How to Carry When EVERYONE is FEEDING!

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Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

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@skillcapped Ай бұрын
Rank Up Fast At ➡
@Turtleenthusiast-u2b Ай бұрын
Now can we get a, how to carry when your team is inting, as a enchanter support
@zzziak44343 Ай бұрын
or with rengar and enemy have 3 tanks nilah and anivia
@Sophia-hr6kp Ай бұрын
​@@zzziak44343maybe don't pick rengar into that comp?
@Fann1sun Ай бұрын
Full AP Milio. The answer
@momsaid Ай бұрын
​@@zzziak44343it's hard when you one trick champs that just don't work in some scenarios
@MHGFTW Ай бұрын
​@@Sophia-hr6kp Ok so here's the comp. Asume I pick last. You tell me what I need to pick as mid. Enemy team: Orn (top), Nasus (jgl), Veiger (mid), Soraka (sup) and Ashe (adc) My team picks: Maokai (top), Skarner (jgl), Me, Senna (sup), Jinx (adc) I by far have the best mastery on Vex. Second is Lux, but that's banned. Third is Veigar, but that's the enemy pick. Last is Fizz, but I haven't played him much yet.
@jauhgnaw Ай бұрын
Next video idea: how to carry when you're the one who's feeding
@Lasgriz Ай бұрын
afk farm sidelines and that's really it, if you're weak and you steal enemy carries time by existing (you shouldn't die in this process though so it also tied to positioning and map awareness) it creates an opportunity to your team to farm or skirmish elsewhere
@AlastorXIV Ай бұрын
Do everything you can to enable your carry, be bait, frontline and block them, perma rage push do literally anything to force attention away from your wincon
@meganuke2005 Ай бұрын
there are 2 options: 1) try to recover, for this you have to let the enemy take your tower, so you can farm more safely and he goes roaming. 2) accept your role as underdog, avoid at any cost to get any kill, so that you are worthless, and then make the enemy team waste time on you (its very important that you avoid dying as much as possible)
@spartians4611 Ай бұрын
riot matching system: if you hav winning lane, another MUST lose, if you have a gap in one lane, other all players MUST lose basically, if you wanna have good teammates, just feed it
@Yuumi_is_afk_now Ай бұрын
tested it, you're right XD
@spartians4611 Ай бұрын
@Yuumi_is_afk_now xD
@gen.tucker6024 Ай бұрын
Facts I love it when I lose lane because then for once my teammates WILL have won theirs
@Yuumi_is_afk_now Ай бұрын
@@gen.tucker6024 i learned how to be usefull even while feeding but i still hardstuck plat xd
@hicria Ай бұрын
litterally happened on me, picked tahm against irelia. min 3 I killed her, she tp and fight in 2.5 stacked wave, died again. level 2 vs 4. I won lane, no way I can throw but we had 1/12 corki bot and enemy kalista straight up melting me. LOW MASTAH GAME
@noah8405 Ай бұрын
I like that your idea of “not performing” is 1/4 and not the enemy samira being at 25 kills at 12 minutes, because that’s what half of my games are
@Negativity808 Ай бұрын
1-4 is not performing 0-10 is trolling -random Grandmaster player on youtube
@rustygaming1997 18 күн бұрын
man, I don't even understand how people can play as Samira so good, I get like 1/9 every time I pick her
@mubumubu5975 2 күн бұрын
@@rustygaming1997 Only play samira with a support with two cc abilities (leona, nautilus, blitz, pyke, thresh) not (bard, rakan, etc). They'll cc anyone, you go in with auto (for the knockup) E and Q immeadiately and proceed to auto or Q them with conq fully stacked. You should have 100 AD and your support will obv have some damage with ignite, that should be enough to burst someone. Then, you get lethality asap and rinse and repeat.
