How Riot Ruined League of Legends' Best Champion

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10 ай бұрын

The story of how Riot ruined my favorite champion, Shen.
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@xPetu 10 ай бұрын
At 9:53 I mention the bug of passive shield taking priority over W block. This bug has been PARTLY fixed but still remains in the game for On-Hit Abilities such as Yasuo Q, Gangplank Q and Ezreal Q (to my understanding). My frustration with W is partly due to on-attack effects such as Divine Sunderer or Conqueror activating despite the block. Riot should just re-code Shen's W to work like Nilah W, so as to avoid all possible future bugs. There is no gameplay reason for Shen's W being a "reduction to 0 damage" rather than a full on block/dodge.
@emanuelstas9093 10 ай бұрын
The W was pure designed for blocking the damage and not the effect that comes with the auto-attack. like a Garen Q did silence you but you woudn't take that auto-attack damage. I might be mistaken but that's how I thought his W always worked. Same with Static shiv procs. And so many other weird interactions.
@CosmicGeckoBR 10 ай бұрын
2 Ideas for changes that could benefit Shen IMO. W has a passive effect that causes shen to automatically parry any attack from taunted targets (free W against targets you taunted, saving active W for real emergencies). Taunted targets near shen have 50/75/100/125/150% increased attack speed. (For Thornmail purposes). Empowered Q deals 10-40 + 4% max enemy HP + 3% of Shen Max HP as magic damage. buff against squishies targets and nerf against massive tanks, power neutral vs bruisers and normal tanks.
@nu_kercat1 10 ай бұрын
​@@emanuelstas9093if renekton hits you with W while the spirit refuge aura is still active, you wont get stunned, so it negates any on-hit/auto attacks, or at least it should do that
@fabriceducloux1940 10 ай бұрын
@@nu_kercat1 It does block Renekton's stun and Garen's silence. I believe it does block Fiora's vital as well but only her passive, not the ultimate vitals (I might be wrong on the Fiora one, it's just a feeling I had in game I have not tested it). What I find most annoying is the interaction with Katarina's ultimate: I have tested it with a friend, it will block the damage from the spell itself, but not the on-hit from the items. So if Katarina is building something like Rocketbelt, Shadowflame, Rabadon, you will block her damage, but if she goes something like Blade of the ruined king, Nashor's tooth, Guinsoo, then your W is just completely useless.
@nu_kercat1 10 ай бұрын
@@fabriceducloux1940 what i meant in my comment is that what shen W blocks is very inconsistent, Fiora's Q doesn't get blocked but her E does get blocked
@tristanmay114 10 ай бұрын
I’ll boycott. From one Shen main to another, thank you. “Our wills align. There is no dispute.” - The Eye of Twilight
@whodis799 10 ай бұрын
Bruh how cringe is this comment though
@khaznadjibrahem6868 10 ай бұрын
​@@whodis799ur the cringe here
@caymansharp623 10 ай бұрын
i think its cute@@whodis799
@void2920 10 ай бұрын
The weak fear cringe. The strong thrive in it
@bvrkingham 10 ай бұрын
this is a brilliant comment and referance of Rango.@@whodis799
@RyeFields 10 ай бұрын
As a Singed main, I used to fear seeing a Shen. Now, I don't even see him, and when I do it's a free win. It's a shame to see champions fall from viability for such a long time.
@GravitoRaize 10 ай бұрын
And now with Singed seeing an uptick in play again, we need a capable Shen again.
@LastFrostman 10 ай бұрын
I argued with my brother over this, he said, "Shen is a weaker split pushing champ with the best split push ult in the game. He sac's gold to help his teammates, of COURSE he doesn't beat anyone in gold past 15 minutes!" Then I just said, "Dude. He doesn't beat... ANY, champion in gold past 15. Shen used to counter some champions! He does not counter any champion, at least not in lane anymore. His beat winrate against Kled is only because he cant die to Kled, so split pushing becomes a menace against him! But he does not come CLOSE to destroying him in lane"
@natef1212 9 ай бұрын
why fear shen? I feel like singed usually destroyed shen. you cant block singed flip with w. And you cant really burst a singed
@LastFrostman 9 ай бұрын
Shen used to just murk you if you were ever in a melee with him. His shield made trading with him a nightmare and he just made one champ on the enemy team unkillable to you. Also, idk about you but Singed has always had a pretty weak early game for me, and Shen is really good at countering proxys, so there nothing you can do but face him head on. Behind your tower. @@natef1212
@GravitoRaize 9 ай бұрын
@@natef1212 It used to be that if Singed flipped Shen, he would then taunt backwards to his team, pop his Q and W and empowered attack. It was a capable laning phase punishment to Singed. In ARAM or team fights, especially early on, Singed getting taunted was like the worst thing that could happen to him because the Shen team would punish him hard if Singed went in without his team. Now, however, you're right, Singed can just waltz in and flip anyone with no recourse. Shen *USED* to be the way you could punish an enemy team for having a solo carry Singed because he could bully a top lane Singed and his TP to a bottom lane AD if Singed was support would negate almost the full attacking capability of a duo bot lane. Now Singed can get a kill even during laning phases against a team with Shen.
@tonnar7006 10 ай бұрын
Not a Shen main personally, but I fully support the movement. Shen really needs some love, he has such a fun design in concept, hopefully this video reaches Riot in some way or form. Great video!
@curious2882 10 ай бұрын
I've seen you tweet about a lot of these issues and 100% agree. Even as a more macro oriented player it feels so much less fun to play Shen. I don't care how strong he is if he isn't fun to play in the lane. I don't want to be an ult bot and I don't think many Shen players who truly love the champion do either. I already made the teleport switch and haven't done any other builds than Radiant in ages now. I do not think the removal of mythics will fix his item issues at all. I'm with you, Petu! I will stop playing Shen to do my part. Let's hope we make a difference and Riot decides to give us Shen players the fun game we deserve as much as anyone else.
@qweqweqweq3625 10 ай бұрын
100% agree with this they got rid of a lot of the fun of just being raidboss shen
@verySharkey 10 ай бұрын
I'll be that guy here. I don't think shen being unfun has anything to do at all with his abilities or base stats. I honestly think it is one hundred percent the item system as it is currently implemented. Mythics and some legendaries. Additionally I think it isn't just Shen that suffers from this but a plethora of champions especially in toplane. To give an example for in my opinion the worst designed item in the entirety of league of legends. Divine Sunderer. No other item feels as unfair to play against. When I am playing a tank against Fiora I am already destined to mentally go afk as soon as she has Divine finished. Heck several champions in the game have quite literally been demoted to Divine bots, useless if they don't have the item, strong if they do. Wukong, Camille, Fiora, Nasus. Meanwhile playing against any of them is so incredibly frustrating once the item is completed. Personally it's the HP regain that does it for me but I'm no designer I just know that the item has made those champions less fun to play AS or against as you are forced into conceding lane / buying that specific item every game. Divine isn't the only issue, there are so many issues with the current items. This is coming from someone who never otp'd any champ really but has loved Shen for ages now. I would like to see variety come back in toplane and have matchups return to being more skill based and less counterpick based.
