What's living in the moment? Live somewhere else and show it to me! 🎯🌴🌛👻🔥🐼🍺 You have the intellect to float to the past and future. Animals and insects cannot do that. It's impossible not to live in this moment. 🌛🐧🔥🍁🎯👍⚽️ You are life because you're alive. Your intellect is the crown of your life on Earth. You must know how to use it. Your only longing is to live to your fullest capacity. Just pay attention to your capabilities in your inner dimension. What happens around you is not life, but life's ambience. What happens within is life. Thanks Sadhguru. 29 March 2023.🌹👻✡👻🐼🐧🍍😇🕎☯️⛵