how getting diagnosed with ADHD at 22 changed my life

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Luke WIP

Luke WIP

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hey, subscribe please; thanks.
how to treat adhd according to science lecture: • This is how you treat ...
I was a bit too ambitious with the range of content of this video so I covered a lot of things but wasn't able to provide as much detail and personal experience as I'd like. More videos to come that will be more focused~
00:00 - Intro
01:11 - What is ADHD?
02:10 - ADHD Spectrum
03:57 - Getting diagnosed later in life
04:58 - ADHD Medication
06:54 - addiction
07:23 - ADHD Stigma
08:01 - my mantra
08:46 - channel plans

Пікірлер: 112
@MasterOfBaiter Жыл бұрын
2-3 weeks ago I went to my family doctor and voice my concerns about wanting to get checked for adhd and I even told the guy how it was materially impacting me and putting me at financial risk while also explaining everything I had already tried. My experience was him then telling me every bit of bs under the sun from "it's a popular trend everyone needs 2 to 3 diagnosis" up to "that would mean taking drugs, do you want to be drug dependent". It already took me weeks to get myself to finally go through the whole hassle of taking time of work and making the appointment and stuff and now I've been procrastinating going through the whole dilema of switching doctors cause it's a whole process where I am at.... Shit sucks
@karlavazquez6085 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry. You deserve to have your concerns heard. Just know that you are valid and a medical professional that is actually good at their job would listen to you and direct you to the appropriate next steps.
@snarfbomber298 Жыл бұрын
Most depressed day of my life was the day I went and tried to get help for this shit.
@rodjack1378 Жыл бұрын
Agreed man, I in the middle of shit myself, oh well life's a journey right
@LadyHannelore Жыл бұрын
If you are able to see doctors without a referral just go straight to a psychiatrist
@ninatrabona4629 Жыл бұрын
Is it true that Adderall is an amphetamine? If so, it might be risky to start a course of that medication. I once met a woman and was told that she was given an amphetamine prescription to help her lose weight and then she found it difficult to give up. When I met her she was heavier than average. Maybe it was hereditary, her tendency to gain weight easily and not lose it.
@ChrisStoneinator Жыл бұрын
This is it, I’m getting a diagnosis. All I can say is thank you.
@BoysLoveUnrated Жыл бұрын
Did you? Cause I've been going to get it for 6 months now... 😅
@ChrisStoneinator Жыл бұрын
@@BoysLoveUnrated Nope I absolutely did not how was this a month ago
@BoysLoveUnrated Жыл бұрын
@@ChrisStoneinator Yeah, I had a feeling this will be the answer 😆
@traps-wg3gt 2 ай бұрын
@ChrisStoneinator Did you end up getting it by now
@moogsify5718 Ай бұрын
@@traps-wg3gt ^
@channelkaranos Жыл бұрын
Bro, this is so incredibly relatable. I went through the EXACT same thing, also at 22, watched the same Russel Barkley videos etc. Really love your mantra relating to guilt and responsibility, I will steal it from you :) greetings from Germany
@christian.hayden Жыл бұрын
The same for me, but at 45 years old!😢. Thks Russel
@titian. Жыл бұрын
Hey, falls du diesen Kommentar sehen solltest, wie hast du deine Diagnose bekommen? Hast du das damals deiner Familie erklärt? Ich würde gerne bald deshalb zu einem Arzt (oder wo auch immer man so eine Diagnose kriegt), aber weiß nicht, wie ich das meinen Eltern erklären soll. Zusätzlich bin ich auch zwischendurch immer am zweifeln, ob mir eine Diagnose überhaupt etwas bringt :/ Danke schonmal.