@ericchung4946 10 ай бұрын
@@verySharkeyI completely agree with you, and I don’t even play Shen, but that doesn’t mean that Riot can’t also improve Shen’s design and fix his bugs while they’re at it.
@verySharkey 10 ай бұрын
@@ericchung4946 For sure! Fixing the bugs should be important anyway. Improving his design would be nice but I'd just rather have them work to change items, then see if his design even needs a change. I mean this design is what got so many people invested in the champ so why change it if its potentially not the issue? Since apparently the champ was fine three years ago wouldn't just reverting those three years of changes fix things? The only major thing that changed between then and now that is an issue is the item rework last year
@EsenEspinosa 10 ай бұрын
Wait Xpetu has twitter?
@X_TRMm 10 ай бұрын
Farewell Shen, you will be missed...
@AGuyYouMostLikelyDontKnow 10 ай бұрын
It's so sad that riot removed Shen after he wasn't picked in a single game in 2024 😭
@naingaung2748 10 ай бұрын
I can’t believe they killed him. 😢
@JumalaPlays 10 ай бұрын
Where were you, when Shen was kill?
@JumalaPlays 10 ай бұрын
@VERGIL_____ You seem very unhappy :/
@JunkMeister. 10 ай бұрын
@VERGIL_____most sane drututt viewer
@anscotti 9 ай бұрын
As a former Shen main, he can’t do anything at top but to pray that your team has someone good enough to carry. You lose early trade with so many champions who scale, and with his non-existent wave clear, it only makes it easier for your opponent to control wave and get further ahead with turret plating. I miss the days when I used to win lane with Shen and carrying by getting being all over the map.
@butteredbutter 9 ай бұрын
As someone who hates fighting Shen, I appreciate that you really just want changes to him to make him more fun. That’s a type of balancing that would be nice to see more of in general.
@justadude8716 6 ай бұрын
Wait you're telling me you play current meta lane bullies and complain about Shen saving low HP targets?
@MREmrdzcn 10 ай бұрын
My biggest issue with Shen is the lack of item variety. My favorite thing about him was that he could make any item work. Now you either build Radiant or get reported for inting. I had stopped playing Shen for some months know with a bitter taste in my mouth wondering whether I'm overreacting or just missing a point but seeing the guy who I learned Shen from sharing my concers feels really great.
@raresdobrinean1583 10 ай бұрын
If you look at volibear, he is overpowered and fun to play, but most importantly, you can achieve that no matter what build path you choose to follow (ad bruiser, ap, tank etc.), but for shen, it's been the same 2 items for ages. I remember a year ago when I first started playing league, I ran into a shen that stomped me in lane. He had heartsteel as a mythic, and followed the usual tank build, Sunfire aegis into other tank items. I must say that at that moment, not only was he very hard to kill because he was a tank, but he also had just enough damage and utility through his shielding to help his team get the victory too
@michuumichowski 10 ай бұрын
@@raresdobrinean1583 How is Volibear overpowered? Lmao
@Mason-kd2zr 10 ай бұрын
Mythics need to go away in general, they feel too limiting, and items need rebalanced. Item dev team has been dropping acid these last couple years.
@DownW187 10 ай бұрын
@@Mason-kd2zrbuild variety wasn’t that different before the item update though. People were still building the same 3-4 items and changing the last few based on need
@WalkingNose 10 ай бұрын
@@michuumichowski Volibear with 1/2 kill lead or 10cs is unstoppable. I was jungling ad was agains a Nastro Tooth Voli and top got demolished. Shield and point and click stun + insane attack speed. A was playing ww, no chance to gank or do any damage. At 15 all top towers where gone and the game too :(
@Masterpouya 10 ай бұрын
You litteraly are the reason I started playing Shen and loved it Petu ! You made it be so fun with all you forbidden technologies! At first my friends were suspicious about my choice, but now, they respect it and appreciate my Shen quite a lot. But as you said, Shen has changed a lot and I agree with you. I had also seen your tweet about it and already agreed. No Shen game until you call us back ❤ May you be heard old friend !
@cliffyang7687 10 ай бұрын
Honestly one of the most calm and genuine videos that advocates extremely reasonable adjustments in a champion.
@BorkBigFrighten2 10 ай бұрын
As someone who despises playing against Shen, I feel like the delayed shield on his Ult (or even having it ramp up over its duration) would be a great way to shift his power budget towards more interactive gameplay on both sides, such as the buffs you mentioned.
@picklesxrxkewl 10 ай бұрын
i've played maybe one shen game in my entire league career but i empathize with how awful it feels to have a fun champion forced into a single role+build because of the meta. huge fan of your work and hope riot listens to the players on this one.
@mmorkinism 10 ай бұрын
"champion forced into a single role+build because of the meta" At least half of all champions are like that.
@CristianSalles1 10 ай бұрын
@@mmorkinism exactly, that's why i stoped playing league, you could have fun back them, now it's all about the meta
Metas should be developed by the players, not the game design team. Why are they telling us how we should play the game!?
@IoniaZero 10 ай бұрын
It's... as a Shen player, it got me kinda happy to know that even Xpetu thinks Shen needs some changes to his abilities, surprisingly pretty much the same changes i've been thought about like a year now (specially since Gwen's W gives her extra stats i've been saying that Shen should also receive it to made options for his W to be maxed out instead of his E)
@florrinator4148 10 ай бұрын
I still don't get why gwen gets more stats on her w, its completely overloading her kit and she doesn't even need it. Poppy has it to and that makes sense cuz she is a tank, i also don't see why shen wouldn't have this.
@goldenarmour7975 10 ай бұрын
gwen, an ap bruiser hyper scaler, has resistances on her w, but shen a tank doesn't. Makes no sense.
@kellym9190 9 ай бұрын
I just came here from Rival’s video covering this, though I knew of you and your passion for the champ. I am so impressed you’re getting through to them and I wish for you to make happen the changes for your beloved Shen. Shens on my team have always been the coolest people who I’m grateful to have. I hope you guys get the deserved buffs you’re asking for. I may not play him the most, but I appreciate his role on my team and in the comics where I initially found myself so intrigued by the character. You guys are the best 💟
@pikaboo55 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video, and for all you have done for Shen players and the League of Legends community. I love your content
@metalogist5413 10 ай бұрын
I was a Shen main but I took a break from the game a month ago for the same reasons you just explained. The fact that you summed up the current best play style for Shen exactly the way I came to see it from my own experience trying out 50 different builds... just tells you how 1 dimensional he has become. I miss the days where you could experiment more with his play style and builds (jungle Shen!?). Although I think Riot removing mythic items might open up some item build potential when it comes to abilities... I think adding AD scaling to Q is a great idea. I still think his E(and or W) has too long of a CD a specially taking in to account Shen needs to buy a wave clear item and neither Cinder nor TItanic give haste and even other tank items that fit the champion dont give haste so lowering the CD to E and making the stun duration scale with ability level could be good. What I just thought of while watching the video is that for W you could keep the CD the same but make W scale with armor(or health idk) to increase the diameter of the ability so you can more easily use it for your team mates because I think right now you either use it on yourself and or the person you ulted and by the time it's ready to use again the teamfight is probably over.. it doesn't feel that imactful for having such a long CD... OOOR make it so ally champions that walk in range of W get your passive shield (the amount of times my team mates dont even think that if they go to me I can save them with W is crazy)! To sum up. I'm already boycotting the champ and game for a month and I think it's a great idea to do so. 1. Make Q scale with AD, make empowered Q deal more dmg and not empowered less damage. Honestly give Shen a 1 sec speed up while facing the champion his blade went through! In the laning phase no 1 respects where you placed the blade and no wonder.. even if you hit someone with it you can't reach them most of the time so make it matter!!! 2. Make W scale with armor or health to increase its diameter and make ally champs that go through it get your passive shield for 1-1.5 sec. And maybe lower W's CD a little.. please? 3. Make E CD less or make it less for each enemy champ you hit with it(0.8 sec per champ hit?) 4. Make the shield from Ult telegraph that It's happening like you said. Final thoughts. These or similar changes could make Shen be so much more skill based and dangerous in the right hands. I can totally see "Selfish Shen" builds get AD items and lose the W benefit I proposed. And support type Shen's that stack shield power, health, armor for the W changes and go that root. E change can give more peel options and for AD shen more bruiser carry options. Thx for the war cry Petu! Let's all boycott and pray to the rift gods to revive our beloved Shen ✊Stand United✊!
