I don't like Street Fighter 6 and that's OK

  Рет қаралды 6,231



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here are other games i think are very very good but i dont like playing
God of War
Devil May Cry
Dragon Quest
Grand Theft Auto

Пікірлер: 123
@YohosieFGC Жыл бұрын
You may notice I only went over 2 things I don't like about SF6 in this video. The third thing I don't like about Street Fighter 6 is Juri's Feet.
@Tootatis Жыл бұрын
Woah I thought you were trying to avoid being cancelled on twitter.
@PixelzNcreatureZ Жыл бұрын
What?! I gotta wait 6 hours before I can go home to see
@cassiebelmont993 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don't care for that either myself.😅
@thesazbak5342 Жыл бұрын
I find SF6 neutral to be sluggish, dry and boring. It just doesn't scratch that adhd itch of mine. It was also a bad decision to play Lily because of her slow walk speed but I have no desire to invest any more time into this game just to hopefully find a character that I can click with.
@CoreyDirger Жыл бұрын
I love videos like this. it ok to say "you know what? This game isnt for me and thats ok" I couldn't play smash but i appreciate the passion and can see the hard work and percision high level players have
@Pandaman64 Жыл бұрын
Jp has sauce. Unblockables and projectile high low mix and whatnot. Edit: also Kimberly! She has all the high low crossup shenanigans! Blanka also probably has wild stuff with the little coconut buddies. There are totally tech heavy characters that reward lab monsters. It's not all Hondas haha.
@jorbu1423 11 ай бұрын
Welcome to the Club. Sf6 is a good game but I just dont wanna play it anymore
@abfloorr Жыл бұрын
Yes yohise i understand, i too need an excuse for why i am going to be play THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII: GLOBAL MATCH Beta Test for the next week. stay boss, boss
@lukelmaooooo Жыл бұрын
the input timings and buffer windows are objectively ass and that killed the whole game for me. ill come back when capcom fixes it.
@victormarchal6145 2 ай бұрын
you are objectively ass
@dectilon Жыл бұрын
There's a game mode in sf6 where random stuff, like barrels or a bull or whatever, fly across the screen and mess with what the players are doing. To me, DI makes it feel like you're playing that game mode even when you're not. If I stick with it I'll get used to it eventually, but for now it's a big impediment to my enjoyment because I think pretty much everything else is cool.
@Agent_A_Graham 9 ай бұрын
The best way to describe DI. It is such a bizarre gameplay mechanic both visually and gameplay-wise.
@cursedvanity Жыл бұрын
imho skullgirls is the best modern fighting game in terms of anime/versus archetype. its absolutely worth your time
@TheZiadGuides Жыл бұрын
You are spitting sg is god game
@rhysastewart796 Жыл бұрын
I respect how you feel and I find it all valid, but the part about not being able to be creative with combos is weird to me. Desk has been finding a whole bunch of ways make crazy combos and there's a pretty good level of sauce once you get someone airborne. Totally valid to feel that way, I just think it came off as uninformed for that aspect.
@julianacosta5936 11 ай бұрын
Good video. It's funny because your reason for liking DBFZ makes sense, but it's kind of what I find unfun about those types of games. Mainly on the defensive side. It's fun to have this playground/zone to explore within, but in order to defend against offense that strong you have to have a ton of experience to recognize the setups and recall the correct response. On top of that, I find it tedious to lab. Especially if it's not a character you play. You have to go an learn the whole setup and practice it. And then when you do play against a player that's using that setup, remember what you labbed and the correct answer (which could be days/weeks later). You enjoy labbing, so maybe that's the key to why this isn't a roadblock for you. For me, labbing another characters setups is the least fun I can have with a fighting game lol. I'm also just a slightly above average player. Maybe I'm just a scrub.
@romanap82584 Жыл бұрын
I feel the same way. It’s almost like there isn’t enough freedom in SF6. It’s a good game but I just can’t seem to get into it.
@Agent_A_Graham 9 ай бұрын
The game is so streamlined. Every match feels the same, like an endless mirror match. No soul, all faux-punk aesthetic with ironically rigid gameplay.
@justafanboy3968 Жыл бұрын
feel that, the sf series isn't my sub genre of fighting games, excited to see whatever you post.
