How to Tell if Your Church and Pastor Are Biblically Faithful

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Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers

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Пікірлер: 144
@Turf-yj9ei 25 күн бұрын
Reading the Bible for yourself and being well versed will go a long way
@jerryfischer3988 24 күн бұрын
Bereans example of studying the scripture to know the fake teachers
@leenieledejo6849 24 күн бұрын
Yes and also heeding the words of Jesus in John 14:26 & 16:13 (which few people do...WHY don't they take him seriously??)
@brando3342 23 күн бұрын
There’s a difference between “reading” the Bible, and “studying” the Bible. One who only does the former remains largely ignorant to what it actually teaches.
@rocketscientisttoo 23 күн бұрын
Spot on, but that goes without saying, as Christians are supposed to be in the Word daily. Additionally how is one to know error if one does not know the truth?
@rocketscientisttoo 23 күн бұрын
@@brando3342 True, but an excellent Bible teacher related that when he was in seminary a very respected teacher of his commented that if he wanted to be a good teacher of the Bible he should have read through the Bible once for every year that he was alive.
@jewelrysquirrel8819 25 күн бұрын
Great advice..and don't be afraid to leave a church if they really stray!!
@TheMik579 24 күн бұрын
Yes. I just had to do that.
@br.m 22 күн бұрын
Pauls epistle to Titus says to warn the heretic. If after the first and second warning they don't correct their doctrines, then have nothing more to do with them.
@janicecantore7180 24 күн бұрын
I love my Pastor - he teaches through the Bible - verse by verse book by book - we open the Bible in church, not just look at the verses on the screen
@TVHouseHistorian 24 күн бұрын
Mine too! Athey Creek in West Linn, Oregon is where I go. Pastor Brett is ordained Calvary Chapel, if memory serves. I started growing by leaps & bounds when the Lord led me there. I will never go back to Assemblies or Foursquare.
@alfredluna7016 25 күн бұрын
Study your Bible….you can’t go wrong or be deceived by no one when you know what God says about everything concerning HIS way of living the Christian life.
@user-bt4jo8qu7i 24 күн бұрын
Studying the bible pulled me out of a church. They claimed to be christian but were a word of faith church. I could clearly see how they grossly were taking the word out of context and making up scripture that didn't exist. Always go to the bible and confirm what the bible says on anything.
@leenieledejo6849 24 күн бұрын
​@@user-bt4jo8qu7i Calvinist "churches" are worse but people cannot see it because they're fooled by the suits and pseudo intellectualism. In other words, most people don't "judge righteously" as Jesus commands in John 7:24, aren't "good Bereans" and don't know Scripture (or take it as written). They just follow the crowd.
@bres.3449 19 күн бұрын
Hey Alisa, just a guest suggestion here(not that you and your team need my help, lol). Abner Chou has an incredible teaching style, and I think so many would be blessed by hearing him speak on the Literal-Grammatical Hermaneutic, or any biblical topic really. Thanks for all you do.
@alomax92 24 күн бұрын
This is very good... particularly at the 7:25 mark. Just because someone has a sound statement of Faith doesn't mean they are a sound Church. There's a great article out there on founders ministries site about theoretical inerrantants...those who say one thing but practice another. When I am going into a new area and looking to find a biblically faithful church, I follow four sniff tests as I look at the churches on Google maps: 1. Avoid mainline denominations that are apostate (i.e. UMC, PCUSA, Episcopal, ELCA). 2. Look at their leadership...if a husband/wife pastor team or woman pastor anywhere on staff, they are not Biblically sound 3. Look at their worship style. If the volume and reverb are up and the lights are down, they have a performance and not worship. They are not Biblically sound. 4. Look at the events they hold and teachers they promote. If they support known false teachers, they are not Biblically sound. Those sniff tests usually eliminate 80-90% of churches in an area. Then you can dive deeper into the faithfulness of the few remaining churches
@alisonk3148 22 күн бұрын
We attended a church that we really wanted to like but found that we couldn’t stay there. The first red flag was that they devoted a portion of every service to entertainment. After attending a couple of months, we found that we still didn’t know where they stood on any controversial issues, which was by design because they didn’t want to offend anyone.
@thechristianbookshelf 24 күн бұрын
Great video. Accessibility to the elders is important.