@llirik699 8 ай бұрын
@@titian. hi, also solange du unter 18 bist wird alles bischen scheierig, vorallem wenn du die Diagnose bekommen solltest und daraufhin Medikamente bekommst. Denke diese werden aufjedenFAll mit deinenEltern besprochen. Eine Diagnose bekommst du von einem Psychotherapeuten (meiner war ein psychologischer Psyhotherapeut, keine Ahnung was der Unterscheid ist) oder von einem Psychiater. Gib am bestenbei Google deine Stadt ein und dann ADHS Diagnose Kind/erwachsene. BEachte, nicht jede Krankenkasse zahlt es, also erstmal bei der KAsse anrufen maybe. Meine Diagnose hat ca. 400 euro gekostet, zur Not zahlt man das eben selber. Die Tabletten bekommst du nur vom psychiater, der ist nämlich Arzt. Der Prozess wird lange dauern, da die Termine ausgebucht sind. Also rechne mit nem halben jahr, bei mir warens durch Zufall nur 3 Monate. Mit den Eletn zu reden ist auch so eine Sache, bei mir hats net geklappt. VErsuch denen erstmal zu erklören dass du ADHS haben könntest/verdacht hast aber sag NICHTS über MEdikamente, sondst stempeln die direkt ab. Zur Not geh selber zum HAusarzt, sag du brauchst eine Überweisung idk. Aber mach es, es wird nur besser. peace
@lukewip 2 жыл бұрын
timestamps 00:00 - Intro 01:11 - What is ADHD? 02:10 - ADHD Spectrum 03:57 - Getting diagnosed later in life 04:58 - ADHD Medication 06:54 - addiction 07:23 - ADHD Stigma 08:01 - my mantra 08:46 - channel plans
@lmaono1356 Жыл бұрын
It’s gotten so bad as I’ve gotten older. I could manage and self-regulate in high school, but halfway through college I just collapsed in terms of executive dysfunction and working memory. One hard lesson I had to learn was the need to get rid of my adderall, as that *severely* impacted my ability to learn, so now I’m in a state of not being able to pay attention, but when I do, I can at least recall it now lol. Still fighting myself, but I’m working on it
@Julez- Жыл бұрын
So you're off meds now?
@lmaono1356 Жыл бұрын
@@Julez- currently off, but looking for a better alternative. Right now I’m looking at Ritalin
@massivegat5087 Жыл бұрын
College was a disaster for me too. I managed just fine in high school. I could pass pretty much everything with good grades with minimal studying but that completely falls apart in higher education. I found college very self guided and course projects were no longer an easily manageable "do it the night before" kind of thing. I ended up dropping out without finishing the semester I was in and now I have $2k in student debt and tuition costs. I really like learning and I like the social environment of schooling but I'm waiting on a diagnosis before even thinking of going back. That way I can hopefully receive accommodations so I can actually make it as a student rather than just brute forcing everything like I've done my whole life.
@lmaono1356 Жыл бұрын
@@massivegat5087 damn, I wish you the best of luck going forward. I’ve recently met a pharmaceutics professor at my university who’s been aiding me in my journey for finding good treatments. By pure coincidence, he also has severe ADHD, so I’m hoping I can learn a lot from him. If I come across any significant breakthroughs, I’ll share it. Best wishes
@sperez3275 Жыл бұрын
Any other stories or advice about this? I am thinking I am going through the same thing. Completely collapsing in mid-end college. I feel like a completely different person going from all a’s to failing half my classes last semester (never failed a class before) and BARELY passing the 2 I passed. Is there any other adderall information about why u felt the need to stop adderall? Or articles of info about making it harder to learn? Or some of ur personal experiences, or symptoms/struggles? Any thing would help. I’m lost.
@andrewsmith1590 Жыл бұрын
The glasses analogy is great way to explain it to someone who can't quite understand. i'll use that
@andrewjay2706 Жыл бұрын
I’m an ADHD specialist and have ADHD too. Your content is exceptionally helpful, well collated and well presented. I expect it takes a lot to produce content but it’s worth your time. I’m following and I’m looking forward to more…
@ichbinben. Жыл бұрын
I'm 25 and I think I probably have ADHD and/or autism. I'm always going back and forth over whether or not I should seek a diagnosis. On the one hand, I always think: "Well, I'm not really in need of any help, I manage. I have a job, I have friends, I'm fine". But on the other hand, I just had a panic attack yesterday over getting ice cream on my hands while I was out with some friends.
@Gabriel-qq6gi Жыл бұрын
I have no idea why your videos aren't more popular, this is probably the best adhd focused channel. I'll try to introduce as many tips as I can to my daily life and if it works, I might as well tell literally everyone I know about it.
