How The Boys Lost Its Momentum

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@sspearss9112 2 жыл бұрын
Starlight’s Super Saiyan mode was so disappointing. One cool blast and then that’s it. However, I think that was intentional because it was really a Huey moment in disguise. She had the flashy part, but that moment was about Huey trusting Annie to protect herself and rejecting the temp V. I felt the same about Maeve surviving. I was glad to see her, but it felt cheap.
@Frizzleman 2 жыл бұрын
I agree about it being a moment for hughie and Annie not just Annie but I think it’s lost on people how impressive her blast really was. No one was really able to stop soldiers boy on their own except homelander and now Annie. She fully stops him and that’s homelander level power at least in my opinion.
@Daniel-uy1sv 2 жыл бұрын
@@Frizzleman She needed the whole charge from Vought tower to just merely push soldier boy, she is no where near em in power
@Frizzleman 2 жыл бұрын
@@Daniel-uy1sv idk she has access to the whole tower so she really is that strong right. The boys can easily gain access to a power plant so in my mind starlight has the capacity to even exceed the power of soldier boy and homelander.
@Politics_from 2 жыл бұрын
I just didn't see anything negative in that moment. Huey trusted her. She delivered. If she's got a power source she can murder the shit out of any supe. That was my takeaway.
@andreivaldez2929 2 жыл бұрын
She's only that strong after being built up and then seems to lose all that charge after that one blast. She's got potential but no one is going to walk around with a broadcast room's worth of lights and constantly charge her up for single blasts.
@brimward122 2 жыл бұрын
Black noir being killed by Homelander was upsetting. I thought the writers were building up a confrontation between black noir and soldier boy, and then it all got thrown away. Coulda been a pseudo Batman vs Captain America.
@andreivaldez2929 2 жыл бұрын
It would've been cool to see, and it had potential to give us another good character moment where they would fight and Noir loses then has that same scene of his imaginary friends comforting him on his death bed. I think that would've been more emotional ending for him than what we got.
@EntelSidious_gamzeylmz 2 жыл бұрын
absolute late got vibes
@rafaelcastor2089 2 жыл бұрын
It didn't even have to be an actual fight in my opinion. Just Black Noir, finally standing up to Soldier Boy because he wants to and not because Vought told him and the team to do ot, showing that he really has conquered his fear would've been aweasome, even if all that happened was his head getting immediately punched out of his body like Maeve's does in the comics when she finally stands up to Homelander.
@mejuliie 2 жыл бұрын
@@rafaelcastor2089 He did conquer his fears though. A final stand-off between the two isn't necessary anymore. By deciding he will go up against Soldier Boy, regardless of his own fears, Black Noir has already stood up to the person he feared most of all. While it is sad that he didn't get to face him directly, he did have the resolve to do so. We see his imaginary friends saying how proud they are for the decision he made and that he did well. So, for Black Noir, he already confronted Soldier Boy and stood up for himself. It's much more important for the story that Homelander so casually kills him. It makes the disappointment and rejection Homelander feels, when he meets Soldier Boy, even more devastating to him. Black Noir was his best friend, and the person he was sure would never abandon him. But he decided to kill him for a father, who ultimately rejected him very harshly. It was a very painful emotional experience for Homelander, not just because he was rejected by Soldier Boy but also due to the things he did, which he thought would make his father proud of him.
@Casshio 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, I think Homelander killing his last and only friend/his best puppet in cold blood was a good choice.
@lowdog2940 2 жыл бұрын
Every supe hit by soldiers blast didn’t immediately liquify, homelander said the ones that survived hero gasm were powerless now. I think those with durability lose their powers gradually
@kremo2547 2 жыл бұрын
But crimsom countess was immediatly killed when she faced sb
@RobJohnKarma 2 жыл бұрын
That was like point blank in a small space
@alext399 2 жыл бұрын
@@RobJohnKarma also she’s based off Wanda who can’t even survive a gunshot wound to the head
@mrprotoman154 2 жыл бұрын
Surprised people complain about that. Kimiko survived and Maeve was going blow for blow with Homelander so it's perfectly reasonable she would too.
@GabesEdtiz 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrprotoman154 well Maeve was de-powered in mid-air, yet she somehow survived that fall to the ground.
@Ven-zg3fj 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree with the A-train point. The buildup was his growing sense of empathy along with his animosity for Blue Hawk, ending with both his apology to Hughie AND his murder of Blue Hawk. His growing empathy brings the momentum imo
@AlexRobles-tl4jd 2 жыл бұрын
A-train was definitely the best build up, I agree with you there. But the payoff didn't seem appropriate, it didn't really build up his relationship with his brother that much, not did it build up having no powers. It was more a revenge ark, which led to him still having a bad relationship with his brother, and him still working at Vought. Basically the same as before.
@Demsky83 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlexRobles-tl4jd but in all that he grew. Loss some of the arrogance and actually took time to care about something or someone else besides himself and his image.
@AlexRobles-tl4jd 2 жыл бұрын
@@Demsky83 I see your point. His reasons for murdering Blue Hawk were different than his girlfriend. His brother still rejects him, but A-train was actually trying to make it up to him. He's still at Vought, but doesn't seem sure why he's there. There's just so little change in the end.
@Frappezious 2 жыл бұрын
@@AlexRobles-tl4jd The difference is that he starts to ask why hes slandering Starlight instead of just going along with it which is growth from before, as well as him facing homelanders hypocrisy about Atrain killing another supe while homelander killed Black Noir and called supers "his own kind" showing him starting to change his stance and views on racism and his place on the 7. I view it as the payoff of him getting his powers back so he can actually change something in the story.
@AlexRobles-tl4jd 2 жыл бұрын
@@Frappezious A-Train's change, I think, should already be effecting the story. Both what he did to Blue Hawk and his brother caused no change. Just a little lecture from Homelander, who already was hostile to him.
@AuratticStride 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree that A train's journey was stagnant. I think we saw some real character change, especially in the scene where he apologizes to Huey, and I think him killing blue hawk clearly states where he's going to go next season. I think it closely resembled the end of avatar season 2 where zuko returns to the fire nation but we know that he's changed. Furthermore, I think the payoff this season was lackluster because of how they set up the conflict - soldier boy and homelander effectively being immortal. Soldier boy being immortal because of his powers and homelander being immortal because they need him for future plot. Because of this, there wasn't really going to be a satisfactory ending to that conflict. Furthermore, with Kimiko, she has more subtle payoff in the fact that she is leaning into her powers, rather than hating them. In terms of starlight, homelander killing supersonic pushes starlight to go scorched earth on vought instead of trying to change it from within and join the boys, but it's true that the romantic payoff was lost. I absolutely agree with your notes on Maeve & the fact that the viewer has to invent momentum for themselves. Soldier boy's power probably should have killed her, the way they almost killed kimiko. And because of the unsatisfactory ending of homelander v soldier boy & butcher, there isn't a clear direction for the next season.
@slowlex9214 2 жыл бұрын
tbh i disagree with most of the things of this season... my biggest complains may be that i have no idea whats about to happen...I dont think maeve should have survived but maybe we can see more in the next season and i dislike the payoff with black noir... i think the actual reason why people might dislike this season is in fact the death of fan favourite black noir... i am looking forward for at least two more seasons and i think that the future seasons will satisfy
@Politics_from 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if I'd qualify A Train's season 3 as growth so much as being challenged in ways he hadn't been previously. He is the same person. Thus, stagnant. But he is also being put in situations he isn't used to being in. For me, it seemed like it's all setting the board for next season for his character. Things that happened to him in Season 3 will directly inform his decisions in Season 4.
@AuratticStride 2 жыл бұрын
​@@Politics_from I agree with you that the major changes were pushed to season 4, but I still think that he experienced some growth. In season 1, when he gave hughie the apology, he clearly didn't care about Robin and just saw her as collateral damage. In season 3, we clearly see him be remorseful about his actions, and understanding the damage caused by supes. So it's definitely not a major change, but I would still consider it character growth.
@Watermelon_Man 2 жыл бұрын
As for the Maeve thing, his power didn’t almost kill Kimiko. His power just took the V out of her, and she took a piece of metal deep into her torso. It’s not an issue of “Maeve should’ve died”, but rather an issue of Soldier Boy’s power being inconsistent because it absolutely obliterated those twins.
@andreivaldez2929 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest thing was Maeve and Soldier Boy surviving seemingly so that the writers could give us "appropriate" endings for them: bad guy gets imprisoned and good guy gets to retire with their loved one. Them dying would've made more sense and continued the process of Maeve's redemption.
