Hi all - thank you for the support! I’m currently working on the next video for this channel... Be sure to subscribe if you’d like to see more content and leave me a suggestion of which artist I should cover next! 😊
@111michiel Жыл бұрын
Your narration style is very good, excited for more.
@editorextraordinar9499 Жыл бұрын
Great video, looking forward to more 😆
@lenivalens7732 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. I heard this guy was performing in my neighborhood soon so I had to google who he was first because I had literally no clue, and this video explained it perfectly.
@highnoteproductionsofficial Жыл бұрын
@@lenivalens7732 thank you! That’s definitely the aim of this channel :) glad it helped
@AUDACITY2452 жыл бұрын
"can you say hi to my mom!?" "Can you be quiet?" THAT SHIT SENT ME FRRRR
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
I know 😂😂
@willO16742 жыл бұрын
@Tophatvr1372 жыл бұрын
She asked for that though😂
@yakvlutaddict132 жыл бұрын
@starcherry6814 Жыл бұрын
And I'm not mad either 🤣
@macieee32 жыл бұрын
for someone who’s been a fan of steve since 2019, it’s great to see his him be successful but it’s also hard not to feel bad for him bc ppl r just abusing one song and going to a concert knowing that one song without giving his other projects a chance and it’s sad
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I agree, he has so many great projects!
@sssrr123442 жыл бұрын
I want to listen to some of his others songs honestly.
@gord.V2 жыл бұрын
@@sssrr12344 then do that
@kadenpile-riley21702 жыл бұрын
@@sssrr12344 No one’s stopping you bro. You should listen dude.
@noirking61382 жыл бұрын
When I started hearing the song, I always go back to their previous work and try to understand how they got to this point. The tiktok crew really don't care and I hate that for artist.
@TrevorDaniel Жыл бұрын
i can relate to this - i played a show a few nights ago and people had “play falling and go home” written on their phones. and had cups thrown at me, etc.
@highnoteproductionsofficial Жыл бұрын
That’s so shitty... I think people forget that artists are real people sometimes. I really loved you’re album & was just re-listening to it the other day! :)
@imba_lance Жыл бұрын
that's so sad =( hope it will change and you &your art will shine even more in the future
@thiccbutt1835 Жыл бұрын
what the actual fuck id just leave the stage if i was you
@06aff Жыл бұрын
Bro fell off 😂😂😂😂😂
@and7442 Жыл бұрын
That’s so gross and you didn’t deserve that… damn I’m rly sorry
@Caesar_Online2 жыл бұрын
I've been listening to him for over five years and I'm happy to see him blow up like this, but the reception has been disappointing. He deserves so much better, genuinely talented person who started out with an iPod Touch and GarageBand.
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
I love how he would record on his phone, really cool !
@kevinm67492 жыл бұрын
He actually started out with the internet
@jasonjarvis5290 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I'm saying, Caesar!! The OG's know of his journey!!! HE IS NOT A NEW ARTIST!!!! I was so annoyed by that! It's like they took "Bad Habit" and ran with it!!
@ftg-n8n4 ай бұрын
@@kevinm6749 ba dum tuss
@foeloko28 күн бұрын
You do know tht whole garage band thing is a lie right ??? It was all so tht he wouldn’t seem like an industry plant, from day one he’s had big label backing
@thatscrazyyyyyy2 жыл бұрын
personally, im not that worried about Steve’s success. he’s actually a talented and worthy artist whos been well known way before. so even if he’s now in the mainstream cuz of tik tok, bro will go down as one of the greatest of this generation.
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
I agree, ultimately his talent speaks for itself... and the extra exposure from TikTok doesn’t take away from that👍🏼
@zhaiko74792 жыл бұрын
Been listening to him since 2018. and found him through flower boy and the internet , such an amazing versitile artist. Hes not gonna die off anytime soon.
@DRACOFURY2 жыл бұрын
*But It's REALLLY HARD Top A Sleeper Hit* *Especially With Today's Attention Span*
@staysolidshades2542 жыл бұрын
Romans 10:9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.ddd
@mcrocksy20182 жыл бұрын
Been listening to him since never. He’s terrible and so is that “i wiSh i kNeW” stupid boring song
@sese61652 жыл бұрын
TikTok isn't just ruining Steve Lacy, it's ruining music.
@Lololollolol232 жыл бұрын
Exactly 💯
@Momo-xj9ni2 жыл бұрын
@cocothom012 жыл бұрын
Glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks tho. So many songs that are underrated gems are going viral and I HATE IT🤦🏾♀️
@gab28762 жыл бұрын
@@cocothom01 Popular bad.