@titian. Жыл бұрын
0:21 I can honestly relate to so many points on that list. I’m 18 atm and only started thinking about the possibility that I might have adhd a few months ago. I believe that my entire life, people around me either didn’t know what adhd is or accidentally portrayed it to me in a very different way to how it actually is. I’m in a very exhausting and challenging situation right now due to my final exams (one of which being tomorrow/ in 8 hours🤦🏼‍♂️), and the challenge of finding a fitting job after school + moving out and all that. But the more I learn about adhd, the more I believe I might have that as well. So the next step, when I finally find the time and energy, is to talk to a doctor. It’s actually quite impressive to me that not once in my life anyone even suggested that I could have adhd. Like all my life my teacher’s told me I could do so well in school if I focused and my family is very aware of my messed of sleep schedule, bad eating habits like not eating in two days because ‘I just didn’t feel like eating’, my constant exhaustion and procrastination. But just knowing others feel the same and seeing your advice was a big help, so thank you :)
@BoysLoveUnrated Жыл бұрын
It took a while for KZbin to notice you but I think/hope you've entered the algorithm 😄 Your videos are awesome. I shouldn't binge watch all of them at 5AM but here I am...
@mish2494 Жыл бұрын
This really helps, I have undiagnosed ADHD and it is getting really bad with UNI the amount of stress and anxiety I have sometimes makes me not do anything the whole day. i am in the waiting list to see a specialist I hope my life will get better
@ThomateMaligno Жыл бұрын
4:16 Wow. I never looked it at that way. I really thought it was the norm for everyone to feel somewhat depressed or anxious, to shirk duties, be paralyzed in "waiting mode" hours before appointments, etc. I never imagined a doctor actually replying "no" to the "don't we all" comment the girl in the tweet made. How did I actually not know it isn't common to be as unproductive as I am? Damn.
@kerrissedai6857 Жыл бұрын
Kudos to you for figuring it out! I didn’t realize that I had ADHD until I was in my late 30’s😂 I didn’t figure this out until my two kids presented with hyperactive presentation and combined presentation. I was like where the heck did this come from and then in doing my research I was like…wow…this explains so much of my life.
@Loveitmore1 Жыл бұрын
Me too, exactly.
@hiiambarney4489 Жыл бұрын
That last bit hurt so much. Given I am 30 years old and have only recently learned that I was Diagnosed with ADHD twice since I was little. My Mother kinda just not told me and didn't want me to get the Meds that both times where ordered to be taken. Somehow she still acts to this day as if I'm the arbiter of my own destruction. And it hurts to learn that I am not. I have the knowledge (or almost rather, had) the knowledge to live a fulfilling, healthy life, but I was never given the tools. I was tasked with building a house, when I didn't even have the materials to build the foundation. Ever since I learnt what ADHD REALLY does, my mind corresponded a ton of issues I have to this root cause. I know what to eat, and what not to eat to have at least a healthy body, but suddenly my brain decides it's a good time to get McDonald's at 2Am. The reason I am active at 2 - 9AM to begin with is only because I have an appointment tomorrow, I know I cannot sleep well and thus I just distract myself the entire night from the fact that I'm dead fking tired. Only supporting eating shit all the time at unregulated times while the overdose of sleep signals in my brain get converted to hunger. My severe Depression may come from my rampant ADHD and things it has done to my life (Amongst PTSD painpoints in my life, which I have mostly self medicated against). I cannot seek help, even as little as buying stuff at the grocery store is a huge pain as I never find what I KNOW I'm looking for but will refuse for the life of me to ask an employee. Heck, even day to day occurrences like normal conversation, my brain always tricks me into thinking before every. Single. Sentence. If I say x, perhaps this has negative repercussions for me, if I say y, perhaps I don't get the message across, but actually I want to say z, while I think that this will make me look bad so I won't say it. I can't hold a job, matter of fact, I cannot do much of anything that I'm not completely emotionally invested in, and even so, I can only do it on and off when I'm feeling like it. Usually, when the time comes that my brain decides NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO START LEARNING X. I learn it for 50+ hours a week, get completely and utterly burnt out and wonder why it's so hard to learn stuff. Then my brain goes to tell me, hey, this is not for you anyways, and starts either chasing the next idea or procrastinates and goes into Dormant Mode for a couple of month, 'til I'm at a point that my life is so miserable again that my brain only sees learning something new as the absolute last resort to try and get out of this mess, sorta like