I Was BANNED From Drawing | Art + Storytime

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@priinn_cess Жыл бұрын
i got told off as a kid a lot without knowing what for, and as an autistic 5yo i just figured "hey if i just stop doing everything completely, i cant possibly get in trouble!" so basically shut down and stopped talking and then the teacher had an awkward talk with my mum about it😭😭
@am_Nein Жыл бұрын
I hope your mum absolutely talked that teacher out of thinking she could crawl her way out of that hole she dug.
@priinn_cess Жыл бұрын
@@am_Nein she did, thankfully :)
@NewGuy478 Жыл бұрын
It works
@nxdiaz5916 Жыл бұрын
@Demon-kf4bq Жыл бұрын
i actually did a lot of very similar things as a kid lmao
@Thinginator Жыл бұрын
Heh, this reminds me of the first time I got in trouble for swearing in preschool. I didn't know what the word meant, another student had said it to me and I thought the word sounded cool, so I repeated it to my teacher loudly and confidently. Just like your teacher, she didn't tell me why I was in trouble or what I'd done wrong. I had no concept of "bad" words at the time and I was super confused lol.
@heygirlieholdstill Жыл бұрын
LMAO im sorry you had to go through this and all i can say is that im really glad this hasn't happened to me because, while i didn't draw humans, i loved to draw animals and i was a strangely violent child😬 i usually drew edgy anime cats (warrior cats phase, never passed to this day), but quite gory and my teachers didn't give a shit i was literally in kindergarden and the teacher told us to draw something and i drew an entire comic about a duck with sharp-ass teeth that bit another duck to death i wonder what my teach thought lmfao💀
@liljatupsu Жыл бұрын
When I was 5 I made a "book" about a puppy whose backstory was that when his mom was giving birth to him, his dad got hit by a car and bled to death. I distinctly remember it saying something along the lines of "As Rekku is born, his dad's last drop of blood drips out" (in gindergartener prose, of course, but I don't know where the book is so I can't get it word for word) (There was also a whole series of Rekku books. In one of them he ate poisonous mushrooms and had to get surgery) As with you, Warriorcats finally satisfied my thirst for fictional animal character blood lol
@heygirlieholdstill Жыл бұрын
@@liljatupsu oh my god 😂😂
@cyndrigaming Жыл бұрын
When I was in high school, my best friend was drawing Moses' staff from the bible and she had only started shading and detailing before the bell rang. And so only the tip of the staff was done. In the hallway, we were talking with one of our teachers and the teacher saw what she thought was a... peen. on the canvas LOL It was hysterical to see the relief wash over her when my friend held it up and showed her the lighter pencil sketches underneath of the full image
@LuvHaebom Жыл бұрын
ohmygod they really punished you for drawing the accurate female form??? chests aren’t even that bad?? all women have them to some degree?? that’s not even a teacher being overdramatic, that teacher was straight up misogynistic I have my own story rq my teachers growing up slowly but surely stomped out all of my creative motivation and will to create. I was punished for writing stories during class, and punished for *reading* my own hundreds of page long stories during silent reading time. I was also punished for doodling, being accused of not paying attention. mind you, even when I was doing those things, I was still paying attention during class and getting very high grades. when my other child classmates would trace my art and I would get upset, my teachers would tell me it’s not a big deal, because my art wasn’t good anyway. these were huge contributors for why I have such a hard time picking up a pencil to write, and why I always lose motivation to create as soon as I begin a drawing. I had one incident in 4th grade where I had written a 300 page long story, and during silent reading time, I chose to read my own book. suddenly, the same teacher who frequently made fun of me for being horrible at math, mind you, we weren’t in math class, began yelling at me. I was told I wasn’t following directions. I was told I had to walk laps during the entirety of recess. as I was walking to the playground to do my laps, I talked to my other teacher about it. she simply told me I wasn’t reading what I was supposed to read. to this day, I don’t understand what that could mean.
@munchoyo Жыл бұрын
Oh no 😢 That's really sad!!! So sorry that happened to you
@-themightymittens- 9 ай бұрын
Those are some crappy teachers, I'm sorry. I'd be absolutely crushed if this happened to me. Writing a 300-page story at 4th grade is insanely impressive though!
@LuvHaebom 9 ай бұрын
@@-themightymittens- yeahhh 😭 im 18 now and thanks to those teachers I never really regained my love for writing again, it sucks. went from being at a high school reading level in 2nd grade and writing novels to being an adult and having no creativity in terms of writing
@TheBigJayAgenda 8 сағат бұрын
Not all women have them
@LuvHaebom 8 сағат бұрын
@@TheBigJayAgenda oh yeah we should totally discount everything I just said because of a technicality. I said *to some degree*, including the smallest sizes possible.
@orchidoxs126 Жыл бұрын
A classmate of mine back in elementary told the teacher I was pulling up inappropriate pictures on the school laptop. I didn't. If anyone knows that game fnaf, I had pulled up a picture of two animatronics i shipped together because I was 10 and make it my account laptop wallpaper. Wanna know what they were doing? They were hugging with hearts around them. Not even kissing, HUGGING. And she just kept arguing that it was bad even after I removed it. "Well that's not good they can still see it in the data base!" Well guess whi never got in trouble of looking up a wholesome drawing probably made by a 13 year old of a chicken and a bunny hugging.
@nathankeene9236 Жыл бұрын
I know this is an older video, but I now just want to see you draw your characters as hamsters.
