I'm Done With Starfield - The Bugs With 'Matters of the Hart' Show How Little Bethesda Cares Anymore

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6 ай бұрын

#starfield #bethesda #gaming
Well, I was really enjoying my time with Starfield, exploring the Milky Way galaxy and seeing the cool and unique ideas that Bethesda could bring to an IP set in space, a IP they had apparently been working on for the past 2 decades
And now I will no longer be bothering with the game for a long time, as despite the fact that they have been working on this game for ages, and is the first mainline game made by the main Bethesda Softworks team since Fallout 4, its somehow more broken and bugged than any of their previous entries. In this video I will be explaining how them messing up one mission has completely destroyed my will to play the game (as well as, ya know, how it just completely destroyed the rest of the game)
Starfield (2023)
AudioPanther - Waves
Curtis Cole - Odd Numbers

Пікірлер: 237
@schizophrenic_rambler 6 ай бұрын
I wonder how Bethesda manages to mess up everything they cook, even if they have everything on their side; loyal fans, money, and even time.
@lconnerz100 6 ай бұрын
They don’t have loyal fans. Starfield is a good game with a great story and cool quests. It’s fallout 4 on steroids. People rate fallout 4 really highly but for some weird reason people think starfield is crap…even though they have everything that game has plus lots more including a better combat system, better main/side quest, spaceships which can be upgraded and edited, a better level system…it’s just better in every way and yet starfield is somehow a miss but fallout 4 is somehow one of the best games ever made…think about that for a moment.
@schizophrenic_rambler 6 ай бұрын
@@lconnerz100 my biggest gripes are lack of roleplay and gameplay. You can't roleplay because the game feels like railroaded DND, and your actions don't matter despite there being that multiverse thing. You can't do much in gameplay either because exploring is boring, combat consists solely of "shoot at it until it dies", and finding weapons with bigger numbers is far too easy. FO4 was better in both regards and was released 8 years ago. And NV was better than FO4 and was released 13 years ago.
@tylerhill40 6 ай бұрын
Washed up and key talent leaving the company.
@weplayvrgames 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda today are not the same as the Bethesda if yesterday there's a reason they were the company putting out recruitment videos at showcases not trailers that should tell you everything There was a shift in the company and alot have left over time and been replaced , it's left them with a reliance on the procedural systems of the engine and they were the worst parts of they previous games "another settlement needs your help" ring any bells or how about the non ending repeatable quests in Skyrim how quickly they got old.......leaning more heavily into procedural was a big mistake it makes it cheaper to produce a big game but damn does it get repetitive and boring fast especially when you gotta hit so many load screens between everything your never getting immersed , horrid experience I couldn't stick it had to just delete it and move on
@ummerfarooq5383 6 ай бұрын
​@@lconnerz100 The mod "Outpost Resource Complete" doubles the steroids.
@MrNinjaBurger 6 ай бұрын
Starfield had basically a blank check, talented people, and unlimited time, and it was bland. Imagine someone talented actually got to work on it. hell imagine Avelone got to make up his own sci fi world? It could have been the best thing ever but instead it's the most mid thing imaginable.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I just got so annoyed, I invested so much time only to be slapped in the face by a bug that completely messes up the game, that's been reported since the game came out but hasn't been fixed Like I said, I just cannot believe that there's a game breaking bug on such an important quest and not only did no one know about it, but no one has been bothered to do something about it
@Libertas_P77 6 ай бұрын
The nearest analogy I can think of to Starfield is when Disney took over Star Wars and created Force Awakens. A team creatively bankrupt and everything being copied and derivative with zero new ideas or passion. Play safe and the audience leaves deciding it wasn’t good or bad, just.. ok. That’s Starfield.
@Grumny 6 ай бұрын
​@@Libertas_P77 eh.. starfield is a hell of a lot worse than "ok" or "mid". Its complete and utter dogshit lol
@Maximus_sapiens 6 ай бұрын
@@TheRealLoomar Ok, so your video comes from that frustration. Noted.
@wadewilson333 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@TheRealLoomarI believe it. Fallout 4 still has a few potential game, or at least quest breaking bugs that Bugthesda hasn’t addressed.
@JoseJimenez-fc6pu 6 ай бұрын
I think Starfield is a miss that was years in the making. it's a combination of hubris (Bethesda magic), believing they can do no wrong, and many of the talented old Bethesda devs being gone. Laziness and resting on their laurels is what's got them to being this bad.
@kingofhearts3185 6 ай бұрын
They've gotten so lazy and complacent. Their responses to the steam reviews were telling enough, and this just proves it.
@wellyck 6 ай бұрын
The truth is that bethesda is taking advantage of their renown and are aware that modders do a better job at fixing their own game, they even tried to monetize modders content, which proves that point. They will continue producing half-baked games until their sales start to stagnate.
@unitoolzee 6 ай бұрын
One good thing about Starfield is that it serves as a warning to consumers who will be considering purchasing future BGS games. I know that I won’t be buying anything from BGS in the future unless it has excellent reviews.
