It's sad that while BBC Three returned, it's a husk of it's former self. Most good programs that would be on late aren't shown anymore just replaced with random stuff I would have recommended Bravo as a channel to cover aswell. They had a segment also confirming their shutdown which i remember fondly. Great channel
@michaelfortheloss292 Жыл бұрын
Least Bright Ideas actually INFORMED us that Dave would replace it unlike a certain other channel **glares at UK G2**
@davidprice55632 жыл бұрын
(BBC Three): I'm sure BBC Three used to be much better back in the noughties (which I think it was) - then it gets taken off the air only to be brought back (huh???) .....having a look at the line up I'm like "I'll pass....." as of at present >"Time to play GTA V"
@ThisIsTEC Жыл бұрын
I think the ITV News Channel should come back in November 2025 as “ITV News +24”.
There are so many uk channels that ended
@ArianesDrawingPH2 жыл бұрын
As an Asian, this YT channel is so underated.
@checkedwelland2 жыл бұрын
ITVNews: I wanna return because itv got renamed to ITV1...
@L1RW2 жыл бұрын
Great video. However, you should have spoken more about ONN/ITV Digital and why that caused so many channels to close on DTT. However, Sky was the superior service (even though it was marketed for the lower class) from what I have read. Moving towards the last decade or so, lots of channels have closed/re-branded. In my opinion, it is only a matter of years before the "digital" channels disappear completely. We will be left with the main PSB's and a few "extra" channels.
@titanictotired2 жыл бұрын
I have an entire video on ITV Digital if you would like to see that