How Each Color Expresses Love

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@RegisVasa Жыл бұрын
White: I would die for her. Black: I would kill for her. Orzhov: Either way, what bliss.
@The_Loreseeker 2 жыл бұрын
Baby don't hurt me!
@gamewatch6861 2 жыл бұрын
Don’t hurt me.
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
No more
@rath60 2 жыл бұрын
@@DiceTry Yeah yeah
@J3Puffin 2 жыл бұрын
O-U-o-u-o-o-o-o-oh, o-u-o-o-oh, ohhh-ohhh
@aaronbennett3966 2 жыл бұрын
What is Love?!
@Will_Morand 2 жыл бұрын
This could be an interesting series: “Emotions of the Color Pie” or “The Emothions of Color”, where you look at how each color expresses different emotions like hatred, joy, regret, etc.
@andresarancio6696 2 жыл бұрын
This hit me at a particularly interesting time, as my partner and I have been discussing pretty thoroughly the idea of love as a concept. And I kind of realize now, we are in a pretty strong Black, Blue, White sort of relationship. "The condition where your own happiness is dependent on another's" indeed.
@EuropeanQoheleth 2 ай бұрын
cringe username
@Apollo_XII_ 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely Izzet. Mark Rosewater himself once said that to understand the middle ground between two enemy colors, you sometimes must use the goals of one and the methods of another. The Izzet League on Ravnica has the Blue goal of pursuing science, technology and engineering. But they do so in a Red way, by letting the zeal of scientific passion direct their interests, pushing the boundaries on experiments with safety taking backseat to results, and enjoying the loud and bright spectacle of inventions gone right (and wrong). I can't imagine a world where the Izzet express love any other way. It's a cerebral fanaticism. The Blue in me wants to have enough in common to make meaningful connections, but enough different so there's novelty and a chance to make myself and my partner better and more learned people. The Red pushes those desires over the edge, making it so easy to express how my thoughts and my feelings are one and the same, despite them so often being sold as opposites. It's a burning need to throw one's caution to the wind, and start the fireworks of romantic passion and enlightening intellect because true, meaningful, fulfilling love is an opportunity that must be seized when the moment strikes, else the flame will dwindle and all you're left with are ashes. For the Izzet and myself, that fleeting moment is a partner who is as willing to perfect me as I am to perfect them.
@DuskSunDawn 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, it's a way of solving it. I prefer to find an aspect of each one that can be similar to each other, that can be synonymous. I'm usually able to do it, but I think the Red-Blue combination is the most difficult combination, therefore, I'm content with finding a compatible aspect of each one. Red's Chaos + Blue's Manipulation = to plan the creation of chaos. Red's Chaos + Blue's Passivity = to allow the chaos. Red's Humor + Blue's Mind/Thought = intelligent humor. Red's Humor + Blue's Artifice. Red's Humor + Blue's Artifacts. Red's Humor + Construction/Technology.
@NinjaTerd473 Жыл бұрын
This...this is my new favorite video of yours. It helps me understand myself better. All of your Color Pie Philosophy videos do.
@ohwowitsthatguy9154 2 жыл бұрын
“I would have killed the galaxy to preserve you. I would have let the galaxy die. You are more rare than you know, and what you have taught yourself must not be allowed to die… And it is for that that I love you.” -Kreia, demonstrating Black/Blue love in Knights of The Old Republic 2.
@Tomrash 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like, at least for me, you hit the nail on the head with this one. Me and my partner are both Temur and our love is exactly what I would gather from this video, both in the aspects it has and has not: It is romantic, hot and spontanious / red. It is those long, deep conversations at night / blue. And it feels like it just has to be / green. (just do not tell her, I always say I do not believe in destiny because I believe in self-determination) There is neither jealousy nor high expectations for one another / black. There is no giving up ourselfs or making sacrifices to improve the live of the other / white. Also in a lot of ways, our relationship is like that Bruce Lee quote you had in the Temur video. We are like water, adjusting to whatever live throws at us and either going with the flow or crashing into live head-on.
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
That's very cool to hear. I do think your right in finding the combination that fits you when it comes to love because like all thing we are complex. I am interested to hear what colors resonate with other viewers.
@monkeytime3169 2 жыл бұрын
I'm Temur too! But my partner is more Jeskai, so we show our love in different ways. Her addition of white means that she's more likely to keep me from making dumb mistakes and she is the most loyal person I've ever met. My addition of green means that I'm more likely to be patient when it feels like the world is being hard on us and I see everything as an opportunity to remind her how much she is loved
@LordJudgement1818 2 жыл бұрын
That Monroe quote always upsets me. I feel it's an excuse to be a shotty partner to your love or loves. As a polyamours man myself I may see love differently then most others but I think many of us can agree when you make love a commodity like that quote from Monroe you lose what love is about. At least that's how I feel.
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
I think that's valid while at the same time I think it could be interpreted as this. I am not perfect and my emotions get the best of me and if you can't be there for me during my lows then I don't need you around when I'm doing well. I think recent it has just been used in the way you mentioned
@LordJudgement1818 2 жыл бұрын
@@DiceTry Monroe was being real an honest. What people have done with the quote is what I'm against. The people that say that now a days don't put the first part they say the last part because it deflects from there behavior/s an puts it on the partner to accept there cruddy behavior. Monroe was taking ownership of her fault in that quote most people who say it now simply are not.
