Good morning, Peter. I'm a bit behind as well. Been hard to stick to a schedule with all the rain we've gotten this year. Thanks for posting, have a great week!
@BeekeepingwithTheBeeWhisperer Жыл бұрын
Thanks, you too!
@glennsnaturalhoney4571 Жыл бұрын
One thing I've goen to is only using plastic excluders over double nucs. It is easy for the metal excluders to get a little warped and a queen gets through to the other side and kills the other queen. Since changing I havent lost any queens on one side. Just a thought to consider.
@BeekeepingwithTheBeeWhisperer Жыл бұрын
I could see that being a solution. thanks
@rtxhoneybees Жыл бұрын
I did several double nucs except mine were 10 frame boxes with a divider board. Several were medium to smallish caught swarms that i wanted to contribute to honey production. That part worked. However, probably 4 out of 5 lost queens on one side. I believe the reason was that one side robbed the other out during the dearth. I intend to do it again next year but i plan to split them up immediately after pulling honey. Im about a month behind you here in Texas. Loioking forward to pulling some fall honey over the next few weeks. Good luck for a successful winter.
@tooldiebum Жыл бұрын
Hi Peter is it beneficial to wrap your hive for winter I’ve had bees make it with and without If Cold don’t kill the bees moisture does why do People do it just wondering your opinion thanks
@BeekeepingwithTheBeeWhisperer Жыл бұрын
Bees are very tolerant of cold and many years would be fine without insulation, BUT under certain conditions it can wipe them out. This is particularly true where they have modest to small clusters. On Winter days that are warm and the bees are happily dispersed throughout the hive then the sun sets and temps drop to -5F in a few hours....those are the days that kill hives that are not insulated. This is because they often can not get back into a cluster fast enough and they form many small clusters round the hive , each too small to survive the cold.
@tooldiebum Жыл бұрын
@@BeekeepingwithTheBeeWhisperer I see I often forget they do remain somewhat active in the winter not always clustered up thanks for the input Peter have a great weekend
I save all of my old toilet paper cardboard rolls and they work great to start a smoker as it creates a chimney effect then I used grass clippings, What type of wood pellets do you use? the type used for livestock bedding or pellet stoves?
@BeekeepingwithTheBeeWhisperer Жыл бұрын
Pellet stove because thats what I have. I'm sure both would work.
@brucecarow2511 Жыл бұрын
Peter, do you winter those 5frame nukes outside for the winter. If so how do you wrap and insulate them?
@BeekeepingwithTheBeeWhisperer Жыл бұрын
Keep watching for that video!
@framcesmoore Жыл бұрын
Ha Peter hope u have a good winter I have a question if u do not mind. did u do your queen check evaluating? combining ect. glad u are posting videos again been a while since you did 1 have a blessed week
@BeekeepingwithTheBeeWhisperer Жыл бұрын
I kind of do that as I go along in the late summer early Fall.