@bobsinclair8990 6 ай бұрын
after 76 they might never learn
@kurtfrederiksen5538 6 ай бұрын
I was the same after the creation club content and the mod controversy. More or less went from a day 1 buyer to a wait a few days and see how the reviews pan out..... then 76 was released and confirmed why. While Starfield is on my wishlist I probably will not get it until it goes on a steep sale in a few years. Figure by then all the DLC will be released (and hopefully flush the game out more on the BGS side) and the modders who stuck around would of had a chance to make the game worth playing and fix some a lot of the bugs. That is if it does not get removed in a year or two as I probably will just lose interest.
@connieellerbe-maycock7115 6 ай бұрын
Real talk.
@D0L0MITE 6 ай бұрын
I should have learned my lesson with Fallout 4 but I truly learned after Cyberpunk 2077. Never pre-order again. Even gta6.
@peterd9698 6 ай бұрын
Or do what I do: don't own a machine that could even play it. That way I only play classics.. 10 year old classics. I just discovered this amazing game called Fallout New Vegas. 😎
@zootytv 6 ай бұрын
The thing that keeps running though my mind as I play Starfield is “Lazy”. It's almost like they never played it to see if it worked.
@TotesRandom 6 ай бұрын
My first (and only) plathrough of Borefield - the other major quest with the crimson fleet made them friendlies to me, so I then couldn't believe how lazy it was that SEVERAL of the MAIN quests had dungeons to get the relics filled with crimson fleeters that wouldn't attack me. They're pirates! It felt like a huge bug, or I had entered a cheat code. Having just played BG3, you realize they would've anticipated this and made it a feature, at least even have the pirates acknowledge it. But no,not Bugthesda. Then when I got to the third main quest dungeon with them not attacking me I decided to kill them and take their loot. So I go back to the crimson fleet quest line and when I talk to the 2nd in command of the fleet all of a sudden I try to talk to her but all her bodyguards are killing me during dialogue convos. It's nuts. It's insane laziness. And as your video says, it was one thing when this crap happend in just side quests but now they've reached the point of not even caring about the main quest and 2nd most major quest line after it being uncompletable. ...then they dont fix ANYthing, and reply to steam reviewers saying we're wrong and we should give it a second chance. The sheer effing hubris and arrogance.
@Skeejus 6 ай бұрын
all it would take is one throwaway line to acknowledge it, or have them fight you and yell about not taking their score or literally anything 😭 a shame the game is what it is
@irvinchadwick5046 6 ай бұрын
I just cannot believe this game took 8 years to make!
@asoadya. 6 ай бұрын
I swear to God I did this exact same bounty mission to hunt the same va'ruun enemy who used the same exact gun in the same exact building... But on a different planet last night. And I know it was a different planet because the planet I was on had no atmosphere. (The Sun is very obviously shining through the Windows in this gameplay.) Thanks Bethesda for the procedural slop.
@postmortem1547 6 ай бұрын
I'll tell you what I told everyone else that has complained about Starfield recently,the updates being done by Todd and crew are going to be more game breaking for the game and the mods that are already built. Why do I think that. . . well look at the look on Todd's face at the Game Awards,he is not use to getting snubbed so badly there was no goty for them and no awards in any other category. And how they responded to criticism recently I think they are going to hit us with spite updates. They believe that in only a couple short months that they can fix a ageing engine to make Starfield a bit better tell me that is not Todd being absolutely delusional folks,it's time for Zenimax and Microsoft to let Todd go.
@sjbaag 6 ай бұрын
and that sorry excuse of a writer emil pagliarulo too
@kurtfrederiksen5538 6 ай бұрын
While the aging engine is a problem, it is not the main problem of Starfield. An aging engine can be responsible for bad graphics, bugs, loading screens and the like. While fixing those problems will make a more polished game it does not fix the real issue, the story is terrible and gameplay is just meh. In my opinion the only way to really fix Starfield is to completely overhaul core mechanics. This is difficult, time consuming and expensive and I doubt BGS will do it. Keep in mind this is the same company that for FO3 fixed a bug, then released a DLC which re-introduced the same one. They then said it could not be fixed only to have a modder fix the problem in a few hours.
@wadedewell 5 ай бұрын
Todd Howard definitely needs to be fired. That piece of crap got rid of Michael Kirkbride for smoking weed while writing the much beloved morrowind lore. He also got Chris avallone fired because of false allegations. He also got Jeremy Soule fired for something similar. Todd Howard is a greedy lying sack of feces who wishes he could go back in time and force a paid subscription to Skyrim because people keep playing it and he's not making money...............
@driedspace3687 6 ай бұрын
Maybe the real Midfield was the friends and bugs we encountered along the way.
@griffonclaw 6 ай бұрын
I didn't bother with Starfield, but I did go back to Fallout 4 and bought some of the Creation Club mods. Tunnel Snakes rules CC mod breaks the very first quest with Codsworth. Bethesda doesn't care.
@bernardofares3003 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, I wonder why nobody talks about this
@corvega_joe 6 ай бұрын
I guarantee they have the attitude of “The modders will fix it.”
@lil_old_man202 6 ай бұрын
the bug that makes npc's suddenly go hostile and start attacking you is a bug that occurs randomly, regardless of the quest you are on. it could happen at any time and any place. and the only fix is to reload an earlier save. i've got a bad feeling that this bug is going to stick around forever, like the black face bug in fallout 4.
