How to Use the R-36 Eruptor Against Automatons in Helldivers 2

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Dr. Pooplove

Dr. Pooplove

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How to effectively use the R-36 Eruptor against the bots in Helldivers 2.
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@DrPooplove 5 ай бұрын
Let me know if there is another weapon you would like me to cover!
@Truegamer3321U_U 5 ай бұрын
Do the crossbow
@Bert0893 5 ай бұрын
Plz change your username
@binging3999 5 ай бұрын
Pro tip using the eruptor vs hulks: You can kill hulks from the front the same way you kill a hulk from the front with nade launcher. Shoot the ground slightly behind and between the hulks legs, the splash will be large enough to splash the vents. With the eruptor you can actually get lucky if the shrapnel hits the vents you can rarely 1 shot hulks this way. You can also take out the legs with it and if you shoot both of a hulks legs out, it dies.
@xXYannuschXx 5 ай бұрын
"With the eruptor you can actually get lucky if the shrapnel hits the vents you can rarely 1 shot hulks this way." - Oh THAT explains that weird one shot kill I did the other day.
@halofornoobs93 5 ай бұрын
It depends on ping. Some maps this works perfectly. On others the round will ricochet off the ground regardless of distance or angle if your ping sucks.
@BAM21595 5 ай бұрын
Good tip, how many shots to kill the legs?
@Pyromaniac77777 5 ай бұрын
@@halofornoobs93why ping? How do you know this? I’ve been wondering why on some maps it feels totally different…
@TheSweetSpirit 5 ай бұрын
I’ve attempted that with the GL it just doesn’t work, at least not consistently enough. Too finicky or too many nades. I’ll try it with eruptor though. I know it works with grenades like impacr
@Venalii1 5 ай бұрын
I highly recommend running stun grenades with the eruptor, since it helps get some distance between you and enemies that come too close. And since the eruptor basically already fills the role of impact grenades you’re not losing any utility
@bobshanery5152 5 ай бұрын
Feel like the shield and stun grenades are just too good and make the game little boring. Anyone else? Im bad at the game but with those two things I rarely die when playing with my kids. Stun.. run away.. Stun.. bomb.. Shield is a free get out jail card that constantly recharges.
@fminus3863 5 ай бұрын
@@bobshanery5152 to combat this i've been selecting offensive stratagems for all 4 slots and then try to find a support weapon on the map or ask a teammate to drop me on when they can, keeps things fresh and challenging while still bringing extra firepower to help my squad.
@taoday118 4 ай бұрын
Which shield? Shield gen pack? ​@@bobshanery5152
@RRKS 4 ай бұрын
​@@bobshanery5152 I honestly think the shield is one of the worst strats. Sure, it's a get out of jail free card.. But i find that if you need the shield, then you've already fucked up and aren't very likely to get out alive anyway. Most of the time i use either RR, ammo pack or jetpack. Depends on the rest of my loadout, but as of late i've mostly been running with the eruptor. The jetpack is amazing for it since it grants you that extra mobility to find safe spots or maneuver into a good line of fire. Stun grenades? I haven't even unlocked them so can't say. I've almost unlocked everything else though, so i'll get around to it soon enough :P
@SlinkyConsumption Ай бұрын
My loadout is eruptor for heavy enemies, the crisper for bug hordes, and the stun grenade, which will stun hulks/chargers and I can walk behind them and shoot them with the eruptor
@wollenwolf7528 5 ай бұрын
I played only this gun since its release, and I have a tip for devastators: Normal and rocket - shoot leg joint. In my expirience it has the best chances to one-shot them. If you hit it right it almost always cuts them in half. Heavy (shield guys) - shoot their armpit. Yes, basically aim for their exposed arm slightly below the shoulder. It has a high chance to one-shot them, or at least blow their hand off, rendering them harmless. If you're shooting from the back or side, aim at the ground at their feet. If the angle is bad, aim for the waist. Also you have almost 100% chance to one-shot a berserker if you aim at their glowing torso
@RRKS 4 ай бұрын
The backpack of the heavy can sometimes oneshot them too. Depending on elevation, you can get that from the front as well
@Suomiwimbula 5 ай бұрын
I recommend getting used to counting shots, if you press R immediately after shooting your second last round you will complete the reload during the bolt racking animation and the last round will not be wasted.
