To clear up the Stolas needing the book. He doesn't, he's had it for decades at least and knows most of the magic. He needs the grimoire in order to do his actual job which is reading the stars for prophecy.
@monochromesoul58738 ай бұрын
So he's the Astrology demon
@jayblight85014 ай бұрын
@@monochromesoul5873 Yea both in real world theology and in the Helluva boss universe he is the demon in charge of or at least commonly associated with the stars, prophecy and herbology, which would explain his fascination with the flora in hell.
@snakestaffmagic449913 күн бұрын
I dunno having seen this a few times, didnt he arrive the way he did because he didnt have the book on his end? I know he wanted to mess with them, but maybe it was also his way there without the book
@SpiralTheFirst9 ай бұрын
Stolas’s entrance is one of the most badass things I’ve seen in any animated show bro it’s so dope
@selenarodgers56679 ай бұрын
And that’s reason why he’s my favorite character ☝️😊❤️🦉🪄
@aaazzz83247 ай бұрын
I like how he didn’t even need to do all that, he could have just opened a portal and get the team out of here, or he could just have teleported here himself with the portal and kick the humans ass easily, but he chose to make a super big entrance to scare the shit out of them by using every stereotype of what human think a demon is, possessing the dead bodies to open a path and using the woman as a host to get himself here.
@finanightmare19933 ай бұрын
I was shown this scene and therefor started the series ^^ Not disappointed so far ^^
@michaelbrowne30889 ай бұрын
I think one of the best ways to describe Blitzø's trip would be "Even demons have inner demons"
@jamlizard38009 ай бұрын
I get that reference
@Sylvia_Corvidev9 ай бұрын
I swear to god I've heard this from somewhere but I can't for the life of me remember from where
@michaelbrowne30889 ай бұрын
@@Sylvia_CorvidevOwl House. And I actually forgot it was when I typed it.
@Sylvia_Corvidev9 ай бұрын
@@michaelbrowne3088 Oh yeah, King says that at some point right?
@kaseywoods65339 ай бұрын
@@Sylvia_CorvidevSeason 1 Episode 4, when he’s teaching Luz about demons. the episode when we find out about edna’s curse and the discovery of the light glyph
@Hanrinette9 ай бұрын
Now we just have to....wait for Ozzie's...
@LOLrpop9 ай бұрын
@michaelbrowne30889 ай бұрын
I think Omn1's gonna like Oz!
@crcoghill9 ай бұрын
I'll reserve seats.
@LOLrpop9 ай бұрын
@@michaelbrowne3088 absolutely 😂
@stephanybrown32269 ай бұрын
Ozzie's and Beel's will both be interesting. Tho I won't be able to take the heaetbreak before that between Blitzo and Stolas .
@napstadan-ihateleague9 ай бұрын
This is one of my favourite singular episodes of this show. It’s nice to see blitzø and moxie are ACTUALLY friends
@iv97539 ай бұрын
Stolas can portal himself. He just needs the book for other spells, like the harvest moon curse
@Gremlin_Boi_9 ай бұрын
something you'll start to notice after this episode is every time Blitz holds up his arms to protect the ones he cares about. You really start to understand Blitz's whole situation and how he truly feels about himself too.
@_Kamura_9 ай бұрын
I love how everyone knows its stolas once he says "impish"
@ReaderNumber79 ай бұрын
In Moxxie's trip, Blitzø is wearing a mask as a reference to The Phantom of the Opera, a musical Moxxie loves. In the previous episode, you can see the musical playbill poster next to Moxxie and Millie's bed.
@-mittensradio-21718 ай бұрын
it’s also moxxie’s ringtone, you can hear it when blitzø calls him about the harvest moon festival in episode 5
@professorbutters7 ай бұрын
According to Millie, he also wants to know what sex with Michael Crawford is like. Michael Crawford originated the Phantom role in the musical.
@ReaderNumber77 ай бұрын
@@professorbutters omg you're right! I never thought of that!
