How To Save Disc Priest

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@nevsgaming Жыл бұрын
Preach it brother. I remember when I saw lights wrath come back I was ecstatic but now with weaving it into a 100 button rotation, it don’t feel so good 😂
@thickums8198 Жыл бұрын
The camera tracking your head movement in the first 5 seconds of the intro is literally pure art, 10/10 editing Jak delivers as always
@Draiz5651 Жыл бұрын
Biggest gripe for me, outside of button bloat, is that other healers get to have our niché but without the downsides.
@Estarianne2000 Жыл бұрын
I play mistweaver main and find disc a lot lot more complicated lol. But the scaling for disc vs MW is better.
@martinhronec9424 Жыл бұрын
I'm a mythic+ main and I really wouldn't say I'm happy with how M+ disc plays. It's good enough. It's okay. But suffers from the same thing as raid disc priests - we need to work twice as hard to get half the reward compared to other healers. There's insane button bloat and talent bloat. Applying atonements feels clunky. Theres like 10 spells to do basic damage. We rely heavily on buffed penance, yet there's no default UI marker to track it...
@Goeagles4life5 Жыл бұрын
@ostschnaller Жыл бұрын
15 button ramp lmao, sad but true
@DavisSuneps Жыл бұрын
@@ostschnallerWhat is ramp? Confused in holy paladin
@ostschnaller Жыл бұрын
@@DavisSuneps it's the process of getting atonements out. If you want atonement on 20 people that will take you around 13 seconds + then you need to use evangelism, put your dot up, press schism and shadow covenant and then you can do your dmg rotation to heal. The setup alone is actually 16 globals. So as disc you need be very precise with timings if you want to get the most healing out. And although all that work disc healing is not even strong currently. Disc needs another rework in my opinion.
@Sevieboy22 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Disc should have a way to alter Power Word: Life that feels more spec oriented. It is a nice "Oh Shit" button but feels bad to be your only burst healing that relies HEAVILY on a good crit
@captainkribble7665 Жыл бұрын
Hpal got the best rework aimed at what they were designed for. Holy shock feels so good now. Disc just needs a total new rework. Disagree with me all you want but my idea of disc has always been a shield healer. They need to double down on this and make disc the best shield healer in the game. Lower the floor but make the ceiling so high disc feels great.
@frozby5973 Жыл бұрын
EXACTLY, i mean an easy fix could be, increase the atonement ratio back to where it was, make atonement do 50/50 healing/creating absorbs, it wouldnt ruin the difficulty and make the spec be more usefull or unique again they tried something similar with spirit shell, i guess it didnt work, i like atonement as a mechanic its just that its rewards/difficulty do not align with other healers. i personally loved the absorb way of healing in cata for example...
@onioncultistlordoftheonion8315 Жыл бұрын
The biggest thing that comes to my mind is the button bloat of the spec, the core concept, tagging people with your heals, then cycling between holy and shadow dps spells to heal them is solid. but there feels like there's alot of redundance and the potential for more interesting cooldowns to help facilitate the proccess.
@Dan-Scott Жыл бұрын
Jack great video. In all honesty, classes that Pump HPS have ruined DISC. And in some way, Resto Shaman. The problem lies in "logs" and "Details".... Playing with people who want to parse, they're going to put out as much HPS as possible at all times. Disc and Shaman work great at low levels of health, if people are focused on "my parse".... There is no room for that.
@Naturalbeef Жыл бұрын
Disc as a healer support class makes a lot of sense. Instead of shields it puts various buffs on players. Like Augmentation, it can still have a basic healing kit.
@itsbalang1659 Жыл бұрын
The most healing successful build from TBC thru every expansion and probably most played suddenly you want us as support? I have a better idea, rework us as a shaman's totem bro maybe you will feel better.
@Eskers32 Жыл бұрын
I want Disc to have a much easier time spreading atonements on a large group. M+ is so much fun with Disc because I don't have to spend hardly any time worrying about how many atonements are out. I'd love a talent that makes Power Word Radiance hit 10 targets but have one charge.
@luxaeterna9383 Жыл бұрын
I fell in love with disc this season. I hope they make our current tier set into a talent. Our talent tree is so lacking.