@kitnal4143 2 жыл бұрын
To me it isn't saying "I'm going to be awful to you and I won't change" but it is more "I am human, and if you are with me you won't be getting anything more than that. I am not the angel you see in the Movies so I will have failings".
@anthonyi8484 2 жыл бұрын
I personally disagree with the way you live
@LordJudgement1818 2 жыл бұрын
@@anthonyi8484 as is your choice. live your life and i will live mine.
@Powershade117 2 жыл бұрын
Great thought experiment into the color pie. I was wondering how you were going to approach this, but when you brought up the fact that MTG usually expresses the colors through conflict, I just had a feeling I was in for something special...and you didn't disappoint! I loved (see what I did there) your explanations of blue and black, as I wasn't sure how you were going to explore them. But when you really think about it, if white is about giving yourself to the one you love, black is about taking the one you love for yourself. The phrase "there are plenty of other fish in the sea" just does not appeal to black. Their might be lots of fish, but they want that ONE fish...that special their lives. Now this can of course lead to obsession and a toxic love, but that's the risk we take when we decide to love someone who is centered in black. And yet one could not ask for a more dedicated guardian. Like you said; black would kill for those that it loves
@ATG3192 2 жыл бұрын
As a White/Blue/Green individual, I'd say a lot of what you said hits very true. White - In all my relationships, both platonic and romantic, I am one who is always willing to give of myself to a relationship. In fact, in previous relationships it got to the point where I would give so much of myself that it would leave me mentally and emotionally drained afterwards, making me highly irritable around others. Blue - What I'm looking for in life isn't a lover, but a partner, someone that I can feel understands me, what makes me tick, and who I in turn can understand, and maybe instead of displaying grand gestures of romance or love, all I'd need was one's presence, understanding, and ultimately their acceptance. Green - While there are multiple fish in the sea, I am strongly of the opinion that everyone has a soul mate, an individual that they are spiritually bound to, be it in life or beyond.
@flameofmage1099 2 жыл бұрын
I'm also Bant person and this hit me as well. I always have a logical view on things and this exactly how I view relationships. I also believe in soulmates and that you should devote yourself to one person.
@JamesSamson487 2 жыл бұрын
All aboard the Bant train!
@rinmathews9337 2 жыл бұрын
How each color expresses love: White: Gift giving. Blue: Ranting for hours about the lore of your current hyperfixation. Black: Loving someone unconditionally as if you two were the same person and sharing each other’s stuff without needing to ask permission. Red: Physical displays of affection. Green: Going everywhere together and doing everything together.
@iana3892 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with your takes on just about all the colors, well done. If I can add a little further from the colors of my personality (Grixis). Blue: When you speak, I will be silent, your words are music, awe, and truth. Through you, I am improved, I have advanced, I am becoming the best me. The more I know about you, the better I can love you. Black: No one dare even daydream of harming you as long as I breathe, and if they do, may God show them mercy, for I won’t. In loving myself, I have come to love you. You are mine. Red: You make me feel more than alive, you make me feel invincible. I’d do anything for you. I want you.
@loneoutsider8004 Жыл бұрын
You're not only Grixis in here and I very much agree with you.
@ValirianDefiance Жыл бұрын
hope you don't mind me steeling your idea for my Sultai personality.
@iana3892 Жыл бұрын
@@ValirianDefiance You got my approval my guy, glad at least one of them was good enough for you to want to quote it 👍🏽
@Lobomaru02 2 жыл бұрын
My color alignment for love is largely Grixis. I am passionate in my care for my loved ones (Red.) I always strive for them to be the best version of themselves (Blue). And there is _nothing_ I will not do to protect them. (Black)
@benjamintay9619 Жыл бұрын
Same, comrade. Despite my heavy lean into my black alignment, I strive for my loved ones to be the best & am always passionate in my care for them.
@walterhaider869 2 жыл бұрын
So black love is the father and mother from the Adams family? Fitting.
@shadown5757 Жыл бұрын
Very philosophical view regarding how love is present on the MTG color pie. Like a wiseman once said: Enlightenment cannot only be found on a temple but in any activity that one do or is exposed to, it all depends on how ready you are as a being to be enlightened 🙏
@darkmohammad1 2 жыл бұрын
Just discovered this channel. Subbed and obsessed. Thank you for what you do!
@infinitedaryl2267 Жыл бұрын
This is beautiful! The colours of MTG mana are a great way to discuss these topics through an interesting lens. Yes we are all more complicated but it is certainly a good starting point to look at oneself and others. I definitely love like a red aligned person. It is very much the colour of bi-polar and ADHD. Long-term commitment which stifles personal freedoms is not for me. Lovers over relationships. Connections but not at the cost of cutting me off from other connections. I can imagine Chandra being a lot like this if they developed her character a bit more.