@vinaayagamkarunagaran3439 10 ай бұрын
I recently started to play a little bit of shen again since the last i played him before that was like 2 years ago, and I swear that I literally felt like I did barely any damage in the early game and felt like a second support. Thought the durability patch was the only culprit but seems like shen was nerfed over and over again, lets boycott shen and pray that riot balance team doesn't say "oh shen doesn't sell skins, so no need to give him adjustments despite his low pickrate"
@whisper3884 10 ай бұрын
Your type of genuine care and passion are what I wish we could see more of in this community, Petu! I'm not a Shen player, so I'll be supporting this movement from the sidelines by urging my friends who do play Shen to stop for now so we can see where this goes, cause I know they feel the same way you do on this issue. ( 11:15 ) I personally just can't wrap my head around why anyone would want to antagonize someone for simply being passionate about their champ, regardless of if they're asking for buffs or not. People get so caught up in all the general negativity this community is constantly airing out that most of them seem to lack the ability to understand and respect what *care* is, in all its definitions. They don't have to agree, but they don't have to act like it's some sleight on them or their League of Legends experience, either. I know you've got the tenacity to power through all the negativity on your own Petu, but I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your love for your champion and how much it helps to keep me motivated to play through my various anxieties about the game. I'm certain Shen himself would respect you too, were he a real person.
@Azrael454 9 ай бұрын
I started playing Shen bc of your deep unferstanding of the champ and you showed the multitude of ways to play him, which was fascinating to see such variety on a single champ. My friends went from telling me not to play him, to begging me to play him, all bc of your tutelage. Thank you for the videos. Shen will be missed 😔
@zumozefio 10 ай бұрын
thank you Petu, for introducing me to shen, and for helping shen players to have better times playing him.
@moonage_ 10 ай бұрын
ADC main here. Am eternally grateful for the chad Shens who ult our lane to turn the tides of bot 2v2s. I definitely agree that most if not all other toplane champs outclass Shen at the moment. I do hope this boycott is impactful and does numbers and hopefully garners the attention of Riot.
@bobthebuildest6828 10 ай бұрын
an adc's favorite top laner FR! i scream my head off when i get that clutch shield into a massive multikill
@lionelch 10 ай бұрын
You're welcome (I have no clue if I played with you or not)
@stratos_chrys 10 ай бұрын
I had the exact same thoughts for the past few months. Shen at the moment feels really bad to play, not in terms of strength but in terms of player satisfaction and skill expression (unfortunately he is effective in the supportive playstyle, and the state of the items promotes that even more) He was my favorite champion, and i have stopped playing him for the better part of the year. It sucks winning games, but not having fun playing him. And it sucks that he is statistically good, because they will never change anything as long as his numbers look good...
@Kakerate2 10 ай бұрын
i feel it is a general trend for champions that kind of co-exist within 2 different niches. used to really enjoy warwick but man are his bugs and play patterns just so bad now.
@ketaku7515 9 ай бұрын
Shen was my favorite champion for a long time, still my highest mastery point champ by a large margin, and yet I have not played him in a long time just due to the constant issues with the champ. I really do hope to see some positive changes come to him.
@Meso671 10 ай бұрын
I am a gwen main, and I love playing shen, hes one of the best tanks in my opinion, and generally really fun champion to play I first did not understand why ppl were saying we should stop playing shen, but I now know why I'll join you my friend, and we will stand together, till shen will be fixed, and even after that, we will stand together
@Adonisrose7493 10 ай бұрын
I will say, as a Gwen main and playing Shen a lot before, I think armor and MR on W would be a fair and balanced change. If Gwen is allowed to be tanky and avoid damage, shen should be able to gain resistances against abilities on a duration that lasts as long as a fly’s lifespan.
@HowToActivateNeurons 10 ай бұрын
Amen, as a part-time top laner, I felt MR and armor are lacking in comparison recently, felt so squishy
@EdgarGomez-oo2ge 10 ай бұрын
Yep, a rework to his w I think would be cool. Playing Shen right now it's such a big challenge cuz you have to play basically perfectly and never make a single mistake because otherwise you'll die, and if you die early you're pretty much a minion that gives a shield and a taunt, compared to other champs that have lots of CC and damage as well. Meanwhile other top laners just have to be lucky once to destroy you even if you're ahead.
@Adonisrose7493 10 ай бұрын
@@EdgarGomez-oo2ge I particularly hate champs like Yone and Tryndamere who can perma split after getting shit on the entire game, and beat me with 2 items because they get free crit and ad for seemingly no reason. I’m just crying because I suck, I just think that while there are champs who should be punished for poor play and positioning, shen is punished too much and can lose prio and fall off very very quickly
@EdgarGomez-oo2ge 10 ай бұрын
@@Adonisrose7493 yeah and all those weaknesses just because he has a strong ult which Is difficult to use too, cause sometimes you ult and barely get anything in return.
@netnooker 10 ай бұрын
"As a gwen main" 🤮
@darkstar3072 10 ай бұрын
You’re the reason I started playing Shen, and I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels like his identity has been lost.
@JNokkie 9 ай бұрын
I just want to say that i've been in and out of league of legends for the past year and one of the only reasons I occasionally come back is when u release new Shen tech. I thank you for all you've done for the Shen main community and all you continue to do
@xenvj 9 ай бұрын
I never really thought about it, but I really haven't seen Shen in such a long while. Shen was the first support I tried playing back when I was new, he just felt really fun to play down at bot lane, he was my first M6 even. So it does hurt knowing and realizing that he's basically been gutted throughout the years
@DeskiziadoSin 10 ай бұрын
Back in the day, when I had plenty of time to play league, I climbed to Master elo, and became top 20 Shen in my server. I've followed your videos even after retiring myself from playing league due to lack of time, and I understand how passionated you are for this champion, I want to encourage other Shen mains to help you in this journey as I know Shen mains are players of honor. Keep it up Petu, we'll be here!
