How Portugal became Europe’s First Nation-State

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Sylva Hodracyrda

Sylva Hodracyrda

Күн бұрын

What were the Templars doing in Portugal? Why were the Templars so focused on Portugal? What Jerusalem has got to do with Portugal? How & why did the Templars after 1307 continued in Portugal as the Order of Christ? How Portugal became the 1st Templar nation.
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“The territorial expansion of Europe hence was theoretically a key prerequisite to a solution for the ‘crisis of feudalism.’
Without it, the European situation could well have collapsed into relative constant anarchy & further contraction.
How was it then that Europe seized upon the alternative that was to save it?
The answer is that it was not Europe that did so but Portugal, or at least it was Portugal that took the lead.
Let us look now at what it was in the social situation of Portugal that can account for the thrust toward overseas exploration which Portugal began right in the midst of the ‘crisis’.
[...] The great explorations, the Atlantic expansion, was thus not the 1st but the 2nd thrust of Europe, one that succeeded because the momentum was greater, the social & technological base more solid, the motivation more intense.
Why however a thrust whose initial center was Portugal?
In 1250 or even 1350, few would have thought Portugal a likely candidate for this role.
And retrospectively from the 20th century, it clashes with our sense of probability [...].
[...] What were the explorers looking for?
Precious metals & spices, the schoolboy textbooks tell us.
And this was true, to be sure, up to a point”
- Immanuel Wallerstein, 1974.

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@SylvaHodracyrda Жыл бұрын
«Portuguese Asia was not a purely mercantile venture like the British settlements in India. The Portuguese who discovered the sea-route to Asia, who established fortresses from the Persian Gulf to the Straits of Malacca & beyond, who built Goa [...], were a totally different class of people from the directors, the shareholders, & the employees of the East India Company. They were romantics, crusaders, conquistadors, as well as traders, while the members of the East India Company, coming on the scene a century later, were modern business men whose whole aim was dividends. Taking a broad view, the Portuguese irruption into Asia was the culmination of the long struggle against the Moors at home. From the tenth to the fifteenth century the Iberian peninsula was the scene of three thousand seven hundred battles, so it is computed, between its Christian tribes & the Arabian Emirs. In the course of those unending wars the Portuguese & the Spaniards emerged as nations. [...]. So lengthy a struggle, far from leaving the Iberians exhausted, seems to have invigorated them. When the Mohammedan power was overthrown in the Peninsula, instead of settling down & developing their country, they found themselves so overflowing with energy that they set sail across the oceans, [...]. [...] [Mr. Arnold Toynbee] sums up their place in history thus, referring, of course, to both Portuguese & Spaniards: “These Iberian pioneers of Western Christendom performed an unparalleled service for the civilization which they represented. They expanded the horizon, & thereby potentially the domain, of our Western Society from an obscure corner of the Old World until it came to embrace all the habitable lands & navigable seas on the surface of the planet. It is owing to this Iberian energy & enterprise that Western Christendom has grown, [...], until it has become ‘the Great Society’; a tree in which all the nations of the world have come & lodged. This latter-day Westernized World is the peculiar achievement of Western Christendom’s Iberian pioneers.” Portuguese Asia was the seed from which grew the British Dominion in Asia. Portuguese ascendancy lasted a century & a quarter, say, from 1500 to 1625. After a period when the Dutch, the British, & the French fought each other for first place, the British attained it after Plassey. Their dominion in turn is now passing away, possibly to be absorbed into a world dominion of a Western type. That the Portuguese conceived of their drive eastward as a continuation of the crusade against the Moors is very clear from the opening paragraph of Faria y Sousa’s ‘Portuguese Asia’; published in 1666: “Like an Impetuous Torrent did the Mohametans spread themselves over the Lesser Asia, after the Catholic arms had expelled them our Provinces,” he writes, referring to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 & to their threatened invasion of Austria. “The Christian Princes, busied in destroying each other, looked on their Progress, without attempting to put any stop to this Current; when the Kings of Portugal, as the first who had shaken off themselves the Burthen of these Barbarians, & the first who passed over to crush them in Africk (obeying the Decrees of Heaven which required it) undertook to be the first to stop their proceedings in Asia.” In Asia all trade to Europe was under the control of the Muslim Sultans through whose kingdoms it passed. Europe’s imports from India, China, & the Islands came overland from the Persian Gulf & paid toll. The Turks, & Islam in general, would be harder hit by breaking that monopoly than they would be by a defeat in the field. That was the practical idea behind the Portuguese attempt to find a sea-route to India & the Far East. And, of course, while the loss of the monopoly of the eastern trade would damage Turkish finances, its transfer to Portugal would enormously increase the resources of that kingdom. [...]