How Did The Popular Girl Lose Her Popularity?

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How Did The Popular Girl Lose Her Popularity?
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@secretskull21 Жыл бұрын
On the story about the girl being sexually assaulted by the football team: Those so-called Christian parents are going to be mighty surprised when they end up in Hell for ostracizing their victimized daughter. Imagine that conversation; “Wait, why am I HERE?” “You really think just saying you’re righteous outweighs all the shit you pulled?”
@Wendy_O._Koopa 11 ай бұрын
Christian Parent (and I use the term loosely): "Why am I here? I went to church every week!" Reverse St. Peter... or something, IDK: "Really, you were good 1 day out of every 7? Jump back, we've got ourselves a 'good person' over here." Christian Parent: "Well, maybe not the _whole_ day, but I did go every Sunday... _most_ Sundays." reteP .tS: "You now have time to think about that."
@ampwavegaming1305 8 ай бұрын
As a Christian, I really REALLY hope I've been good enough that God will let me watch all the awful "Christians" out there try to explain their way out of Hell. Guess what happens when you cherrypick your religion IDIOTS
@Pindie12321 18 күн бұрын
@veezopolis 7 ай бұрын
"We don't really have popularity, but there's a difference between who is generally liked and who isn't" THAT'S THE DEFINITION OF POPULARITY
@martinanathan 5 ай бұрын
"She's over him, but she started rumors about his new girlfriend.' 💀💀
@thatorangeboi 11 ай бұрын
in story 9, I, having been diagnosed with ADHD, can definitely understand the op. ADHD is never an excuse for doing bad things. its terrible how some people use it as an excuse.
@SABRMatt2010 Жыл бұрын
This idea that, when a woman hits a man, it's not as bad because the man could take control of the situation if he needed to... 1) Not necessarily always true...not all guys can overpower all girls 2) Have fun trying to stop a woman from hitting you when you're not allowed to take any physical action that would prevent the hitting without it being seen as you being physically aggressive with her. I'm highly thankful that I've avoided that sort of drama. Some of my friends have not been so lucky.
@LuciferX_13 Жыл бұрын
I always bring these points up aswell as my own experience whenever ppl try to claim men cannot be abused by women. As someone who was once in an abusive relationship with a woman i can confirm that just because we may be stronger than the woman in our life that doesnt mean we are able to stop them from bruising us, or worse
@GiordanDiodato Жыл бұрын
@@LuciferX_13 toxic masculinity is a disease if you don't think so, please find a bridge.
@PatrickRob82 Жыл бұрын
To the OP of the story at roughly 36:25, I don't know if you'll ever see this but I'm so grateful that you posted. I have an unbelievably amazing 8yo son who's having problems at school and the primary thing that keeps happening is him getting up and walking out of the classroom when something upsets him, which happens daily. Fortunately, his school allows him to "flee" whenever he needs to and im grateful for that. Hearing someone with a similar issue giving their inner dialog was so helpful as trying to get my boy to explain his thoughts and feelings is effectively futile. He just claims up and says he can't explain why he needs to run away. It's left me feeling pretty helpless. He's always been highly sensitive and willful and he sets these impossible standards for himself that nobody can ever live up to. This causes him to repeatedly get down on himself for the slightest mistake, misunderstanding or if he isn't immediately a master at something he's trying for the first time. It also makes him petrified of trying anything new. He's currently in the process of being evaluated by several therapists and I'm hopeful that a diagnosis will give me a clear path towards helping him navigate this ridiculous planet we all live on. One thing I'm extremely hesitant to do is medicate him. He has struggles, for sure but he's also an insanely gifted writer, reader, speaker and artist. He's witty, generous, gentle and kind and the last thing I want to do is dull his magnificent spark. Better, I think, to alter the world immediately around him to better suit his needs than alter him to better suit the world. Again, thank you for sharing your experience. You sound happy now and that's all I want for my boy. It gives me hope that he'll eventually come to see himself the way I see him.
@flamefangstar 9 ай бұрын
I know it's late, but i take medication. Sometimes it works immediately, like for me. Others, it depends. Maybe you'll change your mind, but know it can be a tedious problems sometimes.
@PatrickRob82 9 ай бұрын
@flamefangstar The main issue for me is that I think he's a friggin gleaming tidal wave of awesome just the way he is. I can't stand the thought of him being afraid all his life, but I also shudder at the thought of changing him. Admittedly, I do have a severe bias, as my brother had a horrifically bad reaction to Prozac. Suffice to say he's nolonger with us, and I ended up naming my son after him. Psychotropics scare the hell out of me, but I'm aware they can be a godsend for so many people. In the end, though, I have to do what's best for him. I have to give him every chance at happiness, and it may just come down to medication. I just want to employ everything else in the arsenal first. Thank you for taking the time to read my enormous comment and for taking the extra time to reply.
@Dashin15 11 ай бұрын
I sympathize with the girl in story 8. I also have medical anxiety from medical issues when I was younger. Almost 2 decades later and it's still fucking with my life. Pediatric hospitals treat your body but destroy your mind and spirit. Kids should never have to go through that.