@evilmonkey2184 2 жыл бұрын
This was actually really well articulated and thought out, I'm really impressed with it
@EldenCrow007 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks DiceTry love these type of videos man keep exploring us!
@pandoratheclay Жыл бұрын
Black/Red/Green seems very much how I would describe my style of love The entire world could be burned to a crisp so long as I am with my soulmate
@Scipi0Africanus 2 жыл бұрын
This was really good. Also a little tear-jerky. Thank you.
@CitanulsPumpkin 2 жыл бұрын
For a great examples of black mana love look to Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Rick Sanchez from Rick & Morty. Love derived from black mana is toxic. You don't necessarily want these people to love you.
@carlosalbuquerque22 2 жыл бұрын
True, but it doesn't need to be. Vraska is a good example, as someone who understands Jace, is devoted to him and is his equal in every way. Well, at least if you ignore War of the Spark, but everyone does.
@overfailed3639 2 жыл бұрын
I feel obligated to say "Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more".
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
Must be done
@alexs5814 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. This was very in-depth and such a thrilling journey. I saw many things that felt familliar from my own ruminations but there also were ideas that i might not have had on my own. great work.
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
So what's your color(s) of love?
@LordJudgement1818 2 жыл бұрын
All of them. I'm the taysir of love!
@fotherphrogg 2 жыл бұрын
@vandurn21 2 жыл бұрын
The colors of my love are primarily blue with black and white as secondary colors!
@vikingdazed7366 2 жыл бұрын
@kazhgwenn8799 2 жыл бұрын
Sultai, feeling alone right now xD
@serenarussell6031 2 жыл бұрын
While I haven't had much experience with a relationship myself, I recognized my own traits in the three colors I am, Blue, Black, and Red. As primarily Blue, what I most want is someone who understands me, a symmetrical foil to my own desires and someone who brings me to my best. I want to have those long conversations about whatever is on our minds, and enrich our understanding through that. Red comes in as the passionate side of things, and the intense emotions of love, which I have in abundance, though I may not always express them perfectly. And my Black side comes in in the deep empathic connection with each other, that we would be one and the same, caring about them as I do myself. We would push each other to be better and take what we need from each other, to be unified in our desires and our goals. A Grixis romance, to me, is the burning ascent of two people who keep each other rising to better things, always, binary suns tied together with passion and goals and understanding, protective and unwilling to let anything stand in their way, supportive of the other always. But that could just be the romantic in me getting carried away :p
@TheEdog00 2 жыл бұрын
i completely agree, i view myself as grixis, and am learning more about how i love each day as time goes on, I'm also polyamorous so i might bring a unique perspective to this. I strive to improve my relationship, on both ends, for us to understand each other, those little quirks and habits, to embrace them, to love them. I strive to understand our relationship so that i can see every aspect of it to immerse myself in every aspect of it and let these people see parts of me noone else gets to see. I don't particularly care if my partners know each other, they are my relationships, and what i get out of those relationships is very important to me, and it's important that the people I'm with can communicate with me well, and i can communicate with them well, figuring out how each individual relationship can be the best for us it can be. And to those close to me, saying i would kill for them might not be too far off.
@serenarussell6031 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheEdog00 Absolutely, that figuring out of the most a relationship can do for me is essential. Also nice to see another poly person just casually around, haha. I wonder if that's a Grixis thing too?
@BrotherVoidBomber 2 жыл бұрын
Blue black white. While I'm single now due to me focused more on myself and staying stable I love those deep conversations late at night and despite being friendly to everyone there's few I can say I would kill for. But those few I would gladly help no matter the cost. Even if it meant nothing in return.
@CitanulsPumpkin 2 жыл бұрын
The main problem I had with Theros Beyond Death was that they introduced a "god of fate" who escaped from the underworld with many other dead things to kick off a pseudo zombie apocalypse, and they made her green/red. Green/red is not the color of fate and prophecy. It's not the color combo you use to symbolize an adaptation of the three fates sharing their one eye in their cave as they spin, measure, and cut the threads that dictate the lives of all mortals. Green/Red is the color combo you use to adapt a story about Aphrodite throwing open the gates of the underworld to reunite lovers torn apart by the fued between Heliod and Erebos. This especially rings true if you look at other ancient pantheons and find all the myths where the goddess of love literally threatens to open the gates of hell and start a zombie apocalypse if the other gods don't do what she wants. Of all the characters in Greco-Roman myth left out in the first Theros block, Aphrodite is the one most deserving of an adaptation in Return to Theros.
@carlosalbuquerque22 2 жыл бұрын
They did say there could be a room for a Green/Red love god, but Green/Red is associated with fate. Its their common link against blue, that your emotions and destinity dictate who you are and not yourself. Fate is integral to Green's conflict with Black, the latter believing in true free will. So Klothys is a good representation of that, a being so obsessed wth fate that she does not allow things to go any other way.
@DeggaTheDev 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I agree all the way. I just about always fall right into Izzet. The blue helps keep that flames of red alive because my wife is interesting and intelligent. She is blue black and before her, I'd never had a relationship last longer than a year. We're 12 years in with no signs of slowing down.