@wawztzta8296 6 ай бұрын
honestly for me the vibe in sf6 is deplorable. just bad and cheesy aesthetics and music. and i think thats really important for a fighting game that you spend years and years on
@Agent_A_Graham 5 ай бұрын
I hate it a lot too. It's not just the mechanics, but the aesthetic is so out-of-touch. Right now the Battle Hub is redecorated with a horrendous amount of bad graffiti for a tournie event, which is par for the course for their design decisions. And the thing that I hate the most is the animations. Every move skips the beginning motion of an attack so it looks unnatural. SF4 had the entire animation, a game from 2009. That's insane.
@DragynFyre12 Жыл бұрын
I definitely respect the opinion and even going out of the way to make a vid to discuss it. I'm just surprised because I feel like most of the things you listed off are present in this game. I'm a SF player since 4 and this definitely the most open ended mainline SF game I've ever seen. I've played more anime games in the past decade and I have grown to love those too, but I think there's a lot more in common between SF6 and the anime greats than there are differences. This is coming from a Chipp/Relius/Ken Amada & Koromaru player who normally plays shotos in SF: I never thought I'd be playing Blanka and doing disgusting setups with a doll and chaining together air Blanka balls in a SF game lol
@javianbrown8627 10 ай бұрын
I came to the comment section for this. More things have even gotten discovered since and people are finding new ways to use even the drive guages. I do agree with him on the limitations on how you special cancel as even with special cancelable moves there there are specific points where they can be cancelled which limits your freedom in terms of say leaving gaps in a combo intentionally instead of going specifically for a frametrap combo. I guess those restrictions bother him more than they bother me though as I just kinda work with everything else
@vicenteeus8432 Жыл бұрын
Exactly the type of person I picture in my mind to say that😂😂
@ZombieRommel Жыл бұрын
I kinda get what you are saying. A lot of the rules do seem overly restrictive and arbitrary. They do make more sense cohesively as you play and you start to understand that while the Drive Impact is overly punishing of pokes, part of the meta is understanding when the opponent likes to Drive Impact and just draining their drive gauge entirely if you want to apply hardcore poke pressure that they can't escape with a simple button. So like with DeeJay I've recently been playing in a way where I zone with his sonic booms for the first part of the round and I'm generally very conservative with the drive gauge. I burn down the opponent's and let him generally squander his. Once he's burnt out I get more aggressive with rushdown and pokes without fear of being DI'd. My only real frustration with the game is dropping combos which is why I ordered a Hitbox recently (and how I found your videos). TLDR the game does get more fun the more you play it and a lot of the decisions start to make sense. I think you very much can play each character your own way. I see it when I play DeeJay and see other people play him, but I've noticed it when playing friends who play the same character. All the little meta systems in the game allow for that. I have a buddy who's a Ryu and he burns himself out a lot but he gets insane damage from combos because he uses all his meter on them. You'll see other Ryus who are just very conservative and can always threaten with EX moves and DI. I would humbly suggest returning to the game if you are willing to suffer some amount of hours until all the systems gel.
@joshuaadewale1409 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. The aspects of fighting games you like such as finding new ways to execute combos and explore openents' weaknesses and stuff are what I like too. I see that a lot in Tekken. I think I like Tekken more than street fighter.
@hermontarmand2404 11 күн бұрын
I feel that but with KoF. It always been like that since the beginning.
@SvensPron Жыл бұрын
I hail-mary-searched for "i don't like street fighter 6" and thought I'd just get angry rants by people who have no idea what they're talking about and I'm very pleasantly surprised to have found this. I do like SF6 a lot tho :P
@leoschue8071 Жыл бұрын
damn, the rule still holds true: if dawn likes a game, i won't, and vice versa
@bahablastfreeze8872 Жыл бұрын
It’s funny. Reminds me of card game mentality’s, you probably have heard about it but it seems like a classic Johnny vs. Spike thing.I hate labbing, I just wanna find the shit that works on Twitter and blow someone up with it. Street fighter is the epitome of that. Skill expression through execution and utilization of tools at the highest level, aiming to be an optimal version of the character. Other games let you be a genius to some degree and come up with novel ways to play and solve situations. But maybe a dlc character could bring you back, I know several people who fell in love with Menat bc she played a way different game than a lot of the cast
@trikotine358 8 ай бұрын
I feel like fighting games keep adding stuff when they don't need to, SF4 was my favorite, I loved it, never played 5 cause it didn't make it to xbox, but I played and loved all of them except sf6. Modern controls (woke controls)never should have been a thing, it pulled the community apart, and I'm with you I don't have fun in the lab. Looking forward to Tekken 8
@Agent_A_Graham 5 ай бұрын
It's not that the Modern is "woke". It's just Capcom did it to bait numbers on release and that's it. Most players at launch have left. It's just a money thing to gather non-FG fans for a moment
@thefractalcactus 9 ай бұрын
You were right, and I should have listened. This game is so boring, and all their attempts to "balance" the game have ultimately made it a slog. Sincerely, someone who wasted 200 hours of their life trying to get out of Platinum.
