Reviewing Alien: Romulus - AvP Galaxy Podcast

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Alien vs. Predator Galaxy

Alien vs. Predator Galaxy

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@captaincrunch1707 21 күн бұрын
The characters were written & scripted to behave like actual humans. Covenant really ticked me off with bad character dialogue & choppy editing. It’s like in football 🏈, Ridley sees his story boards as visual pieces & places to inject his symbolism type stuff. So Ridley would coach football only using stats & data. Fede uses the “feel of the game & momentum “ which leads to believe characters and dialogue that flows throughout different scenes. Romulus did not feel real choppy like Covy did. It does make sense that a line Zeno floating in space could make a cocoon out of its spit & matter but still a bizarre concept imho. Agree that I feel annoyed how fast these critters grew just like in PromCovy. The Easter eggs were too much but I still am very pleased with the film. Felt like a complete & respectable product like Prometheus achieved. Maybe Fede hits a home run that makes nearly ever superfan happy with his next film. I still have so many questions bout LV223 & the engineers + super-goo.
@abrimfulofasha 21 күн бұрын
I think we dont see the marines use these guns because they are only used for high end Weyland Yutani personel. The marines are expendable and viewed as lower class in thier eyes, so why equip them with better weaponary especially when they wanted to bring one of the xenomorphs back. Cant bring anyhting back if theyre all dead. One more thing.... Fede has stated a few things. So it brings me to a conclusion that David didn't really create the xenos initially but only created the ones we see in his own image. As fede said the xenos have been around a lot longer than engineers and engineers stole the pathogen from the xeno dna to enhance themselves, thats why there are differences between the engineers and some have xeno like skin. Then the engineers created us with the same pathogen. Engineers created their version of xenos, which you see on the mural in Prometheus and they also worshiped xenos because their DNA bought them a gift of making lifeforms more perfect. So basically the engineers steal the pathogen from the xenos dna and create them in their image and to enhance themselves. And then david doing the same thing by stealing the pathogen and ideas from the engineers to create the xenos in his own image. It also gives us back the unknown of the xenos. So not all that bad. I hope they don't do a movie on who created the xenos. We thought it was the engineers and David, but they basically just tried to reverse engineer them from the pathogen, which is from the xeno dna and make them in their own image.
@Xenomorphine 21 күн бұрын
Weyland-Yutani wouldn't have any say over the Colonial Marines. :) They'd be frontline military personnel only the government has jurisdiction over. If memory serves right, these weapons had an 'M-' prefix? Which infers they're an officially produced thing, not some sort of improvised in-house technology exclusive to W-Y. One of the characters apparently also had knowledge of them through games and magazines, making them a known quantity.
@abrimfulofasha 21 күн бұрын
@Xenomorphine fair 😀 but in Aliens, they were using Weyland Yutani equipment. I just put two and two together, which is all. But as you said, the government most likely chose that weapon grade from weyland for them. Maybe the original pulse rifles had a mass production, and the ones we saw in romulus were limited. Plus weyland can make models only designed for themselves. I think the pulse rifle we see in romulus was just limited to their science officers as they aren't really trained in combat and probably need that extra help.
@Xenomorphine 21 күн бұрын
@@abrimfulofasha Which equipment was that? I don't remember anything labelled Weyland-Yutani, specifically. 🤔 Weyland-Yutani's a corporation. So, they'd be making stuff for customers (either actual or potential), not themselves. Although, I honestly don't remember if 'Romulus' stated the weapons were made by them or just happened to be stocked there. I'd have to assume it's some sort of embryonic system which later went on to form the basis for the samrtgun. Or something like it. But that's sitll weird, because you'd have thought years of development would make them more compact, not larger.
@abrimfulofasha 20 күн бұрын
@Xenomorphine ofcourse weyland would use their own equipment. They have to test it etc... and why not equip themselves with something they know that works and instead of forking out money to buy other equipment that might not even work to their desire. And I'm sure the powerloader had weyland on it and the storage boxes in Aliens. Could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they had weyland on it.
@slimsuits3231 17 күн бұрын
We don't even know what Colonial Marines look like in this time period since it's decades before Aliens. The weapon was designed to be an older model of the Pulse Rifle.
@HumanHamCube 20 күн бұрын
They needed to lose the final girl trope. It was subversive in 79 but played out to death. Rain should have died half way with Spike Fern taking the lead to overcome his predjudice with Andy and worked along side him to escape. The fourth act should have taken place on the colony and turned in to a River of Pain story.
@slimsuits3231 17 күн бұрын
Agreed. I was saying before the movie that I kinda hope she doesn't make it because it would be WAY to predictable otherwise.
