How to be an S Tier Willow

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Lardee 137

Lardee 137

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@lardee1373 6 ай бұрын
For those who are interested, the maps of the overworld and cave world are linked in the description.
@wauchi1895 6 ай бұрын
Honestly Skill Tree really turned Willow upside down. From being underwhelming to a straight up mage in DST. I can't wait for Wendy and Maxwell skill trees.
@nneykobar_hali 6 ай бұрын
I d say her upside was good before too. After playing her, even maxwell's sanity seemed weak to me. She had a particular set of ease-of-life perks, and generaly was nice. One bad thing: she had only 1 somewhat borring downside. Thou , it made your gameplay fit the character- burn something every 5 minutes in winter. But it wasnt good enough of a downside. But there was a hidden one , that was way too harsh: you have 99% chance of being kicked or banned upon picking her. Overall skilltree is great , but a bit too combat focused. Basicly turning her game plan in a weird mix betwin wortox and wigfrid. There was like , 4 or 5 non combat skills. Brighter lighter1 and 2- my boys , good guys. Fire ball- great sanity station , and your inly way of starting forest fires now. Sucky lighter- good stuff , needed way to fix a lighter , and way to extinguish stuff. Flamecast has a bit of utility in setting whole stacks on fire at the same time for better sanity And controlled burning- has some utility in making your sanity stations safer. Otherwise- its all combat on The sanity managment character. Her new playstyle is to rush bee genocide(wortox style) , get something resembling a weapon , and then start bashing open skulls of every living creature in the constant.(wigfrid style) After the first three(where even The combat character wolfgang got some utility), every skilltree leans heavealy into combat side. (Probably because everyone used almost exludively combat perks on those three) I know , that dst is a combat focused game , but we starting to see some powercreep , and as we all know , wanda is borring after the first 20 hours, because her every perk is too op to use anything but them.
@wauchi1895 6 ай бұрын
@@nneykobar_hali Skill Trees MUST be mostly combat focused. This game is mainly all about combat and defeating the big bads. Hence all that majority care about is combat related perks. Like when Wormwood Skill Tree released, nobody gave a damn about his utility tree, all that people cared about is permanent high speed and more damage. And thanks to the latter, it turned an underwhelming character into a beast. A great buff to him overall. Since again, the game revolves around combat. And yeah powercreep is occurring because of it. But it was always the case. Powercreep isn't bad, for it is natural. Unless people get something that actually impacts the meta, nobody will care. Just like Klei keeps adding more biomes, yet nobody cares as they simply hadn't impacted the meta of Ruins rushing. Same with Willow, barely anyone cares about her utility. It's just all about the fact that she has high dps long range options, and is pretty much what revived her to a better state.
@nneykobar_hali 6 ай бұрын
@@wauchi1895 well , you are correct! But , you are forgetting one other thing: A question: if those same long ranged options , magic , debufs and stuff , were not fire flavored and were given yo another character , would it be all the same? Would that character have a playstyle much different from current willow's ? If this was willson skilltree , with beard hair magic or batle alchemy instead of fire , would the game plan be any different? Would your playstyle differ too much? And if it would not: is willow reborn now? Or is it mostly some new character ? Cool and exiting as they are. That was my first point. Now on to the next! As a ex-wormwood main i am trully besadened by you calling him underwhelming. Yes , you had a base-sitter lifestyle half of the time (other half you were rushing everything together with wortox) , but that was a reason i loved him. Lots of people still play this as a survival game. And even if i love to rush the ruins and murder bunch of stuff , i can still apreciate the evenings of just tending to the crops , and building up the base , chatting with fellow survivors and fighting back the unforgiving world. So , my first instinkt was to use the borring basebuilsing part. I loved free bushes and greater power over plants in my garden. This game becoming more and more of a boss fighting game , but thats not bad. This world is becoming less and less uncompromising , and harsh , and thats kinda sad. And , after points one and two , comes the third one: Powercreep is natural , but with characters becoming stronger and stronger we might reach a point , where you have no need to interract with a world in any non-character-specific way. Good example is Wanda. She's cool , i loved her on release , made her instantly. But after maining her for about a half a year , i realised something: i wasnt making any meaningfull choices beyond "would i be a housewife of the party , or go on a killing rampage?" What weapon to craft? Answer is obvious. How to heal? Not a question. How to revive? Answer is obviouse. How to revive my party? Answer is obvious. What farms to set up? What food to produce?answer is obvious. (On a side , why no one talks about how good taffyes are as a favourite food for wanda? Thay barely spoil , easy to produce , and give her plenty of only two stats food can give her.) How to traverse the world? The answer is obvious. Her abilityes are so meta , she basicly becomes the gameplay. Thankfully willow didnt get any healing or weapons , but still , her early game is preaty same-y. Wormwood , Woody and Wolfgang didnt get it as harsh as she did. They still got choice left. And in case of wormwood i d say you somewhat correct , he became more interesting , but not only because of combat stuff. He overall got way more choices for the early and midgame. Even choosing your skills as wormwood might be really engaging , if you are not doing the very same thing each time you play the game. Winona and wurt are... a bit la cluster. Winona's skilltree overall makes her stronger , but at the same time for some reason make her unkillable and gave her bridges. Ok , i guess? Its just a bit random, (ok , revive kinda makes sense , but what conection is there betwin charly and bridges is beyond me) but its fine, she still does what she was doing already , but this time people actually play her. Great! Wurt skilltree is good . Have nothing else to say. Not a wurt fan. -\(:/)/- Willow and wigfrid skilltrees... are both really combat focused. If i am not mistaken , willow is the first non-combat character to recieve purely combat affinityes. Wigrfrid... is good! Love it. Expends her kit , emphasases her role as tank , while giving you great amount of choice even while picking skills, some utility with beefalos(thou i agree , its the weakest part of her skilltree character conection wise.mechanincly that is. Seeing valkier to ride a beast makes total sence) , song storage and a song of revival. She is a batle-focused character with batle focused skilltree. Still got choice in tools , and her zap-spear is far from being the only viable choice due to it shining only in endgame , where you already got plenty of choice. These are my points. Cant wait to hear your counter-points. Love this discusion. ) Edit: grammar.
@wauchi1895 6 ай бұрын
@@nneykobar_hali Nope it would not. It would just be a cool exciting character. As for your second point fun doesn't equal reality. Sure I am glad that you enjoyed his farmer playstyle, but the reality is that he was simply underwhelming. The worst a player could do is sit in base when it comes to public servers. Unless you are Warly who is constantly making spiced dishes to support other's combat, you are frankly a deadweight. And that's the issue with Wormwood. Sure he was good at base sitting, but nobody cared about that. What people care about is the combat, which he frankly sucked at. His only worth came from free living logs, that's about it. And sure I am also glad you are picking his farming part of the skill tree, but the reality is that vast vast absolute majority just pick the combat side. As for Wanda slander, and calling her stale & boring, I want to ask you something. Say this is a 4 player world, we got Wilson, WX-78, Wolfgang, and Winona. What will be in their head slot? Football helmet. What will be in their chest slot? Backpack. What will be in their hand slot? Hambat (with occasional walking cane / lantern) What will be their game plan? Gather enough resources to get all 3 from above plus a lantern and rush the Ruins. Does this sound stale to you? Does this sound very 'samey' to you? Well then you are in luck since that's basically how the entire cast plays. That is what DST is. And yeah we now have Lunar Island, Ocean Forest, Monkey Island, Junkyard, and etc. But does it shake up the meta in any way? Nope, hence nobody bothers visiting them. (As for Taffies, simply put nobody cares about food besides those that can be produced during Winter. Since during Spring and Summer you'll have plenty of food regrowing anyway. And bees are completely inactive for the entire Winter, therefore those Beeboxes you've spent so much time setting up in the first Autumn are utterly useless. And by the time you get to Spring, you must've survived Winter. Which implies that you've already found a good food source to keep yourself fed through the entire season, therefore why bother setting up another one. It's just like Wurt's Sunfish paradox. Like yeah Sunfish could be used as replacement for a Thermal Stone during Winter. However Sunfish could only be caught during Summer, implying that you have survived Winter, by which point you already have the