@vanguelisk Жыл бұрын
This.Shorter cast time of PW:Radiance
@dylan24848 Жыл бұрын
Yeah once this tier is gone and they don’t add it as a talent, you’re going to see disc priests fall off. 100%. It’s a crutch for now
@vaels5682 Жыл бұрын
Yea I really cant see playing without instant radiance anymore
@MrCellus27 Жыл бұрын
​@@vaels5682 same
@Devonellah Жыл бұрын
Jak -- Thanks SO much for this!!! I am so despondent about my Priest - I've stuck with Disc since Burning Crusade though the bad and the good, and it has become so obvious we need a rework similar to what you are discussing here. I feel like Disc Priests have to work twice as hard to heal about 1/3 as much as other healers in raid. Most of what I think the issue is the application and uptime of Atonement. No other healer has to retain a "Buff" JUST to heal people. It really has become tedious in so many ways!!
@peterday4222 Жыл бұрын
Glad to see you bringing more awareness to the issues of player health, Jak. Worth mentioning, at the end of Legion, we were losing Velens, and everyone thought it would be terrible losing it. Well at the start of BFA, players had the most health they have EVER had relative to encounter damage, so that actually was an organic solution to that problem. You mentioned talents after Light's Wrath as a cool way to make raid disc viable again. I would love to see Velens make its way into the tree there, either as a passive when you use Light's Wrath, or just another talent in that part of the tree. (To be clear, I would still like more health too!) Curious as to your thoughts. Great video.
@Dooferification Жыл бұрын
Disc need something off GDC. I feel like I'm always fighting for what I should cast
@luxaeterna9383 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, it feels so clunky sometimes.
@dalore02 Жыл бұрын
Great job reviewing this. You consistently offer some of the best commentary and analysis in this game. Thank you.
@Riderfan04 Жыл бұрын
Newbie Disc. I just would like a way to be able to get out that healing you need in a crisis mode without having to press 10 other abilities to save the group. That amount of healing is equal to 1-3 buttons as Resto Shaman or a PrEvoker
@DavidPalmer-nb9ur Жыл бұрын
The problem with disc is that there is just so much work to get healing out. What takes a disc priest 3 or 4 buttons to do takes other healers one or two. disc can't deliver the healing via atonement fast enough, nor bubble the raid fast enough to get any damage soaked up before other healers get to it. Because of this, disc is forced to wait until a window is created and time it just right to be in a position to heal at just the right moment. No other healer has to worry about that, they just assess the damage pattern and heal accordingly. Disc used to be the snipe healer is now the healer that gets sniped in raid. I think the OP understands this which is why he is suggesting the devs cut down on the disc button bloat by combining talents. Now with the Hpali rework, with their instant casts, and every button is doing healing, it is going to be even harder for disc (and other healers) to compete.
@erichall090909 Жыл бұрын
As holy I just hit mending and I heal 100k (exaggeration of course but for real it’s hilarious)
@johnlinks Жыл бұрын
Blizzard destroyed disc when they made it a healing spec through damage. They don't know how to balance the spec
@Draiz5651 Жыл бұрын
As someone that joined the disc train in BFA, I do like having to hit the boss to deal damage. It makes the spec feel unique and me having to look through logs and optimize after raid is great. There is a limit to how much effort I want to put into a spec vs the amount I get out, and I feel like they've overstepped the boundry this patch/expansion.
@Disc_Hacks Жыл бұрын
Hi Jak! Thank you for your insight & sharing your knowledge to help me get to where I am with disc again! I've been loving how it plays these days. I've spent a long time perfecting a way different build/play style that I believe it was missed/overlooked. I call it the "secret bigger bubble build". My friends have been liking it a lot as well for it's potency and simplicity. It provides insane spot healing, eliminates button bloat and shortens ramp planning time with a currently competitive & reactive play style. During 10.1 & 10.1.5 it has consistently performed well in my 20+ keys and both small & large heroic raid groups. It does takes a second to get used to maximizing healing output but I can explain how to works in every detail and I have a video posted ++21 UR that shows how it plays (First pull is spicy fun). It has huge potential and could be a great direction for disc moving forward. Have a great day! Lucidbee-Thrall Secret Bigger Bubble Build: BAQAF4jLNlAYRY0qGSgGSGuyBDAapkQQLBgokSSSkkEAAAAAAAAAAAQLNSLJQKEJJISKlIRSABA
@richardburke9 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy disc a whole but the healer doesnt feel like it competes with current healers. Its reward for difficulty is not there. I think instead of removing complexity in damage rotation maybe they need make it easier apply longer attonements or make a cooldown applies stronger attonements faster so that when we ramp it is less of a 30button rotation.
@brendanhaley9032 Жыл бұрын
This video changed my life, thanks for posting
@AzelasEM Жыл бұрын
The fact that it takes 30-40 seconds and 13-15 buttons for Disc to get any semblance of decent healing is absolutely absurd.
