How Should a Christian Respond to Gossip | Albert Kilgore

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For the Gospel

For the Gospel

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@llr1961 2 жыл бұрын
I have gotten to the point that I don't even want to bring up someone's name in conversation, because if someone is nosy, they will try to pry information out of you about that person.
@llr1961 Жыл бұрын
@@tff8514 Thank you, God bless and keep you, also!
@jesusiskingofmyheart Жыл бұрын
I have been walking with the Lord for 2 years now and this is an area I continue to struggle in. I think it's because it comes to naturally to my flesh especially when I'm around worldly people who constantly gossip. Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
@Leannot35 20 күн бұрын
Don't make the mistake of feeding them and getting upset, it's not worth the time
@linag Жыл бұрын
“There are six things the Lord hates- no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6‬:‭16‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬
@user-sn1jt5sh2x 9 ай бұрын
Be a silent in front of person or when they call you, Don't answer, Be silent, when they text you, Don't answer, Be silent. These people pride, Ego, control let them to destroy a person's life, Because they act like 16 years old high school girls, going around to say something to hurt the other person. Be a silent. God is with you, see you, protect you, we have to pray Daily for these poor souls, either they don't go to church, or sitting in the church, getting board. Lord Jesus have mercy on these poor souls. Amen❤
@kid_judi Жыл бұрын
I just made a video on this! Gossiping is so destructive to your life. When you get rid of it it’s like taking junk food out of your diet! You don’t realize all the additional stress it brings to your life until you stop doing it. I wish the best for all of you and Jesus is King!
@jesusiskingofmyheart Жыл бұрын
I needed to hear this! Thank you so much. So encouraging.
@jerrycallender9352 3 ай бұрын
Claiming the Arab known as 'Jesus' " King" is gossip.
@mnisi_sindile 8 ай бұрын
This is true, I stopped a colleague from gossiping about another colleague to me, because we had a bit of a long walk that I couldn't avoid I simply said "you know what,I don't like gossip" she was actually the one to change the subject without any awkwardness
@Vibrant.A 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this as I need to know how to stop colleague doing this . I can see that being bold is the best way to tackle it and if you say. The g the person will keep trying to or will keep dumping gossip on you- we are not meant be anyone’s trash can ( or be spreading it )
@PeterBornAgain 11 ай бұрын
Proverbs 20:19 - “He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a gossip.
@Leannot35 20 күн бұрын
Amen to that!!
@TheArtemisoflight Жыл бұрын
I'm the victim of gossip at church right now. Apparently I'm sleeping with everyone's husband. This is a neat trick since I don't talk to anyone and make it a point to sit alone, up front where everyone can see me, and I leave the building right after service. The senior pastor is acting like I'm after him and I've never been anything but absolutely respectful and totally public with him. I'm at a loss, as I don't know what to do to make it obvious that I'm behaving the way the Lord wants me to.
@crazypeeps8641 Жыл бұрын
Stay strong. ❤
@David-kv9yh Жыл бұрын
When you are getting close to the Lord, evil spirits are assigned to attack your faith and uses people to do it. Maybe you are attractive and others are jealous of you. Look for another church or stay home and find an annointed television ministry until you find a suitable church. You're not alone and God loves you and knows your heart
@taniadenise5145 Жыл бұрын
@TF F I appreciate you writing words of wisdom for our dear Sister I would personally remove myself as they are not operating in the spirit yet alone breaking Yah’s commandment of slander I am struggling with communication with the world or people who say they are Christians I have had a number of things go wrong lately and I always sweep things under the carpet however I need to start speaking up can be difficult so any resources to point me in the right direction or wise words of wisdom? I am doing a semi fast today to break this and have to tune into the Holy Spirit however I normally don’t know what to say My face is burning from a facial from yesterday (I went to a Tafe where students practice and this lady happened to be a Christian) I asked what products & what she was using and she brushed me off saying you are funny & ask too many questions and then did say most people are asleep and don’t so that should have been my opportunity to persist Something felt off (she had previously done a hot stone massage & burnt me & I felt something hurt me and have scratches on my arm (I tried not to speak up to make her feel bad) I asked her not to use exfoliation as I had previously been sunburnt and that I needed hydration (she looked at my skin through a machine & it showed dehydration) She was explaining how you have you have to get rid of 5 layers of skin etc and I said as long as you are not doing that to me and she said no just explaining. Turns out after using the “cleanser” my face was burning & she used it twice (I had no idea what she was doing as it was going so fast and when I asked she said only cleansing) It turns out it was an exfoliating cleanser which I would have declined, especially twice and quite certain I said not to use it again and then she put a scrub exfoliater and then what I thought would be a hydrating mask had aha’s in them so another exfoliater Finally serum & a moisturiser had been put on but the damage had been done, my cheeks are still burning and have burn marks on them and are red and dry. I brushed it off in front of her teacher (which I normally do when things happen) as it was her final treatment and didn’t want her to fail etc I am fed up (even with myself to joke and brush things off and not be more serious) and need to communicate more and clarify I want to show the love of Christ hence the confusion of how to respond in certain situations…
@melodyseverything6999 Жыл бұрын
@@taniadenise5145 - I'm always too scared to get a professional facial and other stuff like that. I do facials to myself because I know my skin doesn't like harsh exfoliation so I only use gentle products and don't use scrubs or anything like that. My skin is pretty nice because of that, plus it's much more affordable. Maybe you should look into that for yourself. PS - It's so easy for just ANYONE to say they are Christian. They need to back that up with godly behavior, so don't just take their word for it that they are. Their actions have to match their description of themselves.