@mbry1 Жыл бұрын
In middle school there was an ELA teacher that everyone loved cause we would always watch movies and did interactive activities to make his class fun when I took his class in 7th grade there was this girl who did the bare minimum even though his class was one of the easiest to pass and when she didn’t she accused him of sexual abuse after he refused to give her a passing grade thankfully the truth came out and she admitted to making the whole thing up and even tried to apologize but by then the entire school basically exiled her and refused to acknowledge her existence until the end of high school she told my friend of the few people who would talk to her it felt like she was in hell and barely had any friends or social life and my friend like everyone else didn’t feel bad for her and said she’s not the victim and did this to herself
@zapheil Жыл бұрын
40:25 Hey, shout out to you, man, for catching yourself dismissing your problems as nonsense. The way you phrase things about yourself will typically subconsciously shape how you view yourself. So reminding yourself out loud that the problems you face are legit can help you actually believe that, or reaffirm your belief in it.
@stephaniex90 Жыл бұрын
I came here for the stories but now stick around for the thumbnails
@Adr1231 Жыл бұрын
Needs to be hearted 😀
@lenee8959 Жыл бұрын
Dude 😬
@kidmicchildburger1467 Жыл бұрын
@Hum4n_4ft3r?4LL wut 👀
@CigarettesOutTheWindow502 11 ай бұрын
No but same 💀
@SomeUnnoticedAnimatorAndEditor 11 ай бұрын
I love watching these while either grinding in Muscle Legends or ruining ppls days in Meepcity
@malcolmdarke5299 Жыл бұрын
My personal feeling on the journalism trip story (about 32:20) would be to go full malicious compliance by writing about the experience of the trip, and how it was ruined by the copious levels of bullying directed at the writer.
@theredblurb132 Жыл бұрын
Yeah also how they got bull rushed by a verbal assault. Only got one quip in to defend themselves then got blasted and reprimanded while just "freezing" is honestly not the win they apparently think it is.
@lizyarikus Жыл бұрын
Story 4 starts at 4:08, for everyone looking for that nonexising time stamp ^^
@carbs_r_delish Жыл бұрын
@malaybuoi5677 Жыл бұрын
For story 9, Mine was similiar. Is a popular guy at school but in a negative way. I have epilepsy and I will have seizures every now and then usually because I was tired mentally or physically or both. People think I shriek and get this "mutate" and attack people as if I have some messed up hysteria. People always belittle me for my condition and I often get bullied especially by the Head Prefect who has a rep and liked by everyone but is a total bish. I was so low until my family and I moved to the Eastcoast of my country. Today I graduated school a happy young man.
@JRAUSports Жыл бұрын
Good for you!
@RedneckSwede 9 ай бұрын
From 7th to 9th grade we had a boy in our class who had come out as gay. Nothing wrong about it, but his attitude towards the girls and women in general was just weird. He saw all of them as competition for all the guys he had feelings for. None of the guys he liked were gay and told him to screw off. He was too desperate and often struggled with understanding rejection. It ended with him getting expelled for beating up a girl whom he claimed had stolen his true love. He had never even met that dude and had only seen his picture on the girl's locker. His first reaction to seing his face was to threaten the girl to break up with him and to "hand him over". He eventually got through some therapy and deeply apologized to the girl years later.
@Shimmering-Stars 10 ай бұрын
The one story made me feel the need to comment this. I ended up telling a few people at school that I was aroace after rumors went around about me dating one or sometimes tons of my best guy friends. I am female and get along better with males. About 75% of my best friends are males or non-binary. I just don’t get along well with other girls. Anyway, after they grasped the concept of aro and ace, they made fun of it. Not me or the sexuality as a whole- they were actually quite supportive or just neutral- but more so the word. “Oh oh no she’s not dating him. She’s ArOooooo AAACeee.” I guess they just didn’t vibe with the word. But they actually didn’t really make fun of me. As a side story, one kid was jokingly taking a vote. Would you rather be a top or a bottom? When he got to me, I just said. “Uhm… uh… neither… I uh- just skip me, I don’t want to mess up your vote.” After a few seconds, he snapped his fingers. “Oh yeah, you’re asexual!! I forgot about that. Okay, so (amount) for top, (amount) for bottom, (amount) for both, and one for “no.” And like that made my month. They took my vote! It was quite heartwarming that no one really minds. Also, we were in sixth, currently seventh. Starting tomorrow. Kids our age normally eat that up as new ways to bully people. I suppose I just live in a half decent neighborhood. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
@SSuperfly832 6 ай бұрын
I like the "and one for 'No'" 😂
@matthewwoods6972 7 ай бұрын
I've been diagnosed clinically depressed since age 7. If you don't believe children can get depression. Try loving one parent completely and wanting to be exactly like them. The other parent is bipolar and well very introverted. Then the parent you love dies in a horrible accident. That purely based on foreshadowing you blame yourself for their death. I know for a fact age is irrelevant to depression. I still to this day feel the hurt just as much. I can take my mind off it but I always get sad around July. Since I was 4 years old. I'm 30 now.
@HonksandHisses247 Жыл бұрын
This was in middle school. We were talking about our families and she said her maternal grandfather was Russian. Went from liked to bullied by everyone in 5.49 seconds!
