How did Catastrophic Plate Tectonics cause Noah's Flood? - Dr. Andrew Snelling

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Is Genesis History?

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Taken from "Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 1 : Rocks & Fossils." Check it out on our website:
After you’ve watched the documentary film and want to learn more, this is your next step. Explore the impact of the global flood on the Earth in these 20 new videos featuring scientists from the film.
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Geologist Andrew Snelling explains how the scale of geologic processes, such as volcanic eruptions, was much larger in the past than is observed in the present. He then shows how Catastrophic Plate Tectonics helps explain the geologic processes that caused the global Flood.
Dr. Snelling completed a BS in applied geology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, graduating with first-class honors in 1975. His PhD in geology was awarded in 1982 by The University of Sydney for his research thesis titled “A Geochemical Study of the Koongarra Uranium Deposit, Northern Territory, Australia.” Dr. Snelling worked for six years in the exploration and mining industries in Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory, variously as a field, mine, and research geologist. For over ten years, Dr. Snelling was a research consultant to the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization for an international collaborative research project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy which involved university and government research scientists from the USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Korea, Sweden, Austria and Belgium. He is currently Director of Research for Answers in Genesis.
For more information on Dr. Andrew Snelling, please go to
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@cowboygeologist7772 4 жыл бұрын
Retired Geologist here; new subscriber. Thank you for posting.
@diamondlife-gi7hg 7 ай бұрын
@AyeTeeJay91 3 жыл бұрын
This stuff blew my mind. God saved me 5 years ago. But I have yet to have the flood explained to me like it was in this video. Absolutely mind blowing.
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
It's a shame it's all garbage pseudo science
@AyeTeeJay91 2 жыл бұрын
@@ozowen So you watched it all I assume? And you come away with the thought that all these accomplished scientist are just making it all up? You're not going to correct any of it just say it's garbage? What a flat out weak stance and typical of someone that has been brainwashed their entire life (like I was) I pray God opens your heart and wakes you uo.
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
@@AyeTeeJay91 If catastrophic plate tectonics were in any way involved with the supposed flood of Noah, explain how any sedimentary layers laid down in that event could remain stable and clearly divided. The kind of tectonic movement proposed here means massive upheavals caused by huge volumes of water- superheated mind you, colliding in tsunamis of impossible proportions. The vortexes created could leave no recently laid (nor likely any older layers too) intact. There should be zero dry layers,zero clear sedimentary layers, zero aerial layers, zero stable varve laminae. The collisions would have been, must have been massive. The atmosphere would have superheated. All in a single year. Spread over a decade it still would have been such that no geo layers like the ones we do have would be anywhere for that period. How am I supposed to take this seriously?
@AyeTeeJay91 2 жыл бұрын
@@ozowen So you're saying how are you supposed to take this seriously. But let me guess.. You believe in evoloution? And you believe in millions of years? Yet there is not 1 example of a change of kind in the evolutionary process. All of the fossils and data we have gatherd but cant find 1 example of a mid procees evolved speciaes or 1 example in modern time of a species changing kinds.. And I'm supposed to take that seriously?
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
@@AyeTeeJay91 1) "Kind" is not a scientific term. However, we have observed speciation. (ie: a new species form) 2) Transitional forms are NEVER half formed. Never. 3) We have hundreds of thousands of transitional forms.
@Twin_solo_az 3 жыл бұрын
I watch these videos and remember the questions I have had throughout my life while eagerly internalizing conventional earth science, evolution, anthropology, history, astronomy, etc. Many things just sounded improbable but I silently swallowed what I was fed because everybody else seemed to. Catastrophic earth history is far more palpable than 5 billion year earth history. Rediscovering my faith has led to a catastrophic paradigm shift in my thinking about everything. I'm glad that I have always been interested in and followed science and history as an amateur because I'm not just blindly believing, but finally making an informed decision, and realizing we've been fooled. Bottom line, a young earth kills evolution and they just can't allow that. If the news is fake, imagine the history.
@davidgardner863 3 жыл бұрын
A few thousand animal species turning into millions as soon as they stepped off the ark? I guess you believe in hyper evolution.
@Pfrazier43 2 жыл бұрын
@@davidgardner863 You have confused Kinds with Species. Man has developed different species of dogs and horses over the years, from kinds, but we have never came up with a new KIND of animal. They are still dogs or horses. It's just like the mule, they are hybrids of the horse kind. There are hundreds of. Species of Dogs, but all still the Dog KIND... The Chihuahua a species... The Great Dane a species... both DOGS.
@davidgardner863 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pfrazier43 ,You haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. You don’t know the difference between breeds and species. All dogs are breeds of the same species. Kinds is a meaningless word in the biblical sense. Creationists have no explanation of how a few thousand species before the mythical flood became millions of species afterward. Why don’t you get a little educated before spewing absurd nonsense.
@danielbentley8103 2 жыл бұрын
@samcash6131 2 жыл бұрын
Andrew is incredible; his knowledge, his passion and his descriptive presenting is mind blowing.
@kathyskidmore6887 3 жыл бұрын
I have seen the Grand Canyon and this just makes so much more sense how it was formed! Thank you!
@finray2 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. This explains so much. The fossil record too and how so many animals were quickly fossilized before decay
@fighterjetsteve Жыл бұрын
When you look at an overview of the grand canyon there is no way those rock layers were layed down over millions of years.If they were millions of years old? Where are the rooting structures between the layers? Where is the evidence of burrowing animals or insects? There are none. Because there was never any time to root or bioturbate. Those layers were laid down in a short period of time. Like the period of a worldwide catastrophic flood.
@dandangerous6417 4 жыл бұрын
I love this channel. These are extremely intelligent people, who are excited about what they do, and are faithful to the word of the Bible, as fact. That is so foreign to any previous science, that I can't get enough. For the first time, it sounds like truth. Plausible, verifiable truth. And a great host, btw. I look forward to seeing these notifications.
@billperez1141 4 жыл бұрын
Agree 100% Dan.