@SirGrimLockSmithVIII 2 жыл бұрын
Hughie in particular got short staffed. The trauma he went through via Robin's death and every other time he encountered an unstable supe gave him every right to try the Temp V just so he had a fighting chance. This wasn't a jealousy thing with Starlight, but the writers forced it to be that so they could invalidate his chance to finally empower himself and finally stop being a victim. He had a perfectly logical reason for the decisions he made throughout the season, but not only was he scolded and belittled for trying to stand up for himself, he was also strawmanned into coming up with a weak comeback that purposefully made him look worse than he actually was.
@theapologist6717 Жыл бұрын
I always interpreted his temptation at Temp V as rooted in insecurity and a feeling of uselessness. At the beginning of the season, not only did he leave to try to do good with Neuman (Which blew up in his face, not helping things) he even mentions off handedly something about never fitting in with the Boys or not being of much use. Mix this with prolonged periods of time with him hiding under ground, and Annie being in the most dangerous place possible, and you could understand his slow drive to want to make an impact. The show doesn't ONLY paint it as a jealously thing with Starlight (that and that naked street scene comes and goes quickly, leading me to think it was only trying to depict the Starlight aspect of it, where he feels like he can't be there for her without Temp V, thus becomes obsessed with 'saving' her) thus I can forgive it, but I agree they painted his actions as way more illogical/ at times sexist then it was.
@fightingmedialounge519 4 ай бұрын
The issue there is the potential dangers of it.
@luchilenium 2 жыл бұрын
I thought the consequence of Supersonic being killed was Starlight finally deciding to leave the Seven and drop her superhero name. Basically realising she couldn't beat the system from within the system anymore. I think there was a point to him being killed by Homelander beyond just showing that he was sadistic and impulsive, which yes, we already knew. Starlight was pushing him more and more and thought she and the other supes were somewhat immune from his rage. But she was shown otherwise.
@trevturp6891 6 ай бұрын
Starlight didn't need to drop her superhero name.
@technicaldeathmetalhead 2 жыл бұрын
It would be far more interesting if Homelander got blasted, got nerfed BUT maintain some powers. The payoffs are threefold: 1) It creates tension and physical vulnerability for Homelander, 2) it puts his public image at stake because he has to cover it up, and 3) itmakes him actually consider (for a few seconds) how us regular folk feel BUT seeing regulars like Butcher and Huey try to fly to attain his heights causes him to strengthen his resolve and makes him even MORE paranoid. P.S. That's one mean run-on sentence 😬
@zatharos6427 2 жыл бұрын
Season 3 overall was decent. I feel that the “loss of momentum” was the the payoff/lack there of in the season finale. The finale didn’t feel nearly as worldly impactful as the finale of the last 2 seasons did.
@ZaLewdWarudo 2 жыл бұрын
@hunterzolomon1303 2 жыл бұрын
Still the best season so far. Not enough to call it a bad season.
@indedgames4359 2 жыл бұрын
I think they thought people cared enough about ryan . If ther knew ther propaly would have thought about doing something else aswell
@zatharos6427 2 жыл бұрын
@@hunterzolomon1303 i didnt call it bad at all
@frostbite5656 2 жыл бұрын
The season finale still did so much, it showed Homelander being able to be brutal in the public eye without consequences, butcher is dying, and there’s no one anyone to stop Homelander. There is no pay off it needs in reality.
@HipsterLumberjack 2 жыл бұрын
My main concern about the season is that bringing Soldier Boy back had very few consequences. He posed a threat to Homelander and other Supes until he was locked away again He depowered Kimiko until she got her powers back Outside of Maeve getting depowered, it looks like nothing changed as a result of freeing Soldier Boy
@t.a.i.255 2 жыл бұрын
I certainly see where you're coming from and I agree that physically he hasn't really shaken up the characters. But I think Soldier Boy's introduction has had serious character/plot consequences on the series. 1) His power pushed Homelander into doubting his strength and in a way that pushed him to go even more psycho than he already was. 2) Him being Homelander's father made the hero reconsider his own family dynamic. He spoke badly of Ryan back in episode 7, but by the end of the show, he appears to have taken a serious liking to his son. I imagine this Ryan arc will play a big part in the next season. 3) Of course, Soldier Boy's reappearance led to Noir's development and eventual death (which I thought wasn't handled very well). 4) He became the foil for MM's major character arc with his daughter. 5) His existence was the main thing that pitted MM and Starlight against Hughie and Butcher. I think I also would've been super upset if he had died this season, but he's still alive and I definitely think they'll bring him back. So... Have Hope!
@aytony4090 2 жыл бұрын
@@t.a.i.255 We had 8 hours of a season in which nothing happened at the end of the day. Hughie is back to his pussy self, the MM thing I really never cared about and he's back to his original self so that's another wash, Homelander seems to be the only one with something going on but it was a plotline that could be accomplished in less than 1 episode. Also, this show just doesn't seem to realize that the viewers find soldier boy, butcher and homelander more likeable than the other characters who we are supposed to like (Hughie and Annie). It's the writers fault for getting such charismatic and good actors as well as making them have a base simple stereotype that most people can relate to or find familiar. This is perfectly highlighted at the cliffhanger of Season 3, Homelander lasers the guy's face off... I laughed and applauded homelander and I believe most people did the same. You have this guy just showing off his kid to a group of supporters. Then there's the guy who proceeds to throw a can at the child, not Homelander. Reflexively Homelander demonstrates his fatherly emotions by protecting his child and killing the guy. Now let's put this into a more simple context: a random guy throws a can at your child's head, you may be a body builder but your child could be at a higher risk from that violence. That guy deserved everything he got and I support Homelander for it. Man, after making Homelander a loser jerking it on top of a skyscraper back into a great Father. Only can these terrible writers make such things a possibility.
@t.a.i.255 2 жыл бұрын
@@aytony4090 I think at this point it's just comes down to personal preference but let me explain my thinking. In the beginning, as you said, Homelander was a loser who's getting clowned on by Edgar, Starlight, and Maeve. He's basically at the lowest point in his life. At the end of the season, he's the most powerful he's ever been. Edgars gone, Maeve is powerless, Starlight is obviously still weak af, Solider Boy is asleep, Butcher is dying, and the boys have only one dose of temp V between them. In addition, he just found out he can commit open murder without backlash from his supporters. And I don't think the writers intended for us to get mad at Homelander for killing that asshole who attacked his son, we're supposed to fear the broader implications. The man's now emboldened to go around and kill his nay-sayers in broad daylight. He might even feel like he can take over the world because there'll still be his fans who'll cheer for him. So in this season, the whole power dynamic got flipped on it's head. We went from The Boys living their best lives with Homelander in the dirt -> Homelander who can do whatever he wants with no one left to stand up to him. Personally, I thought this season was great. Though I do think Black Noir got done dirty, and Maeve should've died. But let's just hope season 4 will be a little less divisive.
@recklessnotion1899 2 жыл бұрын
@@aytony4090 your opinion bro. I liked the MM character arc, along with Hugies fragile masculinity arc, a trains "semi" redemption arc, starlight finally getting fed up with Vought arc, Ashley getting more kinky from the stress induced moments, ecttt
@aytony4090 2 жыл бұрын
@@recklessnotion1899 Starlight getting fed up with vought should have happened 3 seasons ago. Compare the amount of story development between this show and Arcane. In 1 season important characters have died in Arcane and the nation is now into another civil war. Relationships have been irreparably destroyed and while other characters have had complete personality changes. Now, in the Boys. Nothing major has changed at all. We have small details which are slowly being teased, will Homelander go full sicko mode finally, maybe Hughie can grow some balls, Butcher hasn't changed at all. Also, the stakes haven ever been so low. After the finale I don't believe they will ever kill anyone important. The fact Maeve survived the giant explosion from soldier is dumb as fuck. Let alone she survived the explosion but as they said, she lost her powers at that very moment. Excuse me, isn't she hundreds of feet up in the air? So I'm led to believe a person with bo powers is supposed to live from that high of a drop? Fuck off show. The whole subplot with Kimiko and Frenchie was just lame. Nothing happened, they made up some idea that Frenchie is a coward which takes 8 episodes for him to change or something. The writers have shot themselves in that they can never let go of any of these characters, make their personalities change or have any real character development, but they can shove as much of their shitty politics into the show as possible. What a crap series.
@arthurfortes8398 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion, the perfect way to subvert the expectations, that works perfectly for the show, would have been this: Homelander gets hit by Soldier Boy's powers, but he is not depowered. Imagine this, Homelander is not affected by Soldier Boy because he is technically speaking born a super, and his powers only work in people who were injected with Compound V as kids or adults, like Kimiko. That would have been perfect because: 1) It would fit with the diabolical nature of the show; 2) Maybe it could justify better Soldier Boy and Butcher fighting, because the situation would become so precarious that Soldier Boy may try to get rid of Ryan since he also is not affected by his powers, and Butcher actually tries to protect Ryan; 3) It would be sad and somehow cathartic, Butcher sacrificed so many relationships just for the chance to end Homelander, but that chance did not even work, and now Butcher has to live with that; 4) It would have made Homelander more sinister, dangerous and even more confident that he can do everything he wants.