. To get the trade, the Portuguese would not only have to open the Cape route, but also fight the Mohammedans, who carried goods by sea to the Persian Gulf. But since the days of Roland & Roncesvalles, Islam had been the mortal enemy of the Christian Church. That now sufficed for a casus belli. Accordingly, King Dom Manuel I of Portugal was able to procure from Pope Alexander VI, the Borgia whose brutal face as depicted by Pinturicchio & carved by Caravaggio is so familiar to us, a Bull, dated 1494, granting him title to all the lands which might be discovered east of a line drawn north & south at a distance of 370 miles from the coast of Europe. Eight years later, after Vasco da Gama had returned from his voyage to India, the same Pope allowed the King to style himself ‘Lord of the Navigation, Conquest & Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia, & India’. [...] The romantic or chivalric aspect of the Portuguese incursion was very notable. The leaders were all aristocrats. They considered themselves knights fighting in a grand emprise. In 1500, the year from which their eastern adventures may be roundly dated, knight-errantry was already somewhat old-fashioned. [...] Chivalry remained a factor in their policy after it had disappeared from France and England. [...]. [...] could not have happened had the Portuguese aristocrats not conceived of themselves as paladins. The characters in ‘Orlando Furioso’, published by Ariosto in 1516, were not unlike them. This romantic epic corresponded to a Renaissance tapestry, but in Portugal might well have seemed a transcript from contemporary life. Its hero, Roland, who had been dead seven hundred years, behaved as did the mad [Portuguese] knights who were to follow [...]. Its opening verse would have sounded like a trumpet for the men who sailed in 1497 against the Moors of Asia: “Of Loves & Ladies, Knights & Arms, I sing, Of Courtesies, & many a Daring Feat; And from those ancient days my story bring, When Moors from Africk passed in hostile fleet, And ravaged France, with Agramant their king, Flushed with his youthful rage & furious heat, Who on king Charles’, the Roman emperor’s head Had vowed due vengeance for Troyano dead.” This analogy between the ‘Orlando Furioso’ & the state of mind of the Portuguese who sailed to Asia is not fanciful, for their exploits were celebrated by Camoens in his epic ‘Os Lusíadas’, written in 1556, in a style not unlike that in which Ariosto describes the exploits of Roland. Take this verse from Canto X, where the poet hails Afonso de Albuquerque’s capture of Goa from the Mohammedans in 1510: “What glorious palms on Goa’s isle I see, Their blossoms spread, great Albuquerque, for thee! Through castled walls the hero breaks his way, And opens with his sword the dread array Of Moors & pagans; through their depth he rides, Through spears & show’ring fire the battle guides. As bulls enrag’d, or lions smear’d with gore, His bands sweep wide o’er Goa’s purpled shore.”» - Maurice Stewart Collis, 1942.
@nholmes86 Жыл бұрын
yeah arabs but batles against islam
@SylvaHodracyrda 7 ай бұрын
@@mariajoaomarques2031 Considerando que estamos no KZbin, é de esperar que se use, de outra forma como espera que se atinja um público mais vasto se o intento é a exposição da história portuguesa? Por favor, use a cabeça, além de que a referência bibliográfica que acabou de comentar é autoria de um irlandês. 🙄.
@SylvaHodracyrda 7 ай бұрын
@@mariajoaomarques2031 Você pode-se calar com essa conversa das grandezas e pequenezas? Há três semanas que vem aqui com essa conversa. Mulher, leia o que entender, acredite no que desejar e siga em frente; isto não é uma competição. Passar bem.
@reallyneed2know 5 ай бұрын
Portugal was created by the jnight Templars to stop the expansion of Islam
@JustinCase-ld4ih 2 ай бұрын
​@@nholmes86The portuguese were and are not arabs
@garyrandall8217 2 жыл бұрын
Portugal = an immensely rich cultural heritage...
@serafimsousa5383 2 жыл бұрын
Go more deep into it, you will be amazed.
@MoisePicard-no9by Жыл бұрын
@nunopinto1750 Жыл бұрын
Portugal putain !!
@mrnoide8027 7 ай бұрын
@@MoisePicard-no9byfrance is worse with a worse history and worse culture, portugal also has better food and better origins
@Lrzmsibelts 22 күн бұрын
Just like it’s colony, Brazil
@Rotebuehl1 Жыл бұрын
Actually the portuguese 'Order of Christ' didn't change the name The templar order was called 'order of our lord Jesus Christ and of the temple of Jerusalem' With the abolition of the templars in Europe, the portuguese templars were protected by the king (D. Dinis) and the denomination simply dropped the latter part of the name and kept the first part The "new" order of Christ kept all the knights and personell existing before! Interestingly, that began the time of discoveries
@nunopinto1750 Жыл бұрын
Correção, ordem dos cavaleiros de Cristo
@michellesotodecarvalho5442 Жыл бұрын
I just came from Portugal, touring the north and bought the book First Templar Nation. I am loving the book, as much as I love Portugal🇵🇹
@SylvaHodracyrda Жыл бұрын
Your follow-up book addition to the story: ‘Conquerors’ by Roger Crowley. 😊.
@heldersousa6376 2 жыл бұрын
POR TUO GRAL (for your grail) - The seal of Alfonse Henry of Burgundy, the first King of Portugal. PORTO GRAAL (port of grail) - in the document donation of the castle of Tomar to the Knights Templar.
@albertoluzon9079 Жыл бұрын
Portugal y España llevamos civilización y progreso a medio mundo. Fuerza iberica. 🇵🇹🇪🇦
@jorgesilva9912 Жыл бұрын
@pedroalexandremartins6459 Жыл бұрын
@rafaeloreirorodriguez5278 Жыл бұрын
@albertoluzin9079 queres dizer genocidio que vostedes espanhóis saíram polo mundo a roubar e matar, nas Américas forón 17 millons de indígenas assessinados. E pelo que seguis na merda, estades entre os PIGS de europa e seguem sendo a mesma merda de ladróns que o que os sacou da M na crise de 2008 forón os aforros das colônias galegas do exterior que estavam depositados nos bancos galegos, que somos os 2 máis fortes $ mundo afora despois dos xudeos.