a Gambling addiction. ("If you make a hit Song, Video Game, App, Investment, KZbin, etc. and get lucky, you won't be miserable ever again!") I'm not religious but Lord have mercy on my soul if I'm employed, I hate absolutely EVERYTHING about my life at that point. Every action I do turns from "I do this to survive, and being able to lead a healthy life" and becomes "I'm only doing this for the benefit of my employer, which is far less intelligent anyways" and along the way, the usual pains begin to rear it's head every day. Having to do an (for you) ultimately meaningless task, that just hurts you mentally, but also physically to an extent as I can't go to bed when I need to, I can't wake up early enough to get there in time without feeling like complete shit, so I take every second I can to sleep until the very last second I need to move, and sometimes even that isn't enough. (Waking up at 9:20 , leaving house at 9:22 when my appointment is at 9:30 and I have a 15 minute travel time, it doesn't check out)
@hiiambarney4489 Жыл бұрын
To even add to that massive text... When you talked about getting glasses for the first time and how that changed your perceived world completely, I totally felt that. I have to wear glasses since I was born but I only got them when I was 16 years old for the first time. So until now, more than half of my life was spent not knowing... How the world actually is. Until I get my first medication treatment for my ADHD, I wish for it to become a similar experience, every day in my life. And the fact you mentioned this exact same feeling gives me hope.
@patrickserdula3940 Жыл бұрын
i was diagnosed as a teenager, and stopped getting treated because i had drug problems and stopped seeing the doctor. But i’m 23 now and watching your videos had made me realize that maybe getting treated could fix a lot of the horrible problems i have in my life. I do fear i’ll lose that impulsive funny part of me though. The positives seem to far outweigh that negative though.
@Cyntaria Жыл бұрын
Hey, that's how old I was. I also have bipolar though so I had to try all the non stimulant medications prior to stimulants. Medication has made the biggest difference in my life and my brain almost feels like it did 10 years ago when I could still learn things, when I could still take things in, when I could still connect what I know with anything I'm trying to do. It's like my brain suddenly opens. So many things in my life make sense with this diagnosis. Now I'm learning how to navigate this life alongside my medication. I just can't believe I lived this this for over 2 decades.
@MisterJiggles Жыл бұрын
I'm going to be 34 this summer. I am finally going to a psychiatrist next month and hopefully I am put on medication to help with my ADHD. I've struggled my whole life, I have every symptom, but I never quite narrowed what my experience was to something. I had instances of depression and anxiety my whole life and thought it was just that, but I found out recently that ADHD can cause depression/anxiety. I went back to the doctors after failing previously (they were just addressing Depression/Anxiety), but something didn't feel right. I have an appointment next month, and I hope that gets me what I've been looking for. I would definitely recommend that if you think something is going on, go talk to someone. Preferably a professional therapist/psychiatrist/psychologist and not someone who is going to dismiss what you say.
@LynIsALilADHD Жыл бұрын
Didn't get my diagnosis til 37. I had crazy strict parents and life was great .... until I moved out and then I was incapable of adulting. Diagnosis changed a big part of my life but medicating at 38 was a night and day difference!!
@traps-wg3gt 2 ай бұрын
That “incapable of adulting” thing is my no 1 fear, because I finally want to have my own freedom and move away from my toxic parents
@LynIsALilADHD 2 ай бұрын
@traps-wg3gt my younger days would've been a lot different if I had known , and especially if I'd been properly medicated... knowing is legit half the battle in this one.....🤷‍♀️
@SurfSailKayak Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Luke. I hope your journey is going well.
@jewels18261 2 жыл бұрын
Just brilliant Luke! Thanks bro
@ThisIsAnneleen 2 жыл бұрын
Nice video! So much information I'll have to watch it multiple times 😅 👏
@Ragingwasabi9000 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for these videos man. I'm turning 27 and only just learning that I have adhd... these adhd experiences u talk about and in the memes u showed, I never realised that was because of adhd. all the struggling I've gone through my whole life, I'm crying because I feel so validated now watching your videos and realising I'm not alone and there's even treatment for it. it's not the first time I'm realising I have adhd, I did have suspicions starting a few months ago watching psych2go videos but you've definitely convinced me. and on how important treatment is. I didn't know our brain is split like that wtf. really great videos man, thank you
@nickwatson2217 2 жыл бұрын
Hey thanks for the video! Please make more!
