How Accurate are Pokemon Types in the TCG?

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The Pokemon Trading Card Game's Energy types are iconic for sure, but are they accurate to the video games?
View the charts for yourself:!Ap...

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@TimeAxis 2 жыл бұрын
I think it’s okay for Dragon to exist on its own, since it’s not dependent on Dragon Energy.
@luchotenks2310 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. The lore itself can be turned into a game mechanic, and given that from a lore perspective Dragon type pokemon are often considered mythical and rare creatures, it makes little sense to have them be grouped with the normal type, which is reserved for the more mundane and common pokemon. Also in the video games (the media the TCG and all other pokemon adaptations are based on), the Dragon type has more meaningful interactions with other types, with the most notable being resisting the 4 clasical types of most elemental power systems (Fire, Water, Grass, Electric). They even had to introduce a new type (Fairy) just to balance it out competitively. It is only appropriate that this level of distinction from the basic Normal type gets emphasized in some capacity. Another commenter also pointed out how the Dragon and Fairy type could be merged in the new Mystical type which would better reflect the video game matchups where Dragons are weak to themselves and Fairy types.
@ThePenisMan Жыл бұрын
@@luchotenks2310 though I agree with the rest of your points, I will say lore-wise normal doesn’t ALWAYS mean normal, sometimes it can mean more obscure things like sound, but often times it means stuff that don’t look like they even have a type, or don’t fit into a clear typing already (like porygon, regigigas, ditto, Arceus himself, even moves like tri attack)
@connorsterne4128 Жыл бұрын
@@ThePenisMan for arceus and tri attack, i always thought of it (that i think i got from the “rainbow energy” card) is that normal type is kinda like the white light of pokémon types. where white light is made up of multicoloured light, normal “energy” is made up of energy from various types, hence arceus’ regular form bring normal type (it has access to all types) and making things that have multiple elemental powers make more sense to be normal, like tri-attack. it would also explain why so many (especially in gen 1) normal types get super diverse movepools with lots of types they don’t have
@sarcasm-aplenty Жыл бұрын
It's not like the colorless type interacts with anything offensively anyway and being dragon type could allow it to do super effective damage to other dragons if they wanted to.
@adam.n-steve Жыл бұрын
They should do the same thing to Fairy since it's also a very rare typing and you'll have to be an actual fairy, nature sprite or witch/siren then give the types different unique energy requirements. Dragon: Fire, Electric, Water, Dark Fairy: Grass, Psychic, Electric (Thunderbolt can be learned by some Fairy types), Water (mermaids and sirens like Milotic and Primarina)
@FlamezOfGamez 2 жыл бұрын
One thing to remember about Poison types is their distribution in Gen 1.10 were pure Poison, 9 were Grass-Poison, 5 were Bug-Poison, 3 were Ghost-Poison (the Gengar line), 2 were Poison-Ground (Nidoking/queen), 2 were Poison-Flying (Zubat and Golbat), and 2 were Water-Poison (Tentacool and Tentacruel). So, assuming they had already decided that Grass would be a type, and that Bug would be mixed with it, and that Tentacool and Tentacruel would be Water, then half of the Poison types would already be Grass types, so it was really only logical for the rest to be as well, with the exception of the Gengar line. There’s something similar where every Gen 1 Rock type was also a Ground type, with the exception of the fossils.
@AbsolXGuardian Жыл бұрын
The fact that in gen 1 all non-fossil rock types were also ground types is why I've always wondered why the TCG didn't start out with earth energy. Pairing ground and rock with fighting just feels like it was done because of color, same with poison being physic
@DoABarrelRol1l Жыл бұрын
@@AbsolXGuardian Yeah definitely color-first approach going on. As a die-hard Rock Pokémon fan seeing Fighting not only tag along (an annoying weakness) but get the namesake of the Energy was almost offensively in bad taste for me ha. All 3 are often found in Caves, Mountains, and Desert biomes so maybe they grouped them together by their habitat as well. Tho that doesn't work with Poison/Psychic though- so maybe its 1.Color 2.Habitat
@NYKevin100 Жыл бұрын
The grass/bug/poison merger also led to the absurd scenario where a Beedrill or Butterfree could totally beat up a Golem, exactly the opposite of how it would work in the video games. Explanation: The Beedrill is typed as grass, which the Golem is weak to because it was originally a rock/ground, and the Golem is typed as fighting, which the Beedrill resists because it was originally a bug/poison. This resistance was (I think?) removed in later gens, but it's still quite strong just from the weakness.
@benjaminsierra5664 Жыл бұрын
Really read that as generation 1.10, I thought I had missed something.
@RealLifeIronMan Жыл бұрын
@@DoABarrelRol1l Ignoring weaknesses, thematically fighting fits very well as colorless, matching a theme of non-elemental physical combatants. Based purely on theme, I would have these types in the TCG: Fire, Grass, Lightning, Water(/Ice), Ground(/Rock/Steel), Psychic(/Ghost/Dark), Poison(/Bug), Fairy(/Dragon), and Colorless(Normal/Fighting/Flying). Though I think your observation on habitat is interesting. Based on habitat the original TCG types make much more sense: Forest (Grass/Bug/Poison), Ocean (Water/Ice), Cave (Ground, Rock, Fighting), etc.
@ceresitek.6806 2 жыл бұрын
I love how oddly specific this video is, it's one of those things that makes youtube special. Because I've definitely thought it too while playing the TCG, but where else would I find a video of someone discussing it? By the way, I'd be very interested to learn more about the project you shared! If you have somewhere you'll share updates+progress I hope we're kept posted, it's def something I'd follow.
@drewdishman8662 2 жыл бұрын
As an avid fan of rock and steel type Pokémon, I have said for years I wished the Pokémon company would combine the two types in the TCG. It has never made sense that rock types are represented as fighting and only steel types are represented as metal.
@artimist0315 Жыл бұрын
But at the same time having rock and ground be together make sens. Thematically they are even more related than rock and steel and most of the early rock types are rock/ground making the type associated in a lot of people mind. Also rock brownish colour palet makes more sens alongside fighting type. Fighting is the least related type thematically but share the colour palet with rock and ground. Like basically, fighting is related to ground, ground is related to rock and rock is related to steel, so it is really hard to find an ideal split. It think there is a similar case to be made with fairy being related to psychic, being itself related to ghost being itself related to dark and dark is related to poison. Personally I like poison finally joining dark as it wasn't very magical to begin with and wasn't related thematically to psychic, it works much better with the violent/vicious nature of dark types and it just look way nicer tbh. However fairy while very related to psychic thematically looks really bad and wrong in practice, the colour palet just doesn't make sens at all. I think they should either move ghost to dark and make psychic card being more pink like in the video game, or just move back fairy to its own type. Dragon being its own type doesn't change much to me, I think the normal type colour palet looked a bit nicer but I don't mind it being its own type as dragons aren't really "normal" creatures.
