GOD BLESS THE AMISH!!! 🙏 My fondest memories are getting into a clean bed as a child with sheets that were dried outside. The scent of fresh air and the crispness of the sheets was total nirvana.
@bvny1170211 күн бұрын
I think about those evenings often.
@Sharperthanu111 күн бұрын
The Almish believe in their religion because they don't know what science can prove
@lizhoxie720210 күн бұрын
It didn't happen very often, but add clean, line dried blankets!
@suzizuki9 күн бұрын
we had a mangle to iron the sheets, and all. my dad raised us to not be biased about work, boys had to learn house chores and girls had to learn mechanics, electronics and woodworking as well. so yes, those sheets were great!
@louiZiana-Gurl6 күн бұрын
Yes! I remember as a kid growing up in the country the smell of pine sol & fresh clean sheets dried on the clothesline & cool breezes flowing through the window with clean curtains dried outside. 🥰
@snoringcat44212 күн бұрын
Not Amish, but I grew up in the country in Indiana. We had horses and a couple cows, chickens, dogs, cats, planted a garden. 6 of us kids, we had chores, we had to mow with a push mower. We hung clothes on the line to dry, they always smelled so wonderful!! We pulled weeds canned veggies in the summer, it was good.
@Blurb77713 күн бұрын
This is how I still wash my clothes at times (I used to do it all the time - even with all those diapers from my babies) - and I'm not Amish. It actually helps prolong the strength and usability of the clothing. I will never, ever give up my trusty washboard.
@geraldinemcguire169811 күн бұрын
Not Amish, but switched to hand washing all my clothes and linens. The clothes get cleaner. The routine is relaxing. Your nails stay clean, even after heavy gardening, hand washing clothes leaves you with hygienically clean hands as well. Keeps sickness at bay.😊
@Laura-xy7td10 күн бұрын
Uses much less water and electricity too. I’m joining you in leaving washing machine
@louisech196313 күн бұрын
Love the smell of sheets that were dried on a chilly day.
@Jen-CelticWarrior12 күн бұрын
Yes! 😊 And imagine how many people have never experienced that. 😕 They don’t know what they’ve missed.
@suzizuki9 күн бұрын
i still hang out my sheets & blankets weather permitting
@june34202 күн бұрын
Just don't let them freeze. I remember doing that once or twice. 😂
@ItsKentuckyNaNasLifeКүн бұрын
@letinhsong802411 күн бұрын
I have had to do laundry by hand several different periods of my life, and I do not enjoy it!!! it’s very hard, especially ringing out the clothes. I admire these women, who have to do it for entire decades of their lives!!! And yes, probably not a flabby arm on a lot of them!!!
@margaretvanson360113 күн бұрын
We had a copper in the wash house. It was set in a concrete structure with a space for a wood fire underneath the actual copper bowl. The fire was lit, and the bowl filled with water and soap flakes added and melted. The clothes were added and stirred around. When the time was right, the clothes were extracted with long wooden poles and dropped into cold water to rinse. From there they went through the arm-operated ringer into another sink full of cold water. Back through the ringer and then onto the clothesline. How come I know all this? I remember doing it on Saturday as a child, for our family of 6 in the early 1950s. We lived on a remote farm in new zealand. We had no electricity until the power lines reached our house in the late 60s.
@lindacowles7567 күн бұрын
Reminds me of "A Christmas Carol" where the Cratchit children whisked Tiny Tim off to the wash house "that he might hear the pudding singing in the copper."
@sherryduva526312 күн бұрын
I love my cloths line, air is free
@BethCatt-jq6xi6 күн бұрын
Amen, I grew up hanging clothes out on a clothes line, or in out upstairs bedroom
@ItsKentuckyNaNasLifeКүн бұрын
Smells n feels so good to lay down in at night too ❤🫶🏻❤️❣️
@lovelife734323 сағат бұрын
Great to do if you can . But if you have severe allergies it's a no go.
@terri34813 күн бұрын
My grandmother always used a huge container of water, bar soap and a wringer before hanging clothes on the line. My mom, although using an electric washing machine, insisted outdoor hanging clothes always smelled the best, so she refused a dryer.