@danijellino1921 Жыл бұрын
This is a spectecular video. I never even thought about looking at the Colors like this. And out of all the Colors i'm most definitely Blue.
@phobiawitch835 2 жыл бұрын
I’m gonna watch this again innthe morning cuz I’m exhausted now when I found this. But will say I am making a love (and pride) themed Commander deck with Kynaios and Tiro as the commander. Group Hug, so all colors but black. This is a great video to have though and I deeply appreciate all the work put into these!
@jacobjohnson4072 Жыл бұрын
As a guy who really loves and self-identifies with the philosophy tied to Abzan... Yeah. This tracks.
@anthonydelfino6171 9 ай бұрын
I've always seen red as the primary color of love, obviously anyone can express love and everyone has their own love language, but red, in my mind, is the primary color of emotion. Which leads me into another tangentially related topic, I REALLY hope we get another Theros set now that the old mono colored gods have been compleated, and subsequently destroyed. I'm hoping we can see some of the other gods of the plane. A mono-red god of love would make for a really interesting card and allow for a more three dimensional take for the color (also maybe with mono-red enchantment angels that have a cupid style appearance)
@lambrosmazis2301 2 жыл бұрын
man I loved this video... I fight the same way I love...The mardu way...and with the same way I love the fact magic the gathering makes you so inspired to create so deep and interesting content and so philosophized..I just love the way you think and create..I don't know what else to say..Keep going, keep get inspired, keep think, keep create..And you will ever stop it's ok..You did a great job...I salute you man..Greetings from Greece
@lainhikaru5657 Жыл бұрын
After taking the color pie test I got rakdos and my bf got jund. I can say I'd jump a fight with him if he needed me,I'd fu** up the entire world for him,I'd probablt take a bullet for him,but he better not step out the line,if I'm betrayed my anger will not go towards the person he betrayed me with,but towards him. And things probably would get ugly really fast.
@ProfBrunoClemente 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who personally relates to Orzhov colors, this makes total sense.
@beurtalvarez 7 ай бұрын
That analysis confirmed me I'm a red or Izzet aligned person, like for sure
@disolvedecay 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a cool idea for a video! I think I'm white/green
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
It was a patreon suggestion and I wish I would have thought of it before. I really enjoyed writing this one
@Flashjackmak 2 жыл бұрын
The quotes were helpful in this one, they summed things up very eloquently.
@argisus1279 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting enough I see myself being White, Blue, and Black, like I am the person who would go to the ends of the earth for the woman I love (white) and I do want to talk and get to know her, sometimes staying up late talking none stop with them. (blue) and I think I would maybe do things that black is willing to do for them too, so I found it interesting and cool.
@vikingdazed7366 2 жыл бұрын
I generally interpret green as nature and instinctive. Suppose the difference beetwen red love and green love is that of thinking with your gut (red) and heart (green). Would never thought i would pondering love through the lense of mtg colour pie.
@enibeni2071 2 жыл бұрын
I think is difficult to distinguish Green and Red on this issue. Emotions are "primitive" (fear, hate, revulsion etc)'s shared with all humans and other living beings that have the ability to have emotions. Feelings are more "elaborared" (they are created by using emotions and thought)..It can vary between humans. However, MTG's color philosophy says feelings and emotions are Red. Instict..."Common people use" this word for refering to things that aren't exactly Instict (for example, for refering to when a person can't find a good explanation for something she/he believe in and the person still want to validate It by saying "My instict says..."). Instict should be based on the theory of the evolution of species (=it's a natural element developed by a specie as a way of surviving, It refers to a specie, not an individual, Its origin is the DNA).
@okeanos317 2 жыл бұрын
OMG didn't expect Lao Tzu being quoted,and I consider myself a taoist,but on the topic of love and also being a part of the temur group,I truly believe you nailed Green,red,and blue,so thanks for the video
@ardynamberglow3124 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say I'm definitely Dimir, Orzhov or Esper when it comes to love because I want someone I have good chemistry with, and will go to any lengths to make them or myself happy.
@migrn 2 жыл бұрын
I'm actually going to disagree with you about Green. I think Green has the greatest potential for polyamory... though I'm not sure how to explain it. It's the love that is planted and grows steadily, but being over attentive will cause the flower to wilt. It's a love that involves a deep trust (not that the other colours don't) one that can lend itself to polyamorous relationships. I can tend to many flowers in my garden and love them all as long as I make sure to love them all equally. I hope this makes sense.
@nikoblack1272 Жыл бұрын
i love this💚🤍💙🖤❤️
@kozmo7 5 ай бұрын
For me? A mixture of blue, red and green. I love your videos by the way!
@TotallyACat Жыл бұрын
If there was any doubt that I’m Orzhov, your Color Pie philosophy videos, this one included, scatters all doubt in my mind to the wind! (Also some blue in the sense of the topic of this video.) Excellent video!
@RafaFredaReis 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful piece!
@ValirianDefiance Жыл бұрын
I agree with your takes on just about all the colors, well done. If I can add a little further from the colors of my personality (Sultai) Blue: with me you will never feel unseen or unheard for my love is endless curiosity and I will spend an eternity learning everything about you. Green: we are changing, growing together like the roots of the forest trees but always perfect as one. Black: come with me and you will know strength and power beyond imagining for I am a god king and you my queen. not even Thanatos will dare touch you when you're with me.