@humphrey261 10 ай бұрын
So this is why I haven’t seen shen in almost 2 years, thank you for explaining it so exceptionally, the way you want to change shen makes it more interactive and fun for both parties and I’m 100% all in on agreeing. Hopefully riot opens their eyes for once but we all know that won’t happen 😂
@mestreinvoker6108 9 ай бұрын
The thing I missed most with the item changes was Tiamat and Titanic Hydra's activation. It was so good to E, AA, Q, AA and eventually end the combo with the item resetting AA. Personally, Shen lost a lot when that was removed
@dontcaredidntask404 9 ай бұрын
I think an update to Shen W could be that it passively increases his passive shield while W is available. I agree with all your other points, and I haven't seen Shen being strong in so long and it feels sad.
@callummalseed7908 10 ай бұрын
You are not a delusional one trick seeking buffs for his champion, you are a dedicated and fun loving player who shares all his knolage to the community and honestly respects the game and wants it to be the best it can be
@burner7772 10 ай бұрын
So f*cking right
@zalvian22 10 ай бұрын
@@burner7772 nah this is absolutely a delusional one trick rant. "Supportive tank" should NOT be a lane bully by design. Archetypes need strengths and weaknesses, and "not getting ahead" isn't a "weakness" for someone who is ALWAYS useful at all stages of the game with his global shield, taunt, and aoe-auto-blocking. Supportive champions should not be solo carries. Yall are all coping so damn hard here. Assassins are a good example of falling behind being very punishing because ALL they bring is damage. Assassins SHOULD be able to kill you early and should (and are most of the time) punished for not using that to get a lead. Tanks and supports are balanced around their UTILITY, high utility SHOULD equal low solo carry strength
@talisredstar1543 10 ай бұрын
I agree I would XPetu's Shen against any pro's in world, and would still always bet on xPetu. I don't even think Rito has anyone that understands the champion as well as he does.
@ChaosKing210 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@zalvian22 Except the idea that assassins should be able to easily kill you early (assuming by early you mean pre-level 6 or worse pre-level 3) means there is literally no point in the game that they’re really weak. If they can get kills early and easily assassins (which are already designed to snowball pretty quickly) become strong early, even stronger in mid game, and risk not falling off hard enough late. I can only think of two cases where that doesn’t happen. The first is you have a tank who is scaled/strong enough to push back/not get assassinated, but even then it just becomes a matter of “peel/distract the tank so the assassin can near instantly delete everyone else and we win by isolating the tank”. The second case is where you can virtually ignore everyone else on the enemy team because they’re incompetent or so behind/unhelpful that they can’t even really add anything too meaningful to fights/skirmishes beyond looking like a punchable enough sandbag. Which means you can focus on whoever is fed/carrying. But despite what a lot of league players like to say most enemy teams aren’t THAT incompetent so risking giving up gold from kills or giving up objectives overall and potentially having an enemy who’s behind start to catch up is risky just for the sake of locking down one person. What does it end up mattering if you manage to stop the Zed/Qiyana/Naafiri/LeBlanc/Fizz with 15 kills if the Ashe who was 0/4 just role-played a roomba and swept up 7 kills between two teamfights/objective fights especially if any of those kills were worth shutdown gold (and I feel like they usually are)
@zalvian22 10 ай бұрын
@@ChaosKing210 in a balanced matchmaking lobby, a standard team can afford to go about 4k-6k gold down against a team of assassins and still be fine if they can make it to late game. League is a resource management game. When the enemy can kill you easily early, the "correct" counterplay is to fall behind early and give up some gold now to prevent the snowball late, which is balanced design. If that kha'zix alone is 4k gold up on your jungler, his team is also gonna be up from you being dead, you have failed to play safe enough against the assassin and are properly punished, but if that same kha is only 2k gold up, by late game he is irrelevant. If a shen is down 3k gold, he still provides a larger value than an assassin who is even or barely ahead because of shens utility. Youre simply mad about the fact that in solo queue you get poor matchmaking a lot so an assassin can sometimes have a stupidly easy time getting a lead, which is a ridiculous thing to mention from a balance standpoint. Obviously if your team ints an assassin early they will snowball too hard. Theres a reason why assassins are rarely picked in pro play (and almost ALL assassins picked in pro are also predominately a different class). Pros understand they can afford to go down gold into poor late game champs and just beat them later
@requiemxd2982 10 ай бұрын
The R change is a really good idea. Nerfing R in any way would be great because I feel like ever since they gave it health scaling, along with the durability patch, shen started to become a supportive champ with the changes that followed in order to balance how powerful his ult was. I honestly miss when his R hardly gave a shield at all but shen was a potent duelist and bruiser in return.
@raphaelb7933 10 ай бұрын
Exactly we're just fucking support shield can't snowball as used to, get outscaled so hard so sad being a minion xD
@beegyoshi1685 10 ай бұрын
yeah it is frustrating both as shen and as the opposite team because the shield is an insane amount but you don't have fun in return of 1k+ shield which then what is the point at that point
@chukiyama 10 ай бұрын
a buff on his ult woulb be cool too if you could at least use the shield on yourself, even if it gets cancel by cc. but yeah nerf the supportive part of his ultimate ability is a good thing
@MrAwesomeTheAwesome 10 ай бұрын
Hard agree. The utility value of having an on-champion teleport as a global ultimate is huge. Having the shield as a major selling point of his ult overburdens his power budget and restricts him from being a strong fighter. Think this hits the nail on the head.
@genericalias6307 10 ай бұрын
I am a new player who fell in love with Shen. You don’t sound delusional or like you just want buffs. As someone who got to experience learning Shen in his most boring point, I still always felt like something was wrong. I’ll boycott, since I’m still trying other champs. Thank you for the guides.
@suchareksuchar8964 10 ай бұрын
I was playing Shen at the beggining of my history with league of legends, its hard to watch what happend to him and i didnt even realised how much he suffers. For sure i'm not going to touch him and spread that information for my friends. Very nice video, well done.
@DarkHL 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Petu, this video made me realize that i wasn't alone in many of the common frustrations i have felt while playing Shen in solo queue over the last couple of months. It's a great eye-opener for those who haven't understood the problems that we, Shen players as a community feel currently while playing the champion and i feel like you hit the nail right on the target for both the reasoning as to why Shen feels unrewarding and unfun as well as the right changes that could be done to improve his current game state. I'll be joining this boycott alongside you and many others until Riot makes a move on Shen. Stay strong, stand united.
@Nightmare-fe9hr 10 ай бұрын
I think something severely lacking in shen's current kit is a rewarding gameplay element that enhances what should be his "samurai" fantasy. I think an interesting mini-rework would be to make damage blocked with W scale into his next Q. This would reward good timing on the W to block crucial auto attacks, give a straight forward scaling element to his W, and play into the combat/swordsman thematics that are pretty lacking in his current kit.
@Kjk31rox 10 ай бұрын
its like mini fiora parry, sounds fun
@gokupt4630 10 ай бұрын
excelent idea
@irenesleatherpants 10 ай бұрын
I think it's a great idea, but I also must clarify that Shen is a ninja, not a samurai.