@universoALC Жыл бұрын
@@rafaeloreirorodriguez5278 blablabla
@thedarknight5714 Жыл бұрын
This video is incredible. Thank you for sharing this trove of knowledge and therefore imparting to us the richness of life.
@arturrosa3166 Жыл бұрын
This is very interesting, thanks for sharing. One note: starting at about 7:02, and repeated several times, you mention "the spanish". There were no "spanish" at that time because Spain didn't exist yet. At that time, there were the individual kingdoms (Leon, Castela, etc) that would later become Spain, but not Spain itself.
@utewbd Жыл бұрын
@nunopinto1750 Жыл бұрын
@algueiraovelho 4 жыл бұрын
Very informational. Specially in my hometown SINTRA
@axidhaus 3 жыл бұрын
Love Sintra
@diasgoncalvesportugal6533 4 жыл бұрын
We are the Templar Nation . We are the port of the GRAAL .
@thealexprime 3 жыл бұрын
Ue vcs não eram ceutas?
@salazarway 3 жыл бұрын
@@thealexprime Diz-se "celtas", ué? Num foi à iscola naum?
@satipy 3 жыл бұрын
@@thealexprime A nossa matriz genética e celta. Mas a ordem Templária sempre teve uma conexão mais forte com Portugal do que com qualquer outra nação.
@thalesbernardomendes8949 2 жыл бұрын
@@thealexprime e?
@joaoalmendra65 2 жыл бұрын
Port du gral em francês. Porto do gral. Portugal ? Podia ser....
@swiftcee266 2 жыл бұрын
Templar Nation Book - WOW. Absolutely amazing book on the Templars.
@hjs8092 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for your video. From Portugal 🇵🇹.
@saogenista 3 жыл бұрын
Por tuo gral V IMPÉRIO
@PabloBanksie741 2 жыл бұрын
I could listen to this story for days upon days. Wonder if we’re related! Thank you for sharing your research.
@kvatchyobiv8540 3 жыл бұрын
The siege of Lisbon were part of the second cruzade and the templar were crucial there
@diasgoncalvesportugal6533 4 жыл бұрын
Yes . I enjoy this video. Please mr. Silva create more videos about PORTUGAL the port of the GRAAL. The GRAAL is in TOMAR ?
@serafimsousa5383 2 жыл бұрын
Eu como estudante de Arquitectura, na faculdade do Porto, uma das melhores da Europa (Siza, Souto Moura, etc) estudei as igrejas moç realidade eram as igrejas cristãs que precedem as católicas, claro, o poder de Roma, etc....Colocaram Cristo num pedestal, lá no alto, muito acima do homem comum, e disseram-nos que todos nós somos pecadores, quando na realidade Cristo era um exemplo, e os seus ensinamentos, para descobrirmos o Cristo em nós, a pureza, a transparência, a luz....Acordem, meditem, descubram quem são antes da mente e o que "aprenderam" no mundo...Religião, significa, Re-ligação, ao Universo, ao Cosmos à verdade, ao único que existe. Somos como um cubo de gelo dentro de uma garrafa de água....sentimo-nos separados do mundo, meditem e derretam essa barreira invisível e ficarão surpreendidos....."Um pássaro que nasce numa jaula, julga que voar é uma doença". Libertem-se, da "croa de espinhos" (a mente) e deixem de estar "crucificados" no corpo (de pé com os braços estendidos o que somos? A cruz...). Tudo parece físico, quando estamos isolados, quando "re-ligamos", reconectamos, vemos que tudo é uma subtil e pura energia. O "reino dos céus", é aqui e agora, no "eterno momento" antes dos conceitos e nomes humanos. Libertem-se, vejam a alegoria da caverna de Platão. Deixem o mundo dos "mortos". Não deem importância ao mensageiro ma sim à mensagem, acordem essa energia dormente que está dentro de todos vocês e encontrem a grande, por cada passo vosso esta dará dez no vosso sentido, não sejam a "ovelha perdida".
@calu2938 2 жыл бұрын
Partilho o teu ponto de vista. Estou a começar a ter conciencia disso mesmo, a muito pouco tempo(mais vale tarde do que nunca). Mas é tudo tao confuso ainda, que nao sei como encontrar aquilo que nem sei que procuro.
