Top 7 accessories for Baofeng UV-5r ham radio

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Ham Radio In Action

Ham Radio In Action

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I countdown the top 7 accessories for the Baofeng UV-5r handheld ham radio, then I have a conversation with another ham radio operator using a local repeater.
Baofeng UV-5R:
SMA-F to BNC-F adapter:
APRS cable:
Diamond dual band antenna:
Solar Charge controller:
BTech USB charge cable:
Super elastic signal stick: Signalstuff
Solar panel and battery: No link, purchased at hamfest
Ham license test in your area:
study for ham test:
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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@donaldsmith3048 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I take my test in 2 weeks. I may be getting a Baofng for my first radio. I don't have much to spend.
@donaldsmith3048 4 жыл бұрын
I passed 2 tests! When I get it I will be a General class
@jamesslick4790 4 жыл бұрын
@@donaldsmith3048 Holy,Man Good show! 👍👍👍
@adamross2256 4 жыл бұрын
Congrats! I took the second test after I passed my first, but missed passing by 2 questions :P
@donaldsmith3048 4 жыл бұрын
Well I passed my first only missing one, and passed my second but just did. If I had missed one more I would not have passed that one. I am thinking of going for the next one but at this point I am trying to get my new D878UV Plus to program. The test was easy compaired to the programing of DMR!! Programming the local repeaters was easy but programming all the DMR is another thing.
@garychap8384 4 жыл бұрын
Donald, if you join a local club you'll get great prices on older equipment... or perhaps even a "loaner" radio or use of the clubs radio. Support is key, so if you do have a local club, join it and get along there : ) You can have some fun with a baofeng, for sure... if you're in range of a repeater at least. But they have very limited range and usefulness and can leave you feeling a little lonely. Find out your local repeaters and set your radio up for them. Also, find out if there are any regular rag-chews that take place. Ultimately, you'll want a cheap second hand 45w radio and a proper antenna to use your basic license effectively on VHF/UHF. You'll also want to ask around for a cheap second-hand radio that does HF and allows SSB and CW as a minimum. A Yaesu 817ND is a great choice if you can get one cheap... but anything will do... with these you can do a surprising amount, especially if you have a laptop lying around. Digital is something else you're really going to want to try. Great fun, but unless you have a hotspot like a nanoSpot or a SharkRF (or a local digital repeater in range) then this is not an option. However, once you get on Digital you'll find yourself just dialing in a country/region and chatting with ease. Whichever way you go, this hobby is always more fulfilling if you join a club... and it's the best way to get your hands on equipment. Later, consider joining your local EmComms group. This could be ARES if you're in the US or Raynet in the UK. This will get you working as community support for events and emergencies... it'll give you a positive way to use your license in the service of others. It puts in the company of some very professional operators, gives you an excuse to actually use your skills, and you'll quickly become very competent operator. But it all starts with your Baofeng and a callsign ; ) Good luck to you my friend. Perhaps one day I'll catch you on the band.
@garychap8384 4 жыл бұрын
Number 8: The extended battery. It's cheap, makes the radio feel better in the hand and more than doubles your use time. I love that "a license" was one of your picks... needs to be said more often HI HI
@kingg213 4 жыл бұрын
People who are buying HAM radios are mostly doing it to prep for SHTF, no one is going to give a crap about a license at that point!
@garychap8384 4 жыл бұрын
​@@kingg213 That's really not true. Most HAM radios are being bought by people with an interest in amateur radio (whether or not they are casual preppers too) ... sure, some of the more basic, cheaper, less functional HT's are being bought by preppers and airsofters, but they're basically using them as walkie-talkies. Preppers SHOULD get licensed - even for SHTF/WROL use ... it's not just about paying your government a tax. You wouldn't consider youself well prepped to use a rifle, until you can use it effectively. This means regular training... using it in more situations than a range... stripping it... cleaning it... diagnosing issues with ammunition and mechanics... understanding ammunition choices and how they affect the parameters of performance... understanding the way rounds propagate and are affected by environmental factors... etc. or, you can buy yourself a selection of cheapo "bang-sticks" and decide you're prepped to cope in any situation... like an idiot. Let's see what 'prepped for EmComms' really means... I've worked abroad with the red cross, often in very difficult situations. I can set up to hit a spot a few thousand miles away by understanding propagation. I can operate deep in mountainous/built-up terrain by turning an antenna into a sky-burner and using near-vertical radiation. I understand that each band operates differently in built up areas and make appropriate selections. I can operate repeaters and set them up using whatever is at hand (including disposable back-to-back baofengs) .... I can use morse to communicate over longer distances or copy other users... I can grab satellite images using any laptop to get up to date weather analysis, useful for planning and toxic or radiological events. Heck, I've chatted with the International Space Station and I've "tuned the moon" for EME. I've built and tuned antennas in the field using any materials to hand, strung them on rooftops, trees and moving vehicles. And I've done all these things in disaster situations at home and abroad, where lives depended on it... often during civil unrest. And I got those opportunities because I'm a licensed HAM. But, even without going to such extremes, my license training gives me all the theory (and room to practice) without ever leaving my home country. Want covert use? I've taken part in "foxhunts", so I can track other users