@mileyroe4877 Жыл бұрын
I had a public breakup at a well known church once, where my ex cheated on me with another woman at church whom I was acquainted with. My ex made up rumors and lies about me and told his friends and family before and after our breakup just so that the truth of his cheating would not come out. I had always wondered why people were suddenly mean to me after i was so nice and giving to them. Most of them treated me badly after i gave my all. Since i was single and am a pretty woman, the women in the congregation became bitter and mean towards me as they felt as though their husbands or bfs might become interested in me. The single men in the congregation flooded me with attention which was stressful as i was in pain. I fought to stay, lost a lot of weight, my ex was my biggest bully as he stunted on me and intentionally provoked me with insults and with the girl he cheated on me with, showing her off and putting me down on social media and in public groups. I didn't reply or post anything about them as i knew the truth. I blocked them all and I left that church after a very long depressing fight to stay. God's word tells us that we will know his people by the love they exhibit. If the whole church, including the pastor is exhibiting negativity then we must leave because that is not love. No one is perfect but their focus should be on helping others to grow in the word and spreading the truth of God. However, we also need to ensure that we too aren't doing things that God would not approve of. We have to dress appropriately, not speak in a flirtatious way, not gossip and give our best while being friendly and kind to others. If all that doesn't work, then leave. Going to church should be a blessing and God does not add sorrow to blessings.
@khartist 2 жыл бұрын
A good way to avoid gossip is walk in as the music starts and leave when the music ends and then you wont end up talking to anyone. There's also leave the church. Calling it out is important but those people dont listen. Some people in church will pretend to be a friend so they can gossip in the form of stories or use it as a prayer point without giving the name of said person away. If i gossip goose tries talking to you at church do what i do pull out a pop up childrens book out or your bag and start reading it out loud to them. Once they realize that you aren't going to talk and give them any information so they can gossip they will walk away.
@Mrs4everBlessed 3 ай бұрын
Wow! This was DEFINITELY a message from God to Me😞
@flyinggirl3121 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about this. A good reminder!
@RichardBarberio Ай бұрын
Some of the worst gossip are sitting in the church! Some of the very ones in the pulpit, telling others not to gossip, are the worse.
@sbaby-np5hy Жыл бұрын
So much gossip has started around our church since my family and myself have chosen to sit by ourselves and things of that nature. We have tried on numerous occasions we are newer to the area and the church itself so we don't know people that well so we have tried to approach people and they just have their little clicks and just want to talk about you and it just I'm telling you what it did I feel like I'm in high school again.
@PeterBornAgain 11 ай бұрын
Proverbs 20:19 - “He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets, therefore do not associate with a gossip.
@king-nick2023 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes I’ve noticed that people are gossiping and venting at the same time… not always in a malicious or deceitful manner but angrily in pain and getting it off their chest
@jesusiskingofmyheart Жыл бұрын
Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
@B1974-d6x 27 күн бұрын
Amen! Great message
@katiedodge7028 Жыл бұрын
Love that you even called yourself out!!! Awesome!!
@DoctorCarrieHall 2 ай бұрын
My position is 🙏
@taniadenise5145 Жыл бұрын
Such great advice! I haven’t known how to respond & now that I am convicted, I have looked down and kicked my foot which seems rude but hopefully they get the point. Yesterday I redirected it so praying to God for courage and wisdom 🕊
@lalajean2975 Жыл бұрын
Sometimes i will turn around if it will turn to gossip but sometimes .... im the one who will start it . I never really look deeper into gossip all i know is talking anout someone but i have a hard time recognizing it since i grew up seeing people talk about others people and i thought its normal since here in the country if pretty much a hobby that people will go out of their houses and talk to somebody like relatives and neighbors . But still its my own sin......