@-mittensradio-21717 ай бұрын
lol so many references to it, he’s such a theater nerd
@bunnybi49109 ай бұрын
So, my understanding of Stolas’ abilities is he does have some spells memorized/some abilities retained without the book, portals being one of them. But he needs the book for other more complex spells for whatever it is he does for his main job (which has something to do with the study of the stars and prophesies). I.M.P could technically take advantage of whatever other spells the book contains if they really wanted to/knew how to use them (which adds to the dubious legality of letting them borrow it), but they only use it for the portal spell In this episode, I don’t think Stolas even really NEEDED to puppet those dead bodies to draw the blood sigil to summon himself - that was purely a power move 😂 but yeah, THIS episode is one of my favorites in the whole series as well, I’m so happy you’re enjoying it (also your media literacy is SUPER refreshing, I loved how you were interpreting the dream sequences, you were spot on 😭💕)
@nabinoorshahil27159 ай бұрын
Actually I don't think IMP can use any other spells other than the portal one as there appears to be an aspect of talent required to use certain spells as Luna seems to be the only one among them who can create portals with the book and use a disguise with the others not being able to do either even with the book. So they might not be able to use the stronger spells themselves if it gets in the hands of someone more powerful it could be dangerous.
@Telidian9 ай бұрын
I think he needed to puppet those dead bodies, because they draw his symbol on the ground, and I think he needed that to go across. This was the episode it make me really like Stolas, when he could show off why he is a royalty. Too bad later the show somehow forgot how powerfull he is.
@Okk6819 ай бұрын
Agree about the media literacy, like not only is he clearly very empathetic but he also legit tries to take in the scenes, analyze what is going on, what's being said
@perrycarters31133 ай бұрын
@@Telidian A couple things. 1. As we see later, no, Stolas did not need to possess the bodies, he knows how to open portals to the human world even without the grimoire. That was done for dramatic/traumatic effect; by entering that way, the two remaining Agents were COMPLETELY incapable of doing anything other than absolutely cowering in fear. 2. The show did not forget how powerful he is. I assume you're referring to when Striker attacked Stolas and kidnapped him? First of all, he got tied up in blessed rope which even the episode clarifies eliminates his ability to access his powers. As for how he got wrapped up in that rope, for all his power, Stolas is a scholar, not a warrior-prince. He doesn't know much if any combat-oriented magic, only really resorting to the petrifying ability from his eyes, but like I said, he's a scholar, not a warrior; his mind doesn't work like a fighters, preferring to avoid conflict. It takes him a bit to "warm up" to using anything combat-oriented because he has terrible combat instincts. When Striker attacked, he wasn't thinking about how to fight back, he was thinking "Who is this man? Why is he attacking me? How do I get out of here? Did Stella send him after me? Did Andrealphus?" and by the time he realizes he should probably fight back, he's already tied up. Blitz, despite being near-infinitely weaker, is much more useful in a fight because he is a stone-cold killer with excellent fighting instinct.
@Iymarra9 ай бұрын
Millie going absolutely feral will never not be amusing (and terrifying)
@matthewletexier9 ай бұрын
Stolas is like a dnd wizard. His spellbook has all his spells in it and he only prepares certain ones at a time
@techi45849 ай бұрын
this is a great explanation actually!!
@DevAmyArt9 ай бұрын
The fact blitz and moxies phantom of the opera song is mostly blitz wanting to know if millie pegs him is hilarious
@Lithaos1119 ай бұрын
Stolas can use simple magic like the portals and like without the book because of his innate demonic power. However he does need the book for the actual ceremony as those magic are much much larger in scale. It's why he is ok with Blitzo having it the rest of the time.
@NeonLightsYT19 ай бұрын
It’s from this episode onwards, where things start to get real…
@sybariticcupboardrat37639 ай бұрын
This is the episode where I sat up and realized that there was going to be more substance to this show than just dark humor sitcom with surface level social commentary. They're actually developing the characters and the story is going somewhere. Also goddamn! the animation for these fight scenes is tasty.
@lupinrangerjoker9 ай бұрын
Loved the fact you were piecing together the everything when you apologized for pausing I was like “no no let the man cook” All the episodes out now show and tell more of character past and drama. Want you to enjoy the ride so no spoilers from me but here’s a little fun fact that was shown a lot in this episode, you see more of someone’s pupils when they are stressed or under high emotions. You saw Millie’s, moxxie’s and stolas’s in this episode but you always see Blitz’s because he’s always stressed or under high emotion. Rewatch the episode to see
@CaptainCFalcon9 ай бұрын
So D.H.O.R.K stands for Demon Hunting Organization… something something. I could never figure out the R & K. Also, Loona couldn't read the book, not because it was dark, but because of the flashing red light. Canines actually cannot see red light, so it was flickering between her night vision & just flashes of black for her.
