I Don't Think Basil is Straight | Omori Analysis

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Nerdy Arty

Nerdy Arty

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@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
EDIT: So it's been brought to my attention that the reddit post I linked and mentioned in the video has been taken down. The details as to why are still fuzzy to me, but I'm greatly disappointed in the Omori reddit for how they decided to handle the situation if what I've heard about what happened with the original poster is true. It was a genuinely fantastic and sympathetic post about Basil's mental state and his thought process throughout the course of the game, and I hope the original poster is doing okay.
@pokkiheart Жыл бұрын
The subreddit honestly sucks, especially as of late. It's kinda like the deltarune one in that there's so much drama that the mods simply don't ever handle well
@sheeptaro2108 Жыл бұрын
It doesn’t have to do with the comment itself, but the user was banned for really stupid reasons. There was a lot of drama that wasn’t their fault. I don’t know them so well but I can say that they are at least safe, at the moment.
@lithium444 Жыл бұрын
knowing how the reddit has been though especially towards basil and queer ships it at least has something to do with the post
@haz547 Жыл бұрын
I have no idea what happened with the subreddit but the comment can still be read through the wayback machine at least
@magiciandice Жыл бұрын
Pop the URL from the comment thread into the Wayback Machine and you can find the full comment was snapped on January 3rd.
@bonniejkj Жыл бұрын
The line: "They're comfortable, simple, modest, and perfect. Just like SUNNY." is fruity as hell.
@bonniejkj Жыл бұрын
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
@Ochylliyss Жыл бұрын
It is also just incredibly adorable, but also incredibly fruity, yes
@--46200 Жыл бұрын
They're bulbous, just like OMORI! -Basil
@lampy1801 Жыл бұрын
@cassiekaizo1210 Жыл бұрын
Thinking about how Basil's bed is the only bed other than his own Sunny finds comfortable.
@pinksoft39 Жыл бұрын
Sunny feels safe arround Basil 😭
@piracy_gd Жыл бұрын
@@pinksoft39did you have a stroke
@bumbabees Жыл бұрын
@@piracy_gd ?? did you? lmao.
@Peppinos-Paghetti-2763 Жыл бұрын
@@bumbabees he prob means the "arround" when it's pronounced "around"
@ruralsaka 11 ай бұрын
btw sunny also finds mari’s bed comfortable as well.
@whispypuffs4670 Жыл бұрын
Also, basil KNOWS about flower symbolism and language, he talks about the symbolism of the plants that represents his friend group and how they correlate with how he sees them. The fact that sunny knows what the egret orchid symbolises implies that basil talked to Sunny about flower symbolism. THERE IS NO WAY Basil didn't know what tulips represented, boy is definitely implying something 😳
@kylesimone6140 Жыл бұрын
so does sunny. he says that the orchids represent the message "our thoughts will foolow us into our dreams" like that is so oddly specific
@ima-human9593 Жыл бұрын
@@kylesimone6140 tulips mean “Perfect” or even better “Deep love” This man is actually TRYING to confess an this point
@pinksoft39 Жыл бұрын
Oh, i forgot 'bout that, Basil's just so fruity
@chloei8117 Жыл бұрын
@Jay Blue Basil always said he wants to be like a sunflower, so that's probably it.
@abcdefghijkImnopqrstuvwxyz. Жыл бұрын
@Jay Blue Either sunflowers or daisies iirc
@KagamineRin- 11 ай бұрын
also if you look at Sunny’s side of things, in headspace its shown that he isn’t very fond of physical touch. for example when they all sit on that sofa in the over world and aubrey leans closer to omori and he leans away. or in the tag cards omori tends to not reciprocate any touch from his friends. however if you unlock boss rush mode on the switch, omori tags basil by holding his hand tightly and dosent seem to deny physical touch with basil. its overall a really cute touch in my opinion.
@connoryippe 9 ай бұрын
I think the only ones Omori has actually touched is Kel and Basil😭 i might be wrong tho
@veeer2255 7 ай бұрын
​@@QSBraWQSunny doesn't count, he literally created Omori to essentially defend headspace from the truth
@stooroosk 5 ай бұрын
@@QSBraWQ Omori is literally Sunny's persona
@jthecryptid 3 ай бұрын
I don't think that's completely fair. Sunny feels out-of-place in his friend group and like he doesn't deserve their company,he's closed himself off physically and mentally. Before the incident, he seemed more receptive to physical affection overall, like when they all slept in a big cuddle pile of stuffed animals
@vogonp4287 Жыл бұрын
When playing Omori for the first time, I definitely got the sense that Basil has some sort of feelings for Sunny beyond friendship. Though, I don't think he fully understands them.
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
Yes! I agree very much with that!
@Aperson11028 Жыл бұрын
Oh yea he is definitely gay lol
@pinksoft39 Жыл бұрын
My same thoughts while i was watching an Omori gameplay
@luvxthiaq._4751 Жыл бұрын
@Rustcat666 Жыл бұрын
@shale8385 Жыл бұрын
I think that the OMORI fandom could do with recognizing the difference between "I think Basil and Sunny are in love" and "I think Basil and Sunny would be perfectly happy as a couple". When I say I ship Sunflower, I mean that they have weird, messy, romantic feelings for each other, and I want to explore that dynamic-- what is, what was, what could have been. That's why I'm annoyed by people saying "Sunflower is toxic" as if that's not half of why it's so interesting to me. I'm not the one saying they SHOULD be gay, I think they ARE gay already, and I want to see all that it implies.
@elliesart_ 10 ай бұрын
@AdrianLainez-id8jy 6 ай бұрын
So true
@BlocksonAnimates4520 Ай бұрын
Yes I agree!