@Gelthon Ай бұрын
I had a match two days ago where I went 6/0 as Yorick after 15 min and my team went 0/4, 1/6, 0/9, 0/7. I tried to push my lane and roam afterwards to help them out. I did got some pretty good shutdowns, but I also enabled the Nasus to finally farm again and turn into a menace. It would have been better to stay more top and deny the Nasus more. I'm honestly just happy that my team did not surrender and atleast tried to win. After around 23 min I basically just switched between all three lanes to defend the inhib towers on all lanes, because nobody else could stop them. I only died once and they could instantly finish, because my team did less damage together than I did alone.
@Requilith Ай бұрын
some games are maybe theoretically winnable but if you're not challenger it's not worth losing your mind over the fact that you lost it due to few mistakes
@Vlad-xc4vw 28 күн бұрын
can you share the vod im actually interested how the match played out
@SolomonRasputin 28 күн бұрын
Top diff
@LPrg15 Ай бұрын
That didn't seem like a "seemingly imposible to carry game". Other lanes were just barely losing. But I get the point
@saiajyn3270 Ай бұрын
I'd have liked to see the end of that poppy game, just for story telling sake.
@gadien8101 23 күн бұрын
As a jungler, this helped me exactly -35%.
@SRYinpress 3 күн бұрын
As a jungler, I start the game thinking of doing 2 buffs + gromp, then ganking one lane. If I am pathing towards bot or top, I keep checking how they are doing while clearing and if they die lvl 1~2, I look at Mid and go for a full clear. If Mid is pushed, I start looking for a counter gank, invade or scuttle then B near mid. After that, I can almost always see how the game is going...example if enemy jungler was able to successfully do a gank at this time + 2 Lanes losing now or 3 depending on game. If that is the case, I look at the objectives and where the enemy jungler will be, to take one as he takes another, in case my laners in that side of the map are not absolutely demolished yet (Its 6 minutes people, please don't be 0/5 already.) I am always willing to give up one to two objectives at this period because there is a counterpart objective on the other side of the map. Now assuming things went horrid in all lanes by 6 minutes, I go for full afk farm + invade (When the enemy junglers appears on the map, I take camps he didn't do.) with the sole objective of finishing first item as fast (Because if you can't gank and can't contest objectives, then at least you should not be so behind in gold in comparison to your fed enemies that you can't actually punish them when they do a mistake. I consider 25 minutes the mark of; if they did a mistake before this and you punished them, good. Did you take two to four kills out of it? If No, then what about objectives? If also no then punishing them once is not enough at this stage of the game. By 25 minutes of game, I hope that the enemy team made 2 to 3 mistakes. If I wasn't able to punish them twice by 25 minutes of game, I assume from experience that the enemy team is already taking inihibitors and I can't farm anymore, so I go for taking the lesser loss instead, calling people to kill that one fed guy on a side lane while they take one inib or do baron, then not leaving base until baron is over / inibitors are back and repeating this pattern until it is 35+ minutes / ancient dragon is spawning. I do this because as the game progresses, gold loses value (The enemy team lead weakens) and any fight could be the decisive fight to end the game (The win rate is close to 50% for both teams at late game), which means, that it has become a coin flip and your smite as a jungler can determine which side of the coin wins. When everything goes wrong, this is what I do; I don't know if its good advise tho
@Flapik Ай бұрын
As a Malphite main, i can give you an small tip: its better to buiild malignace as your offensive item.
@Suiteimi Ай бұрын
I tried applying this in a game and wow what a difference that it made! Thanks a lot!
@thisismyrealname3471 Ай бұрын
Try to carry my 3/37 bot lane
@TheHated0ne Ай бұрын
I thought the entire video would be: You don't
@parasocks1613 Ай бұрын
hahahaha! this was great! pointing out your mistake, addressing tanks, addressing non-tanks, pointing out how pressure determines whether you can push for towers... and wrapping it all into the fact that this is all based on simple macro fundamentals! so good!!
@kaltziferYT Ай бұрын
9:24 that was my thoughts at 8:52 when you were moving to blastcone, knowing where low-hp Jhin is.