@YourPrinceStolas9 ай бұрын
My best guess for DHORKS so far is "Demon Hunters Only Really Know Satan" but thats a kind of a huge stretch, curious if we'll ever actually be told what it truly means....
@EdelSlow9 ай бұрын
THANK YOU for being one of the few people acknowledging blitzøs inferiority complex its a big factor in his relationship with stolas that a lot of people dismiss(
@Sellswordking7 ай бұрын
The way this show makes use of microexpressions to let you know exactly where the characters heads are at-after they come out of the gas, when Moxxie asks if Blitzø remembers what he said to him that first day, Blitzø says no but his pupils widen a bit an he untenses a bit the second he realizes “fuck okay I can lie again I’m safe” and then he feels fine to give Moxxie that bit of reassurance he needs because he can control how much of it comes out. I just fucking love this stupid cartoon so much lol Btw not sure if anyone’s mentioned it or if you picked it up but Blitzø’s trip was heavily inspired by Pink Floyd’s The Wall, if you have a spare minute and haven’t seen it before I highly reccomend searching ‘The Trial’ and watching the animation for it, it’s a masterpiece but also you’ll see the similarities immediately. It’s wild.
@connorredshaw56509 ай бұрын
It's great that we finally got to see what loona is capable of. They should really take her on more missions they could really use her for sure. I had the honour of meeting her VA Erica Lindbeck at a helluva boss panel on the 5th january and she signed a loona poster for me. Loona is my favourite character in Helluva Boss and I can't wait to see more of her in more episodes this season.
@thebeardedbrony95869 ай бұрын
24:23 this is the real world summoning circle for Stolas.
@darkholt83769 ай бұрын
I don’t know what D.H.O.R.K.S. actually stands for, but personally I like to think that it stands for Demon Hunters of Rural Kanas Society. As for the animation in Moxie’s trip looking a lot like Disney or Dreamworks: it might be because Vivzie has a degree in traditional animation from the School of Visual Arts (which is where a lot of animators for Disney, Dreamworks, and Pixar came from).
@swagishere18439 ай бұрын
he had a summon circle made to get there and when in the presence of the book he can just open a portal (Stolas)
@shinrugal9 ай бұрын
One thing people miss is that Loona can't read the book in that light because dogs are colorblind. So the red ligh interferes with her eyes.
@Henzoid8 ай бұрын
The meaning of DHORKs is unknown but my personal headcanon is "Demon Hunters of Rural Kansas"
@JohnBogna9 ай бұрын
I'm always excited to see people's reaction to this episode, it's one of the best of the whole series IMO.
@notelliot709 ай бұрын
Well, in this case Stolas didn't open a portal without the book. He forced the Agent to summon him with a summoning circle. I think later he does but that's a different episode. Going home in this one it was easy because his book was right there
@techi45849 ай бұрын
stolas has some of the spells from his book memorized, but not all of them. blitz and the rest of the I.M.P crew only use the book for its portal spell, but technically the book has all kinds of spells in it. the portal spell is just a simpler spell that stolas already has memorized. most importantly though, stolas still needs the book for his ACTUAL job (reading the stars for prophecies). that's why he gets the book back every full moon, so he can fulfill his prophecy related duties.
@SiegahertzCarmin9 ай бұрын
Stolas need the book because... Well he didn't memorize EVERY single spells. So for some stuff, he needs it. BUT, traveling at will? Oh, he knows.
@reinrose829 ай бұрын
His boyfriend’s back and you’re gonna be in trouble, day la, hey la 😂
@Trikeboy29 ай бұрын
The fight scene is awesome, but Stolas' entrance is epic.
@Drakoni239 ай бұрын
This episode is great, especially from an animation perspective. How they use the style as part of what their internal, emotional state looks like. And then the super wide angles and exaggerated perspective on the fight scenes, so good. Also you can absolutely call it "the camera" even if it's an animated show. Most terms used for live-action film are also used in animation.
