I was bullied at work. I am afraid.

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Nicholas Roerdink

Nicholas Roerdink

Күн бұрын

I was bullied at work and it cost me my job. I am afraid to go back to work. I wish for others to see this so that they might understand what it causes people to go through. I hope that it stops some day so others wont have to feel the way that I have. Please share this if you know someone or are someone who has gone through this. We are out there and we understand these hardships.

Пікірлер: 72
@kathysheehan1 6 жыл бұрын
I am crying I can relate. I don't wish this on no one
@loripatch1360 6 жыл бұрын
I get bullied at my job for the past 19 years and I gained over 90 pounds. I can relate
@greenbug1136 8 жыл бұрын
You know - it kills me how the nicest people get treated the worst. You're a good person - I've been in your shoes. I am still in your shoes...I'm a lot older than you are. It is very common.. You're above average in intelligence... You will prevail. I got sick with anxiety - and I got told to " get a tougher skin " it's infuriating. Now, I get nerve pain -bone pain - irregular heartbeats... ETC. I made a decision to not let those bastards win. I emotionally distanced myself from the job and I am working on being a better and stronger person. THAT WILL BE MY REVENGE. Take care!
@newbeetle5413 7 жыл бұрын
Well said
@mrsifter1164 6 жыл бұрын
yes yes green well sed
@addicted2antiques496 8 жыл бұрын
You're not alone! For the pat 2 years this guy at my work who works in a dif department and has absolutely nothing to do with me is constantly criticizing everything I do. He is always running his mouth and talking shit about me for no reason, he constantly stares at me even to the point he will stop what he is doing to glare at me as I walk by. What kind of a man bullies a woman at work? He is completely obsessed with me and in a negative way. I complained to my boss a couple of times and he talked to the guy a couple of times about it and the harassment would stop for a few weeks or months only to start back up again. I'm to the point where I dread going to work when at one time I loved my job. I finally took it to hr a few days ago and while the starring hasn't stopped I haven't heard anything out of his mouth. Let's see how long it lasts.
@Elitelargecameraman6421 6 жыл бұрын
This is the worst! I’m currently dealing with this in the healthcare field with women! Could happen anywhere. Looking for a transfer 💪🏻
@adrianjones495 6 жыл бұрын
I feel ya brother, I been picked on, on my job too, by this women at work, but trust jesus christ, he will fight for u, I have faith brother, it's not easy but we will make it, jesus got our backs, trust me :)
@Ranbutch75 6 жыл бұрын
You seem like an amazing person bro. Thanks for sharing your experience.
@monarchmark 6 жыл бұрын
I've been there friend. Believe in yourself and you'll be fine :)
@sandiegojoseph722 6 жыл бұрын
these people need to go to hell I'm dealing with the same situation I've been working for my company for 11 years they try everything to break me down but I'm still here just keep your head up my brother everything will be alright
@teresahopemiller1008 6 жыл бұрын
Do not feel bad. I have been called stupid and dumb too. Anyone is so called different is targeted.stress does that. Take care.
@mspixiedust100 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting your experience. Workplace bullies need to be outed.
@ericmills8770 7 жыл бұрын
I been through the same thing your dealing with I understand everything your going through...we've been through mirror like experiences..I dislike people now because of what I went through..I can't stand crowds of people , social environments, nothing..Before I was bullied at my job, I was full of energy, loved to socialize and appreciated people. I used to enjoy and loved to help people. Now, I wish I was on an island away from society..people get away with too much..I've been out of work for a year now..I've tried to work at other jobs, but when they did background checks, to confirm where I used to work, I would somehow re-live, the hostile environment at the new job and left because it was too much to deal with. I think the company I used to work for has put something bad about me online somewhere..it comes up all the time and changes my ability to keep a job..Your not alone..it has taken a toll on me mentally, emotionally, and psychologically...I am a strong person..it's not easy to break me, but this situation at my previous job was something else..whenever I came to work, I would feel like someone has zapped energy out of my body.. I would feel..very weak, started losing focus and concentration from dealing with an extremely hostile environment..What goes around comes around. These people will.pay for what theyve done to you and myself..we are both in similar situations.. You are not alone..Prior to my previous job, I've never been through anything like what I experienced..I've worked all my life..I've was bullied from 2010 to 2015, I left because it was killing me slowly..take care and I wish you and your family well..no human being deserves this treatment. And like you many people observed what I was going through and no one helped..they sat back laughed at me, we're entertained by my suffering and enjoyed every moment of what I was going through..Everyone turned a blind eye to what i was dealing with. I don't know what's going on in the workplace Nowadays but whatever it is..it's not good!!!