@SimpleSolutions20246 күн бұрын
The Amish truly have mastered simplicity and sustainability. Loved this video!
@JadeLeaf19802 күн бұрын
I haven’t dried clothes or bedding in a drying machine since I got this house 15 years ago. I air dry every item. Inside if it’s cold and damp, outside if it’s nice and sunny. The amount of money it saves is insane. Not just on electricity but in how long the clothes last. Because I don’t put clothes in a dryer and everything hangs, I also never need to iron anything so I’m also saving time, energy and electricity costs there too. Hanging the stuff definitely hurts my back but it doesn’t take long to do (you kind of get into a routine) and it’s worth the benefits. I could get a dryer if I wanted but I’ve just chosen not to. I like doing some things the way my family did before modern appliances were widely available. Sometimes the classic ways work the best.
@newdimension473113 күн бұрын
I remember the washing machine we had with the rollers... that was the fun part to pass the wet clothes through them than hang them on the line. Ah the 70's I surely miss them
@hoboonwheels928913 күн бұрын
I still remember being careful not to break buttons in the rollers.
@SometimeAgo6512 күн бұрын
Yes we had one when I was a child. I had an aunt by marriage, poor lady got her hair caught up in the ringer one time and it was pulling her hair through it. Someone was finally able to stop it. That was our first lesson on how unsafe they could be
@emmsue10539 күн бұрын
Nothing like fresh laundry off the line and brought in the house, especially if its been frosty.. The little boy cutting the grass reminded me of myself. It was my Sunday chore, especially in summer!
@lynne27748 күн бұрын
My Grandmother in the uk taught me all this and how to starch handkerchiefs table cloths, serviettes and sometimes pillow cases. We were taught the basics at school too.
@Pam-tx5zd4 күн бұрын
Yes we did too. Home economics taught us about caring for sick people, how to lay table, how to wash and iron. I was dumbfounded when my daughter in law washed glassware last because bubbles marked the glasses. They came out filthy. I said wash them first in clean dishwater and rinse in cold, it was what we got taught st school. It was the only advise I gave as she taught my granddaughters how to wash up. Other than that I kept out of it.
@lynne27744 күн бұрын
@Pam-tx5zd very wise, watching a friend pile everything into a washing up bowl all together including glasses in a heap always made me cringe. It's difficult to tell adults how to do a simple chore without being insulting.
@jujubees58552 күн бұрын
Thank you to the Amish for standing with your fellow Americans. May your harvests be bountiful and your families be happy. 🇺🇸
@LanieVella13 күн бұрын
This is one of the most interesting videos Ive watched on youtube. I have adhd so my attention span is really short but I watched the whole thing 😅
@maitabasa7693Күн бұрын
Until the age of 31 when I left my home country for Europe, we did laundry by hand, we had huge special outdoor sinks, we even washed blankets by hand by feet, get in the sink & stomp on with your feet then hung them on the line in the sun to dry and they did within 2hrs. With good weather you can do anything outdoors. We washed dishes by hand too, and used a special brush to sweep the dusty yard. I hate washing machines they don't wash like a good old hand wash😅. Sometimes I soak clothes in the bath, wash them then just rinse and spin in a washing machine for 14mins, that's energy saved and a good workout for me 😊
@blondek7672 күн бұрын
I use a regular washer/dryer for all my clothes, except quilts and coats/jackets, I hang them outside on a nice day, early so they get a full day of sun. Oh, they smell so good!
@suzizuki9 күн бұрын
we hung the clothes in the basement in the winter..and clothes washed in spring water are so soft and no static
@brendajefferson5984Күн бұрын
Not Amish but I’ve hand washed my clothing for about six years and hang them out to dry. I was raised with washboards, tin tubs and wringer washing machines. When deciding to go back to handwashing it was so easy but I do miss the lye soap we used back in the day. The sunshine really whitens my whites and I love the smell.
@graceygrumble13 күн бұрын
Most people in the world hang out their washing when the weather is dry.