@Omega_Ultima 5 ай бұрын
Factory strider: The erruptor does immense damage if you shoot inside the deployment bay underneath. It is possible to kill with a single shot if the bullet enters from the back while the doors are open, and you strike what is essentially the rear of the neck. Hulks: shoot the ground between the legs
@boyvol6428 4 ай бұрын
Oh, wait, it has medium pen and can damage their knees! Good point. But how many shots does it take?
@all_my_handles_were_taken 5 ай бұрын
The Eruptor can consistently 1-shot chainsaw guys and non-shield devastator as long as you aim for where their legs and torso connect. It's much harder but you can also 1-shot by hitting where the arms and torso connect.
@Drbeattles 5 ай бұрын
yah was gonna say don't aim for the head go for a gut shot and it will tear them in half in one shot dang near every time
@theenduriangamer5509 5 ай бұрын
Before this update I found a fun build of being "recon". Light armour, Spear, Medium Armour Penning primary (slugger or dmr), and going around spotting targets, dealing with priority targets, and nuking the occasional bot factory from 200+ meters. Then this got added and it fits perfectly to that build. Its so fuckin good and fun to use.
@Oldtypedor 5 ай бұрын
That is exactly the build that I put together today when trying out the spear and I loved it
@kanortex9894 5 ай бұрын
Whats important to know is, instead of just straight up splash damage, this thing fires high explosive fragmentation (short HEF) rounds. Keep in mind these fragments can go out to over 25 meters, can and will accidentally kill teammates if you hit them in the head with it at those distances. Also the only armor penetrating part of the weapon itself is the fragmentation, which is why even though it has medium armor pen, shooting at a hulk's eye does nothing unless the fragmentation were to hit it, which it won't, because the fragmentation always goes in an outwards radius from its impact point rather than into whatever you're firing at. Instead, shoot between Hulk legs slightly behind them to have the fragmentation travel up into the heatsink if you have the angle.
@wastedviking6280 5 ай бұрын
I giggle every time you say Dr.Pooplove.
@joezhangmd 5 ай бұрын
I have been practicing with the eruptor since it came out and I'd also like to point out that if you aim at the ground too close to you, the shot can ricochet and fail to explode. I've also had many shots miss the very thin robots when I am shooting standing up. I almost always crouch to reduce sway now and have built it into my muscle memory when using this thing. The bullet does have travel time and drop so one needs to get used to it.
@mattpekah9546 5 ай бұрын
R-36 reload tip: if gun turns red in UI 1 round is left, and in chamber not magazine. RELOAD! Reload will finish in same time it takes to run the action keeping 6 shots ready for emergency situations, and uninterrupted firing.
@IainDoherty51 5 ай бұрын
Honestly the most interesting trick I've found with the Eruptor is that it's often better to shoot lower on Devestators and Bersekers or for the arm joint on Devestators rather than for the head. Hitting them in the abdomen or arm can often result in more shrapnel from the explosion hitting them as well, and thus increases the odds of a one shot kill. Even if it fails to kill it has likely destroyed their weapon if you hit the arm (for Rocket Devestators you still aim for the headshot or rocket pods since that's the biggest area of weakspots)
@coleostimie9725 5 ай бұрын
Always pair it with a machine gun or stalwart. This is not a solo or front line weapon, its meant to be used in a squad
@robbieh9873 5 ай бұрын
I highly rate the regular Laser Cannon instead. It's similar in function to an MG, but it clears hulks, tanks and gunships way better than the Eruptor, and it has 'unlimited' ammo. I feel it covers the Eruptor's weaknesses quite well
@halofornoobs93 5 ай бұрын
@@robbieh9873 I always use the Laser Cannon on cold planets. It is S+ on those.
@coleostimie9725 5 ай бұрын
@@robbieh9873 in a squad you don't need to deal with everything... This fact is lost on the whole community and I have been in many squads where everyone is running the same loadouts and it's extremely boring and makes no sense.
@TAYGETAnguyen 5 ай бұрын
@@coleostimie9725nothing like joining a game where 3 other members have shield gen and quasar
@RRKS 4 ай бұрын
@@TAYGETAnguyen In that case you shouldn't feel bad for picking anti-horde alternatives :P I was the AT-guy prior to quasar, always running RR. But when the quasar came, everyone started picking it and i went back to the stalwart for some hordeclear, along with liberator penetrator for the occasional mediums. Eruptor came along and threw the liberator out the window :P
@johnwhite8847 4 ай бұрын
I'm a big fan of running this rifle with a quasar cannon and a guard dog rover. Guard dog will keep you alive and pick off smaller enemies, while the quasar will give you an option for anything the eruptor can't destroy.