@AuspexAstarte 6 ай бұрын
So sad, I was thinking I would be able to play it with otherwise no expectations aside from something similar to your starting perspective but maybe those lead managers don’t deserve it. I think the worst part is that they wont be the ones suffering the most, mental health wise because that’s how theyve been able to continue screwing up so badly. Bad leaders are not leaders, they are leeches who hide from responsibility behind their undeserved power, and the suffering of others. That’s my theory on this bethesda situation anyway (this seems to be the usual common issue, and there’s a reason it hasn’t been properly solved, id say one reason being it is in the internals of a company whose leaders make it personal and difficult to catch them)
@xlerb2286 6 ай бұрын
I agree, but on glimmer of hope is they're owned by Microsoft now. I'm far from a Microsoft fan but one thing they do is hold manager's toes in the fire if they screwed up. Not even Todd is immune from that. It's been 15 years since I worked there but I saw several bigwigs get the boot. Oh, they didn't get fired as such (except for one person) but you can bet they were told their careers at MSFT were over and it was time for them to make a graceful exit. With it being understood that a less graceful exit would be forthcoming if they didn't.
@Free_Krazy 6 ай бұрын
To me Starfield just feels like a game missing the main character, the map. I feel we all have a special relationship with Bethesdas Skyrim, Boston, The Mojave, DC, even Appalachia. Starfiend doesnt feel like a proper open world game because of this, its more like Borderlands 3 in comparison to Borderlands 2, its just one big step back and to the side ignoring the cohesive worlds that has made their previous games great.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
In terms of open world, I think making every planet explorable was a mistake, and I think they've added waaaayyyy too many planets that are just lifeless rocks They should've focused on just making a hand crafted section of the planets explorable, and reduced the amount of samey planets
@verdadero5290 6 ай бұрын
What about the fact that when you have Sam as a companion or even on your ship hes constantly saying gay stuff to you. What the hell is that about
@auntdee845 6 ай бұрын
It's even worse. Look up form id problem for Starfield. This is an issue that's existed since Oblivion. But it's gamebreaking for Starfield because of the game's size. And it will break the game of anyone who stays in one universe too long and does too much. The only fix is into the next NG+ or ++ or whatever. It causes the game to continuously crash and you can't save. You have the missing crew bug which they've known about for at least a couple months. It often means ships on the ground don't even put down their ramps, no foes come out of the ships and as youve experience, ships boarded in space have no crews. I've submitted a ticket for it along with 8 other serious bug tickets and ive only ever gotten back stupid replies. For broken quests, I've been told how to start quests and that the ticket will be closed since it was solved. But, Bethesda wants to blame their customers.
@mrkringl8285 5 ай бұрын
I exploring both bugs and stuck in 1st playthrough 😂😂😂 locked and stuck with Sam companion quest. So I thought well as long as its not going to nr resolved I'm doing all other stuff and exploring the galaxy further.... big mistake as I reached the limit and exploring the generic ID bug now. So I'm excited if Bug-thesda or the modding community can fix that broken game.
@reginaldfluffington5142 6 ай бұрын
Let's discuss the problem here. Gamers. Yes, it is gamers, not Bethesda. Let me explain. Companies make money by producing something. Take a restaurant, for instance. If you go to a steakhouse and order a steak, you want a good steak, cooked the way you want. If you get a thin strip of tasteless, overcooked meat, you probably won't go there again. The same applies to game developers. When I buy a game, I do not expect perfection. There will always be buggy or boring parts of any game. When a company like Bethesda, which has a massive budget, makes a game that is broken, buggy, and sometimes you can not complete entire storyline, it is your expectation that Bethesda fixes the broken parts. However, Bethesda doesn't fix them. Skyrim is still broken and every version has bugs that makes entire storyline that get bugged so bad that you can't complete. This isn't just a one time thing. Every game they have made since Skyrim have been like this. I stopped buying their games after Fallout 4, because of the low quality of the product. The reason this problem persists is gamers will not hold them accountable for the shoddy work. No matter how bad the game is (Fallout 76 was the worst) they keep throwing money at them in a cycle of get excited, buy game, play game, get disappointed that the game is broken and boring. Their so-called "RPG" games have been Oversimplified to an annoying degree and it keeps getting worse. When gamers start holding them accountable for their terrible product, Bethesda will have no choice but to change.
@kurtfrederiksen5538 6 ай бұрын
One thing I feel that is worth pointing out about Skyrim and its bugs. There is an unofficial fan made patch which fixes many of the story and game breaking bugs (it adds nothing, just fixes things). It should be trivial for BGS to take the patch, audit the changes and roll as many of those fixes into future releases. The fact they did not speaks volumes to the amount of effort they are putting into releases and how they view modders and their dependence on them.
@MrDoBaKflips 6 ай бұрын
Honestly you gave this game way more time than me
@MintBiscuits 6 ай бұрын
I ran into a game breaking bug with the Automatron DLC for Fallout 4. When you start the quest to get the robot companion you can't customize that robot otherwise the rest of the quest won't work. I had to go back to a previous save where I lost quite a few hours of progress and I remember being so mad. That experience + Fallout 76 launch killed any enthusiasm with Bethesda. At least I learned my lesson and knew better than to get excited for Starfield.
