Hit Training as a Cure for Type 2 Diabetes - Prof. Dela

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6 жыл бұрын

Invited Session at ECSS Vienna 2016 "HIT training - Mechanisms and applicability"
Hit Training as a Cure for Type 2 Diabetes
Dela, F.
University of Copenhagen
Type 2 diabetes is characterized by a combination of insulin resistance, insufficient insulin secretory capacity and genetic disposition
combined with excess energy intake and physical. Physical training alleviates insulin resistance, may improve insulin secretory
capacity and improves glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Large clinical studies lifestyle interventions including weight
loss and increased physical activity have shown fewer hospitalizations, fewer medications, and lower health-care costs, but on
specific cardiovascular endpoints the results have been disappointing in large scale studies.
Thus, while there is no question about the effectiveness of physical training as medicine for insulin resistance, the major problem is
that the patients do not take the medicine. There are many barriers to overcome and motivation, safe environments, convenience and
lack of time are considered to be among the major reasons for not exercising on a regular basis. High intensity interval training (HIIT)
with short periods of intense exercise interspersed with brief periods of rest is a time efficient exercise modality which might surpass
some of the barriers.
As with almost any kind of exercise, an acute high intensity training bout will lower glucose concentrations in patients with type 2
diabetes. However, the longer term (training for 2 weeks or more) studies that have been conducted in patients with type 2 diabetes
have generally used insufficient methods for determining the effect of HIIT on insulin secretion and sensitivity, which are the key
parameters in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. Hence, by using measurements of interstitial glucose concentrations, HOMA or
HbA1c, either marginal or no effect and significant effects of HIIT on glucose homeostasis have been reported.
None of the previous studies have used the gold standard for assessment of insulin sensitivity, the glucose clamp technique and
none have studied specifically skeletal muscle, which the tissue that takes up the vast majority of glucose during insulin stimulation.
Previous studies have addressed the molecular effects of high intensity interval training in skeletal muscle but only one study in
patients with type 2 diabetes. In general these studies shows that HIIT leads to increases in proteins (activity and/or content) related
to mitochondrial biogenesis, such as citrate synthase (CS), complexes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, silent mating-type
information regulator 2 homolog 1 (SIRT1), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α),
mitofusin (Mfn)-2. Also skeletal muscle GLUT4 protein and glycogen content seem to increase with HIIT, and furthermore, an
increased capacity to fat oxidation (less exercise induced decrease in glycogen and increased hydroxyl-acyl-dehydrogenase (HAD)
activity) takes place after HIIT.

Пікірлер: 71
@Tanstaaflitis Жыл бұрын
His conclusions match my personal experience training martial arts. This exercise is pretty close to HIIT. When I undertake a Low Carb High Fat diet, I find my glucose numbers stay very consistent. I hypothesize that I'm not adding many carbs through diet and I'm burning the ones my body produces. Additionally, after a week or so, I feel my glucagon is depleted sufficiently that I no longer get glucose spikes. Though I'm the initial stages, my body produces glucose spikes while exercising until I've burned up my glucagon reserves. If I miss several practices, I get spikes. If I eat too many carbs, I get spikes, but glucose values even out in a couple days. If I'm eating a Standard American Diet, the exercise benefits are temporary, reducing glucose values after exercise, but they return high by the next meal. For me, the combination of LCHF diet and martial arts gives the best control. The only real problem is after I'm in control for a while, I started to lose energy during my classes. I had to rest during class, as I could not recover energy fast enough to continue and risked hypoglycemia.
@roseonuoha207 2 жыл бұрын
you do have a way of making your patients feel at ease #drosaye I have seen and heard of your good work, you are really impressive in what you do thanks for curing my diabetes.
@martinirving3824 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with conclusions presented here. And it is what has been concluded previously by many others, many times: "You can't outrun a bad diet." The subtitle might be "You can slightly improve metabolic health with exercise within the context of a bad diet." Smarter conclusions: 1. We need to start eating better quality food. (Healthy fats, including saturated fat, and non-processed carbs). 2. We need to incorporate some sort of fasting protocol into our lives. These two things are likely the only things that will have any impact on diabetes type II.