@qwertyCandy Жыл бұрын
I only found your channel this week and, damn, you might have become my most favorite channel on KZbin ❤️ I'm currently going through the exact same things you're describing and the last couple of weeks have been mind-blowing for me. From thinking that it's all just somehow me being weird and wrong, in many unrelated ways, through wondering if that could have something to do with ADHD, all the way to discovering that most of my problems are actually classic ADHD symptoms and I just never recognized that because most of what I've been told about ADHD were straight up lies. And your channel is such an awesome source of information, genuinely helpful tips and some much needed empathy - I used to think that I'm alone in this and now I feel some hope again. So thanks a lot 🙏
@beesmcgee4223 Жыл бұрын
I really like your videos and how you present them. I hope you make more! I don't have adhd but I relate heavily to basically everything people with adhd talk about online (executive function failure, I rely on energy drinks to do anything), so I find all the advice and tips very useful for my life. I think labels can be useful especially when navigating healthcare, access to medication etc but when you don't have a label, but still have problems, it can feel like a personal failure. Those long lists you showed at the start seem very familiar to me, after years and years of trying to figure out my problems and fix myself. But like the thing you said, I've come to accept that I didn't choose to be this way, but it's my job to try and achieve what I want to to feel fulfilled in life. Like, a mental balance, a dialectic. Everything is okay, I accept myself, but I simultaneously want to improve my life. And that does seem to be happening with a more in depth knowledge of myself and how my brain works. Anyway sorry for the ramble, great vid.
@Opinions0022 Жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your perspective
@lmayliffe Жыл бұрын
Really great video, man. Thank you thank you thank you.
@wenceslaomoguel7581 Жыл бұрын
I’ve found your videos very meaningful and useful as well as engaging and well presented! No pressure to make more but would be very here for it if you decide to. Thanks for these
@jeice13 Жыл бұрын
Briefly looking things up it seems adhd may be caused by dopamine leaving your system too quickly (something about an increased number of dopamine transmitters) which may mean it creates levels of boredom that normal people can never reach without malnutrition or medical adjustments
@Stephanie-te9rc 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting! Thank you for sharing!
@pavelkrupyshev6918 Жыл бұрын
great video man! thank you
@Niko-ce9iz Жыл бұрын
this channel is awesome, great vid man, hope you get more views soon cause this is super important, thanks!
@user-lt5mw5fm4e 3 ай бұрын
I got a diagnosis during my teenage years I wasn’t making the best out of my situation clearly and I realized that now I have schizoaffective and I have executive dysfunction now sadly. But I realized in life you don’t need to know all the answers to make progress and I also realized that no one will ever know everything. So at this point I’m just gonna start my journey to being more optimistic about my adhd and executive dysfunction. Mostly bad karma. Half bad karma half/self sabatoge. I learned the hard way. But at least now I know. Stay tuned for some of my KZbin videos coming very very soon 🔜 😊
@massivegat5087 Жыл бұрын
I'm currently looking into getting diagnosed and it's so scary at times. A counselor of mine suggested it when we met one day about two months ago and in my research the amount I've related to others with ADHD and friends of mine who have been diagnosed is too much to ignore. I felt a sense of relief and a restored sense of identity the more I learned and now I'm trying to undo years of masking behaviors that kept me under the radar. I suspect I'm combined type, my hyperactivity was really obvious when I was younger, now that I'm 21 it's still certainly there but mostly internalized and less visible. I've been in treatment for 8 months for depression and anxiety and it's definitely improved my mood and I'm a tiny bet less anxious but I still feel stuck in life. I have an appointment for screening this Tuesday and I'm afraid I'll mask subconsciously and fly under the radar again. Story of my life. I never had bad grades in school, I was mostly an A/B student; but I also never learned how to study properly. I did well in school but I was still getting in trouble all the time for excess energy, forgetfulness and general issues with paying attention. I can recall so many instances of reading along in a classroom setting where the teacher would call on me randomly and I wouldn't be able to pick up from where they'd left off. They'd wrap around and call on me again and again and each time I wasn't where I needed to be. Stuff like that would almost put me in tears dude. It's so rough.