@StupidDumbIdiotImbecil2 жыл бұрын
@h0mcv2812 жыл бұрын
I think short form content as a whole has destroyed the generation's perception of art. The fashion industry, as another example, has been reduced to Instagram-able viral moments rather than the appreciation of the care and time taken to produce looks and garments that are coming down the runway. In a similar vein, music has been reduced to soundbites and trending TikTok sounds / videos rather than actual albums and actual, you know, music you listen to
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
That’s an interesting perspective... yeah on the one hand I think short form has given more artists exposure which is great but on the other hand it does kind of turn art into one big marketing competition of who can capture attention in video form rather than just with their actual art...if that makes sense?
@Alt3zza2 жыл бұрын
I always download the album the second I hear the viral audio bit and listen to it on repeat until I know the lyrics.
@retiredreligion2 жыл бұрын
people are selling their art faster than ever and most of them are doing it on tiktok . most people don't wanna watch a 15-30+ minute of woodworking crafts so a simple 15-30 second or 3 minute video can make something that most people would just scroll through actually interested in watching. not only that, but even give them a chance to promote a longer video such as on KZbin for those who are interested in longer videos so I'd say it's absolutely the opposite. A lot of artists are becoming more known faster from putting out samples on tiktok.
@benjamintribe46522 жыл бұрын
Well most people nowadays have very short attention spans and tbh it's only gonna get worse!!....we live in a time where people want instant gratification unfortunately!!🤷♂️
@Tophatvr1372 жыл бұрын
I agree it promotes short attention and lack of commitment . Even though it seems like something small
@tennisgem2 жыл бұрын
The downfall? This is a REACH. Steve is genuinely talented and will continue to do well for himself.
@a1boomsquad234 Жыл бұрын
thank you!!
@cmartin6109 Жыл бұрын
Annnnnd didn't he just perform at the GRAMMYS???? Wow... what a" fall" that is
@stinkyflower2864 Жыл бұрын
@Jackie-eh7wj Жыл бұрын
Clickbait lol
@GenericUrbanism Жыл бұрын
It receives attention and views so that’s what the title is.
@adrian.eduardo Жыл бұрын
As a fan of Steve Lacy, I appreciate his recent behavior. He’s just setting boundaries and telling the audience what he will accept and what he won’t. It’s also part of his evolution as an artist. Wouldn’t it have been more disappointing if he had actually leaned into this new phase of success and therefore having to change his personality probably leaving us longer time fans behind?
@35daysstraight2 жыл бұрын
i hope these tik tok heads don't do the same thing to frank ocean
@marcelaperez41262 жыл бұрын
I have an embarrassing story. And I’ve always wanted to share it so ima put it here, I’ve met frank ocean. But you know, I love his music and I know all his songs. But because he’s so private I don’t really know what he looks like. I’m not huge on social media shit unless it involves a concert date lol. So, I’m a LA native so I know the spots here and there that are dope. I’m 26 btw. SO, I go to this bar and get drunk af. I see someone wearing a hoody and these very limited edition CROCS that haven’t been released yet (and I’m a sneaker head/ hype beast) so my first thought was, that’s kaytranada..HOLLY SHIT! I got up to him and ask DRUNK AF if he’s kaytranada.. he says no… but everyone around me says “oh shit it’s frank ocean” and I say “your amazing… thank you for your music. Hope you do a tour” I wanted to die. Then I asked for a picture… he said no.. but he wanted to be low key… I wanted to vomit. Anyway, hope you enjoyed LOL I too am a fan of steve Lacy since my first year of college.. a long time ago lol
@35daysstraight2 жыл бұрын
@@marcelaperez4126 that was a beautiful story
@marcelaperez41262 жыл бұрын
@@35daysstraight it was really embarrassing lol
@strwbvrrys0da2 жыл бұрын
if that happens ill actually jump off a bridge.
@marcelaperez41262 жыл бұрын
@@strwbvrrys0da I wanted to die
@aronistak81562 жыл бұрын
This is beyond fucked up, I knew Steve since 2020. But didn’t get into his music until 2021, when I heard that he was dropping Gemini Rights I was excited. Safe to say not only am I pissed at how terribly Steve’s new fans are treating him, I am more pissed at the fact that he’s being known as the “Bad Habit” guy.
@Elross_2 жыл бұрын
So? They can do whatever they want and aren't obliged to sing along. Don't be such a baby💀
@Theebornsimmer2 жыл бұрын
@@Elross_ You sound stupid be quiet. If you don’t know the songs common sense would tell you not to go to that concert. But this generation does anything for some tiktok clout.
@zhaiko74792 жыл бұрын
The fame is good for him , i just wish his new fans can discover more of his songs to enjoy cause they're amazing. Bad habits is definitely not his best song.
@omghilol2 жыл бұрын
@@Elross_ they can do whatever they want. but why buy a ticket just to here like 30 seconds of one song off of a whole album when there are actual fans who know all of the songs who really wanted (and deserves) the ticket more?