@mauriciovillegas7285 Жыл бұрын
I expected a little bit more of this, with lore examples of loves within MtG: Gerrard and Hanna, Orim and Cho-Manno, Ixidor and Nivea, Ral and Tomik, Chandra and Nissa, ...
@Arohan71 Жыл бұрын
I definitely see elements of what's discussed here in my own relationship. I'm esper and that desire to perfect and learn is a huge part of how I interact with my partner. I love listening to her, I like being able to anticipate her wants and needs and while the Black aligned portion doesn't manifest as jealousy it does manifest as the ambition to be a better partner than I was yesterday all the time and provides the desire that most people would get from red.
@chillinon3263 2 жыл бұрын
Always find this sort of thing interesting because I've truthfully never felt much attraction or romantic feelings toward others (bisexual by actions, asexual by lack of desire) I definitely relate to blue the most here and even then it's a bit of a stretch; I enjoy bonding over dreams and trying to better understand other people's and my own humanity but that's about where it ends. If someone becomes a close friend, I'll do my best to help them thrive and live their best life for as long as our paths cross, but ultimately I'm following my own road solo.
@ODDnanref 2 жыл бұрын
Jeskai certainly paints an interesting image on this. A color focused on learning both sides of itself and how to drive it into perfection. Plan laws to bring a perfect society (Azorious) while considering human flaws like greed, anger and ambition. Jeskai knows what they feel and why they feel that way. They might come to love a person and then search for ways they compliment them or search for someone who compliments them and then start to love them. Blue's goal for perfection certainly plays the roles of arbitrator, analyser, and maybe even communicator. If they don't know how you feel and why, how can you hope to improve your situation? White brings compromise and understanding into it and you have certainly heard that long lasting relationships require some compromise. Willing to concede and give up on things to make the happy. While red beings a burning passion into it. Always looking for those moments when you are having your best time with them. Either because they brought a new ideas (blue) or because they too want a better future for you (white). Blue and white working as a fuel for the passion in it.
@bradmotoko 2 жыл бұрын
This is one of your best videos
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
@LeeCarlson Жыл бұрын
I love all of the pictures that you used in this video and wish that I could find them for myself. I think that my own colors are probably blue/red/green, and in a partner, I desire blue with red or green.
@duncedragon6284 2 жыл бұрын
a romance between black and white would be... something
@pandoratheclay Жыл бұрын
White would die for Black and Black would kill for White White would get into these deadly situations and then out of love Black practically kills everything around them so their White lover isn’t harmed The result is a relationship of mass destruction
@ProfBrunoClemente 2 жыл бұрын
For me, love for White is not only the selfless side, but the community side also. "I want to build a better world for you"
@saudbassier9689 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who fits into Naya, I completely align with white, green, and especially red when it comes to love. In fact it's that red nature of, impulsive love that destroyed relationships for me in the past, but also created the most meaningful ones for me today. If you want to love a red person, be prepared for an endless storm of passion.
@rebeccabirch6130 Жыл бұрын
Me, thinking about my Magic OC and their WBR incarnation:.... Passionate, would kill and die for someone. Ah. Sounds... Exactly like them, actually. Makes sense.
@arrowrandoman 7 ай бұрын
This was a weird video to watch sitting next to my crush. I'm predominantly Temur or Bant though. It's an interesting experience to think of her in different ways as I contemplate all the ideas in the video. I should ask her out.
@finniefletcher4279 Ай бұрын
I was thinking about it and I think that part of blacks love would be extravagance. For example, a black aligned lover would be the first to make and plan elaborate dates and events, all while soaking in the love and attention from their lover, both to appease their ego and their ambition.
@zwergomir9782 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who's blue and red aligned, I feel the want to have deep conversations with someone but also being kind of reserved (blue). While my feelings responding quickly and strongly feels very red.
@raku5178 2 жыл бұрын
Mardu love is just John wick getting revenge for his dog.
@eldritchexploited5462 2 жыл бұрын
@thatzombifiedpotato4925 Ай бұрын
Damn, as a sultai type of person, this is way too accurate. Well done, this was a really good video.
@True_Ronin 2 жыл бұрын
Black I think would also be expressed via obsession.
@psycoNaughtplaysMCPC 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to see your theory on the wedge and shards and how they may view love in particular. I would think that Temur for instance would be a believer in the soulmate philosophy but slower in their quest as they feel emotionally attached to people quickly along their quest but at the same time understand them in their fullest capacity to know they can trust and love this person because of how naturally they came together. Tri-colors seem more complicated and detailed that’s monocolors, color pairs also have the same basic nature as mono but changes slightly between the two
@ODDnanref 2 жыл бұрын
I would say that since everyone has all colors in them, they just express ones more than others, tri colors make more sense as they approach human emotion and expression better than mono colors and pairs.