@dr.c2195 Жыл бұрын
Thematically I think Ground, Rock, and Steel would be great together as they are the mineral types. But since Steel and Dark were the new types and got special treatment (that is, all their energy cards were special), I think it made sense to have them separate. Of course, IMO it would have been better if later on they went with what I think is thematically the most correct.
@2230yt Жыл бұрын
I find it weird that sometimes they just completely ignore a Pokémon’s secondary type. I think I remember seeing a dark type sableye card that was weak to fighting…
@oliviastork1811 Жыл бұрын
Or coalossal (a rock and fire type) being weak to grass in the TCG? That one always throws me off
@inv_hana Жыл бұрын
​@@oliviastork1811 bruh
@dr.c2195 Жыл бұрын
It is good that they do it as such because otherwise clubs like, for example, the Science Club, the Grass Club, the Rock Club, and the Fighting Club would be confused. These clubs use Pokémon based on type and weakness. For example, Aerodactyl is a Pokémon suitable for Rock Club usage, not Fighting Club usage. But we know that because of it's weakness to Grass. Had they taken the secondary type into account then we would not have know this fact because Aerodactyl would not have had a Grass weakness.
@shejustlikestofight 5 ай бұрын
Scovillain being weak to fire lol
@bilis2866 4 ай бұрын
Is not weird really, u just played the main games and became accustomed to the dual-type nonsense
@MLESoup Жыл бұрын
I was today years old when I learned Fairy had already retired and poison was changed yet again. This is one of those niche topics I've always thought about on a surface level, but absolutely love your deep dive.
@BramLastname Жыл бұрын
The reason the dragon type works as a standalone type is that they don't use their own energy. Which makes them mechanically the same as colourless, But in lore and aesthetics clearly distinct.
@eddiepeach3975 7 ай бұрын
Mechanical, they all use two type attacks, which is based.
@BramLastname 7 ай бұрын
@@eddiepeach3975 yeah, I realise I didn't actually mention that, But it's the one difference between colourless and dragon that arguably makes dragon worse in a vacuum. It's dope from a player perspective tho.
@eddiepeach3975 7 ай бұрын
@@BramLastname Worse to balance cool abilities and attacks, I always assumed. I am new :)
@BramLastname 7 ай бұрын
@@eddiepeach3975 basically types in the TCG are used to lock certain effects behind certain decks, Dragons having 2 type requirements makes them cards you tend to built a deck around Rather than cards you slot into a deck as a support piece.
@eddiepeach3975 7 ай бұрын
@@BramLastname Couldn't agree more.
@Anthintendo Жыл бұрын
I don’t play the TCG, but I remember being a teenager and seeing Dragon and Fairy promoted on their own for the first time. And then I got sad years later when the TCG removed those types.
@MindofInstincts Жыл бұрын
They brought Dragon types back in Evolving Skies!
@Anthintendo Жыл бұрын
@@MindofInstincts :0
@Jaminux Жыл бұрын
for me, fairy is an extremely hard type to play, so its removal is both a blessing and a curse in my opinion. a blessing because it was very difficult to make work when it was still in the tcg, a curse because its removal makes it even harder to play since no one is weak to fairy anynore
@Mapple318 Жыл бұрын
@@Jaminux but also that its harder to get fairy pokemons/energies for the deck (':
@artimist0315 Жыл бұрын
The fairy change makes sens thematically but god does it look wrong in practice. Like psychic in the TCG has a shade of purple that doesn't look right with fairy types at all !
@vgfmshow Жыл бұрын
Great analysis. I've been playing the TCG competitively since 2014 and took a back seat when (world event) hit and got more into the design philosophy of the game by making cubes. You're right when you say less types is better for the game, and also that the type distribution needs to be relatively even. The reason Fairy was discontinued was because there aren't that many Fairy Pokémon, so the same Pokémon kept getting printed on cards all the time, which actually stunts diversity because if there are 6 Gardevoirs in the current format, you can't play all of them in your deck because you can only have 4 Pokémon of the same name in your deck. Metal still has this problem, and I have said to my friends that moving Rock over makes a lot of sense because they are functionally similar as types in the video games. The best thing to happen to Darkness is moving Poison types into it. It fits thematically and has made the type way more diverse. I know you said you wanted to get into playing the game more, so hit me up. I could be a good resource.
@DeltaSeeker Жыл бұрын
Thanks, a perspective like yours would be very helpful! I have a Twitter and Discord account listed on my channel, feel free to message me!
@MajoraZ Жыл бұрын
I get the point of the video was likely just a fun statistical exercise, but I definitely think that thematic cohesion should be weighed more: As an example, Yes, Ghosts being dark type DOES have some thematic logic to it, but there's really nothing to tie poison thematically to pyshcic or fairies other then the color purple and pink. On the flip side, Fairy, Pyschic, and Ghost type all share a common theme of being tied to the occult and mysticism, and "Dark" type is usually more about underhanded tactics and being mean or predatory rather then literal shadow and darkness (which is more a ghost type thing), so poison being linked to that sort of underhanded and predatory theming makes a lot more sense. I could make similar observations about the Fighting-Rock-Ground-Steel changes (though I don't think those are as contentious), but another factor here is relative quantity per type: I think it makes sense to factor in how many pokemon are in a given type in the games vs the TCG. I don't think it's desirable to have one TCG type cover a TON of different Pokemon while a totally seperate TCG type barely has any, etc
@rescuerex7031 Жыл бұрын
I think Ground Rock and Fighting are paired together because they tend to share Habitats, making Earth a type over Fighting would've probably made more sense for this, but also I think people would be more interested in Fighting type than Earth type, like there's a reason Bakugan replaced Subterra with the Mystical Gold faction in the Reboot, I think earth as a theme is not as popular with kids
@dr.c2195 Жыл бұрын
Placing Poison with Psychic makes sense because some poisons have psychological effects. Pairing Poison with Grass makes sense because many plants make poison. Pairing Poison with Bug makes sense because many bugs make Poison. Pairing Poison with Dark makes sense because Poison is underhanded. Pairing Ghost with Dark makes sense because of Dark rituals. Pairing Poison with Water would also make sense because a lot of poison is liquid. It would also make sense to pair Poison with Fighting because of steroids. Or with Steel because many metals are toxic. Or with Electric because poisons can influence the electric pulse in our body, or with Fire because flammable gas is poisonous, or with Colorless because some poisons are colourless.
@Daehpo Жыл бұрын
This was really cool. I thought the TCG types where a bit awkward, but I never expected anyone to make a metric for compatibility. Looking at the spreadsheet you made it seems like the TCG types currently have a total compatibility score of 72(Solo types where given a score of 0), with Darkness(Dark + Posion) & Fighting(Fighting + Ground + Rock) weighing it down. Those changes as you suggested (Dark+Ghost, Steel+Rock, Psychic+Fairy, Poison+Bug, & Normal+Flying+Dragon) bring that total up to 267(You probably already knew this). I noticed that just adding up the compatibility scores favors cramming as many compatible types together as possible. I wonder if it would be better to determine a type's compatibility score as the average score then? Doing that, the base TCG's score total is 30(Average of 3) while your revised types give out a score of 116.5 (Average of 11.65). With the summation method the type combos Rock+Ice+Steel, Ghost+Dark+Psychic, & Grass+Fairy would be net gains, but would be net losses for the average method. This is really just an elaborate "Stable Roommate" problem, but aesthetics matter.