@EntelSidious_gamzeylmz 2 жыл бұрын
the fact that this is actually better than the writing tells a lot
@mroctober3583 2 жыл бұрын
Nah leaving Homelander OP with no real threat would be boring and a re tread of past 2 seasons, the fact there was someone out there who could turn him human gave him stakes n was a better character arc bc it humanized him, HL should lose his powers at some point in the series, that would be great character development...
@Captain_Insano_nomercy 2 жыл бұрын
@@mroctober3583 I actually saw this as the ending I envisioned Homelander getting depowered and helpless, but Butcher stops to gloat, and out of nowhere Edgar stops him from finishing off Homelander with a team of supes or maybe he has a gun to the head of Ryan. For whatever reason he wants Homelander alive, too important for the company, or maybe he has a dark secret role still to fulfill. Shit it could have been Newman, saving his ass last minute. Long story short he goes a season without powers, facing his life as a mud person, being shattered, but gains his powers back by the finale
@mroctober3583 2 жыл бұрын
@@Captain_Insano_nomercy EXACTLY! not permanently losing powers but for a season with him running from the boys and wheelin n dealin with humans to survive would make for great television
@JewTube001 2 жыл бұрын
@@mroctober3583 we got powerless a-train in s2 and he mostly just sat around. so idk if the writers want to do much with the powerless supe thing.
@orionh5535 2 жыл бұрын
One of the fatal weekness of The Boys is homelander himself. Even if they dont follow the comic plot, homelanding finally loosing it and having to be stopped is obviously the climax of the show. But you cant end the show untill the writers creators buy a new house. So homelander is in a holding period, he does stuff, but he never really does anything impactful in relation to his promised capabilities, hes just hanging around untill he is needed to end the show.
@andreivaldez2929 2 жыл бұрын
Not to mention that now that his life could be threatened he has to have plot armor to keep him alive until the finale. Before, it was fine since he was seemingly invincible, but now he was to have the writers pull him out of life threatening scenarios instead of having to overcome them or face consequences (covering up a bruise with makeup is barely a consequence). I think it would've been cooler if instead we saw Homelander overcome Butcher's efforts and shown that the plan to just take him on with brute force wasn't going to be enough, that they still needed a better plan and taking the easy path wasn't a worthwhile shortcut.
@gonks7071 2 жыл бұрын
Well the point is that he has his hands tied by public opinion, but we start to see a faction of the public give him more and more leeway as he gets more unhinged.
@TheKyleCoyle 2 жыл бұрын
As mentioned, Homelander's storyline is clearly tied to public perception so I would guess that the plan for his final explosive payoff is going to be somewhat of a misdirection. I suspect some kind of "madness of crowds" type conclusion, similar to the January 6th insurrection. But if this show is supposed to be a very specific kind of political satire, and of course it absolutely is, then I suspect the goal of delaying Homelander's climax is to make his immortal public image a mirror to Trump's political invulnerability. Thus, it will be hard for them to write an ending to this story-adaption without witnessing an some kind of ending to the Trump era... and who the f*** knows when that will be.
@Courier_333 2 жыл бұрын
What are you talking about? As if the character only exists to die and there's nothing else you could possibly do
@josecalderon8133 2 жыл бұрын
Him building a solid family bond with his kid is worth exploring for a season of two until the kid turns on him and he unleashed Armageddon on the city and it turns into the nightmare sequence in BVS. Then they get soldier boy and the boys to finally kill him once and for all
@MrLeFilipfloppyvelarde 2 жыл бұрын
This season was literally "it's about the journey, no the destination". I agree that the next season we need permanent changes
@majorgabe56 2 жыл бұрын
This season felt like a heartbeat monitor, where it pulses up high a few times then goes back down right to where it started. It had some highs to be sure, but I only really remember Herogasm and the final episode but only because most of the plot points got resolved in the episode and I kept asking, "That's it?" The first two seasons had better payoffs and had great buildup but the buildup for season 3 were all resolved and in a lackluster manner. Down the road with more seasons, I feel that season 3 will be the one most forgotten.
@LucyWest370 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly most of Season 3 was just Soldier Boy walking around beating people up and being a jerk while Mothers Milk and Starlight walk around and do nothing. Kimiko and Frenchie were probably the most interesting part of this season considering they get the best scenes and consistent development
@bassssaasuuuup 2 жыл бұрын
I agree
@ellie_olivia. 2 жыл бұрын
@@LucyWest370 this is a bad simplification
@LucyWest370 2 жыл бұрын
@@ellie_olivia. but is it an incorrect simplification? No.
@ellie_olivia. 2 жыл бұрын
@@LucyWest370 still bad lol
@gianni206 2 жыл бұрын
All this could be solved if only they had bigger goals than just “ending Homelander”. Like killing Homelander won’t end the superhero industrial complex, but they keep acting like it will, despite the fact that that’s what’s allowing so much abuse to be rife. Which is a great opportunity to spotlight the abuse the Boys allow to go without doing anything. Which then reveals how the Boys weren’t actually doing anything new to begin with, and the systems they pretend to fight are exactly like them: rebellious, self-preserving, full of bureaucrats, but ultimately important. No self-awareness from the writers on this kind of stuff, but it would be interesting.
@j.fragoso7451 2 жыл бұрын
True, in the comics the Boys go after a LOT of different supes. This includes superhero teams and individuals. In the show its implied that that is what Butcher does when he is introduced on season 1 but right at the gate he is targeting Translucent/ The Seven. Which is basically Homelander. So since season 1 he has being focusing on only one superhero group and every other supe he killed is as a byproduct of that. While on season 4 they opened with The Boys going after Termite, this felt to me as more of a joke/ humor rather than a plot line. The whole Termite sequence did not last even 10 minutes. Having The Boys not go after other supes beside The Seven makes them look like they are just obsessed with The Seven instead of being a group that hates all supes because they abuse normal people.
@gianni206 2 жыл бұрын
@@j.fragoso7451 Ugghhh, it’s painful when you say it all like that- So much missed opportunity! I’m guessing it’ll end with the Boys championing a movement that overthrows Homelander and ends the system entirely? Because they’ll know someone might just replace him anyways? Or they’ll end him and they’ll have to deal with his replacement. Either way… it may get sloppy and on the nose.
@j.fragoso7451 2 жыл бұрын
@@gianni206 I mean, whatever they do as an ending can't be worse than the ending in the comic. That's my only comfort. If they pulled the "It was Black Noir all along" I would probably break my TV and dump it on Jeff Bezos front lawn.
@yoshitorashirai826 2 жыл бұрын
Dude they can't fix or break the system first. Homelander will just go on a frenzy killing everyone. If there is one thing that always kept Homelander from wreaking havoc on earth, it is that fame system for heroes. If they take his "love" from him, he'll have nothing else to care about and kill everyone. Which is why they go after Homelander first of all, the strongest hero on the planet that is also unstable mentally.
@haslamabad_ 2 жыл бұрын
only butchers goal is killing homelander, everyone else wants vought in general. remember hughie exposing compound v? on top of this in season 3 homelander takes control of vought, so yeah theyre going after the head honcho first especially when hes a threat to national security, but even then the point of the final episode for butcher was him finally putting his need of killing homelander aside to save ryan and his friends as well as thousands of innocent people, and ends with them setting neuman as their target because shes the new VP of the democrats.
@johncasamassa2840 2 жыл бұрын
If I could encapsulate Season 3 in one sentence, it would be: "Was this trip really necessary?" I think your analysis is pretty much spot on. Great video!
@biashacker 2 жыл бұрын
The show has not lost its momentum per-say, the producers, show runners, and writers do not seem to know how to stick the landing on the final episode of each season. The killing of Noir, what happened to Maeve, and the sidelining of Soldier Boy seemed rushed. There are much better ways they could could have ended the season.
@EntelSidious_gamzeylmz 2 жыл бұрын
they don't know o where the show is going lmao the show feels likr marvel st this point of being totally random with the course of action
@BonzerMrT 2 жыл бұрын
It’s very obvious it’s a set up for season 4. Black Noir didn’t die for no reason. I don’t know why the hell people keep saying this. As if The show hasn’t made set ups for future events before
@dominiquegomez3071 2 жыл бұрын
Isn't that exactly what Savage means by the season lacking payoff? Not sticking the landing at the ending of most of the plotlines?
@stevenmark4407 2 жыл бұрын
@@EntelSidious_gamzeylmz that’s completely bullshit and you know it
@KingSlayer_. 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed and also the fight scenes this season are awful. We're told Homelander can destroy New York City but he can't even fly through a brick wall? They need to up the fight scenes and give us a general zod vs superman looking fight scene.