@ShadowOfRainbow Жыл бұрын
Oh wow! Really love your knowledge tree. Is that information anywhere to be accessed? I do a lot of deep diving into mental and physical health as well, but unfortunately not taking many notes on it 😅 I have watched many ADHD related videos and yours have been some of the best ones out there. Keep up the good work!
@Diana02400 Жыл бұрын
I also wish he could share the knowledge tree! Or at least how he did it. It looks so cool
@---id4dc Жыл бұрын
Yo noticed ur a small KZbinr, thanks for the vid
@Skyehye3113 5 ай бұрын
I’m definitely going to get adhd medication it’s very clear that I need it I have no motivation and the anxiety and overthinking that adhd gives me stops me from doing everything x
@mohamedelbaz-hu2wv Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing ❤️
@vanessaprestoncreative Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your experience! I'm 47 and still looking for the courage to follow-up on the referral my GP wrote. It's true that the treatment scares me, but your comment about treatment reducing addictive patterns makes sense.
@jimmyguitar9873 Жыл бұрын
This might have actually changed my life/ how I look at myself, thank you
@rodjack1378 Жыл бұрын
If it ain't done already, I'm starting a meeting too movement 4 this channel.! I mean OMG, I have to go back &watch again cause you know anyway gotta go. I subed
@yuk498 5 ай бұрын
Hey! Just found your channel. Found your video on time blindness very useful. I hope you would make more videos. Thank you!
@Nick-bg9ub Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed a couple of months ago myself , as an adult. Though, I’ve had a bunch of problems with medication, all of what I have tried really helped, but increased my heart rate to much for me to continue. And I don’t know what else to do, by getting medication it helped me realize how hard I actually had it, but I can’t the help I need and I ultimately just feel worse now.
@Chymistry Жыл бұрын
Subbed as soon as I saw your video about ADHD paralysis waiting mode
@themoomaster787 Жыл бұрын
This video has motivated me to go talk to my doctor about this
@nuclearcatbaby1131 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed before age 22 but it was at age 22 that I started taking medication for it. I was on it when I was younger but I think they took me off because I refused to take the higher dose Adderall pill as it gave me anxiety. That’s why I switched to Dexedrine which is like Adderall but with the anxiogenic element (levoamphetamine) removed.
@KarolKaru Жыл бұрын
Just found your channel, hell yes dude! I got diagnosed at 18 and am 21 and on meds, still struggling with a lot of things, like setting effective alarms and notes and actually following my plans and schedule, but easily watchable videos like this and your other ones are very helpful and give hope :D Is the Health wiki thing public? id love to read it
@mohamedelbaz-hu2wv Жыл бұрын
Great video ❤️
@Cal760 Жыл бұрын
Hi Luke, I am sorry in advance for this message but i gotta tell you meeting you and your struggles is changing the way i see myself. Imyself have been from therapist to therapist, for years, trying to find answers, for things that actually looking back were always there when i was a child as well.. just lack of information from teachers and responsbles for us etc.. i have to thank you for giving me hope in this moment of procrastination, and avoidance. I trully believe that there is a way!!!! ok i gotta tell you it is soooo validating to see the way you structure information in a similar way to me, like on your notion file.. i was always a bit misunderstood. i wanted to ask you if u ever considered share a bit of what u have there? it would be really aamazing i am sure! well, thank you for giving me hope and the strenght for when i finish this comment finally standing up and grab something to eat and sleep soon it is the middle of the night lol AGAIN I DONT TO MAKE IT A TOO BIG OF A DEAL BUT YOU MANAGED TO PUT IN WORDS MY LIFE EXPERIENCE ans thats so incredible validating and hopeful
@XeDev47 Жыл бұрын
I hope this guy will make more videos one day
@azimuthnext591 Жыл бұрын
Brilliant video
@redrumcoke2363 Жыл бұрын
09:20 is pretty remarkable, dude! So long as the tree is scientific in symptoms, treatments, etc. and not correlated by personal opinion. Was this created using the DSM? Does the DSM even list suggested treatments (Hopefully not using wikipedia or other, non-professional sources)? As a strongly visual person (aren't we all? haha. And how many of us are lefties/ambidextrous, to that point? I bet a much higher % than the average popularion.) this is very intereting. A website/app like that, with symptoms that suggest potential disorders, that offers proven treatments and contact resources for those treatments would be great. You would need to be absolutely clear that no psychological diagnosing of any user was happening for liability reasons, of course. Keep up the cool work!