@arcadiawhimsies Жыл бұрын
10:38 Ghost/Dark Gengar with levitate would be SUCH A MENACE in early gens it genuinely scares me.
@typemasters2871 Жыл бұрын
Having dragon and fairy being combined into one type would have been interesting But I do see the benefit of Dragon being a type that can’t do super effective damage (similar to normal) but is strong and usually needs more that 1 type of energy to use it’s attacks
@renkitty 2 жыл бұрын
The PTCG video games mixed with PMD sounds like a dream come true! They're easily my favorite spinoffs by a country mile, so I'm looking forward to whatever's in store for the project!
@archetypefan 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, it's interesting what you bring up with poison and bug being a more appropriate type compared to bug and grass. I feel that poison isn't a popular enough type for the pokemon company to want to add it at this point, especially now that they've removed fairy. Would be cool though. Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky is my favourite game of all time, so I'd be very interested in hearing more about your game idea!
@RednekGamurz 2 жыл бұрын
I remember actually getting introduced to the card game before the video games, and was really confused the first time I played Pokemon Stadium when I was little. I never really thought about how less types makes more sense for the card game, due to the energy cards, but it makes a lot of sense. As for your balancing ideas, the only one I'm not the biggest fan of is separating rock from the fighting type. I've always kinda viewed rock and ground as one and the same, even though I know that isn't the case (though Gen 1 especially having a lot of rock/ground type Pokemon doesn't help things). It would just feel weird to separate them, even though pairing rock with steel sorta makes sense. Also, that game idea you have sounds interesting. I really like the TCG and PMD, so a combination of the 2 could be really cool.
@sparky6757 Жыл бұрын
Rock’s kinda like a middle ground (haha) between steel and ground, I think Weak to fighting and ground, like steel Weak to water and grass, like ground Positive matchup against fire and poison, like ground Positive matchup against ice and bug and flying and normal, like steel Also its only weaknesses aside from shared weaknesses, are steel and ground There isn't a single strength rock has that isn’t shared with ground or steel
@hhannahh7835 Жыл бұрын
And if we're counting normal as a strength id say flying counts too
@sparky6757 Жыл бұрын
@@hhannahh7835 True, forgot steel resists flying
@dr.c2195 Жыл бұрын
Actually, they are the same. The ground is made out of rocks!
@snakesmartyt4433 Жыл бұрын
I think the Poison Type cards are very interesting with how they were switched around It started as grass as in the early games Grass and Bug are paired with them very often and uses a lot of status conditions Then Psychic came around and thet decided to move Poison into Psychic due to it being more fitting in a Color Coding sense That is also probably why Rock Ground and Fighting are grouped together And finally it was put into Darkness because as the series went on, messing with the opponent with status conditions and tactics fit more with the Dark type Pokemon than grass type.
@artimist0315 Жыл бұрын
Also dark is thematically the most related, at least when it comes to personality. Just like dark type, poison types are vicious, violent and are considered less honourable type. They like torturing their opponents and killing so in this sens is makes a lot of sens. Plus it make them look way cooler, every time I see a poison type on a black card is just make so much sens. I didn't make sense thematically with ghost and psychic as unlike those it wasn't a very magical type, so it always felt like an oversight. The new classification makes much more sens thematically. However I really, really don't like what they did to fairy types ! Sure thematically it makes complete sens to be with other magical fairy tale creature but god does it look so wrong ! I think they need to change the shade of purple on them because it doesn't look right at all. Violet represents mystery and something special, it doesn't work well with super cute light pink innocent creatures.
@Valtharr Жыл бұрын
"then Psychic came around"? Psychic was in the game from day one!
@bilis2866 4 ай бұрын
rock ground and fighting have a lot in common
@daxterflame7247 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting topic. If we were rebuilding the game from the ground up, I'd definitely advocate for Poison splitting off into its own type and putting Bug underneath it. Same goes for moving Ghost to Dark. I also think Rock, Ground, and Steel are similar enough thematically to warrant being the same type, but Rock should be the umbrella they fall under instead of Steel (leaving Fighting on its own). Granted, the game's been around too long now to make a sudden, massive change like completely removing and replacing a type.
@peshomighty5051 Жыл бұрын
I like bug types. Their cool. part of me wishes umbreon was a bug or poison type. Its pokedex states it sweats poison. In fact with ghost types existing in gen one they could change psychics weakness to bug, ghost and lastly flying types(heights). Really theres no need for dark types. Another thing is buff the grass type, how about removing the fairy type and make grass super effective to electric( grass resists electric) and psyckic and ghost(grass the new light type is obviously super effective to both electric and ghost types)
@peshomighty5051 Жыл бұрын
Give more reasons to choose grass over water everygame.
@iBenjamin1000 Жыл бұрын
the example pokemon team you showed at the end of the video to demonstrate that pokemon can have multiple types is pretty likely a gen 3 competitive team and I think that's neat. blissey and tyranitar are defining members of the meta game, and swampert gengar moltres and cloyster are also popular and powerful choices for teams.
@TsukentoX Жыл бұрын
Ghost being moved to Dark would certainly make a lot more sense since you could also argue that Ghost-types are weak to other Ghosts and Dark-types in the game. Poison, however, is trickier. Moving it to Dark, due to theme makes sense, but it also becomes confusing when you bring game logic in, as Poison-types are traditionally weak to Psychic, while Dark-types are immune. So it becomes odd seeing Darkness Pokémon cards with a weakness to Psychic cards. As for Rock, it honestly makes more sense seeing it stick around in the Fighting section due to the fact that Rock and Ground tend to be paired up together more often than with Steel. The change that made the least sense were removing Fairy and moving those into the Psychic types. Especially since they briefly changed Dragon-type cards into their secondary typing during the Sword & Shield sets before changing them back into Dragon-types. The oddity with typings is how very little Resistances are properly used these days. A number of Ground-type Pokémon tend to go without Resistances to Lightning cards, or Darkness cards having no resistance to Psychic cards, or how Pokémon with the secondary typing of Flying in the games don't have resistance to Fighting in the card game. A good example of this is Scyther. This is a Pokémon well known from the early days due to its stats, including its Resistance to Fighting. If you look at the release of Scyther cards after the secret rare reprint of Jungle Scyther in the Platinum set, no Scyther card ever has a Resistance to Fighting ever again.
@fnnnn5986 Жыл бұрын
Kind of a curious observation 11:35 Your bottom chart has some of the most busted dual type combinations in competitive. Fighting Ice (crabominable), Fighting Flying (Hawlucha), Fairy Ground (ground hits all 3 fairy resists), Ground Ice (Mamoswine), Dark Grass (Meowscarada), Ghost Grass (Dhelmise), Fighting Ghost (Marshadow), are some of the hardest pokemon to switch in and only a handful of dual types combinations resist them.