means to survive the Winter without needing a Sunfish.) Another point of yours is skill trees lacking connection, to which the simple answer is that Klei is just super out of touch with the game. It is already seen with their biome updates which nobody bothers with except for those that are forced in order to summon a boss for the boss checklist. If anything, I actually hate Wigfrid Skill Tree unlike you. Because those options are completely irrelevant to the core of the character, hence they are extremely out of touch. Because simply ask... why do people play Wigfrid? People don't play Wigfrid for skillful combat, for that you pick other characters. People play Wigfrid to just hold F and tank. Hence people meming about WIgfrid teaching the unhealthy fighting mechanics to noobies, as she enables the tank and hold F playstyle. To which her Skill Tree doesn't aid in. Like she got a shield that can block enemy's damage if you parry at the correct time. But how does that aid Wigfrid? If you frankly bothered enough to time your shield block, then you could've just instead side stepped like any other character. Or how she got a Beefalo tree, a character most proficient in tanking, using a Beefalo. And it's not a slander towards Beefalos, they are OP. But frankly why to her of all characters? If you care enough to use Beefalo as your tanking option, then character combat wouldn't matter at all. So you could've instead just used summoning characters like Wendy or Maxwell. Since they'd be more effective with beefalo making up for their downsides whilst aiding the beefalo with their summons. Storm is only alright as a teleport utility, but when it is used for dodging it's still are to asked... why? If you bother enough to time, you could've just side stepped. And if you can side step, then there isn't a reason to play Wigfrid. There is also other ones left, but those are your classical filler. Like increased helmet durability and increased battle song charge up. Something more fitting to the playstyle of Wigfrid would instead be to remove all this skill expression requirement and keep her true to the character and why people play her. Make filler increase her life steal by a small bit, and her sanity increase by a bit. Make her Shadow alignment focus around her bloodthirsty side. As when she receives damage that would otherwise kill her, it instead sets her down to 1 hp and gives makes her go in undying rage state. During which she is invulnerable for a few seconds and her lifesteal is massively increased, however she can't heal with food during that state unless pre-applied Jellybeans. After which it goes on a very long cooldown. Meanwhile make her Lunar alignment focus around the second thing she is most known for, her support. Make her helmets increase the wearer's damage by x% damage, and that % is also counted as planar. Therefore making her a much better support for her team, as they'll especially help newbies who Wigfrid usually gives her helms to, better deal with Shadow enemies. Sure those ideas aren't perfect but what I came up here within 3 minutes still sounds much better and true to the character than what Klei came up with across multiple months. And yeah I also like this discussion. Glad you are enjoying it.
@nneykobar_hali 6 ай бұрын
@@wauchi1895 or , wilson would carry a cane and a piggy bank , using mining hat for light , wx would be chilling in the ruins with his infynite nightvision(or zooming across the map with full speed , or leaving a life of a music lamp, or other stuff his circuts allow.) , wolfgang using combination of tulicite crown and marble suite(to take off from durability cost) , and winona sporting tophat because she never bothered creating any armor , because she was spending all her time setting up structures , that would be able to defend her from any danger. I get your point , meta is inevitable. But still , wilson couldve used a nighmare sword , because he's a pro a t kiting , and is fine being insane. There are still options beyond meta. Something easier to get , but worse , something hyper-specific , like tail 'o three cats , or something complitely busted , but avalible to those who out of their way to get it. Meta is strickt , but still somewhat flexible. I found great success , forgoing use of a backpack in favour of body slot armor. But againg , when i was playing as wanda , those slots were esential due to the inventory clog aspect of her clock. And , this exiting beard wizzard , would be a willson? No. But why we call pyromancer willow a willow? Well , i ve never seen a warly who would get angry at wormwood for mass producing spice crops , or other team members complain , while standing at the base , where all crockpots are filled to the brim with goodies. Quite a lot of crops are a source of healing. +he had armor going for him. You come to the base , and get to instantly refill your resourses. Armor , food , good to go. To be continued.