@Agent_A_Graham 5 ай бұрын
Even Mena, a pro who won a tournament for 6 already, was called a scrub for calling the game scrubby and easy. I gave up trying to convince the meatriders because no amount of skill you have will make them listen to you. They will defend Capcom in the scrubquote brigades for no pay. Let em be
@minuet1003 5 ай бұрын
This is an excellent video and was going to make something like this myself. I loved SF6 for 4 months and now it’s my least favorite game in the series
@loweyethan Жыл бұрын
That ending was comical too me i dont think you ment for it to be but idk im stoopid i geuss, jokes aside i completely agree this game just doesnt flow or vibe correctly for some reason, combos feel very specific and the whole "certain setups make better frame data" also seems weird and confusing for someone a little more casual like myself and it would appear from this video some pro players are also not entirely acustom too it, im just thankful modern controls exsist or i probably wouldnt have any interest in this game at all and i freaking love dbfz and guilty gear so i was pretty damn excited for this game
@riffcrypt8438 11 ай бұрын
As a legacy player who has been mashing on SF cabs for 30 years I understand a lot of this. I can't imagine coming to this series new and trying to understand it's logic, not to mention the added effect of the drive gauge complexities now on top of it all. I'm having fun with SF6 but I tend to gravitate towards towards fighters with more rules to how they're meant to be played. The ones that feel a bit more like speed chess. I play all fighters though, but I have trouble getting into the more open games like Skullgirls, Battle For The Grid, and +R cuz I just feel overwhelmed completely.
@sampletext02 Жыл бұрын
I feel this video hard. I couldn't really find a character that I vibe well with in this game after playing it for about 20 hours in the first week. It sucks too, because as a product, this game is fantastic, and is everything I and many others have wanted from fighting games for a long time. Maybe later seasons or newer characters will help me enjoy it more in the future. I wanted to really like this game.
@PopeTheRevXXVIII Жыл бұрын
Edgelord opinion, it's not ok. Your FGC card is hereby revoked
@MoldMonkey93 Жыл бұрын
As any game, feel like you need the friends to play with. I tried to play different anime games and like you, I see them in a different light compared to those that play them. Wish I could reset the clock and treat my friends better instead of raging against the mic because the process takes time for shit to click.
@marisab1cc Жыл бұрын
Im honestly just really glad to hear a content creator admit they dont like the game, rather than forcing themselves to play it for the content grift. Respect for voicing your honest opinion on things!
@Kaive0 11 ай бұрын
Really good video
@cyrus6236 Жыл бұрын
I personally just didnt find a character i wanted to play. Games dope, it feels GREAT, but ill pick it back up maybe when dlc drops
@KC-rg5vi Жыл бұрын
I will make a prophecy that you'll love playing Rashid
@Hotdogvendr4life Жыл бұрын
4:44 confirmed, disrespecting plus frames is a jump scare for cats
@xooks3050 8 ай бұрын
Nah this is acceptable, but Dragon Quest in the description hurt me. We gonna grow someday tho. Hopefully Dq12 will be our time.
@xooks3050 8 ай бұрын
Just wanted to add, with the "rules of street fighter", yeh it can be very technical, but a lot of the technical stuff can be avoided while still playing the game at a decent level (in my experience).
@TheZiadGuides Жыл бұрын
I think SF6 is fun but not for me on a competitive level. Not enough anime and air movement. But if u like skugs maybe check out my guides :)
@notimeforcreativenamesjust3034 Жыл бұрын
@johngonzales1669 Жыл бұрын
Ill share here since you seem sincere, i havent played the game yet so i couldnt tell you from a players perspective, but 1: M vs C controls, you not playing the same game in so much that it takes more to balance a cr fierce for AA than it is to press 1 button DP, 2: its seems too mindlessly offensive from the get go, button DR button button button DR button button button DR etc. 3: sort of goes back to reason 2 it was fun watching streamers glorious comebacks because you had to wait to get v trigger or bars to fill and you only had one chance sometimes, comeback mechanics made this game fun to watch being played at high level. I hope playing it changes my perspective.