@TheStackeddeck77 Ай бұрын
no you're right on the ornn, abyssal mask is the best item to help with dmg. ornn already scales off of resistances and his w is %max health to it hurts everyone
@istvanhideg6202 Ай бұрын
@juliver6011 Ай бұрын
My Mord top just went 0/11 vs trundle...
@ColdFury1 Ай бұрын
Trundle is a very strong top laner. He beats almost everyone at top in a duel
@SolosoyAngel123 Ай бұрын
​@@ColdFury1In my experience literally everyone Trundle with his ULT and Ghost is a complete beast.
@ColdFury1 Ай бұрын
@@SolosoyAngel123 I was thinking of his q. It steals your ad.
@alluringgrace413 Ай бұрын
@@ColdFury1 From my experience only thing that gives me trouble as Trundle is Volibear
@jeffkaplan6284 Ай бұрын
my mord top went 0/15 against the 15/1 yone
@leve89 Ай бұрын
Nice video. Do you have any other tips for support position from same sutuation? Thx
@Windsofambience Ай бұрын
hot take, this video sucks. they shouldve specified it was a top lane guide save us the 5 minutes.
@quynhnhu1465 13 күн бұрын
welp: 1 general advice: support the strongest/most useful/most fed/most damage in your team. Leave your adc if he is not more than a creep at that point.
@Pleb_Fckin_Cat Ай бұрын
Secret Ornn tech: Abyssal / Bramble / Thornmail. if there are a lot of malees and its easy to autoattack even a Frozen gauntlet can boost your DMG significantly.
@Dwasa77 Ай бұрын
But what do i build against femalees ?
@cristianh.187 24 күн бұрын
I know how, play a thousand games until you have 1 that can submit to youtube and pretend you can carry
@Su1c1deK1ng1028 Ай бұрын
You guys always put out killer videos.But this is one of the most informative ones i've ever seen
@CoolGuyZaMasuta Ай бұрын
I think the better video would be how to carry when you're barely ahead in top. Or you're to convince your team to listen to you
@RandyDaGamer 29 күн бұрын
This is such premium content. I learn so much from your channel. Thank you SkillCapped!
@MHGFTW Ай бұрын
As a mid player, this doesn't work. Firstly, there's usually a top tank. Regardless of how well I do, if that tank gets fed, there is nothing I can do about them. I rely on our ADC to be good enough to deal with them. Even if I win lane with 3 kills and 2x the CS of my opponent. Even if I bully them under tower up till minute 15. There is nothing I can do. In the teamfight the tank will target and kill me. I had a much higher ranked player spectate one of my games. He told me to go top or bottom for a split push. I did that. Every single time someone like a yasuo or ambessa shows up, I'm dead. I can't outrun them, because they have gap closers. Unless they're completely unfed, they can all in chase me. I play Vex btw. Yes the fear can get them off me, but that's like 1 second, and then there's a 25s cooldown.
@xenobreyden666 Ай бұрын
Depends on the champ. Vex can’t carry, but some mid lane champs like Irelia,Yone can 1v5
@saigopinath3697 Ай бұрын
This video just further convinced me that tanks are OP haha
@thefearturkey6944 Ай бұрын
Thats more a vex issue a champ like some champs are better or worse against certain champs. Vex a burst mage is similar to a assassin complaining they cant kill tanks when their ahead. The best mage class for tank killing is battle mage having asol malz anivia swain karthus . And then vex is also a specialized burst mage who is extremely good into dash/ mobile comps.
@SolosoyAngel123 Ай бұрын
Then play Cassiopeia and DPS mages? If you're legit saying EVERY single game you go against Inmortal tanks
@mateuszgorski533 Ай бұрын
How would you apply it to jungle?
@minhtruongquang748 Ай бұрын
This guide is great! The first game I applied this, I got super strong and my team forfeited with 4 votes...
@jamesjohnes4761 Ай бұрын
What if you are a tank jungler (so no lane pressure)? I often am able to get a few good ganks off, getting my laners a lead, but then they blow it. How do you carry these types of games?