@lordzombieboy 5 ай бұрын
I know there's currently a way to get around the long reload time by switching to your secondary then switching back. As long as you don't do it too fast, it cuts out the animation and has it instantly loaded. Another thought: you can always pull out your secondary, look where you want to aim, then pull out the Eruptor, and it should be lined up perfectly
@suntzuthesecond 5 ай бұрын
I've had good success against bots by pairing the Eruptor with the laser cannon and stun grenades. Perhaps the shield generator too so I don't flinch when I get hit by return fire. I'd play the Eruptor to its strengths, but if I encounter single enemies or a Hulk, I pull out my laser cannon. The stun grenades are most helpful in giving me the breathing room I'll need to aim the laser at the Hulk's visor. I'd have to rely on stratagems to take out a tank from the front, but if that's not available, the laser cannon can be used to destroy its tracks and give myself more breathing room (and options) to either disengage or destroy it.
@Drbeattles 5 ай бұрын
and your pistol of choice sir? I'm a senator user cause it can one shot head shot most things. though the redeemer is a better choice for this rifle, wish the peacemaker had a reason to exist.
@suntzuthesecond 5 ай бұрын
@@Drbeattles It is indeed the Redeemer. In most situations where I'd pull out my pistol, spray-and-pray is usually a good bet.
@Drbeattles 5 ай бұрын
@@suntzuthesecond yah I normally run the senator to punch though tougher targeted and get cheeky headshots on devistators. But seeing as the eruptor can do all that the redeemer is better suited for spraying away really close targets.
@Pyromaniac77777 5 ай бұрын
Laser Cannon and Eruptor really shine together. With them, you can take on almost anything. Hordes of bots, no problem. Plus the natural synergy that comes from them both having “cooldowns” so swapping during bolt animation/battery cooldown is effective. They enable a flexible, on the move playstyle where you never have to worry about ammo because you’re only using the Eruptor for those perfect shots. Essentially; the Laser Cannon becomes your Primary, and it’s a very strong primary. The Eruptor acts as your secondary, and is extremely effective for providing group stagger, building and aoe dmg, the things the Laser Cannon lacks. I like using Jumppack with it but I recommend the shield, because of the nature of the laser cannon. You will want to get good vantage points and go prone, where you can absolutely go to f*cking town on some poor bots. The occasional shot will hit you and that’s why you have the shield. But with the jumppack, you can keep yourself at exactly the range you want to be at and attain high ground instantly. People have no idea how much time, and how many lives are saved by being able to skip the hardest enemies on a base completely. 3 teammates, all dead attacking a base. Throw the reinforce, jetpack in the backdoor, complete the objective, jetpack out. Anything in your way gets blasted!
@danielranger8695 5 ай бұрын
I use the erupter 80% of the time on all missions. Like many have commented already. Stun grenades are a great idea to run. As well as the stalwart for close quarters. Run light armor and/or jet pack to manuver around bots to get to weak points. But in all honesty communicating with your team on positioning yourself is a game changer so you can hit weak spots lightning quick.
@Sparkfull 5 ай бұрын
My tip and recommendation for this weapon is to take it with a full team and be the dedicated sniper. You can easily lay off to the side on some high rock and and focus on important targets (clumps of enemies, a hulk that's chasing a teammate, knock things off of a dropship, heavy devastator sides, etc.) Scorcher is great with less teammates or solo (as you can move around more and take more shots) but you can't easily take out a group of 4 striders that's coming around the corner towards your team with one shot. Or soften up that horde of berserkers that just dropped on top of the objective. And yeah, avoid shooting lone baby bots. Trust that your team can deal with random stragglers. Those are a DPS loss haha
@williamturner7131 5 ай бұрын
Quick tip: when you slide your weapon is brought up faster. Not super necessary for most guns but for Eruptor it's really helped when I'm trying to outturn a tank's turret, slide and pop a shot as close to the turret's weakspot to 2-3 shot it.