@reesedaniel5835 5 жыл бұрын
It's called witchcraft aka narcissism. See Kevin Ewing's video called Witchcraft in the Workplace
@popkultureentertainment324 2 жыл бұрын
This video reasonates with me so much.I was a people pleaser and it made me a target for all sorts of abuse.Now I put myself first and if you don't like me tough.Everyone has to respect me.Hopefully, things have improved.You've learned to be assertive and not to let the bullies win.
@newbeetle5413 7 жыл бұрын
Been going thru the same thing and I'm 55 don't care about myself anymore many days i feel like ending the pain
@debbiekillewald8384 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going through this now. I'm crying listening to your story. I'm an older woman and I really can't take it anymore.
@theero 8 жыл бұрын
I went through the same thing back in 2012-2013 until i was let go., Stay true and strong man . At my old work, they attempted to bully me,but i told myself i can't be bullied, so i go on attack mode, not defense mode but attack. i actually yelled at my boss a couple times. But then the harassment re-surfaced but done anonymously instead of in my face. What sucks is everyone you seek for help will turn a blind eye because they're scared, i was harassed by my boss who would mess with my time card, trying to take money away from me. Putting my time to come in before i even got there, i was so pissed! And it was done to other people who worked under her as well. We were treated poorly and that boss didn''t really work, she made others do work for her. i fought and made my boss' lives hell though, by sending documentations to higher ups and i went to higher people personally on her and even got police involved because of some illegal stuff going on. Eventually they won, she had a lot of connections, but not before i popped her tires one day. But it is what it is, got a better job, and better benefits now. She still to this day makes trouble, she's cornered people with her friends and attacks verbally, one of her co-workers actually passed from brain aneurysm, i think it may have been stressed related. I'm glad i'm no longer there.
@jemdrum9653 3 жыл бұрын
I can totally relate to you my brother, I love to play drums too😎👍🏽 and currently work where I work at right now and I've been dealing with this one person that's always on my back you know he thinks that he knows everything at his experience of 40 years and he rubs it in in my face, I'm 24 and I'm concerned as a young adult, but he doesn't see that he just sees a kid but I'm learning as I go he would also tell me that I'm not doing a good job or he'll blame me something for everything or that he would put me down but I'm really am tired of his s***, you know everything what you said I can totally relate, but now I can say it's finally time to put this toxic person knowing that he knows what he did it's time to catch up on things and bring him to immediate punishment I hope you're doing well brother be safe and take care👍🏽🎶🎼
@kathysheehan1 6 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry..I can relate to you. May God bless you .I am being bully and now I am afraid of my job. A single parent this is so sad
@715michala 3 жыл бұрын
This is such a common situation nowadays either at work or online cyber bullying is also downplayed a lot by the police but can be serious.
@bayyinahjefferson4558 6 жыл бұрын
I can relate. I am currently going through this. I have been working at this job for about a month. And shortly after i started the bullying started with my trainer. She is constantly being outright obnoxious. Now she is the typical bully. She knows there are certain people who she can't bully because they are not to be messed with. These people are treated entirely different the tlhe treatment im getting. The public humiliation in front of other employees. Who say nothing. It's to the point where my anxiety is through the roof when she's in my presence. If it wasn't for the fact that i got a chance to work with a much more respectful and kind employee. I would have continued to think that i couldn't learn the job. These people will sense the people who may not challenge them and they are the bullys target. That would be me in my current job. It's ridiculous. Going to work should not produce anxiety. Or depressed and stressed out. It seems like its a game to them.. Im not going to stand for it anymore. I went to my supervisor this morning which im proud of. Because i had been suffering in silence this whole time. But i know it's not going to end there. But it felt good having someone to confide in. Now i have to deal with the aftermath Monday. But at least i have the weekend to figure some of it out. Im going to say a prayer and hope for the best.
@adrianjones495 6 жыл бұрын
Keep ur head up man, please pray, jesus will listen to u
@kimperes5987 5 жыл бұрын
I am going through this right now. ✔ to all the symptoms you shared with us. Weekends are my relief. I don't get out once I'm home. I stay in my "safe place" and eat. The two bitter bullies have been doing this to me for over a year (I've been there 2 yrs). I've been told they've done this to others before me but nothing has been done to stop them. I am nearing retirement and am too old for their games. Unfortunately, my highly visible job requires daily interaction with them. It's a lonely feeling not knowing who you can trust. Hurt, fear, anger, resentment. I feel them all depending on their mood or if they're having a "let's f*** with Kim day". It is frustrating, exhausting and belittling. I know "it's not me, it's them" but why is it allowed to continue? Have you read or viewed info about the psychology of bullies? Check out narcissistic traits. That's very helpful in understanding the bully's motives. Prayer also helps.🕊 Good luck and YOU WILL OVERCOME THIS. This situation is building your character and making you a better, stronger person. As for me, it's helping me make the decision of how I'm going to spend my early golden years. Dreading driving to a miserable workplace environment or be free to do what I want, when I want and spend time with loved ones and friends--not bitter, unhappy and mentally unstable bullies.