@jeanlundi2141 2 жыл бұрын
O maior serviço que podemos prestar às pessoas que querem "acordar" espiritualmente é desmistificar "o caminho" e comunicar o essencial com o menor nível de superstição ou mistério . Como bem disseste a igreja desvirtuou o ensinamento de Jesus cujo intuito era empoderar as pessoas e não adorá-lo. Da mesma forma, apesar de realmente sermos algo "antes da mente" muitos ensinamentos e informação espiritual disponível e associada a práticas meditativas, tambem cria vicios interpretativos, que criam uma aura de "mistério intocável" ao que, se realmente é a nossa natureza essencial, nada tem de intocável. As coisas não são tão dramáticas como, na minha percepção, o que escreveste, dá a entender. Isso só serve para conferir uma seriedade metafórica desnecessária às coisas. Aliás odeio metáforas. Somos essencialmente seres energéticos, mas a mente não é um obstáculo. As ideias e parte da cultura, e o que nós é ensinado sobre a natureza das coisas, é que é. Tenho 35. Aos 22/23 aprendi a meditar e a explorar tópicos espirituais. Olhando para trás, muita coisa que aprendi era desnecessária e só desacelarou o processo da busca daquilo que me levou a explorar a espiritulidade desde o começo - querer sentir-me bem, ter mais controlo sobre a minha vida e melhor entendimento do sentido da nossa/minha existência. Estamos aqui para sermos humanos e vivermos no corpo. E nunca podemos ser "ovelha perdida". Porque o pastor da nossa vida somos nós próprios. As pessoas precisam sim de perceber que tudo é energia neste mundo (incluindo o corpo e mente), precisam perceber que os seus pensamentos e emoções afectam tudo a seu redor, precisam perceber de que desta forma são co-criadores da sua própria experiência de vida (com a participação mais ou menos indireta dos outros 7 biliões de almas no planeta e todos as outras coisas) e precisam saber que podem ser felizes se quiserem trabalhar para fazer os ajustes a nivel mental e emocional necessários para que isso aconteça. Tudo o resto, desejos de Deus, reinos dos céus etc......são consequências de não terem as suas necessidades básicas satisfeitas (ondem incluo segurança, amor etc). Não há "ovelhas perdidas" se as ovelhas não ensinarem umas às outras que estão perdidas :) Ninguém tá perdido. Mas podems sim partilhar mais conhecimento sobre a realidade, sem mistérios e superstiçã vista a satisfazer as reais necessidades das pessoas, e não o que QUALQUER ensinamento dá a crer que é necessário.
@kvatchyobiv8540 2 жыл бұрын
Tudo muito bom não quero dizer que se pratique isso nessa religião , mas cuidado está escrito, em Revelação ou também conhecido como Apocalipse, palavras de Deus , naqueles tempos, "Voltarei o meu rosto contra quem consulta espíritos e contra quem procura médiuns para segui-los, prostituindo-se com eles. Eu o eliminarei do meio do seu povo." Levítico 20:6, "Os homens ou mulheres que, entre vocês, forem médiuns ou consultarem os espíritos, terão que ser executados. Serão apedrejados, pois merecem a morte". Levítico 20:27 Saul morreu dessa forma porque foi infiel ao Senhor, não foi obediente à palavra do Senhor e chegou a consultar uma médium em busca de orientação, em vez de consultar o Senhor. Por isso o Senhor o entregou à morte e deu o reino a Davi, filho de Jessé. 1 Crônicas 10:13-14 Quando disserem a vocês: "Procurem um médium ou alguém que consulte os espíritos e murmure encantamentos, pois todos recorrem a seus deuses e aos mortos em favor dos vivos", respondam: "À lei e aos mandamentos!" Se eles não falarem conforme esta palavra, vocês jamais verão a luz! Isaías 8:19-20 Lúcifer é também conhecido como Satanás, conhecido também como "anjo luz" ou a "luz que fere" o mesmo que "estrela da manhã" que adivinhem só senhor do "Vale do amanhecer", engana seres humanos alimentando o Egoísmo fazendo os acreditar que têm poderes por eles mesmos e que os espíritos lhes apoiam, mas o "anjo luz" faz se passar por verdade assim como se fez passar perante seus irmãos anjos e arcanjos levando a parte deles a pecar e serem expulsos do paraíso. Se anjos e arcanjos caem na sedução de lúcifer nós humanos é bem mais fácil manipular por ele por falta de conhecimento para com o criador.
@cerealpipe Жыл бұрын
Estudem mas é e deixem-se dessas coisas.
@joaomanuelbastospais6920 Жыл бұрын
​@@cerealpipe nem toda a gente esta satisfeita apenas com o mundo material
@sandraalvesable 2 жыл бұрын
big story guys i love portuguese story please next chapter diu batlle ,
@goyaskill 3 жыл бұрын
Silva's command of the english language is phenomenal. You can easily notice the british accent influence yet, the moments where you notice nuances of the accent he sounds more like the Dutch than a Portuguese dude would sounds speaking in Portuguese. Really interesting for me as someone that love linguistics
@thebrocialist8300 3 жыл бұрын
A lot of Portuguese I’ve known over the years spoke English with an accent that sounded almost akin to that of a native Ukrainian speaker (or some other such Slavic language). I always found it quite curious. Very different accent to those of other Iberians and nothing like the accent of Portuguese-speaking Brazilians. Wouldn’t have expected speakers of a language based upon Old Galician to speak English so differently.
@greentuga691 2 жыл бұрын
@@thebrocialist8300 Thats all come down to the phonetics of the native language. The truth is that, for some reason, the phonetics of european portuguese are almost identical to slavic ones and, by default, a lot diferent to other romance languages. What makes this quite remarkable is that Portuguese and Slavic are from completly seperate families, in fact, never in history they were even closely related, they just evolved into the same sounds for some reason. There is a nice video explaining it:
FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@edguerra8790 4 ай бұрын
I love Portugal
@luliluli1471 Жыл бұрын
Such a fantastic, although much resumed, lecture about the subject. This is all fascinating.❤❤❤
@fdac22 3 жыл бұрын
Portugal é sim o país com as fronteiras mais antigas da Europa...e tem um cavalo que é o puro sangue lusitano que já tem referência de que tem maus de 10 mil anos .