@WholeBibleWithGeorgeCrabb 23 күн бұрын
I was the chairman of the elder board, and my pastor read Christianity Today and affected him in a bad way. The After Party came next. I am looking for a new church.
@dubyag4124 22 күн бұрын
Sorry to hear that, but you are making a good decision. Pastors are falling to TGC and CT.
@lisaengel89 24 күн бұрын
I want to see on a church web page where they say their main thing is to "glorify God".
@bx-ld 16 күн бұрын
As stated by others here, knowing what the Bible says, and being prayerful when looking for a Church are key ingredients. I actually prayed that the churches I checked out wouldn't be over welcoming as I wanted to be able to observe what was being taught and how people interacted with each other, without being taken in by an over warm welcome. I also wanted to find a church where I could participate rather than being just a seat warmer. I told the pastor of the first church I went to that I probably wouldn't be happy there, but funnily enough that's where I've ended up.
@MikeyDonna 24 күн бұрын
Our preacher preaches straight from the Bible verse by verse, teaching on it , and we usually spend at least a year, sometimes two on a book. Donna
@jillneffke200 17 күн бұрын
Great advice. I’m blessed with both a Church and a Pastor that are Biblically faithful
@roblangsdorf8758 24 күн бұрын
If you have good friends at a church that you have left, keep in contact with them to encourage them to grow in their faith.
@jewelrysquirrel8819 25 күн бұрын
Have a list of core Bible questions to ask the preacher and the elders. Watch what they say and how they say it. See if they have opinions they can't back up with scripture. If the preacher and elders cannot explain their core Bible opinions with scripture, then find someplace else. There are some issues the Bible does not specify but there are others they do and your preacher and elders should be able to explain those with scripture.
@TheTinkerersWife 24 күн бұрын
Excellent outline Alisha. I've attended many churches in my decades of faith and the elder model has been such a blessing when the men are good men as is lined out in Scripture. But as you said, no church is perfect.
@thelaurameyer 22 күн бұрын
Thank you, Alisa, for this. This is a very succinct and invaluable resource. I appreciate you putting this together.
@eugenejoseph7076 24 күн бұрын
If you read your Bible and, pray for the Holy Spirit to give you discernment, as promised in John 16:13 & 1 John 2:27, He will give it to you and show you what to do. The second thing is, make sure they are not reformed ! Why would I say that? Because they say that God only loves a few 'elect' people.
@marinriver 24 күн бұрын
It took us years to find a church that taught the Word verse by verse in its proper context and, by the grace of God and after much prayer, we finally found one in Sparta, TN, Fellowship Renewed Church...part of G3 ministries. We're so blessed!
@user-hv1jz3yy4e 24 күн бұрын
Wow!, that was so good. Thank you, and I'm going to be a new subscriber ❤
@JackN808 24 күн бұрын
Thank you, good insights. I drive through the parking lot and see how many million dollars' worth of cars there are and if anyone uses their car for ministry outreach such as lifting the name of Jesus up. My KIA Soul displays the following: "The Soul Man-Only Jesus Christ can save your soul". Most people would not put anything on a $75k car. Everything God has blessed us with should be used for His Glory. ☝☝🙏🙏
@njhart6236 24 күн бұрын
Good 😊point! We have really cheap personalized License Plates in my state so I got one for my van which says "S-UR4GVN" and for my husband's car "G-DS4YOU" now I have to be MORE careful about HOW I drive!😊
@br.m 22 күн бұрын
You judge superficially based on outer appearances? Didn't Jesus warn against that. Rich people can be Christians too, just for your information. Should the rich have to buy a rusty old car and dress in rags to be welcome to your church?
@SonicGrace 23 күн бұрын
You said it yourself we are United by Faith , you left out we are no longer divided by theology doctrine or denomination . One person that loves God and loves the Church like Jesus loves the Church can change a Church Fellowship .
@tinebino 25 күн бұрын
Gods word says, "my people suffer because of lack of knowledge" ... we need to read the bible to be able to tell the lie from the truth. Hosea 4:6 💝
@seaside1991 22 күн бұрын
Please consider having the Bible teacher, Mark DeJesus on your program. His channel mainly talks about Christians and mental health, but he recently did a great KZbin video on deconstruction and progressive Christianity which I thought was very helpful. Thank you for what you do, I believe your ministry is very important for the church today. And your music was dope back in the day 🙂
@letitslime1653 22 күн бұрын
May you share some churches that you would recommend? I think that would be helpful for many of us who are looking for fellowship.