down... locating them from their transmissions with accuracy and speed. Being practiced in this, I can avoid being tracked if need be. And I use my radios... on all bands and modes, every day. I can tune and repair them in the field. I can make antennas out of anything at hand and know how they will perform. I can stack them for directionality... throw them up into trees... I can operate with equipment that will fit in a cigarette pack. I can send and copy morse - so, when all else fails, I can communicate with he world. I regularly use QRP and can reliably operate off low power. Now... I could just grab some cheap HT's and "push the button to talk" ... but this is the equivalent of a novice with a BB-Gun. Decent for a day at the beach with the family, but not so strong in a disaster where the ability to harvest information is key to survival. Want to be a prepper? Then PREP! Because your best tools in any survival scenario are not you fancy gadgets... it's knowledge, familiarity and the ability to problem solve. Equipment is nice, but effectiveness is far more important. Cheap HT's can be handed out like candies to family/civilians to get them organised - but you, as a prepper, need to be prepared to play a decisive role in organising, communicating, and being uniquely aware of situations as they develop. HT's are for the last mile. That comes with knowledge and practice.... ... and that typically starts with getting licensed and learning a skill, not just handling an appliance. EmComms is an essential part of prepping, and it involves SO much more than speaking to someone with near-line-of-sight. There's certainly a lot more involved than chatting with your buddies on a walkie-talkie... PARTICULARLY when you're talking about SHTF/WROL situations. Want to be a specialist? in survival, weapons, communications, medical? Then you have to get your hands dirty BEFORE the shit hits the fan. For radio, that means licensed operation. Perhaps joining your local ARES/Raynet group and getting to use your equipment as a professional, coordinated, talented team - dealing with floods, hurricanes and other minor disasters and public events. The licence isn't a tax - it's an accreditation... it sets you on a path of (theoretical) competence... and opens the door to practical competence as a specialist. .... or, y'know... feel free to grab your _"hello kitty"_ walkie talkies and set off into the unknown : )
@kingg213 4 жыл бұрын
@@garychap8384 Yeah, you're gonna find out how many of us have these for a SHTF scenario if and when it happens! Say goodbye, to your Pre-Madonna, bullshit, licensing world when it happens! License my ass, no one is going to give a shit then!
@garychap8384 4 жыл бұрын
You've completely missed the point. I don't give a crap about the paperwork, and in a WROL/SHTF nobody will give a crap about it! Paper isn't the point, you can wipe your ass with the paperwork - expertise is the point! I got my licence, not to be compliant, but to work and train alongside the very best. Tell you what WILL matter - whether you actually understand what you're doing. If you have radioactive clouds of dust, you're going to want to be able to grab satellite images... you're going to need to know how to bypass the static.. if the problem in national you might need to find the conditions in cities several hundred miles away... if you're hiding out in mountains you're going to need skyburners ... if you're being hunted you're going to need to know about phase tracking... if you're going to set up stealth repeaters you're going to need to make and align cavity filters... Operational Communications is a very big field. All I'm saying is... don''t half-arse it. You want to rely on a Baofeng and line-of-sight VHF/UHF when your life depends on i? Go for it. To put it in terms you might understand. You're arguing that all you need is a .22 and some luck... and you're laughing at the guys who've taken their marksmans, tacops and weapons specialist training. FFS, you don't even have encryption sorted out. For a prepper, you REALLY seem to be against actual preparation ; ) I guess you're just one of these anti-expert folks who just ache for the dark ages where they might actually stand half a chance. You people confuse the shit out of me. Personally, I'd have thought you'd want reliable weaponry and the skills to operate, maintain and apply them... you'd be well practiced. And... if you understood just how important intel and EmComms/OpComms are, then you'd treat radio the same way. Not just grab something off the shelf and hope. You're gonna look real fine running about with your "hello kitty" radios, playing commando like children. I'm not even against Baofengs... they're great, you can hand 'em out like candy and get people organised. But, trust me, equipment and preparation is EVERYTHING. Our militaries are strong BECAUSE they're practiced and flexible specialists... not gung-ho idiots hoping for the best. But, maybe you disagree. Maybe you think you'e a match for anyone. Maybe you've watched far too many fucking hollywood movies and fancy yourself as a bit of a Bruce Willis. You have an attitude problem. You should sign up for service, they'd knock all that bullshit right out of you. Cus, everything you're saying tells me you're no prepper... you're a dreamer. Let's hope you never have to find out just how shitty situations can get and why having at least half a fucking clue is important, when lives depend on your shit working. All I'm saying is, try "getting good", idiot.
@railgap 4 жыл бұрын
@@garychap8384 yup, but you're wasting your breath on people like kingg213 - you can't tell them anything which conflicts with their boy scout adventure narrative.
@IROOKLYN 4 жыл бұрын
The tips was awesome but the best part of the video for me was him putting a call out and he got a response so fast from a complete stranger and the conversation was as if they was childhood friends he sold me on this device 100% and gain a new subscriber
@HamRadioInAction 4 жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it!
@thegrassisbluer09 4 жыл бұрын
For a few days now I've spent my social distancing breaking Google with my new curiosity of ham. Your videos are the first I've seen that show a real exchange instead of quick contacts. Ham radio in action indeed, bravo!