@cbqgreengd3807 Ай бұрын
from my experience, getting as many objectives as possible is the best thing to do as a tank jungler
@Gashren Ай бұрын
@@cbqgreengd3807 From my experience it ends with enemy fed laners coming to aid with objectives after pushing, and my team being nowhere near the objective, even if I pinged it's going to spawn 50s before and I'll need assistance, or at least some vision. I guess I'll should just blindly flash in and try my best to outsmite them all with no way to survive afterwards, but, well, I mostly play it safe and we lose the objective, so my team starts blaming me for not being suicidal. Fact that I got every objective and even counterjungled enemy to be 40cs behind before laning phase ended just does not matter anymore, if enemy mid, top and bot got fed.
@jamesjohnes4761 Ай бұрын
@cbqgreengd3807 takes forever to solo obj as a tank jungler. Noone helps.
@austinthemassive Ай бұрын
What's wild is I've already grown 3 tiers just by watching your jungle and wave control/tempo videos
@perfectedrylint3637 29 күн бұрын
It’s as simple as “establish a wincon, and play strictly for that wincon.” If a drag doesn’t suit your kit and you’re the most fed on the team then yeah, I’d rather get a tower then rotate for drag.
@arbyaenax 26 күн бұрын
Can i do that as an adc? Sidelane pressure and then grouping for player advantage?
@Kamishi845 28 күн бұрын
Honestly, the only player you need to watch is Baus, because he has mastered this particular style of play. It doesn't matter what pick he chooses, because he's always able to put so much pressure on the map at least 2-3 enemies will try to shut him down.
@damofoverose819 Ай бұрын
Woah woah woah. 1:18 20-30 percent of your games! It’s more like 99.9999 percent of games lol
@jasonrobertson9618 Ай бұрын
I was hoping for a clue on how to counter this... becuase as an ADC there is NOTHING I hate more than those games where a single fed top laner drags the rest of their team to victory. Worst part is seeing it coming and - because top is an island - having absolutely no way to stop it.
@NickTheRedFox Ай бұрын
Huh, basically how i play my teemo top lane most of the time, however, it struggles when the enemy top laner is a tank doing the same thing. I end up adding so much lane pressure, while pressuring objectives like drag. Just 1 shroom can make a differance in a team fight at drag while im alone pushing pressuring top and half of them are trying to rush at me.
@AParkedCar1 Ай бұрын
How to carry my mental when I know I have to give 110% for the next 40 minutes
@pierreo33 Ай бұрын
Coffee and nicotine
@AParkedCar1 Ай бұрын
@pierreo33 Adderall two beers and the post game cigarette
@JeffandBCProductions Ай бұрын
I needed this video. Here’s my like and comment. Thanks to the player hosting this video!
@laughingsnowbetterplay Ай бұрын
though i play different game i learned a lot from here thanks bro
@christopherphillips9213 25 күн бұрын
Yeah, except everytime I do this, my team completely wastes my pressure and the enemy gets to repeatedly collapse on me while my teammates lose to a 4v3 in the enemy jungle because they would rather fight than create pressure. I've literally taken all 3 inhibs by myself and their nexus turrets and my teammates still managed to make it unplayable for me.
@rooseveltwilburn Ай бұрын
This is the best video this page has ever dropped 💯
@datdude15 Ай бұрын
The only thing I would say is when the narrator is talking about building defensive items when ahead! Make sure you start with your good offensive item then go into defence. (Just clarifying don’t want newer players just to jam defence 1st back)
@QuietRiot69 Ай бұрын
When your supp decides to go Shaco
@nickp3065 Ай бұрын
Tops are the primary feeding lanes they cannot impact the map only if they are those feeding.
@Nopenotreally. Ай бұрын
How do you do this as mid? Aren't you supposed to have your strongest of bot and mid defend the mid turret? Or should the swap happen regardless and you take top? -silver Zed otp
@darrenwho Ай бұрын
What if your team ignores every lane and just gives up all the other towers?
