history of the nicene creed: With Matthew Esquivel

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The Remnant Radio

The Remnant Radio

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@RomGabe 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you guys for doing an introduction to what The Remnant Radio is all about, esp. for those new like myself to your awesome channel. Thank you for being open-minded and having such diverse amount of authors and denominations presented.
@TheRemnantRadio 4 жыл бұрын
RomGabe thanks. I’m trying to film a short maybe animated intro so I don’t have to say it ever time 😂
@brendaboykin3281 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Gentlemen 🌹🌹🌹🌹
@cheekjulie 4 жыл бұрын
Constantine wasn't baptised until he was on his deathbed because there was a fear at that time that if you sinned after being baptised you would be damned
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
That is an interesting prospected of why Constantine was not baptize until his dead bed. First time I here this new reason or way of look at it. I learn something new today!
@allegedboredbigotbear4316 4 жыл бұрын
Can anyone explain the difference between "persons" and "being".?
@omega8511 4 жыл бұрын
If we consider *being* as energy then it has no cognetivity in most cases ! *Person* is relational. So it has cognetivity of existence..*I am* Give a context for each word to be more precise ! ...... If you are referring to the Godhead, it is very clear from scripture that Christ Jesus (a cognetive mind and will) relates to his Father (a cognetive mind/will) eg *not my will, but yours* ! However, in my humble opinion the *Spirit* called the silent partner in the Godhead, never speaks of itself/himself but in the *person* of Christ and/or Father God ! Like a hologram !? 1 kings 8:27, The Spirit that inspired scriptures speaks sometime in the person of Yahweh, and sometimes Christ ! 1 Peter 1:11 Compare 2 Peter 1:3-12 ..seems like the Fathers and Sons same Divine nature is a quality of God working in us by *being* ... *Born from Above* So *being* could be the nature of a thing and *person* is what it is.. relational cognetive mind and will! 👍🏻nature begets same nature!
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
Omega very good illustration of the Concept of the Trinity in the Hologram analogy which is why I did not mention it since I read your description and use my testimony. God Bless!
@xMoac 3 жыл бұрын
I heard someone describe as this: every human is a person but all of us are a being (human being). So the trinity is the three persons while the essence (being ) is one - that of God.
@armandodeking 2 жыл бұрын
What book is he using????
@rhondarockhound622 4 жыл бұрын
What do you all think about the cosmic Christ? (Richard Rohr) Is he practicing mystic Christianity? Where do we draw the line?
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
Rhonda Richard: Mr. Rohr is a Roman Catholic Priest the last time I search. He uses alot of mysticism since the Roman Catholic church considered some of past monks, and female visioneers who interpreted their visions as coming from God for the whole church and they venerate a form of mystic Christianity. It is why it is important to read the Bible understand it; but do not add extra doctrines (use in form of theology=in Roman Catholic Church Dogma) which they considered necessary to be practice to continue (in many cases in salvation or as other put it grow in graces). The Holy Spirit in the believer will help us grow in grace (santification) in our walk with Christ.