@cassiushellsin6243 2 жыл бұрын
The most glaring thing to me was Soldier Boy’s “explosion” power. At first we see that it takes away a supe’s powers, but then it shows that it completely obliterates everything whenever Soldier Boy’s PTSD is triggered. However, at the very end of the finally, when Soldier Boy is about to blow the place to sunder, Maeve saves everyone by puhsing him away along with herself, “sacrificing” herself. However, she SURVIVES. How?! A direct blast ON COMMAND by Soldier Boy takes away a supe’s powers, and, when it isnt, and his PTSD triggers it, it just fucking kills them. So Soldier Boy being exposed to the gas that subdued him and kept him prisoner for over 40 years MUST be another trigger for his PTSD, right? Nope. When Maeve saves everyone, she’s still alive somehow? Even if it only takes away her powers, then how did she survive the EXPLOSION that took out several stories of the Vaught building - when Kimiko was bladly hurt from a commanded-blast (that seems weaker for some reason) - not to mention the fall afterwards? Or when Soldier Boy was about to blast both Homelander and Ryan, why did Butcher stop them if the blasts was only gonna take away their powers? I guess when the blast hit Kimiko, it still pushed her against the wall and she still got hurt badly, however with the inconsistency of how the blasts workd, I still think it’s kinda dumb how Maeve survives just to (maybe) show up in season 4… but without her powers? I swear if she still has powers in the next season, I’m gonna loose it. Kinda sucks because Soldier Boy has become my favorite character, and that’s saying something considering we’re in season 3 already.
@chuckp1506 2 жыл бұрын
Simple. If you haven't noticed how obvious it is, Maeve is stronger than all those heroes. Shes literally the only one who didnt need 2 other people to help bruise homelander. Hell, she made him bleed and showed us that if youre strong enough like she is, you can actually pierce his skin. What happened to storm front when homelander lasered her tits? She got burned. Maeve? Not even a scratch from that. That alone shows how durable she really is. So from all those context clues, we can predict that the explosion wouldnt have killed homelander either. Just taken his powers. So if you actually sit down and think, it makes sense why she survived.
@Daniel-uy1sv 2 жыл бұрын
@@chuckp1506 How did she survive the fall without her powers tho?
@SerpentineGraphicsOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
@@Daniel-uy1sv Same way kimiko survived being blasted through concrete walls and being impaled. It's a slow burn of removal, not instant. Just my interpretation though.
@Politics_from 2 жыл бұрын
@@SerpentineGraphicsOfficial What they said ^. You're talking a DNA level alteration and a few seconds (at most) of Soldier Boy explosion power. There's gonna be some downgrade. Considering how it seems linked to radiation, it makes sense. Radiation doesn't kill you instantly. It takes time, maybe even decades.
@chuckp1506 2 жыл бұрын
@@Daniel-uy1sv same way kimiko survived being thrown through a concrete wall. Powers didnt just fade right away. Cause no normal person would survive getting thrown through that wall. Another thing, idk what makes people think just cause its a big building theyll fall forever. They were fighting at the halfway point of the building. So thats like what 5 seconds of falling before the explosion. Just 15 seconds of falling is already a couple hundred feet. So you can assume they were halfway to the ground already from the halfway point of the building they were fighting at. So when you think about it, she didnt even fall that far by the time she probably lost her powers. Everyone, its not hard to use context clues that are littered throughout the show in order for us to come to conclusions.
@sandrasim46 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! You put into words what I felt was weird about this season. I felt like MM, Kimiko, A Train, Butcher, Soldier Boy all had arcs that crescendoed too early in herogasm, and they never reached the same character defining moments in later episodes that I wanted to see.
@LaneMaxfield 2 жыл бұрын
I've noticed that these kinds of ultra-dark SF series have later season pacing problems. Game of Thrones and Battlestar Galactica are two other examples that comes to mind. They are brilliant to start out, because they are willing to show dark consequences to these familiar tropes. However, this gives them nowhere to go. They can only dig too deep before they feel gratuitous, or we are so used to the darkness that it doesn't shock us anymore. At the same time, if they get lighter, it feels like a betrayal of what brought us to the show to begin with.
@Garry_Combine 2 жыл бұрын
I mean, the comic is unironically crap. So it makes sense that the series is struggling from such meh material. I prefer the series, but it's definitely struggling and I pin that on it's source material
@alexp3589 2 жыл бұрын
Soldier Boy was clearly set up to be the villain for the next season. It was smart to have The Boys find a 'weapon' to kill Homelander, then kill him, only to be dealing with a much bigger problem now in the shape of Soldier Boy. What happened here is what happens to most popular shows (GoT, Dexter.. etc) that a certain actor /character gets so popular with the audience that the show runners are too afraid to kill him off and instead awkwardly write the show around said character (Bron, Arya, The Hound... etc). Of course we're talking about Homelander here. Me personally I found him tiring because it's starting to become very "samey". He's already done the most shocking things (the botched airplane rescue) but they have no idea what to do with this character despite pushing the envelope in his despicable behaviour. The writers urgently need someone to find the dramatic core of this character.
@motor4X4kombat 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah homelander can be reduce to one senténce: "what if superman is evil?' Not "what if superman became too powerfull that he lost the meaning of humanity" (Dr manhattan). Or "what if superman was ment to be an alien conqueror that prentendet to be good just to study earth weakness and have a son that follows his journey" (omni-man) or even "what if superman lost all faith on humanity that will make a New order to prevent any future treat in a totalitarian ideology" (injustice superman. Homelander is just literally Donald Trump superman beeing a dickhole and thats it. Theres barelly any layers to make him interesting outside of beeing the OP versión of Joffrey baratheon, almost to the point of predictable.
@Captain_Insano_nomercy 2 жыл бұрын
@@motor4X4kombat agreed. This obsession to make him Trump will be the bane of this show being remembered up there with the greats. It's just hack, plain and simple. They need to do something actually artistic...but who we kidding it's Amazon
@upg5147 2 жыл бұрын
@@motor4X4kombat Really it's more like what is Superman never learned right from wrong and was emotionally ruined. Homelander was shaped by a capitalist world that treated him like God but only superficially. He never had true connection and every time he made them he was betrayed. Now he's seeing that he can be truly himself and people still like him meaning the small issues such as societies perception of him and Vought holding him back no longer apply.
@alexp3589 2 жыл бұрын
The problem isn't that the character lacks psychology, it's that the writers do absolutely nothing with that trope since s01 Homelander does "whatever the f--- I want" in s01 and does it in s03 as well. There was a hint of him being confronted with the fact that he might in fact not be the most powerful man in the world, instead of going into that direction consequently they prefer to milk his character (ironic I know). And yes there are ways to make narcissistic sociopath interesting like Tony Soprano. At the end of the season I ask myself, is the outcome interesting? And here I can say "I don't really know" since it seems we only moved only an inch here compared to s01 & s02.
@alexp3589 2 жыл бұрын
@motor4X4kombat That Got comparison fits this show perfectly. Joffrey is a good example, he was interesting in small doses. He had nowhere near as much screen time as Homelander. He was interesting in the way that he was the means to an end for several characters that used and manipulated him. He was a wild card in the game. And they also never bothered to explain why Joffrey was evil, which I liked. I think they killed him off at the right time in the beginning of s04, instead of the ending. The problem was that they never found an antagonist that fit his shoes, except Tywin maybe. To stay a little bit with the GoT comparison: I really hope the show runners of The Boys don't go full apocalypse (like they hint at the beginning of s03) in the last season just because they have to give the audience some eye candy. Like the video suggests what started out as a parody to superhero tropes is starting to lose it's trajectory and going into full action movie like GoT.
@ssj4922 2 жыл бұрын
I think the main reason why the end of S3 feels so unsatisfying to people is mainly to do with how little screentime Ryan got, considering him picking Homelander and the last scene hinting of the kid becoming as twisted as his biological father is suppose to be tie that kinda concludes the theme this season deals with on the role of fathers, and how inadequate (and lack of) parenting will lead to a cycle of brutal violence and cruelty. We see this theme explored incredibly well through characters like Butcher whose trauma over his father's abuse led to his current mindset where even if he knows what he is doing is wrong, he cant help dragging himself and other people into his vengeance no matter how horribly it may get for all of them. We see this through Soldier Boy whose lack of parental acceptance lead to behavior to deteriorate into a person that would constantly traumatize his teammates. And of course, with Homelander and his various problems and issues, all accumulating into him getting Ryan back through appealing to their respective superpower identities and to pleading to Soldier Boy that they can all be a family again. With all three of these examples, all 3 characters have gone through substantial development and further characterization, but with Ryan, he just runs away from Butcher after he gets mad at him, and next scene he's goated into accepting Homelander again.
@nachgeben 2 жыл бұрын
The reason it feels that way is because they wrote the eps in a way to be streamed consecutively, not for weekly releases. Ryan's development was clear and concise.