@Mockspiral Жыл бұрын
There are a lot of options here, anything to make it feel like less of a slog to get heals out when you need them. Why go away from shields? That was the best part imo. An overhealing to shields conversion would help for when other healers blast through ramps. Otherwise I’d say lean in to the preventive-healer side of disc and make shadow damage through atonement increase shield strength or duration. Would that seem Aug-like, bard song twisting? Maybe so. I wouldn’t mind.
@tuomopietikainen4506 Жыл бұрын
Get rid of atonement and just heal passively while doing damage. Lots of fewer buttons to press and no more sniping in raids
@mikereijnders3121 Жыл бұрын
@@Furtivexx Sort of. Around end LK / Begin Cata Disc worked on DPS and auto-applied Divine Aegis. The more DPS you did, the faster the shields were topped off and turned into direct healing. MUCHHHHHHH better play style for me compared to now.
@vaels5682 Жыл бұрын
Also how it worked in mop pretty sure
@714acedeck Жыл бұрын
ya its tuff, cause i'm one of those really enjoying current disc in 5-mans. the tree as it is now allows me build a version that makes disc play very close to how it did pre-legion. the cata - mop - warlords disc was where i liked it best. now its gone forever but i can get close with the current tree. so for me, the spec is more fun now than it has been in about 8 years. but if blizz looks at it again, i might lose that. of course, maybe they'll give us that wicked star that was in the first dragonflight preview trees. that would be cool. more fun to play with than squid i'm sure, cause anything is more fun than squid.
@MrThebluemeow Жыл бұрын
Well said, bro. As someone who doesn't raid, I would love to see a more simplistic build for M+. Juggling all the "if/then" with TE & Scov is just too much. It also doesn't feel very rewarding for the effort despite being the best M+ build. I just do not like the gameplay of it but unfortunately it is the best build for M+
@jonaskarlsson9424 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you. I have fun playing discipline but the amount of frontload and work I have to put in for each damage wave just doesn’t feel as rewarding as I think it should be. My suggestion is have Light wrath apply atonement to everyone in the raid for four, maybe five seconds and channel damage to target (three ticks of 20k damage) I think this would feel rewarding enough since healing outside of ramps feels pretty ok😊 Cheers Jack, thanks for presenting this in a formal and easy way. 🎉
@ejlbond78 Жыл бұрын
By taking it back to the end days of MOP.
@Ezilii Жыл бұрын
I love disc in M+. Raiding however is questionable.
@vaels5682 Жыл бұрын
@patrickshinaidjer6947 Жыл бұрын
Please we need Boon of the asc. again , please ♥
@mageman483 Жыл бұрын
Disc does need a re-work. It does not feel as good as other healers to me
@dylan24848 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I got my disc priest aotc/KsM and put it down. No desire to play it anymore. There’s to many other fun healers to play right now than stressing myself out over playing disc priest.
@cg22175 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for speaking up about this. Been so sad that I can only pump good numbers in raid on holy. I say bring back spirit shell. Evokers have one, why not disc too?
@ostschnaller Жыл бұрын
i think the possibility of losing instant radiance with next tier will hurt disc a lot, especially in m+. I dont know how often it saved me, gonna be miserable without it
@Rylos277 Жыл бұрын
Disc does feel awkward and I think Jak hit a big issue up front with the general healing profile right now in DF being a culprit. I think I am having way too much of my atonement healing be overhealing right now. Disc has too many buttons; If the primary gameplay loop of Disc is to know when and how to weave which spells around and when to setup the raid, I don't need as many setup spells as I have Schism, Shadow Cov, & Mind games feel very bloaty. I like the idea of twilight equilibrium but I think it would be better suited to the way Weal and Woe works, heal spells make damage go boom. Damage make heals go boom. I would like to be able to weave in my damage spells while using rapture without a punishment. I.E. Fewer shields up on the raid cause I didn't want penance to sit off CD. I like Divine Aegis, I don't love spending my deep talent points on it. Broad concept, I want my direct spells to apply small shields and my big healing to come from Atonement. I understand why radiance is great right now for M+, I'm doing 20 keys right now and it's a crazy useful spell but it shouldn't be how the spec functions imo.
@JaredKelso123 Жыл бұрын
Would it be better if Light's Wrath also applied Atonement to your entire raid when cast to which you could then extend it with Evangelism further if you needed to? Kind of giving Light's Wrath the Arcane Surge treatment.