@Deadpurpleflower Жыл бұрын
Once when I was younger I heard a teacher say to some kid, “don’t stick out your middle finger!” So I was like, “why?” And did it. Then the teacher came up to me and told me off
@mexicanLOUBForce 2 ай бұрын
finally someone else who acknowledges hamtaro
@william_suitcase Жыл бұрын
my favorite part was when she said "with a new love comes a new desire" and a gacha life add popped up for me
@Amethiist143 Жыл бұрын
When I was in grade four I liked drawing anime girls too, i was trying so hard to prefect my… chest drawing and some girl came over and called other classmates over to slander my art
@theantithesis1 Жыл бұрын
@littlelunardragon Жыл бұрын
dont u just hate it when an adult tells u you're in trouble but they dont tell u why and they just go and punish u, whats even the point of a punishment if u dont know or dont understand what ur being punished for ? XD man if i got banned from drawing in school i wouldve crumbled apart slowly and painfully :P
@Serial-Designation_Bug Жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who noticed the Hateno village music-? Anyways. I don’t think anything like this happened to me.. because I only just actually started to get into drawi this. My drawings mostly consist of warrior cats or wolves… sometimes WoF dragons, but not as many. Trying to teach myself how to draw humans, currently 🥲
@ofcatsandcrepes2080 Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of when I was in fourth grade, I drew a picture of a wrench with eyes saying "I am a wrench." My teachers made a big shitshow over it as they thought I was being self-deprecative or making a crass pun but....I just drew a wrench stating the obvious. I was so embarassed. Looking back, they probably thought that I was calling myself a *wench.* Like I totally get it now, but ofc nine year old me didn't know what the fuck was happening!!
@ofcatsandcrepes2080 Жыл бұрын
@Jay Blue I know right!?!? I felt so shitty about it after it happened!
@derpkipper 5 ай бұрын
Some adults need to chill tf out sometimes lol
@patchworkcreator841 Жыл бұрын
in elementary school I wasn't allowed to doodle for no reason, every teacher I had would try to prevent me from doodling on every piece of paper I had. now I'm allowed to draw on almost all of the paper I want, and I discovered the magic of digital art
@Amethiist143 Жыл бұрын
Same! My teacher would yell at anyone who did anything to their paper aside from the work, until one morning the principal came into our class and encouraged it, talking about how it helped her focus while she listened to the lessons. My teacher completely changed after that and pretended like she had always allowed it
@BadTimesWithGhost_ Жыл бұрын
Same but in high school my mfl teachers like put the book away and I'm like BRUH
@Pixisnothuman_101 Жыл бұрын
Um no Offense but idc.
@Amethiist143 Жыл бұрын
@@Pixisnothuman_101 you’re really having your “main character moment” 💀
@patchworkcreator841 Жыл бұрын
If you don’t care then don’t reply
@Sin_Ligereep Жыл бұрын
Wow, your teacher really did you dirty. Not only did they make a big deal over something that honestly wasn't that big of a deal, but they didn't even explain what you did wrong. I already had big bazonkers by the time I was in 5th grade, so if I had been drawing girls like that and my teacher flipped out, I probably would have thought there was something wrong with me too and had given me body issues. Probably the best thing you got from that experience is getting all that experience drawing Hamtaro hamsters. X'D
@wolflplushlnoice Жыл бұрын
OMG ME TOO! sure it's pretty uncommon but can people like not act like there are cases of children having early b00b development...like fr man..I know this is like only a small thing you mentioned in your comment but like-
@mew976 Жыл бұрын
My bestfriend used to have big breasts at like 6th grade so one of the new girls pointed it out to me as if she's gross or smn ,lost all respect,trust and faith in the newbie in a split second and promptly left to hangout with my bestie( she was far from us doing smn else)
@LuvHaebom Жыл бұрын
People forget that puberty can also start at a very young age, I started breast development at 6, and got my period at 8. by 5th grade I had large C cups.
@derpkipper 5 ай бұрын
​@LuvHaebom that sounds like you had a confusing childhood. Man...and I thought starting my first period at 10 was early. Lol
@lawnmower16 Жыл бұрын
Telling a child artist not to draw straight up is like the worst thing you can do to them. You gotta be more specific. Tell them why they can't draw _in this particular instance_, whether that be the content of their drawings, the place they're drawing, etc. There are big gaps in my drawing as a child that came about due to people telling me I should draw or that they didn't like me drawing
@KitKatbar168 3 ай бұрын
Fr I was devastated when I was told that as a kid 😭
@katethevampire Жыл бұрын
Why did the teacher just tell you not to draw inappropriate things? Judging by the drawing you showed it doesn't even look that bad. Tbh if that happened to me when I was younger I just start bawling I was very fragile when I was younger.
@bluerain2082 Жыл бұрын
oh my god i would shut myself off from the world if that happened. that must have been such a traumatizing thing to say to a passionate kid. I love your art now I am so glad you are thriving. Shout out to the creative kids
@linlupin Жыл бұрын
I was worried for a second of like "ohno did we have the same Spanish teacher in middle school?" bc literally my 8th grade Spanish teacher was GUNG HO about not letting my ADHD ass draw in her class thinking that was why my grades were really bad (its almost as if the system works against how I learn or something)....... but then my grades got infinitely worse and she took it back. I was still drawing tho, just in a way that made it look like I was taking notes, so the focus was on stealth, spite, and trying desperately to not have a breakdown in every class.
@carolinecheney Жыл бұрын
My brother has ADHD too! But I’m the sibling that’s into art and haven’t been banned from drawing yet! He just procrastinates when it comes to school work, like I procrastinate when it comes to studying and I don’t know why. No, I’m not ADHD, I’m just on the spectrum.
@Al1c33_3 Жыл бұрын
I’m undiagnosed and just generally neurodivergent and my English teacher definitely didn’t hear my home room teachers story from last year where I read a FULL BOOK in class and she tried to slip me up and catch me and I AWNSERED RIGHT. And now my English teacher gets mad once I start drawing a circle to start off a doodle 💀💀💀
@Jameson_Misadventures Жыл бұрын
Same!, teachers think of the best way to make us miserable
@NatCatKitty Жыл бұрын
Idk if I have adhd (I’ve speculated for years but I don’t know) but I drew all over my papers because I was bored and it was fun ngl lol, but anyways in 7th grade my English teacher told me I shouldn’t draw anymore on the sides of my papers because she “didn’t know if my highschool and college teachers would like it.” I stopped for a bit but eventually I just went right back to it and my highschool teachers never cared, and then I went to college for graphic design and my assignments were drawing/sketching haha
@tehrinny7031 Жыл бұрын
Drawing was how I focused on what was being said. If I looked up at the teacher or the board, I'd get distracted. If I was looking down at the paper and doodling, I could filter the information better. I always got in trouble. Then I learned the autistic / adhd lifehack of doodling and associating said doodle to the subject matter, creating a sort of mental cheat-sheet in my head since my memory is highly visual. And that's how I passed every test but failed miserably at everything else because I couldn't ever finish my homework. And now I just making a living from doodling so... eh. whatever.
