wife cause his can use this to be free of her so he can get the kids and don't pay her money cause went you read carefully he did not want her to have a babysitter or nanny to watch the kids cause she might catch him cheating on her with another woman
@biochem70 11 ай бұрын
@@darkshadow2679 Is that info about the husband from a more recent update from the OP?
@teresafields5072 11 ай бұрын
That last comment berating the sister with the broken leg.... "ask the landlord and his workers to watch the kids"? Not their responsibility. Call her friends? With an infection slipping her closer to sepsis by the second? Please. That comment was almost certainly written by the spoiled sister from her prison.
@rossconnelly6660 11 ай бұрын
What planet is commenter NO 2 on ,sounds like one of the sisters friends cause she's out there far out.
@mikethoroughgood16 11 ай бұрын
Well it looks like a few people were clueless about like the ones slamming op and teaching the sister a lesson she needed this damned lesson to not drop off kids without ensuring the person they were trying to pawn the kids off on are there
@kylenelson705 11 ай бұрын
I agree, who is to know that if the landlord was not there what type of sicko could've abducted those kids. These are strange times we're living in.However to those slamming op did this thought run through your heads or would op be the person at fault if god forbid this type of situation had happened? You all need to get it right.
@williamwallace5545 11 ай бұрын
What if OP had gone to the hospital earlier that day or the night before. She is just going to drop the kids off in front of the building and drive off? Who does that? NPD jerks that's who.
@susankearney2501 11 ай бұрын
Husband is with the kids afternoons and weekends little miss trophy wife needs to get responsible, if anything happened to those children the only person responsible would have been her, and only her, pathetic excuse for a parent
@izabellemarie7944 11 ай бұрын
Yap just like I said in yesterday's post, some the commentors from the original post are brain dead. I'll never be on the side of the reckless, irresponsible, childish parents like OP's sister. Love your animated narrations and your doin a great job. Much love and prayers from Oklahoma.
@dcg590 11 ай бұрын
Im Betting it was the sister who posted the comment.
@LancerkingNoel 11 ай бұрын
Screw that final comment #2 OP was in pain she had to be taken in ambulance AND she had to be in a call with her mom in order to keep herself awake. There's no way she could have arranged someone to take care of the kids
@picklerick5116 11 ай бұрын
I can't imagine leaving my babies at someone's house like this. I get scared walking out of the room without them!! What a crazy irresponsible parent!!!
@davidleeroth1968 11 ай бұрын
being raised on a farm/ranch my thoughts are if you can’t feed em don’t breed em…
@Spartan3D213 11 ай бұрын
Hate those holier-than-thou commenters, seriously wish they would eventually walk(figuratively) a mile in OP's shoes later in life and get twice as many babysitting request.
@genechristiansomoza4931 11 ай бұрын
Not my kid not my problem. Simple right? The sister is the problem. She wants to be a wife without responsibilities. BS.
@jefferypowell9885 11 ай бұрын
Comment two is probably a partyer too
@dcg590 11 ай бұрын
Comment two was probably the sister
@natashaisaacs8874 11 ай бұрын
I have been with my husband for 21 years, we have 2 kids, I think parenthood is what you make it. We did lots of fun things with kids, it gave us an excuse to act like kids too. We just took the kids wherever we went, they were good kids. Our parents would watch them like once a month. NIW my kids are older and can pretty much take care of themselves and have their own lives which means my husband and I can do whatever we want, well except NIW we have 2 dogs that keep us young and active.
@reginafetty6374 11 ай бұрын
We did the same. We rarely left our kids with a babysitter until I went to work. When we came home our kids were our life. It gave us a chance to be kids playing with them. I couldn't imagine being like OP sister.
@stickingupformyrights 11 ай бұрын
I literally don't get the audacity from people trying to blame op for this she didn't give birth to those children she knew nothing about the children even being out there so how in the hell is a fault. Broke her leg she could not walk the children so how in the world did that commenter think that her landlord is responsible of taking care of her sister's children because what you just supposed to do it because the kids are out there some people are so entitled to think that they can just do whatever they want however they want and no consequences happen deserve to be in jail. She left those children did not give a s*** what happened to them all she wanted to do with you some gossip she deserves what she's about to get.
@vesla266 8 ай бұрын
Hear hear. OP's sister is so irresponsible, just leaving her kids with OP no matter what OP tells her. CPS should have been contacted in this case, unfortunately
@TaigaShark-ij8oh 11 ай бұрын
The comment that place OP as an AH must be the sister in disguise when she found out the Reddit 😅
@CareyBilley 11 ай бұрын
If you don't want responsibilities then don't "create" responsibilities, your children are no one else's responsibilities but your own and don't play the "but were family" card. If you want freedom then wait till your kids are old enough to take care of themselves and don't Parentify your oldest child.
