How Common Are Muscle Side Effects from Statins?

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@NutritionFactsOrg 3 жыл бұрын
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@Forestfalcon1 3 жыл бұрын
I was on Statins for six years and only though they were doing me good.. I had no preconceptions whatsoever.. In the last year I was having very serious side effects and had no idea at what was causing them. I thought this is what happens with old age.. My eye sight became very poor.. My memory recall of things I knew well was terrible.. Blood pressure sky rocketed.. I was experiencing chest pains.. I thought I was dying.. It was only by chance I saw a article about Statins side effects which made me realise what may be the cause my problems. Within two weeks of stopping the Statins my eye sight returned to normal.. My memory returned.. My BP dropped 60 points and life returned to normal.. There was nothing psychosomatic about my condition.. I had no idea whatsoever why I was becoming so ill..
@Zephyr2309 3 жыл бұрын
My symptoms were very real. I could barely walk up my stairs without holding on to the banister. Still I kept taking the medication. Then I broke out in a rash. All cleared up after cessation, which was supported by my cardiologist. Obviously.
@OswaldDigestiveClinic 3 жыл бұрын
So glad your symptoms went away. Please keep sharing your story so people can make an educated decision, as they are often not told of the potential side effects prior to getting started on these medications!
@kathyleson7852 3 жыл бұрын
I’m one of those who experienced the muscle cramping and tingling. The cramps started in the toes, then the cramping went to the feet then calves and hands. When I almost dropped a dish , I decided it was time to get off statins. I had been whole food plant based for a year. My cholesterol was down enough to take me off statins. I am to be retested in a month. To be continued.
@carl13579 3 жыл бұрын
If your numbers aren't good enough after you test, you could (1) move more towards an Esselstyn-style diet, meaning to cut out fatty whole foods such as avocadoes, olives, coconut, and nuts (but still have chia or flax seed for omega 3s) and/or (2) try a very low dose of a different statin that is better tolerated perhaps even doing one dose every two days. Congrats on your switch to WFPB!
@Weesson 3 жыл бұрын
Statins also cause small fiber neuropathy. fibromyalgia aka “muscle pain” is really small fiber neuropathy, which means the muscle pain is really nerve pain.
@victoriarose4506 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. What happens when you have the debilitating pain FIRST? That's what happened with my husband. Had no idea statins caused anything like that. Sure did drop his cholesterol 200 points though! He came off the statins and the pain slowly went away. Tried another statin some years later, one with the least reported side effects. Had good success with it for awhile. Desperately wanted it to work. Then the debilitating leg cramps started waking him up middle of the night. One night was so bad he passed out, hit the wall and I thought he'd broken his neck. I'm really impressed if that was psychosomatic. Really.
@gallectee6032 3 жыл бұрын
It wasn't. As mentioned in the video the pharma companies just didn't ask. But it's evident that so many people are getting that side effect so in my opinion the conclusion is clear.
@solotraveler6025 3 жыл бұрын
Well, I am here to tell you that statins cause side effects, lots of them and muscle pain is defiantly on the list. Like so many Americans, I went to the doctor with a problem, tests were done, blood was drawn and prescriptions were given, lots of them. One of the prescriptions I was given was Crestor, a statin used to lower cholesterol and I took it along with fist full of other drugs. First doctor didn't talk to me about diet, exercise or ways to reduce my cholesterol and stage II hypertension. I had no idea of the side effects of these drugs, I just took them and did what I was told. Yeah my blood pressure came down a bit, my cholesterol came down a bit but was still high so of course he just upped the dosage. Meanwhile I started having severe lower back pain, all my joints hurt and it even hurt to lay on my side at night when I slept. I went back to the doctor and told him that I was having these problems and his answer was, you're getting older, welcome to the far side of the hill, said my lower back pain was sciatica. Well he retired and I had to switch doctors and found a really old Indian women named Dr. Patel. She asked me if I had heard of a whole food plant-based diet and refused me to Dr. Greger's book How Not to Die and put me on a WFPB diet. After six months of being a WFPB diet I came off the statins and within weeks my pain started going away and now 20 months in I am 100% Rx free and for the most part pain free. I had no knowledge of side effects prior and during using statins and only learned about the possible side effects after I was already off of them. Doubt my pain was in my head.