@SaiyanSerenityV9 ай бұрын
This episode is SO GOOD, it's the turning point for the whole series imo. I love the fight scenes and seeing Luna get in on the action, and I love seeing Stolas flexing his demon form, but my favourite thing is actually Blitzø's trip - I always suspected he was always a jerk in a self destructive kind of way, and the way this episode visualised that was such a treat. Especially as the show continues and you learn more about him, going back you can examine even more stuff in the way it's done. I eat that type of thing UP.
@johnson60999 ай бұрын
I also love how they're playing "Stolas Lamentation" song as Stolas manifests. What Stolas did was use a pentagram to enter the human world. Heard of Black Butler, same thing apllies here. The closer Stolas is to his book, the greater his power is in the human world.
@CyberDalek179 ай бұрын
I love how Loona just starts recording this 😆 24:29
@15P3R148 ай бұрын
I love this episode to bits. Its my absolute favorite in the show, it has everything: Gory action, stellar animation, a cool and creative musical number, great character developement and one of the most badass entrances of all time.
@cktkat9 ай бұрын
To answer the question about Stolas and his book. For the most part, Stolas is able to do simple spells without the book. He is a higher demon so his innate magical abilities are most likely higher than that of an imp or Hell Hound. Like how Luna can create a human disgiuse but the rest of team IMP can not (or just don't know how yet). So while IMP might need the book solely for creating portals, Stolas needs it for more bigger, and complex spells. Like when he showed Octavia space while singing to her in episode 2 and when he needed the book for the Harvest Festival in the last episode.
@grandmasta00799 ай бұрын
Some explanation on Stolas needing the book, Crossing over without it required simultaneously possessing dozens of people to create a blood summoning circle just so that he alone could cross over. Now that he was reunited with the grimoire, he simply needed to wave his hands to create a portal for multiple people to return through. He would need the book to travel to uninhabited areas, like when he took is daughter to space during the song in episode 2. In the first episode he told blitz0 that he needs the book back once a month to do his job and Blitz0 can have it the rest of the time.
@jessicamurillo79149 ай бұрын
This episode was one of the most expensive ones because of the fight scene at the end. To save some money they went old Disney animation style for moxxie trip scene. Nice that you spot that.
@gianmarcozampella51389 ай бұрын
D.H.O.R.K.S. stands for "Demon Hunters Organization Responsible (for) Killing Shits" (source r/Helluva Boss),which makes sense considering they don't really know what they wanna kill even is
@AimeeFrizzyAnime9 ай бұрын
To be fair. Stoles has his important spells memorized, but not everything. That will be better explained in season 2 episode 2
@Pokemichael9 ай бұрын
As someone fully caught up, this is my favorite episode of the show. Is it mainly for the huge action scene at the end? Yes. I love how the music changes depending on who is being focused on. But also the crazy amount of blitzø and moxie growth.
@GeanAmiraku9 ай бұрын
16:16 - I think they've witnessed most of the conversation. They do seem to have one even though it's probably not as... flashy on the outside as it is in their minds. I'm also wondering how in hell none of their victims come to take revenge on these little imps.
@katchii939 ай бұрын
subbed!! youre one of the few reactors ive seen so far that really got the details down to the TEE the animation shift, even with the sketch lines for moxxie? all on purpose. their insecurities? you picked up on those so quickly and so correctly that i cant wait for you to see more! it only picks up from here 😎 fight sequence, stolas’ power - ALL so good. i appreciate your appreciation for the show because remember, this is all FREE to watch online and its just too good to be free to watch you know? thank you SO MUCH, for giving this series a shot! :’)
@reddieweeb9 ай бұрын
It's nice that he doesn't have to cut the video because of copyright.
@Obsessed.Since_20108 ай бұрын
You were right on the money with your blitz analysis, I love how you actually take the time to process and pick apart the episodes and actually listen to what’s being said, it makes your reactions really enjoyable
@emzy19Irving9 ай бұрын
I believe what was clearly happening to the demon hunter when Stolas came in was demon possession.. absolutely fucking love the intense demonic form of Stolas..
@Al_Grey9 ай бұрын
fun fact, the animation for the big fight scene was contracted out to another studio! iirc spindlehorse does everything in this episode except for the main fight sequence. they wanted the fight sequence to be really epic and didnt have the manpower at the time to dedicate moxxie's sequence (the layers show up because its meant to emulate the disney hand-drawn style, which you can see the underlayers on a lot of disney movies). brandon rogers talks about the laugh when he pulls out the rocketlauncher and how it was a real laugh because they were so pumped up in the recording studio. if you have time theres clips of the cast season 1 watch party they talk about a lot of the VA direction
@_Kamura_9 ай бұрын
"Possum rattle snake demon" I aM nOt A pHoUsSuM
@SirSpitsAlotable9 ай бұрын
I feel like this is the first episode where shit starts to really kick into full gear as both a hilarious AND deeply emotional show.