@erichall090909 Жыл бұрын
You already should have atonement on the whole raid when you hit lights wrath. Maybe make it extend it
@shestewa6581 Жыл бұрын
I kind of feel like they could/should bake that into the 3m cooldown. Like power word: barrier gives allies a short atonement when allies are or pass under it. Then also having Luminous Barrier apply it to everyone too, but very short. Like 5 seconds.
@JaredKelso123 Жыл бұрын
@@erichall090909 This would probably help cut down on total ramp up time if it auto-applies/extends it.
@HappyPow Жыл бұрын
LW should be changed into a massive damage spell that erases all atonement but does super big healing and absorbs. That way we are not forced to push 8 different buttons for one ramp, but the absorbs will help with rot damages.
@vaels5682 Жыл бұрын
I would definitely not like disc to be turned into a support spec as many are suggesting. Feels good in m+ for me doing keys in the low to mid 20s. My main concern is that the 4 set bonus is simply too good and should be made baseline
@billflynn9962 Жыл бұрын
extend atonement buff, make it last twice as long or longer and remove evangelism (or make evangelism do something different like atonement heals for 20% more to the 5 lowest hp raiders), merging shadow covenant and schism as you mentioned, remove radiance and give disc prayer of healing - then make radiance a buff that turns prayer of healing into a shield for 20 secs or whatever (similar to cataclysm)... another dream buff to have for any healer would be some kind of channel that drains mana and provides CD/heals until cancelled, maybe make a barrier type spell that the priest has to channel to keep up but drains 1% mana/sec or something.
@Zak437 Жыл бұрын
Make Evangelism "flare" up or something for 10 seconds, increase atonement damage-healing transfer by 10%. Or heal for standard atonement % and bubble for 10% extra. Much more exciting than buff number goes up.
@robotspartan9100 Жыл бұрын
hard disagree on turning radiance into a buff, if only because of how useful it is in M+ for rapidly applying attonement. Agree with the rest > another dream buff to have for any healer would be some kind of channel that drains mana and provides CD/heals until cancelled Mistweaver has something like this, soothing mist, which does a decent amount of healing on its own, but lets you pump all your ST heals with no cast time into the target during the channel. Fantastic focus healing, but holy (heh) shit is it mana intensive
@billflynn9962 Жыл бұрын
@@robotspartan9100 wouldnt need a fast application of atonement if atonement lasted 30-45 secs instead of 15.. That should be the first buff disc should get, increase duration of atonement and remove evangelism.. plus if radiance made it so all heals were shields instead you can use pre-pull and shield up all your allies and would have plenty of time to "rebuff" atonement.
@Perchhunter804 Жыл бұрын
make them have an instant cast like mistweaver that spreads attonements on all 5 party members so you damage becomes healing boom done half of the time in pugs where everyone takes loads of damage i am casting attonements on everyone
@robotspartan9100 Жыл бұрын
I mean, thats exactly what the tier set does; gives you instant cast radiances, which applies attonements on all 5 members. And my god does disc feel a thousand times better when you have those charges stored and ready. So much so, i question why it isn't baseline (even if with a talent)
@livlife5970 Жыл бұрын
@@robotspartan9100I was thinking the same thing lol
@E_Rai Жыл бұрын
for me disc was the most fun in castle nathria when we were able to put out massive shields to our raid with spirit shell. i would really like to have disc back to more of a preventing damage „healer“ than having more burst healing.
@mindermast25 Жыл бұрын
If they made lights wrath into like a divine hymn or tranquility but have it where light arrows rain down on the enemy targets with each light arrow hitting enemies go into atonements. Have a cap stone where the arrow hits a target for so many times, it erupts causing more aoe dmg and refresh any atonements that are near the light explosion in a 5 yrs radius. Make it a 2 mon cd and call it good. Would be visually cool and think it would be worth casting.
@TheNesh1988 Жыл бұрын
I just want the "old" days of Disc back with smart heals and shielding, like it was in MoP. I know it was OP but with some tweaks it would be fine. Just pushing penance, smite, holy fire, 15 button ramping BS...
@luja5546 Жыл бұрын
Cata disc was my fav and i loved being a shield healer and if played well i could help us avoid heavy dmg. I tried disc more recently and maybe im just bad but it feels so annoying that your dmg spells feel like they do no healing to your atonement targets. Like i dont like that i have to keep buffing my abilities as well as rely on my team to play properly to feel like im doing good. I can see disc now being good if you have an organized premade.
@BrockDaSock Жыл бұрын
I did some keys while gearing my priest as disc, and I had a lot of fun, but I absolutely despise expiation. without it, I'd enjoy it so much more.
