Order 1. Waste land Baby: 00:01 - 3:23 2. From Eden - (Drunk guy saying 'ahh' at censorship is part of the song now): 3:24 - 6:34 4. Take me to Church: 6:40 - 10:24 5. Cherry wine: 10:37 - 13:43 6. Movement: 13:47 - 15:02 7. Nina (Cried power): 15:05 - 8. Work Song: 18:13 9. Be: 22:34 - 25:59 10. No Love 26:02 - 28:29 11. Sweet Music: 28:41 - 30:12 12. Someone New: 30:19 13. No Plan: 31:45 14 ----- FANS SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY 32:05 15. Wasteland baby instrumental composed in car on last (stormy) visit to Raleigh: 32:25 16 --- RALEIGH SKYLINE AND DUDE PLAYING SAX!: 34:52