@Gorbz 6 ай бұрын
As far as I know, we are still waiting on Bethesda to fix the bug in Fallout 4 that only renders the low poly long distance textures in the flooded quarry, which only has a workaround of reloading the game to get the correct textures to load.
@babydrane 6 ай бұрын
I had this bug too. Plenty of motivation to actually stop playing.
@robertcurl1160 4 ай бұрын
250 hours into the game and level 45. Stuck because the soldiers will not leave the 2 ships. Unfortunately for file space, I deleted older saves prior to accepting matters of the Hart
@TheRealLoomar 4 ай бұрын
They recently dropped a patch that was supposed to fix issues with the game Despite this, they haven't released a bug patch for this quest. No clue why
@robertcurl1160 4 ай бұрын
@TheRealLoomar As of last night it was still bugged. I saved prior to speaking with Lillian at the ship so I guess I will play something else and see if/when the fix happens. Good content I subbed to your channel.
@CeanHerzfield 6 ай бұрын
I defended this game a lot in the beginning but I just can't anymore. It had potential but falls short in many ways. Sad.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I was quite looking forward to getting around to play it, and I don't really judge it for the character models or 30fps because, I mean, it's a whole galaxy of stuff to render, I don't need top notch visuals and performance to enjoy that And now I've reached this stage
@CeanHerzfield 6 ай бұрын
@@TheRealLoomar If you haven't played the game yet you should still give it a try. I only reached this point after playing a few hundred hours and got bored after doing everything there is to do which is normal. There is some really good content in the game and I enjoyed a lot of it. If you do play, definitely install the Star UI mods and maybe Natural LUTS. That makes a huge difference.
@user-tp5yb4hr4w 6 ай бұрын
This is why I no longer purchase games at launch anymore, because when you do that, they often come with a fuck load of bugs as if the game was Early Access but being sold at full price, in my opinion that's false advertising because the game was supposed to be a full access release, it was supposed to be a finished product.
@AritchWyess 6 ай бұрын
The Main Quest in Skyrim was buggy as hell though, so I dont think it gets much more of a pass than Starfield for that. I got locked out of completing the main quest on two different playthroughs because of a bug with Paarthurnax. Overall, Starfield is a much worse game though.
@dynadork3312 6 ай бұрын
I'm old enough to remember Daggerfall when it was first released in 1996. The version they released on CD - long before everyone had an internet connection and could download patches manually, much less have software that automatically updated via internet - had a game-breaking bug that rendered the main questline unfinishable. Not only did the game crash to the command prompt (F yeah, MS-DOS baby!) constantly, but it was literally unbeatable without cheats. This was Bethesda QA from the very beginning. Todd drinking his own Kool Aid is a little more recent, though.
@jefthereaper 6 ай бұрын
Lets just take a moment to remember what happened to Volition, and those guys that made Forsaken.
@NonstopRam 6 ай бұрын
Matters of the Hart is definitely a mess. To avoid the Dumas Sam Coe gets angry problem, I had to use non lethal weapons on myself and Sam Coe. I also used the starborn power creators peace to just disarm anyone in my way. The part in this companion quest involving the ships landing and doing nothing seems random. That sucks. The Syndicate lore wise seems to also be a confusing problem as an antagonist in this quest. The leader is someone important and it can be found out during the Ryujin faction quest.
@Flight--tz5nf 6 ай бұрын
I did that mission without issue. Sam Coe only got mad at me when I attacked and captured the one C class ship that people like. Now the same can't be said about the power of McClure 2. Still can't complete it.
@talldorf6445 6 ай бұрын
Hearing all this makes me glad i didn't buy the hype, even when this game would have been something I would eat up. The thing I keep thinking about is instead of large galaxy to explore, do what obaidian did and habe a small Five to Six planet system to play around in. That way the experience is much easier to handle. That one thing i give outer worlds credit: the game may not have been obsidians best but at least it felt like a sci-fi game with heart.
@GenX80sKid 6 ай бұрын
I'm done with them too, the only way they'll learn is if everyone drops them and no longer forgives their BS.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
Really hoping that after they received an average reception at best they'll start to rethink how they do things
@eric5683 2 ай бұрын
Not sure if this has been posted, but I just solved my "matters of the hart" woes by just skipping the Dumas cache. Try going to Valerie's cache on Andromas III, in the Andromas system. Worked for me, and I was at a game breaking dead end before that.
@ArcaneAnouki 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda set the bar so low and still managed to trip over it and faceplant 😂
@paulhudson5587 6 ай бұрын
The plain fact is....NONE of these gamebreaking bugs should ever have been allowed to be in the game when it went live. Its not good enough for bethesda to say theyll patch things up, theyve knowingly sold a shoddy product and yet again have left it to the mod community to try and polish a turd. I havent played it for weeks because the lift to get into the Ryujin building is bugged, it will let you in but wont work when you try to leave. And frankly...when the main questline is done, the game is piss boring and utterly repetetive, the planets are the same, the buildings, enemies, creatures are the same. Im done with it, its a broken turd of a game.