@Oldwhpsian Жыл бұрын
Disc 4.3 was the epitome of the spec
@Patrnga Жыл бұрын
-They should rework Rapture to hit 5 people on a cast, -Radiance 2 charges made baseline and choice node for 3 charge vs instant on the new tier in place Lights Promise and choice between increased healing vs it hitting 8-10 people in place of Bright Pupil -Bake evangelism, Scov and Schism into one button off gcd, -Bake LW talents into baseline and then reiterate the choices down stream, something like turning it into a dot that radiates smart heal style to 5 people or extending atonements and ramping transfer from holy spells only to create the holy vs shadow discipline. -Make DA, Expiation and IT 1 point, bake Void Summoner into IT and add in its place a "Schism" that only buffs Mindbender/Essence Devourer healing (would be knob to tune Disc's outside ramp healing throughput) -Make mastery scale DA (which would be a turning knob for tuning raid output) -Make contrition reduce Penance Cd to 1sec so that we have a way to spotheal on a pinch without sacrificing a whole lot of value. They should imo follow the MW yulon ramp sequence as a guideline as to how long a ramp prep should take before the actual healing comes in. 10-12 gcd ramp prep every 45 second with extremely tight timers and sequences is outdated. Discs problems are imo mainly too long ramp preps, overall unrewarding throughput and very low healing on downtimes. Simply baking stuff together would condense the same throughput into narrower windows increasing burst throughput and LW talents rewords alongside Mindbender stuff would create some off-ramp healing. People in non RWF or CE guilds make more mistakes, they stand in lava 1sec longer, react 1 sec later with personals etc. In such an environment Disc's shortcomings become even more glaringly obvious outside of just looking at top logs from top guilds. I obviously dont mean all of the above should be implemented together but some combination of such ideas would fix both mechanics and throughput side.
@DonovanG762 Жыл бұрын
one thing i completely forgot about is they added luminous barrier, is it any good lol.
@AutomaticJak Жыл бұрын
No lmao
@Naeinsengimnida Жыл бұрын
Remove the entire Atonement mechanic, maybe something like if a person has a Shield 'or the Aegis) every time you do damage it increase the absorb value of all shields on the targets (it kinda brings back the old playstyle of Disc preventing damage) but for that they have to remove the cooldown on our PW: Shield Overall they need to smooth out the entire spec
@wischi8301 Жыл бұрын
the Problem at Disc is, that the Blizzard doesnt want Shields, so whats the Point of Disc ramp ? take a Dudu he heals while ramping and heals even more or oh there is a Evoker that heals that amount in 2sec...without 14sec ramptime... I feel like the mash up all the healers to play the same "rota" Disc/Dudu/Evoker/even holy pala glimmer stuff... ramp up -> big heals, or HolyPriest/Shaman/Monk just spamm 1 aoe healbutton + smash cd's on cd (riptide/prayerofmending/circle of healing/cloudburst totem/...) 2 playstyles to fit all healer classes...
@sockmonkey3393 Жыл бұрын
We need a light caster dps.
@Magnetar99 Жыл бұрын
Give a raid wide cooldown to put out atonements on a 3 or 3:30 cooldown. Combine scov and schism. Remove expation and harsh discipline or put harsh discipline baseline. Give smite more power. So we don't have to lean heavily into shadow. We should have like three buttons to press for ramps. Put in an ability that really kicks up atonement heal percentage as a 4th option from like a light side or really improve contrition and baseline penances. It's a meme spec right now that can burst for less than half of a real dps for moderate healing and dps once every 3 minutes anyway. Having two ramps would be a good thing too. A soft ramp every minute and thirty seconds. And a high throughput raid wide that's like my 3 or 4 ability example every 3:30. That would bring them in par with other healers.
@arcadialive4265 Жыл бұрын
They could also fix it by hiring Jak 🎉. We need new class designers. I somehow feel like everything this expansion has an over complicated/bloated feeling. When most of us just want to have fun.
@emanueloliveira91 Жыл бұрын
Talk about holy priest after that pleasee.
@bigrios Жыл бұрын
maybe increasing attonement buff time could handle the actual button bloat... so we would have enought time to press the other 10 buttons without needing to reaplly attonement.
@nickbluhm1484 Жыл бұрын
I just wish that the healing breakdown from disc would be 70% absorbs. It would give them uniqueness even if their healing stays the same. It would be very valuable in mythic raid.
@AL.BUNDY. Жыл бұрын
Why would anyone want to save disc priests? There are so many better options LOL.
