How To: Behringer ADA8000 Into Digi 002/003 -

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@maurocappabianca6901 8 жыл бұрын
Old but gold.. I was thinking about buying a new audio interface and thanks to this video you made my decision a lot easier!! Thanks Graham you're fantastic 💪🏻
@amnhendrickson 11 жыл бұрын
graham, i just wanted to say thanks. your videos are what made the bulb go off in my head that recording at home wasn't some crazy ass mystery or something that was unobtainable. in the last year i've taught myself using a ton of your videos/blog entries, and am now working with 6 different clients on different projects out of my home studio. and i love to see that at least at one point you had some alesis 520's, which is what i'm rocking now. anyway, thanks a bunch graham. you are a great man!
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@any1particular Thanks for the kind words. Glad it's helping someone out there!
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@BouvrieMax Yes, I believe it is comparable to most similar units in that price range ($500 and under). These are simple clean pres without any coloration and the converters do their job well.
@learnerforever6933 6 жыл бұрын
I’m learning new things from this video after almost 8 years! Thanks man!
@bubobubo779 6 жыл бұрын
I recently swapped from using Focusrite 18i20 to Digi 002 for it's softer and more pleasent sound.
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@Mollysconfession The ADA8000 is a preamp/converter that needs to connect to something with an ADAT input. You will need a dedicated audio interface for this.
@12ealDealOfficial 8 жыл бұрын
I got an ADA8000 based on the word of a few of my favorite recording gurus. At $39 it seemed like a steal. Once I put the thing into my rack and connected it via optical to my Pro40, the thing sounded like hot garbage. It didn't occur to me that the Behringer's clock would be the one my interface needed to sync to, but I only had a hunch that a sampling issue was taking place because the audio almost sounded bit crushed. I'm glad I saw this because I was going to have to call up the retailer and fight for the cost of the shipping to be reimbursed.
@12ealDealOfficial 8 жыл бұрын
I can't be of much help here, but it does seem backwards. But using your main interface as the slave as far as clock sync doesn't affect the sound of your main interface at all, you're just limited to whatever max resolution the slave supports. So if you're main is capable of 96kHz at 24bits but the Behringer is only 44.1kHz at 16, you have to go with the lower while you're synced to the Behringer. Settings can be adjusted pretty easily on the software side without having to mess with connections in the back of your rack if you want to track at whatever max resolution your main unit supports. In Saffire Mix Control, which is the Pro40's software client, you can adjust everything pretty easily. I've been tracking with the Behringer for additional room and tom mics and haven't had any issues.
@macfranssen 9 жыл бұрын
Dude thank you so much! I just learned more than my college profs taught me in 5 minutes!
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@mp3sucker I'm not too familiar with the EMU unit, but if it features an ADAT input then depending the software you are recording to, you should be able to access the Behringer's 8 pres that way. The ADAT input on the behringer unit allows it to act as a D to A converter. You can send your DAWs outputs through ADAT to be converted back to an analog signal via the Behringer.
@Playthell 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this simple. I am not familiar with digital recording I'm old school and trying to get someone who knows about adding an interface using ADAt has been tricky.
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@VerseIsStyle The 002 is a firewire audio interface, that is how it connects to the computer.
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@Stunnerband Yes, I've actually used that setup before.
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@ollie633 You would connect it the same way to your Focusrite. Likely your sample rate and clock source would have to be set in both the saffire mix control and Logic.
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@piperzimmerman The behringer unit is just a preamp. It still needs an audio interface.
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@behringer Anytime! Thanks for making the gear!
@CarlosPerdomo 5 жыл бұрын
Wow, Graham, this is an old video from you... I'm watching in 10/16/19.
@mattcarey861 4 жыл бұрын
The Digi 003 is better because it also has word clock, which is important to utilize when connecting two digital devices together via ADAT. It makes sure the devices are fully in sync with one another. This makes for better sound quality/A to D conversion (less potential for Jitter and other negative digital audio artifacts)
@VallesFlyingMachine3 13 жыл бұрын
thank you for the tutorial..i just found a Behringer ada 8000 in hook up to my Digi 003..rack factory plus..this helps alot..keep rockin..bro..great video very clean and well done ...will check out more of your ..videos !
