I have autism and a body that doesn't function as it should. I am very grateful I am able to boil water to make soup on shabbos, to not have to ask caretakers for giving me a spoon or a fork. To be able to leave the home on my own, not wait for someone to push a wheelchair. To be able to talk (a % autistic people have trouble socializing, talk like neanderthals or are even non verbal). This imperfection of my body pushes me to innovate and build things that help me do things like robots and maybe portable lifts. Outendly gratitude makes you a mensch. Being thankful is the stepping stone to serving God and the mission of creation. I am not a glitch or a failure, I am just another human being with unique traits.
@PinkFloydSuperFan4 ай бұрын
Thanks. I need to practice gratitude more often. Hashem has given much to me, and I shld be more appreciative. I also shld tell my F&F hownmuch I appreciate them and am blessed by them. Thanks for tbe "slap in the face" wake up call. I needed this.
@Mas72yo4 ай бұрын
isnt "day dayenu" a plea to hashem, asking to stop the dinim, the judgements? i mean day mean stop or enough, and dayenu means "our dinim" "our judgements" or the judging of us - ofc hashem hasnt created anything for granted so even if we feel something unpleasant it is to ask ourselves why does it happen, and then the ultimate answer should always be, is that you would be in need of hashem so you dont forget, because our selfishness gets the better of us - and for that it is written "i created the evil incarnation, i created the torah as a spice" meaning we need to always be appreciative towards everything. in our senses, which is the evil incarnation( which is in our todays terms would be called "Ego" or the will to receive for myself alone) we tend to push the blame on something else or think that anything unpleasant comes towards our way is from some other plane and doesnt correspond with hashem in any way, but this is where we are mistaken for "there is none besides him" meaning theres no good or evil god, or a devil or something like that. if we shift our perspective that not everything is supposed to be based on our selfish way of understanding things - and when its tough then we must hold on to hashem and ask why, and scrutinize and realize that it is his calling, to turn from our self centered interests and get involved with loving of others "ואהבת לרעך כמוך" . meaning that we are only understanding things if we see a benefit in them, once we realize that we need to develop a new sense, such as caring for others (especially if they arent related or close to you) with that in mind you start learning of hashem and his plan for this creation, how much beauty and wisdom and appreciation on a whole another level, with dvekut to hashem...
@rafalgan-ganowicz4 ай бұрын
Lmao the least gracious people on earth thinking they have advice in this matter