@deanbrandt4356 Жыл бұрын
I need to correct you @10:30, you should have said "Whether or not you go into Blessing of Summer", because I'm sorry but Merciful Auras is a lot less headache 🤣
@joshoxley3869 Жыл бұрын
I'm not even kidding when I say this is how you save disc priest: Change nothing except the way atonement buff needs to be applied, just let it splash (smartly) like in MoP. Done.
@z3llmer Жыл бұрын
The amount of preparation required vs amount rewarded is really bad. I remember season 1 of Shadowlands. Spirit shell was absolutely busted, but to get maximum value it required a decent amount of prep to make sure you got everything out of it. There was a very noticeable difference between a good ramp and a bad ramp. As fun as spirit shell is for priest, it is terrible for the game overall. That being said, if they are going to require disc priest to spend so much time prepping, the reward should be substantially better. I think the better option is reducing the prep/bloat though as it makes the spec more approachable and overall more fun to play. I think a big thing that draws most people to Disc priest is the idea of how high the skill ceiling goes, the big problem though as many have said is currently you are putting in double the work for less performance.
@madtrade Жыл бұрын
i call MW with yu'lon 'disc lite' lot of 'mini ramp' on 1m CD but if SHTF and you cant do the perfect ramp (because you can't RSK) you still have 12seconde of healing if MW had something like radiance to spread 5 RM that would be my favorite 'disc clone' maybe something like that that isn't overtly punishing to 'fuck up' and with shorter cooldown would make the disc more appealing
@TehPhri4r Жыл бұрын
I wish disc was an augmentation healer. You can heal but you also haste and shield players.
@kthomas107t Жыл бұрын
This ^ there are too many people who don’t remember that disc used to be just a different holy priest in vanilla. It’s been changed before and it could be changed again a more healer absorb focused support could be interesting. Also reflective shield would be cool again with a more absorb focused support
@TehPhri4r Жыл бұрын
Id rather have power words be a focus empowering other. Have shadow and holy more situational. Power/holy raid, power/shadow m+.
@Bobzgfx Жыл бұрын
@@TehPhri4r Then play augmentation evoker. Stop suggesting changes be made to the entire identity of a spec. There is already a spec in raid that buffs other players. I didn't roll disc to be a support spec, I rolled disc to be a healer.
@blummel97 Жыл бұрын
Good suggestions on how to improve the playability of the spec! I turned into a disc main about a month ago, loving the spec. My last time healing was holy pala in classic(2019) though which is a differnet world :p I have to agree with you, the disc abilities are plagued by bloat. I'd love to run holy nova for example but I simply do not have the keybinds left (3 action bars all bound to keys..). Recently I've changed 1 point of borrowed time (pws haste) into shield discipline cause I was running into mana issues around 25% boss hp in mythic, on top of that I got the spirit boots from the new dungeon and my mana pool seems just insane now. No luck on the rashok trinket tho. Do you think the new dungeon's spirit boots are hidden op? They restored 50k mana on my last kazzara M kill, more than my shadow fiend. For someone without the rashok trinket they seem very nice. Are the spirit boots better than 447 boots with optimized stats? Honestly, I wish blizz would give healers more manareg options than the boots and rashok trinket, like if spirit or mp5 was an actualy stat, geez. That would be so great.
@belchito3499 Жыл бұрын
Currently, the discipline priest must exert much more effort to perform on par or even less than other healers. However, they do this with an element of fun and excitement as they maintain their ramps, which while thrilling, is unfortunately not adequately rewarded in the current system. The concept of Atonement should be re-envisioned as a passive function, interacting with injured allies akin to Pandaria albeit significantly less powerful. Concurrently, the ability to actively apply Atonement should be preserved, potentially enhancing the overall healing output. This modification could facilitate continuous healing between ramps without the necessity of consuming mana, thereby making the process not only more enjoyable but rightfully rewarding as well. Evangelism should apply Atonement to all raid members, not merely extend its duration. This change would mitigate penalties arising from mistakes in the Atonement application process. Luminous Barrier should see a massive effectiveness boost considering its lengthy cooldown period and its function as an emergency resource. Radiance, as presently implemented in raids, strikes me as a contradictory talent. Most of the healing it produces during ramps is typically wasted as it frequently occurs during periods of reduced damage. I suggest removing that healing and replacing it with an extended Atonement duration. This change could include a node allowing players to either select reduced Atonement time for healing in Mythics or forgo healing entirely in favor of longer Atonement periods in raids. Mindgames: Considering its current cooldown, this talent seems to somewhat underperform in comparison to Mind Blast. To make it more competitive and attractive, it could be transformed into an instant cast ability. This change would allow for more seamless integration within the ramps, thereby enhancing its usability and efficiency. In my view, Light's Wrath is an insufficient talent mainly because the boss's damage isn't usually dealt at a discrete moment but happens in bursts over a few seconds, demanding sustained healing. Perhaps if Light's Wrath also applied a damage-over-time (DOT) effect that was enhanced by the number of people affected by Atonement, it would offer more utility. Another idea could be to introduce a debuff applied to the boss to increase the damage they take for a few seconds. Personally, I have not chosen this talent. I've found that enhancing my other capabilities works better for me, especially given the frequent, continuous damage windows during raids. Sorry for the long comment :(
@Blinkch Жыл бұрын
I'd love to see a rework of disc. Gotta say I love the dragonflight playstyle (except the 10 dmg spells), its just sad that we can get sniped so easily by other healers.