@Owieczkin 5 жыл бұрын
You could expand your list by adding: extended 3800 mAh battery, radio pouch, microphonespeaker (I use rain, and dustproof one by Zastone), and car charger. All in all UV-5R is an excellent platform. Nearly all of its accessories work with DM-5R and RD-5R
@robopam 4 жыл бұрын
Is it technically illegal to use the Baofeng on frs/gmrs? Yes. In the years the gmrs $80 license has been in effect and the years the Baofeng has been available have there been any prosecutions for either? Look it up. No one in enforcement cares as long as you stay off the repeaters. You will find that old school ham people are damn near autistic on procedure and guard their hobby ferociously. Most of them hate the little $30 Chinese radios because it let a lot of people find about about their little secret society that they spent $hundreds$ to get into. Lol
@longrider42 5 жыл бұрын
Okay, I own the UV5r-V2+, the second generation of the UV5r. So here is my list of accessories you should get. Get your License first, yes please. The license is actually good for life, you just have too update it every ten years. Second, a new antenna. I like the Abbree 18.8 inch tactical folding antenna. Third a good speaker mic, so you dont have to hodl the radio up too your face. Fourth a extended battery, Baofeng sells a 3600 mAh battery. Fifth, the programming cable, because it is much easier to program the radio using a program called CHIRP, which is free. Sixth, the USB charging cable for your charging base, very useful. Seventh, if your going to use your Baofeng in your car, a good external antenna for your car., and the battery eliminator, so you can plug your radio into the car. Thats it for now.
@microminiskirt 5 жыл бұрын
@skubefamilychannel 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for getting me back into ham radio: I just came across your video by chance when looking for an emergency radios. At 65 I sold all my station’s and dropped out of sight 15 years ago, I am now 76. I had no one interested in obtaining my stations so I found someone in need of them. Now I seen this video. I bought this radio with all the accessories and I learned I have to learn the these new radio systems all over again. ECHOLINK, what the heck is Thankful for youtube. My last 2meter was a Kenwood TR-2500 that says a lot, however I still have my Mosley TR-33 tri-bander still tucked away Thanks “73”. KX9J
@zacharymason8717 Жыл бұрын
Video actually starts at 4:20
@bakedbaker6097 4 жыл бұрын
Well you CAN use this radio without a License. Its not "technical" aloud but the FCC doesn't waste time pursuing people unless they are being a total d-bag. And just stay off of ham frequencies so you dont get ham guys all pissy. I use one of these during hunting season and just run with FRS frequencies with no issues.
@johnyoude3121 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant loved every minute of your conversation and that antenna you used is perfect. John G0GUF RNARS 3227
@bartrabiej 3 жыл бұрын
Hello! What do you think about UV-5R III is it better than UV-5R ? Thanks!
@PvPene 4 жыл бұрын
The Baofeng line of HTs is the Glock of ham radio
@frankholmes5431 4 жыл бұрын
Gavan Brown lol more like the norinco, but I guess you guys can’t really buy those, only us Canadians
@themasterhammer 4 жыл бұрын
Gavan Brown grow up and stop being a troll.
@0westdude 4 жыл бұрын
More like the hi point
@rileypowis5319 4 жыл бұрын
themasterhammer bruh
@bossmansam2 4 жыл бұрын
Except glocks ain’t cheap like baofeng
@Richard-mz7qu 5 жыл бұрын
Well done. This is the second very helpful video which you have produced that I have watched. I decided to subscribe and reviewed other videos which you have produced. Most people, including myself are lazy (to some extent) and we are accustom to the producer of the video to provide a link to the items featured in their videos. In another video, you contacted another person utilizing repeaters. Could you please elaborate, or produce an instructional video on the use of repeaters? Does access to a repeater require permission?
@biologistjim4905 5 жыл бұрын
Product links would be very helpful. You could monetize as an Amazon affiliate, would encourage you to consider it.
@Richard-mz7qu 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. This is a really great video, but I have no idea where to find these accessories.
@Josh3239 5 жыл бұрын
Seconded. I was looking for that solar charge controller.
@firstlast-vq4xt 5 жыл бұрын
@@Josh3239 Yeah that's a nice looking charge controller. Many solar panels come with charge controllers included. My Harbor Freight one did, but it's not as cool looking as the one in this vid.
@firstlast-vq4xt 5 жыл бұрын
Agreed - links would be helpful PLUS we could send a few $$$ his way :-) The USB charging cable is on Amazon, I found, listed as "BTECH USB Smart Charger (9-10.8V) Transformer Cable for BaoFeng" The programming cable for CHIRP is listed as "Tenway Baofeng USB Programming Cable" There are also J pole antenna designs and kits on Google. The tablet interface cable seems to be listed as "BTECH APRS-K1" on Amazon.
@biologistjim4905 5 жыл бұрын
dave thanks !
@richardhyman6981 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. Great info as I start my journey in this hobby and you explained things very well! And watching/listening to you talk brought out the excited little kid in me (I'm 51 now lol)! Much thanks for a fun video!
@jymferrier 4 жыл бұрын
This is fantastic! Picked up that usb cable. Had these radios for a while. love them.
@Komaru.89 4 жыл бұрын
As a relatively new ham with a UV-5R, I really appreciate this video, especially the excellent example of a friendly QSO at the end.
@jagarbarabast 5 жыл бұрын
My Baofeng UV-5r came with a programming cable from baofeng. and it works great with chirp. I dont have a license yet, so I´m only listening on my local repeater. excuse my bad English, but I´m from Sweden :)
@southjersey10 5 жыл бұрын
Ha, excuse my lack of Swedish. Wishing years of radio enjoyment.