@Nightmare-fe9hr 10 ай бұрын
@@irenesleatherpants theoretically a ninja, but without a full rework he is more of a duelist swordsmanny character than a stealthy assassin character
@otterfire4712 10 ай бұрын
If light travels so fast, how come it's never caught a ninja?
@dumpsterjedi6148 10 ай бұрын
Hello Petu, I started playing league in season 10 and you were my influence in maining him. Even I with nowhere near your time playing him have seen how they have ruined my favorite champion. I was so happy to see you team up with my oyher favorite KZbinr SolarBacca in learning GP! If you ever see this, I know its not the same, but I have found the Aggro tank feeling again playing KSante. If you can handle GP, you will reach Grandmaster if you play Ksante and GP.
@shizakko4514 9 ай бұрын
I really like the W passive Armor and MR idea but I would like to suggest just MR because the armor seems redundant while you’re blocking auto attacks, not to mention a semi dedicated MR champ would be really nice
@dahadur 10 ай бұрын
I've been playing shen for almost 2 years now. I started playing it thanks to you. Recently I reached master for the first time from silver rank. Also peaked in shen with #18 globally (00:53 #21 right here). I wanted to thank you for everything. I hope this video makes some impact. I don't like the state of my favorite champion too. I just rush lvl 6 and hope that some other lane is ahead.
@NLLHW 10 ай бұрын
The suggestions for changes are extremely well thought out. The goal is not to make Shen an overpowered beast so all the one tricks can smash everyone; it's to make his kit have noticeable rewards and consequences that both reward good play and punish poor play, and ultimately increase the interactivity of the champion. (Or more simply, to be able to have fun playing the champion.) Instead, his current state is just to do nothing for 90% of each match because he contributes so little, either good or bad.
@pedrocastro3037 10 ай бұрын
I salute you, Soldier Petu, for you daring attempt at making the first move on a war against Riot's through you boicot and i always wanted to play with Shen but the lack of actual ways of playing the game other than just being a complete support is not my style And as a Swain main, you have my support till the end of the road
@NolsHub 6 ай бұрын
I personally think Shen's kit needs to be redesigned rather than have buffs/nerfs to his current kit. The problem is with how strong Shen's R can be. As boring as Shen is to play now I think it's somewhat fair. A champion that can help teammates get ahead with little to no effort should not be able to make themselves get ahead through offense. Nor should a champion be able to go from split pushing to teamfighting so effectively whilst also being able to fend off anyone who tries to stop his splitpushing. I don't think his whole kit needs to be redesigned, it's only his R that's the problem, however if he is going to have this identity crisis and they are going to give him the Rell treatment then they need to adjust his playstyle through his abilities to compensate.
@Zanodia 10 ай бұрын
xPetu made some excellent points in this video and did a good job at keeping a balance of suggested changes while addressing what was wrong. I started following his channel because Shen was one of my favorite champions and I love to experiment with champion build and rune combinations to find what feels most fun. I still remember building radiant virtue and other healing items in a real game for the first time because I wanted to bring more support to the game and getting 4 man reported post game despite my contributions just because it "wasn't meta" at the time. My top reason for watching this channel is to see what kind of Shen technology you'll come up with next to get inspiration for new builds of my own. I'm sorry that you have found Shen in such a state and I respect that you're calling for a boycott. I'm still on the fence on whether I want to join or to try and find a way to bring back that magic of playing Shen, or develop a way to scale into the late game.
@martinbaculak6769 10 ай бұрын
I always thought just adding increased magic resistance while in his W would get him back in the game, but adding ad scaling on his q would be so fun. Titanic is already a huge powerspike on Shen so this would completely step up his game.
@holydiver1029 10 ай бұрын
Don't forget Shen's weird empowered q interactions with items and passives. Not sure if they have fixed it yet but one example is his q autos counting as an ability for Maokai passive yet not for items like quickblades. Beyond all the things mentioned it feels like he looses to scaling laners, loses the 1v1 to bruisers almost the entire game and can't match the push pace of split pushers.
@6rim_ 9 ай бұрын
Man i remember when i started playing league in 2014 and shen was my first champion that i decided to learn…his kit was insane back then fr i miss the old q :/ sad to see how they treated him in this year
@Gyurg00 10 ай бұрын
the biggest issue with shen for me was the changes to hydra and tiamat, removing the build path and active really ruined a lot of the skill expression i felt i had and just became more of a stat stick that had to only affect the map rather than being able to consistently out play my laner
@edwinpaz5397 9 ай бұрын
That was a huge burst combo
@IKuzmos 10 ай бұрын
It's not just Shen, it's just that items in the current state of league deal so ridiculously much damage, that you essentially have to play all characters with ADC items, or sometimes assassin items to be even remotely impactful. If Riot literally halved all item damage in the game, maybe it would be remotely enjoyable and skillful
@raresdobrinean1583 10 ай бұрын
The actual problem is that champions who are or can be extremely tanky deal more damage than champions who were actually designed to build damage. If you compare Katarina or Darius to sivir for example, you simply see how sivir deals much less damage, is much less tanky and has pretty much no way of healing in her kit (except for her E which is situational). You could make the point that sivir can hit multiple targets at once, but it's not comparable to Darius having bleed that gives him insane amounts of ad which can be transferred to other champions, %missing health healing, free 30 or 40% armor pen just from leveling up his E and true damage on his R. Just too much damage for so little counterplay. And pretty much any of the bruisers you see nowadays have the same problem, so it's not just the items
@mistywww3199 10 ай бұрын
Darius is a juggernaut and kata is an assassin, If a darius is not allowed to kill people when he gets on them he is worthless, the game has no scaling and gets kited very easily nowadays considering every adc has a dash or ghost up, If kata cant deal damage she is also worthless. Sivir is the worst example you can use as sivir is not meant to deal fuck tons of dmg, She is the same as ashe where she plays a macro focused style of adc, If sivir can out dps a darius or kata, The game is in a very bad state, The real characters that deal too much dmg are tanks like ornn or malphite and even some support tanks, But the game is like that because riot don't want unkillable tanks like in season 6, so they nerf their tankiness for damage so they can be useful even though a tank is meant to provide massive amounts of cc not damage, Juggernauts are meant to be tanky while dealing massive amounts of damage while having the trade off of short range/no mobility, Its the reason aatrox can be really fucking strong because he is a juggernaut that has a dash and cc. @@raresdobrinean1583
@TheEmperius 10 ай бұрын
​@@raresdobrinean1583Thats not a real problem, ADC is currently the most impactfull role in league. Just watch ANY competitive game that you'll see the ADC priority on picks&bans. Tanks really do a lot of damage, but it is mostly cause the champions you see as tanks just aren't real tanks. K'Sante for example has a kit way more close to a bruiser than a tank, Dr Mundo builds item to deal damage based on Max Health (Heartsteel). The real tanks like Maokai or Sejuani are building Radiant Virtue and playing as a support with engage. Now think about it: Why is Tanks like Mundo doing so much damage? Why is hard CC tanks like Sejuani, Maokai, Rell Jungler, playing as support and healers rather than frontline tankers? The answer is simple: Mythic items. Thats the real problem with league these days. And not only ADC items like the main comment, Divine Sunderer, Radiant Virtue, Evenshroud, Heartsteel... almost every mythic is completely busted and makes the champions have a huge power spike on the game changing completely the game from "play this champion" to "play this item".