@JoseRS1186 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah Ryan felt like a glorified plot excuse to make the last mission go sideways and nothing else. And this review also completely ignores him. I can't even say i agree with assessment of everyone everyone's arcs this season. A story not doing what's expected isn't the same as it not having an arc at all.
@DarkAuraLord 2 жыл бұрын
Great vid as always, helped me sort some the criticisms and issues I had with this season. I felt like a lot of characters were retreading previous character beats from earlier seasons and your point about the lack of payoff definitely is a contributing factor to that. Stay humble and live wise, my friend!
@rafaelcastor2089 2 жыл бұрын
Man, i'm not going to lie. When the first 2 seasons ended, i couldn't wait for the next one to come around. With this third one? I'm having trouble even thinking i'll be hyped for it exclusively because of that last episode. They completely backed out out of the point of no return they spent the whole season setting up, instead what we got was Noir dead without ever really standing up to Soldier Boy himself (by the hands of his fucking son even), Maeve got her heroic sacrifice totally undermined by surviving after spending the whole season determined to either kill Homelander or die spitting on his face (which she did an instant 180 on during the fight with little to no build-up to it or foreshadowing), Butcher got into a deathbed by using temp V with nothing good coming out of it, Soldier Boy got frozen off-screen and hidden away once again... But the worse offense to me is that the whole season was just Homelander once again going through the motions of realizing the in-universe audience loves his bastard and murderous side that we went through during season 2 because of Stormfront.
@benezia7580 2 жыл бұрын
Couple things here: Noir didn't want to go against Soldier Boy, he wanted to kill him. That was always his objective. Maeve didn't want to be a hero. She realised that she wasn't a hero during the plane incident with Homelander, so wanted to kill him instead so she could be free of him. Her surviving means shes still free of him and she can go back to her old life. This was further emphasized in the previous seasons where you could tell that she was done with The Seven and just wanted to be with her girlfriend, especially after Homelander kidnapping her. As for the last point... did you even watch the beginning of the season? Stormfront was made to be a villain and Homelander was given a script to explain that he didn't know about Stormfront's Nazism.
@channel_osh 2 жыл бұрын
The "Could " part is exactly how I felt about The Last Jedi. Empire Strikes back actually flips the story where Last Jedi only set ups the possibility for the story to be flipped
@erubin100 2 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering if the finale was supposed to be completely different, but then the amazon execs came in and said "NONONO, NO CHANGE! WE NEED TEN THOUSAND MORE SEASONS OF THE BOYS!" And then the staff were forced to do a complete rewrite.
@sofalso 2 жыл бұрын
You know what. I think this is it. That Maeve scene feels like a rewrite.
@incarnate1 2 жыл бұрын
@@sofalso Makes sense, considering how ridiculously buffed she got against Homelander, and how she survived Soldier Boy's explosion AND the fall after she lost her powers. I probably wouldn't be on board with the theory if Lawd Dem Rangs wasn't a thing.
@jasonreed7522 2 жыл бұрын
Ahh yes, the clasic studio execs ruin a show for money. (Something that is definitely a thing) It does make sense, i expected A train to die of that heart attack (he ran well away from the nuked house filled with casualties to be tended, and you only get a couple minutes irl when you have a major heart attack). I also feel like this would have been a satisfying ending to his arc, if his wanton murder (something he was only starting to resist) directly caused his own demise. Now they have to extract payoff from his survival, remorse, and shunning by his family. Also, Maeve 3000% did a heroic sacrifice everyone would expect to kill her. (Nuked, depowered, 10-20 story fall aka terminal velocity is terminal even with a SB cushion) I feel like the real narative failure was that fundamentally the political landscape (team Homelander and team The Boys) is unchanged between the start of the season and the end, the only difference is the subtle character growth many of the characters undergo. (Things like MM moving on from his trauma to try and be a real father, Kimiko embracing her powers and not the cause of her violence, ect) I just wish butcher would finally not sacrifice everything just to kill Homelander, i know that he is a terrible person but he could gain a shred of a heart without losing his asshole public image. (Things like being the one to stop Huey from using Temp V after Huey basically called him Dad and saved his life would be perfect moments for giving him the tiniest of hearts) All in all, i think the theory that execs demanded a basically status quo ending holds water.
@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 2 жыл бұрын
@@jasonreed7522 I just wish Kimiko killed Nina
@rosewatersaffron8430 2 жыл бұрын
It def went like this. As long as a show has good ratings and brings in new costumers there’s almost zero chance it being ended
@igiby1017 2 жыл бұрын
I find it super helpful that you actually dissect the writing. A lot of other channels seem to just say that something happened, or at best, what was good in the writing. I've yet to find another channel tha explains how something was good or bad. Super helpful. Thanks.
@SnakeWasRight 2 жыл бұрын
Homelander's starting to realize he should just take over the country himself. This last season was about him realizing he doesnt need Vought or PR people, nor his team, people love him anyway, and everyone he depended on will always let him down.
@jcdf2 2 жыл бұрын
This is a common problem with TV dramas. They settle into a comfortable stasis and become stagnant.
@juliusmunemo8754 2 жыл бұрын
I think the overall lapse in momentum can really be attributed to how many things the show made itself do this season. I think they wanted to give each character and their individual arcs more time to breath and flex but they failed to do that in a collaborative way time and time again. I don’t think we need so much time spent on the more comedic, tragic, perverse, psychotic, or expressional stories of The Boys and The Seven if we were to integrate those stories into the TWO ENSEMBLE CASTS BUILT INTO THE SHOW. I understand that Kimiko needed space to realize why she wants her powers, I understand why Blue Hawk had to be introduced for A-Trains community to question him on screen. But did we need to separate them from where the rest of the cast is developing to do that? Frenchie has never almost been killed in a group battle because of Kimiko? GODDAMN HOMELANDER has never made a racially motivated arrest or FUCKING MURDER? Imagine how much more complex both of those stories would become if they were set in the environment of the rest of the two teams. Kimiko feels ULITMATE responsibility for the entirety of The Boys as the only one with powers. What we should be dooming them too if she gave them up? A-Train would be being asked by a community HE WANTS TO LISTEN TO (pls enough of the “I don’t want to help my community” niggas on screen Hollywood) that HE NEEDS TO BRING HOMELANDER to Justice. By removing our characters from dynamic environments to develop them all of their situations begin to feel stale or stalled-imagine how perfectly that shared development time would fit the notion that these Supes, and even these good people fighting for what’s right, are chaotic and disorder and flawed beyond belief.
@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 2 жыл бұрын
Kimiko should have killed Nina, that's all
@fightingmedialounge519 4 ай бұрын
Some of that integration wouldn't work.
@MandySpadesSingsongs 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video - never thought about narrative momentum in a step by step sense, I only ever hear it getting talked about in the sense of speed at which it's moving. Really helpful, thank you :)
@sheep3866 2 жыл бұрын
If their goal was to make me want a season 4, they succeeded.
@SoralaxPlays 2 жыл бұрын
Do people actually feel disappointed by this season? I and everyone I've spoken to think it was the strongest season by a wide margin, PARTICULARLY because of the ending o.o
@JOZSEP 2 жыл бұрын
I loved the season as a whole but the ending was pretty unsatisfying and power scaling got thrown out the window, for example Queen Maeve spent S1 and 2 going on about how Homelander is so much stronger that everyone else and that's why she never stood up to him and in the finale not only did singlehandedly stop him and even got the upper hand in some moments she also survived soldier boy's blast point-blank and a fall from the top of the building and they could've just ask SB to not kill the kid instead of completely turning on each other for the sake of the plot
@clydu91 2 жыл бұрын
@@JOZSEP Homelander obviously held back... Of all the things to complain about, powerscaling 💀
@digitalcthulhu143 2 жыл бұрын
Man the ending is what really killed it for me lol. They were doing so good and the payoff was just so anticlimactic. There was potential but they fumbled it.
@JOZSEP 2 жыл бұрын
@@clydu91 why in the wolrd wouk he hold back? And yes I'm complaining about that Because Queen should've been turn into goo after SB blasted her point-blank but evidently she's immune to the super hero melting blast, they could really use her help if she's that ridiculously strong, she can take SB and Homelander on her on
@cardiacresp 2 жыл бұрын
Go to the sub Reddit for the boys, people there hated the finale. I personally really disliked the finale. The season was amazing until then.
@SIZModig Жыл бұрын
I would argue Homelander's position has changed drastically with Ryan on his side and the far right supporting his murderous true self
@speeddemon5339 2 жыл бұрын
This is why, for me, season three felt like 1/2 of a 16 episode season.