@scotthill6807 5 жыл бұрын
Martin, Your English is far better than my Swedish!! I hope you have years of fun! Maybe we'll get to work HF together. 73
@don-el7418 4 жыл бұрын
@MrPappagiorio I'm also from Sweden and I'm planning to buy a baofeng really soon. Do you know how to get a license though? I've not figured out how to get a license in Sweden yet.
@don-el7418 4 жыл бұрын
@MrPappagiorio Thanks for the tip! I will try to do that later today. Appreciate the help!
@Astronaut76 4 жыл бұрын
I couldn't get chirp to work when I switched to windows 10. Then I bought a Bluetooth programming adapter and it's awesome. I can program it with my phone.
@deanstrand4260 2 жыл бұрын
You have a misunderstanding about the legalities of owning this radio. You can legally own a Baofeng uv-5r without a license, as long as you don't transmit anything on it. It is perfectly legal to have one of these radios and listen in.
@damiengirvan5020 Жыл бұрын
Do you use the 10 code on ham radio?? I thought that was a CB radio thing...... Is it the same 10 code as CB or is ham different?? Or are these men ex law men?? From an old scanning book I read I understand that police used a different 10 code to the CB users.....
@emrw888 4 жыл бұрын
This is an awesome video! Just wish you had some sort of link for the solar panel and battery pack you have. I can't seem to find a small battery pack like yours in the vid.
@damiengirvan5020 Жыл бұрын
A desk Mike..... A mains power supply..... A high gain antenna.... An swr meter.... A linear amplifier.... A transverter.... I have no idea what any of this means..... I just started to take an interest in this...... But I was on the UK CB 11m in the 90s.....
@RevGunn-jq3cq 5 жыл бұрын
Some where in your next list should be an extended battery pack.......your videos are energetic and enjoyable to watch.
@pokegenandoz1574 4 жыл бұрын
Just ordered my first baofeng UV5R...been seeing alot of videos but urs always provide easy understandable data 👍👍 want to get into programming it into picking up atc but small steps first.
@Radionut 4 жыл бұрын
Addressing item number seven on your list. These radios can be used for other things other than amateur radio. That can be used for FRS they can be used for GMRS. Why would you have to get a license. And while you’re doing things on your list post how much those things cost
@HamRadioInAction 4 жыл бұрын
UV-5r is not type certified for transmitting on GMRS or FRS. US Federal Regulations Title 47 → Chapter I → Subchapter D → Part 95
@MagicRoosterBluesBand 3 жыл бұрын
I got a magnetic mount antenna for my truck and an external mic for the UV-5R. Much better range while driving.
@RealLifeLifeHacks 2 жыл бұрын
a "pro" who considers a ham radio license as an accessory... what the hell!!!
@counterterror101 4 жыл бұрын
8. Extended 3800mAh battery 9. USB cable for the extended battery 10. Six AA battery adapter
@VideosfromNH 4 жыл бұрын
Nice video. Never considered Baofeng. Sounds like it works good for the price though. I may reconsider if I need a new handheld. And, I subscribed because of your enthusiasm for Ham radio.
@wedkarskimiszmasz 4 жыл бұрын
7:25 where can I buy this antenna? What is name of this antenna?
@chipperdrewski 4 жыл бұрын
There’s a link in the description
@wedkarskimiszmasz 4 жыл бұрын
@@chipperdrewski but not for this antena.
@w.rustylane5650 4 жыл бұрын
@Patriotalliance 2 жыл бұрын
You can use the Baofeng as a scanner with no license needed.
@privateinformation8364 2 жыл бұрын
Bruh, the American test is so easy compared to other countries
@Screamingtut 4 жыл бұрын
MY current radio HT's I Got Several Baofeng UV5rV2 plus I have an FT-65, D878UV DMR RRadio and the Bridgcom D878UV Analog/Digital DMR radio, plus the Revists RT3s GPS DMRHT. and I have the AnyTone AT-D578UVPRO Dual-Band for the car and a TYT TH-9800 PLUS - QUADBAND - 50W - REMOTE HEAD - CROSS BAND REPEATER for the house. I just upgraded my old HF radios, I went from a TS 430S and an FT-817ND to an FT-991A, FT891 a Xiegu G90 QRP. I have a buddipole but I just brought new whips because of mine fell over in a winter storm and snapped them off the pole. I have a Diamond BBV7 for my new QTH I'm looking for. I want to do SOTA at Mt Shasta W6/NE-074 northern ranges park this spring from 7900 feet. and POTA Castle Crags state park K1135
@BR-pj8ii 4 жыл бұрын
Good Morning, my brothers and I just purchased three Baofeng UV-5R radios. First two from one source and the third one from another. They are for use mainly during times when cellular isn't working. I have had my Technician license for more than a year and haven't used it once. Little intimidating. Question? a friend of the family has a frequency that was assigned to him many years ago when he was racing that we all would like to use as a group, however it will not work on two of the radios. 468.5375 is the frequency. When I enter it will change it to 468.525. I have another brother who lives in Dawson Ga. that I'm trying to convince him to get his license. I sent him two of your videos. KN4POQ
@abysspegasusgaming 4 жыл бұрын
After getting my own Baofeng UV-5R Mk 3, I quickly bought the official Baofeng USB programming cable (with a broken CD...), and clip mic/speaker combo. Being big in to electronics and having used CB radios in the past, it is exciting and fun to build your own antennas and even use additional devices for signal stability and monitoring. Now to just find the time to get that pesky license...
