I'm starting a FALLOUT campaign with a few of my friends, do you have any tips for prolonged firefights?
@PowerWordThrill10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for putting these together! I am curious about GURPS, as it is the one system I owned but never tried out at the table. Observations: it seems like GURPS combat can take several turns given how the attack and defense options work it seems like the lethality of GURPS is sort of the lethality in L5R and Savage Worlds; not actually there unless luck fucks you. There are so many things in place to keep you up, the lethality becomes a lucky strike coupled to shitty defense luck.
@inflatus110 жыл бұрын
I am glad you liked them. Yeah, GURPS is lethal. I don't think luck has much to do with it. You get stabbed in real life, that sucks. You get stabbed in GURPS, that also sucks. You get stabbed in D&D, well "it's just a scratch".
@PowerWordThrill10 жыл бұрын
Bradley Harvey Luck in the die rolls. Parry, Dodge, and Block will stave off any attack, as in the video. Until his luck went south, it was attack, parry, attack, parry. Then you have armor as ablative/damage reducing (awesome, as it should be), which lowers the damage. There are combat options, sure, but as with games it comes down to those damn dice. L5R has Void and armor as reductive as well, so it relies on the dice to be with you or against you. Savage Worlds is the same, with Parry, Toughness, and Bennies. Now, when you DO get hit...holy shit in all three systems...ish. Depends on the amount of damage really. Also, 50 cent was shot nine times at close range with a 9mm and was fine (all center mass). Some LEOs have been shot in the head by pistols and continued to function, and people take all manner of damage and continue to stay up. Life is weird like that. And d20...gah, the race to an empty fuel tank sans consequence is so boring, as you pointed out. I joined a local GURPS meet up to try and jump into a game. Oooh, if you ever do a one shot again, to demo the system or show how simple it is for newbies, please let me know.
@jeffryJEFFRYWITH1Ewillis10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. Is it that I'm looking for it more, or is there a kind of GURPS Renaissance happening?
@inflatus110 жыл бұрын
I hope there is a Renaissance happening!
@jeffryJEFFRYWITH1Ewillis10 жыл бұрын
***** It has been because of the mention of GURPS on Happy Jacks is half of what is fueling my current re-interest. waveyourgeekflag.blogspot.com/2014/02/gurps-thanks-to-happy-jacks.html
@jeffryJEFFRYWITH1Ewillis10 жыл бұрын
Also, [even though I'm in MN now], Cheeseheads.
@inflatus110 жыл бұрын
I went into a new FLGS in my town and the eight people in there had never heard of GURPS. I immediately thought my age was showing. I think the lack of the game's availability in FLGS and book stores had something to do with the overlooking. I mean to change that. Time to convert the d20 crowd here!
@inflatus110 жыл бұрын
One of the cool things was that the owner was one of the eight. He actually ordered a few copies of the Basic Set, Low Tech, HIgh Tech and Zombies. All I have to say about that is, Awesome!
@stefane19156 жыл бұрын
Hello and Thank you for the video. Do you have a link for a 3rd edition fillable gurps character sheet ?
@inflatus16 жыл бұрын
Hope the video was helpful. Below is the link to Steve Jackson Games website. There are all kinds of tools there. Character sheet is one of them. www.sjgames.com/gurps/utilities/ Cheers
@wildandwackywade9 жыл бұрын
watched video twice still am confused. Not sure how the high numbers are arranged. I made a character and the most we got was an eight or a nine for my defense.
@inflatus111 жыл бұрын
GURPS Combat Run Through
@PaulStefko11 жыл бұрын
Overall, I really like this short mock combat. I did note some mistakes, though. Did you want comments in that regard?
@inflatus111 жыл бұрын
Paul Stefko yes please
@PaulStefko11 жыл бұрын
Mostly they are clarifications to avoid confusion, but some are examples of using the wrong modifiers. I didn't timecode them, just in order as I saw them on the video, but here they are in a Google Doc. docs.google.com/document/d/1QtZV_R6WGE75XxeuutNhwTGdqjuZWhfy9pnzE1u6gVU/edit?usp=sharing
@GandalfThePlaid11 жыл бұрын
Good points Paul. Regarding the disarm: Yes I did at first speak of disarming him, but there was a bit of confusion and my mind was easily changed to simply smacking a hand or arm as I didn't trust my staff skill for anything too fancy. (I've spared against a guy that liked to kick your arm to get it tired to make it easier to kick you in the head. It sounded like a good plan here.)
@GandalfThePlaid11 жыл бұрын
Now I'm off to shed some of the noobishness and actually go read more of the books.