@marciemoss Жыл бұрын
I am going to seek out medication because of your video. Thank you.
@kathleenhamilton5218 2 жыл бұрын
👏👏👏 I’m a bit biased but I think this is brilliant
@user-yt3lp3ne1w Жыл бұрын
Is it possible to get the part of your notion database connected to ADHD threatment? Or could you please publish it in text format somehow? You have done exeptional work on understanding ADHD. I have it by myself, but medical therapy is illegal in my country so the only way i have is to practice in some everyday life strategies.
@_Bees Жыл бұрын
I am going through the process of getting a diagnosis, I am currently 22 as of this comment (will be 23 next month), but I hope it all works out for me aswell. I have been looking into this ADHD stuff for about 6 months and have been really aiming towards getting a diagnosis. I am hoping it all works out so I can actually doing the work I want to do... I drew a lot of connections between the symptoms of ADHD and my overall life experiences, there is no way that I am not ADHD. I don't doubt it one bit because reflecting throughout key moments of my life, I realise I was basically riddled with this condition from the start, hopefully the professionals agree.
@kinetics1045 Жыл бұрын
I got adhd I know I still haven’t made an appointment to get tested I always keep telling myself next week! I buy adhd medication off the streets and my it’s a life changer. The first time I took it I realized holy shit this is how people normally live life. I wondered why I drank so much did muchrooms and lsd, damm if I wake up at 5am I’ll drink a energy drink and fall back to sleep. I come home from work and feel like I got to work out or go for a run. Like I got to do more. I can’t relax ever.
@datdude3074 Жыл бұрын
Eye-opening ... Maybe it's time for me too to get an official diagnosis .
@Muhluri Жыл бұрын
I 100% recommend watching the entire Russell Barkley video
@hollo0o583 Жыл бұрын
17:54 towards the end of the the meme All my friends hate me cause I deduced that from a three word text message. I have literally tears in my eyes… YES! Because I know how much of a train wreck I am and if I had the choice I wouldn’t spend all my time with my self and I was told constantly told how many problems my incapability causes as a child so that what I think everyone must think of me because I’m even messier today because there’s much more to mess up!
@Ragingwasabi9000 Жыл бұрын
same man. i try to hold it in these days but fking hell its hard. I want to ask and set my mind is at ease but I don't wanna cause trouble again...
@Diana02400 Жыл бұрын
9:21 what website did you use to create those trees?
@fishd272 Жыл бұрын
Please share how you made these pages in 9:00-10:00, my note app is really not enough for me organising all the stuff on my mind
@caviersim3806 Жыл бұрын
Love the internet meme stuff, makes the topic more relatable and less like a uni lecture. Which threes nothing wrong if it is but like u kno its an improvement
@mashmesh Жыл бұрын
What program do you use for writing notes or the blog?
@sohft Жыл бұрын
What is the organ music you are using for the outro?
@RoninEnslaught 6 ай бұрын
Watching this video side tracked me 294893x but im on my first dose of concerta 18mg - and for once blood pressure is stable, compared to 10mg aderall. So we'll see what comes of this when i aclimate and go higher because fuck i need it.
@joleneonyoutube Жыл бұрын
welp. guess i should stop avoiding those adhd diagnosis forms then and get to it
@skinzebrasalive Жыл бұрын
@Monsizr Жыл бұрын
There are no medications for ADHD where I live. Are there any alternative natural medicines for it?
@l_z1478 Жыл бұрын
9:20 hi where can we find this? Thanks
@slim5816 Жыл бұрын
What Mindmap tool is this?