@vexywat14747 10 ай бұрын
best comeback i know, any form of 'I fucked you mother' can be countered with 'at least I'm not the only child who disappointed her' its a double edged sword but an effective one
@ScarletSerenade 8 ай бұрын
I feel so awful for the guys who have been sexually harassed in public because, yes, if it happens to a guy, it’s seen as “funny”. Which is just gross. My partner was at work and a woman sitting next to him at lunch ran her hand up his thigh and grinned at her. He legitimately didn’t know how to process it and was originally going to just let it go but then when he really started really thinking about it, he realized how uncomfortable it made him and was asking if he should report it. I was seeing red when he told me because: 1) As a woman and I work in HR. I know how to recognize s*xual harassment in the workplace. 2) Don’t touch my loved ones. I’m not possessive or jealous; I’d have the same response if anyone put their hands on a family member. I have 0 tolerance for it. He reported it to HR, the woman got a warning and steers clear of him at work now, and I am hoping she move onto another job before the next company gathering that includes partners/family because I plan on making her a socially uncomfortable as possible if she is present. Don’t put your hands on people, regardless of their gender. Like, we learned this the first day of kindergarten. This is not quantum physics.
@weareallbronies9031 Жыл бұрын
If I was the daughter in the second story, I would never speak to my parents again.
@astronautraddude1962 Жыл бұрын
This video contains a perfect example of how the patriarchy hurts men as well
@Jedimeister17 7 ай бұрын
There was this girl in school that had low self esteem, was quiet, not having much friends etc. One of the popular boys actually liked her and eventually asked her out and they dated for some time. This caused him to loose popularity. (He still was popular but not as popular as before) Also, the girl gained a bit of self esteem after that.
@insertname8812 9 ай бұрын
I have a story I believe fits for the "What messed up thing did your school do" (I was born in and still live in the UK, so sorry if it's confusing for anyone in the US) I'm a transgender man, I came out about half way through secondary school, think around 14-15 years old. I was the first openly transgender student they had, so they claimed they wanted to treat me fairly (which, to be fair, they did - they used the right pronouns, never misgendered me, updated my student ID card etc), but what bothered me was how they announced it to my year group. They held a YEAR GROUP WIDE assembly and, basically, said "Hey, you all know this student [Deadname]? Well, he's transgender, do not use [Deadname] or she/her pronouns, use [Real name] and he/him instead, if you don't you'll be punished." Now, they did let me skip out of this assembly and just wait in my next classroom for the next class to start, but as someone who had a lot of issues (which they were aware of) which included but is not limited to anxiety and PTSD, this put a HUGE social magnifying glass on me and made me an anxious wreck for the next two months. After that it calmed down, but I still hate that day. I have more stories but this comment is getting long.
@zombiegirlfanter 11 ай бұрын
A woman got into an argument with me one day and tried to insult me by saying " Go get a facelift". With no hesitation, I replied ", Go fix the one you got". Lmao. Everyone around me laughed their Asses off.
@Allantitan Жыл бұрын
Here’s an even happier end to that r story…those guys who were arrested most likely wished they had never even thought of r&&ing that girl within the week
@nileprimewastaken 11 ай бұрын
I had a popular girl who lost her popularity So basically I went to a small private school (75 kids per grade or so) for middle school, and everybody knew everybody in their grade, at least a little. There was this one popular girl, I'll call her Emily, who had half the kids in my grade wrapped around her finger. She was an asshole to anybody that wasn't part of that group, including me and my friends. She constantly would (verbally) bully us, including repeatedly telling the teachers to call my trans friend by their deadname (school did nothing about it, we are in a right-wing state anyway), and teasing us about anxiety, adhd, etc. Eventually, one of my friends got fed up with everything and told my whole friend group to basically do a mass report on her. We all went to the counselor after school at once and basically told her everything Emily had done. The next day, she got taken to the principal's office and missed 2 whole class periods there. Our "act of bravery" in reporting her helped other people come forth about their stories as well, so she went there multiple times again after that, though never as long. After that, she was mostly known as the kid who went to the principal's office. She moved away later that year. I don't know what happened to her.
@introspectiveseraphim6251 Жыл бұрын
My story doesnt consist of a girl (no popular girl ever really lost their popularity at my school) but i did have a hand in his downfall. He was "nice" to almost everyone, though he was particularly dickish to one of my friends which is why i started trying to avoid him. Distaste for his treatment of my friend became a personal grudge when he manipulated a girl i had literally just started dating into dumping me for him with some bullshit note about how "we have HiStOrY" and shit like that. Her mom had pulled her out of school after finding weed under her pillow, so i literally never saw her again. Fast forward and not only was he stringing along several girls, but he was also taking advantage of a troubled middle school girl i had turned down earlier that year (because she was a troubled middle schooler and i was a god damn senior). I was sitting in the auditorium waiting for the 9th-10th graders to finish their ACTs and a few of the girls he was stringing along were lamenting about him nearby. I saw the opportunity to inflict karmic justice for his sleazeball manipulative behavior, and spilled all the info about the manipulative note, the middle schooler and im pretty sure there were some other things I'm forgetting because it was a literal decade ago, but they were pissed. I learned later that year that he was dropping out, and I would've killed to bear witness to the result of this spilled tea.
@3frenchhens818 7 ай бұрын
About the lady who used all the same passwords: Every time someone signs into your account from a new source ID (right word?) the account holder gets an alert. Like, instantly. That's how she knew to protect those accounts.