@jasonvoss1984 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed. It is surreal sometimes how researchers assume it's appropriate to keep feeding T2D patients the same "poison" which caused the disease.
@panedole 4 жыл бұрын
Lovely Video clip! Apologies for chiming in, I would love your initial thoughts. Have you tried - Patlarny Sugar Outcome Principle (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is a smashing one off guide for reversing diabetes without the headache. Ive heard some incredible things about it and my friend at last got astronomical results with it.
@LTPottenger 4 жыл бұрын
Just eat low carb and do a little fasting. Done.
@kehindeedema1858 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Dr osaye for your ultimate help and I understanding in curing my p Diabetes type two now I know that anything is curable , you are good at what you do,keep up the good work .
@savioursampson1000 2 жыл бұрын
I love DR Osaye for a reason, and it's that he is really steadfast to his work and has a great idea for what he is doing, I really want to appreciate him for helping me get rid of my type two diabetes.
@drmitofit2673 2 жыл бұрын
As a busy person I have tried different physical training methods and have settled with doing HIIT, namely hill repeat bicycling every other day, for the best results in the least amount of time. I am losing body fat, gaining muscle mass and tone, improving speed and endurance, sleeping better and longer, no injuries and less joint pain, and have better mental focus and concentration. I have mild muscle soreness and a continuous pleasant feeling from endorphin release. If you don't you likely aren't training intensely enough. I figure that every other day is plenty and allows ample recovery at my age 59 with no degradation in fitness from too infrequent exercise while also preventing exercise obsession and over training. It is very time efficient and avoids free radical damage from too much mileage (quality of training is more important than the quantity). Maybe not enough training volume for a young competitive world class athlete but likely optimal for overall health (i.e. lean muscle mass, cardiovascular fitness, prevention of metabolic syndrome/type 2 diabetes, mitochondrial mass, joint health, and slowing the aging process).
@jamesgordon8867 Жыл бұрын
When you decide to try photobiomodulation to deal with inflammation, then figure out what kind of nutrients , then do the exercises, both weights and elliptical, see what happens then.😊
@SportsScienceAcademy 3 жыл бұрын
Really, exciting topic & helpful.. 👏
@makmoyin 3 жыл бұрын
The conclusion is expected as we all know jogging burns fat mostly but HITT and Strength training burn glucose.
@sparkside217 3 жыл бұрын
Why does something slower and longform like jogging burn fat but going in and out of intense training burns glucose? Wouldn't jogging burn through glucose reserves also, especially if we're talking about something like 45+ minutes of training?
@chadboy1515 2 жыл бұрын
No. Glucose is burnt with intense training as that is the metabolic pathway that is tapped in an anaerobic environment. When you have light intensity what ends up happening is your body starts tapping into fat reserves instead of glucose as a fuel. So you want short intense bursts of activity in order to burn glucose as after about a minute of exercise your body starts tapping into fat as fuel source for ATP.
@greganikin7003 2 жыл бұрын
This made me laugh. Anything in the body fed on the glucose. Fat oxidation and glucose oxidation is different. To burn all the glucose first you need to exercise for 2 hours or so, depends on your glucose storage capacity, then you need to stay glucose free pretty much and then your body starts to oxidate fats. And you need to know - fat breaks down to water and CO2.
@PerryScanlon Жыл бұрын
Patients may be more willing to do 5 sec: 5 sec intervals which have very low lactate for the power intensity. See Christensen 1960 2nd part of Table 7.
@santanuporel3245 Жыл бұрын
This is great video
@Anthony-xt7im Жыл бұрын
When I do hit my bg goes from low 110’s to over 200. Moderate walks lower my bg.
@anomarnamloh7444 Жыл бұрын
Research - Gluconeogensis. That is what is happening. Keep doing HiTT and it will balance out.