@yankesik5949 5 ай бұрын
I also feel that while it's still good vs bots, it shines more against the bugs - even though it's risky due to huge splash radius (which somehow pulls you in rather than push you back - fix pls). I think it's partly due to the fact that: a) there is only one enemy type you can't feasibly deal with, the Titan (okay, it's not easy to hit shriekers with it either, but that's far less of an issue) b) the sheer number of tiny bugs - even when you focus on heavier bugs, which Eruptor can deal with in one shot, you'll usually be thinning out the swarm c) there are way more nests than there are fabricators - which means the utility of blowing those up has much higher value. While you can make do with Quasar Cannon for fabricators, destroying a large nest cluster with QC alone would take you several minute.
@DrPooplove 5 ай бұрын
I agree it stands out much more vs bugs. Still solid versus bots but doesn't impress as much
@bobshanery5152 5 ай бұрын
@@DrPooplove The biggest issue I had with it vs the bots is you get aim punch and miss constantly. This makes it feel far worse from the normal slow reloads and tiny projectile that it already had. Also.. Why is its projectile so tiny? I swear you can sometimes fire between a bots toes. They need to make an armor that has something called "steady hands" And greatly ignores your gun reticle flying all over the place when taking fire.
@robjsmiles 5 ай бұрын
Definitely, also makes light work of the many bile spewers you'll come across that would normally require an impact nade to take out efficiently
you can kill bile titans with 1 rail cannon strike and 2 eruptor shots into the underside/middle of their thorax
@halofornoobs93 5 ай бұрын
I find it depends on the ping of the host when it comes to fighting bots. If you have an ok ping, it is amazing. On a poor ping, the shots seemingly despawn 5 ft after they leave the barrel or it will explode and do zero damage. Poor ping will also make it ricochet on far more surfaces regardless of angle which causes the round not to explode.
@cloud552000 5 ай бұрын
I think if you are a sniper stlye player. The eruptor is the best option atm for higher tiers the range and utilities offer alot of freedom to open a extra strats to what type of missions you're facing
@lashius1 5 ай бұрын
There's actually a really nice tech you can use with the eruptor that helps mitigate the slow turn rate and the danger of firing at close range. If you jump in the opposite direction that you're facing the dot will snap to the point you're aiming, and it'll put distance between you and your shot. So as an example if you're turning to the left to shoot an enemy and the second you see them, jump away from them well keeping your crosshair on them and the dot will snap to the point you;re aiming, I'm not sure the exact minimum space that you can use this, but it's relative to target hit box size. Larger targets will give you less space, so always try and zone your engagements and keep breathing room between you and what you're shooting. After a but of practice you'll know when to pull your secondary out. I recommend the smg secondary.
@adamin97 5 ай бұрын
I'm gonna erupt~
@GnarledStaff 5 ай бұрын
I tried this out for the first time a few hours ago and my impression was a bit underwhelming. Personally I was thinking it should have better handling, and was going to say the devs should cut the barrel and reduce the range to if needed to get the better handling my- but I did not realize there was a max range of 120m or so already. I really appreciate you mentioning it was good for bugs. I was not going to try it against bugs because its a small magazine explosive weapon that will hurt if fired at close range. Went and watched your video on that and it changed my mind, might try it out later. My first experience with this weapon was actually being teamkilled because an ally didn’t understand what it was. We had no idea just how much splash damage/radius this thing had and your video on bugs opened my eyes to just how huge that is. I noticed it a bit on bots, but had not properly learned to utilize it. Overall, the poor handling really hurts it when fighting bots. Useful for mediums but I find myself missing little bots just because of the sway. Might give it another change because of the shooting under the hulk to splash the vent trick mentioned in the comments- but I do not see it replacing the marksman plus autocannon as my main load.
@TyrantKnightmare 5 ай бұрын
If you are hip firing you can interrupt the cycling animation by switching to and from your side arm. As soon as you see the white reticle of your sidearm switch back and this will be quicker than letting the animation play
@thelejund7944 5 ай бұрын
Can't tell if you have or not, but turning off mouse smoothing in game settings makes aiming much more responsive and less sluggish. Edit: Realized you're on console probably not helpful for you.
@humantwist-offcap9514 5 ай бұрын
This gun is a blast, I actually prefer it for bots over bugs. Very fun little mincemeat machine
@halofornoobs93 5 ай бұрын
I'm a veteran Gears of War player so I pretty much only snap aim in when I am about to shoot, so I pretty much never worry about the slow turn guns have in this game. I love the Eruptor. Just turn, snap, shoot, run, repeat and you will pretty much always outpace the bots. I don't recommend hard aiming in this game unless you are ready to shoot. Your movement speed and turn speed are just far too slow and it will get you killed.