@MarktheCrawler9 ай бұрын
A detail im not sure was intentional, but is interesting anyway, is that dogs see worst in the red wavelength of the light spectrum. So Loona couldnt read in it
@Lainedeer9 ай бұрын
Fav episode of season one. The animation alone deserves awards but don’t get me started on all the theme songs for each character that plays. Episode 7& 8 are both on the same night so keep that in mind when viewing
@joshuaserrano52839 ай бұрын
I was waiting for this reaction ever since you started this show! I love your pauses and discussing of moments!
@iceluvndiva219 ай бұрын
Alastor: *big scary deer demon* Stolas: that adorable. He thinks he's a threat. Ozzie? Shall we show him? Ozzie: let's. *both go huge scary demon forms*
@jrm482208 ай бұрын
I don't think we've ever gotten an exact meaning for DHORKS, but I like to think it's "Demon Hunters, Occult Research and Kill Squad."
@basilisk_vee8 ай бұрын
On the Moxie calling Blitz out to "crack open a dictionary" - Blitz is illiterate - did you see that poster he got up? He needs speech to text and messes up even using that. Which is why he feels like blanking out and not understanding when Moxie or Stolas are using "fancy words". I do like how they show that character flaw with the surrounding elements. Makes - me at least - like him a little bit more 'cause it gives him something that he can perhaps build up & have Stolas teach him should he accept to open up.
@jamesstutz69079 ай бұрын
Behold the power of Stolas.
@Gremlin_Boi_9 ай бұрын
my fav episode of S1 animation-wise. its so frickin smooth
@freddyfnaf45689 ай бұрын
This episode in my opinion is hands down the best one out of all of them
@IceMetalPunk9 ай бұрын
This is one of the best episodes of the series so far, which is even more impressive since in many ways it's a filler 😂 That score during the fight sequence is *chef's kiss.*
@guitar-gamer9 ай бұрын
Can't wait to see what you think of ozzies
@kayleighburleson74889 ай бұрын
Moxxie was a pencil drawing in both of their hallucinations
@gremalien9 ай бұрын
From what I got, he just needs the book on the full moon to curse it every month. He may know his spells in it by heart or not. I love when you pause and talk about it and anything else! I want to see your reaction so I love that! CAUTION Be prepared that after you watch next episode, many will want to leave spoilers!
@kati...9 ай бұрын
i just love helluva boss so much i cant get over it
@Drudenfusz9 ай бұрын
Has been a while since I watched that episode, I had forgotten how great it had been!
@gaelkuurstra-ot3fp9 ай бұрын
He is so on point my man is a genius
@dinoboy63889 ай бұрын
The IMP would have been very useful in the battle during Hazbin Hotel exorcist battle with Adam
@jrm482208 ай бұрын
Don't apologize for the pausing. I'd rather you pause to get a comment out than not pause and miss something.
@katchii939 ай бұрын
i just realized blitz’s mask is covering his white markings. OH. OHHHH. ive rewatched this episode a million times and its just hitting me now. omni, that comes to play later. ready yourself for season 2 🙈
@demonic_myst45038 ай бұрын
this is only a glimse od how much more powerful goecia are than overlords Posessing muiltiple peopple at ones
@ringer13249 ай бұрын
The animation in this episode is top tier
@cwengel229 ай бұрын
I don't remember where I heard this (so I can't verify its canon status), but I heard D.H.O.R.K.S. stood for Demon Hunter Organization Responsible (for) Killing Shit.
@OrdemDoGraveto9 ай бұрын
Stollas need the book for SOMETHING ELSE, not the portal opening spell. It's a large book, and the spell takes only 2 pages of it. Also, he could open a portal BACK to Hell. But to invade the mortal world, he had to posses the humans and make them summon him.