@CatPersonDST 6 ай бұрын
He returns!
@LongNguyen-xt1hx 6 ай бұрын
Oh my god its the real catpersontv no way
@Cats_on_fire 6 ай бұрын
When next video?? Or will it. Just come when it comes
@nahhitsnotnys 6 ай бұрын
did you take down the wolfgang highest damage video? i can't find it anywhere
@Ronix157 6 ай бұрын
Damn, hearing spiral knights ost brings back fond memories :') Great video! It's always fun to watch your S tier series
@Urkikk 6 ай бұрын
Old Spiral Knights gang.
@gnolfo 2 ай бұрын
Ah, good old times.
@Qqmenisa 6 ай бұрын
I dont even play dst anymore and when i did it was supeer casual avoiding bosses etc but these are super fun to watch cuz it lets me see whats possible with good game knowledge
@ahmedyasseen6841 6 ай бұрын
i swear am in a simulation. i littery started binging your videos like a hour ago. from the wolfgang problem to woodies new buff and you upload now lmao
@DinoMeat-qw4lg 6 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say Willow's low sanity is a downside. It's actually a good thing because Bernie is at his strongest when she is at lower sanity and she can abuse that, and that also doesn't necessarily mean he has to fight more terrorbeaks.
@zekerdeath 6 ай бұрын
no it literally just does mean that since having more would mean it would take longer to reach the level where terrorbeaks spawn. (yes it scales, but thats not enough to change how much quicker hers reaches that point compared to a 200 sanity character)
@lovkarts 5 ай бұрын
Her rework is DST is so awesome when you consider how bad she was in DS solo. She would randomly burn stuff around her when she was in low sanity, as if she didn't have any control over her powers, but in DST, it's like she's evolved from how much time she spent in the constant and finally learned how to control her fire witch powers.
@Alias0225 6 ай бұрын
Lardee teaching us how to file taxes be like: Okay first we need to gather materials for a beefalo saddle.
@devianmorgenstern8771 6 ай бұрын
I know you wanted the points for other perks, but the lighter is actually refillable with embers! Also, Nightmare Werepig counts as Shadow Aligned, so your spare Glass cutters get their double durability buff for them. Though, Hambat is always nice cus it doesn't have Durability based on hits
@candycoatedroxx 6 ай бұрын
Willow is by far my favorite character now and whenever I start a new world I have to resist the powerful urge to only ever play willow
@ctp2523 6 ай бұрын
I was just mesmerised in the first 5 minutes or so, because of the spiral knights ready room music. So many memories, and so good nostalgia.
@Tarnished1fr 2 ай бұрын
Lardee just wanted to say really love your videos man u made me a beefalo tamer lol, pls keep em coming
@rynaro88 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the Spiral Knights reference and songs. It was a nice blast from the past.
@Wiganation 6 ай бұрын
nice choice with the spiral knights osts AUUUGHHH
@QuillVest 6 ай бұрын
Lardee Speedrun: → Obtain beefalo → Rush ruins → Profit (joking love your videos)
@Seymoure456 6 ай бұрын
Love the Spiral Knights music, I miss that game and the music is so good I'm glad you used it
@doritos4956 6 ай бұрын
Kind of sad to see AG fight without beefalo. Woodie S tier video flashbacks. To make it up for our saviours, I will say this, for anyone that's really struggling with the buck timer, there's a client side mode that calculates it for you, as well as domestication. As well as another mod made the same person, I think, that basically allows mounts your beef for you. If it needs feeding, then it will do it automatically then mount. Also, dismounting near wormholes will make you jump in, then mount after you get out. Also works for dirt piles.