@hoboonwheels928913 күн бұрын
Its pretty rare due to the man made "wildfires".
@graceygrumble13 күн бұрын
@@hoboonwheels9289 I can honestly say that I have never worried about my laundry being engulfed by a wildfire.
@krob914513 күн бұрын
That's true, in places all over the world you can find clothes drying on the line/airer. I recall my grandparents had an outside wash sink. Some outside sinks had built in washboards. My grandmother had a washing machine but she had a habit of hand washing everything before putting it in her washing machine. My great grandmother had a bleacher in the yard. It was a frame where clothes get spread out to get the sun rays. If you didn't have a bleacher you could just spread clothes on a handy bush or three 😊
@graceygrumble12 күн бұрын
@@krob9145 I have a tumble dryer - it's been working for 36 years, I sh** you not - but, from spring to autumn I'm going to hang out the washing, weather permitting. I'm like the Amish... with a back-up plan.
@RoseMiller-xh5ei8 күн бұрын
@@graceygrumble Yes, I hang my clothes out to dry as often as possible, but sometimes do use my dryer. But the real back-up during the winter is since there's a wood stove in the basement - that's where the clothes dry.
@marcelleharris87158 күн бұрын
This is how a lot of folks in the caribbean or west indies do their laundry too. Clothes were clean and lasted longer. The smell of sun dried clothes. Tide can't competel
@dale340412 күн бұрын
My grandmother had a ringer washer for my grandpa’s denim overalls. They were so thick that, without the wringer, they’d take forever to dry. She had a regular washer for other clothes. There was a dryer and a clothes line in the basement as well as a clothes line outside.
@sarahporter95416 күн бұрын
I grew up in the African outback..had a gas powered wringer washer..hung a lot of clothes...outside..and in the attic during wet season. Also got my scrawny arm sucked into the wringer..squeeeeled till mom came to the rescue!
@Laura-xy7td10 күн бұрын
Readers Digest used to publish a book titled , “ Back to Basics “. Excellent reference/ how to manual .
@devisqevani855014 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for these jewels 🙏
@bonniemoerdyk98095 күн бұрын
I remember doing laundry this way when I was young at both grandma's houses. That was late 1950's-early 60's. btw ... My ancestors were Amish till about the Civil War timeframe.
@Trentz212 күн бұрын
4:52 there are easier alternatives. In Asia we handwashing clothes without any cranking machine. It’s easier, faster, cleaner and doesn’t damage clothing. It’s how people have been doing for millennia. For squeezing water out, you have two hands. Of course one advantage most Asians have is it’s mostly a tropical country. So we don’t have to worry about cold water, standing out in the cold when washing and of course the sun, it dries, sanitizes and crisps the clothes.
@kleineroteHex12 күн бұрын
all my laundry gets hung out year round pretty much, but I do appreciate my modern washing machine!
@suzizuki9 күн бұрын
i got fed up with repair cost, got a mini washer for 139$ from walmart..so glad i did, spins them almost dry..20 min in dryer and poof! wow..i will not get a big one again..
@kleineroteHex9 күн бұрын
@suzizuki had my previous washer for 25 years, 2 repairs, then it died. Wanted another Bosch but what I had is no longer made. They are all huge now. Settled for a ??, smaller model. It does the job but it's not the same. How many pairs of jeans and sheets go in a mini washer? I don't use my dryer, I want the fresh air and sun smell.
@suzizuki9 күн бұрын
@@kleineroteHex i can do 8lbs..6 prs of jeans, a full set of sheets, a puffy jacket..at first i used it to just spin from the wash in the big washer..then it died..so the spinner was so great..1700rpm...the clothes almost dry and if i line dry maybe an hr & a half hanging..but for 139$ im thrilled...2 guys came to fix the old one..kenmore..for 150$ house call, for sure it was the motor..500$, still not right so i call again..for sure its the clutch..they didnt bother to notice the new clutch..so i told them they were lousy..and left a bad review.. i shoulda looked for a handyman not a repair shop..they are the best scammers
@kleineroteHex9 күн бұрын
@suzizuki I was blessed with a decent repairman for sure! And as time passes they get more expensive and less knowledgeable! I need to look into that little thing of yours!