@crackersloveivan10392 жыл бұрын
i hate when people add theyve been listening or doing something for in such date making it seem like it makes a differnce ive never heard anyone call him the bad habit guy people know his name the thing is people also come for one thing and thats the catchy songs and well that would be bad habit for example
@LeonLush Жыл бұрын
good insights, the music industry is completely fucked, as are people's attention spans and ability to appreciate anything artistic outside of it's ability to create viral moments... won't be unfucked anytime soon either
@beatz04 Жыл бұрын
See the current outrage over Frank Ocean's Coachella performance, just because he didn't cater to the usual "throw your hands in the air" performance demands.
@ChrisDukeMusic Жыл бұрын
@djhero0071 Жыл бұрын
There's a difference between becoming a memed commodity against your will and CHOOSING to disappoint your fans AND becoming a meme. Frank Ocean chose the latter. I was looking forward to the livestream (because fuck going to Coachella in person) but after everything that went wrong with it, IDK. I know Thinkin Bout You is a meme but him not playing it was just wack. Then apparently bringing out a guest DJ? I don't know if Frank might still be grieving his brother and that show was a kind of way to remember him or he just wasn't 100% ready to perform but it was fucked. Just based on this video tho, I don't think the current music climate can handle artists like Frank and Steve anyway.
@K-O-M Жыл бұрын
@@beatz04 no it was bad
@tino5971 Жыл бұрын
@@beatz04No, don’t try to make Ocean’s performance better than what it was. It was mediocre and he was rightfully called out. I hate lazy artists.
@alexandriarobertson65602 жыл бұрын
When I got really into Tyler the Creator, I discovered The Internet through their collars and fell in love, later finding Steve Lacy’s Dark Red through an ex boyfriend of mine. When Bad Habit rose to popularity, I listened back through his old albums and his Spotify This Is, and with this unique and wonderful of a sound, Steve Lacy deserves better. His work is a masterpiece, and TikTok threw soup on it.
@Noxic722 жыл бұрын
all tiktok did was make him popular. if yall are really pissed that people bought tickets to his show i might as well stop listening to his music, im a fan but if this is what his fanbase is like, im not gonna be apart of it
@notsofunnyjokes1040 Жыл бұрын
^Go bye then since you're not understanding that he's got other music but everyone is just using Bad Habit as an audio for their videos not really intrested in listening to the actual song Basically using it like it's a trend Who uses the renegade audio anymore unless it's for the dance
@sweetsour100 Жыл бұрын
Uuuu is probably my favorite track from him, i first heard him on dark red
@mateusmachadomartinsjunior4309 Жыл бұрын
I just wish more people would go back and listen to the songs and the álbum that they are in once they go viral on TikTok,
@ftg-n8n4 ай бұрын
@@Noxic72 No? the fucking fans at his show are literally like never listened to his other songs and only a miniscule popular part of Bad habit like, this is why we hate it cuz they dont actually care about his music they arent rly fans.
@LittleMissSunshine7212 жыл бұрын
Steve is a talented guy. He’s not for the shenanigans & he’s just an artist that is serious about the craft. Loved The Internet, by the way.
@sixtifyz Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for Steve Lacy, He’s one of my favorites and one of the reasons I started picking up guitar and writing songs again, I know all his songs by heart now and it makes me feel bad that some of his “fans” don’t even know the rest of the song. Why waste your money just to hear part of one song? I’m so happy I even got the chance with how little money my family has right now to go see him when he came to Dallas, and I was relieved that everyone knew all the lyrics. I’m glad he’s successful and getting the recognition he deserves, but i’m upset that people can’t even bother listening to his other amazing songs and listening through the whole song.
@certainlynotanna82562 жыл бұрын
Most friends I talk to never really get as invested into an individual artist’s work anymore. It’s sad. If I hear a song and I like it enough, I will listen to the full album and see how the song fits in with the other songs, and I come to love the art piece as a whole. Several of the artists I’ve listened to for years are now being affected by tiktok. They have to release remasters of their most popular songs as well as slowed or sped up versions. Yeah, they have a lot more fans now, but not everyone really experiences the rest of the said artist’s discography. Although I never lived through the time before music has become so accessible with just a click of a button, it was nice that back then, people were at least more obligated to get whole albums if a song they liked was in it and sometimes they didn’t know what to even expect. It was just like picking up a book that you had to read fully through even if you had only heard about the summary of the book or a single chapter in the book. I just feel that especially if you’re going to attend someone’s concert, you should at least listen to their latest album.