@Iffmeister 4 жыл бұрын
The Studio looks AWESOME
@Airic 2 жыл бұрын
you guys have to define "divinity" ... are angels not divine? To say that Arius' view of Yeshua removes his divinity does not make sense, says who? Who made that rule that you MUST BE eternally existing in order to be considered "divine"?? Sounds like a subjective opinion, not fact. Yeshua was/is divine according to Arius! Subordination does not take away from his divinity ! And why do trinitarians insist on redefining the word "begotten" ??? The word literally means "to PRODUCE", "offspring", why can't you see that Arius was right instead of forcing the catholic tradition to make sense ?? This confusion makes it harder for new souls to understand God's word in my opinion! Especially "intellectual types" who already have an issue believing in God (atheists), we need to stop forcing traditions for the sake of tradition and clarify confusions the same way Yeshua did with the Old Law, he corrected the elders... - also, who are we to say Yeshua's sacrifice lowering himself to human form and submitting to a humiliating death is not enough to wipe away our sins if he's not thee Father God as a prerequisite ?? Again, SAYS WHO ?? He was God's ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, the heir to God's reign, the one and only creation who's above all other creation, he shouldnt have to do anything but he did ! This is beautiful but yet trinitarians can't see that smh...52:18, judging by this logic you're ignoring Yeshua's words then when he highlights his imperfection in Mark 10: 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good-except God alone." and i think you guys forget that even Satan was referred to as a "god" in 2 Corinthians 4: 4, "among whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of those who do not believe so they would not see the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God." - and in John 10:34-36, Yeshua answered, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’? If those people to whom the word of God came were called ‘gods’ (and the scripture cannot be broken), do you say about the one whom the Father set apart and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? - as you can see, the term "god" is used all over, so insisting on John 1 to make the trinitarian case is a faulty argument...... ARIUS WAS RIGHT!
@bassmanjr100 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting that Peter was not leading the discussion in Act 15. Ooops.
@FCC1777 Жыл бұрын
To be fair he was the bishop of rome not Jerusalem
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
You see the problem that men have is when they see tree Gods with one mind. It is why some of our Charismatic friend beliefs they can heel because the Holy Spirit indwell in them etc. Some people think they are little Christ. Wrong analogy. Any healing that may happen in the human body or any kind of blessings it is all done by God. As the Scripture (Bible) say:God is one. Only one God who take difference forms. Who was the burning bush talking to moses? God! Who was the firing cloud guiding the Hebrew people through the desert? God! Who was the 4 person in the oven with the 3 hebrew. The book of Daniel say one like the son of man (God in the form of Christ). God can exist in 3 forms. God the Father, God the son (Christ), and God the Holy Spirit). The Old Testament say God is one. Only one God. Who took human flesh (Christ) and whose spirit (Holy Spirit) was over the face of the earth at creation and indwells men. The Patristic fathers had problems understanding how this can be ( The Trinitaria Concept). So most of the Patristic father got together and explain it. One God (in 3 essence or 3 persons). To help the early Christian understand the Trinitarian Concept, they all got together and crated various Creeds ( The Nicene Creed, The apostles Creed: which is another form of wording it). If you google where to find the Creeds in the Bible there are many references from old testament as also from the new testament. All of these came about to explain that Christ is God since many of the early christians just like today have confusion on how to understand God! Please read my testimony on how I was able to understand the Trinity! God Bless You all!
@januddin8068 4 жыл бұрын
This topic is so complex and will have problems either side you sit too stiffly on. Why not have a bit of humility and think maybe Origen and Sibelius had some decent points instead of using that ridiculing voice - because the world uses that same voice, Josh, to somewhat rightly criticize and question our “one what and three who’s” talk. Be fair my friends and let’s do these big topics justice and stop being so naive. Jesus praying to the Father means he was in human form for a moment and of course as a human he would have to pray to and worship God. This doesn’t mean that Jesus outside of time would be praying to the Father quite in the same way. All of the Godhead was in Jesus. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Christ. So there is mixing a synonymy in scripture between Father Son and Spirit - so there is much to say about oneness at some point way back or out of time. Again be fair and be humble to this type of thing. Paradox and mystery are better sometimes.
@TheRemnantRadio 4 жыл бұрын
I think it might be more accurate to flip the humility statement on its head. Someone who says “I have the correct interpretation, the Chelsedon definition, the Nicaene creed, the athanasian creed, the apostles creed, two thousand years of church history filled with countless scholars, theologians, and academics taking pain staking research to define the trinity is all wrong. It’s just me and my denomination who have it correct” that seems crazy prideful to me 🤷‍♂️.