@paulointonio6847 3 жыл бұрын
E o puro sangue árabe? E o inglês e o que ?
@kvatchyobiv8540 3 жыл бұрын
@@paulointonio6847 há diferença de caracter de cavalos o que distingue os cavalos lusitanos têm historia criados praticamente só para guerra, historicamente desde o povo lusitano que habitou e enfrentou os romanos usavam bastante cavalaria o cavalo lusitano embora não seja dos mais rápidos e afins de competição carrega consigo um legado de desenvolvimento, embora mais pequeno que muitos, coragem era o que o definia em campo de batalha sendo dos que menos lutavam com seus senhores para fugir do campo de batalha, mais respeito pelo lusitano sff
@satipy 2 жыл бұрын
@@paulointonio6847 O cavalo lusitano esta popularizado em todo o mundo. Literalmente, todo o mundo. Nos Estados Unidos por exemplo, há quem faca criação apenas cavalos lusitanos.
@josedasilva5758 2 жыл бұрын
@@paulointonio6847 O puro sangue Arabe tem origem num cruzamento com o cavalo Lusitano !
@nobrega 4 жыл бұрын
Very very good
@isabelantunes1583 4 жыл бұрын
Very good!!!
@paulawerrett1011 2 жыл бұрын
Love the way you narrate the history... Thank you
@reallyneed2know 2 жыл бұрын
then they becane the Order of Christ that did the Portuguese discoveries ... Maybe they also had maps from the past...D.Manuel screwed everything when he wants to marry the daughter of the King of Spain...and what was the most tolerant nation of Europe was Over...
@hermanosoares3860 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your explanations!
@joemac6172 3 жыл бұрын
Only people who have a problem with a nation that was born for Christ and to protect everything that is holy and to preserve Christ’s church the real and only true church which is the Catholic Church who would put thumbs down very sad 😢 🤷‍♂️ it’s unfortunate that we have ignorant people now a days IGNORANCE plays a huge part of humanity since the beginning of time just like our first parents Adam and Eve when they were in paradise living with God and God specific told them not to eat the prohibit fruit from the tree of good and bad and what do they do? Well they listened to the old serpent our enemy the one that can’t stand humans why? Because we are and suppose to be like God pure and clean from any stain of sin so IGNORANCE played already since the beginning of time with our own God our own creator. Thanks to my templars of my beautiful Portugal a nation born for Christ and to stand for the truth and yes we do have a church that it’s not from this world but it’s from heaven just like our lord Jesus said to Simon Peter here’s the keys from heaven so Saint Peter was Jesus first rock to construct Jesus temple and Jesus he is the cornerstone in the Eucharist which is the bread from heaven just like in heaven and earth Jesus said in his prayer of our father. ❤️ my Portugal from the islands of the Azores lots ❤️❤️👍🇵🇹
@LFMC1 3 жыл бұрын
Religion is pure and absolut ignorance
@76456 3 жыл бұрын
@@LFMC1 Im not religious but thats not totally true.
@seanjamesmacleod241 3 жыл бұрын
You heard nothing! they wanted nothing to do with the Catholics. Catholicism is a sick notion of religion. Fact Templar knights were hunted down by the Catholic Church. Portugal started fine until some idiots betrayed our beliefs and started to become less and less patriotic. Up until Don Sebastian who was betrayed and not killed in alcácer. In fact they have found proof recently that Don Sebastian ran away because he found out his own nobles wanted to kill him. The Spanish orchestrated with them so they could get the land. Portuguese would have been one of the greatest nations on earth still if it wasn’t for the sold losers and envious idiots.
@serafimsousa5383 2 жыл бұрын
@@LFMC1 No it's not, it means in latin, re-conection, meaning with the "whole", the universe, start to meditate and you will finally "see". Best refards, don't listen to your mind, you're prior to that and immortal.
@miguelpadeiro762 Жыл бұрын
We ain't in shit because God forced us to eat an apple and then damned us for it like a sicko, we're in shit because our crooked politicians keep stealing from us and we keep voting them into power
@jeannemarielanoue 3 жыл бұрын
TREMENDOUS - After various Doctoral studies of Portuguese history over 40 years so much is now (because of this and having read the books) almost BLACK AND WHITE - NO WORDS TO EXPRESS THE BRILLIANCE CONTAINED. The next step? Everyone knows the links to modern-day freemasonry but wouldn't it be nice to have further elucidation on the point.
@serafimsousa5383 2 жыл бұрын
Look for the Vº Empire, the Holy Spirit Empire, the celestial and pure final Empire.
@HomemPrendado888 Жыл бұрын
Hello, please let me know the name of the little town which was the centre of their kingdom conscious.
@SylvaHodracyrda Жыл бұрын
The town is called Tomar.
@pedrotavares3426 Жыл бұрын
@alinapostelnicu2242 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@TheWildEntrepreneur Жыл бұрын
@efxnews4776 4 жыл бұрын
The very first flag of Brazil, was the Templar flag...
