2:30 栃木県内では、東武鉄道が日光電車など過去に運営、その全廃55年後に復活しました In Tochigi Prefecture, Tobu Railway operated Nikko trams and other trains, which were abolished and revived 55 years later. 12:08 それを200ミリほど奥へ、3名がけに変更すれば1編成あたり定員を12名増やせます If you move it back about 8 inches(200mm) and change it to a 3-person capacity, you can increase the capacity to 12 people per formation. 宇都宮東武の建て替え次第、ライトラインは総合運動公園(西川田)へ行きやすくなります Depending on the reconstruction of Utsunomiya Tobu Dept. Store, Lightline will become easier to reach General Sports Park(Nishi-Kawada). ライトラインはこれからも進化し続け、日本のみならず世界の見本となるでしょう! Lightline will continue to evolve and become a model not only for Japan but also for the world!