激しく同意しました!ところで、ニックさんが時々動画内でやる、指を舌で舐める動作は何か意味があるのでしょうか?(結構頻繁に見ますので) I totally agree!By the way, Nick's gesture of licking his fingers has any meaning?I often see that..
I’ve been teaching English in Japan for 13 years in Kanagawa. You speak very clearly and I can definitely hear an accent which sounds possibly Australian, but I’m not fully certain. I’m currently at a super science high school. The students here are very clever. I hope they can achieve your level one day. I would love to talk to you about techniques that worked for you. My image is that you were immersed in an English community for a few years, I can’t imagine your ability coming from a traditional English conversation school at all. I would love to hear your story in person and get advice from you as well. My friend is considering g joining I believe she said Cambly online English school. She watches your channel quite a lot and I think she believes you have achieved your ability through this school and she hopes to do the same. She is a JPT and I want her to improve her spoken ability as well. I don’t believe she will do that the way she thinks it will happen, which is simply by joining a school and studying for a half an hour 3 times a week. If you have time or can make time I’d love to hear from you so I can get your true opinion about English acquisition as a Japanese person and what it will really take in general for people to achieve a similar level to you. I’m Shane. Can’t wait to hear your story. Hit me back just to chat. Talk soon.
@nun-chan9433 Жыл бұрын
At first concerning Atsu san's career about which you and your girlfriend don't know. I would like you and she to watch Atsueigo's video then you'd comprehend almost about Atsu san's (effort, perseverance, work ,etc). and perhaps you could agree to his current situation from your heart. of course I suppose that not only his inborn ability/retention of memory but also his ability to continue are super excellent. we Japanese are not good at language learning, I suppose the reason lies in the Japanese language itself being ideograph. we're using too convenient/comprehensible to use other language. You native would feel English language is too easy. I suppose you can't understand why Japanese people are slow to learn it. I would like you to teach that it'd be difficult for Japanese due to linguistic reason so need effort/continuation.
It means that people who wants to speak English, should learn the basics of English at first, doesn't it? 周りには、アジア系の人々は大勢いらっしゃるんですが、英語圏の方々が、圧倒的に少ないんですよね。2年に一回しか、しかも30秒しか使わないので(悲)
Astu-san and Nick-san thank you for your video. I have been in a brink of having been deceived by an Indian who are boasting in a CM on the web that he can make beginners to be able to do conversation as soon as possible. he doesn't cool as much as you two but his business technique is sophisticated/manipulating. he is saying it'd be more effective for a beginner/newcomer. I suppose it'd be a sophisticated technique in order to swindle the chicks.