@garygillespie3629 3 жыл бұрын
What is the difference between the Baofeng UV-5R and the Baofeng UV-5R Plus. I have both and have ordered a Baofeng UV-5R 8W for a little more oompf! After I get my General, I'll look for a higher powered, longer reach unit. Still trying to figure all of this out so I enjoy a lot of the KZbin videos.
@SledPemberton 2 жыл бұрын
mag mount antenna for your vehicle
@annoying.solicitations8319 3 жыл бұрын
. Great Ordered my radio and ARRL Manual Looking Forward Thank you sir God Bless ~ ...
@jamesslick4790 4 жыл бұрын
If you wanna keep "Kosher" until you get your "ticket" (FCC "Ham" licence) and use your Baofeng to receive only (as a monitor or scanner..) Use the "CHIRP" software - You can disable TX on one,or BOTH bands. Once done, you could press the PTT with no transmission.(Preventing a FEDERAL LAW VIOLATION). If you are a new,yet unlicensed "ham", DO THIS FIRST. Same applies to anyone who bought these as a cheap VHF/UHF analog scanner! - There are a LOT of folks using these as scanners, (They can be great little "scanners" for budding "Railfans"!) I want to help keep them out of trouble! (Scanner Enthusiast here!)
@uMalice 3 жыл бұрын
You've said that it's easy to pass the test, yet, there is a ton of science and info to learn to prep for the exam. I failed my first attempt in February and I have a bachelors degree, albeit not in a Science field. Unfortunately, there's not another test in my area until June. I'm seriously considering sticking to cell phones. Congrats to those that make the cut. The test is not a joke.
@HamRadioInAction 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear that. I've been told before that I understate the difficulty of the test, and I will be more mindful of that in the future. Maybe you could consider another way of learning the material, there are video courses, books, in person classes (geography dependent), and of course memorizing the the question pool. I hope you stick with it.
@escapetherace1943 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say it's so easy a caveman child could pass it, but hey.....
@EvasiveSnail 4 жыл бұрын
This was great to watch. Picked myself a UV 5r up couple of days ago after seeing another of your videos. Getting to grips with the menus and settings ect. Jusy listening in at the moment. Once the UK comes out of full lockdown I intend to do my license. Thanks for inspiring me. Cheers. Take care.
@stuartbertles8721 4 жыл бұрын
So you got your solar panel at there one on amazon or another dealer site that you recommend? Thank you for your very informative video! I see some on amazon have 2.1amp output... I would like to know what output would be required for a solar panel to adequately power the charger for my baofang.
@loganhasbrouck5029 4 жыл бұрын
It's not false. I was looking for a radio to listen to my local police. I bought this radio knowing nothing about any licenses. But after seeing your video I'd love to get the license! Enjoy watching you very much!
@apptech1350 3 жыл бұрын
My buddy and I are completely new to this can we talk to eachother about 20 miles away with the uv5r?
@longrider42 3 жыл бұрын
No. 8, The 3600 mAh extended Battery pack. Makes the radio easier to hold. No. 9, a good speaker mic. No. 10, Battery Eliminator, will allow you too plug your radio into the 12 volt socket on your dash board.
@ajc60803 3 жыл бұрын
I was going to mention the extended battery, but it's a good thing I checked first to see if it had already been mentioned. Your other suggestions are also good accessories to have as well.
@edbeecher3193 5 жыл бұрын
Glad I found you on KZbin. I upgraded my F8HP with a ExpertPower antenna on the recommendation of another Ham on KZbin and it seems to work great.
@Astronaut76 4 жыл бұрын
Try the abbree antenna it almost doubles the strength of a nagoya
@Screamingtut 4 жыл бұрын
FYI, you only can get a 1x3 or 2x3 vanity call sign as a Technician & General you can get a 2x2, a 2x1 or a 1x2 call sign as an Extra class (2x2 call sign is what usually were assigned to the old Advance Class). I took my initials as my call N6KV, Kristyanna
@exgenica 5 жыл бұрын
SPEAKER/MICROPHONE or EARBUD/MICROPHONE I know everyone has their own "list" but a speaker/microphone or earbud/microphone should be way up there toward the top if you use the radio a lot. It can not only help protect the radio during storms, but can improve how people hear you by quite a bit, especially if you use a set with a noise-reduction microphone. However, the absolute worst accessory is also this same speaker/ least as implemented by BaoFeng. It is BAD because it's almost impossible to remove its connector from the radio without applying considerable force and stress to the connector on the radio and the plug/jacks. It also physically hurts to get enough of a grip with just the fingertips to pull the connector out of the radio. Their 90 degree up-line cord design DOES reduce stress on the electrical cord but they've reduced the profile of the connector by such a degree there's nothing left to hold on to as you try to remove it. QUICK AND CHEAP SOLUTION (THIS ALSO WORKS FOR THE PROGRAMMING CABLE) Here's a homebrew solution that works well for me without being too much of an eyesore. I zip-tied a "split" keyring (the ring only...not the whole thing) to the speaker/microphone plug. You know...the kind of ring that you insert through the hole in a key and then slide the key around in a circle until it clears the other end of the keyring's circle. I used a thin zip-tie that goes around the thick plastic part of the connector and between the two male connectors. It has to be thin or it will interfere with proper seating of the connector in the radio socket. The keyring sits on "top" of the "grip" of the connector. Now the connector easily pulls out...and it pulls out STRAIGHT to the side without extreme lateral forces or twisting on the connectors and without pulling out my fingernails. Note...before this "fix" I also accidentally tore off the socket's protective dust/splash flap because I gripped it along with the connector when I pulled it out of the radio. This "fix" eliminates that risk entirely. There are alternative items to the keyring. Anything that extends the grip on the connector without being too bulky works fine...even another zip-tie could be used by making it into a loop that is secured to the connector by the first zip-tie. can even affix a small caribiner clip using the zip-tie. However, I prefer the keyring. During storage, I can clip the keyring under the belt-clip on the microphone and the long dangling cord is now under a little bit of control.