@abhinavthota8142 жыл бұрын
Don't comment often but I was shocked that this is your first upload given how well made it was. If you can keep going and upload regularly, I'm sure you'll blow up! 🙂
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@user-li3sk5qm1n2 жыл бұрын
Exactly what I was thinking
@AOAce_2 жыл бұрын
i agree
@josemanuel52052 жыл бұрын
@kadenpile-riley21702 жыл бұрын
Video was very well put. Good job!👍🏾
@notgonnaargue89862 жыл бұрын
I found Steve lacy in 2019 when I was a junior in hs I'm a junior in college now. I listened to dark red, then found his older songs and his collars with other artists (ravyn, Tyler, frank) and I fell in love lol. Listened to The Internet, which is a band he's in. Anyways, I love how he blew up but its annoying to see your favorite artists blow up and people not recognize them for their full talent. Plus I'm a substitute teacher so hearing middle schools sing bad habit and talk about him all day is extremely annoying LOL my inner fan has to stop from rolling my eyes. Anyways he's gonna get big so I wish Steve the best
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
🤣🤣 yeah I’m glad he’s getting recognition but I agree, people should listen to his older projects too!
@yes.21442 жыл бұрын
Definitely not a downfall. I’ve barely found out of Steve Lacey because of his Bad Habit song which I do like a lot but after actually listening to his other music I’ve come to like other songs just as much. I also found out he’s done songs with other artists that I like and have listened to these songs he was on without realizing it like Goldlink and Vampire Weekend! Blew my mind. 🤯
@-Datboijj-2 жыл бұрын
yeh but he's gonna fall off after this and never get a number 1 again
@tensaren2 жыл бұрын
@@-Datboijj- If he doesn't get a number 1 again it won't be because of this lmao
@-Datboijj-2 жыл бұрын
@@tensaren lol😆😆😆
@dragon-id5uj2 жыл бұрын
@@-Datboijj- tbh #1 is usually rigged, it's far more critical to have a solid niche than a shaky widespread reach
@-Datboijj-2 жыл бұрын
@@dragon-id5uj yeh lol it was a joke
@lovebotevery2 жыл бұрын
I’ve liked Steve for a lil bit over a year but cmon don’t go to a concert just to listen to a 20 second clip. He deserves better.
@Artrageousss2 жыл бұрын
As an OG fan since 2016, I was sad that he blew up because he used to be my “artist” that I wouldn’t tell people about lol. But seeing him on bigger platform makes me happy! Great to know people love his music just as much as I do. I also wanted to buy a ticket and it was sold out! 💔
@stevelacyisking78282 жыл бұрын
Same with the ticket part😢, literally have been listening to him and the internet for around three years, and the second tickets were up, they were sold out to people who only know one song lol
@adev97642 жыл бұрын
Same... was so sad about not getting tickets was waiting 3 years for him to come to the UK
@hastsoul334neko Жыл бұрын
that really pains me to hear if my favourite artist goes viral on tiktok and these fake fans all over
@kaylabey Жыл бұрын
that’s how i feel about frank ocean 🤧
@Eyeamnaa2 жыл бұрын
This is not a downfall. We can’t let negative energies manifest.
@BigBrainGamer582 жыл бұрын
Steve lacy has been one of my favorite artists since his album Apollo 11. Great to see him blow up but can y’all listen to more than one song😭. It’s killing his tours and career. Tho I saw him in Atlanta and the crowd did seem to know more of the songs than other videos I’ve seen of them.
@silentmozart2 жыл бұрын
this is a very well put together video! you’re gonna go far 💕
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@weblabs_step6 ай бұрын
It's so sad seeing such a great artist being ruined by TikTok. He's so underappreciated man.. Imo the best RnB artist of recent years.
@Valcan-np8wf5 ай бұрын
@MindOfCrim2 жыл бұрын
585 subs with this type of quality is insane, definitely deserve more recognition. I thought this was a VOX video at first.
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Yo! Really appreciate the kind words
@MindOfCrim2 жыл бұрын
@@highnoteproductionsofficial Much deserved, keep up this quality. Dropped a sub
@junsage2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this breakdown. I came to Lacy through The Internet and the work he created just on his cell phone. I tried to watch his performance on SnL and it was removed from YT so I did some searching and found this. Very helpful for those of us that follow the music but necessarily everything around it. He is so young, I hope he finds his own best path. I'll still buy the music and support how I can and I really wish him luck because there is no doubt he is talented.
@Tonyandfloyd2 жыл бұрын
Went to Steve Lacy's L.A. Concert and let me assure you that it was a sold out and flawless awesome show. Let the haters sit at home in their drawers behind their computers and pout. This guy has shot up to the stars, is in the top 100 on billboard and knowing him personally, is a well grounded young man. He has grown as an artist and I trust will continue to escalate. Go Steve! Steve! Steve! Steve! Steve!
@Valentino0162 жыл бұрын
The editing of this vid is so good. One of the best commentary vids ive ever watched.