@ZarinaRoseYT Жыл бұрын
This story reminded me of something that happened to me in uh 6th grade? I was drawing before class and these two guys came up to me noticed my badly drawn person (It was still a sketch of a girl. Body wasn't that bad but you could tell that it was a person and a girl but like no face/clothing ya know kinda the weird stage lol) and they asked me to draw NSFW for them... I didn't I told on them- Because I was so grossed out by it that I remember at the end of the class I stayed a bit and then told the teacher what the guys asked me. Idk what happened idk if the teacher got on them about it or what. They never asked again :p Edit: I think I wrote this out when I was tried this makes kind of no sense I'm not editing it to make more sense it still gets the point across lol
@ashleyparisi4785 Жыл бұрын
YO wtf wrong with that person 💀
@Will-o-Wisp Жыл бұрын
Hamtaro drawing stream when?! This brought me right back to elementary school drawing way too much Hamtaro and getting my sketchbook taken away because I was drawing so much that I wasn’t even trying to pay attention in class
@rubyyates8589 Жыл бұрын
@kisathomas Жыл бұрын
@rubyyates8589 Жыл бұрын
@@kisathomas agreed
@salderr Жыл бұрын
This video has taught us some important lessons. Like how girls have eyes, hair and legs. Also how hamsters are not anime girls
@eeeEEEeeeEEEEEE-eeeeeee 2 ай бұрын
(unless theyre mermaids)
@Indigos_blues Жыл бұрын
this brought me back to in 3rd grade when I got in trouble for drawing a cheerleader in a two piece lol. it wasn't even a bad one either it was like an inch of skin
@Emmawow12 Жыл бұрын
@theautisticartist9370 Жыл бұрын
I don't get it. Boobs aren't sexual. It's like banning someone for drawing legs. You can sexualize legs but they aren't sexual.
@ScrewdriverGaming Жыл бұрын
I had a history teacher who, in the first week of class, actively told me and the girl I sat next to that we SHOULD be drawing in her class if it helps us concentrate. I liked her. She was a good teacher
@missm0ka Жыл бұрын
But isn't that how we all started out drawing girls? I know I did, my cousin did too... With young brain having knowlege of the female form limited to myself it only made sense to draw them as such. I'm not sure it's really that big of an issue for a child who's in the process of learning to draw that way
@YinCup-vv8bv Жыл бұрын
Not me thankfully😂
@The_Best_Ever1345 Жыл бұрын
We NEED to see a new hamster drawing after all these years
@gaurdiansofbalance9494 Жыл бұрын
in middle school i spent a lunch with my principal ,because i enjoyed drawing charecters with swords for hands and the teacher thought it was two middle fingers. and was made to promise i would never draw like that again.
@Crow.Theodore Жыл бұрын
In high school I would often get into trouble for drawing but it was my only means of being able to concentrate so I did it anyways and one day my geography teacher saw me drawing while he was teaching and he came and picked up my sketchbook. I was so scared he was going to confiscate it but he just went, “hmm that’s pretty good” and moved on. And he was known to be super strict so I was shocked
@Mapple318 Жыл бұрын
Once my math teacher banned my artbook (i was like 14 so i understood why). Altought, instead of stoping drawing in her class, i brought an empty school book, called it "class notes" and used it as artbook.
@Skyeleafe Жыл бұрын
When I was in 6th grade, I was out on punishment and banned from art. I followed my punishment, but that didn't make me draw less. If anything, I drew a lot. Even out in the open, and didn't get in trouble.
@XYpsilonLP Жыл бұрын
Reminds me of someone who draw a black cake during an "draw your favourite cake" assignment and got in trouble for "being lazy". After telling the teacher that this is a "licorice cake" he got into MORE trouble and the teacher had a talk with his parents... Some teachers are just ... well ... "not helpful" to phrase it mildly.
@DrawciaGleam02 9 ай бұрын
Wait, why is Licorice problematic????
@XYpsilonLP 9 ай бұрын
@@DrawciaGleam02I have no idea. I guess the teacher thought it was just an excuse. But I don't know for sure
@Midnight3Wonder Жыл бұрын
You should have drawn a hamster sticking its tongue out and given it to him! BEST REVENGE!!! I also constantly drew in class. I didn’t know it at the time, but I have ADHD so it made it very difficult for me to focus in class to just sit quietly and listen. I needed something to do on the side that would still let me pay attention and I found drawing to be my best method of doing so. It allowed me to pay attention in class with zeroing in on just one thing and giving myself a headache for focusing too hard on one thing. The only time I got in trouble for drawing during a lesson was because I had doodled not on paper but my desk. I had to stay In during recess to clean it up and I was super sad that day because of it. Luckily, lesson learned after that one time and I never drew on anything that wasn’t meant to be drawn on ever again. Never got in trouble for art again. One of my teachers did once question me about a bunch of doodles I made all over my assignment when we had to write what our dream birthday party would be. I wrote about a Pokémon-themed party and mentioned how I would have love it if the voice actor for Ash Ketchum came to my party. I wrote it up fairly quickly as I’m not a slow writer and knew exactly what I wanted to write. I had so much spare time left that I decided to draw all around my words. By the time I finished and we had to turn in our paper, all four borders of my assignment were covered in doodles of Pokémon-themed party supplies, some of my favorite Pokémon and I even drew a picture of Ash Ketchum to help create a better visual of my dream party and to make the paper look more fun and interesting. I almost got in trouble because my teacher thought I didn’t take the assignment seriously and spent most of my time drawing instead of working. I had actually spent more time on the writing and had to explain to her that I’m simply very fast at drawing, hence why I was able to fit so many doodles in my remaining time. I’m not sure if she believed me until during some free time on a more relaxed day I decided to draw some pictures and my teacher watched me drawing over my shoulder and realized that I wasn’t joking. I can actually draw detailed portraits of others in just 5 or so minutes to give you an example of how quickly I can draw. Needless to say, my teacher felt a bit embarrassed when she learned that I was just a speedy drawer who did, in fact, take my assignments seriously.