@exgenica 5 жыл бұрын
USE AN EARBUD WITH A SPEAKER/MICROPHONE (an accessory to an accessory) If you have a speaker/microphone accessory, you may not have noticed this yet. By design it isn't usually obvious. But, there is probably an auxilliary earphone/earbud jack on the microphone itself. It's often covered up by a cosmetic plug of rubber/plastic the same color as the microphone casing. So...even if you're using the "speaker/microphone" instead of the default "earbud/microphone" that comes with each BaoFeng can clip the speaker/microphone onto your collar and extend an earbud to your ear. More privacy, a bit easier to hear things...and a touch of two-in-one flexibility.
@jfrphoto01 2 жыл бұрын
When you were talking about the FRS and GMRS services you forgot to mention the one other service that is license free and it is close to the 2 meter band. MURS! 5 channels on 151.820, 151.880, 151.840, 154.57 and 154.600 MHz. All FM, 2 watts max output but you can use any VHF antenna that you want. I have the BTECH V1 MURS and I connect it to a 5/8 wave base antenna at 50 feet and talk into areas that are over 50 miles away using 2 watts. Using the Baofengs on these frequencies is illegal but there are a lot of people using them on MURS all over my area. A lot of them use them when they go hunting, camping, fishing or just talking about nothing at all (rag chewing). Plus, if the SHTF, we have comms with each other.
@Aerospaceman 4 жыл бұрын
I purchased a usb cable for my Baofeng UV-5Re and it was a knock-off, soon as I purchased an authentic cable it worked like a charm! Currently in the work s, my ground plane antenna for my dual-band radio. Bill KJ7HWV Spokane Valley WA. Nice videos.
@bergmanp2211 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Excellent channel !!!!.by any chance do you hav etc link for the super elastic antenna?
@albertshilton5336 2 жыл бұрын
Great video as always. The APRS you suggested has a phone jack. My IPad has only a UBS-C. Is there an updated version of the cable you suggested? Tnx KG6KGB.
@lomgshorts3 4 жыл бұрын
A handheld radio is not a good "first radio" for a new Ham. The range is limited, the power is low, and most Chinese radios seldom come with an instruction manual, or come with a manual that has a really bad translation into English. Baofeng, Woxon, Pofung, unbranded radios are essentially the same radios, usually from the same manufacturer. It is best to buy a car mobile radio with at least 50 watts output, use a home mast mounted antenna or car mag mounted antenna. Handheld radios can frustrate new Hams by not being to get into repeaters more than 10 miles away. Handhelds used for simplex operation usually have a three mile range with the supplied antenna (or less depending on location), and maybe 5 miles with a good quality aftermarket antenna. More experienced Hams may be happy with a handheld radio used at hamfests, or functions that do not demand longer ranged communications. To program these Baofeng like radios is difficult from the keyboard, but with the proper cable using the CHIRP program on your computer does make it much easier. Another problem is if you drop your Baofeng on a hard surface (like concrete), you may ruin the battery pack or the radios frame rendering it unusable. Delivery time from China can take 5 or 6 weeks, so if you do want one, order from a US supplier. I can say that after owning several Baofeng models, handle with care, protect the radio with a leather or rubber case, get that aftermarket antenna, buy seveal of the higher capacity battery packs, buy the external speaker microphone, and you may be satisfied with this radio. But remember this: the radio is NOT waterproof in any way like some Kenwood, ICOM, and Yaesu radios actually are. 73's de W4FJF.
@davidmackenzie5332 4 жыл бұрын
Great video; subscribed. I hear pretty commonly that nothing interesting happens on 2 meter, and that nobody learns anything. You pretty much prove that isn't true.
@HamRadioInAction 4 жыл бұрын
@petesal1035 4 жыл бұрын
Great Job with your video Just got my Technican license very excited to get started looking to make my first purchase I'm in Marietta would like to meet up with you email
@danielaceves5027 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! Awesome presentation as well! Loved the convo at the second half, lol.
@imjustmetoo7419 4 жыл бұрын
I'm in Alabama. About 2hr from Huntsville where Redstone Arsenal and Space and Rocket Center Is located. Is this the same city as you and Mark were speaking? (I know there is more than one Huntsville in the US).
@michaelhendriksen2465 4 жыл бұрын
Look at for a FREE series of the questions and a learning rationale that will help you get your Technician (or upper-level) license much more easily than trying to review all the questions on your own. Highly recommended! Go for it! HAM radio is fun, and a great community to join!
@larryjanson4011 6 ай бұрын
in 2024 it is now a fcc tax of $35.USD for a ham permit. the testing is done by and for hams. they are free. the gmrs permits are just a $35.USD tax sold. no test both are good for 10 years.. the frs are buy the radio and use, no fcc tax.