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Wow I’m honoured thank you!
@dxmzz2 жыл бұрын
The production that went into this video is kinda insane. U deserve more
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!! I’m glad you enjoyed
@Isako7 Жыл бұрын
I've been a fan of Steve Lacy since I found "The Internet" and it sincerely crushes my heart knowing that his talent is being taken advantage of because people are being assholes. Him having to step in and seem like the bad guy is ruining his rep and he doesn't deserve that. Take a look at his TedX speech, he's clearly a very sophisticated music artist, he knows how to make moves in the industry. He's just being treated horribly. I hope this isn't where he falls off, nobody deserves that.
@moresnqp2 жыл бұрын
crazy first video! well done, you clearly know what ur doing and i hope you succeed
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!
@nyelx302 жыл бұрын
Really underrated content creator... Keep up that great work!
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you watching! Thank you 😊
@yori_sounai2 жыл бұрын
For a documentary channel this high quality I'd expect it to have way more subs ngl
@juliany.63062 жыл бұрын
I've been listening to Steve unknowingly since 2016 and discovered his Demo in 2018. I would say I've been a fan for quite a minute and recently, it's kind of hard seeing steve now. I find it amazing the success and fame he's getting cause I feel I watched him grow but He is quite literally suffering from success. But you can't help but understand where Steve is coming from. Let's say you had a project for school on something you're passionate about. Tons of work was put into it, and when the time comes around for it to be graded, you find out that the teacher basically took a quick look at it and gave you a 100 anyway. I think thats exactly whats going on with Steve. I mean yeah, He got the "100", but it was at the cost of his work being truly appreciated. Speaking from a musicianas place myself, I would hate to have anything I put out for the world to see only memorized by the first 10 seconds. I think Steve is probably the most underrated mainstream artist. If you've read this far, Stream all his albums, you'd be suprised what you find in them if you take the time to listen to them and appreciate them for what they really are!
@XAn0nymousX0 Жыл бұрын
How tiktok ruined music, people's attention spans, our society as a whole. Seriously, social media in its entirety has been the worst thing ever released for access by the general public.
@harpuavids Жыл бұрын
This sums up everything in my head these days.
@sickbodysickmind2 жыл бұрын
your editing is literally like,, better than most youtubers who have over 100 subs. this is amazing
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! That means a lot 💙
@djtonnyo2 жыл бұрын
As a DJ, I see TikTok as both a blessing and curse to the music industry. Yes, it’s an AMAZING platform that introduces new music every second of every day, but at the same time it’s usually only 20-60 seconds of 1 song that artists are getting recognition for. The new young generation are not getting exposed to full albums, EP’s, or the old mixtape models which in turn hurts both the artist and the consumer who considers themselves a fan without even really knowing the artist’s catalog. Smh
@Brothisisprivate Жыл бұрын
Amen !!
@Brothisisprivate Жыл бұрын
+ The thing is, when you say that people tell you that you sound like a gatekeeper 🙄 its so annoying
@_allice2 жыл бұрын
the layout of this video was informative and looked very professional. I hope your channel is successful and blows up soon!
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@OnceLivedXeno6 ай бұрын
“English or Spanish” 😭
@raysonicfan1.2074 ай бұрын
@h5xn2 жыл бұрын
oh my god this a very well put together video I thought you had over a million subscribers! Keep up that great work!
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Hey thanks so much!
@bby47322 жыл бұрын
i've been a fan of steve lacy for so long and I hate that people only like him for a tiny bit of his song and only know 30 seconds of the song. He deserves to have fans that actually love his music and listen to it in general not people who just listen to a clip of the song and instantly become his biggest fan that never ever listen to his song unless they see a tiktok with the song.
@3chaos3132 жыл бұрын
Please keep releasing videos of this quality, cause you'll grow so we'll in the future
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much!
@L30n4092 жыл бұрын
I know Steve Lacy since Dark Red, and it's so irritating seeing ppl that only know 1 of his song and pretend to be a fan, there's nothing wrong with get to know an artist through an app, but listening to only 15 seconds of the song and not knowing the artist's name is a big no no (especially if you think of yourself as a fan)
@puebloblau2 жыл бұрын
I do agree that social media is ruining music in a way, but this change has been going on for quite a while now. It's the same with the fact that streaming platforms made albums meaningless, since everybody has their own playlist anyways. This turns albums which once where meant to be a whole, complete piece of art (meaning everything fits into a concept) into a song list where you have 3 good songs and the rest are fillers, just because so many musicians or labels just care about cash. It's like buying a painting where just the important part is worked out with colour while the rest is still the scetch. And that's why it's sad to see artists like Steve lacy that care about their music and want real recognition for their work as be disrespected like that. But tbh, cancelling concerts mid performance and storming off stage doesn't make it better, he might just be diging his own grave
@craig7415 Жыл бұрын
Albums are not becoming meaningless, there will always be people who like albums and people that don't, streaming just made it so that the people that dont like albums can easily listen to music they want.