@brando3342 25 күн бұрын
A good start is to make sure you are representing the Pastor’s views correctly…
@jimyoung9262 23 күн бұрын
Nice. Subtle. And more kind than what I had come here to say.
@janetl_s2988 24 күн бұрын
Is there a difference between pastoral staff and elders? I've been to churches that have a board of elders separate from pastoral staff. Then others who consider the pastoral staff the overseers (elders) and then the lay members comprise a board of decons.
@ValLeeWeblog 24 күн бұрын
Good question! Yes, elders and pastors are the same office. A pastor or elder has to meet all the qualifications for pastors located in the books of Timothy and the book of Titus, 1 Peter chapter 5, Ephesians chapter 4. They need to compare themselves to Stephen who knew his Bible from cover to cover and preached it and they should too. He provided a walk through the Bible before he was stoned to death. He was a man of character, being above reproach. The arriving 144,000 male, virgin Jews of the tribulation period will never compromise the Word of God. They represent the heart of true pastors who will die for the faith. They will not take the mark of satan and his talking idol-Revelation chapter 13. Pastors must know their Bibles from cover to cover. And they are not to allow the sexually immoral in the church nor those who are alcoholics, nor the dishonest, etc. Please read 1 Corinthians chapters 5 and 6. The church is to be equipping the saints for the work of service, to be equipped for every good work, the work of ministry; Ephesians 4. Every true Christian should be able to do a walk through the Bible in truth accuracy through pastoral equipping. Believers are not to be equipped to be rock and rolling with the sexy beat of the rock industry. They are not to be entertaining the masses. They are to be equipping the masses for all holy and pure and separated living. “Come out and be separate says the LORD,” not being one with culture/ society/the arts/entertainment, etc. Please study 1 and 2 Corinthians. All evil must be exposed in the churches through church discipline performed before the congregants so others will be fearful of sinning.
@josephschiavone402 24 күн бұрын
I came out of a Charismatic/Prosperity Gospel church a couple of years ago. Researching their page isnt realy reliable because they never mentioned anything about who they really were. In fact they call themselves non denominational. I kept hearing things they preached that just didnt seem right to my understanding of God and the Bible. Very suttle variations. It always bothered me the emphasis they put on self. It started to become more evident they they had an attitude of being equal to Christ. And this started to offend me. I started to feel that everything they were doing was like being in a play. Then finally in a study one of the elders said it "we are gods' !!! And then a second and a third elder either said this or supported it. When I confronted the Pastor his answer was " you never heard me say that". True, but all three of those who did say it had just finished his ministry course, and 2 were named pastors ! So I think I'm good. I study my Bible daily, often with audio comentary with Vernon McGee. I will not invest years of my life agian, only to find out there is evil intent beneath the surface.
@bernadettematera-stacey1982 24 күн бұрын
Joseph, I am sorry this happened to you, and to the rest of that church who are being deceived. If you are not attending a church just now, I hope you have Christian friends around to encourage you in your faith, and to keep you grounded in reality - friends who will be honest with you. No man is an island, right? God bless you as you follow Him.😊
@lisaengel89 24 күн бұрын
Great video. Alisa. Most people don't discern. They don't.
@penglim224 20 күн бұрын
What does it really mean to be a Christian? Does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ and to be like Christ? Does it mean to love your neighbour as yourself? Does it mean to count other more worthy than yourself? Does it mean to love your enemy? Does it mean to be a peace-maker, for they shall be called the sons of God? Does it mean reading the Bible daily and spending quiet times with the Lord? Does it mean building that special relationship with the Lord and honouring Him? GOD is good.
@surfboy344 23 күн бұрын
God bless Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur
@karenkerr5435 24 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for this!! It helps so much
@717JHT 24 күн бұрын
Very helpful and easy to understand, thank you Alisa 🌸
@longstreet2740 23 күн бұрын
4:00 The Doctrinal "What We Believe" is the 1st place I go when checking a Churches web site
@anroze2023 24 күн бұрын
It would be nice if you gave a list of churches you're aware of as a suggestion from each state. Maybe every week or any time you hear about a church, we can consider it. I'm in California, and I don't know congregate in any church because it is difficult to find a sound church. But if I see one, I'd like to join.