@alanthompson8515 4 жыл бұрын
Dan Dangerous Please Google "confirmation bias"
@mdsign001 4 жыл бұрын
It sounds like proof ... emphasis on SOUNDS. You know it's not the same as actual proof right?! Nothing in this video is. Just go read a non religious "science" book instead of a book full of fairytale and magic.
@paulschwarz406 4 жыл бұрын
Dan Dangerous I have always questioned science as a child being drug to church, now I am a total believer, Jesus rose up into the heaven with over five hundred witnesses, rises from the dead, floats into heaven, fulfills prophecy from hundreds and even thousands of years foretold in the Bible and ancient Jewish scripture! Try reading, (here is one of many ) Isaiah chapter 52+53 , messianic prophecy starts 2/3 into chapter 52, and through 53 explaining in past tense a future event in detail (650 years before it happens ! Wow! ,blows my mind every time I read it, along with the Christmas story in Luke you know that Charlie brown one, and many other prophecies were fulfilled to prove that Jesus was the one sent from God half God half man born in flesh of Gods spirit to a woman who was a virgin. Wow!
@alanthompson8515 4 жыл бұрын
@@paulschwarz406 Hi. Did you ever wonder why folk like you are not more common? I mean folk who take things literally and without question. Well, one reason is that most people also questioned science when they were kids but they found its answers made more sense than the stories they had previously accepted from grownups that they quite naturally trusted - parents and pastors. Stories like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, but also stories like virgins giving birth. "Answers" like "Ah, but with God all things are possible" or "You'll understand when you are older" are seen by most folk as not being answers.. Most folk grow up and start thinking for themselves. Most people read the Suffering Servant and A Virgin will conceive sections of Isaiah and look at the context. Isaiah is addressing an appeal from a worried King Ahaz and reassures him that in a few years time the problem with his neighbors will have vanished. The text of Isaiah clearly states that a maiden HAS conceived. It is only in Matthew that we hear she was a virgin and that her pregnancy would be 700 odd years in the future. Isn't that strange? Well not really, not when there are over a dozen other examples of the author of Matthew quote mining the Hebrew scriptures for "prophecies" foretelling Jesus. Oh yes, things are often more complicated than a superficial reading might suggest.
@shanechostetler9997 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to go on a field trip with that guy!
@mdsign001 4 жыл бұрын
Just let somebody know where you're going because I wouldn't trust this snake oil salesmen.
@Rebel00852 3 жыл бұрын
@@mdsign001 Stop being triggered, goto Google maps, switch to satellite view and go look at the Grand Canyon right now. It was not caused over time by natural waters. Just look at it for yourself.
@bigcorky4687 3 жыл бұрын
Me to, it would be s great laugh 😆 😂 🤣
@neilt11 3 жыл бұрын
Must admit it might be fun. Just amazes me that Snelling can cherry pick actual science and transform it into fiction.
@paulwood6636 2 жыл бұрын
Dr. Snelling is a wonderful person and geologist. Outstanding scientist. I traveled the GC with him for 9 days. Fantastic trip.
@philipbuckley759 4 жыл бұрын
this guy, the one doing the interview is interesting.....walk me through....what a way to open up a conversation....
@dokkrokket9152 3 жыл бұрын
They say Einstein was a genius but this guy explaining all this is the true genius he’s not trying to figure things out he’s just trying to make sense of what happened
@billperez1141 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine what it must have been like for those who did not believe Noah's warnings (like today w/many mocking GOD'S Word). As soon as GOD shut the door of "The Ark" the ground beneath their feet began to be torn apart as the "fountains of the deep" erupted. They went from having a good time doing evil to total terror knowing at that moment what they mocked was coming to pass & there was no escape. God gave them 120 yrs to repent in Noah's day. This time GOD has given the world 2000 yrs. & because of Jesus Christ & Him crucified more than 8 people will be saved. This time the judgement will be by fire. GOD'S Word can not be broken. AMEN.
@freeagent8604 4 жыл бұрын
"As in the days of Noah..."
@saintphilis 4 жыл бұрын
@@freeagent8604 ditto, . Imagine the amount of sickness, evil and corruption.
@carljones8334 4 жыл бұрын
If we really think about it, the scenario is horrific. No wonder we are told to warn of the wrath to come. Yet, as the people were in Noah's time, we see men rejecting God's warnings and ridiculing His people. As it was in Noah's day, so it is now. Even so, come quickly Lord.
@josephscala6707 4 жыл бұрын
@James Was Here Agreed. He's basically saying that current theories have gaps (like anything) so therefore his god theory makes more sense. Might as well believe that people live to 950 years old. Oh wait...
@ohi_bacon9119 4 жыл бұрын
That moment wouldve been very scary
@tzippebarrow5844 Жыл бұрын
This simply never gets old or boring. Thank you so much for keeping it available . Prayerfully it will change the lives of people, making them hungry for the truth. Thank you!!
@PorscheSC 4 жыл бұрын
You just wonder what Noah's reaction was when God opened the door. He must have been blown away by when he saw. Too bad there weren't a couple of chapters in Genesis of his reactions. It would have been interesting. Can't wait to ask him about it in Heaven, if that's something God cares to share with us there.
@michaelpfister1283 4 жыл бұрын
Noah's reply is recorded in Genesis. He planted a vineyard, made wine, and got drunk. Considering how devastated the earth was post-flood compared to pre-flood it is hard to blame him.
@cliffordbodine5834 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelpfister1283 Noah had a sinful nature like all human beings. Apparently, he wasn't as evil as the rest of the world.
@sonnydayz2118 3 жыл бұрын
Especially when he saw God's huge holy member!
@mindmy609 3 жыл бұрын
May even permit you to see the actual history like a film viewing
@rosewhite--- 3 жыл бұрын
You are not going to heaven; neither is anyone else. Jesus is coming here to establish the Kingdom of Heaven.
@rubiks6 3 жыл бұрын
Genesis 1;9 "And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into *_one place,_* and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. (Emphasis added.) This describes the Earth with the one continent, "Pangaea." I am just now realizing this. It's all right there in Genesis 1. Cool.