@3Deity 11 жыл бұрын
There is inherently a lot of jitter on optical (TosLink) but one thing I would seriously suggest is getting a proper fibre optic lead as this will improve thing - Yes, I know, Its all 1s & 0s but its surprising how much difference a decent optical lead can make on a CD player. With 8 channel companded into that path there is more room for error. Ergo; I would suggest using the Digi 002 as the clock master.
@pianokeyjoe Жыл бұрын
How would I use the Digi 002 as the master instead of trying to force the adat to be the external clock? Just leave Pro tools clock as internal? Or what other setting is there to make Digi 002 master and adat slave? Clicks and pops continue.. No matter what setting on the adat I set and the option to change the clock source is not possible for me. I get an error that it is invalid option and will return to internal.. pops and clicks continue with no change.
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@tdeegan525 No, it isn't an audio interface. It's only output is ADAT. You need to run it through some audio interface.
@asashaddix2475 11 жыл бұрын
Not intending to criticize, but the word clock on the 002 is i'm pretty sure a lot better than the behringer as i've owned both and synced it both ways. The word clock actually decides how close to the original (source) sound your recording will be pre-amp's excluded. My advice, add a second toslink to the behringer/002 configuration and try using the 002 or the clock and check out the difference, i'll eat my words if there isn't one ;)
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@rockjpk Just to be clear, the Behringer unit sounds great and is comparable to anything in a semi-pro price range (whatever that is!). But you definitely have options: check out the Focusrite Octopre MkII, the Presonous Digimax D8, or the M-Audio Octane!
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@romero0519 Absolutely. This is what I do all the time. You can get up to 18 inputs on the 002 (8 of which are the ADAT ins)
@mralexrosalesmusic 12 жыл бұрын
I have a Presonus Studio Channel Pre and have it hooked up to line 1 of the 002. Would I have to hook it up to Line 1 of the Behringer to take advantage of the AD conversion?
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@peterhuismanonline No, the ADAT out on the behringer only sends the 8 channels of pres on the front.
@saeroner 11 жыл бұрын
I think this just saved me $200 for the time being. So basically I can purchase the Focusrite Scarlett 18i6 interface (less inputs) and "upgrade" to more later using this ADAT config. So if I wanted to start mic ing drum kits a few month from now, I can use this method - - but I would have to purchase something like the Behringer. Thanks
@JavillynMedias 13 жыл бұрын
@acoombesmusic either or would work. I'd suggest getting the octopre for 2 reasons: 1.)you expand your inputs by 8. 2.) you can bypass the 4 mic pres on your 003. the stock combo mic/trs pres on your 003 are nowhere near as good as the preamps on the octopre..the headroom sucks and the signal just isn't as clear in my opinion. unless you have the BLA mod on your 003, I'd stick to using the balanced trs inputs on your console. use the stock mic pres as your last option. good luck
@Keatnz 9 жыл бұрын
I have a simular set up, behringer ada8200 and 003rack+. I'd like to add the avid eleven rack into the mix, via s/pdif. But I'm unsure how to set the clock with this three way set up, if it's at all postage?
@funkality 13 жыл бұрын
hey great info man we really appreciate it! Question: I'm connecting two Digi 002's with an optical cable. I'm getting signal into the optical ins but constant clicks and pops are on the channels. The think the sync between the two devices is missing? What should I do? Thanks
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@rivermonsoon Not really sure what to tell you my friend. I'm not familiar with that MOTU device but it sounds like a hardware setting or internal software routing thing. You may want to get on some MOTU forums to find out.
@avid 14 жыл бұрын
Nice tutorial Graham, we're posting on the Avid Pro Tools page on Facebook. You should add it to Avid Community too!
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@lyrikalgenius09 The Profire can run standalone as an ADAT device into your 003, yes.
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@avid Thanks...went ahead and posted it!
@atomvunis 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks Graham thought I needed a bnc connection for my d8 you rock bro!
@Neokosmos 12 жыл бұрын
Very nice video ! Straightforward and very clear. I've got a question though. If say, I'm using an 8 pre-amp unit just like the one you have with my interface but this unit also has a set of outputs, will those outputs be accessible with the same convenience than the inputs get in my DAW ?