@IcepickEddie 6 ай бұрын
it's not that they don't want to fix it, they don't know how, the game engine is 20 years old and has been rebuilt multiple times, there is still stuff broken in skyrim and downtown boston in fallout 4 is crash city so why would starfield work? i wouldn't be surprised if bethesda still uses windows vista as well.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I do think they've ran with it as much as they can now. They need to take it out back and put it out of it's misery
@ded2thaworld963 6 ай бұрын
I tell people that these game companies dgaf about the “fans” at the end of the day they are a company and companies do what they do for money over all else. I’m sure they have dec that appreciate the fans, but problem is they aren’t the ones in charge.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I think this is the major problem with a lot of game developers. Look at 343 Industries. Halo 5 and Halo: Infinite at launch were terrible games because the management didn't really have any passion to put into the games anymore. Then they got fired and the new team are doing great work on Infinite. I think Bethesda needs a managerial makeover
@loganswalk8621 5 ай бұрын
I was skeptical of Starfield on its announcement it was Bethesda’s new IP it didn’t have the lore or unique aesthetic of Elder Scrolls and Fallout and its problems are a result of the company’s internal problems they need to seriously revamp themselves if they are going to be the big game company they want to be.
@ferronbeast1368 6 ай бұрын
I started this game and couldn't get through the first hour of it the 10 year old writing got me the old Xbox 360 game design got me the generic story line got me the shitting graphics got me the soullessness of the game got me after being told by a friend he loves this game I now question me in every suggestion in short this game is bad and sucks and as an older gamer I can't stand it
@joshrodgers9366 6 ай бұрын
Anyone that wants the space explorer experience should just get no mans sky. It's better in almost every way and is cheaper. The best part is no loading screens and complete planet traversal
@joshrodgers9366 6 ай бұрын
I also run no mans sky at 1440 60fps on all ultra or high settings and I'm using a i5-4790k and a 1080 meanwhile id do good to get 10fps in starfield so if your not on current hardware its playable
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I've been meaning to check it out, might do now I've got some extra time
@DarkDragonLord 6 ай бұрын
i saw this bug one other time in a starfield funny moments thing. Where there was one game breaking bug that offsets the entire game usually involves ships. My guess its something they did with the creation engine or how they coded it. In past Bethesda games some of the quick fixes would be to load a save before things broke. That can be hard to locate though cause it seems like for some reason a script is running to make syndicate attack you and it could be left over from another encounter or just a bug in that questline.
@RobertA-hq3vz 6 ай бұрын
I'm playing the game now. I bought it a few months after release thinking by then they would have fixed any first day release bugs. What a fool I was. Immediately the game started freezing and crashing out. I can't get through a single gaming session without it crashing more than once, and having constant freezes where I have to wait 30 seconds to move again. And of course textures don't load in, and there's a ton of bugs as described here. And each time I play I keep thinking they couldn't possibly have properly tested this game. Did they really think Modders would fix their game for them. I'm never going to buy a Bethesda game again unless 12 months goes buy after release and the community gives it a good review. I feel cheated. And getting the game "fixed" after I've struggled through the game isn't going to help me because the game is boring and I'm not likely to play it again. Its really surprising at how badly they messed up, again.
@GhostOfSnuffles 6 ай бұрын
The main issue is that even if Bethesda fixes all of the bugs (which they won't) the bulk of the stories are so bland and samey that it will ultimately do nothing to improve good will towards the game. The issue with the game isn't just that it's a buggy mess but that it's a boring buggy mess.
@Zigurath100 6 ай бұрын
Make sure you pre order, and take your boosters
@johnthomas4868 6 ай бұрын
In Skyrim, one of the Daedric weapon quests was bugged such that, if you failed to follow the quest-giver through the forest to his cave, he could actually become lost and never show up at the cave, and you could never advance the quest and earn the weapon. It took Bethesda 3 1/2 years to patch the quest, and their patch requires you to restart the game in order to complete the quest. This one missing item prevented me from getting the platinum trophy in Skyrim, and there was no way in hell I was gonna go back through and replay the entire game to get that one item that should’ve been resolved when they patched the game 3 1/2 years after its release. BGS has been sliding into awfulness for a while, and Starfield is the combination of that slide.
@mokuba76 4 ай бұрын
I'm going through this right now.
@ionseven 6 ай бұрын
But the fanatics on all the forums keep telling me we're ALL wrong, we just dont "get it" and Emil and Todd are actual gods on Earth, who we should kneel before and thank for _giving_ us such pure digital joy and the opportunity to hand them our money and we should hope to them that they will bestow such blessings upon us again soon!
@aaronskuse2207 5 ай бұрын
Just remember, MICROSOFT forced Bethesda to delay the release of Starfield. If this is the state of Starfield after a delayed release, how much worse was Starfield going to be if Bethesda was allowed to release it when they originally wanted to?
@TheRealLoomar 5 ай бұрын
Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Imagine if they got a year less and they had to make it for playstation?