@Vectorman2X 10 ай бұрын
No footsies no zoning , with each knock down you have a free pass oki card, then the game becomes reparative hit your opponent getting oki mix up a meaty to a throw repeat again, plus execution and modern control is just press buttons.
@kevinlove1530 8 ай бұрын
I completely agree with you and I loved SF4
@kazunkai259 Жыл бұрын
I respect your opinion wholeheartedly friend!! 😊
@robertpaulson5095 Жыл бұрын
It’s like Celeste for some people, how they don’t like its difficulty but understand that it is a great game for others
@_JackHale Жыл бұрын
To me I think SF6 and Strive are pretty close on the loose vs tight scale but to me I've always thought Street Fighter had kind of lame Special moves.
@azumashinobi1559 Жыл бұрын
So I actually agree here but tbh I just kinda let that part of me (the inventor/labber) die because it feels like modern fgs simply don't have this stuff anymore. It felt like I had to choose between either games that are pretty fun but not ideal or just well... Nothing. I picked the first option lol. Thing is I kinda feel this way about Strive? But you enjoy Strive right? Is there a way you looked at that game to help enjoy it more? I just get bored when I can't be in training mode a lot
@MichaelChapmanArt Жыл бұрын
I TOTALLY fucking agree!!!! Alpha 2 or bust.
@69starz Жыл бұрын
I think you're correct on the "we want you to use this tool for this purpose only" part, but isn't that all the modern FG? Strive also had this design that takes away all of the freedom that you used to have in an older GG so that the game can be accessible. But I do understand that SF is more extreme on this design, so it can feel very restricted even compared to Strive.
@ClankyR2 Жыл бұрын
Its weird to me that most video makes it sound like youre talking about SFV. I find that SF6 has a gaziliion more sauce and things to lab
@purefire21 11 ай бұрын
no it don’t it’s slow and everyone doing the same thing over and over
@adamward5083 10 ай бұрын
KOF XV feels and play better for me, i dont like the combo system in 6, it feels lazy and slow compared to other games like Skullgirls and KOF and Guilty Gear Xrd
@condescending28 Жыл бұрын
As someone who collects Fighting Games, I almost have every single 1 ever created. I'm trash in all of them. But maybe when it comes to this Genre, I'm easier to please especially when there is plenty of Motion Input Moves to execute. I respect you not holding back how you feel. I love the game. I do prefer KOF & SF Games more because I like the more Martial Arts type 2D Fighting Games more than the crazy Anime Fighting Games. & I couldn't really get into Dragon Ball FighterZ like I wanted to because of the lack of Motion Inputs. So we all have our reasons for not liking a Game. Mine are Motion Inputs, if you don't have them I lose my interest pretty quickly.
@lawlznet Жыл бұрын
>I'm not good at Street Fighter 6. >I ranked in at low gold, high silver. Maybe not the best at Street Fighter, but still better than like... 90% of people, lol.
@kanna2746 Жыл бұрын
regular "its not hard enough andy"
@Agent_A_Graham 5 ай бұрын
Because it isnt
@bbdeffect Жыл бұрын
I think the game looks great and is very impressive technically but there is no normal combat. It’s all whizbang combo after combo. I feel like a fossil saying this but I miss old fighting games. It needs more stages and the open world avatar stuff was a total waste cause it’s like you are busking or a location scout. Dialogue is atrocious.
@Yuka-pi6zf 14 күн бұрын
I know I am a year late but I really wish people would make videos about this more I quit smash in 2023 and tried Strive and hated playing it the game forced you to be aggressive it had a lot of ways to skip neutral blocking means you are losing and the list goes on and when I reached for help people just said I was complaining and to get good at least the people I was around but it took a lot of months to realize that anime fighters are just super not for me and that I like SF more where things are less crazy and more neutral focused and less BS sadly when you complain about these problems to the people who like the game they might not be able to see that the game is not for you but they want to say it is other problems to keep you in the game and they enjoy those problems you have with the game so to them it might not seem like a problem ... kinda hard to explain this but I hope you get what I mean. I really wish more people talked about how certain games are just not for them in the FGC
@user-ub7nt9xx4w Жыл бұрын
Yeah I feel the same, I just blew my chanse for the million dollar tekken 7 pot. I didnt sign up, I believe that I am the best Akuma player in the world. And it breaks my heart
@FreakinTheComments Жыл бұрын
@darcseid8997 10 ай бұрын
You will hate that cover, it looks like everything is OK here...