@doritos4956 6 ай бұрын
Beefalo buck timer client or smth
@esmee6308 6 ай бұрын
I think Lardee tries to avoid combat with his beefalo in character speed runs to show off more of the character. (Though Wendy with her Ember buff is a pretty solid damage character as well, idk how it adds up against AG).
@nahhitsnotnys 6 ай бұрын
yeah he got a lot of hate back for his wes and wendy runs cause he relied on beefalos a lot, so now he doesn't do that anymore
@zekerdeath 6 ай бұрын
that last tip is crazy, i had no idea and ive been killed jumping through a wormhole without remembering to feed my beef first and therefore being unable to mount.
@nahhitsnotnys 6 ай бұрын
ive been waiting for SO long, thank you king
@aldairreis3571 6 ай бұрын
To create that strategy against Klaus, you must have at least 300 IQ
@Alpaca.Trades 5 ай бұрын
Being a newer player, I absolutely love these videos! Really shows how much is in this game besides just basic survival!
@Bulbasauros 6 ай бұрын
Step 1 : Pick willow Step 2 : Create world Step 3 : c_announce(c_countprefabs("wasphive") If number of killer bee hives < 20 then c_regenerateshard() Else, profit
@vondadon732 6 ай бұрын
S tier wortox? appreciate the content you put out, keep striving
@Nottherealbegula4 6 ай бұрын
"How to be an S tier Wortox" Next update: Wortox skill tree
@danath3386 5 ай бұрын
As Willow you can also use gunpowder with her skill tree if you light the boss on fire right before the gunpowder explodes you still get all the loot.
@nneykobar_hali 6 ай бұрын
Fun fact: willow in solo just turned out to be one of the best characters. I think she is even better than skilltree willow with some practice( to not to burn the loot) She carries in hamlet ruin rushing. Has a secret perk that i ll show off in a cool video , when i get around to start making those.(edit: i dont have a chanell yet , but one day...) And just overall kinda goodand fiery. I guess we all just never caried about her to notice how good she is. Even before skilltree she was the only character who could mass farm shadow fuel consuming only what? A sewing kit once in a while? Paired with willson she could do even more with non-existant risks. And her base keeping perk of having better fire fueling was letting her to be comfortable at base. Cooking on the go , cheap light sourse, insane potential of sanity regen... She always was good but never shined due to the label of "griefer character" if anyone burned the base all eyes were on her. And thats with torch being the easiest recepy in the game. Fun fact: webber , wickerbottom, wx-78, wurt, this are the characters of the top of my head who could make your life way harder. Infesting your base , or destroying valuable items. Q-Q
@druidplayz2313 2 ай бұрын
@BoxyLotus29 2 ай бұрын
This video taught me so much about how to play willow properly, I can't wait for you to get to S tier wx 78
@konaccha 6 ай бұрын
Was looking for this a few months ago and am thankful you uploaded!!
@An_Average_Arsonist 2 ай бұрын
Joins server, sets base on fire, refuses to elaborate. Prper S+++ Tier willow.
@marcostorres5373 6 ай бұрын
I think the reason of why twins dont aggro barnie its because of its gimmick of focusing an actual player upon being spawned Good run, man
@-TheChosenOne 6 ай бұрын
I knew you were coming back! Lezgo Edit: Also, if you want to fit more stuff in your description you can, instead of simply copying the browser link to the music, copy the "share" link instead. This one is shorter and appears cooler in the description too!