@ams-yaa Жыл бұрын
😎😎Thank you so much, I needed this
@JasonDBlundell Жыл бұрын
Very good!
@dgh5223 2 жыл бұрын
A lady text me today telling me she was told my husband had covid. I told her he didn’t. She wouldn’t tell me who told her when I asked who told her. Now its making me nuts trying to figure out who would say such a thing.
@hernansierraiii2991 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing this brother. Amen 🙏🏽
@captanchemistry 10 ай бұрын
Going to show this to my middle school Bible class this year. Good stuff!
@vilmabock478 2 жыл бұрын
Brilliant! 😊
@tinathompson399 Жыл бұрын
Ive tried all 3 Im still at a loss Because GOD keeps putting people like this in my life I know Hes trying to send me a message to figure it out Im stuck Because its like the harder i try to fight against gossip More people like that are sent into my life 💕 Confused Concerned
@kendraheard1097 5 ай бұрын
Man I feel you, I've been feeling down all day because I feel defeated...and im surrounded by gossipers at work i will take a stand today...I will start giving people blank stares
@Vibrant.A 3 ай бұрын
@@kendraheard1097I am too! Be strong.
@nanavivian12 Жыл бұрын
Amen, God bless you
@dianeexley1709 6 ай бұрын
Thanks so much for this!
@SuniLaBestia 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏽
@henrydavis9953 11 ай бұрын
@elisabethschicker4571 6 ай бұрын
This helped me so much
@aleasharowe2551 2 жыл бұрын
@kais4303 Жыл бұрын
Good words❤
@desperadodeluxe2292 Жыл бұрын
Yea thats great and all when your on the delivery end. Personally its been a threat on my life and livilihood.
@ESTHERG5749 Жыл бұрын
Ignore and allow God to be your vadicater pray for them🙏
@desmondou Жыл бұрын
Is speaking the truth which hurts is considered gossip
@michellecasey4680 Жыл бұрын
If it is behind the persons back it is gossip. The bible gives us clear instructions about how we are to handle a story about someone.
@clairekyle2521 2 жыл бұрын
Should I confront the girl who’s been gossiping about me for years in church it’s destroyed my friendships I don’t know what to do?
@maryomollo498 2 жыл бұрын
No don't do that just avoid her and find your peace back
@clairekyle2521 2 жыл бұрын
@@maryomollo498 I couldn’t take it anymore I confronted respectfully after church yesterday and she denied everything and lied nothing was resolved I guess you were right🤷🏽‍♀️
@Ali-lw1toc 2 жыл бұрын
Pray about it
@1LovedbyHim 2 жыл бұрын
With these situations, you pretty much have to have solid evidence on a person because they can always deny it. Of course, if the denial is a lie, that’s between them and God, but it’s still frustrating that nothing gets resolved when the confrontation occurs. As hard as it is, I’ve honestly learned that if I don’t have solid evidence on a person’s wrong-doing towards me, I just let it play out and wait on God. When He fights for you, it’s such a beautiful thing, because He can make even your enemy come back and ask for forgiveness. 🙌🏾
@melodyseverything6999 Жыл бұрын
I agree with JustMe to hand over that person to the Lord for justice and correction. You can also try to restore your destroyed friendships by asking what they think you did wrong and to talk or work it out with them.
@stephanieblazin2041 7 ай бұрын
What the prayer chain
@tina8796 5 ай бұрын
@andyxbox123 2 жыл бұрын
The least popular sermon!
@taniadenise5145 Жыл бұрын
But one of the most needed!!! 🕊
@jesusiskingofmyheart Жыл бұрын
@@taniadenise5145 AMEN!!
@codingmo 2 ай бұрын
What about listening to gossip online?