@Ashiixz Ай бұрын
That’s why I like sunflower so much, it’s a messy relationship that reminds me of me and my best friend lol
@iguessimhere2632 Жыл бұрын
11:55 there is something so true for me about this. Normally with fictional characters I understand when people dislike them and am perfectly fine with agreeing to disagree, but the reasons I see often baffle me when it comes to Basil. Basil is the most selfless, kind, and tragic character and to see him portrayed as some sort of evil psychopath because of his mental breakdown at the end of the game pisses me off so much. Basil’s parents left him with his grandmother because they didn’t have time for him, and because of this he’s super attached to Sunny and his mental health has been suffering. The fact that Basil knew how to stage a suicide suggests that he may have considered it at some point. He then gets abandoned by the person closest to him after doing the worst thing he’s ever done, and he’s then subsequently bullied by another friend for something he didn’t do. He spends 4 years in this small town deluding himself, trying to get through each day and still managing to take care of all of his plants, and finally Sunny comes out of his house! Maybe things can be how they were before, maybe he can get some reprieve from the constant turmoil. He then learns that Sunny is moving in three days and that hope is shattered. He gets pushed into the lake by someone he thought to be a friend, and is now on the brink of suicide, when the boy he’s been deluded about walks in.Basil is not a bad person, he’s a person who has been broken in many ways throughout his life and can no longer tell the difference between reality and delusion. I’d go into how much I hate the idea that Sunny despises Basil, but this comment is already too long so I’ll leave it at that
@babycakelings Жыл бұрын
Hey I think this is a great comment!!!! But just a little note, it annoys me so much when people say the reason Basil knows how to tie a noose is because he's thought of or has attempted before (no hate to you specifically, many people claim this). The reason he knows is because A: a noose is commonly used for hanging plants, so of course he'd be experienced tying one. And B: He's 12, not 7. At 13 you'd very much expect someone to understand what suicide is and at least a few very basic ways people do it. They might not understand the complex emotional state that leads people to those actions, but they understand the idea behind how it's done. But you don't just spawn at 13 with all this slightly more adult information on life, it collects up over years. There is no evidence to suggest that prior to Mari's death Basil was depressed, in fact he says the opposite so many times. He was just an intelligent older child who panicked and jumped to a way of saving his best friend from prison. Which, Fun Fact, if this game takes place in America Sunny was old enough to be trailed for this in the same way an adult would have in almost every state. I don't think Basil knew this specifically of course, but I just thought I'd mention it because it's fucked. Anyway sorry for the rant, this isn't specifically directed at you and more just my own anger at a dumb theory I see everywhere with no evidence beyond "oh he knows how to tie a noose" (logical explanation that doesn't involve suicide) and "what 12 year old knows what suicide is" (...how dumb do you think 12 year olds are), it just doesn't feel backed up by any actual real evidence to me that at 12 he had yet considered suicide. I think he at 12 had reasons to have and was already developing depression even without the traumatic events, but I don't think he did actually have those thoughts yet. But Everything else in your comment I so agree with!!! So many people seem to blame him as a character. I even saw someone the other day call him "selfish" because "he didn't want Sunny to leave" like, what???? He's so brilliantly complex and just so great.
@iguessimhere2632 Жыл бұрын
@@babycakelings I think it varies depending on experience, I’d say you’d definitely be right about the plant knot thing, this I hadn’t thought about. However, not every child manages to learn things like this before they reach their teen years, I certainly wasn’t aware of how to stage a fairly believable suicide at age 12. Especially since the game seems to have been set earlier than present day, I don’t know if most 12 year olds just have a common knowledge of not only how to tie a noose, but how to make it believably look like someone else could’ve killed themselves without outside interference under extreme stress. I for one would have forgotten to put the treasure chest under her. Though again it’s completely reasonable to assume he just knew 1. From plants and 2. From general knowledge, so it is just conjecture. However I do think he still would’ve been struggling prior to the incident because of his notes about venting often to Sunny in his photo album, and because of his parents deciding to leave Basil with his grandmother. His abandonment issues and low self esteem appear slightly in Headspace Basil, who is supposed to be Basil before the incident. Anyways, I really don’t think it’s all that important since the detail is small and can only be speculated upon, and I don’t know how to close off this comment so I’ll just 👍 stop
@babycakelings Жыл бұрын
@@iguessimhere2632 Yeah I think I agree. I'm not saying any child could do this at that age or that Basil didn't have issues, I'm just saying that many people seem to push the idea to make Basil's backstory even darker with no real evidence towards it. I'll explain what my actual opinion of an event that hurt Basil's mental state is in a second, but to avoid going too off topic straight up I'll just say that I at that stage think Basil had already went through trauma (both through being abandoned and an event I'll talk about in a minute). But I do not think he had thoughts of hurting himself yet or that his mental state actually had an effect on his decision to hang Mari, I think he would have done that no matter what mental state he was i assuming he had the know how there. I think he was being honest when he said he's the happiest he's even been, and even healthy kids rant to one another when their stressed. Nobody has a perfect life. However, I do think he was developing depression and would have ended up mentally unwell even if nothing had happened with Mari. I mean, he was a very clearly queer kid growing up in the late 90s/ early 2000s who also shows some signs of being autistic and who's parents aren't around. He wasn't ever going to be ok as a teenager. But I think that and the events that led to Mari's hanging are separate if that makes senses? Ok, now into the thing I avoided bringing up earlier. So, BIG TW FOR R*PE. Just don't read this paragraph if you can't handle that. Now, I'm going to argue that I think real life Basil may have been sexually assaulted before the events of the game based off actual evidence in the game. Your probably gonna be confused, I was when someone brought it up to me, so let me break it down. Remember the character of Boss? Well he actually (according to the game files) has a real life counterpart, his name is Creepy Guy, he can be found after getting medicine for someone. His exact age isn't know, but he's thought to be in his mid to late 20s, at oldest 30ish, at youngest maybe 24. Now, what does Boss do. Well, in headspace he kidnaps Basil and is banned from the playground. Originally that comes off as a childhood bully, but with the context of real him being a full on adult, it seems way more likely he's a pedophile. It just, the fact Sunny see's him as someone who kidnaps kids and "body-slams" them does not look good. As you said, Basil tells Sunny everything. So I wonder if Basil (being a sweetheart) told Sunny about this but also didn't blame Boss. Probably from blaming himself in some way, or being groomed. Anyway, I just thought I'd bring up that Theory. Because if you wanna go dark, that's the way to go with evidance backed up by the game. Basil also saying he's happy doesn't disprove this, as children who've went through sexual abuse can repress it to cope.