@kleineroteHex9 күн бұрын
@@suzizuki is it the zeny portable mini????
@hollylaws31105 күн бұрын
I love my electric washing machine, but I'm grateful that I have the knowledge of doing laundry without electricity. I want a washboard.
@Texes777713 күн бұрын
No television makes lots of children
@lizevans55595 күн бұрын
My mom never had a dryer or an automatic washer when we were kids. I have fond memories of running out to cather in the clothes on the line if it started raining. In the winter we called it freeze drying cause we hung them out until they were flopping in the wind😊 we weren't Amish but back then that's how you did it.😊
@maureenbrown66108 күн бұрын
I spent a lot of time using a mangle/wringer in the late 1960’s until we could afford to buy a new twin tub. While I don’t miss mangling I still wish I had a twin tub to do my washing, it was all done in a day instead of having to wash every day. It definitely was more economical of water, soap and electricity!!
@kathygreer209711 күн бұрын
My mother used a ringer washer almost her whole life. I learned to help at a young age. It was electric, but that ringer could be dangerous.
@QuinnQuinn-c6u5 күн бұрын
I remember washing clothes in the tub cause my old landlord didn't want a washer and dryer in the apartment i commend the Amish but omg the pain in your hand is a killer God bless this women
@kimmypfeiffer91306 күн бұрын
wtf is wrong with people and clothes? lol...seventy f'n items per person??!! even when i worked everyday, i had two pairs of pants, five shirts, ten socks, a bra and a sweatshirt....when i did office work, i had two skirts, two shirts, two pairs of slacks, and two pairs of panty hose...in the marine corps, i had two sets of utilities...washed those together every other week! now that i'm retired, i have 3 outfits...one for yard work, one for yoga, a nightgown or robe, and a sweatshirt depending on the season! one load a week and air dried ... i bet we could fix climate change if we just got rid of laundry lol...*climate change is a hoax but making a point!
@debracrews52169 күн бұрын
New to this channel. I live in the desert but I WILL FIND A WAY to have a more Amish “like” home.
@t.h.847511 күн бұрын
I own a washer and dryer but I always have a clothes line where I live. I've had the umbrella type, the T type with 4 lines on it and if all else fails string lines between trees. On rainy days the Amish in our community hang their laundry on a covered porch.
@janetbusener63263 күн бұрын
The amish can enjoy warm weather while teaching Southerners how to live off grid. 😊
@IronMike-f8i2 күн бұрын
@michelledesgroseilliers29567 күн бұрын
My grandmother used a ringer washer well into the 1980s and hung her laundry out on the line.
@VV-xy8dj4 күн бұрын
Not Amish, but my grandma still used her wringer washer in the 70s and 80s when inwas a kid.
@kathygreer209711 күн бұрын
I live in NW PA in a large Amish community. I don’t know each Amish’s washing routine but few have wash houses. They do hang clothes outside, as do I, spring, summer and fall. I feel bad for them on those cold, rainy days when I see clothes hanging in the rain. Glad for my dryer. BTW the clothes shown near the beginning aren’t Amish. No Amish would wear anything that bright. 😊
@t.h.847511 күн бұрын
Hoosier here, none of the Amish in our community wear bright colored clothing but I know each Amish community has their own rules and standards.
@cynthiacruz11195 күн бұрын
My husband converted to evangelical Mennonites out of Canada and served as a missionaries in Mexico after we married. The cleanest to dirtiest method saves water bcz I reused the soapy and rinse waters many times. Only did i toss the dirtiest water after it was dirtier than the next batch of clothes. Just move the first wooden horse to the end of the line and place a tub of clean water on it 🥴. I also hauled our water in two #14 (14 liters) buckets several years. Life is simpler. We have moved several times. My husband has each time, builtme, now in the U.S, a concrete-block, wash station with ribbed scrubbing areas and a large reservoir for water. 😊
@bluedarkness71259 күн бұрын
I do use washer biweekly and most of them went on a line. I usually use dryer for bedding or pet. So I only use dryer once or twice per month. Four to six loads per month for washer.