@solareclipse5174 Жыл бұрын
I also constantly drew in most of my classes throughout middle and high school. I also recently found out I most likely have severe ADHD which makes how I acted all throughout high school make a lot more sense. Luckily I still did most of my work and was passing my classes (besides my later english classes because I didn't enjoy writing) so my teachers only ever complimented my doodles. I remember my freshmen/sophomore english teacher was so nice and didn't mind that I drew or that I didn't always pay attention; he just cared that I got the work done and enjoyed his class. He even asked me to make a drawing to add to his cork board. Sadly I recently heard from my younger sister who now attends the same school that the this teacher was being accused of sexual harassment by a couple of girls and he ended up going on leave (haven't been told if he plans on returning). No clue if its true or not, but either way it still makes me sad to hear.
@Midnight3Wonder Жыл бұрын
@@solareclipse5174 I'm sorry to heart about your teacher. I surely hope that it's not true and simply a misunderstanding or a really bad revenge prank for a bad grade. Those two options are certain much better than it being true. Otherwise, I'd be quite worried about the safety of his students. I work as a teacher assistant for my local community center, assisting in art and (ironically) sports classes for little kids. Even before that, I often worked with kids as my mom is a dance teacher, former theater teacher, and would often babysit for friends and family. As a result, I pretty much grew up around kids and helping to take care of them. I've even dreamed of becoming a mother before becoming a bride and still do to this day. So, as you can imagine, I'm very fond of children and want to make sure they are happy and safe. It absolutely breaks my heart whenever I hear of children being in dangerous situations like that. I also have to be very careful of how I approach and care for the children of others as I understand how terrifying it must be to trust someone else to care for your kids even for just a short time. I never want to create the impression that I'm being inappropriate with someone's child, so I have to be careful about how I care for a child in my work. Luckily, I seem to have a very trustworthy and innocent presence to myself as no one has ever had any issues with how I approach children. Even when I help a random kid at the store as a total stranger, no one ever seems to get the vibe that I'm some sort of predator. Thank goodness! I'd die of shame if I ever made anyone feel like that. I'm glad you never got into trouble in school about your art. For kids with ADHD, especially if they're artistic, drawing in class is a perfectly normal thing and can better aid them in their lessons. It can help us clear our mind if we start to overthink things or calm us down if we get really nervous. I would occasional draw things related to my lessons whenever my mind wasn't too focused on something else of my interests. Though, sometimes I'd be lucky enough to blend my own personal interests with a lesson. I remember this one time we were learning about Japan in social studies and I decided to include some of my love for anime in my drawings during my free time. Funny side note, one of the things we had learned was that the cherry blossom was the symbol of the samurai, also known as "sakura" which made me really excited because, at the time, I was a really big fan of CardCaptor Sakura. During one of our tests about Japan, one of the questions was what was the symbol of the samurai, and I unfortunately wasn't too confident about how to spell "cherry blossom". I just hadn't spelled nor seen those words enough at the time to confidently know how to spell it, so I wrote "sakura" instead since I did know how to spell that thanks to my love of CardCaptor Sakura. My teacher was impressed that I remembered the Japanese word for "cherry blossom" but also surprised that I knew how to spell it. I admitted to her what happened and it gave her a good laugh.
@Narrendor Жыл бұрын
Star I adore these stories so much
@quatromanthefourth4413 Жыл бұрын
I watched an entire video essay about sexualization and the girl in the video said something I have taken to heart in all ethical debates about drawing women "It's not sexualization to have women with more attractive proportions so long as that is not the focus of the character and the way they look is something you can expect within the setting. Sexualization is not what something is but how the world views/treats that character" all this to say that I think that your teacher is in the wrong here because you weren't using a big red arrow or anything to say "Hey this is sexy stuff!" so I wouldn't be so hard on little you because you didn't mean anything of it.
@kojodog3149 Жыл бұрын
Im so sorry u went thru this 😭😭😭 i remember being little and drawing the girl in a bikini with huge boobs from the mr. saxobeat remix album cover next to frankie stein and my mom just kinda looked at my drawing and was like "the shading is very nice good job" LMAO
@pixelatedheartx Жыл бұрын
When I was younger we werent allowed to draw in our books so we got sticky notes instead I remember around that time I had a passionate hate for smoking for some reason so i drew a no smoking sign on the sticky note The next day I didnt get any sticky notes😔 I was very confused
@soybellaa Жыл бұрын
@Smacketeer Жыл бұрын
I, too, loved drawing in my classes. My 6th grade teacher hated when I'd draw on my assignments and told me that when I got into middle and high school that "drawing on assignments wouldn't be tolerated by other teachers." I challenged her theory and had quite a few teachers who didn't mind my doodles and actually kinda liked my work, as long as I was also getting my assignments completed. In 10th grade I had a couple of teachers who told me I needed to "stop drawing, period," but with that, I only drew *more* and two teachers in particular just gave up trying to get me to stop. In contrast, my biology teacher loved when I'd draw in her class. I'd see her standing close by with her arms akimbo, and I'd feel all color flush from my face, but when I'd glance up, she'd be smiling and telling me she liked whatever I was doodling. I let her keep one of my assignments, in which we were prompted to make a short comic about aliens destroying all of Earth's trees and plant life. My math teacher also loved my work. I drew her something special for the end of the year and she had it pinned on her wall near her workspace. There was just one time she had to tell me to keep something "school appropriate" since there was a one-off time that I drew a monkey with a cigar on one of my assignments.