@HumanHamCube 17 күн бұрын
@@slimsuits3231 could have been an interesting opportunity to have a male lead in an alien film. Inverse it like Prey did. This was a MASSIVE missed opportunity. No one would have expected the punk kid to make it. Would have made the movie just different enough to be respectable. Movie took no chances.
@gluttonousghost 21 күн бұрын
fun while watching, but left a really bad aftertaste.
@HumanHamCube 20 күн бұрын
The Jurassic World effect.
@SpecialOrder935 14 күн бұрын
As soon as the pulse rifle came out the movie fell apart And then when I saw the baby I knew what was coming … a Retarded Engineer Me and my brother both audibly laughed
@NostromoNetwork 21 күн бұрын
Despite a few unnecessary callbacks to past films, I thought this movie kicked ass. I loved it from start to finish.
@Aaronwilliam 20 күн бұрын
Art direction was sooo amazing but the call backs and the same old beats being reused for the last scene really bring this movie down. So frustrating as if it had the courage to stand as its own film and not a get the force awakens treatment, it could have been an eternally great film. Instead it will pop and in 1-2yrs, it will be forgotten by the public and considered a pop corn movie.
@DingusMcFJB 11 күн бұрын
Allegedly in the original cut, Rain had her fingers cut off by the offspring.
@jamesg871 21 күн бұрын
I didn't like that maybe 1/4 way through the movie Mother or the ship started saying " 2 Hours until impact, then 1 hour etc"....knowing there was just so little time left until that happened and where the film was it put me off a bit as I knew that they had to cram everything in those 2 hours.
@SJK-ROW-K 21 күн бұрын
Eric absolutely nails it with his review and comments, exactly what I thought, I really missed mature characters brought to the screen by actors with gravitas, it's still Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 for me, you've just made a subscriber of me Xenomorphine
@Xenomorphine 21 күн бұрын
"The system works, Aaron!" 😄 Seriously, much appreciated!
@DarthRevanForceMaster 21 күн бұрын
Finally, people who feel the same way. Thank you for your take, Eric, and your comment, SJK.
@Xenomorphine 21 күн бұрын
​@@DarthRevanForceMaster So long as I conveyed valuable points in a good manner, that's what I participate for. :) Even if people disagree, it's still useful to have contrary perspectives in a debate and we hopefully do it respectfully.
@real_Greys0n 17 күн бұрын
@@Xenomorphine I really have to say that I mostly agree with you. I think it's cool that you can take a critical look at something you clearly love. For me, you are often the voice of reason that I usually just have to agree with. Stay as you are!
@jamesg871 13 күн бұрын
Where's the fede interview?
@ridgetop21 20 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching everyone! Couple things on subsequent viewings: I was mistaken in saying it's 9 light years away, they only say it's a 9 year trip, so whatever that means in distance. Also definitely saw the difference in the diagonal track transit system they used vs the elevator later, don't know how I confused the two on the first viewings.
@SpecialOrder935 14 күн бұрын
It’s taken me 4 weeks to even think about listening to anything about this movie Boy was it disappointing Ridgetop said he loved the isolation influence i thought it was just a soulless rip off of Sevastopol station The pulse rifle was a complete spit in the face to colonial Marine tech in ALIENS “ Maybe they don’t show up in infrared at all “ The xenomorph shots felt disjointed and inconsequential The facehugger effect where clearly remote controlled and cheap And then the Retarded Engineer and black goo plot completely ruins the movie and completely f*cks the other movies The more I think about the movie the more I hate it And if you need a comic to tell half your story you’ve failed as a screen writer
@jamesg871 11 күн бұрын
Where's the Fede interview?
@darthwatson8274 14 күн бұрын
Ders sumthin in the fookin wau’ah!!!!!!
@abrimfulofasha 21 күн бұрын
Maybe they should retcon Alien 3 cause of these continuity issues with the heat detecting and give us Hicks and Newt back, just like what Alien 5 was going to be by Blomkamp.
16 күн бұрын
They got the shape of the urn from David’s Advent transmission.
@SpecialOrder935 14 күн бұрын
14 күн бұрын
@@SpecialOrder935 K.
@91lifetime23 21 күн бұрын
The score from Romulus doesn’t hold a candle to Marc streitenfeld Epic Prometheus score or Jed Kurzel’s amazing score for that matter, the film has a terrible moment when the heart beat pounding sound is being played but in a different tone in a scene where they are just talking and planning the next move, i hope we go back to formula and star creating originals alien films and not tribute or homages to scenes and memberberries to apease new fans, i do hope it keeps selling tickets so we get more Alien content and also get that one more film from Ridley to see more from the Engineers
@hazzanafrika 21 күн бұрын
Ridley is producing the upcoming series, Alien Earth
@CZJames20 22 күн бұрын
Loved it, Fede needs to do more.
