Happy Chinese, Episode 6, Chinese Hamburgers (Learning Chinese Series)

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@derekeano 3 жыл бұрын
OMG the Chinese creators really had a laugh making this episode 😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪
@limgin2713 2 жыл бұрын
@quoderatdemonstrandum7215 4 жыл бұрын
This episode was a revenge on over 100 years of American Hollywood stereotypes about Asians🤣. They have gone easy on the Americans actually. There would be no other explanation.
@derekeano 3 жыл бұрын
@gamegamer9523 3 жыл бұрын
@zzineohp 5 жыл бұрын
Every single image in this is a meme format just waiting to happen
@sarab.s.831 6 жыл бұрын
[快乐汉语 HQ] 06 - 肉夹馍 爷爷奶奶早! 早宝贝!起来了。 爸妈,一大早上起来就打扫卫生啊? 这环保应该是你干的事儿啊! 就是。 你做早饭吧。 哦,对。今儿早上都想吃什么?报一报。 且慢! 行啊!苏珊都会说文言文啦! 只会这一句。 怎么了苏珊?有什么话你就直说。 为了感谢大家的热情招待,我也想招待大家。我来做饭,周末全包了! 你要给我们做饭。 周末六顿饭你全都包了? 嗯! 好啊!那就让我们大家领教一下苏珊的厨艺。 对,让我们常常美国的家常采! 那我们就欢迎苏珊大厨为我们露一手! 好,欢迎欢迎,热烈欢迎! 苏珊,谢谢! 不谢。我现在就给大家做最正宗的美国家常早餐。 好好好。 听听,这动静可真不小! 真想赶紧吃进嘴里。 平时这个时候就我一人忙。今天我可悠闲一回。 这美国正宗的家庭早餐会是什么呢? 早餐好了! 来来来! 难道这就是最正宗的美国早餐? 这应该是最正宗的美国快餐! 热汉堡!趁热吃! 味道真不错! 多谢! 不客气! 苏珊,手艺不错! 苏珊,你这汉堡包的这个味道和一般快餐店的不大一样。 我也觉得不太一样。你是不是在里边放宫保鸡丁了? 净瞎说! 就是的,美国人哪有那么做饭的!你放的是不是鱼香肉丝? 没有没有,我放的海鲜沙拉酱。 海鲜沙拉酱? 沙拉酱是汉堡包的灵魂。我姥姥告诉我的。 吃,吃。 这动静比早上还大。 说不定苏珊正在给咱们做美国的烤火鸡。 说不定苏珊在给咱们做美国版的满汉全席。 我口水都快流出来啦! 等会儿大家要注意吃相,不要狼吞虎咽! 这正宗的美国家常午餐会是什么样呢? 哎呀,我很期待呀! 午餐来啦! 多谢! 不客气!请品尝! 怎么又是汉堡包啊? 美国人就只吃这个。 这个汉堡和早餐的汉堡不一样。 有什么不一样? 没有蔬菜,这就是单纯的海鲜沙拉酱汉堡包。 哦,没有蔬菜就不一样了。 吃吧吃吧吃吧。 这晚餐不会又是汉堡吧? 乌鸦嘴! 什么事都要往好处想。 可这美国正宗的家常晚餐会是什么呀? 晚餐好了!请品尝! 多谢。 不客气! 苏珊,你们美国人不是很讲究营养搭配吗? 看,这回搭配了洋葱。 这就叫做洋葱海鲜沙拉酱汉堡包。 完全正确!请品尝! 让我说中了吧! 乌鸦嘴! (5:11) 小伟,这是不是你的? 是我的,是我的。 给你。 谢谢! 不客气! 