@TheChroniclesofLouie 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for your thoughts, Loomar. Let's hope 2024 brings some great things. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and yours. Sub'd.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
Merry Christmas to you too. Hopefully I'll be able to give you some great content
@jollygoodfellow3957 6 ай бұрын
Fallout 4 gave me a bug with the DLC to make your own vault when the ghoul lady wanted me to make a phoroptor. I did, but she still behaved as if the phoropter didn't exist. So I started a new playthrough and decided building a vault will be the very last thing I ever do in that world, ever, just in case it bugs out again.
@chriswilbur1356 6 ай бұрын
Yeah that mission is bugged for me on every playthrough
@bernardofares3003 6 ай бұрын
​​@@chriswilbur1356Do you guys have any CC content installed? I don't know about your case, but a similar thing happened to codsworth right at the beginning of the game in many of my saves, and also with some other important npcs. Turns out it was the "tunnel snakes" CC mod which had been broken for more than 3 years.
@chriswilbur1356 6 ай бұрын
@@bernardofares3003 this was pervasive in my playthroughs before and after CC was added
@xlerb2286 6 ай бұрын
I've still got high hopes for the next elder scrolls game as there are established game mechanics in place that I don't think Bethesda cares to change too much. And it won't have the loading screen every 5 seconds issue. Also Bethesda may spend more time than they had planned ensuring the content is richer (I won't say less buggy) than Starfield. I'm hoping they see that game as their opportunity to regain some reputation. But, for the first time since Morrowind I won't be buying one of their new titles right when it comes out. I'm now in "show me" mode with BGS.
@ryancornish445 6 ай бұрын
Still have vanilla Skyrim on the old 360. It's a mess.
@stiftarcory4364 6 ай бұрын
Shouldn’t have been released until November 24 it’s basically a beta at this point which is why I think they released it on gamepass. More people playing to find all the bugs as quickly as possible. But the fact that they are patching exploits before bugs just means management needs to be addressed immediately.
@Lokhir100 6 ай бұрын
I don't think another year would've made much difference. Still boring story, copy paste POI's, Creation Engine limitations/loadscreens, AI character writing, trash UI, muppet NPCs. They had 8 years to make this and underdelivered on pretty much every level.
@DadrickOriginal 6 ай бұрын
Starfield is an early access game being sold as full release. It's the only rational excuse for so much of the "content" feeling like a placeholder.
@WhattEvery 6 ай бұрын
'Matters of the Hart' stalling?: go to the planet [McClure II] and Lillian will be contacted the moment you set foot on the planet at the marker!
@ionageman 6 ай бұрын
I don’t think anybody play tested at all
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
By the amount of bug reports I've seen on Reddit and other websites, they certainly didn't playtest this fucking quest, I'll tell you that
@ericb893 6 ай бұрын
Bugs on power quests, can't complete. Because the base is a abandoned outpost. Boring, repetitive exploration. Lack of ability to do certain quests after becoming starborn if you chose the "skip" option to speed it up. I enjoyed the game, but the game breaking bugs have made me stop pouring any more time into it.
@GroggyGrognard 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda on Day 1 of release: "There's a game-breaking bug? Oh well - modders will fix it." Bethesda on Day 90 of release: ".... oh f***....."
@REDBowllTheDevil 6 ай бұрын
best thumbnail of 2023.
@werlev9872 6 ай бұрын
I figure they won't fix these kind of bugs and expect the unofficial patch doing it for them.
@ronsandahl274 6 ай бұрын
In the past, when quests got bugged in Bethesda game, the dev console was still active and you could use that to move the quest forward, or complete it if it was completely borked (Skyrim, Fallout 4, etc.) and this let fans have a better opinion of these games. It is a shame that modern games all disable this before shipping. Most players seem to feel that Starfield will get fixed by the modders, which is a horrible place for any game to be.
@abeljosecasillas5359 26 күн бұрын
I had the same issue after 200 hours in the game … now k can’t finish it
@CursedInEternity92 6 ай бұрын
Welcome to the club
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I wish I could revoke my membership :(
@bmosk94 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, you never should have bought the game. I saw this coming, as well as many other people from miles away. Anyone who thought Bethesda was going to deliver a competent game has been living under a rock the past 10 years. Each release is literally worse than the last. They clearly havent cared for a long time, and yet people still give them the benefit of the doubt. As long as people keep forking over money they will never address criticism head on or change for the better. STOP BUYING BGS GAMES!!!
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I didn't buy it, I got it on GamePass. If there's one thing I've learnt in recent years is that it's pretty much pointless buying AAA games on release If it hadn't been on GamePass I wouldn't have gotten it until next year at the earliest
@lonewulfmo9128 6 ай бұрын
That was a speech from inside your ass. There are no critical observations. No critical view of anything they have done right or blunders. Just the conclusion like a twenty year old that your view is the divine God view and any other view is stupid. You conclude that Todd Howard doesnt give two shits and hasn't been giving a shit. No they ve been smoking weed in the studios lying to gamers and flicking their middle fingers at people who bought the game. Finally your solution is that since your view is the God view totally right people should boycott bgs. You speak like a 12 year old who was pissed off coz they didn't get what they want. You remind me of those gen z gamers who sent death threats to cyber punk 2077 devs when it first came out.