@jonathanabgrall6075 Ай бұрын
I mean these strats are aimed st increasing your chances at winning the game not guarantee it. If your teamates are complete bots/boosted etc. You're not winning period. But at least you did everything you could.
@juanfmagic Ай бұрын
emerald 4 here having a dilema: can a mid-term item like "bami´s cinder" into sunfire or the MR version of it be considered as damage item? it tends to add up (the damage i mean). my go to thing in these cases is: bami´s cinder into unending despair, then finish sunfire or the mr version of it and as a 3rd item a bruiser ap or ad item. is it fine?
@keggerous 24 күн бұрын
Legit one of the best Top Lane videos I've ever seen.
@Lockface77 Ай бұрын
How do you do when you are for example a 4/0 Katarina, but the ennemies have a garen, a 0/2 garen but garen is still stronger than you You want to go side and put pressure but there is this garen there, how you handle this situation?
@aidenvalentinex Ай бұрын
I do have a replay that I could get advice on. Same topic as this video buy it feels like there is absolutely nothing I could have done to win especially when my team just surrendered at 15 eventho I was doing well
@siderismpeltsidis62 Ай бұрын
okay then what do we do if i split and my whole team died and the enem got baron and they are trying to end ?
@MHGFTW Ай бұрын
@@siderismpeltsidis62 Get the inhib. Get some CS on the way. Good for the stats.
@xSOLOTEX Ай бұрын
if there is an important obj up and you dont have tp , dont split away from it
@Negativity808 Ай бұрын
Hector video is my favorite
@herwandu12 25 күн бұрын
I'm a low elo (actually iron) mid (I only play aurelion sol) I have some game when I have the lead but can't manage to keep it the whole game what can I do to keep it (with any champion).
@Lorventus 13 күн бұрын
I play jungle mostly and it's infuriating how often laners will just complain constantly. They'll complain I am not ganking when I am behind, they'll complain when they die because they get caught out, they'll complain because their off-meta pick is getting them curb stomped. I just wanna type in chat that I am not their babysitter, but that's not helpful. Instead... I have no idea what to do. I am *not* gonna bail out the person who is behind, I am gonna try to help the ahead lanes get more ahead. Obviously. But they complain about that too! I almost miss being support. Almost.
@quadrillion92 Ай бұрын
bros feeding teammates: 0/2 my feeding teammates: 0/9
@MoonisHavn Ай бұрын
Great video.
@jeremylieteau644 Ай бұрын
I saw the Cho+Cosmic Drive pairing and I got SO upset for a moment! 🤣 But it's very true how when you're ahead, you should consider building a defensive item first before applying more damaging items. I can't tell you the number of times rushing defense into damage has given me early game advantage in the top lane, especially when I find myself getting counter-picked by the enemy. Seriously, write this stuff down, people. I promise 7 to 9 times out of 10, tips like this will help you turn your games areound!
@syrten Ай бұрын
Would be nice to make a video telling supports to not roam to dead lines just for the sake of helping and conceding the lead to the enemy just by doing that.
@CreepFireTTV 29 күн бұрын
Had a 7/17 Top and a 5/17 Quinn Supp good luck carrying that😂
@EpicGamers9111 Ай бұрын
does heartsteel count as a dmg item?
@GustavoAvocadoo Ай бұрын
when jungle 1v9 guide?
@lesbazyra 22 күн бұрын
Or you also get stomped and all the lanes are losing now. And sometimes you get rage-splitters. They push. They die. And they repeat the process.
@MetalhedGwr2 Ай бұрын
Step one should have been channel your inner Azzapp to convince teammates not to ff.