@strazza555 11 жыл бұрын
hey man thanks for the vid. I'd like to have my 002 go into my apogee quartet, and apogee has a word clock out to sync with other devices, the 002 does not, will this still work as long as I set up pro tools to use the quartets clock like u did with the behringer? also! I have an analog mixer with 4 pres, would it be possible to set that up to the quartet with an analog to optical converter?? will that work? thanks!
@Zazquatch1 13 жыл бұрын
Thanx - really helpful explanation. Q- Does the 002 work with Logic Pro? Here in europe Pro Tools aren't as big of a platform as in the U.S.
@RoseFromTheAshesBand 12 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much. This is a great how to and I will definitely favorite it and share it when friends ask about ADAT.
@airuiz2 12 жыл бұрын
Graham i was wondering if the ADA8000 can do both the adat out and the analog outputs in the back. i have an older gen mixer at my church but i want to run those new behringer powerplay headphone monitors. I'd like to send the digital signal out to the behringer powerplay while sending the analog channels back into the mixer.
@Heathshrdz24 10 жыл бұрын
This is great! I just bought a Focusrite Octopre Dynamic and didn't know how to hook it up to my audiobox. Does it matter which piece of hardware is master of the clock source?
@pakman5528 12 жыл бұрын
hey bro great video thanks. I just got the Behringer, followed your instructions but I still am getting some clicks and pops. Wondering if it might help my setup if the 003 was the master. How do you set that up? Also, what is S/PDIF? Is that 8 outs as well and just a different cable that it runs through? Thanks.
@2dollarcrew 9 жыл бұрын
What would the master clock be if I wanted to use the inputs on my 002 plus the ADAT inputs. For example, Inputs 1-4 on my 002 along with the Behringer, for a 12 mic drum kit.
@jordanclarfield9043 6 жыл бұрын
make ur digi the master time clock if you dont have an external one. People will yell at you and tell you to get the external one.
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@ylaviejaque I've used this on a TON of records. Nothing wrong with the preamps at all.
@kronbakeren 14 жыл бұрын
Hi Graham.. Can u recommend another ADAT interface with better A/D converts than the behringer,,using the same connection as you showed,i'm build a semiprof studio and want to record some drums and guitar setup to an analog console going into the interface? thanx heaps for the video!!
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@WilmerWW Unfortunately no. Only one Avid interface at a time.
@WokeUpScreaming 12 жыл бұрын
I'm hoping to get the Behringer Firewire FCA 1616 (when it's released) and getting this if I ever need to record drums etc. With the 8 channels from the ADA8000, will those 8 mic inputs be recorded into separate channels in the DAW too?
@petevocals 11 жыл бұрын
Hey Gram thinking about picking up the ADA8000 for more ins, anything i need to know before i pick one up? Great video!
@krazyeknine57 13 жыл бұрын
great tutorial quick question is it going to be a same procedure for a spdif??ihave a digidesign oo3 and would like to run my presonus firestudio project via i have to run 2 spdif cable aswell? thanks
@dserranowll 9 жыл бұрын
Muchísimas gracias!!! Acabas de abrir un mundo nuevo de posibilidades para mi :)
@user-or3ce4gt2r 9 жыл бұрын
hi there , any way to ADAT connect my m-audio project mix console to my UAD Apollo quad interface ? appreciated your help
@irajaygold 13 жыл бұрын
Hey, you should mention that if your using the ADA800 you need Qty 2 cables to avoid pops and clicks
@adamclemens7616 11 жыл бұрын
Hey! I have an Allan and Heath GS3 desk... Just wondering if the ADA8000 would be a good choice to use as the interface to plug into my mac using the GS3 as well? I'm a bit of a beginner on all of this :/ Thanks :)
@stupidusername38 9 жыл бұрын
great video Graham, I'm about to buy a Focusrite OCTOPRE MKII but I didn't really know how to set it up with my audio interface. this has answered all my questions
@joshrainbow-IceTenor 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Graham, I have a digi002 and use a Avalon pre amp AD2022 - I was told by the store to simply use a cable from the the Avalon out put to the the input of the digi 002 -I use input 7-8 because it is a 2 channel pre amp. Watching your video on how you did it is what I was told completely wrong? Could what I do give me a bad vocal signal? At the inputs there is also +10 and -6 what is the correct setting? Hope you can give me some help - Kind regards Josh
@footnotedrummer 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Graham. I know that this is an old video, but the logic is still there. I have a Focusrite interface with word clock and ADAT I/O. I have an ART Voice Channel with the same I/O. I've had the system hooked up and running fine via ADAT (both seem synced). However... I just read that you should use a 75ohm cable and a termination cap if it's available. It sounds like it's just better to go that route. Please correct me if this is wrong. With this said... I purchased a cable and cap, and have hooked it up. I assume that I can use the same logic that you did here, and select the appropriate clock source for each component??? Does it hurt anything to do it this way? Thanks!