@solotraveler6025 3 жыл бұрын
@Peter Rabbit Could not agree more. Diet gave me my life back.
@carl13579 3 жыл бұрын
Although I am someone who believes statins do have muscle pain side effects in some people, I want to point out that in this case simultaneously going on the WFPB diet is a "confounding variable." Back pain can also be caused by blood circulation issues in the back, and a WFPB diet can help reverse this, sometimes quite quickly, as your blood markers change in even a week. I only point this out so as to get anyone reading this in a similar situation to try the WFPB approach because its positive "side effects" are so powerful.
@l21n18 3 жыл бұрын
@@carl13579 still was wrong to just say oh you’re getting older of course you’re gonna have pain
@angiet2190 Жыл бұрын
What is WFPB diet. Please
@MichaelSuperbacker 3 жыл бұрын
Great video.
@jonklein9309 3 жыл бұрын
I used a statin back in the 2000's. I didn't know anything about it other than it was supposed to lower my cholesterol. Less than two weeks after I started taking it I was having terrible pains in my legs. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with muscle wasting, taken off the statins, and put on physical therapy.
@littlehuey5679 3 жыл бұрын
I never heard of side effects of muscle pain when I was on them but my joints hurt so bad that I had to quit working , my dr thought it was arthritis !
@iforni6887 3 жыл бұрын
I aged 20 years in 10 days after taking statins.
@robinsaxophone232 3 жыл бұрын
I was prescribed statins and started having sharp pains in my thighs and upper arms. I hadn’t even heard of muscle pain side effects. Dr. never mentioned diet, but I went wfpb and no more statins, because no more high cholesterol.
@gallectee6032 3 жыл бұрын
CVD is more than just high cholesterol. You're also no longer damaging your endothelium which is another important factor. What that means is, is that even if statins can lower your cholesterol by 30% it's just a reduction of risk, not elimination. Right now with a whole foods plant based diet you protect yourself from all primary and secondary risk factors.
@m0L3ify 3 жыл бұрын
The rampant gaslighting in the medical community needs to end. I'm so sick of being told it's all in my head because they don't feel like investigating the issue. I was told diagnosed Celiac wasn't real and was all in my head. I mean...c'mon...
@l21n18 3 жыл бұрын
Ya there’s a real problem with that there, what I I find funny is how they want to blame as many ailments as possible on psychological things but then complain about people pursuing non-orthodox treatments because they are supposedly nothing but placebo
@m0L3ify 3 жыл бұрын
@@l21n18 I know, right?
@fenysnake 3 жыл бұрын
The public taking statins are probably unaware of all the potential side effects (fine print) so when they do have muscle pain, tingling, etc they wouldn't recognize the association. Thanks for the video!
@louisedolloff836 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't know about the muscle side effects at all when I was on the statin. All I knew was that I was having difficulties with my leg muscles and I couldn't hardly walk. I switched to a non statin statin and within a month I could walk pain free. I think the statin trouble is a genetic issue in my family because my mom was having the same trouble with her leg muscles and she put up with it for years before she quit taking the statin. Now after several years of not taking the statin, she is still having major trouble with her legs. The side effect is a permanent thing for her.
@vonneblazier814 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't know the statin would cause me pain. I know I wore a pedometer and walked 10k plus steps per day. A month later I barely took 200 steps. I take ground flax in my oatmeal and gave up meat. Cholesterol is down. It's been 10 years since then and my Cholesterol is still down. I figure not every remedy works for everybody.
@karend.9218 10 ай бұрын
If you take statins, you are participating in one of the biggest clinical trials ever had. Cholesterol is necessary for brain health and cell composition. Lipoproteins are vehicles that carry cholesterol, fat soluble vitamins and hormones to cells. Monitor your HDL/triglyceride ratio for health. You want a 1:1 ratio approx. if you tri is high and your HDL is low, you have metabolic issues.
@kg6683 3 жыл бұрын
A long time ago I was overweight, had high LDL, and was placed on statins. I obediently took them for several years, during which time I developed multiple problems: I become weak, my back hurt, my legs hurt (they felt so heavy it took an act of sheer will to lift my feet high enough to avoid tripping). When I finally needed a cane to walk, I decided to do my own research. As a result, I took myself off statins, adopted a healthy diet, lost weight, and those problems all went away. I am plant-based now with better LDL, free of pain, and no longer overweight. I will never take statins again.