@aboveaverageazzuen2684 11 ай бұрын
Story 7 I've been hit on by a lot of people. Especially for some reason creepy middle aged Indian men (as in subcontinent of India) as a Trans woman you eventually learn to pick your battles I once actually had a really creepy guy who said he was a doctor or something. Would not get the hint when I said "yeah I'm waiting for my (at the time) boyfriend, he's got our dog with us at the vet. Big dog, too" he would try to follow me and stuff. Well when you're family friends with a police chief and he knows you're being bullied, he taught me a bit about *pain compliance* as I walked over to my spot at the bar he tried to touch me. I managed to pin his arm behind his back and his face in the bar. I told him that if he touched me again I'll be pressing charges for s harassment. And he can explain why he felt that he could assault someone. I've never gone back to that bar. It's still there though
@charliedelfino2102 Жыл бұрын
50/50 dad: I get the frustration but I think it's telling that a nurse, who probably sees a lot of parents bringing their kids in, even thought it was uncommon
@Shepherdofire Жыл бұрын
I’m both not suprised but at the same time our right disgusted with how professionals and adults alike treats thoes with mental problems such as anxiety and depression. I myself have struggled with depression for many years now and have heard that favorite phrase “you just want attention it’s all in your head” from everyone. It hurt worse when it came from 2 different therapists. One I broke down in front of. So imagine you have this 16 year old boy sitting infront of u bawling his eyes out pleading for help and talking about how hopeless and alone he feels and how he just wants to end it all to end the pain he feels and the only words u can say as a “professional” (I use that term very very loosely) is “it’s all in ur head, I think u just want attention so let’s move on to more important matters.” I’ve never felt that much hurt before and because of that and one other therapist doing pretty much the same thing I refuse to go to therapy because I don’t trust them. It’s not just thoes two experiences that contributed to that it’s also the countless times of being ignored by my parents when I cry out for help, my friends ignoring me while I’m crying, and multiple times of being ignores or flat out hung up on when I’m on the phone with the s*icide prevention hotline. I’m suprised I’ve lived as long as I have but still battle with the depression to this day. Oh and also mental hospitals have gotten only SLIGHTLY better over the years. We aren’t as cruel but I’ve talked to SO many people in person about their experiences there and I don’t know about you all but being held down forcefully while having a needle put in me and drugged so I calm down does not sound like helping. It’s given people PTSD so bad that just the mention of them sends them into a rlly bad panic attack. Something needs to be fixed. Politicians and others talk about our “progression” when it comes to understanding mental health problems but I’ve come to realize it’s a load of horse pucky. We have not learned a single thing
@randomlife9584 11 ай бұрын
Hey dude, I hope you're doing better now keep going, you got this - A random person on the internet
@nauticalproductions4146 3 ай бұрын
I had a school counselor who once told me I was depressed and needed medication. I was in emotional distress because I was being bullied. I proceeded to switch to a counselor who would listen to me without saying "oh you're clearly this" or "You have this problem" Unless you're a paid phycologist or psychiatrist, you do not get to make those calls. Sometimes a student just needs someone who will sit and listen, and as a teenager, sometimes you can't get that from your parents. (I love my parents, and they're good people. But when I want to talk about my feelings, I don't want someone talking over me, asking questions and interrupting me when I'm trying to open up. It always made me feel small and unseen. I always preferred someone who'd listen and wait until I've spilled out everything I'm feeling.)
@Spongeboyking Жыл бұрын
That story about the room being hold down the restrained will bring back memories I remember when I went through that they didn’t help me. They were just hurting me that’s school really messed up the kids. I hope that guy got help proper help.
@Shadow_Microwaive Жыл бұрын
for people who want to talk about someone behind their backs. I advise talk to yourself out loud (with no one around) and go wiled
@kittysakuraba1656 8 ай бұрын
I felt story 8 to my core… I’ve had severe anxiety attacks so it’s difficult at times to hangout with family, she’s still popular in my book too.
@the_gaydemoninyourcloset Жыл бұрын
Once my 5th grade teacher said that I had no friends when I was sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ONE OF THE BEST FRIENDS I HAD IN THAT SCHOOL, that teacher also used to evacuate the class every time I got mad at him for saying rude things to me after my older step brother died, then before I left the school he acted like he cared about me
@rozyanimations4434 11 ай бұрын
There was one girl who was like, perfect, she wore make up had a boyfriend and even wore the best clothes, she also had a lot of friends, she (for some reason) befriended another popular girl, her friend ended up being very toxic and broke her, she ended up being mentally ill and introverted plot twist one: this was in 4th grade plot twist two: that girl was me.
@UltracrepiGhost Жыл бұрын
I dont know much about her but in middle school there was a girl that went by 'Lex' she was "popular" because she dated (literally) almost every male student in the school at some point, her final date decided to band together with her ex's and expose her for her b*tchiness and the things she put them through while dating, she was embarrassed and convinced her parents to take her to a different school.
@s.l.m6671 8 ай бұрын
I've never seen Ted Lasso but I feel like you could be any character you wanted to be because you are such a versatile personality ❤
@SABRMatt2010 Жыл бұрын
That cipher idea...that's genius! I'm dumb for having never thought of that...
@GymbalLock 6 ай бұрын
Stupid School thing: I've taught elementary school for several years. Students using the computer lab all had their own school-generated login and password. The password was first initial, followed by the first three letters of the student's last name. But one year, I had a student with the name of Sally Luther. I quickly showed the librarian to make an exception to the pattern, and her eyes got wide. (Sally Luther is not the kid's actual name, but results in the actual password). I'm glad I made a quick scan of the student names and password that morning.