@luanneneill2877 24 күн бұрын
Try a Missouri Synod Lutheran church.
@ktfrisbee46 24 күн бұрын
Try Calvary Chapel Churches. There are many in California.
@br.m 22 күн бұрын
@@luanneneill2877 This👆wels is decent too
@anroze2023 18 күн бұрын
@@ktfrisbee46 Thank you. I'll give it a try.
@lisaengel89 24 күн бұрын
Does the church practice biblical church discipline?
@sc-ds7hx 24 күн бұрын
Great word, Alisa!
@MamaSep17 24 күн бұрын
The groups and events tab!🤌🏼 I stumbled upon a church website near me and something about it felt not right. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I ended up finding a group Bible study they were doing on a book by a known new age adjacent author.
@liap1293 24 күн бұрын
Excellent suggestions. Thanks.
@rayonnamiller1955 20 күн бұрын
Love your sound, Biblical teaching, Alisa. I’m curious…a man of one wife. How do you interpret that? Never divorced or are they speaking of the Bible days when it was more common to have more than one wife at one time?
@patricemccoy8484 24 күн бұрын
Excellent information. Thx
@Mojo4884 24 күн бұрын
I thought I found a good solid doctrine pastor in a really out of the way church one I thought was not going to fit on day one, however I was there nearly two years when I became churchless again several non-critical doctrinal differences I tolerated but when I felt it was close to the border teaching only the love of God and very little on the judgement I decided to step outside for a bit then their news letter announced a church wide pool party which really revealed what I had been skeptical about. I could see no way a church wide pool party can maintain any kind of godliness and or modesty.
@silveradotel 24 күн бұрын
Excellent and sound advice.
@lisaengel89 24 күн бұрын
Are they pushing a great/fun time for kids? Do they shuffle kids off for their own church service? Red flags for me.
@tomredd9025 24 күн бұрын
A good piece of advice is to find the church whose doctrine is most faithful to biblical teachings and to the traditions the Apostles left us. It is important to also to look at the history of that church to ascertain if it has been true through the years to these Teachings and Traditions. After looking at many denominations, of course there is only one Chirstian Church that hits all the marks. The Church Jesus left us, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. That's Catholic with a big "C." God Bless you All!
@kathyanderson4962 25 күн бұрын
Alisa, Thank you so much for this valuable counsel. Your work has been invaluable to me. (May I please ask you to investigate the comments here about investments with Katie Elizabeth Becherer. I hesitate to bring this up, but I know this is a scam).
@peachfountain 25 күн бұрын
Clearly bot/scam activity. I reported that comment, hope that's ok
@leenieledejo6849 24 күн бұрын
Report them. Click on the three dots to the right of the comment.
@marshallalbritton9521 24 күн бұрын
Great advice!
@designbuild7128 24 күн бұрын
good topic- The big question for us, on what grounds do I/we leave a church or join one? I think many areas of US are blessed with many viable options in a local area, but there is a question on how we seek God in these decisions in our life. So, do we leave for a new region based on work opportunities, mission calling, church home options, etc? I would agree that truth alignment of what a church teaches is a paramount requirement for leaving/joining. But there are temptations / tendancies for people to use preferences in worship style, warmness of the flock, proximity to home, child programs, etc which may be the winning vote when many good choices are there. And that is okay, but the Bible seems most aligned with truth and biblical authority first, and then there are practices (orthopraxy) that can weigh in: 2 Thess mentions about associating with people who are lazy, as example, so you may find this disunifying in some church attitudes. I also believe understanding the elder structure as mentioned here in video as well as how church discipline is handled.
@sheilapearsonreflections 23 күн бұрын
Good advice!
@designingliefde 18 күн бұрын
What if they have all of it and love God, I have been with this Church for 6years I think, but they brought new age things in like (tarrot card type readings) the same as Bethel Church does now? They say they only give a word of encouragement and its a way to go to festivals to get non Christians to come to Christ. They put photos down on a table and then someone pics one and there is a person from the Church that gives a word of encouragement from God based off of what they the holy spirit inspired word? I hope I am making sense 😢
@roblangsdorf8758 24 күн бұрын
There is an old saying to this effect: "If you ever find the perfect church, don't join it. That would ruin it." So we are not looking for a perfect church, but rather for a biblical sound church that will help us grow in our faith.