@0Whitelottus0 2 жыл бұрын
I think I might fall on the dimir end of things, as for me, the most important thing is to both understand one another and then both make a single individual through team work to reach common goals. Never would give my everything for someone else (nor would expect them to do it themselves) My love is not passionate as I usually slow down and take my own time (as well as I respect my loved ones time) Finally, I would never attribute destiny for meeting another person (nor believe in such a thing as a soul mate).
@underthethunder 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I always considered myself Red/White but when I love I'm more Blue/White, maybe Blue/Red/White?
@Pokemaster-2255 Жыл бұрын
While I believe that I am Boros aligned (Controlled Chaos), I believe I would be Izzet with Love. My Chaotic Passions, are tempered by just wanting to talk and be there with those I love. Just hang out, and enjoy life, learning more about each other, day by day
@DuskSunDawn 2 жыл бұрын
I loved your video and I usually agree with almost everything you say on your videos, in this case I disagree with many things you have said on this video. I'm going to try to explain it. 1) Blue is logic (including lack of feelings), Red is emotion (including love). The colors closer to Blue are "colder"(more logical), the colors closer to Red are "warmer" (more emotional). Red +2 (Very "Warm") Green +1 ("Warm") Black 0 (Neutral) White -1 ("Cold") Blue -2 ("Very Cold") 2) I think you forgot some aspects: the aspect of Community that White and Green have, the aspect of Morality that White has... White only can sacrifice himself/herself for the sake of the group (society, nation, religious group, the domain of God etc)...or sacrifice himself/herself for the sake of other thing (honor, partner, family, the weak, the poor etc) when there is a moral law, legal law or social law that says she/he must sacrifice himself/herself for the sake of it. White's sacrifice doesn't have its origin on love (White isn't Red, to care about peace doesn't necessarily requiere to care about feelings). White's sacrifice doesn't have its origin on soul mate (White isn't Green, White doesn't believe in destiny). Also, White isn't the only color that can sacrifice himself/herself on a relationship. The difference is inside the reason behind it: -Red because of an impulsive act, infatuation, love, desire... -Green because of destiny, family, tradition, maternal instict, paternal instict, survival... -Black because she/he doesn't care about morality, it's an objective, it is a way of gaining power... - (Though Blue is passive) Blue because she/he lacks empathy, she/he can gain control over something/someone... White is like Abraham (God asked him to kill his son, he obeyed, the reason why he didn't kill his son was the interruption of God who said to him to stop). White asks people to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the group (society, country, religious group). White doesn't ask people to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a certain individual (for example, his/her loved one). White values morality, it's the only color that specifically consider morality. White is the color of Religion, Military, Law, Court System, Politics, Government, Community, Honor, Chivalry, Defense, Self-sacrifice, Cooperation,Light, Purity, Charity, Strategy, Organization....It can be translated into: -(Metaphorically and literally) Sacrifice his/her love/lover for the sake of his/her group. -(Metaphorically and literally) Sacrifice his/her love/lover for the sake of being coherent with his/her moral values. -She/he doesn't oppose political marriage. -She/he can marry someone because " it will bring peace to the group" (she/he can sacrifice his/her happiness). -She/he doesn't go out with (or marry) someone who doesn't agree with his/her moral values (or the moral value of his/her group). -She/he consider the social status of the person, the family, the religious group etc. -She/he doesn't go out with (or marry) someone who negatively affects his/her honor (or the honor of his/her group). -She/he follow legal laws, moral laws and religious laws when courting, marrying and living together. Green is Life, Grow, Nature, Reality, Community, Interdependence, Spiritualism, The Past, Wisdom, Ancestry, Tradition, Instinct, Animals, Plants...It can be traslated into: -To want a stable relationship and family. -To value the wisdom, traditional knowledge and spiritualism of the partner: knowledge about adolescence, adulhood, old age, daily activities, interaction between living beings, history etc. -The opinion of the elders is important when choosing a partner and marying him/her: If his/her parents don't approve it she/he won't date the person, she/he won't marry until all parents approve it, she/he will try very hard to make the family of his/her partner approve it, etc. -Relationship unites families: when dating someone she/he will visit the parents of his/her partner as his/her girlfriend, etc. -To follow (family or cultural) traditional way of courtship and marriage. -Infidelity is "tresspassing the territory" of another person: It's a serious issue and It can lead to "chick fights" like the ones seen in latinamerican TV soap. -To value the level of connexion: communication is important for creating a project together, taking care of each other on a spiritual level (emotions, insecurities, to let the other