@floof_hair3857 Жыл бұрын
Anyone else noticed that a lot of music coming out recently feels like it's designed to be cut into sections for TikTok? Or at the very least, has one very clippable section?
@Aloha698 Жыл бұрын
In past decades it was very common to people only know the songs that played in the radio , sometimes the artist would have only 1 hit and would tour the world and sell out arenas , and all people wanted was to hear that hit … there’s nothing new about this
@girlanonymous Жыл бұрын
Not true dude..we used to buy albums and listen to them…the artist had one hit but we knew their songs because we bought their albums, cassettes, and CDs…therefore, we knew the artists complete catalogue not just songs on the radio. Gen Xer here…
@LIL5LIME5TAR Жыл бұрын
I feel like getting popular from tiktok can have 1 of 2 effects. You can get a “fanbase” of people who only like you to fit in, or you can have your own personal army that will defend you at all costs
@joeskys2362Ай бұрын
I still don't understand why being Tic Toc famous is a bad thing.
@Nikoa285 Жыл бұрын
been listening to steve since aprrox 2014/15. he definitely isnt having a downfall considering the continued rise in his success. tiktok is just ruining music altogether. people only make dead beat tiktok viral songs instead of actual good albums
@ijm1261 Жыл бұрын
This isn't just Steve Lacy. Disrespectful fans nabbing up tickets for other concerts as a way to clout chase or be Hypebeasts is a phenomenon other artists are encountering. Some of the biggest Kpop acts are attracting haters to their concerts. It's such a weird world we are in compared to not even ten years ago.
@three6ixdrew2 жыл бұрын
i only just knew him 10 minutes ago with one song but if people come to my show just for 30 seconds of my song i will refuse to even go on stage. i’ll be checking out album later.
@daniareji247 Жыл бұрын
i for one actually didnt know steve before tiktok but now ive heard his entire discography and he;s one of my favourite artists. my personal favourites are when i and mercury
@uzernaim16482 жыл бұрын
Great video from such a small content creator, keep it up
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you appreciate it fr 🥰
@jackhesed2 жыл бұрын
This is the reason why people are gatekeeping musics/artists.
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
That's an interesting point! 👍
@ripstah19082 жыл бұрын
awesome video production, especially given the size of your channel is 104 subscribers.
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, appreciate that!
@mintcookie84912 жыл бұрын
underrated youtuber wow. High quality content for someone with 17 subs. You just got a new subscriber. This better blow up
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Hey thanks so much! I really enjoyed making the video, i appreciate your comment 🥰
@DALLAS_19852 жыл бұрын
Bro amazing video keep it up hugs from Portugal 🇵🇹
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@nuggatnuggat91152 жыл бұрын
Only 38 subscribers?? This video was really high quality! Keep up the good work
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!! I appreciate it
@Saucestation2 жыл бұрын
Your first video niceee
@singularmile2 жыл бұрын
As a musician, it's a fear of mine that this will happen to one of my songs lmao, having a song that I put my heart into be ignored except for a 20s clip just seems devastating
@adrianroland4894 Жыл бұрын
would you rather be unknown?
@zanelol3555 Жыл бұрын
@@adrianroland4894 yes.
@illpass95 Жыл бұрын
Praying to stay unknown
@jeriji6592 Жыл бұрын
@@adrianroland4894 absolutely
@daviebananas1735 Жыл бұрын
@@jeriji6592Yeah, I’d rather be unknown than “suffer” like Steve Lacy LOL
@nickquarino2 жыл бұрын
Great video! So glad this was on my recommended. Can't wait for more videos. 😊
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Nick!
@bryanarevalo5522 Жыл бұрын
The man is having the most financial success he's ever had in his life. He's in no way shape or form going through his downfall. Chances are he was tired or frustrated with the success from the song. But this whole narrative of songs being ruined by TikTok is absurd as most musicians look for exposure or recognition and if anything, TikTok has helped them achieve it. Just because you're one of the "few" who listens to an artist doesn't mean they've been "ruined" by TikTok because everyone knows who they are now. Be happy you're seeing them succeed and seeing their art spread and get the recognition they deserve. Stop gatekeeping songs or artists as they aren't yours and you aren't them. Put your ego aside and enjoy music.