@Jetterz1999 6 ай бұрын
Is that *_SPIRAL KNIGHTS_* music? This is the best youtuber in the world
@trobinoo 5 ай бұрын
pvp is going to be crazy in dst now with these skill trees
@dalerossouw 6 ай бұрын
I been waiting for this Because I recently completed her skilltree
@BGl-eh7hm 3 ай бұрын
Please I'm begging you do wurt next for this series, how to be an S tier wurt please
@fir3fuchsy218 5 ай бұрын
The good Old Spiral Knight Music ^^ Good Video Keep it up !
@DavidJYuan 6 ай бұрын
Thank you as always, Lardee!
@wandenbergdasilvacunha 6 ай бұрын
S Tier Willow… Lunar Fire Raiser? 😓
@averylaggyboi1557 6 ай бұрын
@POOH_LY 6 ай бұрын
That thumbnail's fire.
@johelrivera5654 6 ай бұрын
Spiral Knights music took me back man
@corbyhulett 6 ай бұрын
Total missed opportunity for klei to call burning bernie burnie
@Ger.bogado 6 ай бұрын
yes! just yesterday was looking for willow in yuor video list
@hurdletheturtle6404 6 ай бұрын
Never clicked a notification so fast. Finally the kind returns
@Mauricio742halpha 6 ай бұрын
Same heree
@doritos4956 6 ай бұрын
@nickylag3912 5 ай бұрын
as one of 5 Willow players, I feel seen
@tiqosc1809 5 ай бұрын
She's literally in every server
@haro1036 6 ай бұрын
Iv been waiting so long for this video
@Jakub3386 6 ай бұрын
If you would pick this skill that allow bernie to become big if he see shadow or lunar mob you could kill first knight then rook and bishop will almost allways attack bernie and fight would be shorter (works with this skills that you already pick but its harder)
@Andyisgodcky 6 ай бұрын
I still find it strange that willow can ignore fire damage but still can get overheated?
@alejandraarvieta9773 6 ай бұрын
Nice to see ya again :)
@АндрейСмехович 6 ай бұрын
Man, what a great video!
@dancingleaf5826 6 ай бұрын
The Spiral Knights was a nostalgic touch to this video
@joaogabrielcamposdouradofe6757 6 ай бұрын
great content as always
@Landon-h8c Ай бұрын
The teddy bear is KINDA similar to a certain anomality from project moon.
@ConsumeUke 6 ай бұрын
im exited for the maxwell wendy wickerbottom and wortox skill trees mages in dst seem fun
@beliddell7308 6 ай бұрын
Man I love your videos so much
@exofunbun7785 21 күн бұрын
Beutifully done!
@Spl6sh 6 ай бұрын
I was just thinking that I needed a new Lardee video also I made a mistake by putting most of my skill points into the wrong places, do I have to restart my world or can I use a lunar portal?
@doritos4956 6 ай бұрын
Lunar portal works
@Spl6sh 6 ай бұрын
@@doritos4956 thank you I was very worried
@guille6785 6 ай бұрын
lardee back from the dead wtf
@AleJ-oJo 6 ай бұрын
Why did u use the umbrella? 34:40
@shine8719 6 ай бұрын
He’s backkkkk 🔥🔥
@Xengard 20 күн бұрын
what.... using the lazy explorer cancels ancient fuelweaver's mind control attack....? i've never heard of that before. anyway amazing run!
@loopuleasa 6 ай бұрын
willow is super strong now
@maxramerez7606 5 ай бұрын
Do you have a modlist that you use? Especially the one that puts your backpack slots under your normal inventory I've been looking for
@Kampiksiaczek 4 ай бұрын
the backpack one is a setting in normal game just change backpack layout to integrated
@tsukikk0 Ай бұрын
spiral knights ost goes so hard
@prestohn 21 күн бұрын
to this day im still confused on how you could auto-plant the grass tufts at 46:36, is it ActionQueue RB3? what is the key combination?
@Wizrad_7 6 ай бұрын
it's lardee! huzzah!!!