@annatravina8928 Жыл бұрын
​​@@babycakelings i gotta say - Basil is my bias in omory. But i can understand why people dislike him. Not because of the incident or the fight with sunny. Just because... He always needs saving. He absolutely can't fight back and expects everyone (especially sunny and kel) to help him in all difficult situations. I understand that this is just the mix of all his problems leading to it and I absolutely don't blame him for it (I fricking love Basil) but people like him can be really annoying in real life. I had toxic relationship with two people similar to Basil and now I avoid this personalities as much as I can Sorry for any mistakes I'm not a native speaker!
@babycakelings Жыл бұрын
@@annatravina8928 I disagree. Sunny is actually the one that always needs saving, not Basil. Like you can read that Basil says something about sunny being a baby they all need to protect in the photo album, or how with Aubrey insulting Sunny in the irl sections it’s always Kel who defends Sunny, plus the like who truth was caused by Basil saving Sunny. The only time in the whole game someone saves Basil in the real world is when he’s attempting suicide, and even then both you and him still end up in the hospital. Basil doesn’t need saving, but he needs Sunny to tell the truth so he can stop protecting Sunny.
@artistnerd8806 Жыл бұрын
How did you perfectly express my headcanon lol Also yup I agree Basil gets too much hate smh
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
That's what I hoped to do! I'm so glad I was able to speak for the people who feel like the gay subtext is overshadowed by the fandom.
@End336 Жыл бұрын
Indeed he's my favorite character and he doesn't deserve all the hate.
@pinksoft39 Жыл бұрын
THIS, like, i just finished the game and Basil became one of my favs and OH BOY the amount of hate he gets!
@supersurprises1313 Жыл бұрын
Basil gets so hated its true 😭 He's one of my favorites Also my headcanons for Basil and Aubrey are that Basil is gay (which is likely canon) and Aubrey is bi (cuz she canonly likes Sunny and likely some kind of relationship with Kim that isn't spoken of much in the game), so yeah
@Bandages_catenthusiast 8 ай бұрын
Im sometimes annoyed by the fact that so much people hate him, like what are you hating for?? He just had a bunch of trauma that he cant get rid off,sunnny found a way to get rid of his fears, while basil couldnt do anything about it, like what are they hating for?? Man i love basil smm
@pasteliree Жыл бұрын
I also would like to add something to the flower language pile! So we all know that Basil associates himself with the sunflower, but he says that sunflowers is what he WANTS to be, not necessarily the flower that is most close to his personality. There is a popular theory that daisies are the flower that represents Basil the best, and what do daises mean in flower language? True love. Also, in Basil's real world sprite, he wears a pink daisy and pink daises mean gentleness, love and romance (they also symbolize feminine energy so interpret that to whatever you like)
@Humornaut Жыл бұрын
I think it is also notable that since we see the daisy in Black Space and Head Space, and never hear Basil himself talk about them, there is an implication that that association was made by Sunny himself. Daisies are also associated with keeping secrets, and we see during memory lane that Basil has always enjoyed keeping secrets, as it comes up in like all of the memories, and that's before even getting into how he hides the truth of the incident and the photo album. Since Sunny already seems to know what white egret orchids symbolize without them being associated with anyone in the group specifically, I think it can be assumed that Basil was constantly talking to to him about the meanings of different flowers, and Sunny decided to assign one to Basil on his own, since Basil never technically did so for himself. His flower pin actually appears to be a wild rose, since daisies in-game are depicted with a lot more petals than his pin. They hold similar meanings to a daisy, but it solidifies that Basil himself isn't the one making the daisy connection, which I think is kind of cute on Sunny's part
May I mention that in the final cycle in Headspace on the hikikomori route in neighbor’s bedroom Basil’s flower has been replaced with an daisy?
@theoku. Жыл бұрын
God, I remember how confused I was when people started calling sunflower a toxic ship... It had been my OTP for a *while* and when I saw that take (and everyone starting to go on a moral panic and start hating on sunflower in favor of suntan), it felt really weird haha. I guess that's kind of the thing with omori's fandom being young and people wanting to be as irreproachable as possible without really understanding what's genuinely bad and what's just... a harmless cute ship. I feel like this fandom is always looking for a subcommunity to bully/call problematic to have a moral high ground, sometimes. Or maybe I just spent too much time in it, lol. I really like the points you're raising about people using the 'stereotype' argument as a shield for what is... mostly homophobia. I've only seen queer people in the fandom so far and omocat herself has written BL before -- it's not too far-fetched to assume that the most flamboyant guy with an obvious soft spot for his male best friend might be gay. I'm pretty sure no gay guy is complaining about people headcanoning Basil as queer 'based on a stereotype'. The people who claim to be protecting the queer community by saying Basil's straight are all cishet, strangely enough. /s It was a really good video (also I really really like your voice haha, I was playing acnh while listening and treated the video like a podcast and it was Great), if you're planning to do other videos of the same kind I'll sure be here to watch them !!
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
Aaaa thanks sm!! I'm glad I could speak for the people who are kind of miffed by all the weird takes regarding Basil in the Omori fandom
@kawisaraeiei Жыл бұрын
Sunflower is also my OTP- cause I went from thi :'< to this :D real quick, and after that..im drained out because someone said it was toxic, and I dont know yet-
@jupitersaylor7999 Жыл бұрын
i think sunflower before the incident is adorable, but after the incident i dont think it would be healthy, they would definetly need some therapy before they should go into a relationship. but after that! it would be adorable! i think sunflower is really fucking cute! but from a psychological standpoint, they probably would be codependent on each other.
@theoku. Жыл бұрын
That's a point that was addressed in the video, I mostly disagree with you
@kawisaraeiei Жыл бұрын
@@theoku. Ik- :')
@StarlitNova12 Жыл бұрын
I like unperfect ships because they arent perfect. It makes it so much more relatable and fun to think about. No relationship is going to be the best perfect most amazing thing. Its all bad. And in sunflowers case its through this bad experience the two can help eachother move through it. As many other people in the comments have said only they can understand eachother.
@ophiliaakre Жыл бұрын
First and foremost I ship both Basil and Sunny with therapy But for real there is no doubt that Basil is at least gay. In my headcannon though I like to see them as just best friends, I feel like I don’t see enough platonic friendships in media these days. No hate on any other ships, people like what they like!