@jamesadams7281 5 ай бұрын
You can fire faster if you swap to secondary/support weapon and then quickly swap back. I recommend doing this during a bot drop, since they are all clustered together you can eliminate all the trash bots by aiming at the ground (as long as no heavies spawned) before they are even able to fire a shot
@thebluriam 4 ай бұрын
Eruptor is probably the best if you're going with a hardcore scout armor loadout. You're going to be keeping your distance more frequently and spending more time on the run, it pairs very well with the auto-canon for a scout. It's even better when you have two scouts working in tandem together.
@Vindicare_ 5 ай бұрын
Seems like a lot of people are missing the fact that you can shoot off devastator's legs easily and they're a bigger target that's easier to hit.
@xon0930 5 ай бұрын
My personal recommendation for using the eruptor vs bots is to take a medium MG, stun grenades, and the supply back pack (at least until the "superior packing methodology" upgrade is fixed). Alternatively, the laser cannon isn't a bad pick either. Both of those choices give you some sustained firepower that the eruptor is lacking. Shoot something with your eruptor, then swap to your MG (or secondary) and shoot some more. The eruptor will cycle its own action while it's not in your hands, then after a couple of second, you can equip it again and shoot something. Using this swap fire technique will mean that you have a much higher uptime on shooting the enemies than just waiting for the bolt to cycle after each eruptor shot. Also, never fire the last bullet in your magazine if you can help it. If you start reloading right after you fire your second to last bullet, the reload animation will override the bolt cycling animation, and you'll reload it quickly and have 6/5 bullets in the magazine afterward. If you fire that last bullet, you can get stuck cycling an empty action (this part is skippable if you press the reload button during it), then reloading the gun, then having to cycle the action again after reloading it. Count your bullets and when you've fired 5, reload. You'll still get 5 shots in per magazine either way, but you'll skip the super slow empty magazine reload. The stun grenades allow you to stun groups of enemies (or a hulk) for some breathing room, to run away, or to gun them down while they're stunned. It's especially good vs berserkers. You can stun a whole group of bersekers and either AoE them down with the eruptor, or unload a full MG magazine on them (or throw an offensive stratagem). If you're using the MG, then you'll be constantly resupplying yourself from the supply backpack, which will also mean you can be generous with your use of stun grenades too. For striders, I find that the most successful spot to aim for 1 shots is either another target right near them, the ground behind them, or on the side panels of the face plate. Shooting directly at the middle of the front panel is inconsistent for me, and can be 1-3 shots to take a strider down. Shooting the crotch area is usually 1-2 shots, but I find it's almost always a 1 shot on the side panels. A tip for cannon turrets: 1 quasar shot (probably any AT rocket) + 1 eruptor shot both to the heatsink on the back of the turret will kill it instantly. Most often I pull it off with a teammate that has a quasar, and I time my eruptor shot with the charge up noise of the quasar to hit at the same time, instantly killing the turret with no time for it to turn towards us. You can probably pull it off solo if you shoot it with the quasar first, then the eruptor, but I imagine that the timing is fairly tight with how slow the eruptor is to aim.
@thetriple7-7-78 5 ай бұрын
Really hoping this gun never gets Nerfed because aside from the high AOE damage this gun can cause the sway, recoil and the four seconds it takes to reload each shot balance it out
@floppa_9530 3 ай бұрын
@jackthompson7546 5 ай бұрын
this weapon is my go to with me and my buddy. he can distract most things by flanking and I get good shot in. i run jump pack to reposition quickly. bring stun grenades for hulks, and you can use stratagems for mostly everything else. this is a primary weapon at the end of the day.
@laglord 4 ай бұрын
Not mentioned here: The Eruptor is also great for bot factories. You can shoot the vent from a decent up-angle as well, unlike the autocannon, which generally requires you to be level-ish or above the vent
@vladmatt87 5 ай бұрын
you can skip the reload animation if you pick up another weapon, for example if you alternate it with a machine gun
@warriorsorb1111 4 ай бұрын
The Eruptor is my favorite. Went with my team to go take out an Automaton Detection Tower when the bots startes dropping in groups of scout walkers. I fired one shot and the whole group of scout walkers fell.
@Azn_Bran 5 ай бұрын
I've only used it against the bots and I have loved it. It took some getting used to (coming from the JAR) but its been great. I was more worried that I would have a hard time going back to bugs with it due to the very slow ROF. I would recommend running with the Revolver as a secondary with bots instead of the auto pistol.