@jaguar.dragon 11 ай бұрын
When I was younger, I held enough sense in my immature, rebellious mind to know not to have kids til I was ready to "grow up". Back then, the job I loved had me on the road 3-4 days every week & I wasn't ready to quit the partying lifestyle that was kinda part of it. At 27 I was finally ready to "settle down" when I met someone that caused a shift in my priorities. He didn't try to change me, but I did on my own. Only then did I consider kids. I feel I made the right choice cuz I was happy being with my family on weekends instead of going out "partying". Had I become a mother b4 I was ready to "grow up" it wouldn't have been fair to any of us & I'm sure my kids would've grown up resenting me for it. The 2nd comment made me see red. I'm on permanent disability cuz of my back. I've slipped on steps, landing so the edge of a step rammed into the most damaged part of my back. The pain was so bad that I'm pretty sure I blacked out for a bit. The next thing I knew, I was on the snowy ground (there were only 4 steps), writhing in an agony so intense I couldn't even scream in pain. I laid there over 30 min until the pain subsided enough that I could crawl back into my house & lay just inside the door. Luckily I didn't need an ambulance & my kids weren't home. The first 45 min to 1hr after my fall, the pain was so intense I couldn't think straight. I'm amazed op had enough wherewithal to even call her parents in her state. No blame can be placed on her for anything with the kids since she didn't have any motherly instinct which would've placed the kids front & centre of mind. She just followed whatever the paramedics said. It's unfortunate the little boy had to go missing for Taylor to finally face consequences & also for the kids to have proper care. It's a dark way for karma to cone, but possibly the only way it could. I'm just glad the boy was ok after all of it.
@annewilliams5527 11 ай бұрын
I personally am SICK of parents who claim to need “me”time. Why, oh why, did they actually have kids? Surely they were aware that parenting is a 24 hour/7 days a week/365(6)days a year ? If they are going to need “me” time, then put off having kids until they have had enough of “me “time”. Such selfishness has to be dumped….fast! And as for EXPECTING relatives to look after their offspring, this is the height of arrogance, ignorance, selfishness and narcissism. “Oh look at my(number)kids! Wasn’t I WONDERFUL having them?! Now that I’m no longer in the centre of attention, well, I’ll get there by making sure I am out partying, and have everyone say yes, you are wonderful”. What a crock of BS!!!! Look after your own kids and GROW UP! If sister is tired and needs a break, GO TO BED EARLY AND GO TO SLEEP! SHEESH! I was 20 when I got married, had 2 children, brought them up with my husband, and had NO-ONE helping me, I had to get on with it myself. I had a lovely neighbour who babysat when my hubby and I went out at the weekend ,once a month or thereabouts. My sister lived in the same estate, helped when I needed it, but that was few and far between! It was as much the fault of the people who let her have “me “time, instead of simply saying “your kids, your problem, look after them yourself, we well help but only one night a week/fortnight /month.”.
@babescalapit3013 11 ай бұрын
My younger sister got married earlier than me. So whenever I visit my parents and my nephews were there and their Dad give the kids to me, my No thank you is so clear that they know I am not a pushover. I sais that is why I am not married because I dont want kids responsibilities specifically doing nanny job 😂
@babescalapit3013 11 ай бұрын
But now I do have 1 toddler and whenever I need someone to watch her I pay for it. I would avoid asking my parents or any sibling if I have to.
@beverlyarcher3744 11 ай бұрын
​@@babescalapit3013with mom gone sister can't drop her kid off while her and her husband go on vacation every month anymore since his parents are always running off to somehow without money or so they say 😂😂😂😂😂😂 since both brother and dad work nights the kid would be to loud in a trailer amd dad is one of those you don't want to wake up unless its an emergency is the reason and i don't drive so i can't take him to school like i would want to wake up that early period not a morning person next time his dad goes in hospital his lazy mother can stay home instead
@shelleyzaragoza2195 11 ай бұрын
Nothing she could have done at the last minute to call someone to Watch the kids. It’s her sister fault leaving the kids outside the complex for 20 minutes not calling up her sister she had done it. It was a matter of time before her selfish ways was going to land her up in jail.
@carollykins9475 11 ай бұрын
Love the new animations, it's nice to see the same characters all the way through the story.
@williamwallace5545 11 ай бұрын
Blaming OP is ridiculous, she is in a cast heaven sake. Plus I think the infection is the resalt of trying to take care of those kids. Doing too much too soon. My sister would never think of doing this to me. I'd have her in court so fast it would make her head spin.
@continuousself-improvement1879 11 ай бұрын
Some people become parents at a really young age, before getting all their partying days out of their system. To be fair, some people never got the partying out of their system and stay a party animal at all ages. That being said, these regretful parents start looking at any and all family members as well as strangers as free babysitting services. They would schlep off their kids at anyone available without considering whether it was appropriate. Just report them to CPS the first time they do that, that would shock them enough to not do it to you again.