苏珊阿姨,您回来了! 回来了,乐乐,你看这是什么? 啊,我最喜欢吃的巧克力! 给你的。 太好了,谢谢您! 不用谢! (7:00) 晚上好! 晚上好! 我很想知道你们对苏珊的评价。 那当然是。。。 且慢,我的意思是说请你们评价苏珊的汉堡包。 我是觉得吧。。。还是让麦苗说吧 。 舅舅,我听您,舅舅我听您的,您说。 这个,一般在饮食问题上,我不发表评论,还是。。。 你就评论一次吧。 这个。。。 爸,爸,。。。 我们回来了! 还是听听大伟他们谈谈吧。 谈什么呀? 你们觉得苏珊的汉堡包做得怎么样? 太好吃啦,太好吃啦!苏珊阿姨你真棒! 当然,我在美国经常做汉堡。明天我继续给大家做三顿海鲜沙拉酱汉堡包! 耶!太好了,太好了! 好啊!你敢偷吃包子! 已经连着吃了三顿汉堡了,我实在撑不住了!你可别告诉苏珊! 你想让我同情你偷吃包子的行为,还要让我对我最好的朋友进行隐瞒? 嗯,行吗? 这个要求太过分了!除非,你分我几个包子吧。 麦苗,你在吗? 嗯!你们在干什么呢?哦!在练功呢!继续练,我不打扰了! 今天的早饭又是海鲜沙拉酱汉堡包,连续吃了四顿了!我现在就是打嗝儿都带有一股清新的海风味儿! 你就直说吧。你们说,苏珊做的汉堡包味道到底怎么样? 其实,我觉得那汉堡包还行就是那海鲜沙拉酱,我实在受不了! 对对对。 那个海鲜沙拉酱的味道特别怪异! 小点儿声!别让苏珊听见了!看苏珊干吗呢? 她在厨房做汉堡。 还做呢?连续的汉堡大餐这中国胃受得了吗?要不。。。 你可别指望我去跟苏珊说,人家孩子热心给咱做饭,多不容易呀!我可不想给人去泼冷水。要不你。 还是小伟去泼吧! 麦苗跟苏珊关系最好!这凉水还是让麦苗去泼吧! 对对对, 我也想, 麦苗,快去吧! 就是你合适啊,就是啊,泼吧! 泼什么呀?又不是泼水节! (10:32) 喂,麦苗,中午我们一起去吃披萨吧? 行啊! 那下课以后我在学校门口等你。 好的。 See you later! See you later! 苏珊,你周末常常做什么? 在房间里看看书,看看电视。 那多没意思啊!这个周末我们一起去逛秀水街吧。 好啊! (12:08) 来了,来了! 麦苗,你早餐没吃饱吗? 哎!麦苗,你怎么偷吃牛肉干啊?难道说人家苏珊做的汉堡包不好吃吗?还是你吃腻了? 不,我。。。 你要吃腻了,你就跟苏珊说呀!他肯定会原谅你的!对吧苏珊? “吃腻了”什么意思? 什么意思啊? “吃腻了”就是说呀,这一个人总是在吃一样东西,他就味觉疲劳了。所以说,再好吃的东西他也都没胃口了。 哦,我懂了。麦苗,你吃腻了吗? 我。。。 这一天四顿都是汉堡包,当然有点儿腻了,是吧? 真的吗,麦苗? 我是吃腻了。 啊! 那你愿意换花样吗? 我。。。我愿意。 麦苗,你说我应该怎么办啊? 我看,你还是放弃吧。要不然,我让我舅妈替你做晚饭。 不,我已经承诺了。我一定要做到,不管一千险一万险。 那叫“千难万险”。 你好! 你好! 好吃吗? 好吃。 终于看到曙光了! 反正啊,只要不再吃那海鲜沙拉酱汉堡,怎么都行! 中国汉堡包来了! 多谢! 不客气! 肉夹馍,太好啦! 欢迎品尝! 怎么感觉味道有点儿不对劲啊? 当然,改良的。 怎么改良的? 里边加了海鲜沙拉酱!
@游拿西 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you !!! can you please write the script of this episode : kzbin.info/www/bejne/omHdXnZsrb5jodU (Episode 8)
@nariberman9803 5 жыл бұрын
@jijijhik 9 жыл бұрын
Yeah the show is weird but we are here to learn chinese, aren't we :3?