person have time for himself7herself etc) is important etc. -Green wouldn't marry someone which job is against his/her tradition and/or nature. Red is Emotion, Mood Swings, Impulse, Might (Solving problems through brawn), Violence, Brutality, Destruction, Chaos, Randomness, Spontaneity, Humor, Mischievousness, The Elements of Fire and Earth, Fighting (Brawling), Romance, Hedonism, Barbarism...It can be traslated into: -Superficial relationship: to have s3x with someone she/he have met the same day etc. -To fail at solving conflicts: lack of patience, usage of insults, physical attack etc. - Lack of "perspective": to not care about "where the relationship is going", no commitment -To be trasparent: if she/he wants something serious she/he will say it, if she/he doesn't want something serious she/he will say it. -To invest emotionally: she/he will emotionally bond with the person. It can lead to "going too fast" on the relationship (to consider someone a partner too soon, to want to marry too soon etc). -To go out with (or marrying) someone as a mischief. Blue is Academics, Books & Other Repositories of Information, Mind/Thought, Memory, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Messing with Time, Control, Manipulation, Trickery, Subtlety, Complexity, Artifice, Illusion, Construction/Technology, Artifacts, Man-Made Items, Passivity, Cold, Elements of Water/Air...It can be translated into: -To be with someone (or marry someone) without loving the person. -To have a fake grilfriend/boyfriend. -To have a fake marriage. -To marry a personage, waifu, husbando, virtual idol etc. -To value the academic level of a person. -Blue doesn't marry "dumb people" unless it's a way of archieving something. -Blue wants to go out with (or marry) someone who is cultured. Black is Death, Undead, Amorality, Fear, Sadness/Depression, Pain, Torture, Darkness, Disease, Decay/Entropy, Parasitism, Insects/Spiders, Vermin, Corruption, Impurity/Contamination, Reduction, Deceit, Manipulation, Machevelian Thinking ("The ends justify the means"), Individualism, Destruction (calculated), Sacrifice of Others, Sacrifices of Pieces of Self, Execution, Self-Absorption...It can be translated into: -Black see his/her partner ( or husband or wife) as an individual (= an unique living being who has his/her own personality, his/her own life, his/her own life project etc). Black respects the individuality of his/her partner (or wife or husband). -When choosing a partner (or marrying) Black may not care about what others (parents, society, etc) think. -When choosing a partner (or marrying) Black may break tradition, social rules, legal law, etc. -When choosing a partner (or marrying) Black will consider how much convenient it is. -Black can marry someone she/he doesn't like/love...if it's a way of archieving an objective, gaining power, destroying something/someone, etc.
@DuskSunDawn 2 жыл бұрын
O____O why isn't my comment (a large comment about how I aproach this issue...) visible to other people? My other comment on this video is visible to other people. Are you mad with me because I seen some errors on your way of reasoning....or is it a bug created by KZbin?
@TheMightyBattleSquid 2 жыл бұрын
Baby don't hurt me
@nikoblack1272 Жыл бұрын
as a blue-hearted person, i've chosen to define love as the choice to continually make another's happiness a priority in my life ; i don't want to experience love as an emotion because emotions are fleeting, unlike decisions and commitments - i think my love is touched by white in the sense that to love is to serve another and in so doing serve myself, which is a touch of black ~
@SSolemn 2 ай бұрын
Full Simic again, the Black/White thing is something I fluctuate between but is not in my core it seems. And Red is missing again xD
@jasondeutschbein8102 2 жыл бұрын
Liliana is a perfect example of black aligned love.
@Deadly_fox512 Жыл бұрын
You should do a 2 and 3 color version of this.
@neminem233 2 жыл бұрын
Me, and aromantic, watching this video: Yep nope not me
@PhoenicopterusR 2 жыл бұрын
Good news! Not all love is romantic (ex. familial and platonic love), so some of these may still apply to you.
@neminem233 2 жыл бұрын
@@PhoenicopterusR nice
@oliverreeves8395 Жыл бұрын
dude just drops the "George orwell 1984" in the video about love
@TheStrayCryptid Жыл бұрын
I’m apparently a Blue Black lover and I don’t know how to feel about that…😅💙🖤
@pypy9202 2 жыл бұрын
Even though I falk in line with the Grixis combination with red leading, I don't fall anywhere on the list. Never felt love before. Not even family. I might have though. I just don't know what it feels like because it's scary.
@ManiaeTheArchivist Жыл бұрын
Me being a black and white player “ah I guess I’m willing to die and kill for my love”
@drakemalachai9843 Жыл бұрын
I am blue and green with some black but not much
@artgatherer3477 2 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@darkranger116 2 жыл бұрын
I kinda feel like Blue would be most perfectly expressed through the relationship of Ashitaka and Princess Mononoke
@helline9 Жыл бұрын
I'm a Esper player and it suits me
@joebaumgart1146 Жыл бұрын
My friends and family deck is a mono colorless and I feel like even colorless can represent love. Think of Karn for example. When his mistake cost him the person he loved the most he was willing to die, or even cause temporal rifts, if it meant bringing her back. Ugin, despite what his brother has become, deep down still loves him.