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
Fair!! You can acknowledge that Basil is in love with Sunny while not shipping them thats super valid tbh. Personally their dynamic seems a bit too tender and loving to come off as just a friendship, but platonic dynamics are based and goated with the sauce. I personally see Sunny and Kel as peak brotherly friendship haha
@aurora-st4r_rl Жыл бұрын
@@NerdyArty calling platonic relationships based and goated with the sauce is the most beautiful thing I have ever read
@levionthedragon4654 Жыл бұрын
I 100% thought that this was going to be a shitpost but this was actually very entertaining and well written .
@luvxthiaq._4751 Жыл бұрын
@QSBraWQ 8 ай бұрын
Thumbnail looks goofy. Not like a video essay, at least.
@Shudsterr Жыл бұрын
Basil's character is beautifully written, just like this video. A lot of the people who argue against him and his ships seem pretty young. As a young person myself, I understand how it can be difficult to know what to trust and what to argue for. But I ask the people arguing against him to hear me out when I say to EMBRACE IT!! It is not a bad thing to enjoy something because it looks 'stereotypical.' It can actually be comforting to look at him and go "lol that's me." Stereotypes don't have to be seen as these terrible traits made to tear something down. They can be considered relatable, so anyone associating him with a certain sexuality, gender, etc can find comfort in that relatability. Headcanons are a wonderful thing for this reason. They can make a person feel like they are not alone. So, why tear down a harmless headcanon simply because it's 'cringe' or 'stereotypical?' Like it or not, the idea that people associate Basil with the LGBTQ+ community or heaven forbid ship him with another boy is comforting for those reasons, and that's why people like it so much. That's why I say to embrace it for what it is and try to find some enjoyment rather than be so quick to judge and argue. Again, this is a really great video that opened my eyes up to some things. Please make more like this
@OverstimulatedConstantly Жыл бұрын
as soon as I saw Basil I knew he was my favorite character lmao after watching the vid, I think I might have a crush on my best friend oh my god
@minoomino 11 ай бұрын
I hope you guys get together then 🤩
@Humornaut Жыл бұрын
I feel like I continue to find myself coming back to this video constantly, but I think another thing to point out regarding Basil's clinginess and protectiveness that is often overlooked, is that at some point in the months leading up to the Incident, he already nearly lost Sunny when Sunny almost drowned at the lake. Basil is the only character in the friend group that we don't get to see any kind of reaction from, since he didn't put anything in the photo album about it, and he obviously isn't present enough in the current day to ever say anything about it. I think the key of what makes this incident important to the way that Basil views and treats Sunny is that in this instance, Basil was powerless to help Sunny. Basil can't swim, so if Mari hadn't jumped in to help and Sunny drowned, there would have been no way at all that Basil could have protected him. The incident not being mentioned in the photo album at all makes it really interesting for me to wonder about WHEN the lake incident happened. Did it happen prior to the beach visit, where Basil kept Sunny company on the sand? Sunny is never shown going into the water, but it's also hard to believe that Mari would want to visit the beach if both Basil and Sunny wouldn't be able to enjoy the water. Then it could've been prior to Sunny's birthday, since that is when Basil's photo album says that the rest of the group needs to take care of him since Sunny is the baby of the group, or maybe it was closer to the end of the Summer, which is when we know that Mari was more busy with college prep and Sunny chose to hang out with Basil more. Maybe I'm just weird for thinking too hard about this incident, though. Something else interesting about it is that headspace Basil's dialogue in the spider room of Black Space seems to imply that Sunny has memories of opening up about the lake incident to Basil. It's really the only indication in the game that that aspect of their relationship went both ways, since every other mention of it focuses a lot more on Basil confiding in Sunny. If we are to assume that this implication is true and not just Black Space imprinting random memories on Basil, then Sunny opening up about the incident to Basil would also throw Sunny's fears of spiders, heights, and drowning, along with Sunny's feelings of being too weak and helpless to try and save himself. If you take the shock of almost watching Sunny die and combine it with the added context that would come from Sunny opening up about how he felt in that moment, it's easy to see why Basil would become more clingy and protective of Sunny leading up to the Mari incident
@QSBraWQ 8 ай бұрын
The lake thing probably happended in summer, since water is too cold at any other time of the year. Next, kel and hero were there too. They jumped in twice before sunny (lost library). And sunny expected one of the brothers to save him. (Who ig were in the water). Mari was on the statue behind sunny, probably saying one of fear overcome dialogues. So she jumped for him first. If I had to guess why the photo isn't in album, is because A. Basil and Aubrey weren't there. (I don't remember them in lost library texts, which is almost the only source) B. The lake thing is more about sunny and maris relationship, rather then anyone else. And no one ever broughts it up outside of Mari (expect for lost library context texts). Photos are made in bursts with a few being at the same day every time, so maybe just the oh, sunny jumped from the statue like he wanted, but kinda not really properly jumped and instant after that Mari jumped to save him wasn't that important. Also really, that situation was so safe. Hero and kel were in the water/land near statue, Mari was on statue try to help sunny overcome fears. Sunny wanted to jump, just got scared and fell, and Mari instantly jumped after him. It's so split second.
@Humornaut 8 ай бұрын
@@QSBraWQ Aubrey absolutely was there. I would recommend heading to the lake hideout once Aubrey is in the party in the Sunny route! Hero, Aubrey, and Kel all get the chance to talk about it in a short little scene that a lot of people miss! It might be an evening only thing, or maybe you have to skip the recycultist stuff... honestly it's been a year since since I last played the Sunny route so the specifics aren't the most clear to me atm. I don't have much interest in going too deep on this, since again it's been a year, but I one hundred percent think that the lake incident is about more than just Mari and Sunny's relationship, even if that's the most important part. Ignoring everything past me said about Basil... Take Hero, whose dialogue at the lake shows that he holds at least a little guilt for Mari being the one to jump in after Sunny despite Hero already being right there, and he of course wastes no time jumping in after Sunny and Basil on Two Days Left. This tells us a lot about about the person that Hero has grown up to be. The lake incident would have been a defining moment for the entire group, it took place at their own secret hideout, which they then completely abandoned afterwards, and I think it is absolutely fair to look into things in the game a little deeper to see how it all might fit together, especially when every character in the group gets mentions it in one way or the other (Basil in Black Space, the rest during the Lake Cutscene on One Day Left) Also, Mari was not on the statue behind Sunny, or in the water at all. She isn't wearing a swim suit in the cutscene, she has a bad leg from when she played softball so jumping off statues probably isn't something she would be doing anyway, and her even being there isn't mentioned in the Lost Library, we only find out that she ran and jumped in after him later. I think you may have gotten mixed up a little on that, but that is the reason it's so surprising that she was the one to save him, rather than either Hero or Kel, who were already in the water
@anthonyloveschickens Жыл бұрын
Lmao the first time I played I stupidly interpreted basil's attachment to sunny as a crush 💀 also their "RELEASE ENERGY!" animation is just.. so obvious. GREAT video btw!