@Starlight013 Жыл бұрын
I know this is unrelated to the video's topic, but the drawings you did while talking are DROP DEAD GORGEUS. :)
@chaoscreature Жыл бұрын
I remember in like, second grade? I was drawing fanart of some character from a Minecraft series, but as anime instead of Minecraft. I had no clue how to draw anatomy properly so it looked like this: ______ / | o o|\ / | w | \ /( )\ / / \ \ L L It was my first time drawing a character with booba, so they looked weird af, but they weren’t r that big. My older sister walked in, gasped, and ran downstairs. I heard whispering, and my mom laughing, and nothing happened.
@SirLopi666 Жыл бұрын
Both amusing and a very creative use of the characters. I've never seen someone use symbols to represent real life drawings before lol
@gamergirlblu5278 Жыл бұрын
This sounds familiar to my start in high school. At some point in high school I got into Team Fortress 2, an online shooter that isn’t afraid to get red like doom when you attack someone. One class, I think we had to write a poem, so my autistic cheeks wrote something that I thought was just me fantasising about the game and it’s graphics and wanting to get back to playing it but as an adult, I came to the realisation of “I don’t get why they were so wor- OH GOD” Simple minds don’t think things through, they just do what the brain says is good. I can only imagine how worried the teachers were
@katherinechandler7349 Жыл бұрын
My 4th grade math teacher HATED whenever u drew. It got to the point where I took my science note book, put it in my lap, and draw like that. Once she caught me, dragged me out into the hall, told me not to draw again, and threw my dragon drawings away. Did that stop me? Nope. She made the dumb decision to put me in the back if the class, so I could draw even more. I’m still drawing and drawing other things. Btw I love your vids, stories, and art
@bowlOnudel Жыл бұрын
My mom used to call the school and told all the teachers to prevent me from drawing in class and also to keep my hair back and not pull it out of whatever painful style my mom pulled it back in. She was the worst
@Actually_its_Ashely Жыл бұрын
lol I literally got sticky notes banned from my 5th grade class. I would draw on them all class, I was paying attention but others (apparently) started doing the same, and not paying attention. So it had been about 2 months of me drawing in class when my teacher goes “no sticky notes in this class anymore” I had a stack of them on my desk, in my notebook, and in my backpack. I used sticky notes for everything (so much so where my friends and family would joke about it) and was so mad when that happened. It didn’t stop my doodling tho, we were required to take notes in math, and the teacher would only ever glance at my notebook so I wasn’t worried about my bad drawing skills. There were vampire anime girls next to my math notes for a whole year. I love to keep all my sketchbooks but never actually got that math book back so yeah I don’t do that anymore. Btw you lighting is so freaking good!
@William_Nowin Жыл бұрын
What's wrong with body parts💀
@AtlasTheMilk Жыл бұрын
i loved hamtaro, my gasp was very loud and you could probably hear it outside
@PeriluneStar Жыл бұрын
One time my mean language arts teacher in middle school gave me detention for drawing in class. I already hated her, but this made it even worse. I mean, we were getting started on work so I probably should have stopped, but detention!? What the heck? Honestly I don't even remember if that was the reason but I think she was just in a bad mood and I felt like she was taking it out on the students. It made me really upset.
@starlunakitsube Жыл бұрын
I got in trouble in grade 1 for drawing a stick figure without clothes. ...a STICK. FIGURE.
@Puff-Shroom 3 ай бұрын
@hermengarde 2 ай бұрын
In high school I was told I wasn't allowed to draw in class anymore because *my classmates* were having poor grades. (Mine were pristine, in fact.) In a class of grown-ass 18 year olds who should be responsible for their own crap. It was an arts track class and their excuse was that my classmates couldn't resist the urge to draw when they saw me doing it so the only one forbidden from drawing was gonna be me. Never forgave my teachers for starting off what became the first of many sources of guilt from "drawing what I like" that only grew in college. It was especially bad because back then I had no clue I suffered from ADHD due to having great grades and generally masking like a pro, so sitting through a single class without drawing was miserable and I had no words to even express it.
@biggestwinonaryderfan Жыл бұрын
i’ve just been watching a lot of your videos and my stomach dropped after realising how many likes you get. your art is so pretty and your videos are very underrated
@arandomanimator9020 Жыл бұрын
I remember being told off for drawing in some of my classes, specifically my English class. I had two different teachers and it would switch between the two (Monday was teacher one and Tuesday was teacher two etc). One was a woman who was really nice and understanding but the other was a guy. The school already had bad communication between the parents and the staff so he was never told that I was allowed to drawing during lessons because I use it to get through the day and still do all of my work anyway. Since he wasn’t told he would always tell me to close my book even if I was listening to him at the same time as drawing and was JUST about to close the book to start writing or had started doodling since I finished my work but didn’t feel comfortable talking to him to let him know I was done. He ended up telling me to stop drawing so much then when he caught me drawing again, he told me to close my drawing book, TAPPED HIS PEN ON MY WORK BOOK, and started to talk to me like I was an idiot, giving a deep explanation on what I was to write and sit at the table next to me to make sure I was working. It got to the point where I was just sat there pissed off while he did the work for me. Eventually my mum had come in to talk to the teachers and he got the message that I was allowed (because me telling him wasn’t enough) and he stopped asking me to close my drawing book and left me to it, only sometimes coming over to read what I had written and he was surprised with some of my work Even though I finished school like a year ago now, I still sorta hate this teacher because of how he acted and how long it went on for, especially since no other teacher really bothered me and my drawing cuz they learned I did my work And btw, yes I passed my tests and didn’t have to retake anything which includes the English tests >:)
@iambadatnamingthings3547 Жыл бұрын
I was also getting in a lot of trouble when I was younger but the teacher never bothered to explain it and just said "think about what you've done" which led to a lot of animosity towards that teacher your teacher sounds like a terrible teacher tbh
@Lebby600 Жыл бұрын
I found out that Turing on the light on car wasn't illegal like my dad told me
@TonboIV 3 ай бұрын
Robbie sounds like the kind of pointlessly cruel child who turns into a very destructive adult. I wonder if he's in prison by now, or maybe just a board member on an HOA.