@psyopcombatant375 3 жыл бұрын
Pangaea never existed! Make model of earth with sea bed contour without water, and weep over the lies kept for so long! Earth was smaller with all crust together and water under crust in its underground! Shallow lakes only on smaller earth and life forms gigantic due to weaker gravity! This is theory that is true! Think about it!!!
@rubiks6 3 жыл бұрын
@@psyopcombatant375 - Whatever. I look at a globe of the Earth. I see what I see. Do you also think the Earth is flat?
@psyopcombatant375 3 жыл бұрын
@@rubiks6 It’s not flat, I assure you that! But it is lot bigger than what they allow us to see! That’s why there’s not a single real photograph of the whole of the earth that is not altered! For that reason and laymen measurements of the curvature of the earth, math illiterate minds drew false conclusions that it’s flat! There’s more land masses that we’re not allowed see or to go to! That’s why there’s always restrictions of movements for humans and continuity of the government! No sailing below 60th parallel down south! Some people got killed trying! Only ex military personnel, single attempts and pre-approved routes, and with romantic motives for their feats...
@rubiks6 3 жыл бұрын
@@psyopcombatant375 - Dude, you're a fruitcake. Drugs are bad for you.
@psyopcombatant375 3 жыл бұрын
@@rubiks6 I’m 50 yrs. old! No drugs, never medicating with anything! Just a lightyear ahead of some people! I was born and raised in socialist country that fell apart into civil war! I can see through lies very easy! And everything is a lie today! They had us all believe there’s nothing more to discover... I beg to differ!
@lynnmitzy1643 4 жыл бұрын
I cannot thank you enough ♥️ I'm a back yard geologist. I came to the conclusion our timeline is wrong , it's comforting to hear, I'm not as crazy as some think I am. Thank you, for confirming my amateur research.
@thomasehrlich8623 3 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry your much crazier.
@FriendOfChrist 4 жыл бұрын
Fascinating video. Thanks for sharing these.
@alaba7x7 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine , while Noah and his family was safe in the ark , God was reconfiguring the whole planet in a catastrophic way , so applied that to the great tribulation , while the whole planet will be in a catastrophic judgements , as Noah's family , the bride will be safe in heaven.
@universalservicetechust3578 3 жыл бұрын
Pre trib rapture 🙏🏼👍🏼
@Excellencengrace 3 жыл бұрын
A new heaven and new Earth but with same old materials?
@secularsunshine9036 3 жыл бұрын
*Make-believe and pretend.* Imagining is what you are doing, due to the fact that you don't have any evidence.
@ktor538 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder just how safe they felt or even the chaos they also witnessed! Completely epic! 🤔
@George0025 3 жыл бұрын
@@secularsunshine9036 I'm sorry you allowed yourself to become a victim of The Public Fool System.
@ajdogcurr1 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you God for intelligent men like these
@bigcorky4687 3 жыл бұрын
I take it that you are not being serious?🤣
@EunyB 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant, completely makes sense 🤯
@ajesusencounter8261 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, this helped me make sense of what I'm learning in my geology intro class
@gestt9283 4 жыл бұрын
Amazing simply amazing. Amen
@rayst.pierre4499 3 жыл бұрын
The flood happened,no doubt about this! That was an enormous amount of ocean water into the atmosphere
@codyvandal2860 3 жыл бұрын
They have found fossilized fish on the top of Mt. Everest
@Jeremy9697 3 жыл бұрын
Then why didn't most plants die? Salt water will kill terrestrial plants
@ErikPehrsson 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Smithville, Georgia and we have sand that was blown all the way from Africa in our neighborhood...... right across the street you can see a massive cloud of dust.
@ErikPehrsson 4 жыл бұрын
Steve Whalley I’ll send it your way!
@mdsign001 4 жыл бұрын
I live in The Netherlands, every summer there are one or two days when a thin layer of sand and dust, blown over from the Sahara (Africa) cover our cars.
@rayhill5767 4 жыл бұрын
Alrighty then. Almost like Africa exist on the same planet as Georgia. I’m pretty sure Georgians are not on board with that.
@mosesmanaka8109 2 жыл бұрын
This guy explains so well even l can understand it.
@gingerray2188 3 жыл бұрын
I dreamed as a child knowing the truth. I believed conventional science because that is what I was taught. But seeing Bryce, Zion, Grand Stair case, Grand Canyon and even all along the california and northwest coast, the sideways, buckled and or swirly strata layers, the different rocks, fossils, this was made by something very catastrophic, not the trickel effect. Thank you for answering my question, God is so fascinating, and carbon dating is obsolete.
@paulwood6636 2 жыл бұрын
Ginger Ray, Carbon dating has some use but its limit must be understood. Carbon dating is useful for dating some relatively young things no more than a few thousand years. And, it has application for showing relative dating. Importantly, testing has shown ubiquitous, uniform levels of carbon 14 in diamonds, coal, and fossils. This means that those materials are not really millions of years old.
@about2mount 3 жыл бұрын
Genesis 1;2,,,,,,,2 And the earth was without form, and void;,,,,,,,,A formless earth and this video does a good job of explaining how the watery deep burst forth at the flood and formed the mountains, valleys, hills, formations and continental plates.
@itzcaseykc 7 ай бұрын
Nicely explained in simple ways. Events can either speed up or slow way down, depending on the right conditions present when such an event occurs. Yet, so many ecologists favor evolution to explain the supposed old age that their testing suggest, which in this video, the gentleman explains why it is unreliable. Regarding the landmass that existed before the flood, I believer there was much more land that sunk below the waves when the earth cracked up producing the tectonic plates. In some locations, it's been detected that areas of land had really sunk below the surface never again to see the open air.
@ByGraceThroughFaith777 2 жыл бұрын
It now makes sense to me that whole mountains were covered in water because the great peaks we see today weren't even there before the flood!