@ihave2cows 5 ай бұрын
rather than using the eruptor as a combat gun, I think you should consider it a supplementary utility gun for taking out objectives that allows you to take different stratagems and grenades to round out your kit with. Of course, in the right moments, you can use it to take out clusters of enemies too, but if you're using the eruptor I think you should consider your support slot weapon your primary for most combat scenarios. So, obviously, dont take it with a quasar.
@ViperWCUEYT 5 ай бұрын
The eruptor is a really unique primary weapon. Most of the primaries are really feeble. Due to its unusually heavy damage as a primary, it’s basically changed my entire build. I run a lot of trash clearing stratagems, especially secondary weapons.
@josiahchadwick5099 5 ай бұрын
For the turrets and tanks one Missile and a Europtor shoot Can kill him from any angle. God tier tip
@andrewriggio 5 ай бұрын
Best advice I have for using it is to shoot the weapon arms off things like heavy devastators, missile racks on missile bots, etc. It does that extremely well.
@TimothyMark7 5 ай бұрын
I found using heavy armor with the shield generator pack great with this as it protects you if you shoot yourself, and the shield generator can provide some protection and anti flinch resistance if your under consistent fire.
@MaxCherry4170 4 ай бұрын
Dr Pooplove?! Bold choice of name 😂
@Blackhole_T618 5 ай бұрын
Sidenote against the devastators: you can almost always one-shot them if you hit their right shoulder, better than aiming for the head (against rocket devastators hitting the right rocket pod also works)
@matchstick21 5 ай бұрын
I've had similar results with hip shots, and less consistently knees. Basically, just don't aim for the torso outside of a headshot. This also is true of Berserkers.
@trocer2235 5 ай бұрын
i just aim for the crotch, and that somehow works well a lot of the time
@thekirbinator2934 5 ай бұрын
1 hit devastators to the chest if you hit them from 100m to its max range, cause it's jet-propelled it gains impact damage over distance travelled don't know why this hasn't been discovered yet
@Wixvhen 5 ай бұрын
Against Devastators, I've been able to use the eruptor to take them out in one shot, but instead of aiming for the head or the arms, you aim for (AND I SWEAR I AM NOT MEMEING) the crotch plate. Against berserkers, you wanna aim at the glowing stomach to do the same. The bodies also split and fly around ridiculously when you do this. Against heavy devastators you can just pop their gun arm off... SOMETIMES. And also sometimes you can just pop them in the leg near the groin. This tactic doesn't work from behind and I *STILL* don't know why. Edited After: Additionally, you want to avoid shooting the striders near the gun. The gun takes no damage and seems to body block pretty reliably. Aim high for a flush hit against the plate or the sides. And while I haven't tried it out yet, you might want to try shooting the hulks in the legs.
@shorgoth 5 ай бұрын
My advice use the energy shield backpack with it to avoid knockbacks while you aim.
@squigsN.O.E 5 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr. Pooplove
@adriankoch964 5 ай бұрын
The reticle trick is great also for weapons like the revolver that have even slower reload to fire ratio.
@itsnotyourplanet8758 5 ай бұрын
Pro pro tip. For devastators shoot the thigh plate, 90% of the time its an insta kill and blows the top half clean off.
@zackviola520 4 ай бұрын
having not seen the channel name... and this being my first video from you... let me tell you... that name intro hit me like a fuckin train
@ponglenis9273 4 ай бұрын
The erzptor can reliably take out factory striders head gatlings. Paired with a quasar to shoot the artillery on the back, you can completely disarm fac striders, leaving them harmless and open to an airstrike. If you kill the gatling, the artillery and then csll airstrike, they usually die for me
@qwe2256789 5 ай бұрын
Prioritize the use of LAS-99 to shoot the radiator of the tank. Switch to R-36 and shoot again to destroy the tank instantly.
@papertigerworkshop1174 5 ай бұрын
I find that it needs to be complimented with a good stratagem weapon. For bugs, I would use a Stalwart as you can reload on the run. For bots, I'm a bit iffy on using the Eruptor because of it's slow reload and aim speed. Still, for bugs, it's a godsend! Love it! Breaks most enemies with ease!
@triantulas 5 ай бұрын
What stratagems besides stalwart?