@briansheridan5208 6 жыл бұрын
I know that it feels like when you are bullied at the workplace. I was 21 years old back in 1997 and I had some 56 year old bully that used to bully me, abused me and pitted others against me. Reason, cause I saw thru him and I knew him for the trash. I got him back and he had egg on his face. The guy went out of his way to be 1000% evil towards me. If that happened to me know I would have had the guy fired and arrested and sued the company. Bullies feel bad about themselves and need to feel better about themselves. Get them on tape, and play chess. Remember the bully Never wants to be exposed or put in their place.
@oliverjumelle 5 жыл бұрын
I've a very similar story. I used to work as a PC mechanic at this training centre. There was this bus driver there who was classed as a boss because he was related to one of the managers. This guy was stupid as shit! This is in Ireland and I'm French. This guy would constantly show me up in front of the group. He would call me a French cheat when I was playing pool with work colleagues. I joined that place in 2008 and he retired in mid 2010. He had a problem with me from day one. He gave me so much crap and tried turning Co workers against me. Lucky for me they saw through his crap which angered him even more. The day he retired the company passed around a money collection in a hat to give to him. I refused point blank to put anything into it! He bullied and treated me like crap. Why would I give him anything?!?
@kathysheehan1 6 жыл бұрын
Praying for you..
@paulthompson8529 7 жыл бұрын
any company you work for is liable for your safety and the conduct of its staff they have a legal duty of care .....SUE THE BLOODY COMPANY AND RECORD EVERYTHING
@calistaeuropa8259 7 жыл бұрын
I am such a huge bully target. I dont work cuz of it, and Im poor as fuck and I have 2 kids. Unfortunantly, this is something that follows you your whole life. I get bullied just going to the store, its crazy!! I guess I give off that weak insecurity vibe,.. and I have since I was a kid, Im really nice and sweet, but Im different and wierd too. So I stick out in a crowd. Plus Im a survivor of severe severe abuse. Deadly combination of traits, wherever I go , I get abused by people, to this day. As a child I had to change schools repeatedly, and I would still get ostracised and abused. As an adult, I grew up to be bullied living in a small town. My life is exactly the same as it was when I was a little awkward wierdo girl in the school yard. Its a fucking nitemare. Its sad because i absolutely cant work, and I have 2 kids, that deserve better, but I dont get along with people, so I cant work and make decent money, and Im intelligent, moral and a hard worker too.Ive also been thru horrible personal relationships, with several men, and they all abused me to the point of Death. I have severe PTSD cuz of all Ive been theu and it gets worse every year as I get older. Bullying and loneliness and being an outcast really does ruin your life. Its a cycle you cant escape from.
@josiahblackstock484 7 жыл бұрын
Calista Europa I agree
@715michala 3 жыл бұрын
Hey what's up ? Fk em move to another area take your kids get on a train and start again in a nice affluent area with good friendly neighbors get to know ppl and ignore men for a while ppl can be so jealous for no reason.
@popkultureentertainment324 2 жыл бұрын
You have to change if not for yourself for your kids.They have to look up to you and you have to be the example.If you're on assistance , get some cognitive therapy.Learn how to deal with conflict and to defend yourself otherwise you'll be miserable forever.
@MD-xl3lj 5 жыл бұрын
Workout, stand straight, talk with confidence and believe in yourself 👍🏽
@anthonykeller3611 6 жыл бұрын
They don’t care I relate
@devinpeirce7152 6 жыл бұрын
I hope ur doing better now dude
@Ranbutch75 6 жыл бұрын
People suck. Going through this shit now.
@ahmody7500 9 жыл бұрын
You can learn some tips of how to deal with work bullies ( dealing with your body postures and endorphins , psycological tips .... etc ), you can also take courses in programming , graphic design or network marketing and work online without dealing with anyone ( this could be a temporarily solution ) , well , you just worked in place where there was an asshole , and you have learnt well what does that mean and a little bit of how to handle it. P.s : you should explain what you feel in a nutshell , you are too young to be frustrated ... hmmm....as this video was uploaded last year , your perception may have been changed ... hope you're better now :) Best of luck
@42rucuk28 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about this so honestly I've been bullied at my previous 2 workplaces and now I'm starting to think it will be the same in my next jobs
@briancushion586 5 жыл бұрын
I’m with ya brother! You’re definitely not alone!
@edwinsamayoa6002 4 жыл бұрын
Truth is. People will never appreciate your hard work. No matter how hard you work ! If your not kissing the bosses ass. You dont matter to them!