@waynesumner1829 Жыл бұрын
Jesus has very little to say about the geologic erosive effects of "the Flood" and plate tectonics. He is much more concerned about the erosive effects of false teachings on the Mind of his Brethren. He does say however that faith in tiny amounts can literally move mountains. And He who cannot lie also said not to judge according to the appearance. Without rocks to judge according to the appearance, all geolgists, be they evolutionists or creationists would be up the old proverbial "Creek" without a paddle! Jesus, as a true prophet, not a scientist, avers, that the 🌎 the whole ball of wax , air, land, water and 🔥 will "cataclysmically", completely disappear and vanish in a flash. Hoyt Axton, singer , songwriter wrote: "I'm goin' to Heaven in a flash of fire 🔥, with or without you." My view leaves none behind, Praise GOD! We Love and forgive All people everywhere!
@reelfishin6019 4 жыл бұрын
I've always wondered how the rivers formed.
@soldieroflife4449 4 жыл бұрын
@Jeff somersby are you ok Jeff, you seem very angry that someone learned something they didn't previously know. Not all of us are born knowing everything.
@detrathomas8583 3 жыл бұрын
This is perfect information to introduce into my classroom for Plate tectonics. I love it! I would love to meet this guy!
@swirvinbirds1971 3 жыл бұрын
Better idea, get someone who know wtf they are talking about to teach. 🤣
@ethanweeter2732 2 жыл бұрын
@@swirvinbirds1971 Dr Snelling is a respected geologist.
@swirvinbirds1971 2 жыл бұрын
@@ethanweeter2732 his stance on you earth creation is not respected at all amongst geologists.
@vivliforia2262 2 жыл бұрын
@@swirvinbirds1971 troll
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
It's rubbish. Introduce this and you introduce pseudo science. Next topic- Astrology.
@pegg38 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Andrew! Thunder from Down Under. Fantastic!
@andrek5008 2 жыл бұрын
This is very interesting , mind blowing ! Love it .
@johnmaloney9368 3 жыл бұрын
great video mr tackett, mr snelling
@WedgeLife 3 жыл бұрын
Very intriguing, this theory has some very good points i think.
@hsavage3350 3 жыл бұрын
Outstanding! Thank you for rising above convention, taking God’s clues and written evidence to get to the Truth. The Truth will set you free. Kudos to all involved in threading this together, to those passionate scientists who bridge the research and Faith in such a convincing way. Adequate words fall short for me to express how in awe I find myself surrounded with great people who resist the tendency for pride to not derail them in their discoveries and to hold fast with God’s enduring Truth to be told.
@johnmaloney9368 3 жыл бұрын
@marveljosefpetrusledo8801 4 жыл бұрын
I wish all Christian Universities around the globe is cooperating in teaching all these kind things and send their lecturers to study the subjects, so that they will come back and teach the students the correct real science instead of the imaginary ones as they call as conventional science.
@mdsign001 4 жыл бұрын
Not for a lack of trying, the thing is, real Universities and real scholars ALL find out that the flood and all other stories in the Bible that rely on magic are false, every single one of them. There's never been any proof for anything in the Bible (except for some names of people and places)
@joebrinson5040 4 жыл бұрын
@@mdsign001 so, why are you here?
@marveljosefpetrusledo8801 4 жыл бұрын
@@mdsign001 I learned from other scientists in their videos that gave me an impression that scientists who are not part of the mainstream scientists are being alienated and their scientific findings were always be rejected with no scientific reasons. They are being shut down unfairly. For example, those at the Discovery Institute are not some amateur scientists but their findings would never be published in the mainstream scientific media.
@mdsign001 4 жыл бұрын
@@joebrinson5040 someone pointed out this video to me, why are you here?
@georgeisaak5321 4 жыл бұрын
I always believed that somewhere between the bible and science there is a narrow point they can come along and explain together the mysteries of the past and discoveries of tomorrow . It all made sense to me as it was explained here .
@alanthompson8515 4 жыл бұрын
George Isaak It was meant to. Snelling and his straight man are desperately trying to make creationism look scientific. They fail. Badly. Anyone with a background in geology knows this. (I am but a retired science teacher but I know this from personal experience). They know it too, but they are relying on the lack of scientific education of their target audience. They want you to buy their videos. Science and mainstream religion can (just about) co-exist, but creationism is at heart totally anti-science. That's ALL science, not just biology and earth science, coz it ain't a case of pick n mix. YECs must insist that both deep time and evolution are wrong. They are not. Both have survived attack from those best equipped to challenge them - other scientists. The very few YEC scientists know this, live with the cognitive dissonance (somehow!), and make a living out of preaching to the choir. If you had been born into a YEC culture and grown up with it, investing both time and money into it, how consoling and confirming these videos are! Look! You don't need to be scared of the science bogeyman who wants to tear down everything we hold dear! Look! We can make science say what we want it to say, so cheer up! They are snake oil salesmen, but pretty slick ones.
@alanthompson8515 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nehner School teachers couldn't learn OR School teachers couldn't be taught. So, it is YOU that is wrong. You clearly flunked elementary Grammar, and probably other subjects as well. Hence both your blanket condemnation of the teaching profession and your misplaced confidence in your own ability. Google: "Dunning Kruger Effect", if that's not too difficult for you.
@alanthompson8515 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nehner Well, doesn't that just make the point. Dunning Kruger Rules OK!
@keithharley9729 4 жыл бұрын
People push God out of everything. God said he would do it and he did. Case closed
@Allyourheroswenttohell 4 жыл бұрын
It was another planet and another sun. It's starting again. It happens every so often and destroys the life on the surface.
@sonnydayz2118 3 жыл бұрын
God said there is a firmament, so does that mean we never went to the moon or mars?
@appaloosa42 Жыл бұрын
1) ‘the river made the canyon’ never made much sense; it would take a lot more water than that tiny trickle to carve that hole. 2) the undulating hills visible to the NW from I-81N above Scranton resemble nothing so much as sand-heaps after draining a swimming pool.