@ronaldglenn6929 3 ай бұрын
so from the still frame at 2:03 lets say the top is the adat and the bottom is the is this the way to connect...and do you go out from the interface to in on the adat? after being up all nite a thousand youtube vids later this video has helped and i thank U ("
@hagai2003 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. Do you have any idea if other software (such as Ableton) will recognize the new 8 ADAT inputs? I am currently using my digi 003 just fine under Abletong and want 8 more inputs...
@ChrisNova777 9 жыл бұрын
Hagai Izenberg yes any and all software will see the additional inputs, they are part of the digi 002's track complement
@ChrisNova777 9 жыл бұрын
Hagai Izenberg yes any and all software will see the additional inputs, they are part of the digi 002's track complement
@JoeMeza805 9 жыл бұрын
Chris Nova777 i hooked up my ADA800 to my digi002 but LogicX doesnt see it? i have it hooked up with optic cable.. what do you think im doing wrong?
@ChrisNova777 9 жыл бұрын
Joe Meza check the manual make sure the cable isnt damaged?
@JoeMeza805 9 жыл бұрын
Chris Nova777 i have.. i amost got it to work with ableton last night.. the mic would come in and out with a lot of clicks and pops along with it... then few second later the signal would just die out in ablton.
@jonathancatacutan1449 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tips Graham..What if im going to record more than 8 channels (multiple mics for the drums for example) .How will i connect (2) Behringer ADA8000 to my 003?
@ryancoffey3 11 жыл бұрын
I was wondering how to use the outputs of the pro 8 with a yamaha o1v96. The inputs are working fine so I'm just trying to figure out if the console has to be routed to use those outputs. I'm trying to use the 8 outputs for the 8 aux sends.
@ManTheBa 13 жыл бұрын
Extremely helpful video thanks a million! Really cleared up a lot of confusion for me!
@Pigimon 11 жыл бұрын
dude , hi , great video , but a question , if i use Cubase and M-Audio firepro 2626 with the behringer ADA8000 is it the same ? ( Profire 2626 provides ADAT connectors and stuff )
@drgstrife 10 жыл бұрын
would you be able to simultaneously use the 002 (or any other interface) along with that behringer unit? (or the master unit)? Meaning are you able to use the 8 channel mic pre along with the 002 so that you are running MORE than 8 channels in one recording?
@ChrisNova777 9 жыл бұрын
RawBeaTz Llapitan yes thats the whole pt of the video;) to get the expanded 16 channel track count by utilizing the adat connection of the digi 002
@sbrave 12 жыл бұрын
As long as the 2 units are clocked together as he demonstrated via Optical, it doesn't matter.
@urbannpa 2 жыл бұрын
I have a question even if you don't use the gear any more. Is the Digidesign 002 a Dongle to run Protools?
@Neokosmos 12 жыл бұрын
Just to clarify my question : I want to use the outputs of unit to monitor different elements. The routing can easily be done within my DAW, but I wanna make sure those extra outputs connected on my interface via ADAT will be available to choose from inside my DAW's output options, even though the unit is not directly connected via USB or Firewire as my interface is. Thanks
@daxmaestro 10 жыл бұрын
Graham!! Wow. I read a lot of your articles online. I didn't know you had a youtube.
@irajaygold 13 жыл бұрын
I recorded 8 tracks from the ADA and 8 tracks from the digi 002 . totoal track 16 baby !!
@Officersimpson 12 жыл бұрын
Hi, Graham, I have a Liquid Safire 56, and I just ordered an ADA8000. How would the process differ if you were to plug 2 ADA8000s into the LS56? Would it be exactly the same procedure, or would you need to make the LS56 the master?
@bensummers3336 11 жыл бұрын
So, you can record all the channels coming through from adat along with your interfaces inputs as individual tracks and do it from both sources simultaneously?