@willeddy8775 5 ай бұрын
@@triantulas Having a blast with arc thrower thus far. If it seems like it's missing, just aim a little higher (or get closer; it has a range of 35m). and take care not to hit your teammates with the arcs
@willeddy8775 5 ай бұрын
on bugs I mean. though I kinda wanna try it on bots now ttytt
@riandickson5130 5 ай бұрын
Performance of the eruptor also depends if you're playing solo or grouped. easier to use when you have teammates distracting bots while you take time to line up your shots, while scorcher is more of an all-rounder in that regard. at least in my experience.
@njensen218 5 ай бұрын
Devastators will go down with a single shot to the crotch! For hulks, you can aim at their legs while they face you to slow or disable them completely.
@PsychoFreedom 5 ай бұрын
6:32 i can say i get mastery in eruptor,so few tips: use crouch armor, do run to crouch slide for fast aiming , gor berserks dive behind to avoid splash self damage, for hulks use stun granades , for drones i thank u cus i sometimes was killing it in one shot sometimes cant even hurt them and i learn where to hit
@Bakeman3000 5 ай бұрын
To help with the aiming being slow on turns... at least on a controller (I'm sure the mouse has to be the same), snap back the opposite direction, just slightly, and it helps bring it inline faster.
@chaoticpainting1507 4 ай бұрын
I've been having a lot of fun with this gun, however, it did just get nerfed.. they lowered the magazine capacity that you carry from 12 down to 6.. which isn't so bad.. you can def resupply well before you run out of bullets... given how long it takes to shoot a shot. That said, for someone who is right around level 25, this gun slaps. I haven't been able to unlock the scorcher yet, but lord knows when I'm able to that will likely be the replacement for this gun. I feel like it's much better against the bots vs bugs just because of how much the nids like to swarm.. given it's explosive qualities, it's lead to many of untimely deaths lol.. All in all, it's been my go to for most of the missions I've been doing here recently at around lvl 20-25.. since it just came out. You just have to be mindful of your surroundings so as to not get swarmed too much or possibly friendly fire, as you can't really help out a buddy getting swarmed unless you're willing to take him down.. but that's not very democratic is it!
@scullyitsme123 5 ай бұрын
Damn I couldn’t take out vents with this. I guess you have to hit a sweet spot
@phantomzxro1 5 ай бұрын
If we are talking fabricator factory vents you have to aim toward the lower part of the vent.
@KillerLettuce 5 ай бұрын
The crotch on the walkers is less armored than the "body" section. Always aim for the crotch when it comes to walkers.
@xddDracian 4 ай бұрын
I found out that you can animation cancel the re-racking of the eruptor by throwing grenades or switching to your secondary which ups the DPS of it by a little. I think this isnt intentional game design but abuse it before they patch it
@ImAnAxl 5 ай бұрын
I feel like they should introduce a better handling and reload speed perk to partner with guns like the Eruptor and even other Marksman. I think having those improved perk stats should come at the cost of the specific armor you wear. And there should be other perks that benefit other weapon types as well.
@Zectifin 5 ай бұрын
I hope they don't ever nerf this gun. its so good.
@tianxiu 5 ай бұрын
thx for the max range info!
@jamesboyd6817 5 ай бұрын
I usually use the switch weapons technique,reduces the reload animation and helps fire it quicker.hope this helps
@nathanx.675 5 ай бұрын
Taking the laser cannon or the laser RPG thing solved most of the issues for me.
@TheDoomlord7 5 ай бұрын
So with the Factory Strider I noticed something in a video I watched, if you create a hole on the underside with a near fully charged railgun then shoot the eruptor at that new hole opening it will kill it.
@DrPooplove 5 ай бұрын
I saw that too. I wonder how doable this would be in a match it’s hard to get that angle
@Desh681 5 ай бұрын
I can never seem to one hit rocket devastors. Almost everything else i can take on, but those are my arch nemesis.
@NyJoanzy 5 ай бұрын
When aiming low the shots can bounce off some surfaces so shooting the ground isn't always useful.