@lisarose6682 11 ай бұрын
Is that commentor kidding? The landlord has other things besides looking after some abandoned children. Also OP was in an enormous amount of pain she barely had strength to 911 and she was supposed be able to scrounge up a babysitter for the children her sister abandoned at OP apartment.
@dreamhobbiz 11 ай бұрын
Well, if you can't even handle your children yourself, then why have them in the first place? The sister should have just remained child free. She would have been MUCH happier that way, since that way she can go partying all she wants.
@annem7806 11 ай бұрын
Nah, sis had dollar signs in her eyes.🤑 Actually, a compound fracture is life threatening.
@beverlyarcher546 11 ай бұрын
Fractured my foot in the most how the heck moment that literally would sound made up I broke it just walking on it but I did the week before that happened dump cans on it accidentally apparently that was clumsy week all ik is i went down on right ankle bad twist and shifted all weight to the left while was paying attention to right and next thing I know I'm on the floor writhing in pain literally dragged myself to the couch stumped the ER doctor on how that I broke it as it was the 3 middle bones the ones that connect the toe to the foot I barely walked that first week because of the ankle always had weak ankles after sprained them back in school so have to be careful about going down on them they take a week to recover
@queens8515 11 ай бұрын
Both those second comments sounded entitled or gave off "I need to be validated" vibes. No one but the parents are responsible for the kids. How can you get upset about other people not being responsible for kids that aren't theirs? As an aunt, I love my nieces dearly and love to watch them but not regularly. I spent most of my life babysitting so I can say with confidence that I can see why people want breaks from childcare. That's just not an option for a parent. It's not mandatory or deserved to get a break. It's a privilege to get one because children are a life-long commitment and the sooner these neglectful parents understand that, the better.
@gregorywilks1036 11 ай бұрын
I would've called CPS and then a lawyer to sue her behind!
@rebeccajohnson8579 11 ай бұрын
OP, it's too bad that you did not call the police on her the 1st time she sneaked out of your house, leaving her kids WITHOUT permission! NO ONE, relative or not, will FORCE ME to babysit when I have told them NO! You laid up with a broken leg, on crutches is a DEFINITE NO, NO; CALL THE POLICE! If you had called them the 1st time, she would not have been so ARROGANT and left them the 2nd time!
@bethpeelar3435 11 ай бұрын
I would have called cops to look after kids before leaving the kids by themselves and going in ambulance . I am sure the cops would come fast hearing you needed to go to hospital.
@nimisilverbird1239 11 ай бұрын
When the husband divorces her. Be his witness to her abandonment of the children
@firzabahroen6200 11 ай бұрын
Sister is really irresponsible and immature, this is what happens when you're married someone who is too young. ppl who can think wouldn't even leave their little kids with someone who is in bedrest. The jail is pretty harsh but I guess it's the law there. But I can't even believe that op sis is tired and desperate for me time, because her husband is parenting the kids whenever he's home & they got maid lol
@AzraelThanatos 11 ай бұрын
Only thing that I can think of that the OP was probably wrong about is the sister and friends drinking mocktails...seems like the witch was probably actually drinking the real thing there and getting wasted with her friends.
@brendahere 11 ай бұрын
I would like to know why the ambulance people didnt call cops (and they call social service to pick up the children? ) Before they took op to hospital? Why didnt the father leave work to get his kids, instead of saying he will try to locate mom?
@iyaayas 11 ай бұрын
I wish I had sister's situation (house worker, finances to do what we want, time to spend with my children worry free of finances and household responsibilities, etc)
@josephhurst4902 11 ай бұрын
17:51, Sounds like the kids Father has Every Right to divorce her... She is basically a Kept Woman for 2/3 the year, and she is only required to be a mother for the final third. Why she thought it was acceptable to Abandon her children at her INJURED sisters door step is beyond he... But in truth I understand why she didnt ask permission before abandoning them. Why ask when you know the Response is gonna be NO, because of the Injury... So she didnt and Droped them off anyways. 22:37, Yes when your in Jail you need money on your books to buy things but 99% of the stuff you Need is given to you FREE from the prison such as Tiolet Trees, food, and all the necessities. Only reason you need money on your books is if you are buying things the prison dont consider a Necessity, like Sented body soap, snacks, and Cigarettes if the facility allows Smoking.
@jefferypowell9885 11 ай бұрын
A sister with her lips on a beer bottle
@alakdan1964 11 ай бұрын
The last commenter must the irresponsible sister pretending to be someone else.