@docchoc 11 жыл бұрын
Hi and thanks for the video - but will 002 work with a mic preamp at 24bits as well - like with the ART Tube Opto?
@dangerale 12 жыл бұрын
Hey man, wicked video. I have a RME HDSP 9652 PCI soundcard. It has 3 in, 3 out ADAT I/O's capable of 8ch of audio each. I want to get two ADA8000's as my I/O racks for a home setup but I require to be able to track 16ch of audio at any one time. Is this possible while being able to use the outputs on the back for my monitors (1-left, 2-right?). The card also has an external sync option via ADAT, would I pair that with my ADA8000's? Thanks dude!
@Descriptor_ 13 жыл бұрын
Hey Graham. I have a Liquid Saffire 56 and just bought some outboard pres that have digital outputs. Would using a word clock cable benefit you at all when using adat as your connectivity between the two units? I believe adat has the ability to carry the clocking info, but just wondering if it would benefit at all to run bnc as well. Thanks
@kronbakeren 14 жыл бұрын
Thanx heaps for the answer!! i was also recommended this one,RME ADI 8 DS BROADCAST,i dont know if you know it? you reckon it sounds better? again thanx heaps for your help!
@marcofabri4675 9 жыл бұрын
Please the Behringer ADA8000 works as an interface like Behringer FCA 1616 ? Which one is better ? thanks
@bard119 9 жыл бұрын
Noob question: If I'm hooking up my monitors through the interface, will I receive the playback signal from my DAW to my interface through the single ADAT 'out' cable running from the interface to my sound card? The way I previously (mis)understood it, it is a one way signal; since it is 'out' it transfers the one way signal from the interface to the computer and the 'in' would receive the signal for playback. I don't have an ADAT interface yet so I want to understand it better before I make the purchase.
@delucadrums 12 жыл бұрын
Hi , how would I do what you did in the vid with digi 001 and the motu 896 using Protools ??? I have optical cables but the digi 001 does not have optical in/ out. I tried running the opticals from the motu into the computer and I'm not getting any signal on the fader strip. I tried different clock sources on the 896 in the set up window as well with the digi 001. I'm sure it's something right in front of my eyes but I've been trying for a few days and having no luck. Please help I would real
@duzkiss 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Gram...great video. Is it possible to do the same thing by connecting a Digi 003R to a Digi 003 Console or to a mixing interface/mixing board? Do you know of a Firewire based or even a USB based unit that is compatible with the Digi 003 synchronizing ADAT as well as adding sliders (mixing board features). I hope you have an answer. I know this thing is old and I should upgrade, but I am stuck at OSX 8.5.5 for several major reasons. Thank you.
@rigoreyes7 10 жыл бұрын
hey thank you very much for your videos are very helpful. I want to ask a question. I have a DIGI 003 console and PreSonus Audiobox 1818VSL 18-Channel USB Interface. is possible to connect the two units via adat?
@perikoguevara789 10 жыл бұрын
bro. I had the same problem. I had the same interface that I got from Guitar Center and well they told I could do that. when I bought the second interface (same one) I tried to connect them both but I found out I couldnt. did more research and found out that USB interfaces are not able to do that. I got that from the interface's website. sucked that I couldnt return the first interface. do your research before buying anything.
@benshke 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Just a quick question, are you able off connecting more than 1 behringer unit connecting it with in/ou/in/out so you get 16 or more inputs?
@recordingrevolution 13 жыл бұрын
@krazyeknine57 SPDIF should run stereo so you should be good with one cable
@hagai2003 13 жыл бұрын
Hi, I wanted to ask if I can connect two DIGI-003 together using the method you just described... is it possible? Thanks and great video by the way!
@skawalker35 10 жыл бұрын
why not use the clock on the 002?
@__spina__ 7 жыл бұрын
same question from me....but i think cause beringher is the master pre Input, if u use another one preamps as slave you have to link the clock......
@joesalyers 11 жыл бұрын
yes you just have to google the setup for PC and your version of windows
@treynobles 8 жыл бұрын
So does that mean that if I connect this to a small interface as long as it has the ADAT in and it will turn that interface from 2 channels to 10 channels basically?
@ZulNorizan 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Graham, i just wondering, if i’m using an interface like Saffire Pro 40, and the same expansion ADA8000, does the audio from ADAT connection (in this case, ADA8000 will be used) will be included into Saffire Pro 40 for direct monitoring?