@iron_cube6827 6 ай бұрын
I swear, evey time i watch those pro-players bossrushing videos i feel deepy humiliated. Like, I'm just killing my first fuelweawer on second spring while they've already bit game 4 times 😩
@giovannevicentebossio9742 6 ай бұрын
Good Very good
@mesa4207 6 ай бұрын
more s tier guieds moree
@Moon-ut7ln 6 ай бұрын
Omg from all your videos (include the webberbone that webber vid is good and its added to my webber guide)
@siullajirafahace23anos61 6 ай бұрын
@calsondaingaming8918 5 ай бұрын
Willow needs the obsidian tools and weapons from shipwrecked. At this point bring all single player elements into dst. We deserve better boats.
@ali-vh1xi 6 ай бұрын
If you killed every raid boss as willow, then why is the video called “S tier” instead of “S+ tier”?
@Afron-b5d 6 ай бұрын
W video
@coco__nade 6 ай бұрын
S tier team player when
@jamesquesnel4535 6 ай бұрын
Cool fights and all but can you kill deerclops? Doubt.
@Termulus 4 ай бұрын
Will you update your guides now that void walking has been patched?
@ten-hx2xi 6 ай бұрын
i wonder why you dont use the number keys to hot switch your equipment, is it slower?
@sanguinestaff4556 5 ай бұрын
S Tier base soon?
@hunterhallman9560 6 ай бұрын
When’s da next stream
@Hypnossquared 6 ай бұрын
@ew4525 6 ай бұрын
how about a new wurt skilltree video?
@redfeathered 6 ай бұрын
Wickerbottom guide when
@Kyomaku 4 ай бұрын
Did they patch the teleport cancelling the mind control? It's not working on my end at all
@pophex7501 6 ай бұрын
Love your content, i will like to see in a future your opinion about winona skilltree
@diddykong2309 Ай бұрын
Can you please make one for wurt 🙏🙏
@yzrvergil 6 ай бұрын
Spiral Knights players stand united!
@Griffith_Griffin 20 күн бұрын
Please do WX-78
@kidfrenzy2273 6 ай бұрын
What skin is being used in the thumbnail?
@PoissonedApple1 2 ай бұрын
Pls tell me this channel is still alive
@justaugust351 6 ай бұрын
Yay thank youuu
@kenjamesyata3314 6 ай бұрын
Can you do maxwell?
@Guyinthecommentsection 6 ай бұрын
Either I'm god awful at the game, or willow is overpowered.
@peanut14007 6 ай бұрын
Do Maxwell next!
@teko613 6 ай бұрын
How old is this run? Considering you teleported to avoid FW's mind control
@temirdoer3747 6 ай бұрын
hey can you make a How to be an S Tier Maxwell gaming
@Savantageouss 6 ай бұрын
@bengola69420 6 ай бұрын
How to be an s tier wheeler when 😢😢😢😢
@ramazanmert7808 6 ай бұрын
How do you use world settings?
@yiunuttetinker 2 ай бұрын
I fw you vro
@BenjisBees 6 ай бұрын
Any reason why you didnt set the werepig boss on fiere?
@battleooze7014 6 ай бұрын
He's immune to fire, sadly
How to be an S Tier Wilba
Lardee 137
Рет қаралды 79 М.
How to be an S+ Tier Wes
Lardee 137
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It’s all not real
V.A. show / Магика
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We Attempted The Impossible 😱
Topper Guild
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Can You Beat Don't Starve Together With Total CHAOS?
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How to be an S Tier Wormwood
Lardee 137
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Hollow Knight Charm Ranking & Analysis
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Ranking Every Boss in Don't Starve
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How to be an S+ Tier Wigfrid
Lardee 137
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Jerma Won't Complain about Hollow Knight (Highlights)
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Ultimate Exploration Guide (Beginner's Guide) | Don't Starve Together
Can I Speedrun Uncompromising Mode?
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Defeating ALL Bosses with Merms (NEW Wurt)
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It’s all not real
V.A. show / Магика
Рет қаралды 20 МЛН