@celesteessel4500 Жыл бұрын
Hi, for step 1 , I was wondering if anyone had tips on doing this with grace ? When I was a newer Christian, it stung to be reprimanded that way ( I thank God for it now ) but before I was saved I remember that pain making it harder to actually reflect on that moment - so is there a softer way to call out the gossip without demonizing a person- sometimes they don’t realize they are gossiping so I wonder if there’s a way - but I understand if there’s not.. I haven’t found it yet lol
@taniadenise5145 Жыл бұрын
@TF F I want to please our Heavenly Father however fall short Is there a difference from someone sharing something with someone we know or don’t know? For example, I think it is fine if someone chats about someone I don’t know if they are struggling with something however if I know the person then I don’t think it is right and to use pro caution & a fine line I reported the facial to the Tafe where I had the treatment to obtain what products were used to rectify. I spoke honestly about what happened which involved speaking about the therapist so pray for boldness so I can speak to people direct and if they don’t listen then to mention that I may have to escalate the problem (which I feel horrible about) Even gas people ran a check that came back fine however I asked them to use a tester which he said yes and then had to leave, after still smelling gas I called a month later as I cannot afford to pay anyone else else and he said he would grab the tester and come over but because I live out of town, I said wait until he had a job out this way to be considerate. It’s been a few months now since asking them to follow up so I sent a text stating I am surprised this is not being taken seriously. I called today and was told I would receive a call back in 10 minutes and it’s been 3hrs so hopefully soon A previous client owes me money for work and I keep running into him & he will hug and say sorry I will pay when I bought it up and I have sent him a few messages & he saw me at a place yesterday and messaged me (I thought I saw the back of him however needed to go to the bathroom). He messaged me and asked how many payments owed etc and it’s a vicious cycle. Hopefully he has paid (nothing in account yet) How do I handle all of this and any advice. I heard a teaching this morning (not by Christians). Essentially he said that a dog growls & gives warming and then bites I don’t want to bite but with the gas I was direct as I am concerned and gas needs to be addressed thoroughly When I say I don’t want to bite I do now after growling with the gas by text message so not sure how to handle things to be nice and have an outcome People seem off these days and the world is getting weirder Any assistance would be appreciated!!! 🕊
@taniadenise5145 Жыл бұрын
I am aware that certain people do not have the Holy Spirit so it’s hard to expect a lot out of them (and expectation is another thing yet hard when you want to get paid or have peace of mind around gas) I am concerned about my witness as I have dropped the ball unfortunately on different occasions hence learning to communicate and growl rather than holding it in and then biting without the growl or warming first is what then confuses people because then it seems to come out of “nowhere” for them as they are clueless about their actions when it is so obvious to us….
@taniadenise5145 Жыл бұрын
So wisely written and thank you for standing up for that young child and Mum & sorry that it was not handled correctly can be very stressful. You know how God feels about children so having righteous anger and defending “the weak” per say (being a woman it helps if another man steps in to protect & defend so I don’t mean weak as an insult) I personally am confused about doctrine as I still believe in keeping God’s commandments along with faith in Jesus & perhaps this is another reason of the downfall of the churches I interpret- come out of her my people and a call out of Babylon to come out of the Catholic Church which seems depicted in the book of revelation It seems with the 501c churches that they will have to adhere to certain regulations & that they are joining hands with the Catholic Church. I think unity is good however not at the cost of forsaking truth I am still praying for truth & praying to be made worthy!!! 🙏🏻🕊
@taniadenise5145 Жыл бұрын
Yes, unfortunately when we do not take the spiritually mature, narrow path it can rob us of our peace. Unfortunately when I asked for the products used so I can remedy my still burning skin somewhere along the lines someone is lying The teacher afterwards when only then explained to her what happened said she should have used a gentle cleaner and lo and behold instead of what she actually used which was an exfoliating cleanser I was sent she used the gentle one so clearly the rest on the list may not be accurate is disappointing It is disappointing that if it was the Christian that gave me the facial is lying then she robbed herself of peace We have so much to analyse before we respond to know what is mine or what is the others, how people will respond, how I would respond to their responding. I need to speak less words so will leave it at that and will continue pressing into God and will deal with things as they arise the best that I know how Ultimately it’s God’s recompense to pay and to still forgive and bless them however I am feeling less inclined to spread the gospel at the moment and to lay low as this world seems to be getting more foolish so I need to work on my relationship with God & who I am as his child I believe time is very short…
@ShonenMaster33 6 ай бұрын
It is fine if my family like to gossip everyday but i call it out everytime i can? I'm gonna be a person who shows discord in a family?