@OliverMarron-m5n 5 ай бұрын
The Genesis Flood must have been a very scary event, a living nightmare.
@francisbusa1074 4 жыл бұрын
I believe more in Dr. Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory.
@amik1973 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed, I have Dr. Browns Book in my hand as I am writing.
@HairGlitter 3 жыл бұрын
Love it!
@tomasweber307 6 ай бұрын
It was a global crustal slip, a physical pole shift. Where the oceans continue on the path of rotation overtaking the land. As well as incredibly strong winds as the atmosphere continues in that direction as well. There is definitely massive amounts of upheaval and rebound as well as sinking of land masses.
@mateusbaiadeoliveira3519 4 жыл бұрын
Olá!! Mais alguém do Brasil? 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
@OliverMarron-m5n 5 ай бұрын
Brilliant, it all makes sense now.
@manuelteixeira2496 Жыл бұрын
Dear Doctor Andrew Snelling, it's my pleasure to salute you for your sound proven, sober, and clear explanation of the truth in science, according to the facts known today. I salute your courageous humility, witnessing without being ashamed Of God's Holy City, The Bible, and The Word Of God Eternally In The Person Of Jesus Christ, God Almighty's Begotten Son, men's brother, and savior!
@ohi_bacon9119 4 жыл бұрын
Would it be a theory and safe to say that during the flood the entire pacific plate buckled and collapsed in on itself, hence the ring of fire?
@markmooney5662 4 жыл бұрын
It's possible...certainly a theory ...interesting . Grace and peace to you Gilly wife of Mark
@Allyourheroswenttohell 4 жыл бұрын
The pacific northwest plate is slipping now.
@paulwood6636 4 жыл бұрын
No, that would not account for the new ocean floor.
@brudno1333 4 жыл бұрын
More logical than the Noah flood story.
@masada2828 4 жыл бұрын
Watch Walt Browns explanation, series 1-6, explains all.
@shawkitty2524 4 жыл бұрын
I can't even imagine being on that ark while the whole earth is being cataclysmically destroyed--earthquakes, continents moving, water moving, the whole earth being torn apart! Only God could have kept the boat from also being destroyed. Yikes!
@lisletenderfoot9216 4 жыл бұрын
There is a very basic and glaring error in these interpretations. All of the volcanic deposits mentioned at the beginning of this video (ie Deccan Traps and Siberian Traps) are composed of basalt. All eruptions involving basalt are effusive, not explosive. That is, basaltic eruptions are not catastrophic, but this video asserts that they are. This is not controversial and it is taught in introductory geology classes. Basalt is also the main component of oceanic crust, and mid oceanic ridges never experience explosive eruptions. The chemistry of basalt simply does not allow for explosive eruptions. Those only happens when crust containing more volatiles is involved in the equation.
@zorot3876 4 жыл бұрын
Lisle Tenderfoot - He emphasises the rate and scale of eruptions. You seem to be ignoring this. How can you assume all effusive eruptions are not catastrophic?
@lisletenderfoot9216 4 жыл бұрын
@michael7dee Thanks for pushing me to define how I use "catastrophic", it's important for this dialogue. The way that I'm using it here is the way in which it seems the guys in the video are, which is quick, and explosively energetic. A literal interpretation of the flood narrative, and what these guys propose necessitates that "catastrophic" contain connotations of quickness. Basalt has a mafic mineral composition, lacking the volatiles to produce explosive eruptions. This is not indoctrination, it is very basic, verifiable geology. The cascade volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest are not basaltic, that's why they undergo explosive eruptions. Those volcanoes have dioritic/andesitic material dewatering deep underneath, which causes partial crust melting and volatile release, which results in explosive eruptions. The flow basalt deposits in the inland PNW predate the current assemblage of cascade volcanoes.
@lisletenderfoot9216 4 жыл бұрын
@@zorot3876 see below comment!
@cadcoke5 4 жыл бұрын
These were not necessarily like the modern eruptions. There may have been both types of actions. Perhaps in different areas, and perhaps in slightly different times in the sequence.
@freemind.. 4 жыл бұрын
@@lisletenderfoot9216 - There are fine-grained basalt deposits on the surface of every continent. The critical depth requirement for formation of non-vesicular basalt is around 9800 feet of ocean water. Thus, all of those non-vesicular basalt deposits were formed while the surfaces of every continent were under at least 9800 feet of water. Their very existence is empirical evidence of a global flood. The same holds true for lunar maria, which supports the idea that the vast majority of lunar craters are from hydro-volcanic eruptions rather than meteorite impacts.
@NazSBG 2 жыл бұрын
There is a fellow brother, sadly, I’ve recently got into, yet again, a debate with, with regards to the Word Of God, the literal interpretation of the Genesis creation account and the effects of the flood. He is stuck on the billions of years of earth theory and believes dinosaurs existing millions of years before man. He doesn’t realise the effect his beliefs have on the New Testament. But, I’ve met a number of professing Christian’s who poo poo the Genesis creation account along with the flood and hold a mix of a world view! I love this documentary in its full. Scientists who stand by, firstly, on the Word of God and then their studies bring to life the Word of God. It confirms the word of God, literally!
@cbvickers4044 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fascinating! and makes so much more sense once we see the maps of the ocean floors. Plus we are starting to find lost cities under water. Now we know why.
@Warfeist 4 жыл бұрын
I would check out the book In the Beginning by Walt Brown. It’s available on Amazon. He’s a graduate of WestPoint and taught at the AirForce Academy. His understanding of the process is deeper and ties together a lot of loose ends. It can be viewed online as well which is how I found it.
@chrise842 3 жыл бұрын
Are they producing creationists there now?
@maciejnajlepszy 11 ай бұрын
@burongaroso2538 4 жыл бұрын
All that you mentioned is absolutely reasonable on a motionless Earth (geocentric). As soon as you add the heliocentric Perspective into it, it falls apart into Pieces like a Domino. Water always seeks its Level and cannot be bent. In the heliocentric Modell all Water would be gathered at the Equator Region only.