@houx9149 Жыл бұрын
@kmalavika Жыл бұрын
I think Basil and Sunny do like each other (but I don't ship them), I also found it really cute the way Sunny looks at Basil in the photographs. Edit: never mind, this is now my comfort ship! (Sunny X Basil X therapy)
@_.SunnySky 11 ай бұрын
Character growth
@kmalavika 11 ай бұрын
@@_.SunnySky Is it development or regression?
@_.SunnySky 11 ай бұрын
@@kmalavika development, sunflower 🔛🔝
@Parageist99 Жыл бұрын
i want to give basil the biggest hug imaginable you have no clue how much i love this guy also your video is making me cry (in a good way dw, this game is just so emotional aaa)
@Alissi-P Жыл бұрын
Something i've seen weirdly few people talk about is how basil can be *very* easily interpreted as a trans woman. His liking of traditionally feminine things and his first friendship connection being with Aubrey being the obvious ones, but also how he tends to be more shy can definitely point to him being less confident in the gender he presents with. Along with lots of other things about his character. The first time I watched a playthrough of omori the whole time Basil read as a trans woman to me so I was super shocked to find nobody bringing it up in the fandom and I was a little disappointed it didn't get mentioned in this video
@nonosomi2261 Жыл бұрын
really off topic but the way you present (not to be confused with how you present your identity but like present information) is how I also present (the hand gestures and nervous giggling) and I've always been self-conscious about how I present since I always felt that it's "unprofessional" and not fit (especially in an academic setting). but seeing you present and how you express your passion in this topic kinda helped me think about that, and you present well!! Just wanted to say that I'm glad I stumbled upon your video
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
Awww you're so sweet!
@Leaf._the_foliage_man Жыл бұрын
I just realized... Basil: 1. Not traditionally masculine 2. Soft spoken 3. Never had real freinds before the main protag gang 4. Many assumed he was a girl automatically 5. Clearly hiding something to protect his freinds (by @pixelator5312 in the replies) That *really* sounds like a certain prince of the dark that I know... not sure what it means but the connections are very much there.
@pixelator5312 9 ай бұрын
don't forget 5. very clearly hiding something to protect his friends
@Asmanidoesnotexist2 9 ай бұрын
Wait who is this referencing????
@everyonelicksthesamerocks 8 ай бұрын
​@@Asmanidoesnotexist2 ralsei from deltarune i think
@Omori201X Ай бұрын
@@everyonelicksthesamerocks exactly that.
@WhatTheKel33 Жыл бұрын
THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG i was trying to explain to my friend how basil is probably in love with sunny and HE JUST DIDNT FREAKIN BELEIVE ME now i'm going to force him to watch this video (:
@Amethiist143 Жыл бұрын
@Draedoon Жыл бұрын
You explained Basil's inner character so well through this video. I've always disliked how people saw him as the bad guy, when in reality he's more like a misguided soul, consumed by trauma and protecting Sunny at all costs. As a queer guy myself, I've always seen Basil through my own perspective as a very deep and interesting character which most people overlook and take at face value. The trauma he went through, the mental health issues, and the possible confusion about religion, gender, and sexuality you brought up all mix together into in my opinion one of the most well-written video game characters I've seen in recent years. (Plus the thought of them healing together also brought a smile to my face cause you don't really see that too often throughout the fandom, So thanks for that)
@OCmillion Жыл бұрын
Finally an Omori analysis I can actually agree with!
@OCmillion Жыл бұрын
But seriously though this guy is fruitier than a fruit basket
@s3w3rsl1d3 Жыл бұрын
i used to have a really toxic friend that bullied me for having basil as a comfort character and called him whiny and annoying:< i relate to basil in so many ways, and im so glad i found this community. also, amazing video:3
@grape_protogen 11 ай бұрын
I hope you have kinder and more empathetic friends now at least!
@Sugar-Sharkie Жыл бұрын
My cat came on the bed, I put her in my lap, and she watched this entire video with me
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
Your cat is a true queer ally
@averysadpizza6714 Жыл бұрын
@@NerdyArty my cat hisses the f-slur when the word queer/lgbtq+ is mentioned. she is very homophobic despite her labeled mother...
@IApologiseForQuitting.213 Жыл бұрын
@@averysadpizza6714 Same as how my mom’s old dog was racist and sexist.
@sweet-n-spicy_ Жыл бұрын
@nataliexists Жыл бұрын
Your cat stares at you.
@DBunny4560 Жыл бұрын
Sunflowers always look at the sun. Basil is a sunflower and Sunny’s name has sun in it AND BASIL IS GAY
@WonderhoyTsukasakun Жыл бұрын
I HAVE SOMEBODY WHO AGREES WITH ME(he is also strangly obsessive as when he was like really obsessive during the time he was in the bathroom because he kept saying "Everything's going to be ok.." repeatedly which is odd considering him and sunny were best friends and I'm convinced he didn't want to either lose his crush or best freind...)
@bearson4075 Жыл бұрын
when you said that Basil "creates" this monster that actually killed Mari it got my theory brain going. Thinking that maybe Sunny's "Something" is further powered by Basil's own denial. Basil's own insistence that Sunny would never do something like that. Considering how we know that Omori is the false Persona of Sunny to basically create a completely safe space for Sunny to never face the truth, we still see two invaders. One is stranger aka real world Basil, as well as Sunny's Something. When also thinking about the Egret flower and how it represents "MY thoughts will follow you into your dreams" is it not a plausible theory to think that Sunny's "Something" is not powered in part by Basil himself?