@Totally_Descendants 4 ай бұрын
I also have a mental disability and I can’t even imagine not wanting to go to the sensory room at my day program. I’m so sorry for this person who had 5 grown ass adults pinning them down and forcing them into the sensory room and I genuinely hope they got help. It sounds like their parents tried to do everything they could.
@phs125 Жыл бұрын
Story 6. I'm 28 , and somehow it still happened to me... I found a girl interesting at work, and casually mentioned it to one of my friends, not knowing her name... But he took it as if i have a crush on her, Started teasing me about it, And at one point, he went and spread the rumour over at her department, now all of her coworkers think I have a crush on her, and they tease her in my name. She obviously never talked to me past couple sentences, and has no interest in me. Whenever she passes by me. She avoids eye contact. I don't know what she heard. But that definitely made it repulsive... And even after many months, i have absolutely no feelings towards her. I just feel awkward around her because she thinks I have a crush on her...
@krissybaglin9206 Жыл бұрын
Not hacking RELATED. I keep those stories to myself. More oversight in security systems at my school. Schoolboard insisted on a new security system that was CLIENT side, NOT server side. The technicians pointed out the super outdated computers would have issues booting up and loading the software and the administration ignored their protests. It took 30 MINUTES for most every PC in the school to LOG IN. The first half of classes was shot, and IT teachers had to rely on HAND OUTS to continue teaching until the administration realised what they did and backtracked. They had an account for exam officials. name: exam, password: exam. They had to have them BYPASS all blocks and had access to the ENTIRE NETWORK. Again, not the technicians faults. Admin wouldn't budge on it and they did their best to only enable to accounts during exam weeks. This culminated in a conspiracy. We had to do a 10 hour exam, four 2 and a half our blocks in two days, for photography. Essentially we had to upload our photos before hand, do any photoshop stuff we could just pad it out and document the process. It took 4 hours at most. We hatched a plan. Use the portal on the school computers to access the files at home. But from the schools PCs. Which were logged in to a private system. We created a burner folder, disguised as an old art project from a few years earlier. This will be PURGED at the end of the school year for space. Logged in as EXAM we set up a 'corrupt' PNG file and would open it as a .txt to message each other. They'd have to open a photo of a PNG the exam accounts activities were set up to BYPASS the loggers so unless the tech's were looking directly at the servers console they weren't gonna spot 'exam has opened .png' 'exam has saved .png' nor care about it anyway. amid the rest of the activity going on. It kept us sane as we struggled to care sitting there for 5 plus hours dawdling on the 2 things we were allowed to do. We also put some flash games in the folders disguised as .psd's in the same folder. It worked and they knew we couldn't access the internet (the schools website was hosted on the schools servers so it was an internal HTML page we could access though the LAN. Really simple stuff but that's what happens when you lock computer scientists in a room for 10 hours with nothing to do but toy with the LAN. We also had an exam called the ECDL which was this piece of piss test we could do. The computer scientists all signed up for it and raced each other to do it in as quick as possible. I did one of them in 3 minutes with a 98%. It was meant to take an hour XD It was mostly about just about word and exel literacy. Inserting a formula, changing the colour of a box XD Easiest GCSE grade
@Rebelartist83 Жыл бұрын
I remember my highschool principal once called me a smartass and I told them if my ass is so smart then why does it follow me he's like where did you learn that one I go my mom he tried to hold back laughter and goes I might've known..
@josephgrube 7 ай бұрын
I was actually a pretty popular kid in school. I wasn’t a dick with my power and I had to keep the other popular students in line, but it was nice
@caitlink2584 Жыл бұрын
When me and one of my friends were in 7th grade and one was in 6th, we were on the bus doing the Startrek thing 🖖(not sure how it started). Being middle schoolers, some kid in the back of the bus yelled "they're doing gang signs!" My response? "You're just jealous because you can't make your hand do this."
@lauragarza7585 Жыл бұрын
Hey Mr. Facts, I just wanted to point out that in the last few videos you’ve posted this week when it says skip to the timestamp on the screen there isn’t a timestamp😅
@TeriyakiSauceAndNoodles 4 ай бұрын
ok so there was this popular girl and she fell off because of the people she talked to. they were very weird people, but they are like her lifelong friends. now people call her names like "fat wasian" because she's kinda fat and she is white and looks asian. but i also think that she won in this situation because she found lifelong friends. i don't know if she won in this situation or not because if your popular, you have a lot of friends, and some best friends. maybe even for life. but your popularity is obviously gonna fall off in high school. you can earn it back but like, still. BUT THE MAIN QUESTION IS, *better to be popular, or hang out with weird people that are lifelong, real friends?*
@TerrariumDiscoveryGamingMore Ай бұрын
Second one
@oreolover9321 Жыл бұрын
Lol schools nurse always sucks!!give you saltines crackers and a bottle of water 😂
@matthewwoods6972 7 ай бұрын
Not a come back but my sophomore year of highschool. I hated home work so I went honors math to regular. So I literally slept through it every day. But I had the highest grade in my class. One day another student was in trouble for not paying attention. He looks at me and says but he gets to sleep. Before I could defend myself the teacher just snaps back. Well he actually gets A's on his test. It didn't help the only time I'd wake up in math was to answer the question that the rest of the class couldn't solve. I've always been pretty good at math.
@pogo-jh5fu Жыл бұрын
Remember when things used to be considered romantic and now it's creepy? No wonder we're all single.
