I love how you expressed that "just because you are no longer a child doesn't mean you need to get looked after" as one of the most important statements coming out of your video. PPD is real and can creep up on you when you aren't even aware it is encircling you. It is horrible and I am glad you shared this with other moms who may not be aware that their small downs may be attributed to PPD and that it isn't shameful to ask for help. PPD is real, it hurts, and terrible feeling to have. It doesn't make you a terrible mom if you have it. You spent 9 months fighting to keep a baby alive meaning organs are moved, hormones are at war. PPD needs to be spoken of to spouses as well, so they understand what is happening and why you may be feeling down at a wonderful time in your life--welcoming a new baby to your life, and the world.