@TheGhostOfJohnWicksBeagle 22 күн бұрын
First 30 was good, the rest is Ridley doing what Ridley does.
@babalonkie 22 күн бұрын
The first 30 were the best but even then i would not say "good"... How did Big Chap end up back in the Wreckage after being ejected thousands of MPH in a different direction... How did Wey-Yu who apparently tracked Nostromo... just suddenly not track their super research ship/station... it goes on... The rest i do agree was tainted by Ridley trying to keep his new ideas alive... whilst just rehashing Alien Resurrection with plot hole after plot hole.
@91lifetime23 22 күн бұрын
The callbacks and memberberries were not Ridley, and the third act rocked
@jonfreeman9682 21 күн бұрын
@@91lifetime23 Big chap cocooned into hibernation and Weyland Yutani found it and woke the alien up. They should have showed that in the prologue. Weyland Yutani was coming to the research station after they lost contact but it takes months. I think they did a good job bringing so many callbacks from past aliens and Ridley Scott helped with the story. It does feel like a greatest hits rehash but it's still good fun.
@babalonkie 21 күн бұрын
@@jonfreeman9682 Just stop with the desperation. I have seen the film. "Big chap cocooned into hibernation and Weyland Yutani found it and woke the alien up" Big Chap was ejected away from the wreckage in Alien yet was found inside the wreckage. Unless it's got very powerful thrusters attached to itself it was and would be nowhere near the wreckage, especially after a period of time... of which the wreckage would also be in different directions and not just one big pile in space... that's how basic space physics work. "Weyland Yutani was coming to the research station after they lost contact but it takes months." Did not show or state that in the film. Also, the station was above a Wey-Yu planet with Wey-Yu staff and scientists of which would of been a much better choice than random's seeing it with a scope or any knowledge of tracking. The entire film was a rehash of Resurrection and full of plot holes.
@HumanHamCube 20 күн бұрын
Agreed they shot it chronologically. I feel Fede got half way the execs saw they had a hit and added THEIR IDEAS.
17 күн бұрын
The film establishes that the facehuggers hunt by sound as well, not just heat.
@SpecialOrder935 14 күн бұрын
That’s bullshit Heavy falling water and sirens didn’t stop them finding Newt and Ripley 😂 Nor did high heat and a space suit stop Kane being face hugged This movie is trash
@caryblock3605 7 күн бұрын
Yep; Eric, Your Friend Greg//...Still Collating IS RIGHT AS RAIN Regarding His Intellectual Take & Intense Excitement regarding the Opening Scene of VERY Different but seamless Visual & Audio Element's in Romulus ALL Starting with that Twentieth Century Fox Logo "ALIEN: 3" Intro. The GENIUS Was Giving Us a VERY Fitting Modern Day Era Sound Twist to That Grass Roots Iconic Call Back to a Previous Flick. RIGHT THERE I WAS HOOKED LIKE A CRACK ADDICT WATCHING THAT SHIT AFTER HEARING THAT SHIT!
@jamesg871 5 күн бұрын
Guys.... what's taking so long to post the Fede interview? You should post it while this film still has momentum.
@SJK-ROW-K 12 күн бұрын
Hi guys is there anyone out there… no it’s not a distress call… it’s a question - does anyone know if Synthetics/Androids give off a thermal heat signature?
@ezioauditore1300 22 күн бұрын
Mid movie. Really boring. No horror. Really little Xenomorph in it. And very short. Extremely rushed. I liked it more on the second watch but its still a 5/10
@VenusHeadTrap2 20 күн бұрын
Greg is an android. Creepy grin never leaves his face.
@DingusMcFJB 19 күн бұрын
Having Rook or a synthetic was integral to the story because of the chip retrieved from the body.
@abrimfulofasha 21 күн бұрын
The station was floating there for 6 months, and it takes weyland quite a while to get there. From what I have heard, weyland was on the way there but was a month out.
@aw9307 16 күн бұрын
Xenomorphine’s points are always so silly and backward.
@The.Crawling.Chaos. 22 күн бұрын
Woohoo! Have been looking forward to this one! 🙂
@WLMjolnir 8 күн бұрын
A solid 8 out of 10 for me until the ending which ripped Resurrection too much
@BonusEggs4Sale 21 күн бұрын
Great Alien flick marred only by the callback dialogue, especially "Get away from her..."