@ssj4922 2 жыл бұрын
This was a great season. Some of my on the head prediction for Season 4 would be: >Ryan starts to become more like Homelander, adopting some of his cruelty and disregard for others but his actions start to become too much on him as he remembers his mother's wishes for him to be good and her death. >Dakota Bob becomes the US president and pardons Stan Edgar, who rebuilds a new Superhero team (this could be the seven, after a hypothetical scenario where Homelander is fired) with a black noir that is either a new one more closely reflecting the comics (I.e. Homelander clone), or the current one who Stan manged to fix before he dies of his gut filled wounds killing him. Victoria is alligned with Stan yet again either from a plot twist going back to season 3 where they planned to overtake Homelander, or she goes back to him cuz her daughter is not in good shape (either from compound V or Homelander threatening her). A-Train might be with Stan since he was looking at Black Noirs helmet in the S3 finale so he might finally not be with Homelander. Maybe he'll even fight him with the Boys in the season 4 finale to somewhat redeem himself. >Homelander creates more supes and tries to reanimates some old ones for his team (either for the Seven since so many of them are gone, or for a new team after he gets kicked outta Vought). The world (minus Toad and his cronies) wants Homelander to be held accountable for the all the deaths he has caused including on the plane and the guy at the ralley. >The deep comes out as openly fish sexual and finds he is not alone and finds others who are also but discovers that the fish and octopus are not consensual in their relationships (dont ask this). >Butcher has some unexpected residual effect from temp v, and has to deal with the ramecations of his declining health along with the collapse of his relationships with Ryan and the rest of his team.
@silith7027 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I would've wanted to see Soldier Boy go off in the final episode and take away Annie's, Homelander's and Ryan's powers and have them come to terms with living without them.
@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 2 жыл бұрын
@ohwellgovnor7367 2 жыл бұрын
but that would pretty much end the point of the show which is homelander and we know they are going to milk the shit out of this
@TheHammerchief 2 жыл бұрын
That was my thought after the finale - nothing changed. It feels like soap opera with some gory murders sprinkled in. Payoffs were unsatisfactory, Black Noir wasted. Best fight was first confrontation of Soldier Boy and Butcher vs Homelander, final fight was just a mess. Butchers change of heart at the end was disappointing to me, he seems to be cursed to repeat the same character "development" each season - first he is angry but ok, then he is angry and evil, but wait, he is actually good at the end. Surprise!
@upg5147 2 жыл бұрын
This season ends on some big things. Maeve (a thorn in Homelander's side) is effectively dead, Starlight is no longer in The Seven, The Seven itself is like four people, Butcher is losing his control over everyone in his life and probably most importantly, the World not only knows Homelander is willing to kill innocent people but PRAISES that. I don't see how you can say the season ends with little changing.
@TheHammerchief 2 жыл бұрын
​@@upg5147 There are some interesting possibilities for the next season at least. But well, I don't feel that possibilities in this season was used too well. Soldier Boy was frozen and is frozen again. Kimiko lost her powers, gained them back (ok, now it's consensual). Last season ended with revealing the head popper as next big bad and the same happened now again. Maeve was fearing that Homelander could kill her whenever he snaps, now she will fear that he could find and kill them. She lost her powers, but can gain them back and that greatly undermines emotional impact of her sacrifice. A-train did some things, almost completely disconnected from the main storyline and then returned his character even more than just a season. I had no problem with The Deep, mainly because they didn't try to give him hours of character arc development only to throw it all out at the end. Speaking of which, Black Noir: all that baloney and then he just dies, the end? I get that exploring trauma in the previously mysterious unstoppable and extreme capable killing machine is unexpected direction and may be interesting. Only in the end it was not used to continue his character development, it was used just to add shock value to his abrupt end, which in turn should advance Homelander arc. It just didn't feel so impactful, after what we saw in season 1 finale. I don't mind all that so much, but come on, we should have seen at least one Black Noirs cool fight! He has quite unique style and it would be nice change of scenery between all the lame eye beams. Starlight being out of Seven may be interesting change, but I feel like future development will be limited by two things - she is true hero in the heart, not killer as rest of The Boys (except MM), and the Butcher still leading. I would be more interested if they kicked out Butcher and went without him for a while, otherwise it will be just the same circle of Butcher being abusive a§hole to everyone around and others whining but still doing what he wants. Homelander public killing at the end was good, much better that murders of his fellow heroes, because those we already knew he have no problem committing. I am interested how it will affect Ryan, as his story can still lead anywhere. Homelander will not get absolutely loose after this, because "the world" did not praise the murder, bunch of radical idiots around him did. After Starlight is gone, Homelander will still have to behave somewhat to not aggravate rest of the public too much. What I really dislike though is Butcher turning sides in the last fight. I completely get that he will protect Ryan, but why the hell didn't he still try to kill Homelander? Or at least remove his powers? After all he has gone trough, all the murders, betrayals and lies, he completely throws it all out in one moment. Not even trying to yell "Not the boy, just Homelander!" Soldier Boy would maybe just shrug and said OK, because what does he care? But no, best chance to eliminate Homelander flies out of the window for no reason. It may have ended the same, but there wasn't even try, completely devoid of any logic. It wasn't really for the good of Ryan, because first, he shouldn't have left him and second, even after that it would be better to not let psychopathic mass murdered to raise him. And biggest joke of them all was supersaiyan Starlight. All in all, probably the best series I watched this year.
@BonzerMrT 2 жыл бұрын
Butcher didn’t change outta no where. Solider Boy was literally about to kill the kid. Butcher made a promise to Becky that he would protect Ryan. No one expected the kid to be there, so of course Butcher wasn’t about it let SB kill Ryan
@johnathandupree4690 2 жыл бұрын
Your literary analysis is just amazing. Thanks again for another awesome video! 🙏🏽🙌🏽
@Tyhar93 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this breakdown. I was talking to a friend of mine about The Boys and we agreed the end of the season Unsatisfying. Like nothing happened at all. But we couldn't articulate the reason why. Very cool video much love.
@gregheffley1727 2 жыл бұрын
This is a really good video breaking down the actual writing and choices going on in the show. I find that most people (including myself and other youtubers) unintentionally bring their opinion into the analysis, but this video did a really good job of not letting bias affect the analysis. It also just had very keen insight that I hadn't even thought of and was pretty revelatory for me since I've thought quite a bit about this season. Great video 👍
@JohnnyFilmsy-Boi 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think youve laid out what I had trouble putting together in my head. The season just kinda ends where it began. Some minor differences, but the status quo is still the same which sucks because it seemed like they were going to shake the foundations of the show with all that build up. Maybe next season. Love your videos!❤️
@EntelSidious_gamzeylmz 2 жыл бұрын
it was exactly like the filler arcs of animes which passed the mange
@SaiScribbles 2 жыл бұрын
Maeve and A-Train should have both died. Both of their arcs were tied up and both would have been suiting ends for them. It just feels like the writers are either too attached to the actors or the actors were contracted for both seasons 3 and 4. Most of the writing problems can be chalked up to this being the first time they knew they’ve got another season after this one I think.
@klopson9703 2 жыл бұрын
This is kinda how i feel about Hugie arc tbh, He went from supportive boyfriend to.... well, supportive boyfriend. It kind felt like character circle to me.
@andreivaldez2929 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, plus the whole, "he was jealous of Starlight's power the whole time", thing felt kind of forced. Nowhere before was that ever hinted at and Hughie having a power trip from the Temp V made more sense.
@Captain_Insano_nomercy 2 жыл бұрын
@effecteyvee solid points
@upg5147 2 жыл бұрын
@@andreivaldez2929 It's like this. I'm a human so I'm not gonna be jealous that a fish can breath underwater. I know that's impossible for me to do so I won't spend time being upset about it. This is how Hugie felt since you're either a Supe or you aren't. Temp V made it possible for him to be something that was impossible prior, hence you can start comparing yourself to it and thus get jealous.
@carolusrex5213 2 жыл бұрын
@@upg5147 the writer actually came out and said it was suppose to be a reflection of toxic male control which is just so fucking stupid
@GlennKinz 2 жыл бұрын
Yup, pretty well put. Season 4 has a lot of heavy lifting to do
@gezz5904 2 жыл бұрын
I think that the difference between Homelander murdering people and Homelander murdering Supersonic was that Supersonic was someone close to Starlight, and Homelander showed her and the audience that he’s now prepared to kill anyone close to Starlight to hurt her.
@Rhubarb120 Жыл бұрын
Something that kind of annoyed me as the series went on was just how many unnecessary sex scenes there were. It got to a point where almost every episode had at least one, and unlike earlier episodes, it didn't add characterization. Earlier, they used sex scenes to make a point (Showing the Supes' depravity, Annie and Hughie's relationship progressing, Homelander desperately craving affection , and Stormfront and Homelander becoming a couple). As the series went on, there wasn't a point to them anymore, and just felt like the people who made the show were like: "The episode needs to be *HOW* long? Fuck it, let's just make them bone for a couple more minutes, that should kill some time." It got old fast.