@anavaeru 2 жыл бұрын
Always looking forward to another upload. This channel is a gem.
@violetto3219 2 жыл бұрын
i'd honestly like to see pokemon experiment with something like Magic's hybrid mana, but for energy costs on moves, though i don't know how they'd design those graphically in a way that wouldn't look terrible
@micaiuslucian Жыл бұрын
I love your thought process with the types, I don't know the tcg that well but this is all very interesting, I love your ideas
@NickMaltbie Жыл бұрын
This is a dimensionality reduction problem :D you’re trying to project the 18 dimensional space of types in Pokémon game down to 10 types of card game. If you want a really interesting comparison it would be cool to follow this up with a clustering based approach to optimize the grouping and scoring with entirely new types via cluster algorithms like K-means, t-SNE, PCA, or just brute force it with a Markov search. If you apply this more generic framework you may even be able to do more complex analysis such as how to project a dual type Pokémon into the categories based on which group has the minimum distance/loss. Great video!
@KrissyBlues Жыл бұрын
I find it kind of interesting/funny that fairy was moved to the psychic type and poison was moved to the dark type in the same generation that there were two rival characters that highlighted these types' similarities (Bede's entire team switches from a psychic ace team to a fairy ace team, Marnie and her brother Piers both have poison types that conflict with their type speciality)
@peshomighty5051 Жыл бұрын
I like bug types. Their cool. part of me wishes umbreon was a bug or poison type. Its pokedex states it sweats poison. In fact with ghost types existing in gen one they could change psychics weakness to bug, ghost and lastly flying types(heights). Really theres no need for dark types. Another thing is buff the grass type, how about removing the fairy type and make grass super effective to electric( grass resists electric) and psyckic and ghost(grass the new light type is obviously super effective to both electric and ghost types). Give more reasons to choose grass type starter than water.
@peshomighty5051 Жыл бұрын
Well in basic team building there's covering your weakness. Like if you have a water Pokemon in your team it's a good Idea to catch a fire type for those grass types. Other examples are a dark type to go with the poison type on your team. Or just an immunitie like a steel type and a ghost who's immune to fighting types. Or just an earthtype with earthquake and we'll just steam roll the whole game with arguably the best type in the game. Think of it why is there so many Pokemon with levitate? Because earth is good.
@KrissyBlues Жыл бұрын
@@peshomighty5051 umbreon has that in its dex bc during development it was poison type, actually
@Blizzaria6364 2 жыл бұрын
If there gonna be dragon type pokemon cards they should at least bring back fairy types so that dragon types have a disadvantage.
@NukaFandango Жыл бұрын
I like your Video. My job requires me to use excel a lot and it can be fun to build complicated structures in it like the one you show. The background music is so well chosen, I think you like the right pkm games :) Subbed!
@warnocity3633 Жыл бұрын
I personally prefer having the dragon type. I really like that each dragon pokemon requires a certain amount of other types to make work... similar to commanders in Magic. They are much better now that dragon no longer has it's own energy, so I think they are balemced and open fun deck building options
@GoyBenius_0901 Жыл бұрын
Dragon only ever had Double Dragon energy and for all intents amd puropses it was just a double Rainbow energy but for Dragon Types
@spookyfungus Жыл бұрын
just found your channel and holy shit you're incredibly underrated! i've never really been into the actual game of the card game and just collected a ton of them as a kid, but your videos make me want to dust them off again. also especially loved that grass + water + ground = regret visual gag, you've got some pretty slick editing skills! can't wait for the next!!
@Redpoppy80 Жыл бұрын
I can really get behind this logic process. Moving Ghost over to Darkness and Rock over to Metal makes too much sense. I really don't think it would be a problem for the moved Ghost to be weak to itself as that is far from unprecedented in the PTCG. Rock would be weak to either Water, Grass, Fighting, or itself as the card itself dictates while Steel would be weak to Fire or Fighting, again, depending on the Pokemon card. I also don't think it would be bad if Pokemon cards had multiple weaknesses and/or resistances.
@matthewkuscienko4616 Жыл бұрын
While I personally don't think that moving rock to the metal type makes the most sense, I can kind of see why there is an argument for it. I will agree, however, that having ghost becoming part of the darkness type rather than having poison migrate into that type is extremely intuitive, not just because of how similar dark and ghost are offensively (not to mention how frequently dark Pokemon get access to ghost moves and vice-versa), but also because it means that poison becomes good against psychic in the tcg. That said, one could argue that the last point about poison being strong against psychic is kinda rendered moot when considering that the 2 where previously connected, but that worked because at that point in time, all psychic Pokemon in the tcg usually were weak to their own type, which meant that poison was weak to psychic as well, but shifting it into the darkness type took this away. On a side note, I actually have a couple of ideas why poison got moved into the darkness type: the first being that when you look at Marnie's team in the video games, her only non dark type Pokemon is the poison type Toxicroak; and secondly, it could possibly have been a reference to the event involving Eternatus being known as the darkest day
@BramLastname Жыл бұрын
@@matthewkuscienko4616 I think the explanation is much simpler, They saw that Fairy and Psychic are a good match, But realised Poison needed to move elsewhere to work well, So they move Poison to Darkness to make it hit Fairy decks Super-effectively, by pairing it with the type that hits fairy's paired cards (Ghost and Psychic) super-effectively.
@ktvx.94 Жыл бұрын
Kinda tangential, but I think having more pokemon cards with different energy requirements to their types would make the game way more interesting, and replicate the dual type mechanics better.
@alexjones3035 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the video, this was really interesting! Especially how certain types wind up being more compatible than others - I didn't expect Ghost to pair up so well, though it makes perfect logical sense once I think about how few non-neutral interactions it actually has. As a huge PMD fan, I'd love to try out your crossover game if you get past the idea stage, it sounds very intriguing!
@WhenYouGoMadd Жыл бұрын
Moving Ghost over to Dark, then creating a new Poison and Bug Type would be the best change to the TCG in a long time
@AugmentalGameplay Жыл бұрын
Bonus points for the Rescue Team tracks playing in the background👍
@DrewPicklesTheDark 22 күн бұрын
I remember as a kid being annoyed that the card game only had around half the types from in-game. In retrospect it makes sense, but it still annoyed me as a kid lol.
@FuzzyDereck 7 ай бұрын
I found this video because I saw a psychic-type Typhlosion card last night, lol. Great info!! Thank you!!
@TuetchenR Жыл бұрын
alternatively to cutting dragon, fairy could move to dragon, then all card game types would be made up from 1-2 videogame types. they could make for a mythical type, but I guess that term is already is claimed
@yoshi658 Жыл бұрын
thematically ghost is curses and black magic, fairy normal magic and psychic is supernatural stuff so they fit, dark is more about fighting dirty so it kinda fits with poison but it i think it still fit better with grass bug since grass/poison and bug/poison is a common, and about rock and ground, most early rock types where also ground and are thematically very similar, normal, dark and fighting are also similar being attacks using body,most dragon moves could pass a fire moves since they often involve fire
@samr.8554 2 жыл бұрын
Keep up the great work man! i’ve getting into pokémon cards lately and i’ve been looking for a youtuber with this style of content. really excited to see what you do next
@Joel1007GamerCultLeader Жыл бұрын
I'm a Play Pokemon Professor, and I fully agree with your opinions on these type match ups changes.