@jeremiahcomer Жыл бұрын
I’d really like to know his opinion of the crater that mainstream science says caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. When did it strike?
@PhilisophicalDad 2 жыл бұрын
Please explain and also show material that shows the mountains that formed from the flood and those during creation.. to me, most mountains reveal jagged worn off tops..
@peddlinshutterbug 2 жыл бұрын
As usual.. Time brings out the truth...yet when the truth is shown through real science, the deceived continue to dig in their heels, and push the old pardigm, regardless of how many ways it is disproven.I will pray too, Anthony Jenkins...people need to realize it, humble themselves, and believe the truth.
@danielcrowe9324 3 жыл бұрын
Very interesting and informative. I'm looking forward to watching the other videos in this series. Thank you so much!!!
@danielcrowe9324 3 жыл бұрын
@@oldcountryboy If you haven't watched and listened to this video, please at least take a look and listen to the first 8 minutes. As for a Japanese account, I am not aware of one but there is a Chinese account of a great flood.
@michaelhassell9443 Жыл бұрын
Great. The truth will set us free.
@mrright1068 Жыл бұрын
So what caused the huge canyons off the continental shelf of every continent? You can see these on google earth, what caused them was it a flood returning to the lowlands?
@P10101G 7 ай бұрын
How was oil formed? Similar to coal?
@tikitiki7610 3 жыл бұрын
@zibirsky 4 жыл бұрын
Your series are amazing ! Love them . I have a question and I would like anyone to help me understand. When you say the seventh day the Sabbath and then say “in our case the Christian Sabbath” what does that mean ? When I read the Bible it says Sabbath , what you mean by Christian Sabbath ? It was changed to Sunday later on ? Can anyone help me when in the Bible does it say it because I want to understand when this change happen. Thanks !
@emanlabib8204 4 жыл бұрын
there is no any whatsoever declaration of the bible that sabbath changed to sunday, actually it is written & called at some passages as the day of the lord, & there is no clear identification, mainly mentioned in acts & revelation. in the after 100 AD writings like the very first christian book called "didachi" meaning the teaching, is talking about keeping the "day of the lord" but no clear indication either he was talking about sabbath or sunday, but they were talking very clearly about something everyone who believes in jesus knows about, inwhich he doesn't need to identify, like in revelation when god met john study that part. the only thing that i have found regarding to sunday actually was in the 5th century when they say they changed the worship day of the christians into sunday as uniting with other major religion in rome @ that time, which for me i concluded that the day of the lord was actually the sabbath as it is in genesis, jesus didn't say to change it or even the apostles didn't change it, i think the formal churches inherited many things unreviewed, there also another jewish old writtings other than the old testemant talking about sabbath is a day to the emd of the time to be kept by the children of god called book of Enoch. ihope i helped a little to start from somewhere, i was just telling my opinion & conclusion after i was also searching & praying on this subject for 2 or more years. God bless you
@romanlaw5409 4 жыл бұрын
zibirsky Jesus Christ is our sabbath. The Israelites were burdened under keeping the law so they needed that rest God made for them. But Jesus said he was the God of the sabbath. He reformed the rules to make it that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall find true rest that surpasses any rest of flesh a day could give you.
@emanlabib8204 4 жыл бұрын
then why you sir take a day off? or do you work 7 days a week? & if you take a day off for your fleshly body in a fleshly day then why is it sunday? when it is not anywhere in the bible that anyone changed it. how is it burden when jesus said i am the lord of the sabbath, & that it was made for human.....? Jesus was explaining the giving of the sabbath & also lighing out that the pharisees & hypocrets are abusing the laws of god; the ten commandements & the mosaic law of sacrifice. so it is not meant to burden people as saying love thy neighbore is a burden (it is surely is a burden of love to keep in your heart for others), the burden came from the abuse of the religious leaders judging people by the mosaic law & the 10 commandments while they themselves couldn't commit that's why he was attacking their hipocracy. the sabbath rest of god jesus christ is not meant to break the commandements of god yehwa sir, there is many meanings of sabbath word in the bible than 7th day, especially when paul uses them search about it. he is talking about a rest for us with jesus for now & everyday till the eternity, as a continous feast for us, that's one of the other meanings of the sabbath.
@emanlabib8204 4 жыл бұрын
Also Jesus came to fulfill the mosaic law by the ultimate & only sacrifice who is him Jesus Christ Son of God, he came to complete not to stop the direct laws written by god which is the 10 commandments.
@waynebaker542 4 жыл бұрын
@@emanlabib8204 @zibirsky In LExodus, I believe chapter twenty, it says God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. The Israelis were to rest on the Seventh, this is called the Sabbath. In the New Testament Jesus died on Friday afternoon, rose early Sunday Morning. When Christians changed the Lord's day to Sunday is uncertain. I believe that some non-Christian sources indicates it was in the late first to early second century, that would would be between 70 AD to maybe 130 to 150 AD. A Roman official wrote a letter mentioning the Christians worshipped on the first morning of the week. There seems to be nothing that indicates any official time for the change. In seminary, a Korean classmate held a ministry position in a local Korean church. That church had worship meetings seven days a week!
@TheMathius78 4 жыл бұрын
This is my favorite "unpacking" video of, and in my opinion was where the original IGH movie left me unsatisfied, the geology of the flood. Thank you, AIG, for all your hard work and in the name of the true Messiah bless you! I do have a request: Could you please cover the Hawaiian Island chain during the catastrophic plate tectonics, and unpack why the pacific plate seemed to shift directions causing the eroded, old islands in the chain (now underwater sea mounts) shoot north toward what is today Kamchakta, Russia? My brain has officially fizzled out trying to understand this under the flood paradigm.
@andrewchase4666 6 ай бұрын
You can actually hear Snelling's voice waver when he starts to get into areas where he knows he's lying.
@NorthForkFisherman 5 ай бұрын
So...pretty much the entire 21 minutes?
@andrewchase4666 5 ай бұрын
@@NorthForkFisherman there's a gradient of lies in this video, from misrepresentation to total whoppers. I was referring to the whoppers.