@synchrogods Жыл бұрын
Lowkey feels fair after so much seasons where Disc was the sniper :D
@RalphEvangelista Жыл бұрын
I think it would be interesting for the last point under lights wrath to either be changed entirely or given a choice node to modify its profile. Keep the crit and cast time but instead make it do something that moves it to more of an extended throughput instead of fat burst maybe, like increases your PTW damage by 300% and increase the tick rate by 150% for 8 seconds but reduce the initial damage. I think if it was a choice node with something like reduced cast time and increased damage by 150% so you can choose do I want burst on these ramps or longer throughput that could make it an interesting node. Maybe it's too fried, but I think that would be cool Also converting that whole row into to one pointers would take the spec a long way.
@jacobmobile Жыл бұрын
I agree with alot of your points. There is way too much button bloat. Shadow covenant and i think even schism don't need to exist. Also i feel Lights wraith isn't a great ability, just feels like you have to set up so many things to be able to use it well. The whole spec is abit of a mess, its too convoluted. Complexity does not = fun
@BoneJovi456 Жыл бұрын
Disc feels really damn fun in mythic plus, but it still needs more tools and utility ,compared to Hpala that has an answer for every single damn thing.. as for raids.. its the most unfun I have on a healer. Like seriously.. it just feels like I'm driving an old car ,compared to the other healers who are driving these modern, fast ,better, easier to handle , more comfortable cars. Lol.
@dilloncailor3435 Жыл бұрын
If they just made the second to last row all 1 point instead of 2 point talents and changed nothing else. It would be a good bandaid fix. Would allow us to pic up 1 more capstone in m+ and raid. But it doesn’t add any other buttons into the rotations
@raymondandsweetheart7150 Жыл бұрын
The problem disc has its not a true healer or true dps. you can say disc was the first support class. Maybe they can bring back the stacking shield. I think it just need a nish.
@sergeis7901 Жыл бұрын
Rapture in raid gives me cancer. I wish there was a choice node with something like Mass Atonement. 1min CD instant and raid wide. Just saved the disc!
@Vobis23 Жыл бұрын
That would probably have to replace radiance as theyre both used to spread atones for this. Ive been asking for years to let Halo apply atonements in the manner youre suggesting.
@johnlinks Жыл бұрын
Disc doesn't need to go down the augmentation road. It's already more of a support healer spec. It just needs help being stronger with less bloat
@Estarianne2000 Жыл бұрын
I just leveled a priest and running disc for M+ I bought a 12 button mouse lol. But I use keybinds for dps and need more fingers. But of course one strength for priest as a class is two healing specs and at least holy is S tier for raids.
@Lumivito Жыл бұрын
At this point just dump the trash ramp thing and give evangelism a cast time along with applying attonement for the whole group for 6 secs. Make it a choice talent with rapture and cut all that "attonements by rapture last for 2 seconds more" crap once for all. Disc sucks at raid, it has always been op, punishing, frustrating and unacessible; sometimes fun. Expiation, twilight balance and the talent below aegis are stupid as well. Great points by Jack as always.
@sarazan2586 Жыл бұрын
They should remove Aegis of Wrath and replace it with Luminous Barrier. With Divine Aegis it fits "absorb theme" very well and finally this button can be usable, maybe they should reduce it´s CD to 1,5m-2m.
@spruce6877 Жыл бұрын
Button bloat for all classes should be looked at. I don't need a 1-3 point investment for a spell that does 3-5% of my dmg.
@sherpagoolsbee8390 Жыл бұрын
I know a lot of people don't want disc to be a support, but the macro game would certainly make it a strong contender. It would make priest possibly the best class fantasy with shadow, holy, and filling the support fantasy as well. I fully understand the opposition to it, but IF it was going to happen, would would the disc community want it to look like?