@melanieblankenship4691 Жыл бұрын
Why are there so many weird comments on this video? Thanking a doctor of different names for curing all their diabetes? One comment claiming that herpes is cured and some comments repeated....it's like a troll farm in here.
@martinirving3824 6 жыл бұрын
Regarding the data around 8;00, these are the conclusions I would draw... 1. The body doesn't NEED to be in a "fed state" in order to do exercise. Blood glucose is easily increased during intense, or even moderate, activity in a fasted state. (try this on yourself with a glucose monitor). 2. When people do exercise in a "fed state," the body will focus on reducing serum glucose if it is too high (because it is toxic). Biology is smarter than we give it credit for. 3. We need to redefine what a "fed state" means. We need to make a distinction between "fed state" (having just eaten a meal in the hour or two previously) versus "energy loaded state" (having ample liver and muscle glycogen available due to consistent and ample food intake) This latter distinction is the state of virtually everyone in the western world. One further comment: This all serves to highlight the inadequacy of the energy balance model (the implication to arbitrarily burn off excess energy consumed) in application to animals. This industrial propaganda needs to be exposed for the mind-control deception it is.
@rickdeckard1075 4 жыл бұрын
- dieting decreases BG calorically, and dieting decreases insulin resistance by lowering stimulation of the upper small intestine's release of insulin resistance factors - but then dieting increases BG by cortisol/adrenaline upregulating liver gluconeogenesis, and by allergic inflammation of the upper small intestine where you fall individually depends on genetics and what kind of diet
@stefanweilhartner4415 4 жыл бұрын
the real essence of exercise is to induce mitochondrial biogenesis (and muscle growth). for getting rid of diabetes type 2, you need to get rid of the fat around the organs. you can not achieve that in two weeks of exercise. you need to combine that with a type of ketogenic diet to switch the body into fat burning mode. however, the amount of mitochondria determines if you are a good or bad fat burner. and combining sprint interval training and 30 min of low intensity training in a low glycogen state on alternating daily protocol is a highly effective method for that. high cortisol and a fatty liver drives the overproduction of blood sugar. both of which you can get rid of with many healthy mitochondria.
@martinirving3824 4 жыл бұрын
@@stefanweilhartner4415 , Yep, get rid of visceral fat. Fasting, low carb diet and HIIT all work synergistically to achieve that. Agreed about needing high volume of mitochondria as this means less workload for the individual mitochondrion. But I also think there is an element of fat adaptation that needs to take place in the mitochondria, they need to be metabolically flexible; that is, capable of burning fat. If someone has been eating a carbohydrate-based diet with frequent meals, those mitochondria, even if many and healthy, are not necessarily ready to burn fat. This is why it can take quite some time to become fully fat adapted - I would say, at least 3 months and more like 6 months to a year; with fine-tuning even longer.
@stefanweilhartner4415 4 жыл бұрын
@@martinirving3824 you are right regarding the adaptation phase, however, that is more related to other factors like transport and binding related proteins like hormone sensitive lipase, albumin, cd36, carnetin etc. the important knowledge here is that mitochondria are slower to produce ATP from fat. that means when ATP demand goes up, they have to switch to glucose burning to meet the demand of ATP. but when you have double the amount of mitochondria you have double the amount of ATP production capacity coming from body fat. what makes it even worse, when you don't have enough mitochondria, they burn more glucose and on keto, when not having enough glycerol from body fat burning, the liver is wasting protein to produce glucose and that makes hungry. this is why keto backfired on me after two years and i gained half of my weight back. now i found the solution with growing more mitochondria. hunger is going down and body fat loss is starting again after three weeks of HIT/LIT exercise. now i found out everything there is to know
@martinirving3824 4 жыл бұрын
@@stefanweilhartner4415 , Right, I think we're saying the same thing, more or less. I'll say it another way. When you do HIIT and extreme exercise that requires glycolysis, the mitochondria appear to become better at burning fat at rest (when not exercising). Yeah, it's all about the mitochondria and maximizing their volume, health and flexibility.