@shannonpaplow7754 2 жыл бұрын
Our God has such power and love. Awhsome and there is Power in the name of JESUS CHRIST.
@frohnhauser1850 2 жыл бұрын
Science....... Trying to explain the truth of our physical world..... Awesome 👍
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
This is not science
@OliverMarron-m5n 5 ай бұрын
Brilliant. The earth must have nearly broke apart.
@mandolao5039 2 жыл бұрын
Sir my full respect !!! You’ve explained all that perfectly and it makes a lot of sense. Unlike those people that say we came from monkeys and Big Bang and all that stuff
@paulroseartanddesign 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you sooo much for this video! An excellent presentation and explanation. I still have questions. If all but Noah and his family were destroyed, how do we have the other cultures around the world? My assumption according to the bible narrative, is that they all are offspring of Noah and his family. Is this assumption correct? Also, if only the animals/creatures taken on the ark survived, and the ancestral animals/creatures of all animals/creatures on earth now were literally on the ark, this means that animals such as the kangaroo, koala and platypus for examples, must have been on the ark too. Is this assumption of the bible narrative correct? I find this very hard to believe, and if someone can provide a plausible explanation I would be most grateful. Thank you in advance!
@paulwood6636 2 жыл бұрын
On the first question, the Bible explains the worldwide cultures and 'races' in Genesis chapter 10. There, you can see about 70 family groups that spread out over the earth and multiplied into the cultures we see today.
@richardtimbreza9457 Жыл бұрын
Mountain Everest Has Discovered Two Sea Creatures ON TOP Of Mount Everest....The Question Is How those Two Sea Creatures Got On Top of Mount Everest??
@avgejoeschmoe2027 7 ай бұрын
CLOSED clams in fossil layers as well. When clams die, the shells come apart. The had to be buried ALIVE on a large scale
@IamDogcrazy 2 жыл бұрын
Time to acknowledge the hydroplate theory
@richardeaton3063 Жыл бұрын
when was the bonneville flood? did it occur at the end of the the great flood?
@alanguy58 4 жыл бұрын
...and yet evil recovered very well it would seem - right in lock-step with man’s recovery.
@rzorNvme 4 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know the name of that cinder volcano they are doing the interview on
@OliverMarron-m5n 5 ай бұрын
If this happened again, and it might, as sea levels rise, the weight of the waters may become too heavy for the ocean floor. If it re-accurred, which nature goes in cycles, we have no chance of survival.
@danielbentley8103 2 жыл бұрын
For anyone who hasn't discovered yet. Search hydroplate theory. I believe it to be the best theory to date on this subject
@danielbentley8103 2 жыл бұрын
More important. Seek jehovah now, the great tribulation is near.
@ozowen 2 жыл бұрын
Hydroplate "theory" is a nonsense built on drivel and supported by BS
@sonsofliberty3081 3 жыл бұрын
The grand canyon was a dam. The platu at the end of the canyon is 1800ft taller than the start of the canyon. So ask an evolutionist how the co river ran up hill 1800ft to carve out the canyon. If you look a map, you see there was a huge multi state lake, when that lake overflowed it WASHED out the canyon.
@paulrevere2379 3 жыл бұрын
The truth shall set you free. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, so with Him I am free indeed. A real American has no allegiance to anyone who sets themself up as a king on earth, but some of us do have a king, and he sits on His throne on high. Even the waters of the earth are subject to His commands.
@sandilou2U 3 жыл бұрын
This provides an excellent description of the geological changes in Earth's history. What needs to be discussed is the cause of these violent changes because it provides a view of our future. Catastrophic events occur on 12,500 year cycle in conjunction with magnetic pole reversals. We are due and the poles movement have increased dramatically over the last couple of decades. As the poles continue to increase in speed we will significant increase in the number and strength of earthquakes and volcanoes as well severe weather. We are quickly approaching the next flood and like the last, most life on Earth will be lost. See Suspicious Observers channel for videos explaining this in detail.
@appaloosa42 Жыл бұрын
You aren’t listening. The rainbow: never again destroy the earth with water.
@isaiahberry7470 4 жыл бұрын
According to Genesis Chapter 10:25 and 1Chronicles 1:19 it was during the time of Peleg that the Earth was divided 💯💕
@waynebaker542 4 жыл бұрын
That division seems to refer to the division of humanity, not the continents. It says the language of the earth ws one and the Lord confused their language and the earth was divided.
@jackreisewitz7219 3 жыл бұрын
If God meant that the people of the Earth were divided in the days of Peleg, I think He would have said so. He was clear enough in his language in describing what happened when He confused the speech at the Tower of Babel.
@chrise842 3 жыл бұрын
@scott matthew You didn't look into the original hebrew which is available to you e.g. via the free e-sword app. It's not an informed statement you made. You merely took your English Bible.
@chrise842 3 жыл бұрын
@@jackreisewitz7219 Did you look into the original hebrew?
@earlrussell1026 3 жыл бұрын
What about Genesis 10:25?
@chrise842 3 жыл бұрын
Ask more precisely.
@vernonklanderud5969 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent explanation, and easily understood... Only there is this missing portion - on the second day of creation, "the Lord God separated the waters from the waters, and created a firmament (sky) in the midst thereof"... This explains how there could be rain for "forty days and forty nights" at the time of the flood. Because, originally half of the oceans, half of the seas, and half of all the lakes and rivers were up in the sky, having circumvented the earth ever since creation ! (This way people were protected from the sun's radiation, with the divided waters shielding them from the sun's rays, and were able to live as much as a thousand years or more.)
@Panazoniac 4 жыл бұрын
This all makes so much sense to me! Except one thing... how did animals end up in the Americas if they’d all been killed in the flood. The only animals in existence would be the ones saved in the ark. How did they get across the Atlantic? Any good theories out there?