@kitkatboard Жыл бұрын
I absolutely want a video about how every character is this game is queer. I need this kind of comfort after all the homophobia I've been exposed too in this fandom lately 😢
@thundrrcloud6838 Жыл бұрын
this was such a well-put together video essay oh my gosh?? This was such an interesting topic to hear about and you discussed it very eloquently :D plus your art is so pretty and you actually remembered the complexity of Kel’s character so I am 100% a new subscriber lol looking forward to what’s to come :DD
@GodOfTheJGCU Жыл бұрын
Just stumbled upon this channel, you’re a legend.
@CocoaIsTired Жыл бұрын
THIS IS WHAT I’VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY, but I could never actually put it into words. You nailed this bro. Basil is just like me frfr.
@tjgodofchaos3186 Жыл бұрын
this video perfectly put into words what I've been feeling for a while in the Omori community. Seeing homophobic comments about Basil really irked me, and seeing such a positive queer perspective on him was super liberating. Thank you so much for your hard work, and good luck with art school!
@novalisles Жыл бұрын
everyone in the friend group has to be gay honestly. except for hero hes the token straight💀
@FancyMortem Жыл бұрын
@Foxett25 9 ай бұрын
SO TRUE TOUGH - i personally hc Aubrey as Les, Basil as gay, Sunny as Bi and Kel as Pan (and then there's the mess that happens when my multishipper ass decides "Hey let's make the one left out at the moment aroace" cause of course I do 💀)
@Luminarayia Жыл бұрын
The fact that this is nearly half an hour long is just beautiful
@yoursavior154 Жыл бұрын
I'll admit that I have and always have had mixed perspectives on Basil being gay or not, because I think for him and a lot of Omori characters (especially Sunny) its more complicated than just gay or straight, but you did take my one perspective of Basil being COMPLETELY straight and drove it into the ground, then ran it over with a car. So kudos 😂
@wellokthen3834 Жыл бұрын
I haven't finished the video but I already love how polite this person is :)
@ninadiener9806 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video. I never got why Basil is so hated either, I think he's so lovable. As an arospec nd person, I experienced something similar with what you mentioned with one of my guy friends and it was pretty confusing. It's nice to see I'm not completely alone there. Both by seeing a character like Basil and your video. Most people assume you KNOW you have romantic feelings but this is not the case for everyone and it's not really talked about. That said, Basil is def in love with Sunny, imo! And I really don't think Sunny is indifferent to him either tbh
@ATFrisk Жыл бұрын
Oh heavens, you did the voice perfectly in my opinion. 6:39
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
Oh thank you!! I knew I couldn't really capture how I hear Basil in my head so I tried replicating a vibe that suits him sijdodjd
@ATFrisk Жыл бұрын
@@NerdyArty Haha well! I always want to comment on things I feel true about! So don't need to say anything about it! You do you and sound great! Anywho, I probably won't respond after this so! Make sure to smile today!
@melonchola Жыл бұрын
amazing vid, i love the basil + sunny duo and you explained basil's queer undertones really well!
@starkid256 Жыл бұрын
Truly the best Omori content of 2023. Thank you so much. You deserve a like, and a sub! -A gay af enby.
@jdiot_master251 Жыл бұрын
Holy shet literally everything I thought about Basil is in this video. I've been in the fandom for a while and I too realized the more fandom grows also Basil haters came out more. And yea literally a year ago sunflower was valid to almost everyone in the fandom what the hell happened 😭?
@SprinkleGirl Жыл бұрын
The moment I saw the thumbnail I thought "yes of course"
@Wwhdduendjdhhfmwosdn Жыл бұрын
Also: I find it so frustrating the double standards headcannons for completely unlabeled characters get. If someone says “x character is cisgender/heterosexual” no one bats an eye. However if someone says “x character is queer” then people will crawl out of the woodwork to not only say that isn’t a good headcannon, but that the person is actually an awful human being for thinking that. Like why do we have to justify our headcannons just because we assume a character could somehow be like us. Fandom is wild sometimes lol
@thing2be Жыл бұрын
sunflower is my comfort ship wich is funny because they have never had a day of comfort in their lives lmao but uhm i really like this video yea
@Breadaddy Жыл бұрын
I feel like this sum’s up how I feel about Basil: “Omg he was so selfish and dumb and overly clingy-“ He was 12.
@chandlersparkman3162 Жыл бұрын
I loved this analysis and would very much like to see more from you!
@Cupidshearts Жыл бұрын
Kind of off topic but I love how you matched your outfit to basil and the video! 🪷
@ShuShuMenhera Жыл бұрын
As a Pansexual girl, when I first learned about Omori and I saw basil, it was in the scene where he’s holding Sunny’s hand. And I just KNEW he was gay right out the gate. Not because he’s a for uwu flower boy, but because nobody gets to act like that and come out the other end saying they are straight. They are ALWAYS going to be Fruitier than the rainbow. ( also yes I am a gay who experienced strange feelings for my best friend in 5th grade because they were a trans male and I thought I was going crazy because I realized I loved them before they transitioned but they just used me for money and free stuff ) :)
@piracy_gd Жыл бұрын
A trans in 5th grade fuck no this world is messed up
@FemboyDestruction Жыл бұрын
Great video! Also, I am living for the Peepy plushies in the background lmao
@Jcmmer 9 ай бұрын
"its basil omori, in the flesh" is the funniest fucking quote in this LOL
@zendio6882 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS ANALYSIS SM I WATCHED IT ALL IN ONE SITTING tbh i headcanon basil as gay but also ship suntan alot cause i really like the contrast in charcater (also they would commit muliple crimes) but i also consider the idea of sunny, basil, and kel all being in a homies style relationship to be cute too
@mayaking5017 9 ай бұрын
Omg, thank you for this video, you slay big time ✨
@EvilEnsembleStars Жыл бұрын
I haven't watched the full video but he definitely is queer
@EvilEnsembleStars Жыл бұрын
By the way guys I can reclaim queer, just wanted to say
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
That lil guy can fit so much queer subtext in him
@stefjonkers 11 ай бұрын
every video essay needs omori background music now
@zamfi11037 Жыл бұрын
this is the only video i have ever seen from you but trust me, i will defende you with my whole being, i love you, THANK YOU!