@Sirdigglywumps Жыл бұрын
I love these videos so much and it helps me so much witn studying epic videos !❤
@AverageFallout 8 ай бұрын
this reminds me of this one time in seventh grade. this guy cut in line and I hated this with him denying it. I learnt his name was ash and I siad "Ash? that reminds me of your grandmother!" best comeback I ever had.
@davidb4090 Жыл бұрын
Popular girls rise and fall like the empires of old…. And usually for the same reasons 😂😂
@Totally_Descendants 4 ай бұрын
My school didn’t really have ‘popular’ and ‘unpopular’ as much as the people in these stories did. We had kids that who’s names were known throughout the entire school and we had kids who were mean, but they never really collided into each other’s groups. Yes, the mean kids had friends in their classes, but they weren’t so infamous that the entire school knew their name.
@sketchers989 Жыл бұрын
Good to see that your feeling better Mainly Facts Guy. 👍
@a.random.channel966 Жыл бұрын
I love these videos so much
@bowman4454 11 ай бұрын
That fact that she couldn't get help because everyone thought she had sex on purpose is insane yes I do believe that there should be penalty for the person commiting rape but also there should be the same penalty for some one accusing Some one of rape even tho I didn't happen 10 years for that 10 years for accusing for false rape
@slabofofgrain.9836 10 ай бұрын
44:20 oh man I had a teachers aid who told me my writing disorder and school given accommodations due to severe adhd weren’t excuses for writing poorly while taking notes and leaving for testing. She was crazy.
@writingisfun9842 Жыл бұрын
This is perfect. The voice at the beginning would've been nice for the entire video. It makes sewing even more fun.
@weirdbutloved 11 ай бұрын
I had a friend who kept trying make a bic work after it was clearly out of gas. He asked why he didnt just get rid of it. I commeneted somtheing along the lines of its because you have an inate abilty to hold onto something you know won't work but keep holding onto the hope that one day it will again. Also, i had a friend who kept getting dumped by her girlfriend. She asked why this girl kept popping back up in her life. I said something along the lines of its because she has the subconscious ability to know when she is moving on so she has to pull her back to prove that she still has control over her. The pattern will not stop until she finally realizes that she is too good for that woman and move on. Both of them looked at me slack jawed. The guy threw his lighter overboard and the woman is now happily married to someone else with two kids.
@ruthsmithwade7955 10 ай бұрын
I also applaud the Op in #2. Good on you.
@erawebt Жыл бұрын
10:23 i get made fun of for being aroace, its really annoying
@66DoodleGal Жыл бұрын
What???? How the hell do you even poke fun at that? People I swear. Also AroAce
@I-am-the-Germinator 11 ай бұрын
I feel you when I’m in school and I have an anxiety attack. I am really asked to go to the restroom and this in the stall for the rest of the period or go to one of the teachers or counselors come up, about to have an anxiety attack or am going to have an anxiety attack, but when I do it is embarrassing and I feel you so much
@kaleighconard6459 Жыл бұрын
Hope youre having a lovely day!
@forestprophet Жыл бұрын
You too!
@melontheneoocto Жыл бұрын
Thank you mainly fact for the compliation
@Bubzomga 7 ай бұрын
Bro mainly fact is such a CHAD🗿
@DragonbornMike-ym2er Жыл бұрын
20:00 I think the posters wording may have been off with the "shes mine" stuff, but to be fair, when people talk about their relationships, people will usually say "that's my boyfriend/girlfriend". And just because some people are ok with intimate details being shared doesnt mean you should just assume your partner is. When in doubt, keep it private, and ask them later when you get the chance. That stuff can be pretty intimate, and breaking that trust can absolutely cause you to get completely shut out if you break the wrong person's trust. Some people will just not care, some will say ok dont do that again, or some people might just not be comfortable being intimate with the person again because now its both of them plus their friends.
@toffiet3347 7 ай бұрын
It's not the she's mine stuff that weird people out it's the that's my body. She's mine and that's my body are different things.
@Flameshot8 Жыл бұрын
An hour!! HELL YEAH!!!
@Boxygirl96 8 ай бұрын
0:25 timestamp for anyone who doesn’t want a pre-roll ad as their first experience with this creator I know it might not be the best opinion, but if every video on this channel starts with this random pre-roll self-promotion each and every time then I don’t know if I really wanna hear that as I’m flipping through videos back to back trying to find what sticks. I don’t know, I’ve just seen most creators I’ve interacted with usually save such talks until after they’ve gotten a firm bite on a viewer’s attention. Like how a tv show will often have an initial scene before the title drop happens. It’s just hard to decide whether it’s worth it to subscribe or not if that’s the first thing they stop to ask you before they even show you the slightest drop of what you’d be subscribing for
@skyelindsey687 Жыл бұрын
In my area there was an entire school district that is now taken over by the TEA. One school was racist to my siblings simply because they were the only white kids in that school. My oldest sister there got attacked by another student while on the bus and sis got suspended from school and the bus without ever telling her side of the situation. My other sister attending there got chased around the court yard and one time had to defend herself from a boy that wouldn’t leave her alone and staff did nothing. Another school, this one mine and my brother’s, wouldn’t help us by following our ieps. Mother literally had to threaten lawsuit and went ahead and pulled my brother out before they followed my IEP. Brother is autistic and mother would have to fight him to get him to school only for them to shove him in a room because no one wanted to deal with him. A high school had a major rivalry with another HS and they thought it would be a good idea to put the rival school into the first so that rival could undergo much needed renovations. The amount of fights that broke out… A middle school I went to had a racist black teacher that hated people of a lighter skin to her. She literally asked this one Mexican boy if she needed to check with border patrol to make sure his green card was valid. He was born and raised here in the US and nothing happened to the teacher. And that’s not even taking into account all the teachers that had relations with students, students that did drugs, the obscene number of teenage pregnancies, and students being found with various weapons.