@SylvaHodracyrda 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, of course. No coincidence there seeing the Order of Christ making use of its symbols, as it did everywhere in the portuguese overseas within Africa and Asia. The very own portuguese shield, still used to this day, and despite of its different adaptations, carries reminiscences of’em. Saudações lusas. Abraço. : ).
@efxnews4776 4 жыл бұрын
@@SylvaHodracyrda Abraço!
@casualvision1796 3 жыл бұрын
Because Portugal made it, of course.
@louloupq 2 жыл бұрын
@@SylvaHodracyrda Depois de ler alguns comentarios da sua parteso tenho a dizer que... Voce e um espetaculo! 🙏👌👏👏👏 Fiquei com uma enorme sede de saber mais 👌
@joaoalmendra65 10 ай бұрын
It could as well be - Port du grall from French the port of the grail
@HelderP1337 6 ай бұрын
No, it's Portus Calle Portus is Latin for Port. Calle is Celtic for Port. So yes, Portugal literally means port twice.
@web-navigator 5 ай бұрын
​@@HelderP1337Hm ... I like port(d)ug(r)all better. 😂
@colette5680 2 жыл бұрын
There is one point that if accepted will join more dots and make sense. The ornate buildings are not 19th century. They were acquired then, as a result of the previous "master builders" civilisation being buried during C1700 mud flood. Our history was re-written hence ornate buildings much older then we think. The Knights Templer symbols would be from a much earlier period. And we lost the art of building like this after that civilisation's demise.
@fmarcopolo2007 4 ай бұрын
@SylviaHodracyrda Is the video still available? I tried watching it and it keeps buffering followed by error. If not what was the e name of the two guys in the interview? Thank you so much.
@SylvaHodracyrda 4 ай бұрын
Greetings. Yes it is. It might be an issue of area restriction, sometimes KZbin restricts certain videos in some countries.
@web-navigator 5 ай бұрын
Is there a German version?
@yvandeboer4188 Жыл бұрын
What does sylva hodracyrda means?
@ManuelDeSousaDeAngola Жыл бұрын
I have a similar squary blue shirt...
@SylvaHodracyrda Жыл бұрын
Só falta o penteado agora. 😄.
@tedjon4966 2 жыл бұрын
I’m a spiritual guy and I’ve known how the universe works since I was a kid. I always asked my mom why is that and she said things to me like you’re DNA has Special powers in that, in your past you are linked to the spiritual world. I told her I’m not religious and I know more on things I didn’t learn in bible class. So from that moment on I wasn’t a religious man from age 7 years old. My mom tried to tell me that Portuguese and the Mayans from Mexico are my ancestors in my DNA. Both are Spiritual. Thanks for this video, I finally connected the dots from my moms words from my past . Her mom was from Portugal/ Spaniard, I was born in the United States.. I’m also A reincarnation I was brought back from a another soul from space from the past into this modern time, I’ve that since I was 4 years old... so in a way I’ve been raised from the dead and was one with the universe ever since... I’m looking at your book , I buy books that I can hear on audiobook app. I’m reading history’s from Portugal or Spain right now.
@SylvaHodracyrda 2 жыл бұрын
Good morning. You know how the universe works, yet you couldn’t figure it out folk from Portugal aren’t Spaniards.
@reallyneed2know 2 жыл бұрын
@@SylvaHodracyrda i was going to write the same thing lol
@thebrocialist8300 3 жыл бұрын
This Portuguese fellow sort of looks like Ray Stevenson (played Titus Pullo on ‘Rome’). My family surname (De Acuña) actually is Portuguese in origin (da Chuna) - entering the Iberian social landscape during the Christian Reconquista (the name being a title derived from lands a knight was granted in the Da Cunha Alta highlands). Doubtful they had ties to the Templar Order but subsequent lines of ‘De Acuñas’ in Spain became prominent figures in the Orders of Santiago and Calatrava - military orders established in Spain in order to reduce the (hitherto unchecked) influence of the Templar Order in the courts of Christian Kingdoms throughout the peninsula.
@SylvaHodracyrda 3 жыл бұрын
Good evening. There was no Spain during the time period you speak of, the Order of Santiago is founded during these occurrences and after the formation of the Portuguese kingdom it remained active in Portugal, later being divided into two separate branches (orders), the Castilian & the Portuguese.
@sergiomorais4906 2 жыл бұрын
Probably in you meant "da Cunha", a common surname in Portugal.
@travislourensz766 5 жыл бұрын
Hello, I TRAVIS MALCOLM LOURENSZ am of Portuguese origin in direct male lineage. I descend from King Peter I of Portugal, King John I of Portugal, Prince Henry the Navigator and First Captain Dom Lourenco De Almeida of Portugal who arrived in present day Sri Lanka in 1501. I am of Portuguese Burgher Ethnicity, Heir to the Kingdom of Portugal, Royal House of AVIZ and the Portuguese Colonial World Empire, its Islands, States and Territories in accordance with Holy Roman Law, Roman Dutch Law, English Common Law, Catholic Canon Law and Australian Federal Constitutional Law. I am the Creator of AVIZBIT.
@algueiraovelho 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome Video. lots of knowledge.
@elsacristina9 4 жыл бұрын
wash you mouth when you speak about MY KINGS and Infant and MY COUNTRY!!!