@parkerbeck3580 9 жыл бұрын
First she messed up Xiaowei's date, and now this? Please stop this madness Susan!
@mydadworks4sega976 8 жыл бұрын
+Parker Beck Couldn't agree more! Susan is just a trainwreck is slow motion
@learnenglishwithme2974 6 жыл бұрын
MyDadWorks4SEGA they are just acting u stupid idiots
@decimusyt3924 3 жыл бұрын
@DonnaDulcinea 10 жыл бұрын
Reading the comments I am a bit surprised about people who didn't get this is a fictional reality, it is a comedy, in which a fictional girl can't "cook" anything but hamburgers, possibly because she's not good at cooking. The purpose of this weird situation is just to create some funny context which purpose is still to teach some Chinese. I found it funny, perfectly aware that american people know a lot more than war and hamburgers. Why should it be so surprising? It's fiction, this has never happened for real, as I also think Superman can't fly.
@lukez1273 7 жыл бұрын
I cannot agree more
@learnenglishwithme2974 6 жыл бұрын
Dulcinea Donati they are dump
@christian03y 5 жыл бұрын
So we can't have a rant against fictional characters/stories? Have you ever come across other KZbin streaming fictions (e.g. anime, short videos, etc) and look at the comments there?
@petrahenchell 11 жыл бұрын
lol Susan forget the fries. but seriously there is so much more than burgers
@Metapuff1 6 жыл бұрын
This is a work of art
@GuitarHickNick 10 жыл бұрын
Mai Miao is a mega babe
@gnehzeey 10 жыл бұрын
gentle people, could everybody be nice and spill not four letter words so easily? i.e. be a little more cultured? Except the lowest of the low, the Chinese generally do not curse much. Foul words are strongly frowned upon. Western societies used to be this way too. But now many young people, esp. in the U.S. seem to have forgotten what means decency and talk like sewage bursting. Some young Chinese nowadays behave like this too. It's terrible. If nothing else, why not simply enjoy this series as a melodrama of "An American Girl's Experience in Beijing" as it has subtitles and is understandable, and if you pick up or practice some Chinese along the way, that's great. If not just enjoy the movie. Personally I think it's great series very well done that shows encounter of an American middle class girl with an middle class Chinese family with many hilarious scenes and subtle nuances that can be enjoyed by non-Chinese and Chinese alike. The information presented reflects the producer's perception and understanding of both cultures. As such it's not always correct or accurate. Remember it's a drama. And thank God, it does not have the Hollywood racial bias, violence, sex, and other vulgarities at least.
@LondonPark27 12 жыл бұрын
我非常喜欢这个影片, 可是美国人不真的跟早饭吃汉堡包. 其实很多人吃汉堡, 可是不这么经常. 哈哈哈. 但是这个影片更太好笑, 好可爱的. : )
@DommyXMommy 10 жыл бұрын
I love hamburgers for breakfast. Why would some consider that weird?
@dt6692 5 жыл бұрын
It's fine if you like it, but it's definitely any sort of traditional/authentic American breakfast.
@g.v.6450 Жыл бұрын
I often eat Chinese food, but I haven’t had a burger in three months (or is it four? 🤔). Well, gotta run. My gong pao chicken is waiting.
@sarathperera3212 5 жыл бұрын
actually this video program very good.i say .it is very good for us
@DaiNguyen-or9ip 4 жыл бұрын
hamburger tastes fine. but yours making is great.
@ronkenway3101 3 жыл бұрын
@froggy9710 8 жыл бұрын
I just realized the voice actor for Susan in the cartoon isn't the actual actress for Susan.
@jovannewson139 2 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 this is what chinese think of Americans? I LOVE IT! plus im slightly offended😂 turn about is fair play America
@sisirafernando5260 5 жыл бұрын
This is very good
@DFG224FDF 11 жыл бұрын
what the hell is seafood salad dressing
@samanthaekanayake3611 4 жыл бұрын
@stephanie8231 7 жыл бұрын
God Susan, get it together.