@SPGHTTFRT Жыл бұрын
I’ve been wondering if I have ADHD especially this past year. It would make sense, but I’m hesitant to get a Dx cuz I’m worried if I don’t have it that just means I’m a lazy pos. Also even if I did have it the crackdowns on amphetamine meds in the US makes the treatment seem unreliable. Don’t wanna get dependent on a med and have it cut off abruptly
@shauni1987 Жыл бұрын
Where can we find your health Wiki?
@xyuki_jp Жыл бұрын
What are your thoughts on everything being fake bro What if you meditate and try to hold your thoughts
@efemji Жыл бұрын
you can meditate, in fact quite the amount of people recommend, and some succeed. but this video's purpose is to acknowledge what he was going through all his life, and how having diagnosed helps him understand why he did such things, explains the weird habits, hard time focusing. I know what you mean by holding your thoughts, like now that you understand what is wrong with you now how do we fix/cope/adapt, how do we work around this shortcomings I'm sure no one wants to have these weird thoughts all the time bro
@higolon Жыл бұрын
I have a question. How do you all deal with consequences of ADHD Medication, i understand the point why to take them, it increases my ability to start things, get motivated and so on, but it effectively reduces my day to the 8h of medicated time, as soon as they wear off, im not able to get anything done, not even things i like or could do without the medication, its more or less: wake up, take medication, focus for 8h, straight to bed cause my entire stock of energy for the day is gone. (Don’t want to say anything against Medication, for most it’s probably the single most effective solution, and if ur diagnosed with ADHD u should absolutely at least try them)
@Bleeperblopper497 9 ай бұрын
Get a twelve hour one?
@exosproudmamabear558 Жыл бұрын
I never diagnosed. Our doctors suck ass and I am a doctor too I just diagnose myself all the time. Do my treatment myself too. Fucking hell how other people gonna do this shit themselves when they do not have 7 years of medical training? Anyway I diagnosed my adhd too. Convinced my psychiatrist(he didnt even bother to do test lmao) and take ritalin. It was amazing my memory was working properly, I was feeling amazing and productive. Then I realised it was because I was hypomanic with that I diagnosed myself with bipolar disorder too. Imagine using antidepressants for 3 years and going into depression constantly and you psychiatrist not even bothering to diagnose you. Anyway my brother has adhd too and he couldnt tolerate ritalin they gave him atomoxetin which is a stupid thing since he has zero hyperactivity but has attention problems. So he naturally got worse and passive. I had enough of doctors not knowing what they are doing and started giving him and myself psilocybin and bacopa monnieri his memory and attention test results are much much better and he feels great. For myself I got rid of my antidepressants and trying to wean of olanzapin(which was weirdly much more difficult than weaning of my antidepressants) I didnt ho into depression for 4 months now which is a record for me.
@bradykirk9932 Жыл бұрын
This video will likely be helpful. I'd better pause it and spend an hour in the comments instead of watching it.
@Von199X Жыл бұрын
Nice watch bro what is that?
@jchoneandonly Жыл бұрын
Personally I think if you've got adhd symptoms, you absolutely should try non medical interventions before you get on medication. I don't believe medication is needed for most cases
@jchoneandonly Жыл бұрын
@Kevin L doesn't fuckin matter. Lol. I'm posting am opinion on the internet as it's my right. I'm not responsible for anyone but myself and my family. If you don't agree with it, then don't do the same thing. Lol Medical interventions are almost always more intrusive than non medical interventions. If you can get away without things like Adderall it's preferable to not be dependent on it especially if supply chains break down.
@Zefir353 Жыл бұрын
@Kevin L depends how severe it is but there been some studies done I believe it was Korean studie; where certain mental excersises helped reverse “light adhd” without medication.
@Aqua_the_meek Жыл бұрын
All addictions and none at the same time. Self soothing without all the external stuff is the priority to loose focus of and adderally overcompensate obcessively. My disease is a divine intervention im most lucky to have become part of, and mostly religion helps a lot not to charge ourselves with change and the hard battle of feeling loved and loving ourselves... But read eclesiastes for more on the frivolity of time and some healthy nihilism... Sometimes i wonder had not the author been created adhd...
@Aqua_the_meek Жыл бұрын
Hahah same!
@kinetics1045 Жыл бұрын
I got a lazy eye as well but when I take adhd medication it goes away I found. I feel like I’m getting a better connection between my left and right brain.
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