@evelynharber6077 11 ай бұрын
Unsure if it is because I have been a working mother, a single mother who worked and a stay-at-home single mother. Yes, I have worn many hats in my life BUT always put my children first. Not saying I was a wonderful mother, but I tried! As to why it is so hard for some SAH mothers to tend to their children until the off spring leave the nest is truly beyond me. OP is a single woman who ATM has no intent of tending to children even when well BUT her selfish egotistic sister seems to be so envious and jealous that she wants it all and seems willing to make anyone that she can do her job without consequence! Sincerely hoping she does in some way realise the error of her actions before it is too late! What OP's sister did to her was a very selfish immature act and it would seem she got back what she deserves for her immaturity! What I do find so very sad is the attitude that comes thru sometimes of some commentators! What they have to say makes a reader realise that these stories are real by real people and that selfish, immature childish people do have children and do expect others to do the parenting whilst the parents do keep on partying/gossiping/playing!!!!
@Tony_Calvert 11 ай бұрын
This is why Reddit is the worst place for advice. People really have little commons sense these days. The sister dropped the kids off without OP knowing. They wandered for 20 minutes before OP was notified they were there. She had a medical emergency where she was taken away in an ambulance, but she should have done more to make sure the kids had a care taker… the sister got exactly what she deserved.
@LordGertz 11 ай бұрын
Actually, just the act leaving your underage children with someone physically incapable of caring for them is already a CPS issue. But also, in my state, the cops are notified by the EMTs of the children being left alone and arrive on scene to get secure placement, family member, CPS care taker, or just bring them to the station till a guardian can arrive. They also then take appropriate action. While there is no minimum age to be left alone, maturity and emotional state are the deciding factor. So when I was 10, a habitual latchkey kid, by that point, was visited by a CPS worker that noted I did not open door for strangers, called an adult on the phone to talk with her, saw the place was clean, food in fridge, knew when older siblings would be home and all the numbers to call for various situations nothing happened except her reminding me to lock the door after she left. (Thank you very much to Mom's crazy friend Kathy, who called them.) A parent/guardian can't legally drop off children to someone who has not agreed to take them in the eyes of the law, unless they are also a parent/guardian of that child.
@uleubner 11 ай бұрын
The commenter blaming OP is clueless. Did they miss the bit about multiple serious injuries, strong painkillers, and an infection serious enough to require hospitalization for multiple days? All three of those things (pain, medication for pain, and serious infection) can adversely affect one's judgement and ability to think clearly. Someone who is so ill as to be removed by ambulance is not in a condition to be thinking through solving problems thrust at them unexpectedly. OP was able to figure out how severe her situation was, and call an ambulance. That was an achievement, on its own, sorting out a care plan for children abandoned outside her house was far more than can be expected. With that level of injury and infection, OP is lucky to be alive. If this had happened before antibiotics, or with a bacterial strain that is resistant to known antibiotics, things would have been much worse. And that level of swelling, within a cast, can impact circulation, so that if the cast isn't promptly removed, the tissue of the leg may start dying. This type of necrosis can lead to amputation becoming necessary. For the icing on the cake, if the sister had been responsible about asking for OP to help, she would have come in with the kids, seen how extraordinarily sick OP was and the extreme swelling of her leg, and called for an ambulance herself. The sister didn't just neglect her kids, in neglecting her kids, she missed a chance to see OP's problem and get OP help faster. While no crime was committed towards OP in not coming in and seeing the problem and helping, the sister certainly did OP a harm that she's morally responsible for.
@desrussouw6797 11 ай бұрын
the last comment is totally ridiculous, I married young and had both my sons by the time I was 22. 23 months age difference! It was difficult at times and yes, I also needed a break on many occasions, fortunately my Mom, MIL and other members of family stepped in allowing me to catch up on sleep when I desperately needed it. I also started my own business from home, 6 months AFTER my 2nd son was born. Us women are very resilient, and I ran both my businesses for more than 20 years, even running my own manufacturing Hauteur Couture factory and salesrooms. This mother in this story deserves everything that happened to her.
@reginafetty6374 11 ай бұрын
Wow! That 2nd comment was wrong. Op had a compound fracture and the sister leaves her kids with her, while on pain pills, that just came home from the hospital for hours? What kind of a entitled person is she? Then later just drops them off and didn't tell her they were coming and the landlord had to let her know and the commenter thinks OP should have found these kids she didn't know were coming a babysitter when she was heading to the hospital because of her infected leg? The one who should have been finding a babysitter for those kids was the mother of the kids. It is not the responsibility of the aunt, who is off work with limited mobility to care for her sister's kids. For her to not answer her phone for hours is even worse. What if something would have happened to the kids and neither parent could be contacted to sign papers for emergency surgery or something because OP couldn't take care of them. The sister of OP is where she deserves to be.
@Colorbrush21 11 ай бұрын
In real life, OP's sister would not have done jail time. Parents have been charged with physical abuse and had their kids removed and placed in foster care. These parents often get bail without jail time when they deserve jail. Her sister was not an abusive person. She was self-centered and wanted a break from her kids. I think she learned her lesson. Ending up divorced and facing jail time was excessive punishment.