@Mrdsmith500 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing that. I'm on the fence about statins as it was just prescribe for me. I have not filled the order yet.
@barbaramitchell9619 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mrdsmith500 I have know folks who took statins and continued to eat horrible food. I dont want to eat a steak with each dose to avoid side effects. Scared to try again though to take statins. Everyone is different!!!
@papaul2719 3 жыл бұрын
Dr Gregor often emphasizes that instead of treating the symptoms, when possible, it makes more sense to treat the cause. Best of luck!
@jenl1107 3 жыл бұрын
👍awesome job!!!!
@vegahimsa3057 3 жыл бұрын
It doesn't mean it wasn't happening. Only that they noticed and reported. It's kinda like covid taste loss.
@barbaramitchell9619 3 жыл бұрын
I had a"drunk like" walk. It was not pain, unless I ran into a wall!! My main reason to stop taking statins was vomiting. I consider myself a Vegan now.
@humanparasite500 3 жыл бұрын
Taking statins doesnt make you a non vegan. But not taking statins could leave you dead, therefore no longer a vegan
@barbaramitchell9619 3 жыл бұрын
@@humanparasite500 I am vegan now because I can't stomach the statins. I am trying vegan until my next lab check. 🤞🤞🤞
@v-sig2389 3 жыл бұрын
@@barbaramitchell9619 welcome to the adventure, and please inform yourself well and do not make too brutal changes :)
@jonathandavis525 3 жыл бұрын
Jeff Nelson at Vegsource reported on a study that appeared to be designed to give a deceptively low rate of side effects form statin use. In that study, before the population was randomized to treatment and control groups, there was a "run in" period during which all of the potential participants were given statins, and those who simply couldn't tolerate the drug at all were excluded from the experiment. The true rate of subjects experiencing side effects should have included these drop-outs...but, instead, the study reported only on those participants who didn't experience side effects immediately but developed them eventually. Dr. Greger, please take a closer look at the design of the studies that report inexplicably low rates of side effects.
@l21n18 3 жыл бұрын
Who knows these days? 🤷‍♀️
@michelem226 3 жыл бұрын
We need more treatments for symptoms caused by our brains, like DNRS. It's amazing how our brains can cause actual symptoms.
@topclass2008 3 жыл бұрын
I had enormous pain on statin's well before the internet conspiracy theorists got to it and indeed well before I would bother to look anything up on the internet about my condition. To this day the only site I take advice from is nutrition facts
@arkrainflood 3 жыл бұрын
statins made me stupid. had trouble associating words with objects. decided i would rather die young and smart vs old and stupid. had a CAC scan last year, score was 0! no drugs of any type. rather practiced omad and eating mostly plants.
@seamus8839 3 жыл бұрын
Great info as always!
@DrBear-rk4qb 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting! I appreciate the wide variety of topics you cover, even those not directly related to diet.
@dwayneshelton7432 3 жыл бұрын
My experience with Statin pain was real. I had no idea of this possible side effect until after the fact. I stopped the Statins and the pain stopped. I switched to Brazil nuts and cholesterol is going down gradually.
@carl13579 3 жыл бұрын
I think you need to be careful with Brazil nuts. Be careful not to overdose on selenium!
@sidilicious11 3 жыл бұрын
My mother claims statins ruined her legs permanently.
@matildah3039 3 жыл бұрын
can you do a video on medicinal mushrooms like lions mane, chaga, shiitake, turkey tail etc??
@DavidKaarby 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to stop talking statins, I was only a bit over 200 total cholesterol when my Dr started me on statins, I also was 208 lbs now 155-160, how long do I have to be off statins to get a true reading of my blood, also I have pluck my number is 215, was 185 last year. I have taken 10-20 mg of Rosivastatin for 20 years, I am 6’ 155 lbs, eat healthy and run in the pool for 20 minutes 4-6 times a week, I am 68, my mother had strokes, I have trouble remembering names, I hear you live longer with high cholesterol, what are long use side effects? My left little fingers is arthritic, could this be a side effect?