@anothersidekick9710 Жыл бұрын
Yun 2025.
@Varshun Жыл бұрын
Ya shoulda tried Blanka
@aaronatkinson177 Жыл бұрын
It's alright if you not into street fighter all that much fighting games are a very subjective genre to get into anyone has their own opinions 😉
@CDHBeastSage Жыл бұрын
you know the thumbnail looks you being looks doctor and telling people he's ok
@darth-umbrex Жыл бұрын
Tell me you can't play the neutral without telling me you can't play the neutral.
@thesazbak5342 Жыл бұрын
Yeah SF invented neutral lol. It's not like every fg has one.
@jayjay-cl1eo 10 ай бұрын
@beircheartaghaistin2332 4 ай бұрын
I'm on the exact same page
@YOKIMY2000 9 ай бұрын
The only issue I have with this game is the terrible match making system, getting matched with obvious cheaters
@xooks3050 8 ай бұрын
What rank are you in?
@williamhempel2632 9 ай бұрын
I agree.
@OmnipotentO Жыл бұрын
it just sounds like you got a street fighter game and you wanted a not-street fighter. I'm not sure you ever even had a shot at liking this TBH But that's fine. Lots of other stuff to play. Hope you enjoy whatever other stuff you do like
@animal1nstinct394 Жыл бұрын
I dont like it either. Drive Impact is a dumb mechanic that ruins the entire game for me. also the art style is kinda ugly
@Agent_A_Graham 5 ай бұрын
The game looks like it was made by an AI art generator. Soulless, terrible animations, grotesque and uncanny, etc.
@animal1nstinct394 5 ай бұрын
@@Agent_A_Graham I like the game now and got used to the mechanics. just wish it had more characters
@THR33_Dizzle Жыл бұрын
3:14 why don't you play tekken then?
@Oggre Жыл бұрын
I dont like SF6 either but I know its a good game.
@zachkemp6535 Жыл бұрын
It's garbage
@Erisgauq Жыл бұрын
same tbh
@weilzudope Жыл бұрын
I feel like you would enjoy melee
@Detective332 Жыл бұрын
That’s okay, I never clicked with Strive but I’m loving SF6. Everyone is different!
@eduardoserpa1682 Жыл бұрын
My issue with Street Fighter has always been the ratio between how cool something is to how difficult it is to do, and I've felt SF4 was terrible by that metric, and SFV was only marginally better (if you played one of the interesting characters, which were very few, like Menat or Zeku). SF6 so far has felt much better to me on both variables, but I really get why would prefer to spend your time on something else. Specially if you're okay with playing within a smaller player pool.
@PixelzNcreatureZ Жыл бұрын
I like the actual game that they hid in the "battle grounds menu" but the world tour thing is BORING
@RoyArkon Жыл бұрын
Not only it's boring but it's super flawed, with the worst part of it being the story, with the ending being the single worst story ending in all of fighting games, and maybe in the history of all fighting games.
@PixelzNcreatureZ Жыл бұрын
@@RoyArkon I think it would have been cool to have a Final Fight Style Game like Tekken 3's Tekken Force where fight thru stages and level up like NES's Double Dragon. Since it takes place in Metro City. This garbage is more like Aggressive Sims
@RoyArkon Жыл бұрын
@@PixelzNcreatureZ Yeah that actually would've been a much better idea.
@SilverJoystix Жыл бұрын
I just don't like the game and I'm mad I couldn't get Steam to refund me a second time after my first refund (because I surpassed the two hour mark). For me, I knew something felt off when I played the final version and I still don't have a character I really like - Lily is probably the closest to be my favorite. I started by using modern controls and then switched to classic so that I can make fun of people using modern controls. Now, I'm thinking about moving back to modern controls as I have no intentions of playing this game on anything but a casual level every once in a while since I can no longer refund it.