@kevindavis4709 Жыл бұрын
You might as well close church buildings are couples are in big doo doo cause? Often times spouse complain too others about their spouse problems they have
@vintageragdoll1991 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately My mother-in-law is one of these narcissistic, gossiping "Christians". She not only prays against her daughter's husband who has done her daughter wrong but has also told her youngest son repeatedly that he's the devil when he was a child doing child-like things and in his adult years she told him "you're going to get COVID and going to hell" when he was trying to pursue a job. I tried to give her things to read but she says that she doesn't have time for that because she tries to motivate herself to read the Bible, which she doesn't. She reads newspaper ads more than she does the Bible but watches the Christian channel religiously lol No pun intended but it doesn't get the message crossed to her head. She's a simple housewife that doesn't ever leave the house and is completely dependent on her husband for food, paying the bills and putting gas in her car because she doesn't know how to do it She's completely non self-sufficient. When my significant other was trying to pursue a job that was going to possibly take him out of state her first reaction was "you're going to get COVID and go to HELL" It was ignored completely by her husband as most of what she says is and by her son the first three times she said it but she kept saying it after that and he kind of blew up on her a little bit saying "why do you keep saying that?" Us as a couple we are not antichrist but we do try to learn about other aspects of all religions. She thinks I'm a witch that does bad spells to people, I'm sure. But then yet she will tell us when she prays against her son-in-law and all the things that she does like praying against her son-in-law, telling her youngest son when he's trying to make enough money to chase a job to move out of living with her that he's going to hell like she's playing God. I'm just trying to figure out ways of stopping her and her tracks when she starts coming after us with sayings like this and it's just getting worse as she's getting older. I've even considered going to a multi-dominational church to try to get some answers on how to deal with this but unfortunately I do live with chronic pain since childhood (23years out of 31) So it's really hard for me to even get out of the house. They did let me live in their house under their roof when I turned 18 because I was living with an abusive alcoholic stepdad but whenever I was 16 and had to call the police and file a report on my stepdad I couldn't stay in the same house for the same night so the police said I had to go stay somewhere else. My significant other took me back to the house and I had to sit on the back porch like a abandoned dog while they had a Open conversation on whether or not to let me stay the night or not. The glass door that separated them from the living room and me from the back patio I could hear her first reaction being "Can't she go somewhere else?" When her husband and her older son had had to intervene with my stepdad coming after not only me but my significant other (their son) MULTIPLE TIMES. She's also someone that came from a background from a abusive home and abusive preacher father and you think that she would have some sympathy and want to help thy neighbor but she is everything what Christianity doesn't stand for and I'm trying to relay that to her without making her feel attacked. She doesn't need to be calling people the devil, She doesn't need to be using prayer as a way to pray against her son-in-law cheating on her daughter and making a child with another woman while their daughter stays with her husband, And she certainly doesn't need to be telling her youngest son he's going to hell or telling anyone for that matter That's God's job to do the judging not hers. You would think a person that grew up in the church the way she did would learn that but she's been so far away from the religion that she hasn't read the Bible and probably 30 years if that and I try to relate to her on other subjects like talking about healthy food and putting out a couple of books about healthy food I came across while cleaning our room and she told me that she "didn't have time to read it because she's trying to motivate herself to read the Bible" Would she still hasn't done but puts the Christian channel on every day and think that is some sort of justification to how she acts. It's just so awful because there could be a good relationship between all of us but there is it because she acts this way and it's only getting worse with her age progressing to almost 70 now. My significant other is trying to get us moved out as soon as possible so we no longer have to deal with this but maybe once a year when we come visit them for Christmas, if that. She 100% made it that way And the reason why her two other children struggle so heavily with intimate relationships like their husbands or girlfriends etc. One of them grew up to be an alcoholic the other had porn and sex addiction and the oldest her daughter that they were hardest on when raising her had substance abuse issues along with staying with her mentally and physically abusive husband who has stepped out of the marriage so many times and has even made a child from one of those encounters at least that we know of. It's Just beyond sad because these kids she raised are directly affected by how they were raised and she's trying to change it by praying against people instead of taking a step back and seeing how she has approached situations but she's always in defense mode and think "she's always in the right" and "what she say is right and what she say goes". She has zero friends because of how she is her husband can't even tolerate her, They sit and recliners everyday while she just babbles on and on and he ignores her while scrolling on his tablet. Her 3 children can only tolerate her in small doses. I myself consider it a good day/week of I don't have to interact with her at all. I don't want it to be like this with my future mother-in-law but it's beyond repairing and beyond trying to fix it after 17 years being in the family and with one of her sons. If anybody has any recommendations on how to handle this or videos or websites to direct me to I would greatly appreciate it!
@lighttheoryllc4337 Жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum #1 It's IMPOSSIBLE for any of you Gentiles to be Christians based on the writings of Prophet Isa in AL Injeel Gospel
@brendaemmakaysmith1354 11 ай бұрын
I just prayed for you. I pray for your heart to be filled with love, peace, caring and kindness. With our Holy God and Father of the Heavens and creator of earth …anything and everything is possible. I pray that find Jesus Christ and accept Him into your heart and ask for forgiveness of your sins in His name before it’s too late. He loves you this much!
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