@socalifone3044 Жыл бұрын
My symptoms are quite real. I only took Lipitor for a few weeks. But I immediately started having cramping and tingling. I have been off statins now for over 2 months and it is not gotten any better. I was told nothing about the side effects prior to so there's obviously was not in my head. It was only after I mentioned this to my doctor told me about this potential side effect. Looking for alternatives
@dianeladico1769 Жыл бұрын
T2D, RA. First appt with rheumatologist. Small joint pain, some large joint pain and muscle pain to the point where walking was problematic. First thing he asked-are you taking a statin? I stopped that day. Now, I was put on methotrexate so overall inflammation dropped and that may have helped. But since statins increase the risk for T2D (lower insulin production, higher insulin resistance) I was good with going off them and going WFPB. Cholesterol numbers good, a1c good, no pain. When I told the GP no statins, WFPB lifestyle he rolled his eyes. Time for a new family doctor. This is a study of one, not randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled but it's the one that matters to me.
@drewn4344 Жыл бұрын
I started having muscle pain long before I even considered it was statin related. I thought it was authritis. After stopping statins the pain improved quickly.
@FalkinerTim Жыл бұрын
My wife has been off statins for four months now and is beginning to walk again. Her blood sugars have fallen from 12 to 5.
@dodgeball693 3 жыл бұрын
Oh that’s a good cliffhanger to start the new week 😄
@palerider7924 9 ай бұрын
Was on Lipitor a year. Miserable aching lower back came from it. I never had anything like it before the drug. Also voice weak and raspy with dry mouth and cracked lips. I stopped taking it and then my entire back not just lower back pain my entire back started cramping. Several weeks now using massage and heat back is good well took a month. The misery is not worth whatever benefits it's supposed to provide. I'll try diet, fiber and exercise for now. No not in my head real fin pain.
@b.hammersley6247 Жыл бұрын
You say there is overwhelming evidence to support reducing LDL-C to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Please specify your evidence in detail. This is a fundamental and highly contested point and the specifics of your evidence need to to be made clear.
@gallectee6032 3 жыл бұрын
Dr Greger, please cover stem cells. Very interesting area of research and many people have been able to cure ailments however there are risks with some stem cells where they were carcinogenic and etc.
@willad91 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, sounds interesting indeed, but this channel is called
@gallectee6032 3 жыл бұрын
@@willad91 He has covered areas outside nutrition. His goal is to promote the literature for optimal health, not just nutrition.
@annwilliams6438 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry doc, but the fact that practicing doctors do NOT ask their patients how they are doing, and ignore SERIOUS side effects, while still pushing this drug.... we only found out about internet discussions AFTER my husband was having a LOT of trouble with statins. He was basically barely functioning as his cholesterol levels dropped and the GP just kept on pushing saying his now very low lvls were fantastic. No they were not... we need a certain lvl of cholesterol to be able to function and the marketing push from the drug companies needs to be met with wide scale and long-term feedback from the people using it.
@BladeRonnie Жыл бұрын
Is there any link statins and ALS ???
@l21n18 3 жыл бұрын
Terms like statin-denialism are really stupid and pointless polemics I n my end what is it even? Saying they don’t reduce cholesterol and prevent death or that they do but have undesirable side effects? Those are’s very different claims and lumping them altogether is not helpful. If a person chooses to take a drug or not take one should be based on their decision but simply decrying ones independence is insulting, people may have a variety of reasons for choosing to or not to take a drug and different tolerance for risks. Simply browbeating someone into taking something is not helpful
@dennismitchell5276 3 жыл бұрын
My doctor had me quit statins for three weeks to see if the back pain would go away. Which it didn't, "proving" the pain isn't related. Humm, of course I'm not to exciting about having a heart attack either.
@nevadaxtube 3 жыл бұрын
The evidence in our house was clear. The statin caused debilitating leg muscle pain. I have seen it up close and personal. There is no doubt here. The statins were cause of the pain. It was not in my head. Period!
@johnsnyder2120 3 жыл бұрын
Have taken different t statins for year. Pains come and go as I got off of them occasionally . Finally this year had bad upper back and stomach pains. Stopped taking the statin in March. Back spasms and stomach pains are gone. Will never take it again. Will use diet to control the cholesterol. Drugs are a crutch for bad habits. Going to find a new doctor that works with a patient rather than a pill pusher.
@barbaramitchell9619 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. McGregor what are the normal values? How many times have values changes over the years? Are pharmaceutical companies playing with the healthy ranges to make money on statins?