@harrymears5283 10 жыл бұрын
can you use the behringer ultragain with a behringer u control, it has optical in but didn't know if it would work with it since its only a single channel interface
@recordingrevolution 14 жыл бұрын
@CHRCAR5 Will it not work with Pro Tools? If you have a valid copy of Pro Tools installed it should work fine.
@kumarseemungal8665 9 жыл бұрын
just curious, if i take the adat out from the behringer ada8200 and connect to the dat in on the behringer ada8200, would this allow the unit to send the xlr inputs on the front to the xld outputs on the back
@afk1448 9 жыл бұрын
+Kumar Seemungal shouldn't they be outputting there anyway?
@DaveKill3R27 7 жыл бұрын
Kumar Seemungal it won't work because the behringer ada8200 is not an audio interface, it does not have usb/firewire/thunderbolt connection, so you basically couldn't plug it anywhere
@anthonyayora4572 7 жыл бұрын
I want to buy an ADA8200... Is it a good rack or I must save money and buy presonus digimax d8?
@InfiniteSunLuciferDLarynx 13 жыл бұрын
How do you get the ADA 800 to work simultaneously with the 8 Inputs on the 003??? When I switch to optical, the inputs on the 003 interface aren't accessible. What am I doing wrong?
@FybaGlassMusic 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Graham, how do I connect a Apogee Rosetta 800 to a digi 003 and a Avalon vt 737 Compressor via a beringer patch bay and get everything to work in Pro tools?
@pianokeyjoe Жыл бұрын
Tried this with an actual Adat machine and as soon as I set optical as my clock source in Pro tools I get an error that that is an invalid clock source and it will return to internal. And the pops and clicks continue/ So there is no way to force ADAT optical to be the external clock source for some reason. I set the adat to 44.1 or 48 and set it to analog or digital or auto, and nothing works. Thinking of buying the unit you feature here but if the adat tape machine is not working, what would make me think another device will work? What other setting is required in Pro tools to force adat optical as the external clock to sync up and remove the pops? I have the Digi 002 NOT the Digi 003 btw
@romero0519 14 жыл бұрын
Is it possible to use the 4 inputs on the 002 alongside with the ADA8000 8 mic pre's?
@acoombesmusic 13 жыл бұрын
i have a 003 desk and i i need just 2 or 3 more inputs for convenience so i am not constantly unplugging things i was thinking about using a ocotopre in to my adat but then a friend told me i could try a mic/instrument pre into one of my unused analogue inputs what do you think my best bet it will only have a jack lead or 2 going into amp sim programes and will have a pod plugged into it via xlr ?
@BouvrieMax 14 жыл бұрын
in your opinion does the behringer have quality ad/da conversion?
@BrettTalleyMusic 5 жыл бұрын
Can you do this with multiple preamps? If you had another 8 channel pre, could you ADAT into the Behringer and then that into the Digi?
@mrblister8359 4 жыл бұрын
yeah fuck the digi you cant do shit with that thing motu or focusrite and use any daw you want with this digi 02 it's protools only and it has to be a master i have a digi 02r for sale on ebay if anyone wants it lol
@GuiSchwertner 8 жыл бұрын
hi. dont i have to cable out every channel to my interface's inputs? is it all coming already through the optical cable?
@Jarlizzle 13 жыл бұрын
Hi! I have a small, but very dissatisfying problem with my 002-ADA8000 setup! I`ve just bought my ADA unit but cant get it to synch properly with my 002. I follow every step of your video/all the manuals, and I still get the error message from my Pro Tools, saying that there is a problem with the audio clock. Thus making me NOT able to record 16 tracks simultaneously with the 002! Can comeone please help a lost soul (from Norway) out... Thank you!
@freewaystate1 7 жыл бұрын
Could i use an external clock like a "big ben" as the master and hook it to the ada (ada now set to slave) using BNC cable then run it through digi 002 via lightpipe and keep the same settings in PT??
@pistolpetebelliveau 13 жыл бұрын
Hey Graham , i also have a Liquid Saffire 56 and a friend of mine just gave me this ada8000 unit . So i gather i can hook them up via adat , record 16 channel at the same time for bed tracks and then go back to my liquid pre's for the overdubs . Is this correct ?
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