@AddisyB 10 жыл бұрын
@bookkittenlover 12 жыл бұрын
i love how they say see u later in english!
@QuizmasterLaw 7 жыл бұрын
i guess it's a pun on si3/si4 (DIE) ?
@stanleyzhang7137 6 жыл бұрын
Every Asian knows Kung fu and fries rice in American TV and it's all good but when there's a gag about eating hamburgers with an American character everyone gets serious 😂
@dt6692 5 жыл бұрын
I highly doubt the people complaining about Americans only eating burgers are the same ones who think it's fine to depict all Asian as knowing Kung Fu and eating fried rice.
@Metapuff1 6 жыл бұрын
God this show is awesome
@Mrlimsuliong 4 жыл бұрын
anyone knows who are the actors of this series?
@kyho3748 12 жыл бұрын
Home-made burgers? Or store-bought? 去快餐店买的. 麦当劳 (McD), 汉堡王 (BK!), 溫蒂 (Wendy's). Every day a different flavour... 海鲜汉堡包包括鱼, 虾龙虾, 蟹...
@emmathecatosaurrawr9374 11 жыл бұрын
my teacher told me to watch this and i am unsure to as why also wtf is seafood salad dressing
@张浩成-u8r 7 жыл бұрын
汉堡怎么配沙拉酱 ?我感觉这个节目就是用来黑美国人拍的哈哈哈
@lashynjanarbyek5057 5 жыл бұрын
what is that piano songs name?
@qwert12345asdfgzxcvb 9 жыл бұрын
I guess this is supposed to be funny because it pokes at the stereotypical American diet? And what is with the seafood salad dressing? I don't entirely get it (I'm American).
@candylee7871 9 жыл бұрын
+Brendan F some kind of glop susan made i guess. maybe it tasted good, but they just got bored of it. idk.
@1Life4Jesus 8 жыл бұрын
In the beginning I thought it was like Thousand Island dressing (like you'd put on a Big Mac) but now I have no idea.
@susantherestorer 8 жыл бұрын
What exactly is seafood salad dressing?
@samanthaedwards5413 7 жыл бұрын
haha bruhhh, you gotta understand Chinese culture! It's very "in your face" in American culture but considered "being real" in Chinese culture :)
@QuizmasterLaw 7 жыл бұрын
My best guess for seafood salad dressing is 1000 Islands; which indeed, would go well on seafood. Alternatively mayonaisse, which can be the main ingredient in a crab salad. Seriously, this episode sucks. Growing up with Chinese is much better. It's not the actors' fault. The sitcom format probably isn't well suited to HSK 1-3 I do watch this, but prefer growing up with Chinese. Is Lan Lan starring in other things these days?
@Forestier1 5 жыл бұрын
So they eat American meat buns ad infinitum and then eat Chinese meat buns in secret! A plate of steamed broccoli or a bowl of fruit would’ve been more apt.
@milkycloud. 2 жыл бұрын
@vanessawaychoff4483 12 жыл бұрын
I'm American and I hate hamburgers lol :P
@luisrd4295 10 жыл бұрын
If a show teaching English was done with an American family, and the Chinese person only knows how to make Dumplings. How would Chinese people feel? 如果有一个教英语的节目拍在美国。然后有一个中国人只能做水饺给一个美国家庭。。。 中国人会怎么看呢?
@QuizmasterLaw 7 жыл бұрын
we don't even know they're into dumplings. only dumpling i ever saw was in a wonton soup.
@sugargirl1597 10 жыл бұрын
Do they just assume Americans have burgers for every meal?