@magicmark3588 Жыл бұрын
That really sucks since it's so fucking expensive. Honestly I feel like I have no choice but too like it because of the price
@sonic-bb Жыл бұрын
i mean, 3 hours really isnt that long tho
@TheSledgehammer2024 11 ай бұрын
I was going to give this video a thumbs up until he said Street Fighter 6 is stronger than Street Fighter 5... Hell No it isn't!!!
@purefire21 11 ай бұрын
SF5 was faster and you had a lot of freedom
@beircheartaghaistin2332 4 ай бұрын
6 and 5 play exactly the same... unga bunga
@akumabatata2198 Жыл бұрын
Is not for you a traditional neutral-focused fighting game. You like mashing anime Fighter but that's ok, i respect that. The two have different playstyles.
@thesazbak5342 Жыл бұрын
Yeah anime fighters can be won by mashing in neutral lol.
@Agent_A_Graham 9 ай бұрын
Akuma main wants to talk about people being mashers or having it easy. LMAO
@mattsmiff1753 Жыл бұрын
100% agree
@ThineAlphaRooster Жыл бұрын
Surprised you can say so much of this when you play strive, which is the most constrained, limited, and gutless Guilty Gear. It has literally every thing you dislike about SF6 but WORSE (in my opinion). I feel like you just don't want to adjust to this new framework, and don't like being bad, and that's OK. Skullgirls is great though.
@smallwang7 11 ай бұрын
It's a terrible game, look at it. Looks like some reject game you find in the bargain bin in 1999.
@lawrenceinsley4114 11 ай бұрын
So, there is alot going on here. Morally and politically with this game. It was stated that Japans culture is harmful, which is why they were forced to make SF6 what it is. However, it is NOT what they had intended. There is corruption throughout the creation of this game. They've destroyed mainline characters, have the ugliest character models I have ever seen and all the color trailing just looks horrendous. The fact that anyone is supporting SF6 only shows how blind most pople are to the truth.
@Agent_A_Graham 5 ай бұрын
The game is ugly because Japan is an ignorant nation that have never met people who live a street style, and it's ugly because they slapped on the Resident Evil Engine onto SF6 which makes the characters look grotesque because of hyper-realism mixed with cartoonish features. SF6 is trash simply because of incompetent directors who don't know anything about the rest of the world. Not because of "wokeness" as you imply. They want profit and made the easiest options: Make the game easy to boost numbers for a while, and just use the same engine for a horror game to make the game faster.
@Agent_A_Graham 5 ай бұрын
The game is ugly because Japan is an ignorant nation that have never met people who live a street style, and it's ugly because they slapped on the Resident Evil Engine onto SF6 which makes the characters look grotesque because of hyper-realism mixed with cartoonish features. SF6 is trash simply because of incompetent directors who don't know anything about the rest of the world. Not because of "wokeness" as you imply. They want profit and made the easiest options: Make the game easy to boost numbers for a while, and just use the same engine for a horror game to make the game faster.
@paytonmeeks9559 Жыл бұрын
I like how they said reason. One is because they're bad at the game when that's every single reason they mentioned afterward. Imagine calling yourself a fighting game pro but you drop a game and say it's not for you after 3 hours. That's insane.
@RoyArkon Жыл бұрын
SF6 is indeed a mediocre game, not for the reasons that you mentioned but for other reasons. Yes it is better than SF5, but it's not a complete game still. The roster is still too small for a launch roster, the DLC plan is way too starched out, and there are multiple flaws in the game, especially in World Tour, with the worst part being the actual story, and the ending is the single worst ending in the history of all fighting games, and maybe for all video games. SF6 biggest problem is that because Capcom wanted to make it look like a full product compared to SF5, they just shoved into it way too many ideas and they all start to cannibalize each other.
@jojosmooth999 Жыл бұрын
Street Fighter 6 sucks. It's Trashhhh. Hot Garbage game!!!
@GeofryMasters Жыл бұрын
The fact that you need to make a fuckin huge disclaimer before you say this game sucks is insane to me. I am so sick of the stans/fanboys
@Agent_A_Graham 5 ай бұрын
Theyre marketing bots that are still meatriding the hype train. Doesnt help content creators shilled hard for the game too
@mackeym10 Жыл бұрын
ty for the video cuz i really wonder why someone might not like it with it feeling like it just plp trolling. oppion always good it really hard to i know hows serious
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