@AllYoutube-all4u Жыл бұрын
I never had those moments, but, I used to be an "artist" who stole random things and didn't do anything by myself. BUT I DECIDED TO BECOME AND ARTIST YEARS LATER AND ITS MY FOURTH YEAR OF BEING AN ARTIST !!!
@Mellon-haver Жыл бұрын
It's similar to the story where I was in 1st grade and drew a fish in a bikini on a homework assignment cause it was funny and showed to to everyone until a kid told on me and I got in SO much trouble. I was very sad after though cause I was very confused and felt id done nothing wrong and got shunned the most unspeakable demented act when it was just a fish in a bikini
@NatCatKitty Жыл бұрын
So in my middle school they used to make up stupid rules for no reason. I would draw cats every study hall in 6th, and 7th grade but when I got into 8th grade I started drawing and the teacher told me, “do you have any homework to work on?” And I looked at her confused cause clearly I was working on a cat drawing and for years that had been fine. I was like “umm no I’m drawing.” And then she was like “You aren’t allowed to draw, you have to be doing something educational like reading or homework.” I was fuming and flabbergasted honestly, what a slap in the face to artists literally saying drawing isn’t “educational” as if art class doesn’t exist. So I came home and told my grandma and she was furious too, she called up the school and chewed them out 😂 next time I was allowed to draw and so were others! The ban was revoked lol
@alex_covers3291 Жыл бұрын
something similar happend to me, but with the difference that nothing really happend to me (no punishment, but strong consequences) when i was in 1ST GRADE my father gave me his phone to watch a kids movie he had downloaded, he specifically told me to not get out of that video and to give him back the phone once it finished, thing that my dad and my mom left me watching the movie in the bedroom, and at the middle of the movie the vidoe cuts, little me worried that something happend tried to get the video on again, only getting the begininng of the movie, i got more scared, and didn't tell my parents about this issue because i was scared they would ground me, so by clicking a few buttons i got out of the video and the gallery of videos appeared, innocent little me clicked on them and i was confused cuz i didn't knew what i was watching, now i know THESE WHERE ADULT CONTENT VIDEOS, but little 6 years old me didn't knew, so the next week, during english class, as the teacher was doing nothing and me neither, i drew an innapropiate and suggestive drawing without me knowing what it was (a girl with a bikiny getting cuted by someone on their back(for it to be drawn by a 6yo kid it is innapropiate)) i found it sorta funny back then, i didn't showed it to my teacher but i did showed it to my mom when she came back to look for me and take me home, i showed it to her laughting at the drawing, because, again, i found that situation very funny, i gave it to her, she said absolutely nothing, that's when i found out i might be in trouble, we arrived home and i went to do my thing, SHOW MY DRAWING TO MY DAD, as he usually finds everything i draw funny or intresting, it was intimidating how he didn't made any expresion to my drawing, a few days later i made an awful joke about what i saw in one of those videos during lunch time (my father was at work i guess) "just like eating p*op" i said, i don't know if they fighted because of that, but i think they did, because nowdays they barely give their phones to me, way much less than before that (back then if i asked them for the phone, they gave it to me because the only thing i could do is to play some minigames, now if i ask them for it i get a strong "no.") nowdays i'm 14 and "my mind is well beyond my years" just because of that, they also don't give my little 8 years old little sister their phone neither, the only cases they give us their phone is because we are traveling in a long way to do something and to not bother the other passengers, or when something can be long in general (waiting too long in the barbery as an example) and they always get an eye on us, cuz i also (accidentally) traumatized my little sister when she was 5 (not gonna explain that) saldly, now i have an computer and i usually gave it to my sister (no one else), and when i looked at the searching history, i found her looking for *ncest videos, i have punished her because of that, wich i'm really worried about, i told my parents but it seems that they think she might get over with it just like i did, with no help, just realization, and i'm scared that this might affect her in a nearby future sorry if i have grammar flaws, english is just not my main laguage
@HumanDefryer Жыл бұрын
I got banned for drawing myself murdering my abusive uncle in 2nd grade.
@chicapizza29 Жыл бұрын
I drew a kind of busty girl that had slight fish attributes and lived in the sea and I thought that normal clothes on a fish lady would be weird and seaweed clothes would be gross so I drew her naked. No I did not draw any bits she had a Barbie situation and she was turned in a way so that the bottom wouldn't be there either and I tragically showed it to my art teacher. I wish I did not and that she didn't have to sound so loud I almost cried too. I saw no problem in drawing a woman that was fish like and was kind of busty with no clothes. I either feel regret or empowerment by it
@itsrosamia Жыл бұрын
I LOVE your robby expression 🤣🤣 great drawing and story 💖✨
@UnkemptPickle 3 ай бұрын
You adorable sweet summer child. I was so much more jaded by 5th grade lol (but what a crummy teacher who just didn't want to open the 'talkin' about boobs to a kid' can of worms :T )
@a.c.1839 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I can't say I like the idea of an adult enforcing the idea that visible breasts are inherently sexual. Just because they can be considered sexually appealing doesn't make them sex organs, and what you thought as a kid was correct - you were simply drawing girls accurately. There isn't anything malicious about it unless an adult projects their own issues onto it
@BeepBoopBee Жыл бұрын
This was basically me with a lot of stuff. Guess what? Yelling at a kid with adhd and autism who isn't taught all the Social rules for doing something wrong without knowing what they did wrong is pretty abusive. And forcing them to let another boy play with the thing they got hours earlier for their own birthday on the birthday party this boy was attending and having the boy ruin it without getting any apologies whatsoever is pretty abusive as well. My parents still refuse to believe me when I reminded them that that's exactly what they did to me on my birthday and have still never apologized for it. I was about ten at the time. It's been a fucking decade and it's still one of the things they refuse to acknowledge or apologize for. It was an Inazuma Eleven game for the DS that I'd wanted for months at that point. And this entire incident not only ruined my fun with the game, but also severely damaged my enjoyment of the franchise as a whole.