@dankmemes8254 10 ай бұрын
This shen suffered from game being too fast paced that macro doesn't matter unless you can melt towers the moment you touch it like sion
@dankmemes8254 10 ай бұрын
​@@mistywww3199Darius deals damage under the condition he stacked passive and like you said the short range makes him vulnerable to kitting as long as he doesn't have ghost katarina is broken yes assassins should burst squishes atm she can burst anything well most assassins do that nowadays but class identity being lost is a onther topic for ashe and sivir I understand ashe because of the slow but sivir real utility ability is her ult
@96Logan 9 ай бұрын
I had no clue about this! I will also join in! I mainly play support nowadays, but I also queue top secondary and play shen if I get stuck there. I think I've played him twice since they was posted.
@457Deniz457 9 ай бұрын
I miss my old Fizz... when he could win vs Full Yasuo. Now no chance anymore since his nerf
@risheeknr3029 10 ай бұрын
Ive been a Shen main for over 3 years now. When i tried him back then, I instantly loved this champion. He had a great early game with a solid opportunity to win lane unless the match is just terrible. I 1-tricked this champion for nearly 2 full seasons. I took a break from League about 4 months ago due to personal reasons. During this break, I always looked forward to playing Shen in the top lane. Then, about a month ago, I got back to League and played nearly 50-60 games on Shen. I watched all your videos during this period so I tried every build I could under the sun. I have about a 75% WR and found the sad reality of playing this champion. You HAVE to play him in a supportive role (but cant play him support). Playing this champion top is just not fun anymore, you end up sitting under turret until lvl 6. Then, you R away and lose 2-3 plates to the enemy top. Then TP back to lane, get a few waves, R away and lose top turret. Events rarely go otherwise, unless the enemy top is trolling. I still love Shen but top lane is just too boring and not fun anymore. I have resorted to playing him in the jungle. In the jungle, with a competent team, Shen is not too bad. You still have to play a very supportive role but you can still have SOME skill expression in this role. I am, however, not at all saying that Shen is in a good spot because his jungle is slightly fun. We all fell in love with this champion, playing him top, bullying the enemy top with the early pre-6 damage and kill threat. This however could not be further from the current state of Shen. It breaks my heart to see Shen like this. I am with you Petu. We boycott this hollow shell of a champion until we get our real hero back. The Shen that often securely first bloods, the Shen that can reliably zone a bunch of top laners from xp when even, the Shen that does more than simply press R at the right moment and hope his team carries. RIOT bring him back!!
@jordanrushing5049 10 ай бұрын
You have articulated very well what I have been feeling for some time. It is like I fell in love with the aggressive lane dominant style you proposed but have found this not sustainable in the current game. You have my support Shenpai ❤
@KazBarVT 9 ай бұрын
I have been a Shen main ever since I was introduced to the game by my friends in Season 3. I was immediately drawn to the champion from how he was portrayed in Stick Figure Spotlight 3: a protector ninja. I've stuck with the champion even after coming back from a 2-year hiatus from the game. He was my first Mastery 7, he is still my main, he is the champion who carried me to my first and only Platinum rank back in season 5. I played the old Shen top despite the overwhelming backlash I would receive in my server telling me to go support Shen because of the meta, and still enjoyed playing him top lane. I play him now and always thought that I was the reason I was losing, that I couldn't adjust to the meta and the changes, or that I was simply overShen-turated from being a Shen main. But this video was an eye-opener. My own weaknesses aside, I understand better why it's been so hard to enjoy him in any lane as of late. And I am more thankful than ever for having followed this channel for years. Like his ultimate, I Stand United with you. I will sadly have to let my boy rest until Riot's wills align with ours.
@freedomsabourin7289 9 ай бұрын
Shen was my most played champion for the past 5 season and i started to play competitively in on the college scene because of him, he gave me a love for the game and made me want to better myself and the impact i had on games. Then he got really good...too good and i stopped playing him because i had no more fun, i would win lane and have a decent impact but most of the times could not solo carry my games anymore, divine got added and i felt ir ruined the champion not realising the impact of all the nerfs. I haven't and will not play it again unless riot does make a change. Thank you @xPetu for this, i had lost hope that anybody cared
@Breakinzaworld 10 ай бұрын
Remember when Shen is used to be respected by skirmishers? Time flies.
@lmnystpd 10 ай бұрын
As someone who has moved to almost exclusively playing Shen on Support instead of Top/Jungle like I used to.. I fully agree with your points here. Your move Riot!
@philipposmalliaris4623 10 ай бұрын
Me too. Shen support is more viable than shen top. Which saddens me.
@henriht1147 10 ай бұрын
@@philipposmalliaris4623 Viability order for my playstyle is jungle - > support - > mid (nowadays pretty much just a yasuo soft counter that can punish if the yasuo is too agressive with certain junglers and basically quite a safe pick for early laning) -> top. The hardest spot to deny shen from doing his thing and where his ultimate pre 14 can't be hard punished is in jungle. Worst case you lose a few camps if it isn't a countergank scenario where you pop it. And there is a bigger variety of ways you can use the ultimate if no fights are going on or there is no one to save or no clutch plays to be made: most of which are to gain tempo advantage over enemy jungle to objectives or even camps when you counterjungle etc.
@webon2626 10 ай бұрын
Pretty cool rework idea, might make an moba myself one day and come back to this video to take notes
@ScarletFury_ 10 ай бұрын
As a Shyvana top main I've played a lot against Shen and what I've always found hard to reconcile with his kit was his global presence and good early trading, which to me meant he could get a lead and guarantee to snowball it and if he didn't get a lead he would always be a great pick for the map presence and could block me from punishing him hard enough due to his W in lane. Hence, I think a big part of his kit is his ultimate being too good and in some cases it would justify him not receiving any buffs due to his map presence(now its not as big of a problem, but in the past he was the only toplaner who could influene dragon before 14 minutes after the tp changes). Nevertheless, from a main of an often ignored champion as well, I see your plight and hope Riot does something with the action and your proposed changes
@tiagoalmeida6857 10 ай бұрын
For as long as i can remember shen was one of my secure picks that i had since i started playing league back in 2015. He has been a champion i could always rely on and try him out on any build and any role for the lulz. You have definitely reignited my love for shen in the recent times since his nerfs and my comback to league. I have tried him mid because of you, and by myself i had much success (even though its hard to carry a team in low elo) i miss going hydra, i miss doing wacky builds like trinity and wits end. i have been forced to do radiant or evenshroud and redemption just to be sure i can maintain my team alive and building bruiser/lane dominance items being basically a waste of gold. I don't want shen to be a top tier champ and a hard winner. I want shen to be fun and versatile. I agree wholeheartedly, and now have begun my vacation from shen for a while.