@longrider42 3 жыл бұрын
You are actually using the UV5r V2+. Its a very good radio and was my first HT. I still have it. I believe the model has been discontinued. So for those interested. Get the Baofeng BFF8-HT, it is the 3rd incarnation of the old UV5r. As far as replacing the antenna, get the Abbree Tactical folding antenna, the 18 inch model. Its an amazing inexpensive antenna.
@mikefloyd6816 4 ай бұрын
#1 should be to buy extra batteries. The are inexpensive and greatly improve the duration of time you can use the radio. In a disaster, it may be overcast so solar is out. Wall power may be unavailable. If you have multiple batteries, you can go several days without charging. Good video but for me, #1 is extra batteries.
@BodyPiercingByGlock 4 жыл бұрын
One of the most annoying and obnoxious things I hear about Amateur Radio is how easy the test is. First and foremost if it was easy then you wouldn't need to study for it at all. Swatting a fly us easy. Then there are the thousands of people that fail it one or more times. Worst of all though is saying that even children pass it, as if children are complete morons or something, very tacky. Have you ever seen the show "Are you smarter than a 5th Grader"? Children are quite smart and it's easy for them to learn and recall new information because they have much more storage space, as adults our minds are overcrowded with information we can't give up and we are often pressed for free time and under considerably more stress depending on occupation and lifestyle. So no it's not easy unless you have plenty of free time, few things to deal with and remember and not much stress which describes very few adults. It can be done however. As adults we have lost lots of information we used to hold because we had to replace it with information we had to have to survive. So please quit talking stupid shit.
@xViBeXx 4 жыл бұрын
Video was great. Got some ideas on what to work on next! New to HAM radios. Got one as an Emergency medicine nurse to follow scanners around here; helps to know what I will be walking into at work. I enjoyed the ExpertPower Baofeng UV-5R Extended True Capacity Battery. Helps to keep it charged longer while traveling to work. I actually use mine at work to listen and plan what will be rolling in the bay with EMS. Baofeng is a great "first radio" for people new to HAM radios
@nowherespecial6780 3 жыл бұрын
You have me very interested I ordered a bow phang Max power UV 5R That came with the accessory kit and flashing cable is the flashing cable what your talking about when your hooking it up to your ipad laptop phone Etc
@biranit50 4 жыл бұрын
programming cable is not such a big issue, for a cable with a fake prolific chip all you need is to downgrade driver to ver you can aso build your own cable buying a ch340 or ftdi element for under a dollar or 2 respectively and weld 2.5 3.5 plugs to it. check
@stansbruv3169 Жыл бұрын
That was awesome Brian! Thank you. Subscribed! Please continue to make content and share. It’s much appreciated!
@bretholtzman1524 Жыл бұрын
Hi, thanks for your informative videos.👍I have one question, where did you get that roll up J pole antenna ? can't find that anywhere !
@ianmoore525 Жыл бұрын
Great video. Does your recommendation for accessories equally apply to UV82, uhf/vhf?
@ferebeefamily 4 жыл бұрын
That was really interesting. Thank you for the video.
@alanbanh 4 жыл бұрын
Hello! I was wondering if the UV-5R III Tri-Band is a genuine model from Baofeng or if it’s a copy off of an existing model.
@MojaveHillBilly 3 жыл бұрын
What is the name of the ios app you are using for APRSpro? I see a few different apps but I don't think I see the one you are using in the video. Thank you so much for the video. :)
@dennisbuchen1686 2 жыл бұрын
To start with you do not have to have a license to have a beofeng radio. Also, there are other models of beofeng radios that are NOT HAM radios. There are GMRS only radios that are beofeng so saying that you have to have a HAM license to have one is false. You also left out the marine radios and frequencies. You do not have to have a license to have and operate on of those radios. I have one on my boat and us it occasionally when I,m out on the water fishing. You can also own any of these models of radios without a license as long as you are listening only. If you are unlicensed you can still use any of these radios without a license in case of emergency. So lets get all the facts straight on a video that is going to viewed by a lit of people.
@Pollys13a 4 жыл бұрын
Very interesting and helpful thanks :)
@celesthodge 3 жыл бұрын
i’m assuming he means huntsville al, that’s pretty cool
@davepickering997 4 жыл бұрын
Good info and good radio. I have one and all those accessories too. G7UAY
@gigilaco 13 күн бұрын
Do I need both an APRS cable and a programming cable? Are they different?
@AssBanana420 4 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the info partner. I just started taking the plunge into ham radio stuff and the info you pump out is a life saver
@Skeletor50588 4 жыл бұрын
what is the best programming cable out there? i want to make sure i dont get the wrong one.
@garylee7774 4 жыл бұрын
Forgot an external microphone/speaker!!!
@toddjenest3212 4 жыл бұрын
Can I use the UV-5R as a GMRS radio... Legally? Is APRS a HAM function only? I wish there was someone like you that talked about GMRS. I love your videos. As a new user, I have a million questions.
@HamRadioInAction 3 жыл бұрын
Not according to FCC rules. They don’t like radios that can transmit on multiple radios services. I’m not sure if FCC allows packets to be transmitted on GMRS channels, interesting question.
@pageveazey9874 Жыл бұрын
Say what??? What about a speaker mike? When you use a speaker mike, you eliminate the need for a tiger tail ground counterpise.