@genechristiansomoza4931 11 ай бұрын
The sister is abusive. She abuses her relative. She decided to be a wife then she should handle the kids not others. That's BS if she wants break from her kids at expense of others.
@dakotahsmith8320 11 ай бұрын
Ending up divorced and facing jail time is not excessive punishment 🤦. Her actions almost caused her husband custody of the kids as well as almost cost him his job so he had every right to divorce her. And she basically abandoned her kids at somebody's doorstep without even asking permission and then proceeded to not know where her nephew was which in real life yes her sister could have faced jail time.
@tinanorthrip3224 11 ай бұрын
The last commenter is probably the type to leave her on kids on someone door step.. or she'd see how ridiculous it is to leave your kids on side of the street. Knowing her sister was injured and couldn't take care of them..
@aleksandarvil5718 11 ай бұрын
@LunaP1 11 ай бұрын
Funny thing is sister isn't the golden child. The parents were beyond pissed that she kept abandoning her kids just to run wild instead of being a parent. She chose to give birth to three kids but thinks she shouldn't have to raise them. Her ex works all day and wants to spend time with them, meanwhile that slag of a woman acts like a f-ing teenager.
@deedeeg6399 11 ай бұрын
What's wrong with these Commenters No.2? Obviously, these folks are well beyond needing a serious reality slap. That or they are hermits who are 100% loners and never had human contact or know family matters. The sister got exactly what she deserves. Dropping her kids off and go out partying is not right! I know because my cousin used to do the same and I had to make it clear to stop it. Actions like these does effect children because they could start to think their mom don't want them and neither does family. Thank goodness, OP, you had your parents and BIL (ex-BIL) who knew that trick was crazy. As for those negative posters, get some sense! I'm not even gonna waste explaining how ridiculous the negative comments were because I'm sure someone else already did. Take care of yourself, OP, and do try to stay in your niece and nephews lives.
@Vulpine407 11 ай бұрын
Having had a bad right leg (multiple fractures) and blood clots in both legs, I can attest to the amount of pain OP must have been feeling. Even pain meds only help so much. You CANNOT safely watch kids when you are in that sort of pain.
@barakelium 11 ай бұрын
A stay at home mom doesn't need a break... work 60 hrs a week and then come home and mow 13 acres every weekend and maintain a fleet of 6 vehicles that are all 20+years old in your down time. Do all of that... then raise your 2 kids and 3 dogs cat bird and 4 fish tanks between 55 and 90 gallons. And all of that while personally framing a house, wiring it, plumbing it, drywall. Paint. Windows. Doors. Bathrooms. Kitchen. And by the age of 34 owning my house outright (no mortgage when you build paycheck by paycheck). with zero credit card debt and zero car payments.
@QueenSunstar 11 ай бұрын
Hopefully sister got a huge wake up call. There was a similar story in which the OP repeated many times that they weren’t going to be home, but SIL dropped kid off anyway. Kid spent the next 12 hours alone. The kid was only 2. SIL got into huge trouble with the law and got investigated. She thought OP was bluffing and called the bluff. Another story involved OPs parents finding a baby outside OPs door. OP wasn’t home as they were out camping where there’s no Cell service. Apparently, SIL/sister (don’t remember which) left baby at door and texted it to OP. Kid was there overnight.
@icdogg2361 11 ай бұрын
The EMTs would normally call police to come for the kids
@karenlloyd945 11 ай бұрын
OP was lucky, a compound fracture is a serious injury. The people trying to blame her for not sorting out the kids, you are ridiculous! She had a raging infection, was in agony & I'm amazed she even managed to call her mum! Her sister put those children in harms way & is now facing the consequences of her neglet
@jeanninelockridge5235 11 ай бұрын
I get so tired of people who have kids saying that it's so tiring to care for their kids all the time. That it's so hard.That we who don't have kids don't understand. I assure you we do and that's another reason we have chosen not to have them. They are the ones who choose to have these kids and they should know their entire life will change and should be grown up enough to take care of them. That it is their responsibility to do the very best by their kids. It's not the other family members' responsibility to look after them. If parents need time for themselves then hire a babysitter unless someone in the family has offered to take care of the kids on occasion.Anyone who blames OP for any of this is foolish. She has every right not to take care of her sisters kids. For crying out loud, she was recuperating from a very bad injury and wasn't supposed to move around a lot. The police should have been called to take the kids before OP was taken away by EMS. I hope those kids get some counseling. Being abandoned like that by their mother had to be awful.
@rafaelramos7634 11 ай бұрын
I hope she learned her lesson about child neglect in bebind bars
@sondrajohnson2564 11 ай бұрын
I was with a friend one day, beautiful day. She was getting ready to go for a run. This was medically perscribed thing. A friend of hers had a 2 1/2 - 3 yr old child. This mom kept harassing, harassing, giving excuses, wouldnt take no for an answer, push, push, push, my friend to babysit right then. Oh, but my baby likes to run and walk, too! I'd never met her and i wanted to slap her! My friend finally raised her voice and yelled NO as the mom tried to hand the baby off to her, and took off runing!