@blizz2748 2 жыл бұрын
Blue blue white love here. Not blue white as logical is the larger part but devotion to partner
@GacLosen6556 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely disagree with the notion that Red is about hopping from one relationship to the next. Yes, Red wants love and it wants to feel the best of love's emotions, but to say that Red is fickle is not entirely true. Red wants to feel happy, and will put all of their passion into a relationship if they want it to work. I think what you described here is either an immature love between two people who don't understand how relationships work, or from someone who isn't seeking love, but excitement in their own life. In both cases, those aren't sustainable, but I feel a true Red-aligned person who loves with their color identity will be very loyal to their partner no matter how chaotic things may get unless the relationship turns toxic in one way or another. Red has a love that will go to any extreme to protect the ones it cares about, regardless of what others may think or feel about it. That's not just a White-aligned love, and in my opinion, a Red-aligned love will last longer and remain more passionate than a love forged in White because White would default to order to salvage the relationship, which can create toxic dynamics (and is part of the reason why many older generations didn't divorce, because the social stigma around divorce was unseemly prior to the 1980s in the USA, at least). When I think of a devoted Red-aligned love, I look to the Addams Family. Gomez and Morticia are madly in love with each other, and they don't care who knows it. They couldn't care less about laws, traditions, or many things a normal couple would, so they'd have no issue going through a divorce and finding other partners if they wanted to. They're madly in love with each other and choose to stay together because that's how they feel. That's the kind of love I want as a red-aligned person, and that's the purest form of love I could ever imagine from my color.
@yukiminsan Жыл бұрын
black and red *are* love
@scarlethart7745 11 ай бұрын
White is almost religious in its love, sacrificing itself for the good of the other. That's why I don't find it as fulfilling as others. As with everything else, white seeks to strip the personal fulfillment from everything. Luckily, love is sometimes able to stand up to it. Rare, but possible. Still, the very existence of love pushes away the impact of white mana. It is inherently personal and chaotic. This does not mean that white mana cannot be a part of love, but that love dulls the influence of white, almost giving the key points to it's allies. Blue is a methodical love. A love that goes through stages, perhaps phases, with one growing closer through the order of knowledge. See, love is one of those things that dulls white mana. In this way, blue takes on the orderly part of white mana. Black seeks only reciprocity. Black seeks one that can give as it gives, who can love as deeply as it loves. Black seeks a love as personal as love itself. In my mind, love is inherently black. That's a strange thing to say, but don't we all seek a lover who loves us in the same manner as we love them? You tend to give out your love language, hoping to get it back, right? You give yourself to the lover as a way of receiving what you need from another who you value deeply. Red is impulsive and passionate. It's a chaotic love, but one that is potentially more fulfilling than any other. Red inherently holds sway in love. All love is emotional, and red is the home of emotion. Green is a very go-with-the-flow love. They seek only what is offered, and only offers what is comfortable. Green takes the lawful aspect of white, refusing to move forward until it is known and accepted. In conclusion: love is inherently red and black, going so far as to dull the influence of white mana. The part of the green love aspect being about fate and spirituality is a bit overextended imo. White tends to actively oppose self expression as a basic ideal of the color, and therefore I feel that white love is difficult and rare, but it's possible. I also feel it is nigh impossible to feel love with the absence of red and black. Let's talk about how I'm right in the comments. (/j) Also, I am very much a black mana lover. In my mind, love is inherently black. Maybe I'm wrong, but let's have a conversation. I'm also influenced by blue and touched by red and white. I will worship my queens and cling to their every word because they make me feel complete. That's why I love them both. I am theirs, and I never want that to change.
@nemurenumixefraxciton4962 Жыл бұрын
How would colorless portray love do you think?
@aniken6877 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure I’m blue besides a few differences.
@LeCrazyChef 2 жыл бұрын
when it comes to the one i love, i would say i am definity orzhov
@noblesseoblige319 2 жыл бұрын
I *love* this channel....
@Madsakre 2 жыл бұрын
So, My love life is basically Boros!
@bodenchapman4165 2 ай бұрын
Anyone else watching this realize that (at least in this way) you are entirely mono blue?
@SSolemn 2 ай бұрын
I'm Simic, but Blue is my main for sure, Understanding is everything, I feel hollow without it
@brianb660 10 күн бұрын
As much as white could embody the most devoted monogamy, I also think it would be the best at harmonious polygamy with a deep love of their whole unit, and each contributing to the fulfillment of the group overall without drama (red) or jealousy (black) cracking it apart.
@burningbronze7555 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting how it seems universal but I am unable to ever feel it.
@valentinrafael9201 Жыл бұрын
How colors show love White: Enslaves people and thinks is superior to them Blue: Constantly brings counter arguments to their partner Black: Sacrifices all their friends for their loved ones ( or the other way around ) Red: Bunny Green: It's amazing. They are all about flowers and long walks in the park
@jacobtietjen2099 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, seeing a quote from someone as frankly obtuse and kinda awful as Heinlein here gave me whiplash lol. It’s a perfectly illustrative quote, it’s just odd to see him of all people here.
@gunjfur8633 2 жыл бұрын
1:55 "loyalty and monogamy" While white is often loyal, I dont see where the monogamy comes in?
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
In the case of white we might assume that it's focus on community would come into play but I believe when it's in a relationship its ideal of Devotion supersedes it, in the same way it would devote itself to a single God or entity.
@gunjfur8633 2 жыл бұрын
@@DiceTry I wasnt refering to community, but polygamy. Couldnt white be equaly devoted to two or more lovers? I also feel the name about monotheism, why not di-, tri- or any form of polytheism?
@DiceTry 2 жыл бұрын
That is an interesting point. Honestly you may be right about that. It is valid
@gunjfur8633 2 жыл бұрын
@@DiceTry 👍
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