@lil_wooper1871 Жыл бұрын
Dragon is okay to exist as long as it's given the support to run with mixed type attack costs. Looking at the regidrago vstar deck vs. the goodra vstar deck, the goodra tends to run better because it can more quickly and efficiently get to metal/water energies. Regidrago vstar on the other hand suffers because of extremely slow grass acceleration with what we have in standard. Most of the dragon types that came with evolving skies felt unusable at first, and the ones that were able to keep up are just now starting to see way more play because of cards like mirage gate
@kuyashiix Жыл бұрын
If I was making the Pokemon TCG, I would simply make types less restrictive in general. I think I would actually go ahead and make energy cards for every type in the game, so rock and ground and fighting would each have their own energy. However, I would make the moves require mostly colorless energy, with specific typed energy being more reserved for stronger moves. Also, the weakness thing would only come into play on certain moves, not the whole card. It would also give incentive to run more of the same Pokemon, for example, maybe you really like Magnemite, but you want to use electric moves and don't care about steel. Well you can just stick with electric energy and ignore his steel moves by not playing steel energy. And you could do the opposite if you wanted to focus on Magnemite's steel moves. I think the new issue would be all of the mons would need more moves though, but I think it's possible. It would make each different mon more impactful to the game. However, that's all being said if I was making the game from the ground up, it would erase everything you know about the TCG currently to work. But what do I know, I'm a Yugioh player so my idea is probably shit.
@jack0lantrn Жыл бұрын
This video is insanely interesting. This topic has always been super interesting to me, and has been long conversations among friends for countless hours over beer and ptcg. Showing this to them now lol
@ghartman56 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a cool video idea and seems like it took so much work. Well done for sure!
@Mystic-Aidan 2 жыл бұрын
I have to disagree with your thoughts about dark and poison. As much as I like the idea of poison being it’s own type, I think merging with dark alongside fairy and psychic was perfect. Poison shouldn’t be able to counter psychic by weakness, right? Well, you have the dark half for that. Why can ghosts be dealt super effective damage by poison? Because it’s the dark type half. Not to mention, it works thematically as well. The dark type isn’t meant to just be “the night”, but also sinister actions, which poison usually falls under. If poison didn’t exist, I could easily see many poison types like Toxicroak falling under dark with no problems whatsoever. By both the conversion of game design and lore-wise, I feel poison and dark have a lot more synergy than your spreadsheet gives it credit for. I’d go so far to say the current state of psychic and darkness is actually the perfect pairing of types, honestly. It’s interesting to see your ideas, but I think it’s fine as is, even if I do miss the fairy type being in the TCG.
@SnepperStepTV Жыл бұрын
I haven't played the TCG competitively since I retired as the Rhode Island State Champion of 2003, but i do have some things to say having been involved since back then. We had this conversation all the time about dual types. It was fixed ultimately by the weakness and resistance system. For example, since grass was often used for many types back then we knew if poison was the "video game type" then the weakness would be psychic. I did stay somewhat involved in my local TCG player hangout until after Delta Species, and would you like to know a secret? I was one of maybe 5-6 people who even cared that the TCG types weren't congruent to the video game type. And most of us, including me, saw the way the types working differently than in the games an interesting challenge when deck building and playing each other. In other words, the thought of making the types in the TCG the same as in the video games is insulting to the strategists who have enjoyed the variation. Its in my professional, gym leader esque opinion on the matter that anyone who actually believes the types should be a 1:1 match is butthurt that they haven't figured out how to make it work yet and should stop making decks based in their favorite pokemon (this is why they're losing) and making decks based upon strategy. If they can make decks with their faves in them, more power to them, but they cannot be the focus if they want a coherent deck. In other words, i was also once upon a time the whiney kid at the tournament who demanded the TCG worked the same as my Pokémon gold game cart, but since learned there's a very good reason it doesn't.
@TheYambino Жыл бұрын
One thing I wish they did more was diversify weaknesses in tcg. For example, back in gen 3, tcg Fighting could be weak to grass, water, or psychic depending on the pokemon. There is still a little bit of this today, but they are actively removing this in the game. I always felt it made deck building more interesting if you also thought about all your cards weaknesses, as to avoid being weak to all one type, but thats becoming harder these days.
@AlderFletcher 2 жыл бұрын
I moved Rock over to Metal and called the hybrid "Mineral." I moved Fairy over to Dragon and called it "Mystic," with Dragons being Mystic-types weak to Mystic and Fairies being Mystic-types weak to Mineral. Ghost-types become "Shadow" types that are weak to Shadow, while Dark-types are Shadow and weak to "Quaking," which is what I came up with for Ground/Fighting (side note: it's cool that the fist's thumb and palm form a broken-ground image). I also moved Poison over to Lightning and renamed it "Shock," which works remarkably well as many Poison-types have yellow accents. I also rearranged the symbols to make more sense. I reassigned the Fairy symbol to Psychic, and reassigned the Psychic symbol to Ghost/Dark's "Shadow," thereby eliminating the Darkness symbol instead of the Fairy one and keeping another bright color.
@luchotenks2310 2 жыл бұрын
I like your new type pairings and their respective names. But I'm not really a fan of swapping the symbols and the card frames. A black card frame suits Dark and Ghost types better than a violet one in my opinion. The Fairy symbol and pink card frame are not really necesary either.
@AlderFletcher 2 жыл бұрын
@@luchotenks2310 Shadow could use the dark frame, or the Darkness symbol on Psychic's color, I just lack photoshop skills. Re: pink not being "necessary," uhh, sez you?
@luchotenks2310 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlderFletcher I thought that you meant to make the Psychic type pink with the Fairy symbol and Shadow type violet with the Psychic symbol, which would make them too similar colorwise. That's why I said pink wasn't necessary. Black, in my opinion, adds the much needed varierty to the energy color palette while representing its type's theme better. I've thought of another classification let me know what you think. - Red: Fire - Orange: Fighting, Ground (aka Seismic) - Yellow: Electric - Green: Grass - Blue: Water, Ice (aka Water) - Violet: Psychic, Poison (aka Psychic) - Black: Ghost, Dark (aka Shadow) - Grey: Steel, Rock (aka Mineral) - White: Normal, Flying (aka Neutral) - Pink: Dragon, Fairy (aka Mythical) Psychic and Poison are again in the same category because they focus on damaging the body from within without the use of physical violence and by altering perception (hypnosis, confusion, and other forms if intoxication). Poison has an tricky and gimmicky side it more related to the Psychic type than to the rather straightforward Electric type. As for Dragon and Fairy, they are now in the same group called Mythical. If you think about it, it goes perfectly with the lore that inspired those types (fairy tales) and also with their video game type matchups in the video games. This way the Dragon type subgroup can now be weak to itself and to the Fairy subgroup (just like in the games) because they are one and the same. The Fairy subgroup on the other hand, would be weak to Posion (aka Psychic) and resistant to itself (which includes Dragons).