@TQsktkg-jfgnfnggg 6 жыл бұрын
I hope you are ok
@nicholasroerdink9091 6 жыл бұрын
keshav , I am doing much better! I posted another video a few weeks back as an update for where I am at. Things are going very well. :)
@nicholasroerdink9091 6 жыл бұрын
keshav kzbin.info/www/bejne/qqu4f4mwpr-doZI
@infamous1454 6 жыл бұрын
I haven't been in your shoes, but I can relate some what. I have been bullied at my work for four years, told I'm fat, disrespected by coworkers, assaulted, verbally abused, and touched inappropriately. This women always gos out of her way to bully me by spreading false rumors, insulting me in front of people.
@cynthiabelknap8655 4 жыл бұрын
How is harrasment like this still going on in the workplace still? Why doesn't HR departments actually protect people from this??
@tiareraymond5901 3 жыл бұрын
Nicholas, I'm a 54 year old woman. I know how you feel. I work in retail. I've worked there for twenty years but right now I dread going to work because there are two people giving me the silent treatment. This woman used to be nice enough but she's changed. I have recently changed positions and she does my old department. She has been holding a grudge against me because I wouldn't relieve her on the phone. When I paged overhead for her she called twice yelling at me that she was on lunch. I told management and they said that was uncalled for and they'd speak to her. I was with a customer at a counter where she used to work. I didn't know what to do and she was really impatient with me like read this or look at this. Figure it out. I told a coworker I thought I could trust what happened. She found out and yelled at me to stop telling people she was mean. I have a buddy at work. This guy used to make me laugh. I even invited him to my house. He helped my husband and I on our computer. We took him out to eat. A couple of weeks ago I said hello to him but he didn't answer. I asked what was wrong and he yelled at me to stay away from him because he was mad at me. Apparently that woman told him that I said she was mean to me. It really hurt me because he and I have been good friends for years but not anymore. She must have told him that I'm the problem. When I walk by them all I get is silent glares. I try to avoid eating in the break room. I heat up my stuff and carry it to my car. I worry about who else they're talking to and what they're doing to my reputation. My husband has been pretty understanding. I still go to work but this silence makes me uneasy. I wonder if I were bleeding to death and dying they might just walk by. I get anxiety attacks. My blood pressure is super high but nothing is physically wrong with me. Keep up with your music. My passion is writing and art. I would like to do something with it. I haven't felt this way since junior high. I was bullied in school but it stopped after graduation. I was shy but these mean girls used to stare at me, surround me and taunt me really bad. I use to eat lunch in the gym to avoid these girls at lunch. Well I just wanted you to know you're not alone. Human beings can be the cruelest creatures on earth. There's so much hate and violence in the world for no reason. Take care Nicholas and thanks for sharing.
@briansheridan5208 4 жыл бұрын
Here is how you handle bullying.....its a chess game. You need to get the bully on video and audio...study workplace polices, get a lawyer or a private eye involved. Document the bullying and have a lawyer and the police involved. Have your lawyer threaten to sue your employer if the bullying and harassment does not stop. Bullying is evil and all about having power over others.
@xuhao7208721 6 жыл бұрын
brother you doing better now?
@adonisbleach4212 6 жыл бұрын
Screw them all bro dont mind them when you let your emotions get affected by those craps then you just make yourself a loser. Keep your faith and dont think anout people.. just mind your own business
@theroamingsavage8813 5 жыл бұрын
Read "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glover... Game changer
@davidnevarez7121 4 жыл бұрын
I was bullied at work for 20 years. I will start therapy to release my bitterness and resentment. I recommend reading FROM PANIC TO POWER by Lucinda bassett, can be read for free on archive.org
@anthonykeller3611 6 жыл бұрын
@LONEWOLF-sf9xs 7 жыл бұрын
hey brotha u ever need pointers lmk I'm serious
@MrGaragenation 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe learn boxing or martial arts, it can be a great confidence builder knowing that you can defend yourself from idiots
@mspixiedust100 5 жыл бұрын
Can you ask your doctor for Xanax? It helps with anxiety and the trauma. I know.
@anthonykeller3611 6 жыл бұрын
Me to
@anthonykeller3611 6 жыл бұрын
Mine did to he older
@paulaboss2000 5 жыл бұрын
Im 24 getting made fun of thinking about committing suicide couse life is litteraly taking over me
@715michala 3 жыл бұрын
Don't do it not worth it.these ppl are not worth it.they are worthless ppl.value your self.have faith ;)
@FamiliesOfWolves 5 жыл бұрын
I make advice videos about being bullied at work if anyone is interested.
@fransinclair3356 7 жыл бұрын
Get in contact with workplace protection what ever the name is in your country
@sherin5201 6 жыл бұрын
What about god
@anthonykeller3611 6 жыл бұрын
Me to
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