@bmosk94 6 ай бұрын
@@TheRealLoomar Sorry, i keep forgetting that people could play it on gamepass with minimal investment. Glad you didnt send your money to bethesda
@palpaladin315 6 ай бұрын
If you are carrying contraband, the game flags you a crim with Lillian aboard. So when you board the Dumas, the captain is flagged as an innocent. - Yes its a bug, I'm sure its not intended, but its a recoverable one. Just make sure you dump or sell contraband, especially wuth an officer of the law as passenger. starfields full of stuff like this. Your cargo links are just your own, but if you do a Supply mission; remember you are shipping to a spaceport where lots of ships are coming and going. Your freighter won't leave your pad until the destination has a pad free. - This isn't a bug. Its working as intended.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
But I didn't have any contraband though... :(
@leadingauctions8440 6 ай бұрын
The reason Bethesda is so uncaring to you all is obvious: At this point it is hard hearing Bethesda fans complain. It just feels like annoying whining. Because, the truth is, those very, very low standards he had when choosing to purchase this Bethesda game were already insanely bad. Bethesda has no reason to start giving a damn about the quality of their games, or how any of you feel, because they know you will be buying the next game they make. PERIOD. Bethesda Fans are the Pokemon community, but 12 times worse.
@chaserseven2886 6 ай бұрын
people really love not knowing what they meant for 25 years part is that they wanted to make it for 25 years and not that it took them 25 years to make it, they started working on starfield after they the nuka world dlc
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I am aware. As I said in the video, from what I know they've been working on this project for about 8 years However, this seems to have been a dream project for Todd, who has wanted to release something like this for over 2 decades Which is why I'm so confused about how, despite the enthusiasm and development time, it still isn't really ready
@JohnNorse 6 ай бұрын
No problem like this for me,,,weird.........
@khatdubell 6 ай бұрын
I've been done with bethesda for a long time. Welcome to the club.
@bradhoover1644 4 ай бұрын
And its still broke. Today. Mayne it will get fixed but for fucks sake.
@archoridlolarchorid4477 6 ай бұрын
I don't understand this I never met bugs like this or even broken quest nor starfield and fallout 4 and i played them from release day.
@HyouVizer 6 ай бұрын
starfield has one of thee worst bounty system ive ever seen
@mm-yt8sf 6 ай бұрын
yup that mission cursed all my others too, i couldn't complete it, and i couldn't get rid of that companion's ex. she followed me around and shot at my pirate "friends" 🙂i opened a ticket for it but bethesda didn't fix it, i found a mod that allowed me to move forward. 250 devs working on the game, eh? hmm well, that makes the "no documentation" seem very plausible. "we are aware of the issue and will fix it in the future" 😀i'm not playing it because yet another bug stopped my progress (messed up mission log).
@ChadOfAllChads 6 ай бұрын
That doesnt sound like a bug though
@lvlndco 6 ай бұрын
To me all Starfield was for Bethesda was a way to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars with as little real effort as possible. They claimed they spent a year making it better...I call BS on that. So many quests have huge holes in them. Try taking the va'ruun trait thinking that should lead to some really interesting dialog opportunities...nope. The quest where that should be something major...nope, you get one throw away line. Andreja doesn't even recognize you as va'ruun...what a load of crap. The Kids Stuff trait....garbage. Bounty Hunting, you get a couple of starting perks nothing else. I had started a new play through a few weeks ago. So far I have 5 Starborn ships, all of them landed empty...that would be cool if they too weren't garbage.
@Cluez31 6 ай бұрын
Yeah no sense for Matters of the Hart or any other mission to still be bugged 3 months after launch. I had to basically download GamePass on my PC and install the game on PC to use a cheat to auto-finish this mission, and then save it, and transfer it back over to the Xbox.... That's unacceptable. What about people that don't have access to a PC to do this method, or don't have PC Gamepass with Xbox Gamepass..???
@andrewyorke3352 6 ай бұрын
I'm done as well creations paid mods destroyed it for me I had to delete Skyrim and will not go back
@belladonna5531 6 ай бұрын
I gave up on starfield after having to pay a $300 000 bounty to do the pirates questlines and then completing the cruise ship mission by persuading the woman to give me her key to her priceless artifact lol, i hear you can finish the main quest by persuading the starborn to be nice people ................................ After a number of hours you come to realise this is a very shallow rpg experience and virtually nothing you do effects anything in the wider world, the quest writing is largely terrible with some good ideas being lost in totally unsatisfactory forced outcomes. Empty worlds, empty choices and the worst companions in any Bethesda game. How Bethesda thought this was good in any way shows the hubris Bruce Nesmith mentioned in his recent interview. We are playing the game wrong apparently 😢😢 Without the exploration of previous games its just dull, not good or bad just dull, jack of all trades master of none.............. They need to play a CDPR game to understand what good quests and characters are, they didnt learn from Fallout 76 and somehow this game is even emptier 🤣🤣
@tio8194 6 ай бұрын
Welcome to the future of gamepass funded games
@FrancisFjordCupola 6 ай бұрын
I just knocked out the engines on the Dumas, boarded it and confiscated it. What that did was make Sam mad at me. However, what he needed was just a bit of time off. We did some more stuff and eventually he got over himself. Things went back to normal. Thing is he and his ex are at least slightly at odds (plenty of clues along the way) and with some choices you can side with her over him. And on the choices I made where I was in agreement with his ex, I am entirely sure I was right. Just took Sam time to accept. The way he acts out makes it seem like a showstopper, but it is not. More an issue of presentation than anything else.