@francescognerre2408 Жыл бұрын
I used to play the tcg very competitively (back in the days of claydol, uxie, magmortar lvlx and leafeon lvlx, and luxray sp lvlx). One thing I always wanted to see was all 18 types explored as independent types, especially normal (basically splitting up colorless and normal, similar to generic and colorless in magic)
@intel_coar6844 Жыл бұрын
As a person who doesn’t play the tcg, I don’t understand why they don’t just make 18 types, asking with dual type cards. I have a dual type Volcorona card that’s half grass and half fire, with a line down the center where the colors mix and it looks great
@JMHV Жыл бұрын
A Raticate facing off agains a Ralts in a gen 3 game is messing with my head.
@TheTeshYT Жыл бұрын
I've been watching your tcg videos, I love it. I like the idea of ​​a new type that combines bug and poison
@lucasyoungers Жыл бұрын
I have been trying to figure this out forever. I never thought to move ghost into dark, for some reason. That clears up the spot for poison perfectly!
@marcstutsman4861 Жыл бұрын
For Poison Pokemon I think it should be on a Species basis that varies depending on the Pokemon.
@twarnold14 Жыл бұрын
Speaking from game mechanics, the types in the TCG help to ensure deck diversity. It is set up the same way as Magic the Gathering's color pie (and people can endlessly discuss that), and thus it also borrows one of the game's greatest strengths. There is an inherent conflict between wanting to play more types/colors so they can cover their weaknesses and wanting to play the fewest types/colors so the deck is consistent. But I do agree that too many types cause a problem. If a single set is designed to be played (like at a prerelease event), then you need to ensure that players can open cards that form a consistent enough deck. Too many types fights against this. All that said, this means that colorless and dragon don't fit in the normal type chart the same way. They don't require their own energy, and as such they do not add inconsistency to the deck. In fact, colorless cards help smooth out a deck. Also, dragons end up being like Magic's multicolor cards. If you are already playing a grass and lightning deck, then something like that dragonite from 7:06 can easily slot in without adding much complexity AND reward the player for going with that combination in the first place. If anything, we need more types set up this way. Apparently another commenter said the same thing, but I think having fairy be treated like dragon is a good thing. Let it stand in for multicolor cards with its mystical counterpart. I do like the idea of rock being moved to metal, but I think that is because metal and lightning seem so strange as types. They are defensively difficult to deal with and relatively few in number. Fire is also strange that it gets its own type, but I feel like the starter trio need to be represented no matter what.
@bigmule7200 Жыл бұрын
So glad someone finally made a video on this! Cant wait for more vids!
@miketacos9034 Жыл бұрын
Hmmmm... Iunno, Poison with Dark makes a whole lot more sense than Poison with Psychic. Poison as Dark and Ghost as Psychic make sense thematically enough, and those type matchups within the TCG are well balanced. But having Toxic as its own type could be cool!
@CodenameJD Жыл бұрын
I haven't played the tcg since I was a kid, but it's never made sense to me that - if they're willing to change types, as they've proven they are - they never moved Ghost to Darkness. I get why they didn't at first I guess, when Darkness didn't have a basic energy, but it makes so much more sense than shoving Poison on there. Strong against the same two types, no better pair. Then Ghosts are just made weak to Darkness cards, which covers both of their in-game weaknesses. If not for how much overlap Poison and Grass (and Bug) had in gen I, Poison could have paired well with Fire. I don't think the flavour matchup is terrible if you consider Acid is a Poison move, and the important factor here is that they both hit Grass types for super effective damage. However, Metal type cards typically being weak to Fire hurts here...
@RGC_animation Жыл бұрын
Damn, my man just solved the Pokemon TCG.
@Alpha_Runaway Жыл бұрын
I loved back when B2/W2 introduced the dragon typing card. These were powerful cards that could only be countered by other dragon types and dictated how decks would be built. Then X&Y came out and Faries came out basically ruined it. The dragon type was now a crutch because they were weak to fairy type cards now and fairy’s sole purpose was to counter a dragon. There was no real viable advantage to having either of them. When Sword and Shield removed faries i thought back to form but then noticed dragons were now slightly weaker and had no weakness or resistance. Having them now is just for show imo and really discouraging. Those are my thoughts at least I’ve been playing the tcg since the HG/SS card sets
@kstanni87 Жыл бұрын
recently fairy types were turned back into psychic types and sometimes poison types like seviper and gengar are in the dark types.
@TheGuzeinbuick Жыл бұрын
Before Metal and Dark types, the typings in the TCG made perfect sense. Yes it felt a bit weird to have Fighting, Rock, and Ground combined into one, but the purpose of a card game is to streamline what would normally be calculated by a gameboy so it can easily be calculated by kids. And the brilliance in the TCG's streamlined Typings is that they all checked one another. You couldn't load your deck with just one type; you always had to cover your bases in case your opponent played to your weakness. The closest you could get to making a "bulletproof" deck was playing with the Psychic, Normal, and Fighting cards, since that ran in a tight triangle instead of a pentagram circle like the other elements. If I were to rebuild the TCG typings from the ground up, I'd try to make it so that everything fits into rock-paper-scissors triangle. 12 total typings, with four triangles, would be ideal.
@cantrip7 11 ай бұрын
I love the idea of a joint poison and bug type. The energy graphic for it was super cool.
@dawnhero6439 Жыл бұрын
0:55 that little illustration was sick 10/10
@mdudegamer Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the current type system could definitely be better- to my knowledge, a Pokemon weak to Rock in the main series has never had a Fighting weakness in the card game, nor have Ice or Bug-weak Pokemon been given a weakness to Water or Grass, respectively. It'd be nice if they changed that every now and again on some cards- having a Flying Pokemon weak to Fighting for once would be fun.
@keldeo05 Жыл бұрын
Great video, one of the main things about the types is the color coding of each type, it makes it easier for kids to get it, so changing the rock types to steel types, for example would be a bad play IMO
@PixelPenguin77 3 ай бұрын
"I think we should have less types, so the game is more fun" me: yes. 100%. agree. Ends the video by creating a new type me: well... he's making a good point.