@jasonhsu4711 3 жыл бұрын
Given all the responses here, I better stick to the healthy diet I've adopted in the past year. I don't want to EVER be on statins.
@IceBoNeZ 3 жыл бұрын
hmm.. If only there was a way to avoid the 'need' for statins in the first place....? 🤔 Oh wait...😏
@davidbrown4271 3 жыл бұрын
So hard to understand him with his speech pattern , frustrated as I know it’s good info 🥲
@chengzhong7429 3 жыл бұрын
It was the one about Google as a cause of statin intolerance for me zomg
@imaroyaldude4954 3 жыл бұрын
You’ve got you Put it to the test
@stan8926 3 жыл бұрын
WFPB no oil, sugar, salt for a year. TC was about 220 and over for 10 years. Initially TC went down to 160 after starting WFPB in April 2020 but now is back over 200, and on top of that TG went up to 220 - they never were over 130 before. I tried statins 10 mg 2 times a week for 2 weeks in March 2021 and TC went down to 150 but now back to 210.
@carl13579 3 жыл бұрын
Try cutting out high-fat whole plant foods such as nuts, avocados, etc. Aim for 10% of total calories from fat. See the Caldwell Esselstyn diet.
@kinpatu 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been there. Had to abandon WFPB due to uncontrollable lipid panel.
@stan8926 3 жыл бұрын
@@kinpatu My problem is that I come from paleo diet with 50% fat, minimally processed food etc. I cannot go back there, it got me to high blood pressure and lipids were already bad except TG.
@stan8926 3 жыл бұрын
@@carl13579 Already eating minimum fats. Last 4 months it is 31 gr fat, 11% of cal. I probably ate about 10 avocados my entire life. The thing is in the first month I was eating about 40 gr fats or 18% of cal, but the cal were lower - about 1800. Now cal are 2300, trying not undereat as all vegans say. May be I should drop my total cal but at 170 cm and 60 kgs I am already too skinny.
@susanwerner9961 3 жыл бұрын
Really need more information about stations, Dr. Greger. Had bloodwork done in 2020 with total cholesterol of 263. Went WFPB for a year, minimal vegan junk food and low oil, lots of oatmeal and only dropped to 230 this year. Also have subclinical hypothyroidism found this year, which some suggest is linked to high cholesterol. I am trying to increase exercise now to see if I can get lower, but what if I can't? Statins did give me muscle pain 20 years ago. It is difficult to make an informed decision about all of this.
@carl13579 3 жыл бұрын
Try the Caldwell Esselstyn WFPB diet. It's close to what you are doing, but also no high-fat whole foods such as avocado, nuts, etc. Aim to get no more than 10% of your total calories from fat. Possibly supplement this with a low-dose statin - but choose a different one than the one that caused you problems earlier. The side effects are likely both dose and drug dependent. On this diet, my total cholesterol went from about 270 to 150-170 without the low-dose statin and 110 or so with it.
@gallectee6032 3 жыл бұрын
Do what the guy above said and also check Dr. Greger's videos titled "The Best Food for High Cholesterol" and "Amla vs. Drugs for Cholesterol, Inflammation, and Blood-Thinning" and lastly "Does Coffee Affect Cholesterol?" - coffee does, it's a high fat bean which many people abuse.
@l21n18 3 жыл бұрын
@@gallectee6032 there’s no fat in coffee though?
@gallectee6032 3 жыл бұрын
@@l21n18 Read my comment...
@tybrady1935 3 жыл бұрын
The people are having muscle pains, but that’s just because they’re getting old. I take statins and have not had any muscle pains, but I’m also in denial that I’m getting older, lol. Actually, my right jaw hurt for about a week and is finally getting better and then my back hurt, but now I’m better. Ok, maybe I am getting older.
@l21n18 3 жыл бұрын
That’s not true for everyone at all and just blaming everything on getting old is a lazy excuse.
@tybrady1935 3 жыл бұрын
@@l21n18 When you get older you will blame your aches and pains on getting older. LOL
@vascoamaralgrilo 3 жыл бұрын
@simeonreynaud7352 11 ай бұрын
How much is he paid to bullshit?
@Ghost-fe1vp 3 жыл бұрын
:) Is this being filmed in the pantry?
@simeonreynaud7352 11 ай бұрын
Our review he workforce statin company’s?
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