@LB-gz3ke 11 ай бұрын
Why didn’t someone OP, OPs mom, the ambulance service, call the police about the children being alone? Or CPS? Are we to believe ambulance drivers NEVER encounter a situation where the injured person was caring for small children? What if it had been only a baby? Surely there is a policy in place for that. My guess is to call CPS.
@MoniqueMasseyJefferson 11 ай бұрын
So the sister doesn't respect the fact that op is injured not just home sipping mimosas. Her sister is a jerk. If she wanted her kids left with neighbors she could get a babysitter.
@Werewolfoverlord12 11 ай бұрын
Where I heard "dad didn't want summer camp cause it's the only time he gets to spend a lot of time with his kids" I knew he helped out more, as the typical dad who does nothing to help would want them gone too. Glad OP confirmed it and very glad he got to keep his kids. Taylor is an absolute idiot.
@daishawilliams8301 11 ай бұрын
It would have been nice if the husband wasn't so traditional about gender roles and got her a babysitter.
@desertzombie 11 ай бұрын
Then the mother can go back to work. If the kids are old enough to go back to school, she shouldn't be a stay at home mom.
@billyduffany3387 11 ай бұрын
Then she would have absolutely nothing to do and can hang out with her friends all day. She is a mother, she needed to act like one. My mother watched other people's kids during the day with her 3 kids, did the housework and also worked at night.
@travislee3203 11 ай бұрын
From the description, the father takes on VASTLY MORE of childcare Than the mother. She doesn’t need A babysitter, she needs to be OUT, And the father needs to bite the bullet and hire a nanny for most of the day. A nanny is MUCH better than that mother.
@pamelaprince7020 11 ай бұрын
No you got it wrong. As she IS allowed a baby sitter NOT a Nanny which would definitely be FT!! But the audacity of this "Mother" to leave her 3 kid's behind with a person that just broke her leg & I just KNOW she's on very heavy pain medication. That alone she should not be watching kid's. I'm in hefty pain medication and that was year's to build up to where I'm at &. NO WAY I'D EVEN OFFER TO WATCH KID'S!!! I had my 1st daughter at 17 went to work, paid for my own babysitter as the baby's dad was now in prison. I was young dumb & stupid!! But never ever to u just DROP my daughter into any 1's life not even for this so called "20"minutes!! Lesson learned as I didn't have my 2nd daughter until I was 28!! This time I didn't have 2 go out alone kind of!! He's here but over the 30 year's he's done nothing but "party" spend his money on drug's, his drug's addicted "friend's!" I've been trying to "save" him, but he doesn't care!! I'm now full disabled no where to go and never married either losers!! As I got this last loser to his pension & he told me 30 years ago he'd have me and always take care of me!! That's not the case!! These young woman need to figure their lives out along w having their kid's!! As u can't count on anyone!! I've gained weight from 7 major nine surgeries & apparently I never seen he'd superficial and looks really count to him!! I'm cute but heavy but hard to lose this weight as I can't walk!! So ik once I'm gone I'll be on the stress diet and I'll probably lose 50lbs fast!! It's the other 40/30lbs I'm thinking will be hard!! But please people take your own little people into your responsibility you made them they didn't ask to me here!! My 3 kid's are awesome & my oldest I raised alone now works under the Government!! I'm so proud of her. She got there because of STABILITY!! Do right everyone and your kids will be just fine & lobe the heck out of them!!!
@DesnieGlover 11 ай бұрын
to comment #2 (both) it's not OP's fault at all, it's totally on the sister. Those are her children not OPO's, she don't have watch them if she don't want to and besides she was injured.
@-randychasechase2660 11 ай бұрын
It's called kid dumping it's happening in family's for years . Parents that can't do the job and think it's ok to stop dump and leave
@margaretm6121 11 ай бұрын
This kind of thing would never happen to me now as don’t know anyone as selfish and irresponsible as ops sister. It did happen in the past! I used to get phone calls from neighbour to say she was going to be late and could I go and watch her kids, she was out, but was going to be longer. Yes I was being used, but I wouldn’t/couldn’t see the kids left on their own. Their 2 year old daughter used to tell her mum that she wanted me to be her mum. We eventually fell out and we both moved within a year or so. Vowed never to get close to neighbours again.
@TehAnshiTunes 11 ай бұрын
I honestly wonder if the parents went to another state to AVOID watching their grandkids unless they chose to, and for as long as they wanted. IE: NOT an oncall 24/7 free babysitter. As for that last commenter? Do the world a favor and dont procreate, Karen. Its not anyone elses responsibility to raise any children another person has, family or others, without CONSENTING to do so. Its 100% on the parents to provide their children a safe environment. Those that choose not to have children made that choice bc they didnt desire that responsibility.
