亞福don’t care 話你的唔開心留言。最重要你越嚟越健康。對比你兩年前的亞福。已經證明比大家睇。你正面的減肥健康態度是正確。我見你兩年前的你。太令人擔心你身體會出現健康問題。現在你令人眼前一亮,fit 咗仲靚仔咗。亞福。繼續努力。拍多啲健康資訊比大家眼。亞福支持你。加油。你靚仔咁多。你老婆有冇擔心過🤣
Thank you, 阿福!You’re so inspiring! 🤩 I was overweight and struggling with eating disorder. I became motivated after watching your weight loss video. I have lost 14kg so far, by eating clean and workout. To whoever is struggling with weight loss, don’t despair & don’t give up! Slowly but surely! 我们一起加油,成为更好的自己!💪🏻