@MaestroRigale 5 жыл бұрын
How dare you insult our glorious American sea food sauce hamburgers that we eat for every meal?! :P
@gamegamer9523 3 жыл бұрын
哈哈哈😄。yeah right
@ruthie8785 Ай бұрын
I’m an American person from America what the heck is seafood salad dressing
@kodabar 10 жыл бұрын
What the bloody hell was that? Okay, so I'm British, so I haven't experienced every nuance of American culture. But I'll say now, I have never seen or heard of any American eating hamburgers for breakfast. In every cafe, diner, restaurant or even someone's home I've been to in the USA, hamburgers have not been offered for breakfast. Even McDonalds doesn't sell hamburgers until after breakfast is over. And why does Susan cook hamburgers with seafood sauce (mustn't forget the seafood sauce) for every meal? I've no idea, the programme doesn't explain. Is it the only thing she can make? No idea. Does the Chinese scriptwriter think that Americans only eat hamburgers? No idea, but apparently the American actress playing Susan read the script and thought it was fine. So many questions... But what really confused me was when they were peering round the door at lunchtime and the youngest boy said he thought it might be hamburgers again and the father silenced him by saying (according to the subtitles) "You Cassandra". I beg your pardon? Well okay, so the Mandarin said something along the lines of "Don't jinx it". But Cassandra? He says it again later too, so clearly that's exactly what the subtitle-writer intended. I've never heard anyone say this, nor seen it written. If anyone ever said that to me, I'd be thoroughly confused. The only thing I could think of was that they were alluding to the Greek myth of Cassandra who was gifted with the ability to foresee the future, but cursed never to be believed. So the subtitle writer has limited English (they make several mistakes throughout the series), but an impeccable knowledge of Greek mythology? That's even weirder than the hamburgers...
@gnehzeey 10 жыл бұрын
gentle people, could everybody be nice and spill not four letter words so easily? i.e. be a little more cultured? Except the lowest of the low, the Chinese generally do not curse much. Foul words are strongly frowned upon. Western societies used to be this way too. But now many young people, esp. in the U.S. seem to have forgotten what means decency and talk like sewage bursting. Some young Chinese nowadays behave like this too. It's terrible. If nothing else, why not simply enjoy this series as a melodrama of "An American Girl's Experience in Beijing" as it has subtitles and is understandable, and if you pick up or practice some Chinese along the way, that's great. If not just enjoy the movie. Personally I think it's great series very well done that shows encounter of an American middle class girl with an middle class Chinese family with many hilarious scenes and subtle nuances that can be enjoyed by non-Chinese and Chinese alike. The information presented reflects the producer's perception and understanding of both cultures. As such it's not always correct or accurate. Remember it's a drama. And thank God, it does not have the Hollywood racial bias, violence, sex, and other vulgarities at least. 
@kodabar 10 жыл бұрын
Yee D Zheng No one is cursing, honourable Zheng. By portraying an American girl as consuming hamburgers for every meal without explanation, one may feel that racial bias is being exhibited.
@daniel10alien 10 жыл бұрын
My guess is that it's supposed to be funny.
@oyiboboy5778 10 жыл бұрын
Yee D Zheng oh for fucks sake, no people curse as much as the Chinese.
@jamieson88 9 жыл бұрын
Yee D Zheng Love the cheeky critique and broke out into hysterical laughter after reading that critical analysis of the bizarre 'You Cassandra' utterance by 大伟. Even with such English, it is still quite possible the translator / copy editor has knowledge of Greek mythology. The Chinese do learn quite a bit about Western cultures and empires in school and university because a great number of them respect the Western culture's history of power, imperialism, industrialization, Greek and Roman history, etc. I find it a bit bizarre how many Chinese today bow at the alter of power and money; there is undoubtedly great deal of cognitive dissonance for Chinese who came of age before or during the Cultural Revolution.
@gilly055 11 жыл бұрын
lol authentic American food is burgers all day? Susan has been away from home for a while and her imagination is playing tricks on her
@QuizmasterLaw 7 жыл бұрын
Susan is really from Romania but none know it!
@cubs252006 8 жыл бұрын
I only eat hamburgers 3 meals a day every day. And I am thin. Them Murican genes.