@calebsmith5759 11 ай бұрын
The ems isn’t going to leave kids alone. Otherwise they’re at fault. They would have called the cops to get ahold of cps.
@joellaogilvie2744 11 ай бұрын
Comment #2 this person must be someone who blames other people for their own problems. OP’s sister is responsible for the whole mess. Her sister may not have even been home, she could have been at the doctors. Also, the comment to ask the landlord to look out for the children. (Are you crazy) it isn’t the landlord’s problem. Her sister didn’t even bring the kids in the building and knock because she knew full well that she would have been told no. The stress is not good for someone trying to recover. Insanity!
@susanmcpeak7267 11 ай бұрын
If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that OP's sister wrote that last comment in the video. Maybe she did🤔, prisoners are allowed ipad/computer time. Then again, maybe one of her sister's friends wrote it 🤷‍♀️
@noramero2955 10 ай бұрын
These kids are the parents responsibility! Regardless of being child free; the responsibility falls on the parents. Unfortunately you don’t get a break! If the parents need help; that’s the parents responsibility to get help; not abandon or force child free relatives to take responsibility.
@masterbond9 11 ай бұрын
you know, im concerned about the parenting style, because the young children should understand that since their aunt is seriously injured, and should be on their absolute best behavior, and at least try to help their aunt around the house. also, im glad that OP's company CEO was smart enough to realize it would be cheaper to just skip the courts and just pay for the costs associated with the injury. people make mistakes, but the way they fix those mistakes just show the kind of person they are
@oldwoman5942 11 ай бұрын
I was a single parent of 4 and never got a break.
@Wolfwalker71 11 ай бұрын
That last commenter has no idea about the situation.. family members? OP NEVER SAID THERE WERE ANY CLOSE BY! And their mom and dad were in another state! That commenter needs professional help and to shut their trap about it. OP DID NOT ASK TO HAVE A COMPOUBD FRACTURE THAT GOT INFECTED BECAUSE OF HER SISTERS IRRESPONSIBILITY! If the rest of you watching would note, the part where the 4 yr old was having a meltdown while OP was bedridden and had been forced to get up, then FELL, THAT is why OP had an infection that set in. OP was NOT given the proper time to heal. Her sister got what she deserves. And to those who say its OPs fault for her sister ABANDONING her own kids on OPs doorstep, go soak your heads and then seek professional help.
@aleksandarvil5718 11 ай бұрын
2nd comment = OP's sister or her party friend
@tartlynerdy 11 ай бұрын
Op's sister had a bit of a husband issue for him to refuse a nanny, refuse summer camp for the kids and hasn't been an active enough parent to really be aware what's been going on in his absence. Regardless of that, she sounds like an immature woman trying to recapture her early twenties. She sucks. Op's sister had it so easy she barely had to be a mom, barely had to take care of the house and she still failed spectacularly despite all of that privilege most struggling parents would kill for. As for op "being an aunt and childfree doesn't mean I signed up to be a babysitter" repeat this as many times as you need to and entitled people will only hear "being an aunt I signed up to be a babysitter". It's incredibly baffling how willing people are to take advantage of the adults that chose the childfree route. Op had a broken leg. How was she supposed to properly look after three kids? Op shouldn't have been moving around on crutches at such a delicate state of her recovery.
@bonniebloom4953 11 ай бұрын
Yeah the father seems a bit selfish too. If they could afford it, the kids would probably have loved summer camp. Heck maybe they would have learned something too. Lol besides it's not ALL summer.
@jpbaley2016 11 ай бұрын
As OP describes it, husband is plenty involved. Not wanting a nanny to take care of the kids, when their mother wouldn’t be doing anything else, isn’t a bad thing as he probably believed she was competent. Sister is probably only competent in the bedroom, which is how she snagged a rich husband.
@flamelily2086 11 ай бұрын
The age you get married has nothing to do with what kind of mother you are. I was married when I was 20 and had my first child when I was 21. I loved my children and cared for them myself. OP's sister is immature and not ready to marry or have a family. That person saying that OP was at fault and didn't try hard enough to get someone to care for the children when she was taken to hospital is an idiot. Her sister just dropped the children off with OP without prior arrangement, and drove away. OP had a broken leg and got an infection. She had to go to hospital. Infections are serious, sepsis kills many people every year so you do not mess around when you get an infection. OP needed to go to the hospital immediately and the children couldn't go with her. OP is not to blame for what happened. She had her leg in plaster and was suffering from the infection. There was no way she was in any condition to care for the children. Her sister is to blame for losing her children. She is an irresponsible mother who dumped her kids on her parents or OP so that she could go out with her friends. OP is not to blame for what happened.
@aktob316 11 ай бұрын
A lot of people go into marriages thinking it's all lovey dovey. They don't know, a lot of work goes into it. She doesn't have time for her kids, but expects others to take care of them. She's not working, and only duty she abandoned it for gossip with probably her single friend. I can bet she's probably CHEATING as well.