@satipy 2 жыл бұрын
@@elsacristina9 Este senhor fala verdade. Você deveria informar-se melhor sobre as comunidades de descendentes de portugueses (dos seculos 15 e 16) espalhadas pela Asia!! Há varias e varias comunidades destas. Os Burgher do Sri Lanka, SAO APENAS UMA DESSAS COMUNIDADES. Portugal deveria ter a hombridade de contatar essas comunidades de descendentes de Portugal. São comunidades que honram as suas origens, que nos respeitam e que gostariam muito que nos conectássemos com eles.
@satipy 2 жыл бұрын
@John This man speaks the truth. He belongs to the Burgher Ethnicity, they descend from Portugal (portuguese saylors from the 15th and 16th century. Simple saylors and nobles)) and also some of them, mixed with dutch saylors descendents. I guess you should make some research about this.
@satipy 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Travis. I read your coment and i am very interested in all you wrote here. I know you are talking the truth. Burgher Ethnicity is one of the several comunities founded by Portugal. And i am researching that. I think Portugal my country, should officially get in touch with you, as well, with the other portuguese origin comunities. Please contact me!! Saudações de Portugal!!
@rafaeloreirorodriguez5278 Жыл бұрын
WASNT first came here to remember ALL that Portugal separated friendly from Gallaecium Regnum , Reino de Galiza. An old dictate that still survives till nowadays in Galicia and northern Portugal says “ Whe have Kings where nowhere else have even laws “.
@SylvaHodracyrda Жыл бұрын
Greetings. Galícia wasn’t a nation-state, it was a feudal-state. People must understand what a nation-state is. Just because a kingdom exists, it does not mean that a sense of national identity is to be found there. To give you a different example, England (& several others in Europe) already existed prior to Portugal’s formation as a kingdom. This doesn’t mean they had a sense of nationhood. Scotland, for instance, was already around as well, & yet its population was divided into clans & chieftains; there was no unifying factor between them other than the name used for the land they all separately shared. Here’s another, during the 16th century Italy was a geographical name that comprised several separate city-states, a designation similarly used to describe Europe as a continent, or Arabia & Iberia as peninsulas. It was only in the 2nd half of the 19th century that Italy was unified as a single class/faction, when «Italian» finally became a national attribution, whereas before it was a geographical/regional one. To put it in a way anyone can understand, the role of faction evolution usually goes like this: - 1st: Small communities form tribes, with the purpose of better standing against the elements, the well-being of its members is the priority, so as to accomplish the main intent, survival. - 2nd: A new problem arises, the need for a leader who can make the difficult decisions. The best hunters, best fighters, or the wisest among the tribes are often elected for that position. - 3rd: These over time often evolve into feudal-states as the tribes grow much larger, the hereditary privilege frequently passes onto the children, which is the prototype for titles of nobility found all over the world. In Japan, we see the worldly known example with the Samurai, its feudal lords. In Medieval Europe, these were its Knights (not always though). - 4th: The survival of the community against the elements ensured - to the best ability of the circumstances involved of course - & the issue of a lack of leadership resolved, yet another comes up. Suddenly, it’s no longer about the community’s survival, but the rulers’ interests alone. - 5th/Last: This is fixed by the creation of a Nation-State, where the purpose of said class/faction/kingdom is no longer exclusively focused on the service of one specific entity alone, such as the sovereign, but the contributions of the nation as whole to itself, without disrespecting however the hierarchical ladders. More importantly, where the sense of Nationhood is already intrinsic within its main population, united under a single or main language. This goes without mentioning the matter of its centralized power, which is required, the establishment of stable borders & the acknowledgement of sovereignty & independence by its neighbors. This is something that obviously takes countless generations for it to happen. Resumed: Tribes -» Feudal-States -» Nation-States. (City-States before in some cases, such as Greece) A nation-state can be a kingdom or a republic, or others for that matter; that’s just its governmental system, it doesn’t mean there is, again, a sense of National identity. With my best regards, to my galego brother. Edit: Added a correction.
@SylvaHodracyrda 5 ай бұрын
@djsngolossy6237 I offered a very, very detailed description of what a nation-state is on that comment. The presence of a noble class has nothing to do with it necessarily. In fact, there are many nations, to this day, that still have it. What makes the difference, in that case, is the centralization of power: when feudal lords (nobles) dictate the rule of law for the piece of land they own independently, something that never happened in Portugal, whose inhabitants already then (12th century) were bound to obey one single creed: that of the king's. Besides, let's not pretend there are no "noble classes" currently going about, they just changed their surnames & logos (if you take my meaning).
@NayibBukelePortugal Жыл бұрын
Tornar Portugal Grande de novo ❤❤❤ CHEGA
@Atimatimukti Жыл бұрын
Que ideia mais tola....
@EduardoCruz-ur4wq Жыл бұрын
@@Atimatimukti o chega quer tornar Portugal numa grande casa de alterne , e ventura o seu proxeneta.
@jeanlundi2141 Жыл бұрын
Até os slogans importam. Assim como os chegas, a quererem emular o Trump e outros retardados do género. Acorde senhor NayibBukele.
@jeanlundi2141 Жыл бұрын
@@EduardoCruz-ur4wq lol
@forox5254 Жыл бұрын
​@@EduardoCruz-ur4wqO Costa já fez isso
@rubenaires1153 Жыл бұрын
Its Pena Palace btw And yall take very big "liberty" with the factual truth but ok
@richlisola1 Жыл бұрын
I thought San Marino 🇸🇲 was first?