@bellyit Жыл бұрын
damn Regret is my favorite pokemon now
@jacqueenie3310 Жыл бұрын
A part of me wonders what pokemon would be like with MTG mana Mountain - Fire, Dragon, Electric, Rock Island - Water, Ice, Steel Forest - Grass, Bug, Fairy Plain - Normal, Flying, Ground, Fighting Swamp - Dark, Ghost, Psychic, Poison Honestly would be kind of a wreck with so few types
@VinnietheCorgi Жыл бұрын
I think its silly that with 18 types in the video games we don't just use 9 types in the TCG pairing two types into one new "hybrid type" for use in the TCG. I think they types could be combined into totally NEW types to give them more distinction from the video games as well naming each one differently to equally represent the two types that make it up, for example: Neutral- Normal, Flying (I think this is fine how it is in the TCG) Cold- Water, Ice (Also good but calling it water seems bias, cold seems like a good middle ground) Terror- Dark, Ghost (I liked your idea of putting these together makes a lot more sense) Qi- Psychic, Fighting (Qi can be used for mental and physical improvement, look at Medicham) Toxic- Bug, Poison (I also liked your idea about this much better fit) Plasma- Fire, Electric (Fire and electric dont need to be there own single types in the TCG, they are both different forms of energy plasma seems a good middle state) Mystic- Dragon, Fairy (Both represent magic and ancient mystical creatures) Nature- Grass, Ground (Both are good representations of the earth and make up nature itself) Metal- Steel, Rock (Also a good idea from your video, both are hard and defensive)
@theimpossibros39 Жыл бұрын
Based on Similarities and paring each type with another to make 9 duos, here is how I would rearrange the types: Regular Duo: Normal/Flying Brown Duo: Fighting/Ground Hazardous Duo: Poison/Bug Earth Duo: Rock/Steel Evil Duo: Ghost/Dark Mythic Duo: Psychic/Fairy Cool Duo: Water/Ice Spark Duo: Fire/Electric Forest Duo: Grass/Dragon Please help me rearrange these type matchups. I really don’t like the last one.
@KathyXie Жыл бұрын
The lack of typing interaction by having more types could be solve giving every pokemon 2 or 3 weakness and resistance, and change resistance to - 60 or ÷2 to make it more similar to the video game.
@mirrortarget5729 11 ай бұрын
I miss the fairy type cards, I liked the variety in color and how they contrasted with the other types. I personally like the dragon type cards, too. The bug-poison idea was cool, and the design you showed was interesting and unique.
@supersaiyaneevee1573 Жыл бұрын
Get rid of dragon and make the new poison/bug energy sounds great! I think making them match thematically is the most important, and not over complicating as well.
@Clemehl Жыл бұрын
I had the same idea and used a different method. I need to redo it, because I only searched a correlation between all types matching the TCG types (Fairy included), not all typing. Even if I observed roughly the same results, there are points of digression. - *Poison:* Excluding the Normal-type (+45%), I found that Poison has a strong pairing with the *Fire-type* (+15%), way more than Dragon (+3%), Steel (+5%) or Psychic (-2%). I don't really want the Poison-type to be under the Fire-type. But here a difference. - *Rock:* In my method, it has a strong pairing with *Electric-type* (+21%), while the lowest were Grass (-28%) and Fighting (-20%). Basically, the similarities are for the following TCG types: - *Fire:* Good with Flying (+23%) and Poison (+15%). Ice not being far (+12%). Bad with Bug (-10%), Dragon (-11%) and Ground (-17%). - *Water:* Good with Ground (+15%). Ice not being far (+11%). Bad with Poison (-15%) and Bug (-22%). - *Electric:* Good with Rock (+21%). Bad with Bug (-22%). - *Grass:* Good with Bug (+23%). Bad with Flying (-10%), Poison (-15%), Ghost (-20%) and Rock (-28%). - *Fighting:* Good with Bug (+14%) and Ground (+14%). Bad with Ghost (-13%), Flying (-20%), Rock (-20%) and Ice (-26%). - *Psychic:* Good with Ghost (+39%), Flying (+26%), Fairy (+25%) and Dragon (+18%). - *Dark:* Good with Ghost (+40%), Dragon (+33%) and Bug (+15%). Bad with Poison (-19%). - *Steel:* Bad with Ghost (-11%), Dragon (-13%), Ground (-16%) and Bug (-17%). The only positive are: Ice (+11%), Poison (+5%) and Rock (+4%). - *Fairy:* Good with Bug (+33%), Flying (+32%), Ice (+28%), Dragon (+19%) and Poison (+14%). Bad with Ground (-17%). If disappearing: Psychic (+25%) or Normal (+21%). So, in the end, if Fairy stayed it could inherited some Bug-type as well. Or they could have created a "mythical" element to team Dragon and Fairy inside. But your classification make sense: Ghost should go Dark, Fairy family isn't big enough to justify its own element. Dragon could be a glorified Normal type that just have a different set of weakness. Rock doesn't belong to Fighting (too far from Fighting and Ground), yet Electric isn't thematic to take it, neither the other. Metal could inherit it (and be renamed Mineral if it does matter). I believe we were both triggered by the Poison-type migration, and our research made us question about the Rock-type as well.
@sarahclaasen4317 Жыл бұрын
I think they put Poison in Darkness because Poison has often been associated with villainous organizations starting with Gen I's Team Rocket. When the Dark type came into play in Gen II it also became a staple of villainous organizations. So, I think this has more to do with aesthetics than optimization.
@RobbyTheRogue Жыл бұрын
I like the rebalancing but feel like some more things could be addressed. I'd merge Steel and Rock with Electric and move dragon over to fire, I know dragon is resistant to water but is weak to ice.
@sayaztv Жыл бұрын
I think they also made it based on the Gen1 Pokemon. Almost all Rock-Pokemon where ground. Alot of Ice-Pokemon were Water. Alot of Flying-Pokemon where Normal. This goes on for Grass, Bug and Poison which also shared alot of Pokemon from the Video Games.
@mamacrow2759 Жыл бұрын
Thematically, I wished that at least the psychic type got little lashes attached to the eye. Doesn't have to be very pronounced. Just something to show our new neighbor fairy joined. Or that it took on a slightly different coloring but still closer to purple than pink.
@mysticz3686 Жыл бұрын
ghost and dark actually cover the same types in the games, so it makes sense for them to be the most similar
@gabriellockwood2780 Жыл бұрын
You mentioned the fairy type stopped being printed in G8/SwSh. Dragons are printed as Dark.
@cabocarpaccio3433 Жыл бұрын
i always thought fairy type logo (small insect like wings) was ideal to add Fairy and Bug into one, also a lot of bugs are cute for "Girly" theme decks (at least on the marketing view) with a lot being butterflies or some are ideals for fairy type like volbeat and illumise, while some others are 2 types, like ariados or beedril.
@GoyBenius_0901 4 ай бұрын
Dragon types were colourless for the first 5 sets of the Black and White era, it wasn't until Dragons Exalted that they introduced dragon types, which is why stuff like Haxorus and Druddigon were colorless while dual types like Hydreigon and Kyurem were their secondary types.
@novicetrainer3985 2 жыл бұрын
I could see bug/poison being combined to a “toxic” type. However, if that were the case I think fairy would need to be moved in with grass as a “nature” type. Now the only problem with that is psychic would now have one pairing and those mons are weak to bug but strong to poison. Personally I think that more types in the TCG wouldn’t be bad and could be worked out. But you would likely have to overhaul the entire game.
@GetPhiledIn Жыл бұрын
Isn't that no different than Poison being part of Darkness? Seeing as Poison is weak against Psychic, but Dark is strong against Psychic. Further more when Poison was part of Psychic it was just weak against itself.