@januddin8068 4 жыл бұрын
The Remnant Radio I didn’t say I have the correct interpretation. Whenever the show could get interesting you have a nack of turning into a child and giggling over everything. You did that on this instead of considering whether the truth lay somewhere in the middle of the debate - not on one fixed side. Your reasoning would have left us thinking the church always got it right and there was never need for thinking and reassessing.
@januddin8068 4 жыл бұрын
Prayerfully and critically challenging your thinking is what I thought was the exercise. If you have had a deep revelation which led to a conviction that God is three separate persons with three centers of consciousness but is still one being then that’s good. You may be right. But you can’t ridicule another equally scriptural understanding based on ‘logic’ can you? Pot and kettle
@1984SheepDog 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheRemnantRadio that sentiment of pride you described is one reason that I am being drawn toward the catholic church.
@TheRemnantRadio 4 жыл бұрын
Jan Uddin: listen bro we’re gigglers I’m sorry we enjoy having fun program. The show is not a monologue, it’s not for everybody 🤷‍♂️. Not really sure why you’re so upset with us having fun talking about Jesus, I get that it’s serious, but we’re not joking about Jesus we are just having fun taking about Jesus. That being said I was not accusing you of being prideful I was saying the argument could probably be flipped on its head. Furthermore I am not saying that the church is infallible, I am saying that there is universal agreement on the first three ecumenical Creeds. There were other church council’s that were not ecumenical, other church councils we’re not trying to discover what the Scriptures said, but we’re in fact trying to canonize their tradition.
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry Mr Escobar you did not read Greek but latin there. LOL
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
Ronda ponds Baxter kruiger is another theologian that I will not recommend he uses a lot of New Age and is distoring the true gospel of the Bible.
@ivanuribe 4 жыл бұрын
What book is he using? 👀
@avisgop 4 жыл бұрын
@Ivan Uribe The author of the book is Denzinger and I think this is the book as it deals with Creeds. www.amazon.com/Enchiridion-Symbolorum-Compendium-Definitions-Declarations/dp/0898707463 @The Remnant Radio can confirm this.
@bt7277 4 жыл бұрын
@@avisgop Do you know of a layman's version of the councils that would provide a good historical overview? This book is quite expensive for my use. Thanks.
@armandodeking 2 жыл бұрын
What book?
@amandabula8732 4 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid in church my understanding of God was 3 person with the same Thinking (conscious) which was the way the Sunday School (Sabbath School teacher explain it). So I grew up thinking it sound to me that is 3 Gods not one. This always bother me for a long time. I was confuse in my thinking. Then I went to college and study Science and did some more thinking. When I study Chemistry I saw the light. So this is how I now understand the Trinity Concept: I start with Water H20. Water= God, Freeze water and turn into ice=Christ, boil water and turn into gas=Holy Spirit. But in all this form it still water H20. It still one God in tree difference essences (persons). This is how I now understand the concept of the trinity. One Holy God incarnated in human flesh (Christ) whose Spirit (Holy Spirit ) indwell in men. I can go into scripture verses but they should be read in context and you can see the person of Christ in the old testament already. I had to read the Bible several times from beginning to end to find Christ in the Scripture. Sorry but I am an intellectual person. I am on of those person who like knowledge and must be convince. I thank all mighty God (Christ) for the wisdom of his Holy Spirit showing me the true. Praying my testimony and explanation help some one! God Bless You All brothers and sisters in Christ! Those who are wondering, I am a Protestant (evangelical).
@rhondarockhound622 4 жыл бұрын
amanda bula thank you
@rhondarockhound622 4 жыл бұрын
amanda bula what do you think of a Baxter Crueger’s theology?
@robbinsnest6163 3 жыл бұрын
Is that a form of modalism? How does the Father fit in with the water analogy? It's a bit difficult to use analogies to define the triune God. He's far too complex for analogies but there are some that can cause other confusion as if the Father became the Son and the son became the spirit. God is the essence and the three "persons" are one in that essence yet not one person. I'm not saying it's terrible to use the water analogy I just see how it too can get misconstrued.
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