@Nitrinoxus5 ай бұрын
I have this awful feeling that we haven't seen the last of the DHORKS agents that the IMP crew tore through. I very much _doubt_ any of them got into Heaven, and it seems unlikely they'd forget about their loyalty to the organization just because they had a change of address to Pentagram City.
@dzilla20999 ай бұрын
This episode shows that Stolas can be FUCKING TERRIFYING if he needs to be
@selenarodgers56679 ай бұрын
Facts ☝️😰🦉
@nr69169 ай бұрын
One of my fav episodes of the season, it’s so funny and has some of my fav fighting scenes
@piercewise110 күн бұрын
This was the episode that I fully bought in to the series. From the character development of Blitz and Moxxie, to the insane action sequence, to the stunning appearance of Stolas in all his true demon glory, it really upped the stakes in a big way. Oh! And let's not forget another appearance of Stolas' theme. I missed it the first time because of the amazing visuals, but on a re-watch I clocked it immediately!
@Daralyndk9 ай бұрын
They are D.H.O.R.K.S. (Demon Hunter Organization Rockin' Kickass Swords)
@KaitoGillscale9 ай бұрын
Ah yes…THE episode
@Gremlin_Boi_9 ай бұрын
Stolas only needs his grimoire for his full moon rituals, you learn more in S2
@shaskusmas9 ай бұрын
I love this episode so much! Great reaction man!
@anyathepanther79779 ай бұрын
Loona could'nt read the Book becouse of the red Light. I heard that Wolfs and other Canines cant see Red, or other Collors.
@Luzarioth9 ай бұрын
My Favorite Episode :)
@selenarodgers56679 ай бұрын
Same ❤
@xanderfoxjsc9 ай бұрын
I won't say how but Moxxie will make much more sense when you meet his dad. I do love this episode as IMP just slaughters the agents! And Stolas reminds the audience he is a powerful demonic royal. Due to a later episode it seems Stolas only has full power on Earth if he is in proximity to his Book and because he made a deal with Blitz he can track him (doesn't seem he can track the book, but doesn't need it to open portals)
@Nyxthermite9 ай бұрын
I always look forward to Fridays cuz of this 😊
@darryljack66129 ай бұрын
The best episode in this entire universe.
@wajmgirl9 ай бұрын
Love the kingdom hearts shirt. I was wondering if that was from the game but wasn’t sure until the end.
@LennonA123439 ай бұрын
FINALLY I've been waiting for this
@thebeardedbrony95869 ай бұрын
18:43 my headcanon is that it stands for Demon Hunter Organization Researching Killing Satan.
@Headfirst4Haloz9 ай бұрын
i think it just means dorks
@nahthanksno82999 ай бұрын
Haha welcome to the best episode!
@AdanElbaz9 ай бұрын
@NucIear_Missile9 ай бұрын
It is finaly time to meet the first sin...
@missael_the_saber514235 ай бұрын
@TheOfficialDryoArmy9 ай бұрын
Now things are getting good!
@Serin_sou9 ай бұрын
The saddest part for me is that at the end of blitzes dream sequence where all the voices chant "you’re gonna die alone blitzo"
@SoulKing229 ай бұрын
Next ep will be tge best in seson 1
@Rocelin139 ай бұрын
Bloody Roar is my favorite fighting game of all time time, so seeing someone else who wants a new game makes me so happy!
@chippawa20149 ай бұрын
Maybe stoles only remembers a few of the important spells and needs others for like the harvest moon festival
@Okk6819 ай бұрын
I like how you mentioned fake Moxxie's whole 'crack open a dictionary' comments to Blitz. That one, people don't seem to pay much attention to. It's never directly said, but I just think it sure feels like another one of Blitz's insecurities. It's always shown he has struggle with spelling. At this point in the series, the one example I can remember rn is the background billboard, it was a funny gag but there was clearly a reason he attempted to use speech to text for it. Most obvious are his text messages though. It's likely he's never got much of an education, or there is some other reason for his difficulties. But he is definitely smart in other ways I liked seeing your interpretations of everything as you watched too, how you also went in on Moxxie's perspective and feelings. I noticed the construction lines in the animation on him as well. I feel like it was an intentional choice but still not sure why. And it is surprising that nobody there could see in the dark when they are creatures of hell! Luckily a demon prince came to the rescue haha There is plenty to be analyzed when it comes to Blitz as a character as these episodes go on lol he is definitely not a protagonist without baggage