@fluffykittens684 Жыл бұрын
They just mad bc they couldnt gatekeep steve lacy lmao
@itsyellama3595 Жыл бұрын
ok, but his success just reveals and reflects the brevity associated with all things tiktok- artists are becoming “trends” more than ever before because of the short videos and addictive nature of tiktok. no one bothers to listen to his other songs bc they aren’t popular; don’t you see how it’s frustrating? one can argue that success with one song is barely a success at all if none of the listeners are retained for future projects. imagine a youtuber making videos for years, then all of a sudden one video goes viral with 1M views or whatever. then each video after that gets a fraction of that. is that really success? ok maybe my analogy is off but at any rate, you shouldnt grill Highnote for mislabeling a very real issue; their video has objective truths and they aren’t “gatekeeping” anything.
@no_name_for_no_one7466 Жыл бұрын
This is so sad to see I think that going to a concert is most enjoyable when you know little about the artist so you can hear the different songs that make and fall even more in love with their music Sadly not a lot of people are like that
@iMakeAmvs20102 жыл бұрын
I loved this! Please make more I’d love to see it :)
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking the time to watch!!🙏🏼
@NuclearNylon2 жыл бұрын
This Chanel is going places 9.5/10 need more of this🔥
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the support!
@Zero-hp1ds2 жыл бұрын
Man just started and suddenly just because a couple people don’t sing at his concert it’s his downfall
@notrik2512 жыл бұрын
I mean he didn't just start BUT LITERALLY DAWG LIKE SHID HAPPENS TO EVERYONE HE still has loyal fans and shid but ppl calling it their down fall
@mortalgravegirl2 жыл бұрын
Just started...? He's been around buddy
@Zero-hp1ds2 жыл бұрын
@@mortalgravegirl I know talking about his recent popularity
@notgonnaargue89862 жыл бұрын
@@Zero-hp1ds Steve has been popular though he was in a band and I think still is, he's made songs with Tyler, frank ocean, it's Just thus particular song blew up fast
@Repentyoursin2 жыл бұрын
Shits stupid ahhhh I’m getting listeners and my song is blowing up but people don’t sing my other song don’t forget I’m getting paid omg my downfall 😪
@angelaandonovska65302 жыл бұрын
Mans rached frfr 💯💯
@bridgettew88942 жыл бұрын
You can’t talk about Gemini Rights without mentioning Foushee, another RCA artist who took off on TikTok and helped him write half of the album, including Bad Habits. She’s been on tour with him, and together they represent how TikTok merely a vehicle for artists to use to get where they want to be. They’re experimental, creative, and now the world can enjoy their art
@max-rt2zm Жыл бұрын
great video and i love your editing style
@highnoteproductionsofficial Жыл бұрын
Thank you! 🙏🏼 more coming soon :)
@sniper85602 жыл бұрын
The problem with TikTok songs is everybody just knows like two lines of the song
@kathrinefisher5554 Жыл бұрын
I've been listening to Steve since Apollo XXI which was 2019 I've loved his music ever since there's not a single song that I don't love, im so happy to see him achieved the goal of being a successful music artist and I really feel bad for him
@michaelcanty13752 жыл бұрын
I watched this kid grow up, he's the brother of Vege Lacy she's my ex-girlfriend. His whole family are musically sound and all of them are talented.
@coltsfan354 Жыл бұрын
I tried to record a bunch of stuff when I went to concerts ~15 years ago. Then I went to a show in 2016 and had a profound moment that my camera would have never been able to do justice. Since then I have always tried to live in the moment for live shows. I wish more people had that same feeling. They're losing touch with how music can truly touch you emotionally. What a shame.
@ucrain4971 Жыл бұрын
so true, im going to a concert in August and part of me wants to record but another part of me wants to live the moment. I think im just gonna mosh lol
@coltsfan354 Жыл бұрын
@@ucrain4971 I always used to think I'd watch it back later for the memories and I never do. Go for it.
@halfwaydrum22 жыл бұрын
honestly super well put together video. good job
@queengalexa31852 жыл бұрын
He definitely deserves better 😢
@Mr.Hoffins2 жыл бұрын
Really like this editing style
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thanks !!
@deadlineclover89392 жыл бұрын
Only thing I can agree on Steve Lacy with is when he said "don't throw no shit on my fucking stage"
What an amazing video/breakdown/perspective. Well done 👌🏾
@highnoteproductionsofficial Жыл бұрын
Appreciated ! Thanks for watching 🙏🏼
@elijahbuscho77152 жыл бұрын
really a top notch video. 282 subscribers, and I guess that makes me your 283rd. I think what Steve is going through is similar to the pain of being a one-hit wonder. One über-viral song really is a curse because it destroys your ability to connect with an audience on a more intimate level by exploding the size of your audience people who don't really care about anything you care about. I think this stuff applies to fame in all avenues. The most meaningful connections happen between 2 individuals. As your fame increases, the number of connections you create increases, but the meaningfulness of these new connections are much lower, so it can resulting in the average relationships or social interactions of a famous person being much worse than those of a normal person. If I were Steve Lacy, I'd stop touring as unfortunate as that is. It doesn't seem like he's able to handle the frustration of all of the non-fans. It sucks for the real fans, and also for him, but it is what it is. Not a whole lot of good solutions, other then maybe push through and weather the storm of "Bad Habits" normies, ignore them, and make more music until they get weeded out. Fame is a curse. Advice to you Highnote Productions: stay a nameless, faceless, neutral voice forever so you have an escape plan for when you inevitably blow up.