@andreamichelle1 24 күн бұрын
Coming from church where fornication and adultery was rampant.. even a minister pretended that a woman was his wife for years. I would rather suggest a church where you see people's flesh conformed to God's word. No, they aren't going to be perfect, but they will know how to quicken themselves in correction with God's word and they are totally dependent upon God and not man. Where is this type of church?
@717JHT 24 күн бұрын
Another tip, that I personally watch for is how much time do the pastors spend describing a sin or negative examples in their sermon versus how much time they spend describing Jesus. For example, in one of the sermons I listened to the topic was a Christmas service of the angel speaking to Mary “do not be afraid “ and the pastor spent 58 minutes describing fear and 2 minutes the message of God to not be afraid…. all biblical alright, but way out of focus.
@leenieledejo6849 24 күн бұрын
And speaking for an hour, in complete monologue is narcissistic. No wonder he's confused...
@RJ-vq1iv 20 күн бұрын
Church’s can just copy and paste on website
@rokfather 9 күн бұрын
@6:24 “…this is one I'm starting to see a lot is that Jesus is the lens through which we should interpret the rest of scripture….So look for those kinds of red flags.” Really? I don't understand the resistance to red letter christians or those who only want to focus specifically on the teachings attributed to Jesus himself.
@bossmom522 13 күн бұрын
What if the church has a husband and wife team pastor?
@brettaylor9098 23 күн бұрын
There is a disagreement among Christians today as to the meaning of "elder." An elder in a Presbyterian church is a layman. In some churches elders means "ministerial staff." In some churches it means "the governing body" of the church. In other churches it may mean "senior pastor." From this video, I'm not sure what your understanding of elder is. Are pastors elders? Is the senior pastor only an elder, along with laymen. Are elders only laymen? (Note: I'm not trying to be difficult. Just trying to understand. I think we have problems in churches and denominations today because we don't really understand the meaning of "elder" and pastor."
@hondotheology 18 күн бұрын
1. the church is reformed presbyterian
@kimstark8006 24 күн бұрын
Are they earnestly seeking God and His will in prayer? Or are their prayers a perfunctory "Lord, bless our time together. Amen."?
@lex4929 24 күн бұрын
Read the Bible and don't check your brain at the door. This is important at any church not just a new one you are attending. Study the work and hold your pastor and elders accountable for what they teach. Even good ones need that. Many good pastors have slipped theologically because they exist in an echo chamber.
@googIesux 24 күн бұрын
Yes! No pastor is Jesus Christ; pastors are saved sinners and human, and so have blind spots and weaknesses and temptations. So many of the big eva involved guys that I respect have been left to fail in many ways, and have not been held accountable still.
@rocketscientisttoo 23 күн бұрын
Why is a church started, to disciple Believers or to attract sinners? What did Jesus say about our responsibility?
@KM-zn3lx 24 күн бұрын
What if the pastor is bent on preaching against the rapture and not just giving opposite views and letting parishioners decide? Also this church has no membership and small group isn't a bible study? I've been looking awhile since I quit attending the Catholic church.
@crazycoolkids00 24 күн бұрын
It can be hard to find a good church. Here are some steps I use: • use the search nearby function on google to identify churches near your address. don't be afraid to drive 20min or more if needed • check the google reviews and statements of faith for each church • check the denomination • visit during a sunday, chat with the pastor if able. if not able, chat with someone on the pastoral staff. • repeat from beginning until church found. PRIORITIES → sound doctrine on things that matter → life group where personal growth can occur → compatible (not necessarily identical!) cultural demographic (for community), especially in terms of age group and life situations NOT PRIORITIES → worship style you agree with → riveting teaching → good vibes ~ Once you've selected your church, plug into the community in whatever way you can. this needs to be your church body, not simply a place you go each week. It is wise for you to avoid the Catholic church. Also avoid ELCA, PCUSA, UMC, ABC and other denoms flagged as liberal. Avoid "Church of Christ" churches and SDA at all costs, along with literal cults (mormons, jw, scientology, islam, etc.). Good denoms: PCA, EPC, OPEC, EFCA, Missouri Synod, GMC, AG, SBC and most non-denoms should be okay. Hope this helps. Psalm 138:8.