@leonc9760 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda don’t care, fallout 4 is still infested with game breaking bugs nearly a decade after release! Some bugs took them 5+ years to fix…they are lazy and rely on modders to finish and fix their games and on console they take forever to put out updates that fix nothing and break more. The fact they own the rights to fallout depresses me greatly
@myfestivus4336 6 ай бұрын
People act like Bugthesda made bug free games before Starfield. You knew what you were getting into. You don’t need to announce your departure.
@mrsasshole 6 ай бұрын
Starfield is a game that I was incredibly excited for, but grew to eventually hate by the time I finished my first (and only) playthrough. I thought you were exceptionally kind here Loomar, as nearly every major system in this game is broken or seriously flawed. But I think as we get further away from the launch date of Starfield and we see posts from people who worked on the game, it's becoming more clear as to why this game turned out to be utter sh**. There's clearly a serious cultural problem within Bethesda. The number of social media posts from Bethesda employees that can be distilled down to "Here's why you're wrong about not enjoying Starfield" is astonishing. Serious, serious problems inside that company.
@Honed- 6 ай бұрын
if your on pc, you can console cammand to skip the step.... if your on console well.................... sorry, yeah, your save is f**ked.
@weplayvrgames 6 ай бұрын
Writing was on the wall with this game youd have to be pretty gullible to expect this game to not be an absolute mess , its everybodys own fault for buying it or supporting gamepass this is what you get for blind fanboyism
@MayaWu44 5 ай бұрын
All of this was visible just from official trailers. Basicaly - it's not a complete game. It's only empty mockup, a cardboard box painted on the outside and made heavy with random junk. My ONLY impression after watching official trailers was "gooooh, what a trash". I'm a simple fool man, but I'm old enough so I had my dissapointments in the past, and so now I've seen exactly what is going on. Important thing is to acknowledge mistake, and move on, because if we will be eager to pay for such crap, than we will get from them nothing more, ever. And they never care about you, you should understand at lest that much. But they care about money. So if you love play video games, and still have hope for some good titles in the future - don't even waste your time for companies like bethesda. Remember - the worst kind of a lie is one that you giving to yourself...
@gloom832 6 ай бұрын
I don't feel sorry you... in case you missed the memo, bethesda's dead.
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
After the complete stupidity of Fallout 76, the mediocrity of Deathloop, the complete failure of Redfall, and now the fact that there's an inexcusable amount of game breaking bugs in Starfield, I'm inclined to agree with you
@BarbosaUral 6 ай бұрын
I don't think that Loomar was asking for sympathy.
@NBag-ni4ow 6 ай бұрын
It's very simple. Don't give bgs your money
@watchout5508 6 ай бұрын
I learned Starfield isn't worth my time in the first month of playing... im done with Bethesda
@Xstr8edgeX26 6 ай бұрын
Play Eve Online, i can give you a 1 million skill point link that would help you train skills for whatever you will want to do. Space trucker, miner, industrial, exploration, or pirate hunting and pvp. Just dont kill me please.
@NickWebb-lc6ry 6 ай бұрын
You guys understand that they have very little actual talent at Bethesda, it is 90% a marketing firm. The "coders" they have are obviously very cheap labor that other companies didn't want because of a lack of talent.
@afreestate8466 6 ай бұрын
Im not trying to make any excuses for bethesda when I say this, but how did you go 96 hours of game play without manually saving in a bethesda game? I thought it was just common knowledge that you every 10 steps or so
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
I just kinda got immersed in the game and kept forgetting to manually save. Definitely a mistake on my part, but I didn't expect the game to fuck up that badly, especially after being out for 3 months
@robertphillips5459 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda does not care, as long as they get thier money thats all they care about, shame on Bethesda!😢😢😢😢😢😮😮😮😮
@sulijoo 6 ай бұрын
Everything Bethesda has ever done has been low effort garbage massively propped up by a loyal army of modders (and even some modders have given up on Starfield). They can't even be bothered to put an FOV slider in an FPS game. Digital Foundry proved Todd Howard is a liar. They ran their own tests and showed that the game is only optimised for Nvidia, not AMD. Stop giving Bethesda your time and money, they don't deserve it.
@gonetounderground 6 ай бұрын
anyone who paid full price for this game after fallout 76 got exactly what they deserved
@TheRealLoomar 6 ай бұрын
Still haven't played Fallout 76. Honestly the whole multiplayer aspect of it just puts me off
@bryanbrewer4272 6 ай бұрын
creamy a.f.
@LOW-KEY78 6 ай бұрын
Starfield is the most disappointing game I ever played
@Libertas_P77 6 ай бұрын
Bethesda are actually a terrible game studio these days. I’m also done with them and used to be a total fan boy.
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