@SpecialOrder935 14 күн бұрын
Marred prequel elements an autistic android , boring characters, bad effects nothing story & a retarded engineer
@jamesg871 22 күн бұрын
Seems a bit late for this podcast.. should have been posted 1 or 2 weeks after release. Where's the Fede podcast?
@Xenomorphine 21 күн бұрын
It was. :( We recorded this just after the opening weekend. Think it's been held up in editing. Patreon people got it live, errors and all!
@SpecialOrder935 14 күн бұрын
I don’t care what he has to say He said the Black goo is Xeno Cum 😂 He knows nothing
@dis_inferno9173 21 күн бұрын
While Ive enjoyed main characters and ost, it's very forgettable movie, because there's nothing new.
@Pazzystar 4 күн бұрын
3 hours to talk about a teen slasher 😅
@drudi1234 22 күн бұрын
You all are now not allowed to anymore premiers. Game over. Signed ,Micky Mouse
@blackcurtains4710 20 күн бұрын
Embargo and shillism at its finest.
@abrimfulofasha 21 күн бұрын
It was called the promethues strain. So obviously weyland got more from the prometheus planet to do tests on and took it to the romulus station. This ofcourse happened in the space of time between prometheus and covenant. I guess we really needed Alien Awakening to finish the prequel trilogy to tell us the planet or all the ships had been destroyed in the war, and is why weyland keep trying to get xenomorphs. Obviously we need to see what happens with the pathogen in romulus part 2.
@_Danou 20 күн бұрын
They made face huggers from Big Chap and then extracted the DNA from the Facehugger and got the “prometheus strain” from that. this is explained in the movie .
@abrimfulofasha 17 күн бұрын
@_Danou no what they meant in the movie is, they extracted the the dna from big chap and experimented to get tha pathogen and then reversed engineered to get to the facehugger stage. That's why you see a machine 3d printing a facehugger in one scene. The comment I'm saying above is basically making a theory of how they had the exact promethues strain viles, so maybe they got the message from David or went to the promethues moon after they extracted dns from big chap.
@ryangettig274 22 күн бұрын
Was wondering when you were gonna drop this:)That EEV/Cryotube thing they yolked from Renaissance Station looked alot like the 337 model EEV from Alien3?Did you guys catch the Narcissus docked below Andy,Tyler,&Rain at that They don't open the door for Kay scene?And a question to you all?How did the android Rook know all about the Nostromo?How is that logical?IThe John Hurt exposition shot on the computer felt video gamey to me?:)
@ryangettig274 22 күн бұрын
Still,I bought a ticket,screened it,& honestly I did enjoy it- a welcome diversion-Well Played & Thank's Fede:)
@LordMagiru 21 күн бұрын
I assume that since the company sent them there with the intentions of bringing back a specimen and even put an android on board two days before they left dock that MU/TH/UR and Ash were sending out messages with information on the specimen and the situation. I also assume the company picked up Ripley's final message and that when she was finally found 57 years later the details of the entire incident had been buried under corporate reshuffling, the department handling things had been shut down with the execs in charge retiring.
@AshleyThomas88 19 күн бұрын
I really liked Romulus, there are moments/aspects I loved, for example the set design, sound, music, practical effects and just overall atheistic of the movie, beautifully capturing the tone/feel of the original movies. But there are other aspects to the movie that stopped me from really loving the experience as a whole. I hated the recycled dialogue, especially the "you b**ch" line. There was a clunkiness to how the 2nd act/3rd act would play out, especially during the action scenes. I agree with Eric for the most part when it comes to the lack of tension/horror in certain moments, but that also plays into my issues with the clunkiness of how certain scenes would play out. On reflection, in ways maybe it was trying to hard to honor and be both Alien and Aliens. I really think the scene with Rooke would have worked better if the camera revealing the identity had been used differently. Its already a jarring scene due to the technology being used, so that's heightened with a swoop in motion reveal by the camera. A slow gradual pan in of the reveal would have sufficed. I personally would have liked Big Chap and the Scorched Alien having more of a presence, i felt like there was a real missed opportunity there when it comes to taking us back to that horror of the original movie. Again, like Eric mentioned, it really lacked the 'dramatic gravitas' of Alien 3, a movie I have a lot of love for. This I completely agree with. But all in all, I really enjoyed Romulus, I really liked the movie. It felt like a Alien movie and as a massive fan of the franchise, I felt like i was home again.
@SpecialOrder935 14 күн бұрын
It’s shit
@SJK-ROW-K 21 күн бұрын
Mehlian Romulass = Regurgitation 5/10
@irishempire9811 19 күн бұрын
@ryanernst1200 21 күн бұрын
@anduuhar 22 күн бұрын
Romulus was trash. Every nudgenudge,winkwink moment made me want to puke.