@floridaman6138 24 күн бұрын
Do you mean preaching against the rapture, or preaching against a pre-tribulation rapture? Big difference. Teaching that there is no pre-tribulation rapture is biblical and does not mean you're preaching against the rapture, but rather it is just aligning with the timing of it according to scripture.
@mikebushnell4598 24 күн бұрын
The pre trib rapture is what the bible teaches.
@imbecilicGenius-hn3jo 24 күн бұрын
Pastors heavily preaching against the rapture right now are probably just trying to off set the heavy dispensationalist views in the evangelical community. Unfortunately with whats going on in Israel right now, its a big topic on most minds and so churches are going to express thier belief on it. Also keep in mind it goes beyond eschatology, dispensationalists read the bible differently then covenant theologians. Covenant sees the Bible as 1 cohesive plan while dispensationalists see God working differently with different groups of people and see certain dispensations as bleeding into each other. So to them there is still unfufilled promises to Israel while to covenant theologians, Israel was always meant to bring about the church. Its a shame that you should enter into such a dispute.
@luanneneill2877 24 күн бұрын
Try a Missouri Synod Lutheran church.
@BillTony2 24 күн бұрын
Home church is probably best. Im 61 and have been in variuos churches all my life. Ive been a believer since 19. ORGANIZED church is overrated and has a lot of financial overhead.
@goaliecoachmike 24 күн бұрын
We can’t be Lone Ranger Christians and it matters to have Holy Communion in a fellowship of believers.
@davidward5225 23 күн бұрын
“Member” of a new church?
@user-cy1fv6up1o 23 күн бұрын
Scripture tells us, "God's people die through lack of knowledge" read the Bible diligently.
@user-bt4jo8qu7i 24 күн бұрын
Word of faith churches are tricky. They claim to be saved through faith in Jesus and they say all the right things online but when I attended a church in person I didn't find out until some months past that they held some heretical beliefs and there was more focus on spiritual gifts and demons🥲
@StevensonAries-z8s 8 күн бұрын
Jackson Steven Walker Larry Allen Jason
@JamesRichardWiley 24 күн бұрын
Your church and pastor must listen to Alisa tell them how to correctly read the Bible according to her. And if they don't agree with her interpretation?
@NoName-jo5tu 24 күн бұрын
Hi would anyone here know of a church in the Orlando area? I will be moving there soon
@lisaengel89 24 күн бұрын
I watch the KZbin church services and then google the lyrics of songs to see if they're Elevation, Bethel or Hillsong songs. Again...more red flags if so.
@JW_______ 21 күн бұрын
Tip #1: If they defame others or participate in defamation.
@robertclark2240 24 күн бұрын
Find one that doesn’t scissor out key NT scripture.
@christianuniversalist 21 күн бұрын
Yeah no, I’m not looking to Childers for sound advice on “How to Tell if Your Church and Pastor Are Biblically Faithful”.
@debras3806 24 күн бұрын
Alisa I cannot listen to you the same way after your support of Megan Basham doubling down after her slander of Gavin O. I need to ask you to pray and re-listen/consider/read - you may be the only person she might listen to on the matter. I’ve already unsubscribe to you but this still popped up in my feed and i decided to give a listen even though i will tell YT not to recommend you if you don’t repent of supporting her-her snotty arrogance is too clear and his Christlike humility (in addition to her clear misquotes of and dishonesty about him…for which she’s appealing to journalistic standards, which is NOT our standard as Christians, the Word is!). This is just not a matter about which reasonable disagreement can exist; support of her is obvious partisanship.
@leenieledejo6849 24 күн бұрын
But WHY did nobody seem to discern what was glaringly obvious (to me) from the moment I heard her a couple of years ago??? Surely THAT'S partiality: the fact that because MB was slandering Bethel "then that's alright then". No!! People need to stop having favorites to bash as well as stop having favorites. If someone makes something up about Adolf Hitler, I will ALWAYS correct them - as anyone who loves Truth SHOULD do!
@drsusieg 24 күн бұрын
Were in churches 2-3 years and only then did we see hoŵ apostate they were. A waste of time. At hone watching Jack Hibbs and reading and studying the Bible keeps me growing.