@BlocPanda Жыл бұрын
I know that this is very unrelated to the video or the art being drawn, but who else used Kidpix growing up? Good memories.
@ella__eq-e2v Жыл бұрын
I remember when I was in kindergarten, our teacher would have us tell about or weekend or make a short story by writing it down. Me, being the chaotic child I was, made stories about um- interesting, things. A bit of blood, a bit of blood, and of killing, etc- I made to be sat down by my teacher to be told my stories were inappropriate. When we brought those story-journal things home, I stapled all the weird ones down, still cringe to this day 😭
@RibcagesTavern Жыл бұрын
In 5th grade my teacher said that if we drew on our assignments she would throw the whole thing away and have us redo the whole sheet. She didn’t stick to it thought b/c I always drew on my stuff and she didn’t do nothing
@Glitcher2000 Жыл бұрын
Maybe this should have been in your "10 Things You Shouldn't Draw" video: Anime girls with huge honkers.
@hydri271 7 ай бұрын
I got in trouble in 7th grade for "drawing naked people" because I, having started to look up art advice on the internet, wanted to draw the "raw human" first before I drew the clothes on top. I never drew any suggestive poses and no explicit genitals or anything but apparently, a naked Mannequin like figure is too sexual. The funniest thing about this is that shortly after, we started doing figure drawings in art class
@Turtlemmd Жыл бұрын
That makes me mad, drawing breasts isn't something inappropriate. (I guess unless it's straight up nudity) But I think that's so lame, that teacher is not cool
Hell even nude breasts shouldn't be shamed cuz we all have nipples lol If women can't be shirtless then fat men who also have small breasts can't be shirtless too!! This double standard has always angered me cuz it doesn't make sense 😭
@greattexanbluedragon2773 Жыл бұрын
I have never related to a storytime video so hard. When I was in 3rd grade, I tried drawing humans and "cute anime girls" but I really didn't like how they turned out, but Lucky for me, my friend had encouraged a *very* intense obsession with Pokemon. Specifically, Eevee and her evolutions. We both drew comics of exaggerated anime-girl-inspired glaceons falling in love with jolteons and were having a *blast*. Eventually, I realized that my parents might not like me drawing Pokemon romance soap operas in my sketchbook, so I kept them hidden. Once I made a little comic strip of two Eevee evolutions one a date or smth during recess. My friend called me to come play when I was done drawing, and so I put my heavy box of supplies over my drawing and left to go play. When I returned to the picnic table I left it on, it was scribbled over, punctured (the tables were those mesh-looking ones, so it was easy to stab papers effortlessly), and diagonally written across the whole page was "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". I was *heartbroken*, especially because that was the most independent work I had put into a comic at the time, and now it was ruined. A few days later I drew two Pokemon in a romance (like I usually did) and hid it under some of my folders. I was minding my business and doing my assignment with no issues, but then the boy who sat behind me saw a part of my drawing, got up, took the paper from my stack of folders, and showed it to the whole class. I was mortified. I told him several times to give it back and that it wasn't his yada yada yada, and because he was bigger and stronger than me, I had to use a lot of force to get it back from him. I was embarrassed for the rest of the week before most of my classmates forgot about it. Idrk what happened after he showed my art to the whole class, so idk where the teacher was when this happened, but it was a small classroom, and my desk wasn't crazy far away from her. I remember being upset with how much work I put into getting that paper back from him (he was tall for our age), so I was glad when I saw him again about a year ago at a friend's party and we were the same height. Now I love showing that old sketchbook of cringy Pokemon comics with best friends and making fun of it, as it reminds me of how far I've come. I do this little tradition thing where I redraw the only finished comic in the book, because it's just fun. Now I'm a bit iffy about doing it and sharing it because I now know more about Z**phelia, but I definitely like looking back at my old story writing.
@lululuvscats Жыл бұрын
I was going through a MASSIVE Pokemon/anime hyperfixation in middle/high school, so naturally that's all I wanted to draw in art class. My teachers weren't too happy that I either wasn't paying attention or not drawing the art prompt they gave me, so of course they tried to stifle my creativity every chance they got. I've been drawing since I was practically an infant, so this was really crushing for me. Seriously, that shit DESTROYS a kid's self-esteem and made me believe that being passionate about ANYTHING was wrong and cringy for a pretty long time. Hell, I'm still working through those issues now ^^ But I've been trying to get back into drawing recently, because now there's no one stopping me :)
@Tinymapleart Жыл бұрын
I remember when I was in elementary school I drew on EVERYTHING Every peice of paper I was given I would start drawing on it, I think the only exception was tests, I got those done as fast as possible so I could pull out some paper and start drawing. My fifth grade teacher was fine with it and encouraged it but for some reason my sixth grade teacher did not like that I drew so much, and I got in trouble several times and even got one of my drawings taken away
@am_Nein Жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie, I probably would have shut myself off completely, and refused even work. Let that teacher learn cOnsEqUEncEs. Punish me? Punish everyone. Make it f a i r.
@Ace_0f_Stars Жыл бұрын
6:52 isn't that from markipliers ai story generator video?
@andresquintero8833 4 ай бұрын
Thing is, some adults don't know the extent of a kid's general knowledge. So some just assume you know what you're doing is wrong, and well, punish you accordingly, instead of trying to figure out if the offense was intentional or just an accident, which is a very important distinction. I guess your teacher just assumed you knew what you were doing when that wasn't case. Also, yes, if you're getting punished as a kid, the authority figure that is carrying out that punishment MUST tell you what you did wrong. People undersestimate the sheer mental anguish that shit puts on a kid, seriously.
@celestedivine131 Жыл бұрын
That made absolute zero sense, you see a kid drawing unrealistic bodies bc their anatomy understanting is... none? AND YOU PUNISH THEM? i mean, come on
@booleah6357 Жыл бұрын
So what your saying is you were a nsfw artist before it was cool.
@TheStarfishface Жыл бұрын
And now I'm so traumatized I can't even draw characters kissin' without getting embarrassed >_> Hecking RIP to my NSFW artist career
@booleah6357 Жыл бұрын
@@TheStarfishface it was nice while it lasted.