@mystairshurt Жыл бұрын
@0_0gacha22 7 ай бұрын
fun fact: it can be implied that sunny and basil have had many sleepovers together mainly at basils house, or sunny frequently visited basils house and here’s my reasoning: when sleeping in new places, part of your brain is up and awake, monitoring for any possible threats , this is why people have trouble sleeping in places they’re not familiar with and sunny refers to basils bed as comfortable, so it’s either that sunny has slept in basils bed before a lot to the point where he finds it comfortable and familiar (maybe during sleepovers) or sunny use to frequently visit basil and maybe idk relax on his bed but it doesn’t change the fact that sunny is comfortable in basils home, and room, so honestly basils house is probably like a second home to sunny. he lives there rent free
@scavengingcrow3498 Жыл бұрын
Basil = attachment issues gay That’s part of the reason why i’m a basil kinnie
@FreshAirConditioner Жыл бұрын
Why are you so freaking pretty? Sorry I just needed to get that out of my system :)
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
Skdbdofk thank you aaa
@impishcorvus5494 Жыл бұрын
While I do see him as a gender non-conforming gay character, I (someone who isnt a gay man, but a genderqueer ace) relate to him a lot. In a way his dedication to Sunny can also mirror that of a queer platonic relationship, cause I know I've done some questionable stuff for the sake to keep my friend safe. My point is that he's clearly queer coded and if ppl are hesitant to see him as gay, theres always the ace and aro spectrum. There is such thing as "more than friends" outside from the traditional depiction of relationships. (aka romantic or sexual) That being said thank you for making this video, I enjoyed it! and I don't oppose to the chaotic bi sunny video essay lol
@goodvibes77777 Жыл бұрын
p.s. Omocat made a comic about a queer couple !! (look up pretty boy and jock) If I am not mistaken, they also appear in Omori, too!!
@piracy_gd Жыл бұрын
Yeah but that dosent have anything to do with basil
@karakostasj2979 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this video! It'd be great to hear more things like this in your channel!
@Tyler-2839 Жыл бұрын
Wow as a gay man I just assumed Basil was gay. It's interesting to see it formed as a theory. I thought it was obvious. He's also my favorite character because I relate to him. I'm a soft flower boy too ☺️
@andlien2175 Жыл бұрын
"Mans can be the whole alphabet soup"
@coffee-ouji Жыл бұрын
Just to give y'all an idea on how queer coding works: I felt personally called out throughout the entire video AND when I was coming to the sense that Basil was obsessed Because I acted like that myself Queer coding is not about thinking soft uwu boy is gay because of stereotypical femeninity but because we see ourselves in their actions! Take Gravity Falls as an example of how it is a wide headcannon that Dipper is a trans boy; it's not that he's a squeacky voiced boy, it's because we see the trans-masc experience in him, denying your femenine traits and forcing stereotypical masculine behaviour in every possible situation just to not be seen as a girl
@coffee-ouji Жыл бұрын
HOW COULLD I FORGET TO ADD Seeing how your amazing stock of yuri manga even has a love live! figurine in it YouChika i mean, no-one dare say THIS GIRL is queer coded, my guy, that girl is head over heels for her childhood friend. Which IS CANON, or well- I'm sorry, didn't mean to get loud You Watanabe is close to her bestie Chika Takami, who she encourages in every dumb thing she picks up, nothing gay there BUT WAIT. Riko Sakurauchi is a new girl in town who attracts Chika cuz she composes music and she needs a composer to have actual music and they become close ... rather quickly You became jealous of Riko, maybe Chika didn't like her as much :(, maybe she was _replaced_ by the *new girl* :( In an episode they even show Yocchan crying after seeing chika had her profile picture changed :((((( DO YOU SEE THIS SH!1T ??? later in the episode she gets confronted by one of the girls and tells her outfront, no bs, "you like her so bad, gurl. i gotchu" how do you nOT SAY "she's so me fr fr" to THAT even if it wasn't verbally stated, you could see that jealousy as more than "girly girls and their friendship dynamics" MAN have i cried to love live goddamn, best yuri anime ever
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
Honestly so surprised you noticed the tiny Honoka figure on my Yuri shelf sodjdidjf
@coffee-ouji Жыл бұрын
@@NerdyArty bsjsisbdl bokura wa ima no naka de outfits are pretty recognizable, they're like historic relics
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
@@coffee-ouji oh didhdjrj the figure's actually her Snow Halation fit, I think you may have noticed the Kasumi Bandori figure on my shelf and Assumed it was Honk lmao
@coffee-ouji Жыл бұрын
@Mr-wd2wn Жыл бұрын
"After all this time. you've finally come back for me" - BASIL 2020
@kangelsb0xcvtterr 7 ай бұрын
this may be a year ago, but i thank you. for many many things. i thank you for this entire video, honestly. i thank you for having a very soft voice, too. it was nice to listen to you talk while my hand cramps up while drawing kangel. im not a very analytical person so honestly this is all i can say lolol.
@SincereCatLover_Bloomz 19 күн бұрын
0:48 "cuddling with my best friend" KILLED ME
@TheSolarSystem322 Жыл бұрын
i usually haaaate leaving comments on videos cuz social anxiety but gosh this is like one of the BEST videos i've ever seen😭😭😭 like as a very traumatized and mentally ill soft uwu trans masc gay boy, i immediately latched onto basil because like you said "he just like me fr"😭 and like i didn't even realize until after finishing the game just how much the community hates on him, its devastating!! thank you so much for making this video, i haven't seen that many videos on the topic but like every single thing you said i was just like "yes! thank you!"😂 like seriously i hate when people say its "enforcing a stereotype" because personally as one of those soft gay boys i'm pretty sick of seeing the "well i'm gay, but that doesn't make me any less of a manly man!" thing in media. like totally valid ofc but imo that's become a stereotype too. like literally you cannot exist while being queer without somehow "enforcing a stereotype" cuz guess what- anyone regardless of personality can be queer! like i was just glad to finally see a character i could relate to more and it totally is the straight people who are calling us "homophobic" and speaking over the queer people and i'm so so so glad someone finally pointed that out!! like as someone who not only likes basil but relates to him a ton i honestly feel alienated from the fandom because i just don't enjoy seeing the way people bully him like it's so funny. just so nice to see someone defending my boy for once😂 and like personally as someone with trauma i agree with you and so many of the commenters here that basil was BEAUTIFULLY written. like yea i can see how some aspects of the sunflower ship are "problematic" but like you said obviously they all are in some ways and they just ALL need therapy😂 but yea just as someone with severe trauma its nice to see that portrayed in a way that doesn't completely villainize him. like he makes mistakes but so does sunny and in the good ending we get a glimpse at that forgiveness and healing that could happen and it's just beautiful. totally agree tho that it probably would have been bad for them to actually confirm basil's queerness because of the fact that he is shown to be so unstable but i honestly would have liked that. i think tiptoeing around and only making completely unproblematic queer representation would be unfair and unrealistic. as a trans masc gay man i know for a fact i am not a perfect person and tbh it's some of basil's imperfections that make him that much more relatable and realistic. anyway i rambled here a lot more than i planned to lol sorry about that, i just wanted to say that this video is absolutely amazing and thank you for making it!!! honestly brightened my day quite a bit☺💕
@Arig16 5 ай бұрын
PLEASE make a video explaining Basil 😭. I loved this video and I think you would do a great job explaining his character like you did with Kel
@MisterMoon77 Жыл бұрын
I didnt expect this video to be as good as i expected but i loved it
@gdzjr4322 13 күн бұрын
To me, Basil is the most unique and complicated character in the game. The unconditional love you said is very true. Basil saved that album from Sunny and he said Something is trying to destroy it but it was just Sunny, and Basil and Sunny are the only two characters that has suicide endings. I don't know what Basil has gone through the past four years, but it's definitely intense. When Sunny was coping as Omori in his otherworldly fantasy headspace, Basil was probably experiencing something like Silent Hill 2 or Outlast.