@gonzdoom 10 ай бұрын
Dear Petu, TO ME you have been one of the most unique/iconic/charismatic and positively progressive Players I have come across. The way you've shown me how to play Shen in the past years, the effort and enthusiasm that you put into the game, it has always shown how much you really care about the game you're playing and how you wish for others to experience the same. Shen is a guardian, a protector in a way. Some would say like Senpai or Oni-san. TO ME, Shen teaches balance in the sense of patience, understanding your surroundings, taking advantage of opportunities, and taking care of those around you. I believe that you share these characteristics in helping players be a better overall player/individual(equally when it comes to mentality). Plus you have a most intriguing accent, that blends it all so great. :D I hope that Riot will watch this video in their conference room, and just watch to see how someone has invested so much time into a character - and not seeing any changes then decides to take it upon himself to critically analyze the 'State of the Champion' past and present, and save Riot a lot of time doing so themselves in improving one of the most OG and iconic characters in the game. Shen could be the change a lot of us need in life, and we could use more of that.
@prubfal 10 ай бұрын
man... i was maining shen from before his rework, like this past few months it's getting more harder and harder to play shen in the top lane and i'm not really a person who do a lot of research for technical stuffs but suddenly this video just came up on my yt homepage and this really gives me a somewhat clear view why is hard to play shen right now. thank you petu and also loves your guide
@Gadjins 10 ай бұрын
Legit points, love Your videos and You got such a smooth voice! Keep the great work up
@miguelvigil8212 10 ай бұрын
Petu, You inspired me and thousands of others to pick up Shen and learn a new way to play the game.... Years later Shen has turned into a different champion due to all of the reasons you spoke about in your video. I ended up falling out of love with Shen because of the changing "Shen Meta" and moved away from him. I love the character as a concept and his intended playstyle, but I agree that he is not the same champion that we all fell in love with originally. I will gladly join you on this champion boycott.. As always, thank you for the great content
@winglesssoldier4874 10 ай бұрын
I started 2009 and stopped playing lol 2022 in those 13 years, riot released so many champions but there was only one that i loved. I identified with him even in real life. Friends that knew me and the champion told me, that Shen is me and i am Shen. A strong leader with a clear mind. Trying to teach, lead and safe his people. I got a tattoo of his spiritblade on my arm the ionia icon in my armpit. I will love him forever, he went through so many phases of life with me! And Petu you always had a hint for me how to get closer with this Champion!! 🖤
@georgeling4287 9 ай бұрын
I love that in the nerfs you suggested options that would keep in mind the enjoyability of playing AGAINST Shen. This is already more than what Riot feels like they do all too often. Huge respect for this, and I hope you Shen mains get what you hope to out of this!
@colebarber8485 10 ай бұрын
I think a good buff for his w would be to make ranks in it increase the size of the zone. Letting him have more chance to dance around the blade, and also making it a bigger teamfight ability would give him so much more for late game. I think your other ideas were great though
@kfcking9548 9 ай бұрын
hell no that sounds busted asf. plus its adding to his boring support playstyle
@alt-q1y 10 ай бұрын
Amazing suggestions. Honestly I think he deserves a big patch with a lot of the changes you suggested. I'd love to see E be able to damage minions too, albeit a small change, I think it'd help a bit with his wave clear.
@arkadiuszdomonik7299 10 ай бұрын
I'm a long time shen player, countless games pre rework and even more after his rework collecting around 1.2mil points in the process. Being a shen player during his ups and downs I got to experience him at his best and at his lowest, and from my point of view, we are going through his lowest point in the entire timeline. As pointed out by Petu, Shen lost its aggressive playstyle by the changes to the champion itself and by the rework of the items most Shen players built back in the day. I think a good choice to make Shen a more appealing pick would be to introduce some sort of healing to his kit, giving empowered q healing of % dmg done could benefit good Shen players, rewarding these who actually know how to properly position in fights and play around his blade. This change wouldn't make shen a brainless pick for thousands of new people because you actually need to put some time into learning how his q works. It would immensely help him during lane since most champions have some sort of sustain, and it would be respectful to pre rework shen with sustain to him and his allies. Shen back in the days had ways to sustain more than now, titanic rush into old wits end granted him with damage and sustain to fight his opponents. I think it's was his most exciting period when it comes to gameplay and some sustain on empowered q would partially bring back these good times
@KayserathePoetKiller 10 ай бұрын
I've missed those nerfs so I had no idea why I was losing with Shen. I just thought to myself either I played bad or opponent was better. I kept losing early 1v1 fights then I stopped playing Shen :(
@CloverSchicksal 9 ай бұрын
His W has the ability to be one of the coolest abilities in the game. We saw in the Akali shen cinematic that it is more than just a block damage thing. If pressing the button removed cc from an those inside, Increased tenacity, or even just increased max hp, I feel it could be a lot more fun than just Nilah W but only moves once.
@nasko235679 10 ай бұрын
I'm so commited to this protest I won't play Shen even if RIOT fix him.
@np2742 10 ай бұрын
I agree with xPetu, I started playing Shen a bit before the item rework, he was my first onetrick champion and I loved it, but now with all the items and how bad it feels to ult away from lane and just lose tower or lose all the lead, I gave up on the champion, I would love some changes to my first champion that I properly went in deep to learn and onetrick and truly love❤
@gandresch9593 9 ай бұрын
"so I go". The Eye of Twilight will disappear from my match history for a brighter tomorrow, "it must be done"
@syzygetic 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for making this, i certainly felt the difference in the recent years. Stand United my Shen brothers
@TheCartman997 10 ай бұрын
Great video, as usual. As an occasional Shen enjoyer, this video resonates a lot with me. You hit the nail on the head with your thoughts about the champion, and the game in general.
@warjecht8503 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree. Shen is a champion who could give a lot but has been unfairly abandoned. Especially regarding the items. He's been extremely out of favor since mythics came out and since Sunfire no longer provides magic resistance. I also extremely agree about the BOTRK and the Sunderer; It doesn't matter how much advantage you have in the lane phase, and it doesn't matter how many items, money, or levels you are above your opponent because when they close the item, you no longer have a chance to win in the duel. Example: Irelia with BOTRK
@edwinpaz5397 9 ай бұрын
I will never forget the day I kill 4 times a Riven and when she complete the sunderer she just destroy me in every single trade after that
@Z3ZP 10 ай бұрын
Q giving bonus dmg only when spirit blade passes through enemies and attack speed as a baseline for something like 3 seconds would be cool. W could grow in size with rank ups or give allies and Shen on-hit dmg or something. Or it could burn enemies inside for minor dmg, with bonus dmg to minions for better waveclear. E could just have scaling duration or scaling distance with rank ups. I think his R shield should slowly build up as he channels, with an added bonus shield when Shen arrives to target (if he does).