@asheremile5364 Ай бұрын
7:20 Titanic Hydra because 110% ad Scaling on q
@Luizedu Ай бұрын
I hate when me (most usually with Rakan or Rell) and a random adc stomps really hard bot, does 2v3 and when i press tab my mid laner is tilting because he is not winning and the jungler doesn't help him and my top laner lost his turret in 11 min, 3 levels behind vs Darius/Sett playing Teemo. Like, we have to accept that no matter what you do or how well you play every single game, the "balanced matchmaking" wants you to really lose sometimes and thats ok
@GibbleNibble Ай бұрын
Ornn already has %hp damage, just stack armor or mr and you're good. most of the times.
@CC-bz3uo Ай бұрын
0:01 said no one ever
@theaspect2965 Ай бұрын
now we need a: how to carry when there is 2 fed lvl 30 smurfs in enemy team every 3d game
@FurlessApe22 Ай бұрын
Easy, those aren't actually smurfs and your ability to pick out a "smurf" versus someone doing well is poor.
@Astroqualia Ай бұрын
Theoretically. You don't. Cuz math and what higher gold numbers and level numbers give to power spike the enemy to erase your health bar very quickly while you do not erase theirs fast enough. While they're snowballed they're getting barons and souls, as well.
@HoverArt Ай бұрын
I have the opposite problem. Me and my duo in bot lane absolutely crushing our opponent then losing to a, i dono, yorick in our base at 15-20 minutes. or a 10/0 enemy top laner. pretty much I guess id be on the other side of this match up. smurf enemy top laner making it ridiculously hard to climb as an actual low elo player
@pretzels1208 Ай бұрын
I like how they showed the wrong icon for yuumi E :)
@pickthenick1 Ай бұрын
This video is what I need! So much feeders in the last couple of days, thinking about uninstalling League.
@ibexsouther7483 Ай бұрын
I recommend that people play 1,000 aram games before playing ranked. Took me from silver 3 to diamond 1.
@Gashren Ай бұрын
Didn't know ARAMs have ranked system... ;)
@ibexsouther7483 Ай бұрын
@Gashren they don't. It teaches you how to team fight
@SKATExGOD Ай бұрын
Okay but what if your team just won’t stop dying
@xenobreyden666 Ай бұрын
Play tryndamere and split push the entire game
@SKATExGOD Ай бұрын
@ I’m not playing top lane. Or doing that even if it would win games
@mozkuthehermit5909 Ай бұрын
I like Skill Capped Guides They dont really show reality of game states and only most favourable ones I tell as player who plays smurf games time to time No matter how experienced you are if you are ONLY person with kills of your team and total kill counter is like this 7 - 31 in 15 min mark You wont and cant carry that game If killscore is even its winnable in someway and that means people havent given up but most of games what they dont show or wont that isnt the case In reality (lets come down to earth from Skillcapped nonsense or any guide youtube video channels) Your games are decides withing first 6-14 min time window If your bot mid and jungle already are losing before herald spawn that means there is nothing you can effect in that game as top laner Bad player in enemy team can still possess a threat if they are fed enough, they can just ignore amazing skill micro techniques when you go full cave man and go "Haha Me. Strong. You. BONK" mindset Be it master-grandmaster ranks or DIamond and below, If you are only person in your team with positive KDA that means your team has already given up and you cant change that, once player hits that mental boom point, its done deal, and in low rank games emerald and below, its easier to hit this point As top laner, if you can secure FB and first turret with huge lead, that will make enemy team mind boom then thats where you can already secure win easily but if you bot lane runs it down before 1-3 min mark and 6-9 min time window, thats gg, your game is done
@MrRicoSwavez Ай бұрын
I can agree with that, tho I hit emerald 4 as my peak
@MHGFTW Ай бұрын
Had a game where I got out of laning phase with 2/0/1. Was vex into veigar, and I know I can bully him off the wave. He was under tower, not getting farm, missing gold and xp. I won lane with 2 kills and almost 2x his CS. Top enemy Ornn had 3 kills on Maokai. Opponent Nasus jungler had 4 kills on our jungler Skarner and a gank on bot. Jinx adc was getting barely 4CS/min, blaming it on the Soraka support. What can I do? The Skarner keeps grabbing the Nasus, dragging him to me, as if hinting "Here you go!". Like, wtf you want ne to do?