@jamesgordon8867 Жыл бұрын
With photobiomodulation
@superturboblufer 3 жыл бұрын
show me just one human with t2d with a vo2max > 60
@ibeoge6213 2 жыл бұрын
Being great full to Dr osaye from all time till all time I hope you find what your heart desires just as you have put a smile on many of our face with just your hands and herbal’s More grace to you work doctor thanks so much for the medication,it did fight the diabetes and nailed it..
@dayosolomon4527 2 жыл бұрын
Living life to the fullest option was all I ever wanted thank you dr gboya for making that come through he gave me hope when I was lost all thanks to him 😊☺️..
@jamesgordon8867 Жыл бұрын
2 weeks is inadequate, try years
@jasonvoss1984 4 жыл бұрын
HIIT when done at very high intensity will raise insulin. As valuable as HIIT can be, in the context of T2D, I think making a more strategic choice of the style of HIIT would be wise, i.e. for T2D patients find a style of HIIT that doesn't raise insulin.
@jasonvoss1984 4 жыл бұрын
and stop feeding patients the poison that caused their T2D in the first place...essentially, carbs.
@mattgruber3933 4 жыл бұрын
cupcakes and soda should be avoided
@LTPottenger 4 жыл бұрын
It will increase cortisol not insulin, but at the times indicated it won't do that. The point of cortisol is to raise blood sugar because it's too low, when you are diabetic that is not an issue as long as you did not just take insulin.
@tommyharris5817 3 жыл бұрын
How does it raise insulin?
@ajuobasi548 Жыл бұрын
God bless now and always Dr Igudia. And I really wanted to say a very big thanks for helping me cure my Type 2 Diabetes I thought it was the end until I meant you keep saving lives doctor.
@sarahschlotfeldt8698 2 жыл бұрын
Meeting Dr IGUDIA KZbin channel was the beginning of a new life for me after using his herbs medication in curing my Diabetes disease.
@abbasmukhtar6703 Жыл бұрын
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Igudia, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my Type 2 diabetes
@ineedhoez 4 жыл бұрын
Seems like it would be easier just to eat in a manner that doesn't trigger a ton of insulin in your body. This way, you're just trying to exercise off toxicity. Root cause people. Root cause.
@sparkside217 3 жыл бұрын
it's hard to teach people what has sugar. We've allowed ourselves to be taught that you need sugary orange juice in the morning, sugary granola bars are good for you, sugary fruit juice is healthy because it's fruit, sugary chocolate millk at night to build good bones, and companies stuff things like spaghetti sauce and peanut butter with sugar. I'd say an even better root cause would be to stop these billion dollar companies from advertising these things as must-haves and improve our public undersatnding of nutrition
@IslandPink 2 жыл бұрын
Once you've got T2D , you can get high glucose and insulin even from healthy meals. I have a friend who's suffered like this for years .
@emmauya3198 Жыл бұрын
You have my maximum respect Dr Igudia, I am now negative from my Diabetes after I did the test, I wonder what might have become of me it I didn't get the herbal cure From your KZbin channel. God bless you sir.
@stephenokwori1882 2 жыл бұрын
My heart just keeps thanking you and thanking you Dr Igudia for all you have done for me, you gave me your words that you could heal any sickness or disease, thank you for permanently curing me of my type 2 Diabetes you are amazing.
@Anthony-xt7im Жыл бұрын
Ever wonder why all these “wonderful cures” for diabetes come from African villages that barely have electricity? New take on the Nigerian prince that will double your money you lend him.
@abbasmukhtar6703 Жыл бұрын
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Igudia, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my Type 2 Diabetes
@abubakarasmau143 2 жыл бұрын
Being great full to Dr osaye from all time till all time I hope you find what your heart desires just as you have put a smile on many of our face with just your hands and herbal’s More grace to you work doctor thanks so much for the medication,it did fight the diabetes and nailed it..
@abbasmukhtar6703 2 жыл бұрын
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Igudia, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my Type 2 Diabetes
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