@jbombbay6429 Жыл бұрын
Hey! Just wanted to say that this is a really great video! It’s short but sweet and gets straight to the point, and it’s really informational! Great video ❤
@jeffreys.hobbies2 жыл бұрын
This is such a well-made video! Can't believe it's your first upload, felt like something from an already established youtube with hundreds of thousands of subs.
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for watching!
@jeffreys.hobbies2 жыл бұрын
@@highnoteproductionsofficial Thank you for making the video! You've got a new sub :)
@theofficialdummy12 ай бұрын
"can u say hi to my mom?" "CAN YOU BE QUIE-" no one is meaner than him! HE DIDN'T EVEN HESITATE!!
@fr0zenfr0sty422 жыл бұрын
i dont care if people call him a tiktok artist his stuff is still good
@jackmmarsden Жыл бұрын
He isn’t having a downfall, what would make you think that
@Luciell7072 жыл бұрын
Used to be one of his fans wayy back then stopped recently because of his attitude of people not knowing his lyrics. Kinda pissed me off and just didn't sit right with me the fact he threw a fit just because people didn't know the lyrics to his songs which I understand sucks but sometimes you gotta realize that they gave you the fame and instead of being pissed just appreciate that your song had an impact. It came off to me that he just seemed ungrateful or rude for people not knowing all of songs meanwhile other small artists would be grateful even if a small clip of their music would go viral but it's wtv for me now.
@mariahhark Жыл бұрын
Great vid! Would love to see more
@HeftyDan2 жыл бұрын
"downfall" bro he literally just made a number 1 hit. Whether they know the words or not, it's definitely not his downfall
@codkue51422 жыл бұрын
Might as well commented “didn’t watch or have any comprehension “
@Sigmarr2 жыл бұрын
@daliaaaaaa Жыл бұрын
please keep making videos on music artists, they're so interesting ❤❤
@jeppenellemannkrogh81722 жыл бұрын
What are the songs do you use in the background? Great video btw
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
There some links to the music in the description :)
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching :)
@GenF91 Жыл бұрын
I’m very thankful that I didn’t find out about him through TikTok. I listened to his Gemini Rights album and liked it. Wanna check out more of his stuff.
@mrblueshark91112 жыл бұрын
I’ve been a Steve lacy fan since 2017 when he was still a part of the internet and it’s sad watching this story I guess unfolding
@Kawrlowes2 жыл бұрын
I mean I get it I guess but at the end of the day he’s selling out shows AND still has his core fan base. Although there’s a hype train right now it will eventually die down and that’s when his core base can go see him.
@blutagg632 жыл бұрын
Something similar happened to Radiohead, where people come for one song, and it pisses of the artist
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Interesting yeah have heard the comparison a few times
@aniketbanerjee3463 Жыл бұрын
Can you say "hi" to my mom Can you please stay quiet? 😂😂😂
@vrmonsi2 жыл бұрын
the audience never demanded bite sized songs. tiktok being popular force fed this new reality of what a song even is. it’s hard to hit these targets as an artist because you never know whats the best part of a song that the listener likes most. people have their own mind and people like different things for different reasons. tiktok disrupts this process by already deciding what the best part of the song is. mass send it to millions of people, basically f4f but for bite videos. that’s why listeners always only know one part. it’s the only part playing over and over again. everywhere! tiktok music needs to be its own branch of sound. like a cartoon almost. they take transitions in a song and make that the bite, the character. the simple fact that any streams generated from a song being played less than 30s is laughable. tiktok is netflix for artist. and the consumer is pooping it out faster than they can chew. they don’t even know what they’re eating!
@bloomto_death2 жыл бұрын
Wait this your first upload? This is fire what, def earned a sub, hope you'll blow up.
@highnoteproductionsofficial2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@NativeOnes Жыл бұрын
Tik Tok didn't ruin him. The fact that he had ads running on Spotify that would interrupt your music playlist every 4 songs with, " I BITE MY TONGUE ITS A BADDDD HABIT!" for 6 months did. I can promise you I heard more than enough of him after that nonsense.
@chairpenguin2370 Жыл бұрын
Wanna break from the ads?
@semi-sweet Жыл бұрын
2:28 Oh my God, it's the silent performer sketch from I Think You Should Leave come to life.