@91lifetime23 22 күн бұрын
Member this? Member that?
@blackcurtains4710 20 күн бұрын
In browser or I'll rent it from the library. Or pick up a copy from a charity shop. 😉
@almostfullmoon09 21 күн бұрын
I liked Romulus. Hit all the marks for me. It’s sort of a bridge movie to get the saga back in the right direction. I’m excited to see it again.
@nickolas6060 20 күн бұрын
I liked it too....then I watched it a second time😂
@almostfullmoon09 20 күн бұрын
@@nickolas6060 I saw it again and I still liked it
@Eldenbruh 21 күн бұрын
Romulus feels like a fanmade filler movie, it copies ALL the previous movies,scene by scene in some cases, and it downright breaks the lore and adds stuff that makes NO sense in this universe. Weyland wanted the Alien for their weapons division, cool...but no, now they wanna enhance the predators want authistic dna. They looked for Big Chap...why? They know that LV426 has a crashed ship FULL of eggs...why not go there instead? I could go on for hours, F this movie.
@Stoneski76 18 күн бұрын
To be fair I think the enhanced humans makes more sense. The bioweapon motive always felt a bit cheesy. It's Umbrella levels of evil corporation IMO and its not very smart. As far as logic goes and why the company didn't just go to LV426 this is a plot hole since Aliens. It's never made sense that they sent the Nostromo to get the Xeno bit then they built a civilian terraformi g colony within driving distance of the thing they were looking for 😂
@generationselfie 22 күн бұрын
I don’t believe this is a good film. I would say this is a good review. I won’t lie I enjoy Prometheus, if anything for the promise that the engineers could had brought. I therefore enjoyed the ending CRERPY ending creature. Ranking. 1. Alien 2. Aliens 3. Alien3 4. Prometheus 5. Predator 6. Predator 2 7. AVP 8. Predators 9. Alien Romulus 10. Alien Resurrection 11. Alien Covenant 12. Avp Reqium 13. Prey 14. The Predator
@nickolas6060 21 күн бұрын
Resurrection? Wow. That shit is unwatchable
@Eldenbruh 21 күн бұрын
Predator after prometheus and alien 3...someone got dropped as a baby.
@billyjesus5442 22 күн бұрын
it wasnt very good really.
@shin0bili 21 күн бұрын
I loved this movie and it's awesome how polarizing it is.
@SpaceJockey805 19 күн бұрын
@DorisDay-lw4xs Really??? 🤦‍♂️
@SpecialOrder935 14 күн бұрын
Many of the Alien shots felt disjointed and out of place The facehugger effects where awful Waste
@usetube7969 21 күн бұрын
After they got off the planet. It just bumblefucked into the usual cliches. And none of them are interesting. Xenomorphs, androids slime.Snore
@RyanC741 15 күн бұрын
Alien and Predator are definitely riding high at the moment and its great to see.
@MisterAcid 19 күн бұрын
Romulus is an insult to the original, the only aspect they got right was the set design. Everything else was utter garbage.
@paulothx138 17 күн бұрын
The best Alien movie since 1986!
@ryangettig274 6 күн бұрын
@RammyDaBaddest 22 күн бұрын
I love a nudge nudge wink wink imo
@RammyDaBaddest 22 күн бұрын
Psa when are u guys gonna get some women, people of color, and LGBT reviewers on this channel?
@Xenomorphine 22 күн бұрын
We've had Sizzy on a few times - pretty sure they're female! Think Aaron mostly limits it to people on the site's staff and we're few in number.
@RammyDaBaddest 22 күн бұрын
@@Xenomorphine I enjoy when Sizzy is on, why not invite others in the community, reactors, content creators,
@sizzybubbles 22 күн бұрын
@@RammyDaBaddest @Xenomorphine Confirmed blue haired female.
@abrimfulofasha 21 күн бұрын
Why does it bother you that much. One of them is clearly foreign. It isn't an issue. Stop making it an issue. There are people here that are not the same, culture wise. Just cause they have the same colour skin doesnt mean theyre cut from the same cloth. You 'assume' they're not diverse. If anything, ignoring this fact makes you slightly racist. I hate using the term racist because there is no such thing as race, there's only the human race that has different cultures within it. But yeah, was the only way to put it short.
@RammyDaBaddest 21 күн бұрын
@@abrimfulofasha you wouldn’t get it you are white anyways, representation matters, I want to see that on the basically official podcast for alien or predator. It was a suggestion not a criticism. Psa you can be white from a different country and still be white that’s why universally colonizers have representation everywhere, I’m not racist I am mixed with white, black, Mexican and Native American
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