@VoodooNoob 2 жыл бұрын
I hadn’t been following the fandom other than asking options of people I know, and can now say I’m glad not to be alone. More often than not I’m getting told I’m thinking to much into it.
@dfolz1101 2 жыл бұрын
I actually kinda loved the season. The ending felt a bit contrived maybe but overall it was far and away more entertaining than other shows that had been coming out around the time.
@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 2 жыл бұрын
What did you love about the season?
@dfolz1101 2 жыл бұрын
@@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 handedly the fight between butcher, homelander and soldier boy
@benezia7580 2 жыл бұрын
@@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 the introduction of Soldier Boy, the character development all The Boys got (especially Frenchy and MM) I loved that Hugey and Starlight's relationship evolved. Homelanders characterisation, I could go on. This was basically a season for character development, which honestly was much needed considering the events of the last 2 seasons. We now care way more about the characters and moving forward, especially with Butcher's fate looming, it will lead to a lot more impactful and emotional scenes
@olgateresanizialek7235 2 жыл бұрын
YES! I agree, I felt very similiarly about this season.
@kremo2547 2 жыл бұрын
I will agree that the finale is anticlimatic. However, I believe that this season was attempting to have the opposite effect of last season. While last season ended with Vought loosing, this one ended with the boys loosing. Which finishes the season in a very interesting place for season 4 to pick up.
@Slightly-Acceptable-Nerd 2 жыл бұрын
How come the Vought is losing? Starlight with so many followers and lovers turned her back against them and Homelander, the face of Vought, "must" faces the backlash of his conversation with Starlight being recorded by her. He wasn't fully forgiven by the public eye regarding his cooperation with Storm Front so it would be idiotic if he just slips away with it. Overall the Vought isn't in a good situation either.
@fazormcghee7936 2 жыл бұрын
I wasn't aware that it lost any momentum
@fropsL 2 жыл бұрын
personally i feel like that was the whole point of season. to show events that’s changed them, just to end up in the exact same situation just slightly happier or sadder. displaying how futile their methods are and that there must be an immediate change in how they’re working. also i think A-trains story arc shows a CLEAR line where he’s going where for the first time in the whole show he’s wanting to be better but is still haunted by his past making him in too deep to get out setting up his redemption
@sofalso 2 жыл бұрын
FIX: Soldier Boy blasts Homelander, before Maeve scacrifices herself to save the boy, but he's seemingly unaffected. S3's final scene shows Homelander beginning to lose his powers to his dismay, perhaps scratching himself with a table corner and bleeding or something as mundane. S4 has him scrambling to get his powers back before he's fully human while freaking out about experiencing his mortality and trying to hide it. Lots of comedy in A-Train, Deep and Vaught people sensing something is off. Soldier Boy gets away but Black Noir is shown to come back to life and is really pissed off, setting him up to defeat soldier boy midway the season and confront a vulnerable Homelander. Season finale is the Boys hunting Noir down but Homelander getting elected as president -without powers, proving he's a monster with or without powers.
@ReyhanJoseph 2 жыл бұрын
i love how this is like an extended talk about chekhov's gun thanks fo rthe video
@Omnicloud7strife 2 жыл бұрын
I was watching Herogasm yesterday, and Huey saying that he is bothered by Annie being more powerful than him felt... Not entirely earned? Or rather, like his character took a few steps backwards. He went from treating Annie as a person to treating her as an object/damsel. And I did not enjoy that. Felt like he gained a whole character flaw he'd been written to not have. And I recognize that there are other issues there, but primarily it just felt very weak. And frustrating as a viewer. Really love your content. Thanks for posting.
@cardiacresp 2 жыл бұрын
The build up was great but the payoffs were terrible and made absolutely zero sense. The relationships between characters also made no sense.
@nicky9pins 2 жыл бұрын
Taking Supersonic out of Season 3 would have had a huge impact. We would have never gotten the smash hit “You’ve Got a License to Drive”
@nayrarodriguez3385 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the season but the last episode felt… so odd. When it finished I was left wondering “that was it?”
@davidtolbert8446 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with pretty much everything I also feel like the consequences of starlight exposing vaught were way too little. Yes maeve got saved but it felt like such a huge deal and i thought the repercussions for homelander would be massive but it just kinda wasnt really. The public just split into the boys version of maga and anti-maga ppl. Ryan was truly the only amazing pay off.
@upg5147 2 жыл бұрын
The main one that can fight Starlight would be Homelander and this season she was not the main issue on his mind.
@alfredogonzalez9420 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the points, the wierd thing is, I'm willing to be more forgiving to the boys, after the deception of so many series recently like Kennobi, Halo, Bobba Fet, the recent Marvel movies are a joke, just for that reason im giving the boy a pass in most of it's issue, even with all of those is far better that most stuff coming out today
@SpikePowers 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video encapsulating my thoughts on it in an intelligent way I couldnt describe lol
@GlassesAndCoffeeMugs 2 жыл бұрын
The finale was lackluster but the rest of the season was the best of the show so far imo
@Faryonderer 2 жыл бұрын
Black Noir being murdered by Homelander can be seen as revenge by Soldier Boy. Noir reveals in the finale that he knew Soldier Boy was Homelander’s father. And that he deprived him of parentage. The show has made it clear that his lack of parentage is what makes Homelander so cruel, so Noir knowingly replaced Soldier Boy with another holding his worst aspects and giving him manipulative tendencies and narcissism. Therefore, all the strife that Homelander created could indirectly be his fault. With Soldier Boy not around to be Homelander’s father, as he stated he would’ve been, Black Noir may have gotten rid of his tormenter, but his sin is that he replaced him with someone far worse. And his death is the result, or revenge, of his own actions. It still leaves some moral inconsistencies but it kind of makes sense.
@TheNeraum 2 жыл бұрын
I love most of your breakdowns but I strongly disagree with a lot of this, but hey that's the nature of art. Character by character: -A-Train's legitimate apology to Hughie was so starkly different because of the things he experienced this season. -Maeve getting lucky surviving the blast but having finally made the choice to be a hero and do good. -Kimiko's is spelled out very clearly when she's convincing Starlight to get her more V, before the powers were forced upon her, now that she knows what she's like without them, she has the right to choose how to continue her life. -Butcher having a more finite time limit, he's got an end date for when his work NEEDS to be done now, very different to just doing risky work. -That Starlight moment wasn't for her, she'll get one later I'm sure, that was to end Hughie's arc for the season with his Temp V problem and needing to protect Starlight, he did it in his own way, using is mind and technology. It was also a moment to show how unbeatable Soldier Boy is, dual purpose, neither of which were to do with Annie she was just a prop for that, which is fine. -Finally Homelander murders a civilian in broad daylight, that is a big difference, showing what more he can get away with now thanks to the crazy fanbase he's grown. MM having a talk with his daughter, showing how he's opened up, Frenchie not taking Butcher's shit anymore, Supersonic's death sending Starlight off the deep end to fuck up Vought and also that Homelander is getting more brazen with who he murders, i mean this guy was the new member of the Seven, of course leading to his moment in the finale murdering a civilian. All of these weren't necessarily functional payoffs that changed the state of the world, but character payoffs that show growth and internal change. Black Noir was the exception, if you read all the character payoffs as being bad functional payoffs, then of course Noir's feels much the same. But if you consider for a moment that the character payoffs are strong and show growth, then Noir's becomes an exception, a subversion that sometimes you don't get what you want, that shit sucks, which yes is a bad payoff, but if you consider it the only bad payoff, has its own merit as a creative choice. Overall I agree that the audience has to invent the momentum ourselves, but I feel like there is much more to use for that than you pointed out, all the characters have a clear heading point and have shown growth. The Boys is very much a character breakdown show, not action or even story to a certain degree, and through that lens I think it was excellent. I'm also very surprised so many people seemed to feel underwhelmed, everything I saw before now was praise lol. Should have a debate with Full Fat Videos about all this, that'd be interesting
@BonzerMrT 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you. So many people in the comments seem to have blanked out most of the show or something. Cause there’s no way videos like this are made without purposely leaving out details or not fully comprehending what is going on in the first place
@BonzerMrT 2 жыл бұрын
All season long was it nothing but hype of the town, even after the season initially ended. The all of a sudden people start pulling things out their but will missing stuff form the show saying “it was underwhelming”
@2QAYL1138 2 жыл бұрын
Me before every episode of The Boys: "I'll bet they're gonna find a way to NOT kill Homelander."
@DrawnByDandy 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like "loss of momentum" is also why I stopped watching Miraculous Ladybug. It set up _the possibility_ of a delicious shake up of established relationships through bombshell revelations, but every episode the world was just reset to status quo.