@TheArcv2 Жыл бұрын
Interesting video, I really enjoyed how you set out your methodology. It was concise, and well explained. Something I think might be a weakness of this method of comparing type similarity is that you gave the the same weight to two different scenarios. Those scenarios being (x2 , x1) pairs and (x1, x1/2) pairs, both resulting in .5 similarity score. My argument would be that (x2 , x1) should be treated as more different than (x1, x1/2). My reasoning is that, in the TCG, most Pokemon have a weakness and far fewer Pokemon have a resistance. Also, weakness in the TCG doubles damage but resistance only reduces by a flat 20 damage. But that's just my personal analysis.
@marklecarde3112 Күн бұрын
Didn't know they retired fairies. The cards were so beautiful.
@thenerdbeast7375 Жыл бұрын
If I were to make a typing change I would merge fire and electric into an "energy" type as the types are more thematically similar than you'd think: both are vulnerable to things like rock and ground, and it bugs me that while all the other types can make compromises to fly under shared banners these two types selfishly hog an entire card suit to themselves each.
@CLmaster Жыл бұрын
those are pretty cool charts you made.
@VillainousWarlord Жыл бұрын
Rock/Ground/Steel are the most obvious type combination in existence what with them being the sandstorm types, I don't know why steel is by itself for some reason. Poison as psychic feels incredibly off and I think the only reason they do it is because they're both purple. Poison as dark type is most thematically consistent. Yes, poison as dark makes a weird interaction with psychic types, but it's less weird than them becoming psychic types.
@ltjgambrose Жыл бұрын
To me, it seems like the obvious thing to do would be to give attacks the type of the energy they use. Charmander (C) Scratch 10 (F)(C) Ember 30 If Charmander uses Scratch against Bulbasaur it does 10 damage. If he uses Ember it does double, for 60 total damage, because it has Fire energy cost and is therefore a Fire-type attack. This is literally how it works in the game. It shouldn't have been that complicated. The only problem is that it's way too late to change the game mechanics.
@Dynoboot Жыл бұрын
I think it's hilarious how many people are saying they don't know the TCG well, but they're trying to make typing from the video games work for it. Why don't you learn how to play first?
@turtleninja16tn66 Жыл бұрын
I think a good idea would be for every type to be represented and added to the game. But the type energies would be the same. The colors would be like how they are in Gen 9, with some differences: Normal: White Fire: Red Water: Blue Grass: Green Electric: Yellow Ice: Cyan Fighting: Orange Poison: Purple Ground: Tan Flying: Pale Blue Psychic: Magenta Bug: Lime Rock: Brown Ghost: Orchid Dragon: Indigo Dark: Black Steel: Grey Fairy: Pink And type resistances and advantages would work like so. But energies would be able to be used on what types they encompassed earlier. Flying would act the same as Normal with it's "all energies allowed" attitude. Fire still Fire Water Energies would be Half Blue half Cyan to indicate they support Water and Ice Grass would be Half Green Half Lime to indicate they support Grass and Bug Lightning still Electric Fighting would be a third Orange, a third brown, and a third Tan to indicate that they support Fighting, Rock and Ground types. Psychic would be a third Magenta, a third Pink, and a third Orchid to indicate it supports Psychic, Fairy, and Ghost. Dark would be Half Black Half Purple to indicate it supports Dark and Poison Dragon would be Dragon Steel would be Steel
@iriwom 2 жыл бұрын
•Colorless: Normal, Flying, Fighting •Fire: Fire •Water: Water, Ice •Grass: Grass, Ground •Electric: Electric •Toxic: Poison, Bug •Magic: Psychic, Dragon, Fairy •Metal: Steel, Rock •Darkness: Dark, Ghost Reasoning for the changes: Gras and Ground have a score of 24 and are both "nature" types Fairy/Dragon has a score of 40, Fairy/Psychic has a score of 28, and Dragon/Psychic has a score of 30 (32.6 average) They are also all magical types so they fit well. I put fighting with colorless because it just didn't fit anywhere else and colorless is the most basic of the types.
@TheGuzeinbuick 4 ай бұрын
Interesting idea, but I personally don't vibe with Ground being Lumped in with Grass. Can you imagine a Diglett card that's weak to Fire instead of the other way around?
@tankthomus Жыл бұрын
Great video! I had a hard time understanding the way you calculated the type compatibility but other than that it was a great watch.
@DeltaSeeker Жыл бұрын
Think of it as similarity rather than compatibility. I just got two different types' strengths (2x) and weaknesses (0.5x), then deducted a point each time they differed. I did this with every possible pair of types, then normalized the results as I explain in the video, then compared pair "A" + pair "B" with its opposite, pair B + A, and averaged their scores. This gets both sides' perspective, since a matchup that's good for one type could be bad for another type with better options. The last step is just ordering the outcome of all of these calculations into one list, from most similar to least. Hope this helped
@tankthomus Жыл бұрын
@@DeltaSeeker Oh I see. That makes more sense.
@mortimerwake2974 Жыл бұрын
This video reminded me of something I had been trying to figure out: a way to mathematically derive a tier list from a list of matchups of every entrant vs every other entrant. My basic idea was that the aggregate positivity or negativity of all of a characters match ups would represent a basic "weight" for the character, and position on the tier list would derive from essentially replaying the match up comparison with those weights. Unfortunately, this new list could just as easily be used to make a second-derivative weight and the whole process repeats forever. Do you have any insights? You are cleary good at this type of spreadsheet, though I was thinking of this for Smash Bros Melee rather than a TCG.
@MysteriousLobster Жыл бұрын
In college we would play the ptcg without weaknesses and resistances... we also would have a "only 2 ex or gx cards per deck" rule... It sounds like it would make the game bad but it actually makes it sooo much better.
@brromo 10 ай бұрын
Lore wise it would make sence to combine Normal, Dragon, & Faerie as colorless & put flying somewhere else; they're the "non-types" that don't have specialized infinity energy
@Aspiepilled Жыл бұрын
It would be cool if every single type had its own energy
@malcontender6319 Жыл бұрын
Remember getting a celebrations deck couple years back. The base-set reprint Nidoking is a psychic type. Goddamn psychic. Pretty thrilled I gave this up when WOTC lost the license, because the big N clearly has NO clue what it's doing anymore.
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Рет қаралды 122 М.
Pokemon TCG Secrets
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Apple peeling hack @scottsreality
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Паша Осадчий
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🍉😋 #shorts
Денис Кукояка
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When Wizards Made the Pokemon TCG (and how they lost it)
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The Re-Typed Chart
Radioactive Magic
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The Incredible Pixel Art of Pokemon Trading Card Game
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The Cut Pokemon Of Generation 1
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How the Pokemon TCG Survived It's Darkest Point in History
Professor Metri
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Bug Type Pokemon: Then vs Now
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The Game Boy-Exclusive Pokemon Cards
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EVERY Bug Type Pokemon EXPLAINED! | What Are They? | Gnoggin
Lockstin & Gnoggin
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How to Find if Your Pokémon Cards Are RARE or EXPENSIVE!