@Bobzgfx Жыл бұрын
I don't think you understand. There are no disc priests that want it to be become a support spec. Please stop pushing it, people played disc because its role is a healer, not because its role is a support. It can have aspects to it that are supportive (power infusion) but playing a weak spec that mostly just buffs others is not why any person played disc priest.
@alextr8829 Жыл бұрын
I love disc in m+ but it's impossible to make good dps in raid if u have setup with dragons. So I use to play holy on raids :( dragons stolen our shields 😢
@Frosty616. Жыл бұрын
I just wish they would either up the damage we do in turn upping healing, or up the % of heals in our current damage. and for gods sake fix the bloat lol
@anacarvalho9047 Жыл бұрын
Raiding now feels so bad, I feel like I have to press double the buttons for half the heals of previous raids, a bit of a revamp like pala got would be amazing, its rlly weird to change only two talents or so in the disc tree to go from mythic+ to raid
@shamsworth2260 Жыл бұрын
It says a lot when disc is bugged on echo of nelth to do 100x its normal amount of healing, and it's still not in the top 100 for the fight lol
@kthomas107t Жыл бұрын
I still just want a caster equivalent of ancient teachings of the monastery, why does a fist weaver get to play around a fifteen second buff on his or herself and we have to buff the whole raid or party? I’d much prefer managing a buff on myself than on all the people around me.
@aqnp Жыл бұрын
I dn if i'm a noob priest but this week in M+22... Fort + Raging it's insane. There's a lot of dmg spikes that i can't instant heal .. i can't aply atonement and hamp up heal with dmg... dps and tanks dies in a blink.
@kouvang1438 Жыл бұрын
I love disc untill i play disc in a mythic, then i quit my disc for a week. 😅
@vanguelisk Жыл бұрын
If you play in a team, disc is very good.if you are in a pug where ppl don't use kicks,it will be extremely difficult to catch up on healing
@Miller1107 Жыл бұрын
As a now 17 year healer main, the complicated effort that goes into Disc just isn't worth the reward for me. I'm still holding out for a talent that gives up atonement and increases damage for a ranged Holy DPS option.
@nyth5167 Жыл бұрын
I wouldn’t be a fan of it. But let’s be real here: Disc is currently the nr. 1 contender of becoming the 2nd Augmentation spec. The ground work for it is already present and the longer ramps would make more sense. It would also give blizz more room to round out Holy without treading on Disc’s territory. I really want Disc to remain a healer and augmentation not to really be a thing, but I’m 95% sure they won’t buff Disc before they evaluated augvokers
@kizzagaming6523 Жыл бұрын
Can we save holy while we're at it ( for keys )
@taylor13 Жыл бұрын
NGL without going back to spirit shell idk how they make current disc work without making it super reactive and trivial to play.
@zacebbflo Жыл бұрын
I hate expiation. I’d change lights wrath to be a fast channel, like the mechagon trink.
@itsbalang1659 Жыл бұрын
After logging into wrath of the lich king I now realise how the retail disc is so unfun and tiresome compared to the old discipline. Every button here has great value instead of 15 meaningless button. Same to pvp.
@Duffman8585 Жыл бұрын
No more healing nerfs for Discs sake.
@stevenrussell8917 Жыл бұрын
They should redo both holy and disc! Please no chakra 😂
@Yvario Жыл бұрын
I played Discipline for 12 years and quit at the launch of SL and haven’t even looked back. Now you all know why. 😂
@MrSegafredo89 Жыл бұрын
At least Disci is not last in hps in raid like resto shaman xD
@louiecarter2261 Жыл бұрын
Yeah but resto bring much more utility to the table
@MrSegafredo89 Жыл бұрын
@@louiecarter2261 "Much" more? I'm not sure about much more, more probably yes, but not much more
@snelly6746 Жыл бұрын
How to save Resto Shaman
@PedsHouse Жыл бұрын
rework it to the 2nd support spec alongside Aug Evoker. Real no need to have 2 healing specs in 1 class and it fits disc better.
@lucasjoelmedranosanguinetti Жыл бұрын
Rework for holy priest on m+🙏🏻
@RenDefiance Жыл бұрын
make it a support spec like aug. simples
@alihorda Жыл бұрын
Just make atonement last longer, it always bothered me, especially in raid
@dantedante8837 Жыл бұрын
nobody on this planet apart from zaelia can pilot this spec properly, the skill required to play this spec needs to be reduced by like 90% 12:07 lmao fucking content creators man, sitting there recording their videos during their raid
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