@caitlinmorris5064 Жыл бұрын
"I'm not going to hide her name, Ms Waugh." Well that's fair, there's probably tons of Ms Waughs, so we may not find the one who was mean
@pocahontas_pua4037 8 ай бұрын
32:05 he'd be Jamie tartt, you'd be ted, or maybe higgins
@Kate_Hanami 8 ай бұрын
that story around 37 minute mark about the kid being put in white room and up the medications that's something I'm still struggling with to this very day, everyone telling me what I'm thinking and feeling, not guessing, telling, if I ask for more food, they said I already eat, I know I already ate, that's why I asked for more food, they say I'm not hungry, how can they know that? are they inside my stomach to see? that caused me and my father to go down in blows and wrestling literally last night and that's only one of the most petty things, other more serious things like they putting me into a mental hospice for 6 months for smack talk them after they ruined my vacation I was planning and saving for a year, going on and on about some bs they made up to a psychiatrist without letting me get a single word in, and everything they said was complete bolone, they said I was walking around the house speaking to no one, not even looking I was in the phone, they said I was staying up for 5 days straight without sleeping, when I offhandly mentioned I saw someone stay up for 2 days playing video games to get into the guineas book of records and I jokingly said I bet I can stay up to 5 and the worse offender, I was always getting a new psychiatrist every year or every few months, and I finally found out why, the last one, I said all about the petty fights he starts about food, and not let him walk over me, and I just then realize I was never the one who get aggressive, hell, was not even the one that started, I only didn't let him verbally assault me, and then he started physically assaulting me instead and I've simply defended myself the psychiatrist said that was nothing they could do for me as I was not in any immediate danger to myself or anyone and the issue is not something they can resolve with medication later that day, my father was telling the new psychiatrist given up on me as well and I was delusional and they couldn't find any meds to help my brain when into flashback mode, that kind you get near the end of the movie / game where the protagonist realize all the small clues that was all over the journey they were saying that many psychiatrists were giving up on my case and in reality, I was simply normal enough to need a bit of calm and peace and not medication, but they only heard the medics will not give me meds anymore so they just would try to find another one that would, only to them also realize I didn't needed meds and the cycle repeated not only my own two parents thought I was a crazy psycho that needed to be drugged, but somehow they are the looney couple that won't accept that not letting them mentally and physically assault me as enough to not need any meds
@PeteTheFrenchie 8 ай бұрын
For story 3, the people who ignored the girl deserve a visit from Art the Clown
@Pindie12321 18 күн бұрын
50:00 funny story I’m actually the reason they have tacos as a lunch option instead of just plain baked potatoes at my local primary school BUT NO ONE BELIEVES ME EVER AND I DONT KNOW WHY
@straystraymchey 29 күн бұрын
at 36:31 to 39:50, is literally just me... and I hate how most of it is true, I was in a "fight" (it was a shove play fight type thing) and I got thrown into a literal white room, it was quiet, and it made me genuinely sad. i was always in there... it had thick walls, and i could barely hear anything, witch would make me more sad (i have to hear something or else i would freak out) and i would have to deal with the quietness or else i would stay there more.
@timeisahorse114 2 ай бұрын
I'm VERY late to this, but here's a comeback line story of mine, for whoever decides to read the 261st comment of this video. I'm in high school. I was sick for like a week last month, but my brother texted me saying "[N] just said that when god was making you, he checked "select all" under allergies." Coming from almost anyone else, this would have been pretty funny, but my seasonal allergies were making my sickness symptoms ten times worse at the time, and [N] was a guy in my grade who I had a bad history with and is generally a d-wad to me. I texted my brother back, "Tell [N] that I didn't have an allergic reaction to his dad's nuts when they were in my mouth last night."
@fritzdecat 6 ай бұрын
You'd be Coach Beard.
@user-kr2mp9yq3o 9 ай бұрын
What is an elementary school? Do you grab me by the arms and throw me a room effectiveness?
@euniceacquah1969 Жыл бұрын
3:55 agree
@elileininger9993 2 ай бұрын
"your mom is the definition of fat." A fat kid said to my brother in 6 th grade. "And your dad is the definition of dead" my brother responded. His dad overdosed several years ago
@mysteriousshadow3898 Жыл бұрын
I didn't become popular but I did get respected by people at school by just being nice
@user-wc3pd5pn6w 8 ай бұрын
I had a reverse loss of popularity when I dislocated this bully's shoulder who was being a prick
@juiceboxheroesjuiceboxhero2295 Жыл бұрын
i think i have heard the first story about why someone doesnt need to wear a mask darning the out break that i agree upon like her story gave me anxiety
@subject14 Жыл бұрын
i feel people who went like that in the story at 7.53 since i went though that to my best friend tried to spread rumours since she thought i said something super bad i cant say because of how bad it was but it was a toxic friend who said it and i got in trouble for her toxic friend but the principle said that i was innocent and i am now on good terms with my friend
@Anuclear_bomb Жыл бұрын
I was that one kid that everyone knew who i was but didn't have many friends
@lakesideminers1339 Жыл бұрын
I think for story 5 OP was using the wrong choice of words trying to talk about "my partner" vs "your partner" Dosn't excuse the go lesbian part tho
@dustyrose192 Жыл бұрын
for girls we talk about who we've been with so we can discuss if certain behaviour are abusive or not. At least thats how i saw it when my college friends talked about boys they were with. I admit, it is also being nosy
@DragonbornMike-ym2er Жыл бұрын
​@@dustyrose192I think that's a good type of conversation to have with friends, but it sounds like the girlfriend in that story was talking about stuff that wouldn't really apply for that reasoning. Aside from someone's partner being too pushy about certain kinks or stuff like that. It's not really gonna be relevant.