@NoCoffeeForYou6 күн бұрын
I have both a clothesline and a dryer. Hi from Australia
@IseetheGloryofKingdom7 күн бұрын
I still have my grandparents old ringer. Yes must be careful with the wringer.
@thatvampirelorraine10 күн бұрын
Heck darn growing up in Scottish Highlands i used that up till i was 20 odd
@suzizuki9 күн бұрын
it was always the whites first, then the towels then colors
@MoMsie.8 күн бұрын
I’m not Amish but I still dry my clothes outside on the pulley line. They smell so fresh!
@iseegoodandbad67586 күн бұрын
Its quite surprising to see so many Americans (non Amish) wash their clothes by hand nowadays whereas in the 1960s we used to laugh at Europeans who still used tubs and boards back then!!! Interesting.
@Lifted112 күн бұрын
This Englisher here will one day visit an Amish community 😊
@SusanMartinez-z6d5 күн бұрын
I live in a large high-rise building with 200 tenants. And we have to share the laundry room. I would prefer to hand wash ,knowing it's going to be clean and not share others' germs or whatever. Plus it costs money I can't afford.
@ayerimlopez59829 күн бұрын
Since my washing machine stopped working I had to hand wash my clothes because I don’t have that much too clean most off my clothes I’ll leave in a bucket of water for awhile some stains are hard too take but if pour hydro peroxide on it let it set it takes it out. There’s only one stain that a challenge I think a shirt that has mayo/mustard on it and it’s on my work uniform
@Pam-tx5zd4 күн бұрын
Poss tub and poss stick. Thats what we used as poor golk thst couldnt afford an electric washing machine until my aunt gave us her old one
@have_a_niceday8033 күн бұрын
거창하게 환경보호한다고 나대지 않아도 일상생활이 지구환경 보호 그 자체네. 원조 미니멀리스트
@kallasusort298611 күн бұрын
All is great outside in the warm weather - what about freezing weather and rain?
@MyFungal6 күн бұрын
Not only the Amish have dried on a clothes line grandma did this all the time
@karolinakiczynska283810 күн бұрын
Wonderful techniques and descriptions, but what can a person born and raised in a big city, no-balcony flat can do? ;) I have a washing machine and I still struggle with laundry due to lack of space. Ofc one can try and prepare more sustainable soap and stain remover.
@ILikeBigCatsAndICannotLie5 күн бұрын
Drying indoors depending on the air or outdoors in smoky conditions may not allow clothes to smell fresh after drying.
@ThomasLeonard45413 күн бұрын
They are awesome people.
@georgiafrye281512 күн бұрын
Not to their horses they treat them like a machines. No secret they run puppy mills.
@cindychesna8297 күн бұрын
@@georgiafrye2815I agree. They are just terrible to their animals. Look up Colby’s Rescue
@vernonbowling513614 күн бұрын
Non Amish are called English .
@lauren688911 күн бұрын
As the narrator says in the video, yes
@ShellyCline8 күн бұрын
"Why would we need easier? We have plenty of children to help." Good ol child labor.
@AgnesMariaL7 күн бұрын
Child labour has been made out to be an evil thing and indeed, when we're talking about sweat shops, it is. However, the truth behind child labour is that children have worked with their families for eons, and those adults nowadays with strong work ethics grew up working as children! It is actually HEALTHY for children to participate in the family's work, or go out and have a newspaper route or mow lawns! It gives them a sense of purpose, a feeling of pride, and also contributes to their physical health. They also ENJOY working, for the aforementioned reasons! My husband brought my grandson, at age 2, to help restore a local skating rink and he was more than happy to move dirt with his toddler-sized shovel! Shoving children into their rooms, in front of a screen, is the real crime!
@judyberes-wright50089 күн бұрын
My grandmother had one of those that used electricity from the 1930s.
@jeanettecoleman-mz7ie12 күн бұрын
20:15 what kind of shearing of sheep is this???