@ilovecody7514 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like season 3 laid a lot of great groundwork, but blew its load too quickly closing up so many threads at once with lackluster conclusions in one season finale. It felt like more things should have been left open for season 4 to wrap up.
@Mr_Case_Time 2 жыл бұрын
I love the art of writing stories. I feel like I spend a lot of mental time writing little stories about the things I see on a day to day basis, especially if I can figure out a sci-fi edge to it. I think humanity changed a lot when we started thinking about reality in terms of Narrative Law. Our actions need a payoff. We need to be the protagonist, and we need an antagonist to fight against. But these are all made up in our heads, they’re not actually a part of Natural Law. Unless, Narrative Law is a direct consequence of Natural Law. Whiskey.
@misterwhatchyusay 2 жыл бұрын
Great thumbnail. It's simple, yet speaks to the title of the video. The content is equally spectacular. I found the use of examples when describing each lackluster or circular payoff to be particularly helpful. Each example was spot on and helped communicate a greater point. The writing in this video alone is proof of your expertise. Thank you!
@klarathebat5619 2 жыл бұрын
I guess the real problem is Homelander messing with the writing because he doesn't care about buildup and payoff he just does what he wants.
@vincentshadetree 2 жыл бұрын
Hot damn, this was very thorough, I didn't even catch like half of this. I knew there was something that didn't make the end amazing, but this showed me what I felt but didn't catch. Noir, Maeve, and Solider Boy didn't quite catch for me. Great video!
@addictedtochocolate920 2 жыл бұрын
Hard disagree on the title's statement; this season had amazing and unprecedented moments. Although it also had many issues, i don't see it being worse than the first or second season at all; quality has been maintained so far.
@wm2429 2 жыл бұрын
I thought Season 3 was the best one tbh but you make some great points about certain characters running in place
@gorrthedestroyer 2 жыл бұрын
Some good points, one really small issue though. I am inside your home.
@ThexAngryxPharoah 2 жыл бұрын
I feel that was the theme of this season. To make the viewers see the world the way the protagonist see it. Like the whole 1 step forward 2 steps back with just a little hope of relief that the protagonist feel could only be translated to the audience by giving us all these moments where we go high with anticipation only to find out we are being narratively edged. It felt on purpose.
@nathantripathy 2 жыл бұрын
It seems like every build up lead to one or two consequences 1. Their resolution was deflated 2. Their build up was entirely used as a setup for next season.
@derfuchs3296 2 жыл бұрын
I liked Season 3 a lot and it had my favorite fights and character moments of the entire series. But the ending is really bad. Because it’s basically a return to Staus quo. Soldier Boy and Payback were introduced and then all killed off and locked away at the end of the season. Noir was built up as an character only to be killed off right after we started caring about him. Hughie and Butcher gain super powers only for them to realize that they can’t use them anymore etc. Kimiko still has her powers, Butcher is still a dick etc. The only things that really changed are Ryan’s alignment to HL, HL gaining more power and Neumann running for VP. I mean these are important events but it’s kinda not a good thing if an entire season of a series can be boiled down to 3 things that actually changed. You can do that in an episodic sitcom but not in an action drama like The Boys.
@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 2 жыл бұрын
@Der Fuchs what did you like alot about Season 3?
@derfuchs3296 2 жыл бұрын
@@Seasonal-Shadow_4674 Well the fights against Payback were all a lot of fun and every Preisindexe had really cool character and story reveals. Nothing felt like filler everything was always very fun to watch
@_somerandomguyontheinternet_ 2 ай бұрын
I’m currently rewatching seasons 1-3 before watching season 4, and I’ll point out that Homelander’s real payoff was good. He murdered an innocent civilian and his fans cheered him on, meaning he now has a base that will back him even if he commits blatant murder. That is terrifying, it builds on a lot of the season, and I can’t wait to see where he goes from here.
@sethcourtad8733 2 жыл бұрын
I think a lot of the problems come from their dedication to the message in a medium(superheros) that doesn’t closely follow that message. The story structure doesn’t really support their dedication to political allegory, and their characterization of characters as representation of aspects of society clashes with the amount of change you expect from these characters in their storylines
@zachryder3150 2 жыл бұрын
A season of very entertaining television is still worth it, regardless if it's narratively spinning its wheels.
@LuisSierra42 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, i do not mind that much that some of the storylines did not pay off, this season was still one of the best pieces of television this year
@redgreen2453 2 жыл бұрын
I still liked season 3 and am excited for season 4 but this season did make me realize that I should think of the show as more of a soap opera than a regular narrative
@nolanscripture 2 жыл бұрын
Outside of Soldier Boy this season was a noticeable downturn in quality. It was still entertaining but the payoffs weren't nearly as satisfying as they were in the first two seasons.
@cloudy1606 2 жыл бұрын
my main problem with this season is that there was basically no progression, all the build up was nullified by the ending and kind of made it well, all pointless.
@ramonserna8089 2 жыл бұрын
I think this show punish its audience for paying attention and most of the time the reason for a character to act in X or Y way is "because the plot needs it". For example starlight doesnt release the plane video because homelander will snap.. yet 4 episode later she is calling out homelander anyways and no sign of the video.
@Raptorman0205 2 жыл бұрын
Technically, Soldier Boy's blast doesn't kill supes, it just depowers them. I think they missed an opportunity to wrap up Maeve's character more satisfactorily by having Soldier Boy take temp V. He'd watched Buthcer and Hughie take it multiple times, and normal compound V has been established to amplify supe powers w/ A-train. It makes perfect sense to amp up Soldier Boy's power for a potential final confrontation with Homelander if it kills him outright. That way, Maeve _actually_ gets to sacrifice herself to save the boys. Also, as awesome as it was getting to see into how Noir's schizoid mind works, I feel like it would've been better to leave him out of SB's plotline and save him for something else further on down the line. I liked it when they were basically setting up Noir to be Stan Edgar's attack dog, so exploring that angle more may have been a good approach, and would achieve the same goal of destablizing Homelander w/ Noir actually betraying him, rather than half betraying him by keeping a secret.
@marsbars6869 2 жыл бұрын
we've seen the blast kill supes multiple times though and even if it just depowers them maeve would have died from the fall
@o-wolf 2 жыл бұрын
People keep forgetting that the show is made by Eric "dragged Supernatural out for 16 seasons" Kripke.. no such thing as "change" or "consequences" in that man's vocabulary
@timy9197 2 жыл бұрын
Lack of narrative momentum is a good example for why the Star Wars sequels were bad.
@sunsetman22 2 жыл бұрын
I think they killed any tension this season could've had when they earnestly announced the next season while the current season wasn't even over. still, it was good and entertaining.
@katehodges1058 2 жыл бұрын
I was definitely feeling this way about the new season but didn't know how to describe my disappointment but this pit it into words perfectly
@jegangunnithan4565 2 жыл бұрын
honestly huey and Kimiko arc contradicted i mean its bad to take temporary stuff but not the permanent stuff that doesnt make any sense
@HxH2011DRA 2 жыл бұрын
This is great for understanding my recent obsession with Tomodachi Game
@VictorIV0310 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think Black Noir is dead. I doubt the writers are just gonna kill him off like a chump after the bits of backstory and development that he got; He is most certainly going to deal with Soldier Boy and maybe Homelander in the future somehow.
@createprince2093 2 жыл бұрын
thank you for putting into words so well the disappointment I felt with the s3 finale!
@soybajo-kira8585 2 жыл бұрын
I liked the last episode of season 3. Because it shows us that saving Ryan is more important to Butcher than killing Homelander
@SomberP 2 жыл бұрын
I’ll edit if my opinion changes after watching the vid But in my opinion the boys is just hitting their stride
@JudoP_slinging 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. The buildup of Homelander vs Soldier boy (and then Homelander+Soldier boy) could have had truly epic resolutions that drastically change the boys universe. Instead I got the feeling that they wanted to simply tread water, not resolve anything and keep pumping the IP for cash. For me the story would be better if HL+SB allied initially and had a relationship through s4, then perhaps HL kills SB due to his abusive parenting and at the same time gains some empathy for Ryan becoming a better father.
@Nick-ce6lt 2 жыл бұрын
The only thing I didn't like about the last episode is Maive not dying. If the direct blast could not kill Maive then the plan to kill Homelander was never going to work and the whole season was pointless. It's a small issue but it's little things like that the writers don't seem to think about. Otherwise I REALLY like the ending. Team Homelander No1
@9897mm 2 жыл бұрын
But it stripped her of her powers.
@allanbroady2970 2 жыл бұрын
I agree she shouldn't have survived that but I guess she tests well.
@maykechi7752 2 жыл бұрын
5:52 Brad Bird himself called dream sequences the scotch tape of narrative sequence.
@90gorara 2 жыл бұрын
Ok your comment and point of view reinforce my feelings of this season is a transicion process. More preparing the grand end of a 4th season more than telling a history
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