@bigcorky4687 3 жыл бұрын
All the animals had little boats stocked up with their own dietary requirements and sat nav that was set to get them home to a place that was all set up after the flood for them to florish. Panda's were so happy to find bamboo (their staple diet) was growing everywhere when they got back.Polar bears were delighted that the North Pole had froze so quickly for them as were penguins with the south Pole , isn't it all so wonderful 🤣
@remainhumble6432 2 жыл бұрын
Lots of possibilities...millions of logs floating about, men taking them out as civilisations expanded again, the earth would have continued to change after the flood (land bridges still there), not to account for genetic diversity still present in animals which allowed them to change and adapt to new conditions. Despite catastrophes, genocides, wars, plagues etc human population has increased from 170 millions to 9 billion in 2000 years. So animals moving and expanding quickly is not that far fetched when we look at genetics properly.
@philipmcdonagh1094 2 жыл бұрын
Its Now been considered that the dinosaurs were not wiped out overnight by a rock hitting the Earth. But instead it set in motion a chain of cataclysmic type events, which over a period of time, a couple of hundred or even as much as a few thousand years finally did for them. Their buried in to many layers to be just one event.
@johnheigis83 Жыл бұрын
My theory, on locations of Sodom and Gomorrah... They are two (twin) cities, on opposite sides of the ancient river bed, that ran (still runs?) down, from up the drainage, to the east, from east of Zoar, to where the King's Highway runs north and south, up top, from where that Zered water once flowed from out of the east grain field plains, back before the east plains salinated, and dried out? East of Ijebarim? Lot walked down that drainage, to Zoar, heading west, on the Egypt trade route, that passed Zoar, from Negeb? About a 20 mile walk... Over night? (Note: Pages, 5, 8 and 10, of the 1990, Atlas of the Bible Lands.). Please research this option.
@arthurmunoz3597 3 жыл бұрын
That statmemt is remarkably correct i.e., that the fountains of the great deep opened at the time of Noah's flood. While the Heavens had simultaneously opened and poured it's rains on the earth for 40, days and for forty nights.
@jacquestaulard3088 3 жыл бұрын
What about Dr. Walt Brown, PhD's idea of a hydro-plate?
@spotweld 4 жыл бұрын
I wish " is Genisus history" could look into the Diehold foundation's theory and bring clarity to the average person .
@davidrobbins3018 3 жыл бұрын
@Gix3D 2 жыл бұрын
It was 100% Mother Earth. She's a beauty.
@pancake2662 3 жыл бұрын
Joseph carpenter the father makes a lot of sense the oceans /land and then they were separated. Plate tectonics. Catastrophic rapid volcanic ocean floor erupting quickly makes a lot of sense. gradually tapering off from a catastrophic event. To planet that we're living on now. The next phase is burning up. I like the idea that we just wear out like a garment. Let me know we lose our atmosphere and we just the sun burns us up cuz we destroy destroy our world by pollution. There's a lot of grains of sand so that's many generations more than we could ever count I still have to live on this Earth. I'm all for renewable energy in a quick way.
@neilnolte2587 3 жыл бұрын
Everybody is wrong about something. I still love you guys.
@johnheigis83 Жыл бұрын
How would you like to see, and test, real pre-Ice Age trees...useable, wood... Buried in deep layers of silt, and partly exposed by a changing river course. I found it, while doing scuba, for Search and Rescue, in that huge area. And, it's all pre-Lake Missoula. I hope to hear from you scientists, while I can still help... Soon!
@BR549DBH 3 жыл бұрын
Water weighs 62.5 cubic foot. Water weight on the ocean floor holds that section of the crust down. However, there is not water weight on the Earth's continental surfaces. All this and the earth must stay in a spherical shape. Otherwise, the Earth's orbit would wobble out of place like an unbalanced washing machine. As water poured onto the Earth's surface, the water weight would in turn push the crust down. The Earth must remain spherical, so that means the ocean floor had to rise and displaces. The fact that there are 3 to 5 story high lava flows on the northern part of the west coast of America that have a pillow shape to them says they were formed underwater and not like the lava flow across the surface like in the area this was filmed in. The world went through a catastrophic event. I absolutely agree with this video and I'm not a smart man. (Forrest Gump) I've been around the United States with this in mind and everything I see proves Noah's flood.
@alanbarria3461 2 жыл бұрын
Osea, la geología no puede explicar los eventos geológicos actuales y la configuración de la tierra si saca al diluvio de la ecuación
@billperez1141 2 жыл бұрын
Even after 2 yrs. since I watched this I am in awe of the power & glory of the Lord God. The Lord has stayed His mighty hand for 2000 yrs. in order to have mercy on those who believe on The Only Begotten Son of God Jesus The Christ. Repent & believe. Freely receive the gift of eternal life in His Kingdom which will be here very soon. The Lord desires that all would call upon His Name to be saved.
@johnbadalutz2525 4 жыл бұрын
Finally the truth of the Flood is beginning to ring true- there’s more to the truth of the Flood account -like the waters being suspended in the heavens and the falling to the surface and then the freezing at the polar caps could happen, giving the oceans a different elevation--read Genesis 8: 21, 22
@jeff9885 3 жыл бұрын
An updated theory that Dr. Walter Brown put forward in his hydroplate theory years ago.
@paularchambeault4853 2 жыл бұрын
And not only was the Creator to remove wicked humans. The main reason is that Super Aliens [ Dysfunctional Angels ] 2/3 of them invaded the planet taking whatever they wanted with no regard for humans or for their Maker but not for long = [ GENESIS 6:1 - 4 ]
@ruudverschoor 4 жыл бұрын
Gelul, er was nooit een zogenaamde zondvloed. Geen enkel bewijs is hiervoor te vinden.
@joshsimpson10 3 жыл бұрын
I would argue this is all cyclical and the heart of the galaxy influences catastrophe on earth
@joshsimpson10 3 жыл бұрын
@@Nehner why
@mandolao5039 2 жыл бұрын
Yesssssssss I knew it !! I’ve always thought that s what happened. Also the dinosaurs lived with humans. The Bible describes all that. I strongly believe the earth is super young around 6 or 7 thousand years old
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