@NotASnaccImAMel Жыл бұрын
Well, in my experience, I moved around a *lot.* Like, *every year* a lot. So, I'd be at a different school each year, and I'd have to make friends from scratch. I always met some girl, usually the most welcoming and kind to a new fish like me, so I'd become her friend, eventually considering myself her best friend (usually unreciprocated due to the one year we had to know each other vs the friends she already had and would continue to have). This was pretty much the same pattern, but I remember getting unreasonably attached, following them around and admiring every cool thing they did and thinking they were cool, smart, funny, even pretty. I put them up on a pedestal, like Basil. I first realized I was bi after talking to a current best friend who came out to me as bi -she explained what it meant - and despite all the homophobic undertones of my grandparents christian beliefs, I immediately realized it was okay to be queer and have those feelings because she was my best friend, and my best friend was always right. It was then I realized that I've always had crushes and feelings for these girls, looking back. I had small, fleeting crushes on guys too, so I figured I had to be bi. This was in elementary school, so I didn't have guy best friends, girls and guys didn't really intermingle until middle school. When I began having guy best friends, the same experience occurred. And for clarification, I'm not saying this is a healthy way to feel, admiration and putting someone up on a pedestal implies that the person in question can do no wrong, and when they do, it's heartbreaking. I learned that the hard way. Still, I learned something about myself through that.
@thatbeebo Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this! as an aro-ace, I do believe sunflower is hinted too much to be ignored :D
@russiandoggo4336 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad someone said it out loud
@Lemonne- Жыл бұрын
Dude Basil is such an underrated character, I love him :>
@battleaxel 9 ай бұрын
24:58 I would like to add that Omocat didn't create Spaceboy, another member of the team did, Jami Lynne, and they've stated that they don't think Omocat knew about him being trans (and they're disappointed in him having no trans references in game
@iamnotuta2658 Жыл бұрын
At first thought that Basil was a girl. Then I got a horrible realization that he was a boy. Typical JRPG trope 💀
@paper-lord Жыл бұрын
20 minute video explaining the deep lore about basil being gay i was convinced the second i saw him
@sephnitomsol2294 Жыл бұрын
Gods, I love this,, I would absolutely be down to hear you ramble about your favorite stuff again -- it's very nice to paint to
@swagstorm9629 Жыл бұрын
I heavily agree, and I see those chainsaw man mangas in the back ;) I’m gonna enjoy your channel a lot!
@moonlight_cat_27 10 ай бұрын
I haven't played Omori but I watched a playthrough and at the start I thought Basil was a girl lol
@nobodyimportant4778 6 ай бұрын
The fucking music in the game punches my heart in the g spot and kills me
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
@NerdyArty Жыл бұрын
@AriDiamondStorm wawawa!!! Thanks so much your support means the world to me
@AlphaDarnia Жыл бұрын
Like a few comments have said, I’m surprised this comment section isn’t absolute CHAOS! lol! Also I completely agree with you about basically (basil cally- get it? No?- me neither-) everything you saidddd 9:30 also yep this happened to me😀👍
@qdea_ 5 ай бұрын
i do not know why but i cant stop rewatching this video and the bi sunny video. ive already watched this 7 times before
@inklink64 Жыл бұрын
Great video, i always thought he was gay and he's always been my comfort character in terms of "identity", also genuinely good explanation of basil
@syrka_who Жыл бұрын
I came here for gay Basil, but ended up crying because of the music in the background (The video is still great ofcourse)
@momirror5427 Ай бұрын
A detail that’s very adorable is in the first day sequence in basils house, before you go to his grandma. Wherever you walk around to in the living room, Basil turns to Sunny’s direction, like a sunflower facing towards the sun 🥺
@godricktheminecrafted3113 Жыл бұрын
Wait people think basil is straight?
@Aqua_Azul Жыл бұрын
Oh I wanna see the “sunny is a bi disaster” vid come out
@Habizuh_Studios Жыл бұрын
For #4, I'm pretty sure Omocat made a comic about "Pretty Boy" Being in love with another boy, and put that reference in the game!
@Not_rodrick 5 ай бұрын
Also, I’ve only seen one person mention this before, but the whole church blackpsace sequence is kinda framed straight up as omori marrying basil, and I’ve seen this headcanon or theory once that the reason why omori kills basil is because of Sunny’s guilt of dragging him into Mari’s death, saying something like, “I might as well have killed you myself” idk tho
@LilyTheCuteKitty432 9 ай бұрын
I want to see Kel and Basil kiss so much Edit: No, probably Sunny and Basil That would be beautiful
@everyonelicksthesamerocks 8 ай бұрын
character development
@Foxett25 8 ай бұрын
Cactiflower and sunflower are both great why not both
@Asmanidoesnotexist2 4 ай бұрын
Just make sunny, basil, and kel poly
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