@juiceboxheroesjuiceboxhero2295 Жыл бұрын
one of the most messed up things my high school did my 12 th year was the princabel took down all the momorals of students that passed away from any cause like 3 softballers who died to a dui and a base ball player who died in a roll over from poor road conditions to the self exit students. her excuse was we dont honor the people who chose self evacuation at this school. later started taking senior class projects away she was a b-itchhh im glad she let after our class, not to lie we were horrable to her like more then one time i saw students put spiders in her hair bun when she was talking to someone or was distracted
@BerzerkerD.Savage468 Жыл бұрын
i have a way to track a hacker hacking me even with their back doors and proxy, i only did it cause someone literally drained my account once n cops wanted to help catch em using my accout n learned how they find em... cops are mostly chill here.
@AkumaShadowz 5 ай бұрын
We're filipinos, we like to have fun 🎉 it's a shame the others wouldn't join in
@craxicity6559 Жыл бұрын
Cool Vid! You forgot to put the timestamp tho
@hazyaspect 8 ай бұрын
"My boyfriend - a tuba..." :)
@KanalOhneInhalt 6 ай бұрын
Now you have to grill your hat, Bernd. I´m serious, Bernd. Bernd, a trolling is quoted here, Bernd. 🖤❤💛
@TomasM30 Жыл бұрын
How you gonna be almost a highschooler and bully an elementary schooler, that's just sad
@Squid00dily 11 ай бұрын
Came for the stories, stayed for the voice
@thebamboozler8418 Жыл бұрын
In 9th grand i had this really bad math teacher, every thing she said made perfect sense and was easy enough to understand but she had the worst personality of a teacher i think ive ever seen and ive had my fair share of not so good teachers, the worst thing i think she did dose is she will NEVER let you leave class for the restroom or nurses office, one of my friends had some bad coffee at lunch and was having trouble even looking straight so she had asked to go to the nurse's office 5 time's before just getting up and walking out and thats not the worst think ether, there is this one girl who i know because she's the bf of one of my friends buddy and one day her period had started in class and had asked the teacher to use the restroom so she could deal with it and get this the female teacher in all her wisdom told her to HOLD IT IN... and not quietly i hear it from the other side of the class well working on a project but she kept the class so quiet it was impossible to not hear anyone so much as dropping a crumb it was absolutely outrageous and i will forever hate her on a personal level.
@StarlightNkyra 6 ай бұрын
Instead of making rumors, just talk to the person. It depends on the rumor, but most of the time, you'll get a truthful answer, as most of the stuff people make rumors about is something the person would have no reason to lie about. For anybody (except people who want attention), rumors are uncomfortable for them. It leaves the truth into the hands of other people, making inferences and assumptions, especially when people decide to believe the rumors over the person. (If it does get to that point, AT LEAST make it something funny or actually interesting so the person gets a kick out of it. The millionth romance rumor gets boring AF.)
@Banndit_Nation Жыл бұрын
So i have 3 of these stories all are loss of popularity ones The frist one is the end of the year school trip to the water park. The popular girl who lost her popularity decided itd be funny to push me into the deep end (even though every one around knew i had some sort of issue with the water including her), she was backed by the few bullies i had but all the other girls and few popular guys that were my freinds turned thier backs on her and never talked to her again. The second was the girl slut shamed another girl and then ended up getting pregnant in 8th, 9th, twice in 11th, and 12th. None of the fathers were the same guy and her frist 2 were with guys old enough to be her dad. The thrid wasnt a girl but 2 twin brothers who would bully me constantly and call me gay and shit like that well i had enough and said "you guys shure do like that gay word a lot are you just mad that your gay for each other" they turned bright red and didn't say anything but the looks on their faces made everyin the room stop and relize that me being mad and givia wity remark was half correct. Never got called gay in school again lol. BTW I WAS NOT a popular kid but most of the popular kids and girls respected me for my kind nature. I was mostjust the self isolated kid who stuck to my small group of friends.
@dannychamberlain6244 Ай бұрын
It was with a guy that I saw. So my best friend, let’s call him M, had to break up with his gf, let’s call her A, and she started dating this other popular guy, who I will call C. So what happened was that C was quite abusive to A, constantly insulting her and smacking her. Well M eventually saw this happening during school and decided to take matters into his own hands. Now M is quite shy and very skinny, while C is large and ripped as hell. M ended up knocking C’s teeth out and giving him a black eye and bloody nose and in general kicked his ass. Quite a few people saw this happen and word spread around. A broke up with C due to his temper and got back with M
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