@kavar7075 Ай бұрын
This video in a nutshell...learn how to do an effective split push and force the enemy team to have to contest you with 2 or 3 of their lanes, giving your lanes free farm and towers and jungle objectives. Objectives over kills. There ya go.
@YektaInceler Ай бұрын
the orn item is deadmans plate
@viserion5631 Ай бұрын
ornn base damage goes brrrrrr
@dat_lamp Ай бұрын
As a Kled, all Lanes are MINE!
@MLU97 Ай бұрын
just tried this - doesn't work. I was fed as top, pushing, helping team etc. Our adc and jungler just int and it's difficult to carry. I think this game is just broken in low elo. Best to just make another account
@orion.6 Ай бұрын
How do I do this as a support
@tuandungnguyen2025 Ай бұрын
welp no chance of winning at all when you have a Rammus top proxy farm the whole game, not even hitting towers and when the team ping he just flashed emote
@aljosajakovljevic4943 Ай бұрын
7:20 iceborn
@AWeakPrinny Ай бұрын
0:48 are you high and bad? This feels by far the worst on adcs. Tanks don't need items to be relevant and can survive other champs being fed if they DO have items. This is one of the dumbest statements I think I've ever heard.
@kassimaymen3611 Ай бұрын
Wait till they surrender while your. Getting them back in game
@misaki5277 Ай бұрын
'top lane mains dread games like these...' meanwhile my top laners either going afk at 1/3 or 0/10 and flaming everyone 😂
@MalixFarwin Ай бұрын
i wish my teammates were only feeding that badly rofl.
idk silver yuumi will never swap champions it is miracle that happened with you
@St9neeTV Ай бұрын
By watching this video ive learn my mistake with illaoi 😅
@alanarunmavath6005 Ай бұрын
Nah usually in my iron games in singapore server if the enemy jg has brain and i am ahead he is perma ganking top and my jg is is perma ganking the 0/3 mid or bot.
@adenanshaleh6547 Ай бұрын
How do you win when your team refuses to win
@47slogra Ай бұрын
That's the neat part, you don't
@hamzaksikes5683 Ай бұрын
Im searching for the part when j play as an adc abd your toplaner is hardfeeding how to carry without getting one shot
@johnfigueroa902 Ай бұрын
Do it as Hecraim
@crashpointer3260 Ай бұрын
Try to win in bronze when adc have 0-11 and top 1-15 and jungle have no objectives
@PortiaChe Ай бұрын
Better tell us how to carry as a support in low elo when your whole team is feeding before min 10. Toplaners have they are outs - eveybody knows it
@Flarez94 27 күн бұрын
20-30%? baby its like 70-80% hahahaha
@hectorduy2364 Ай бұрын
Just ff and hope for a better team next match, it's quicker, this is just a coin flip game, the more you flip the better chances you have
@manhdepzai2k3 25 күн бұрын
make this video but hector is playing jungle
@anttijappinen Ай бұрын
Aaaand, how does this work as support?
@daleodorito Ай бұрын
Sure, ignore the fact that if your team is doing poorly, the enemy feed jungle can 2v1 you in top and basically let you useless. All this while your team is still losing 4v3. Yeah, this happens, ALL THE TIME. It's not just an specific thing. And btw, the "example play" on mid. That's pretty much neutral. Zed took 2 towers totally uncontested while u went for the kills. Pretty much what I see doing all feed people on games until the fuck up and ruin the game. Getting a tower for free is always a nice play, getting kills and do nothing with them is the trademark of low elo. Also, also, if you are in these games where u are a feed tank but your team is also feeding, depending on who and how much they are feeding, building damage is just gonna make u do no damage and have no tankiness at the same time. So not a great general tip.
@ДеминДраганов 28 күн бұрын
7 games in a row and my team surrends at 15
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