@miguelpadeiro762 Жыл бұрын
San Marino was a city state, and evolved into a league of cities/villages under San Marino
@udififkfkfck Жыл бұрын
Bulgaria in the Balkans is the oldest country in Europe older than even the other European & Asian Bulgarias!
@SylvaHodracyrda Жыл бұрын
*Sigh* No, sorry, doesn’t work that way.
@charlesfenwick6554 Жыл бұрын
Bulgária was part of the Ottoman empire.
@Atimatimukti Жыл бұрын
With the same borders of today?😊
@hugopereirinha1003 Жыл бұрын
You got it wrong my friend! The oldest countrys with their borders like it was from the begin are Portugal & Denmark
@nunopinto1750 Жыл бұрын
@pascalansellful 4 жыл бұрын
I love this channel -- thanks for uploading the vids. Just to be pedantic about the title, weren't there already the states of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Scotland, France and English already existing before The Battle of São Mamede (1128)? Happy to be proved wrong :-)
@SylvaHodracyrda 4 жыл бұрын
Good morning. The keyword is Nation-State, otherwise you'd have to include the more ancient City-States on that list as well.
@memyself345 2 жыл бұрын
Scotland was established in the 9th century and Denmark in the 8th. both were nationstates by the 10th century.
@SylvaHodracyrda 2 жыл бұрын
Good evening. In respects to Scotland, it was during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, more specifically primarily during the reign of David I, that we began to see a large part of its current borders under the control of a single ruler and unified by the Gaelic language, even though English would become more influential during his time ironically - with its population still very much divided into clans & chieftains. Denmark in the 8th century was hardly a state, let alone one with a sense of national identity so much as more of a tribal one (as well). Kingdoms and nation-states are not necessarily the same, even if the latter happens to be a kingdom - defined borders are something to consider as well. The definition of nation-state meets the standards of the current modern system of states, in which the balance of power depends on its effectiveness upon defined, this includes borders, centrally controlled, independent entities, whichever they are, recognize each other's sovereignty and territory, something it was far from happening in the places you have mentioned, where feudalism was the creed.
@memyself345 2 жыл бұрын
@@SylvaHodracyrda From what I was taugh and understand, it was still regarded as a kingdom, the borders expanded and in the infact contacted as well, with the loss of cumbria, though under david it did extend into county durham, there was syb kingdoms in scotland and the north and west were occupied by scandinavians but the merging of Pictland and Dal'Riata and the movement of the national church to central scotland meant that in effect it was, maybe not a feudal state in the mid medieval period, but it had it's processes, customs and laws but a nation state, it did expand to absorb strathclyde and retake the lothians back from northumbria and with strathclyde got cumbria as well but the kingdom of alba had become the premier kingdom from what I learnt at university anyway. The process of gaelicisation in the south and east of the country had begun from the 7th and 8th century at least if not before. In fact many kings of Northumbria could speak gaelic it like French in the future being a lingua franca. Certainly Denmark with the reign of Harald bluetooth and the christianization of the kingdom there also cemented the process in the 10th century, and were known externaly as a kingdom from the 9th if not 8th century.
@SylvaHodracyrda 2 жыл бұрын
@@memyself345 Good friend, kingdoms & nation-states are not necessarily the same thing, even if the latter happens to be a kingdom. Both too often are presumed as the equivalent, reason why the confusion frequently emerges.
@taminomozart9783 8 ай бұрын
Fantasy stories by over-excited freemasons. Hilarious
@JustinCase-ld4ih 2 ай бұрын
They are not fantasy stories. You have all the documentation in Portugal
@fernandesvh7 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think I'm gonna listen to this shit.
@emiliospowerballer1441 Жыл бұрын
Why not
@mainsmain Жыл бұрын
@leonorsousa6361 Жыл бұрын
Children of murderers will always try to justify the iniquities of their Portuguese parents.
@br3menPT Жыл бұрын
GET A LIFE you are in all the videos related to Portugal, spreading your poison. You frustrated intriguer
@leonorsousa6361 Жыл бұрын
​ @br3menPT you are the pot calling the kettle black since that's been *your job* for the past how many years now? Trolling is *your life* since you have no other options as unemployed youth in the Serra da Estrela.
@antonioribeiro6119 Жыл бұрын
children do that all over the world. It's a family thing. Kids always think that parents are super-heroes. teenagers always think. that parents are monsters. When they grow they eventually discover that all parents did good and did bad. But this knowledge comes later in time.
@asteroidkiller8023 Жыл бұрын
Cry more...😂😂😂
@uptown_rider8078 Жыл бұрын
We are proud of our Portuguese culture and heritage 🇵🇹
@elegantutility368 Жыл бұрын
Another fairytale lie….. just disgusting
@SylvaHodracyrda Жыл бұрын
I would restrain from using the word «disgusting» so lightly.
@nunopinto1750 Жыл бұрын
Lies for who ? The Jews? Lol
@nunoalvarespereira87 11 ай бұрын
Maybe if you're a Jew with your own delusions, this is real history though.
@mrnoide8027 7 ай бұрын
Bro is jealous 😂
@JustinCase-ld4ih 2 ай бұрын
It's not a fairytale, neither a lie. Check the documents in Portugal and portuguese History
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