@GreenBoy9000 11 ай бұрын
I place the blame on movies & TV for poisoning people's minds with overtly unrealistic views on marriage.
@DiscoTimelordASD 11 ай бұрын
If you abandon your children on someone's doorstep without notifying them of your intention or the kids presence, then you are endangering your children and it's bad parenting.
@nimisilverbird1239 11 ай бұрын
Nta. On the calling the cops on your sister. Also sue the company. Theu have been told aboutvthe stair and refused to do anything. It is a safer hazard
@glendastaples8206 6 ай бұрын
I’m wondering if that last commenter was the sister who was leaving her kids, or a friend of hers. They sound totally unhinged.
@Dreamerlighting 11 ай бұрын
Has the little one been found 😢 worried about the little one
@momoangel9243 11 ай бұрын
HeII naw, anyone trying to blame op deserves to be shamed and scolded, because the sister litteral put gossiping over her own kids safety and especially over op's health because we are lucky op is even still here with because a infection is already dangerous but one when your passing in and out, and it's near and possibly in the barely healed bone, op it's a miracle she doesn't have life long permanent damage or worse, and same goes for the kids too the sister already lucked out when the landlord came, because what if op was already in the hospital by then or worse op being in the hospital already and nobody showed up and, the kids still being outside and start wondering like the boy did later or they be picked up by someone who wanted to do horrble things to them, I strongly believe in parents taking a break however I also believe they should make sure they left their kids with someone who is responsible and capable to also make sure the kids are safe while in their care, so no the sister is in the wrong on mutiple levels, she left her kids after op told her "no", left them on the curb without anyone knowing, and whenever someone was trying to get in contact with her about op being sent to the hospital fighting for her life, and the kids being at op's home alone, she would either lie or ignore the calls in favor of gossip which puts the cherry on top of this situation, not to mention if someone especially the person who is suppose to be watching your kids, is on their way to the hospital in a ambulance, wtf you doing still seating in the cafe still gossiping and instead of jumping up asking if op's ok and where the kids at??!, so anyone still trying to take the sister's side after all of this needs to be investigated themselves, because nobody with common sense would side with anything this dangerous and irresponsible.
@tinajoerossignol 11 ай бұрын
No real mother would ever leave her kids with someone who was sick or physically broken.
@rmhartman 11 ай бұрын
Call CPS for abandonment. You were in no condition to supervise children.
@vanillaface4202 6 ай бұрын
Hon the reason they're giving you all paid leave is because they know they're in the wrong for not fixing that staircase after hundreds of complaints about said staircase they just don't want you to sue
@cwgtube 11 ай бұрын
She should not have had kids!!!! IF YOU want to take care of them yourself. IT’s NO-ONE else’s responsibility! She had the fun creating them, now that there’s no FUN, she wants to bail. SUCKS to BE HER SERVERS HER RIGHT!!! ENTITLEMENT on a whole nother level.
@AlchemistConfections 11 ай бұрын
How do you condone the sister's behavior? Just how?! How entitled is the sister for thinking that OP could watch her children just because she didn't have any? And even when her was leg busted and OP high AF on pain killers?! You can't make this s***t up! Women like OP sister have no business being mothers, they are unworthy. OP's sister had the luxury that most women would literally kill for, and it's still not enough. Honestly, the sister's behavior was already appalling, but what really got me boiling and screaming at me screen was people JUSTIFYING the sister's behavior! WTF?!?!
@cresantspoon1204 11 ай бұрын
The Mother could've sent the kids to summer camp, that's what parents do for the good of the children. The 4 H clubs usually have activities for kids during summer. So much better then ditching them at the Aunties house.
@samr8499 11 ай бұрын
The comments are deranged, the mother is 100% at fault and doesnt deserve a bit of sympathy
@zerofate9669 11 ай бұрын
The sister never grew up in the slightest. She left her kids with no notice or explanation, just to talk to some women at the fking cafe? About gossip? Now she will be the biggest gossip for child neglect and endangerment. She did need this reality check and does she even now how bad a broken leg with an infection does to a person? She almost passed out for christ sake! The husband has the kids thankfully, and moving away with them, the sister deserve no child nor children for her reckless action all for some damn gossip. Could have stayed home with the kids and did that by inviting the women there. (Like my mother and her friends do, while we the kids watch cartoons in another room and played toys)
@anrexfk 11 ай бұрын
Lol at the first second commenter ... her sister is a stay at home wife ... she chose that kind of life ... she has no right to claim free time and her husband ... works ... probably double shifts ... and why get a nanny ... the sister is doing nothing besides spending the money of her husband.
@BusArch42 11 ай бұрын
A week for a broken leg!? Holy crap. Open heart surgery maybe but a leg is one day
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