@Treescout221 Жыл бұрын
People who want to see her newer hamster drawings I I v
@caitlinharvey8313 11 ай бұрын
In 3rd grade my friend drew a n*zi symbol on my notebook, but being 8 years old, I didn't know what that was and he told me it was a cool symbol. My teacher saw and got ANGRY and pulled me aside to privately scold me. I'm always going to be peeved about that incident, because I CLEARLY didn't know what that symbol was and explained that I did not draw it, and that it was just supposed to be a cool symbol, but she was NOT having it. I was a well behaved kid, she knew that, we all knew that. She needed to seriously chill and I did NOT deserve to be chewed out like that for something I didn't do.
@abstractvlog 8 ай бұрын
Your childhood story is perfect for an examination of our American culture, then and now. I recall a similar occurrence from when I was in elementary school and was attempting to learn how to draw the female physique and getting into a lot of trouble, as well. Your story holds even more value when noting that it was a young boy in your class who pointed out what it was you were drawing, as even at that ripe age, he viewed the image as being seen as "sexualized" much longer before you, the female understood it as being "age inappropriate" as a result of showing a cartoon with "breasts". Such a strange culture we live in, is all I'm attempting to say. Lol.
@gracen8010 11 ай бұрын
My sixth grade history teacher got annoyed with me drawing wolves all the time because he thought I wasn’t paying attention, and told me I wasn’t allowed to draw if all my work wasn’t done yet. So I just pulled out my already-finished assignments, set them on my desk for him to look at, and went back to drawing without a word. He got upset because I was being “arrogant” (I’m autistic, as far as I was concerned I was just proving I had done what I was supposed to) and said “well you can’t take notes and draw at the same time!” So I showed him my notes too. He gave up and let me keep drawing lol.
@bowlOnudel Жыл бұрын
Idk what's with teachers and HATING on big boobs... absolute haters, god forbid women exist. My art teacher in the 10th grade held my drawing of a lady with (non sexual) big boobs and told the class about it and asked why I had to draw lady's with big boobs. I hated her for that she was just jealous and flat chested 😊
@t.r2603 11 ай бұрын
Given that the phrase: "I searched up pics of cute anime girls on google images in the early 00's" & "i didn't know it was not okay to draw that." This could have ended a LOT worse!
@SonicVegeta Жыл бұрын
I’m still not so sure why they thought it was that inappropriate for your age, yeah those girls had pretty oversized bazongas but that’s really it, like I can see why she’d think that they look like shit or something because like you said that’s not how they’re drawn but it’s like, at your age like you said you didn’t see what the problem was, most people at that age wouldn’t see what the problem was so why punish them for it and it seems more like you’re teacher was just a prude who hates the idea that kids were drawing girls with big unmentions and was treating it like some crime had happened
@Dummigame 10 ай бұрын
If you ask me, those drawings aren't even that incriminating. Maybe the teacher thought you were shifting into a direction and told you off due to that?
@Someone-vs2ld Жыл бұрын
7:56 is that an among us above the book on that shape???
@ashers.hangout Жыл бұрын
I was told by my teachers that I needed to stop drawing on my papers because they saw it as a distraction. However, I disagree with them even to this day because of what happened. My teachers ignored me when I raised my hand, got angry at me for asking for their help, and overall just didn't want to do their job. Because of this little me decided that if my teachers weren't going to do their job then their was no point in paying attention. So i started jist drawing all the time. If I asked my teachers for help they'd just brush me off and move on to the other kids. So although I can understand the frustrasion of a kid not paying attention, but when you flat out ignore that kid you have no right (in my opinion) to be frustrated at that kid.
@limey22 5 ай бұрын
I remember that my art/history teacher told me to stop drawing ponies, they aren't art...i never did until 2 years ago....
@SkeaWeaFirst Жыл бұрын
that reminds me of that one time my preschool teacher banned me from drawing because I wouldn't draw within in the lines.
@Creature_of_the_Land Жыл бұрын
Draw within lines? Aren’t you creating the lines?
@kinokoo_san Жыл бұрын
My teachers always yell to me for drawing in class. XD
@Katze_exists 11 ай бұрын
9:07 my 5th grade classmates are drawing big bohonkers and big buts on all their characters and literally giving them to teachers and get no punishment
@jimtekkit Жыл бұрын
Wow I actually had a comparable "incident" with my 2nd grade teacher. I happened to take a fresh shotgun shell to school for show-and-tell because I didn't have anything else available and thought it would be cool. The teacher confiscated it (no explanation why) before marching down to the principal's office, calling my parents, putting me on detention, everything. Being a young kid I was unaware that Columbine had happened that year and I had taken fresh shotgun ammo to a religious school to show off. It was the perfect storm of misunderstanding and yet I was punished as if had done this with bad intent. I hadn't learned that some things are inappropriate for show-and-tell. Later I found out that my teacher (a woman who didn't have a clue how ammunition works) was freaking out that it would explode if dropped on the floor. The whole thing was just blown out of proportion.
@quinndecker8772 Жыл бұрын
You were a child. the teacher seeing those drawings and automatically thinking them to be of a sexual nature says waaaaayyy more about them as a person.
@CommanderHuggins Жыл бұрын
I was never outright banned from drawing as a kid. But I definitely did get in trouble all the time for drawing on pretty much every single school assignment. If I was given a piece of paper my teacher would get it back with at least one but often several doodles. While other kids were playing at recess I was drawing. Throughout elementary school art was one of the only classes where I had good grades and most adults thought I had a learning disability because of it. But nope, that wasn't it. School was just boring to me and I wanted to draw instead lol. I can only imagine how empty I would have felt if I was told I couldn't draw anymore at all.
@ArloDiAngelo-rp6gv Жыл бұрын
The intense megalomania when she’s talking about drawing hampsters lmao
@Jax_4200 Жыл бұрын
Little did you know hamsters are solitary animals and can kill each other when put together 😅
@RealShadowspirit 4 ай бұрын
I love how star swears sometimes, it's just funny.
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