@thatdude7587 Жыл бұрын
Start of the video I know UV-5R it's a BF-F8HP.... but I'll role wit it
@DJMICA-bz3qz 4 жыл бұрын
It's Randy from trailer park boys!
@tangle70 4 жыл бұрын
I am to HAM radio and have bought a couple UV-5R radios. I have a couple questions. What kind of range increase could one expect with the Signal Seven antenna? With a proper antenna, would they function well as a base station (for a beginner)? Thanks
@HamRadioInAction 4 жыл бұрын
The reception will be better and you might get a little more out, but you will not overcome not having line of sight to your target.
@Bruce-vq7ni 3 жыл бұрын
4:22 "Wall Wart" - brilliant 😂
@LanceDavis-vd7vx 4 ай бұрын
At 2:47 you said that you need a license to use a Baofang radio...not true. You do, however, need a license to transmit on a Baofang radio if you are on frequencies that require a license.
@Thatonedude90 8 ай бұрын
Freedom of speech includes method of communication. Founding fathers weren’t stupid.
@zachalewel9140 4 жыл бұрын
Hate to bug ya again but you're just so darn helpful :) Where did you get that sweet j pole roll up? & Have you used it yet? Thinking about getting one for elk hunting base camp.
@HamRadioInAction 4 жыл бұрын
Bought it on eBay several years ago.
@ChuckNorris01 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, Is the license only for United States? How about overseas?
@checkedoutchris 4 жыл бұрын
. GREAT video man! Thanks for the thorough and entertaining info! One of the few HAM videos I've watched that didn't put me to sleep. ;)
@samlancaster5506 Жыл бұрын
A vanity call sign now costs 35.00. Whether you get it or not. Even if your rejected
@lisajames2471 3 жыл бұрын
The luxuriant catsup electronically brush because engineering recently entertain within a cautious kevin. envious, victorious pressure
@vsmichael1 2 жыл бұрын
Get the Baofeng BF-R3/& get a triple bander.. I love 220mhz.
@mikerey02 4 жыл бұрын
This was a great video. Thanks.
@davidsradioroom9678 5 жыл бұрын
Hey, nice video. I made one of those ground plane antennas myself. I have one question for you. The Baofeng operates on 12 volts, and you showed charging it with a USB cable. I understand USB is 5 volts. Am I correct? If it is, how would that work?
@HamRadioInAction 5 жыл бұрын
The cradle has input of DC 10V, the output is DC 8.4V 400mA. Measuring the contacts on the cradle I get just under 10V using the wall wart. I also get just under 10V using the USB cable connected to the solar controller as shown in the video.
@exgenica 5 жыл бұрын
There are USB converters that use a voltage/power converter that can change the USB's 5VDC to 10VDC or other DC voltage. Here's an example: The vendor claims: "With this cable you can connect your Baofeng UV-5R charging base to a USB power port or USB battery bank and charge the battery without the use of the 110V AC wall wart. Great for camping or emergency preparedness situations. " I neither endorse nor support this vendor or product. I have no personal or financial interest in same. I have NOT tried this product and make no representations as to its suitability for any particular application. Background information: The current requirements means that it likely requires using a high-power USB port rather than one of the older standards USB ports. Note: these days you also have to watch out for USB "compatibility" and "meets USB 3.x" claims. For example, USB-C ports can vary a LOT in terms of speed and power handling capabilities. The details are critical. Example: I was recently looking at a laptop that had a USB-C port. However, way down in the specs there was a disclaimer that it couldn't be used for a video adapter port...something we took for granted with older USB ports is now a "specialty" item. Some USB-C ports are also limited to 5gbps while others handle much higher speeds (part of the USB-C marketing hype). Some USB-C ports are current limited to low amps...maybe just 1amp compared to others that can handle several amps. To Play: If you want to "play" with this type of conversion technology, you can look at products LIKE this. They can be pretty cheap. Note that THIS particular unit is fairly low output power at 3Watts (which means 300mA at 10V), while if I remember correctly, the BaoFeng "wall wart" puts out up to 500mA at this is just an example as it might not supply enough power to let the BaoFeng battery charging stand operate properly. There are higher power converter modules out there. Here's example of higher power module:
@exgenica 5 жыл бұрын
I suggest making your next homebrew antenna a J-pole. You can make single or dual band. Can be as easy as being made out of a single length of TV twin-lead (the 2-wire flat cable) and a coax feedline cable to your radio. Try this one: I made my first one, a 2m single-band, in about an hour and it was vastly better than even the larger "rubber duck" antennas. It's also better than the "SO-239(or PL-259)/coat-hanger" 1/4 wavelength antenna. You can roll it up and store it just about anywhere and deploy it by hanging it from a tree or similar.
@MrDREIK 4 жыл бұрын
In subscrive im 🇮🇹 , nice video verry good accessories. Thank you , 73
@LVK15926951 3 жыл бұрын
I like your presentation, audio and video quality. Your content is interesting and informative. I just subscribed to your channel. I have been a ham in the past KE4RLZ. Been out for awhile but you sparked my interest again. Just ordered the study guide for Tech and General. I look forward to a contact in the near future
@HamRadioInAction 3 жыл бұрын
Good luck. Thanks for the compliment and subscription. Hope to catch you on the air!
@LVK15926951 3 жыл бұрын
@@HamRadioInAction Soon
@christurner1226 5 жыл бұрын
Links to products?
@LemmyCaution66 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent and informative video. Thanx from Belgium 🇧🇪 73
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