@amylapre2654 9 жыл бұрын
+sugar girl Well I would too based on what she kept giving them...
@Joshuanyyc 9 жыл бұрын
how am I so interested in this serious
@QuizmasterLaw 7 жыл бұрын
a billion cokes a day...
@denzoantweb4293 3 жыл бұрын
Susan's IQ? :(
@kalsangthankverymuchsonice3127 7 жыл бұрын
@magnificent6668 8 жыл бұрын
Eh, since when do Americans eat hamburgers for breakfast...?
@QuizmasterLaw 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but then again, fortune cookies were invented in San Francisco Our perceptions of others' food is sometimes inaccurate.
@mijashvaidya5413 4 жыл бұрын
@RevanElymistGertrude 11 жыл бұрын
@deniecypiecey5228 7 жыл бұрын
This was the only episode that made me go huh???? I get the let's pick at American stereotypes, but as a show that is supposed to be about language and culture immersion, it just comes off as culturally insensitive. Although don't get me wrong I indeed chuckled.
@squigoo 10 жыл бұрын
this show is so weird
@1Life4Jesus 8 жыл бұрын
Its suppose to be.
@natashacfletcher12 6 жыл бұрын
Good video but just not close to the truth for an American breakfast. This is more for lunch or dinner. Also, hambergers without french fries or a side is not normal. But i guess you have to work with what you have. Still great video for learning.
@fotoreportaze5797 6 жыл бұрын
May I ask something? Why is it common to add french fries to hamburger? I mean the hamburger bun is already carb and enough to satisfy the hunger and many times it is perfectly normal in my country to eat hamburger without anything else, even though hamburgers aren´t really that popular here in Slovakia. French fries are just another form of carb and extra fat that makes the meal heavier and worse for digestion. I can understand salad as a side dish, because the fiber from vegetables makes the whole meal easier to digest and is not so heavy and still salad as a side dish doesn´t seem to be so common as french fries. This is not meant to be offensive, I am just curious.
@natashacfletcher12 6 жыл бұрын
I guess from my experience, the only time we do not have french fries with a hamburger is during a family cook out or outside barbecue. Americans eat larger portions of food and a lot of it is not quite healthy. I try to eat healthy but I mess up quite a bit. However, when I mess up, I think since I am messing up I might as well have it all. lol. Also, salads from fast food places are not quite fresh anyways.
@Metapuff1 6 жыл бұрын
Totally dtf susan weirdly
@kalsangthankverymuchsonice3127 7 жыл бұрын
Everyone don't want to eat Hamburgers.
@kmtgoddess7793 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao she wont stop making bsd hamburgers
@_jackdoll 3 жыл бұрын
^-^lol Hamburgers for the whole day meal.
@RaincloudPlay 12 жыл бұрын
Hamburgers for breakfast. Really?
@LaBassaTH 11 жыл бұрын
@jesuslovesyou1921 5 жыл бұрын
@shannonholiday706 11 жыл бұрын
why would you even eat hamburgers for breakfast
@wugandrew 11 жыл бұрын
Haha her grandma steered her wrong. She's so bad at this
@codyheiner3636 6 жыл бұрын
Unbearably idiotic, I hope next episode gets better.
@cameronlin2990 5 жыл бұрын
susan lol
@QuizmasterLaw 7 жыл бұрын
wo3 zai4 mei3guo2 chang2 zuo4 han4bao3bao3 i often cooked hamburgers in america Is a better translation.
@alexandrechatty5439 5 жыл бұрын
Ann Onymous : 我在美国常常做汉堡包了 both are stricly equivalent. also, nobody write in pinyin : it is used only while learning, not to communicate.
@candylee7871 9 жыл бұрын
+gilly055 lol yeah...
@kalsangthankverymuchsonice3127 7 жыл бұрын
@ginsinsan 11 жыл бұрын
It's bad manners to talk with your mouth full!
@louyihu3514 11 жыл бұрын
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