@kerryjames631213 күн бұрын
If concrete is dry the washing goes out on clothes line
@kerryquinn621810 күн бұрын
Every house with a garden or backyard here in Northern Ireland has a clothes line and I use mine all the time, but I don't think the Lord would have any objection to us using electricity to run a washing machine.
@USNBLUE10 күн бұрын
Pollen allergies can’t dry my clothes outside during spring and fall.
@LYVwithLYNКүн бұрын
They get in goid cardio and resistance training.
@joannsester79689 күн бұрын
I. Like. This
@trae452911 күн бұрын
Aren’t those Mennonite families rather than Amish? Also….. my grandma still had a wringer washer when I was really little.
@kerryjames631213 күн бұрын
I dont own a dryer i hang clean close to dry out on the clothes line up high or in winter on drying racks near window
@leerobs11188 күн бұрын
Lol I watched a video the other day about urine been used as an amazing washing cleaner as it has ammonia in it. 😂😂😂
@kimmypfeiffer91306 күн бұрын
SHTF rule #1...everyone does their own F'n laundry!
@DebiSunset11 күн бұрын
Ball point pen???
@teresahumphrey218Күн бұрын
I still dry mine out side whenever possible
@parrotafrica299610 күн бұрын
😅! I have washed by hand be for we had washing machine ! Never again 😢
@india14225 күн бұрын
Plenty of children to help with the cranking. I’m all for children doing chores. It’s important for many reasons. But children shouldn’t be used as manual labour.
@MommapunkinКүн бұрын
Amish people treat their animals like crap, if they took care of their animals like their laundry it would be amazing...
@Pam-tx5zd4 күн бұрын
Theyll fair better than us in the event of a shtt scenario
@sylviaturner34806 күн бұрын
My dryer runs on wind and solar !
@janstevens13769 күн бұрын
Haven't they got washing machines over there?
@customcreationsbylisajane498713 күн бұрын
We hung our clothes on a clothesline when I was little
@SarahlabyrinthLHC10 күн бұрын
We still do, why would you stop doing it? Clothes dries outside always smell so wonderful. It's wet today so my washing is drying on a line in the cellar, but any dry weather and it all goes outside to dry.
@3810-dj4qz10 күн бұрын
Have we gotten so far from reality that people don’t know about wash boards and clothes lines? 🤨
Καλημέρα από Ελλάδα 🇬🇷 μπορείτε να βάλετε ελληνικούς υπότιτλους??🙏🙏
@Rebecca-n7n12 күн бұрын
Good grief, its just a clothesline.
@CarrieLJohnson-jp7mm12 күн бұрын
I call it the Mexican Maytag
@lauren688911 күн бұрын
Why ? Because you consider yourself superior ?
@CarrieLJohnson-jp7mm11 күн бұрын
@lauren6889 you've got issues you need to get therapy... It's because my Mexican mother-in-law calls it that because that is what she had to do for a long time.
@DanealLamb11 күн бұрын
Thanking God the Amish came out and voted for President Trump.
@lindacowles7567 күн бұрын
Yes, thank you, Amish!
@kimmypfeiffer91306 күн бұрын
laundry doesn't make sense to me....seriously, if you are getting super dirty doing farmwork or engines/machinary, have a set of coveralls or work clothes and a set of clothes for kids to play in that NEVER get washed...have a set of clothes for the house and church and maybe it wouldn't take so f'n long?? cleaning clothes that are going to just get dirty again is dumb
@loismcmillan54642 күн бұрын
@kerryjames631213 күн бұрын
I would never change my electric washing maxhine ❤❤
@OutInTheBuyah8 күн бұрын
"CHEAP & FAST"...??? It might be cheap, but it AIN'T FAST‼️ 🤦🏼♀️
@moni-b1t4u12 күн бұрын
That stinks that the boys get to use a gasoline lawnmower. 👎
@marklee196011 күн бұрын
Nothing clever here.
@IronMike-f8i2 күн бұрын
@isabelvellauni944311 күн бұрын
Sounds depressing and like to slavery.
@eileenkung5839Күн бұрын
@MINI-ME66612 күн бұрын
i do not feel that Amish has clean laundry - that way is primitive and dirty