@clubstep8244 9 ай бұрын
It would be nice if the Blade that he pulls around had a more direct impact. Make it deals damage on hit, or let it mark oponents for an empowered AoE autoattack once attacked by Shen. Many players up to silver/gold dont really care or realize what his blade does, and even if it would be only a powershift it would add so much about this very cool concept - without complicating it too much. Especially the AoE autoattack idea should work on minions to help with his waveclear. I believe this change would already do alot, and if not, give him a tool to place his blade somewhere he wants to
@gooderduck 10 ай бұрын
I think the one nerf I disagree with is the delay on ult shield. I definitely think this takes away from one of shen's core identies and ability of the player being able to look at the state of a fight and reacting to it. This would be such a huge nerf to as you'd have to ult in earlier in a skirmish so that your target doesn't die, but then at that point, you'd just look a bit silly if you mess it up and the ult would be wasted. I'd much rather them rework his ult than ever do this change.
@cccccaaaaassssssss 10 ай бұрын
i could see it having half up front half on teleport, not impossible to get past, but not useless to cast later into a fight, or maybe even heal the the target for whatever leftover shield there is when the cast goes off while lowering the shield amount.
@henriht1147 10 ай бұрын
@@cccccaaaaassssssss that would make radiant virtue build even more ridiculous than it is right now :D
@cccccaaaaassssssss 10 ай бұрын
@@henriht1147 make radiant virtue proc when he casts his ult not when the channel completes :)
@henriht1147 10 ай бұрын
@@cccccaaaaassssssss I think completing the channel is not necessarily a requirement already. The shield procs on teammate even if the channel gets interrupted and sometimes it's even favorable if it gets interrupted. I may be wrong here and I will test it again if i get the oppurtunity, but I think I used radiant to self heal once by using r, baiting out an enemy cc ability that stopped the channel, and then got fast heals off it that way enabling me to fight longer at my current position at that time. On top of that the ult can be basically used in the middle of a teamfight. For example a following scenario : You don't begin the fight with the shield as you want to maximize the shield gains anyway so you pop it in the middle of the teamfight on the downtime of your abilities after using q e w and whatever cooldown items you have and pop r the r for either a clutch save play or repositioning to a more favorable position to either chase down or outplay. I can already think of some interesting interractions on support shen as well that way.
@ThePlayableRiver 10 ай бұрын
Shen was my first main all the way back in 2013, and even though I haven't played consistently in a long time, it pains me to hear about the state that he's in. Here's hoping Riot takes some of your words to heart.
@Ignitus1795 10 ай бұрын
I could also see ranking up his W increasing the radius of the circle so that it's more useful in chaotic teamfights..would be good for support Shen vs. top lane shen maybe?
I haven’t played shen in a year and I will continue that for you, xPetu ❤
@santsbr 10 ай бұрын
Awesome video Petu! I somewhat feel your pain for losing old Aurelion, which I used to one trick and build craft a lot. It isn't the same scenerio but seeing your beloved champion in a state below below an acceptable level or shifted into something else is just heartbreaking. We one tricks develop such a connection with our champs that is hard to put into words. Good luck!
@Ethan-uy8uy 10 ай бұрын
I've been playing Shen a lot for the past few years, I don't read patch notes or pay attention to WR/Tier lists much. Over these past few months I've stopped playing him without really knowing why, I felt that the builds I was used to running were ineffective and aggression consistently punished. This has helped me realize what exactly went wrong.
@HomicidalTh0r 10 ай бұрын
I went from the Blue Ninja to Lucian, his complete opposite. A flashy, ability caster adc. I always thought it was on a Lucian binge. Seems I subconsciously knew the same. Shen just isn't Shen anymore. He's some sort of sad piece of milk bread. So yea, I'm gonna keep playing Lucian, even if my Winrate with him is terrible. At least I have a snowballs chance in hell. Unlike SOME champions.
@ericborczuk135 9 ай бұрын
I think it's a great idea with a lot of precedent to reduce shen's "non-skilled interaction" damage in favor of increasing his "correct play" damage. Great video 👍 Wish riot would think more about this sort of thing proactively.
@WrathOfWolf 10 ай бұрын
I loved to play Shen as support, but that was before rework when he started to carry giant sword around, it just did not feel right again and from that time he is lost for me :(
@nicklasallanmikkelsen3161 10 ай бұрын
As a fellow Shen OTP I agree, and will be joining the boycut
@xmetal88x 10 ай бұрын
Maestro Petu, estoy contigo para este movimiento que estas tratando de motivar, actualmente soy platino y mi main ha sido Shen, pero siento, al igual que tu, esta muy abandonado nuestro campeón favorito, ni siquiera leve buff por la skin mítica. Saludos y espero seguir viendo tu contenido bro.
@sprazz8668 10 ай бұрын
The ubiquity of full support items on a character who was meant to be a tank fighter with lesser support capabilities should be very noticeable - hopefully a rework will come at some point, since Shen players seem agreed on this one. Giving AD scaling to empowered Q is such an obvious change - Titanic is meant to be a core item which he's pretty much unable to build in his current state
@thomaskollmayr5271 9 ай бұрын
I think that the removal of the titanic hydra active also was really bad for shen, it helped with wave clear and was tied in with mechanics and technics even petu showed. I used to be a shen otp, i did not care if he was meta or not, did not care if i was using the most efficient items or the most op at any time, but in the end stoped because he got nerved so much and he even feels kind of useless at many times 😢
@riggedtroxaa8675 9 ай бұрын
that was the point when i stopped playing shen
@ajhintleman215 10 ай бұрын
Something that always annoyed me about Shen is that even if you get a lead vs him and try to take plates, he can just deny them and taunt you under tower. But at the same time, he can decide at any point to make botlane a 3v2 lane, and while that does allow you some ability to deal some tower damage, you know you're paying for it on the other side of the map because they didn't account for his ult. These are the frustrations I have with facing Shen, but that's because it's literally his ONLY option. He can't sit there and duel a volibear. His shields aren't big enough to survive Jayce/Teemo poke. And what, he uses his W to block Jax auto attacks? Don't worry, Jax is still stacking lethal tempo on it, so you'll lose that anyways. As you said, he's been forced into a support/enchanter role, when he could be so much more interesting.
@loregoon 10 ай бұрын
Excellent video as always! I'll watch it later.
@chrispascual8118 9 ай бұрын
Any update on the situation? Btw fiora's vital proc on w has been fixed!
@benharris6996 9 ай бұрын
I'm with you. Shen was my backup for Tryndamere in ranked for a while and one of the most fun champions to play. I hope Riot listens. I think you're suggested changes are excellent, and would actually make the game more fun for everyone, not just Shen players.
@Bellicosy 10 ай бұрын
Its a courageous outcry, but a lowpick rate has hardly been sufficient reason for Riot to make alterations to champions in the past. Not hastily at least, and not with any flaw with the game.
@BobJason1 10 ай бұрын
Poor Skarner lol
@2KilogramWhitefish 10 ай бұрын
As of this week, I started my own boycott, not realising that the greatest shen player would too. I thought I was crazy for thinking that shen is bad right now, but apparently not. Let's hope riot finally listens to us
@JaymieDornanVoice 10 ай бұрын
Could add a theme of crystals on Shen to Zeds shadows? Adds to skarner and taric tank theme. Idk shen well, just throwing this out there. Could do well with his look, no?
@rubenjarne8340 10 ай бұрын
I feel like w could last for a bit longer but block just a quantity of attacks based on the lvl of the ability
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