@rosenquartz535 5 ай бұрын
"It's a bolt action rifle" *holds "r" key semiautomatic
@randomgaming3961 5 ай бұрын
Why do we all ignore the fact that this fellas name is DrPoopLove like what a weirdly iconic name and it bugs me that no one seems to mention man loves poop
@Timboslxice 5 ай бұрын
@Metalcorn999 5 ай бұрын
I feel the eruptor falls against bots to top B tier or even low A, just because most treats either splash, get too close to you while tanking your shots or their armour is just too thick. With bugs it's more reliable. The distance at which it stuns you to your dead is too high though
@thomasfergusson 3 ай бұрын
Seems like best gun in game for me can do it all plus can probably take stun grenades because you have this explosive range maybe grenades pistol as well, stalwart with supply pack as primary and your golden
@Pariahblack 5 ай бұрын
I like that the eruptor is just a boltgun from 40K
@commanderboreale7267 5 ай бұрын
You can actually reliably 1 hit kill berserkers with the eruptor by aiming for their mid-section
@icata12345 5 ай бұрын
i luv it with arc thrower on bugs
@shawnmiller3943 5 ай бұрын
1 Quazar shot or rocket to the vent of the cannon tower and a quick snap shot with the eruptor will blow the tower.
@8-7-styx94 5 ай бұрын
To me the eruptor is essential as a utility weapon until I unlock the grenade pistol which will completely replace it. The issues it has, while still being very good, are I need a chaff clearing AND a heavy clearing weapon to go with it. Since my primary can now no longer deal with vast quantities of chaff practically I'm forced to take something like a laser cannon or MG-43 which basically reduces the primary purpose of the weapon to just factories. TLDR: Good utility with bot clear, factory clear, and explosives, but loses the ability to clear LARGE quantities of chaff. Yes I know, you're doing it wrong if you face large amounts of chaff, but I'm not a solo and pub groups are notoriously bad at stealth.
@AgentKrunks 5 ай бұрын
you can swap to your secondary and swap back to the eruptor in order to increase its fire rate. goes to about 35-40 fire rate imo if done correctly
@pirateskeleton7828 5 ай бұрын
Recommend having stun grenades when carrying the errupter. Will help with the hulk issue
@Allen-md7sg 5 ай бұрын
Funny thing about this weapon is it pushes you forward when shooting an enemy at close range. Even tried diving backwards and shooting and it still pushed you forward mid air. Kinda funny and frustrating in some situations
@panzershuriken6590 5 ай бұрын
Correct me if wrong, but I find eruptor may have a downwarrd approach and may need to compensate at times. Someone mentioned stun nades and I can not stress enough how strong stun nades are esp against hulks or even groups of the medium armored
@davidhill3610 5 ай бұрын
Tip: use the auto cannon and any other primary. Youll be better off.
@DuraheLL 5 ай бұрын
You think I should take advice from someone calling himself "Dr Pooplove" LOL? xD
@ajmmohab4792 4 ай бұрын
Man i love this thing!
@RyanWilliams83 4 ай бұрын
Hi, Mr. Lock picking lawyer. I didn't realize you had a gaming channel.
@DrPooplove 4 ай бұрын
Do we sound the same?
@RyanWilliams83 4 ай бұрын
​@@DrPooploveYou have a similar sound and cadence, yes.
@Dee56925 5 ай бұрын
Hey! Vs devastators and berserkers it will consistently one shot if you aim for their waist! I used to aim for head and it would take a few shots but ive noticed aiming just above the legs always bursts their top section off in 1 shot
@buggingbunny2812 3 ай бұрын
@benn1614 5 ай бұрын
I have maybe one tip with the Erruptor After you shoot dive and it’s ready to shoot again. Some how diving skips the bolt action.
@zebrotnation5282 5 ай бұрын
Or just switch to secondary and back.
@benn1614 5 ай бұрын
@@zebrotnation5282 I use that one too. Great point.
@Danilidze777 5 ай бұрын
your voice sounds very nice and comfortable
@RyanWilliams83 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like the lock picking lawyer.
@speedy01247 5 ай бұрын
You guys were using this against the bugs? I've yet to do that.
@valeon7303 5 ай бұрын
Give us a support weapon thats just an automatic eruptor. Give us the bolter, Arrowhead. Give it to us.
@imanevilpairofsocks 5 ай бұрын
i like your content but poop love is one of my least favorite psychopath tendencies so i feel conflicted
@DrPooplove 5 ай бұрын
I just enjoy my morning poop that’s all
@JoshuFoFo 5 ай бұрын
Nah, post work poop is where it’s at
@mikkelnyhuus9173 5 ай бұрын
If you hit high on a strider it’s a guaranteed operator kill.
@fredericoeusebio9770 5 ай бұрын
anything this gun can do the crossbow can do better while being way less annoying to use combat wise... the rest u can use granades or stratagems to deal with... only exception is the gunship
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