@davidpellegrini4266 24 күн бұрын
Other than believing in primary doctrines of the faith. Where do they stand on physical Israel. Today many churches believe in replacement theology. They say the church has replaced Israel. Believe in Creation over evolution. Believe that Adam and Eve are the first 2 people who God created and we are all their decendents. We have a sin nature. Believe the bible is 100 % the word of God and is sufficient to answer all mans problems. The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament. Teach that Love does not rejoice in wrong doing . God loves all but he can' t affirm sin. He hates sin and unrighteous. Only Godly relationships. Be careful here. Churches confirm marriage but still open the door to other sins. Do they affirm all idenities. Do they believe have a literal view of Book of Revelation . I would see if they are open minded to a pre trib rapture. Are they more interested in being born again or just teaching behavior especially in childrens ministry. Orange says Jesus came to show us how wonderful we are and Jesus wants to be only our friend . Are kids getting saved.
@TVHouseHistorian 24 күн бұрын
Any teaching which minimizes Jesus Christ in His deity, and elevates man in any way is, at worst, false teaching. At best it’s not nutritious. In my experience, staying away from the traditionally mainline Pentecostal denominations has proven the best strategy. Man-centered and seeker-sensitive teaching is all over the Pentecostal movement. Some charismatic denominations are still good, but you have to be discerning. Like Calvary Chapel for instance. Many of those congregations do “through-the-Bible” format, which is very spiritually nutritious. Just my 2-cents.
@mattziemer5361 24 күн бұрын
A church that has a man with the title of Pastor is unbiblical already.
@robertpatterson6823 24 күн бұрын
No Pastor is perfect. No elder is perfect. These are good tips but you will choose a church you are most comfortable with. Some believe in soul annilation and others believe in eternal hell. Some will stay in tuch with the elderly and others will ignore them completely. Some are power hungry and very insecure, others have security in Christ Jesus. Some pray, others not as much. The minute I am there it is not perfect no more.
@user-hk4mr7vk9w 22 күн бұрын
After your doubling down on your support of Megan Basham and her slander, it's a little hard to trust your judgment.
@catholicactionbibleonlyist1813 24 күн бұрын
For me a Chuch with Apostolic succession Bible base Church = base off of the pastor's personal beliefs Stop it with everyone for the themselves nonsense
@jackcarraway4707 24 күн бұрын
"God is dead."
@floridaman6138 24 күн бұрын
If they teach a pre-tribulation rapture, they're one of the great majority of American churches that do, and they are definitely not biblically sound. It's really Bible 101 and one of the biggest lies out there is that it doesn't really matter where you come down on the subject.
@stephenpaulrichard1403 16 күн бұрын
That's a narrow view. When I first got saved I was pre trib and around 4 years in I went post trib. It doesn't in anyway eliminate the ministry of pre trib folks.
@MarkDouglass-dt9ky 24 күн бұрын
If the pastor uses the NIV then you know he's not Bible based. This is something I've noticed time and time again.
@Lapis-lazuli2 24 күн бұрын
If they have a KZbin channel they’re bad
@jimave 24 күн бұрын
@glennpress7524 24 күн бұрын
The Trinity " and hell fire " Burning forever " you're in the wrong church
@gparker7019 24 күн бұрын
First tip - don't go. If the congregation meets on Sunday totally trashing the 4th command... run!
@FoursWithin 24 күн бұрын
Are they willing to kill their own children if their God asks it of them ? Do they uphold the rights of slave owners ? Will they stone disobedient children ? Will they end the life of any nonbelievers among them ? Do they hate their mother father sister brother and love only Jesus ? Those are just a few of the things one should ask to verify if a church is biblical and filled with the fruits of the spirit .
@mikebushnell4598 24 күн бұрын
Blah blah
@FoursWithin 24 күн бұрын
@@mikebushnell4598 "Blah blahing" the Bible is an odd thing for a Christian to do , since it's considered blasphemy. But hey you do you .
@mikebushnell4598 24 күн бұрын
@@FoursWithin blah blahing is considered blasphemous? Ok
@FoursWithin 24 күн бұрын
@@mikebushnell4598 Context pal, it's always about context. Just like playing ignorant can actually be lying.
@mikebushnell4598 24 күн бұрын
@FoursWithin Alrighty then, thanks Crispin. I'm sorry I didn't realize it was you.
@davidolson8537 24 күн бұрын
Let’s get more churches who are faithful to Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
@leonlsan5093 24 күн бұрын
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