Ignorance of Zakir Naik and other Wahabis on Tawassul exposed!

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Assalamu Alaikum,
TAWASSUL is Supplicating Allah by means of an intermediary, whether it
be a living person, person who passed away, a good deed, or a name or
Attribute of Allah Most High.
Ahlus Sunnah onsider all these forms of Tawassul as permissible.
But Wahabis consider all these forms of Tawassul as SHIRK even though
there are sufficient proofs in Q'uran and SAHIH Hadith about it.
They even don't accept the Tawassul through Prophet(Peace be upon him)
But Wahabis claim that this "SHIRK"i.e. Tawassul will be permissible
during Day of Judgement.
The video has replies by various Scholars to this distorted Wahabi

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@ubqariamal9993 8 жыл бұрын
Who believes the Muhammad rasoolullah(sallalaahu alaihi wassallam) is dead,their hearts are dead.
@mdnasiruddin4038 7 жыл бұрын
Ubqari Amal SubhanALLAH Beshaq May Almighty Allah bless you with peace and healthy and blissful life
@mehmoodahmed2110 5 жыл бұрын
It will be good if reference is given
@GausulwaraNiyaazCommittee 4 жыл бұрын
You dead your fake Prophet dead. Our BELOVED NABI IS ALIVE peace be upon him ❤️, Check in Quraan Tafseer Surah Aale imran ayat no 169,,,, ,,
@GausulwaraNiyaazCommittee 4 жыл бұрын
If shaheed alive then Prophet's why not ?
@muhammedbilal9355 4 жыл бұрын
Our beloved us alive in madina
@fakeandtrue2756 6 жыл бұрын
Wahabi son of yahoodi I am proud i am sunni Labbaik ya rasool allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
@Basit7729 4 жыл бұрын
@Gorkok. 4 жыл бұрын
@@Basit7729 true brelavi=shia but maybe even worse because they claim to be sunni, i myself am a hanafi but i consider my self a salafi/wahabi because salaf means follpwers imam abu hanifa was a salaf therefore we all should be salafi/wahabi
@Basit7729 4 жыл бұрын
@@Gorkok. we should call ourselves muslims and follow quran and hadith... We dont need to call ourselves with other names
@Z.E.N.T.I.I 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gorkok. Imam Abu hanifa didn't have aqeedah of the wahabis and present day salafis
@rafikulrafikul9909 6 жыл бұрын
These wahabis have no knoledege about islam
@bontoirfan 11 жыл бұрын
"And say not of those who are killed in the Way of Allaah, "they are dead." Nay they are living, but you perceive it not" [2:154]
@muhammadsiddiqui3103 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful video!
@ubqariamal9993 8 жыл бұрын
Saudi Govt protect the tomb of Ibn Taymiyya.End of story
@muhammadhmunzim9770 7 жыл бұрын
Ubqari Amal Who the hell is Thaimiyaa?
@HKRS13 7 жыл бұрын
1St Wahabi of Saudi. now they are follwing to him to go to hell.
@Procrastinators 6 жыл бұрын
Ibn Taymiyyia is buried in Syria you idiot
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
QURAN(2:186) "And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright."
@ImranAli-hd1rl 10 жыл бұрын
subhan allah very good answer, with proof, god bless you.
@ghouse108 10 жыл бұрын
When we make dua, first praising and gloryfing Allah swt, next we send salawat on the Prophet s.a.w.....then our dua is recited....If I can recall, there is a sahih hadis which says that our dua will not "go up to Allah swt or answered" without sending or adding salawat in our dua to Him. This clearly shows permissible intermediary is involved here although the Prophet s.a.w has passed away but he s.a.w is ALIVE! ....this is not shirk......anyone up there please kindly correct me if I am wrong.
@JudgeD007 9 жыл бұрын
Mohd Ghouse Abdullah - I know which hadith you are talking about. That is the correct way to do Dua - we send salaam and peace to the Prophet(SAW) (as commanded by Allah (swt)). However, at that time we are praying to Allah(SWT) only , we are asking Allah(SWT) ONLY. That is what we say in Surah Al-fatiah. Also if you download an english translation of the QURAN and search for the word 'BESIDE". You will see how many time ALLAH(SWT) warnings against invoking anyone else besides him. Here are some examples. If you do not listen to ALLAH(SWT) then may ALLAH(SWT) help you. . QURAN(22:73) "O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it (carefully): Verily! Those on whom you call BESIDES ALLAH, cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought. " . QURAN(10,66) "No doubt! Verily, to Allah belongs whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth. And those who worship and invoke others BESIDES ALLAH, in fact they follow not the (Allah's so-called) partners, they follow only a conjecture " . QURAN(7:194) "Verily, those whom you call upon BESIDES ALLAH are slaves like you. So call upon them and let them answer you if you are truthful. " . QURAN(7:37) Who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)? For such their appointed portion (good things of this worldly life and their period of stay therein) will reach them from the Book (of Decrees) until, when Our Messengers (the angel of death and his assistants) come to them to take their souls, they (the angels) will say: "Where are those whom you used to invoke and worship BESIDES ALLAH," they will reply, "They have vanished and deserted us." And they will bear witness against themselves, that they were disbelievers. . QURAN(2:165) "And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others BESIDES ALLAH as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else). If only, those who do wrong could see, when they will see the torment, that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is Severe in punishment. " . QURAN(2:107) "Know you not that it is Allah to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And BESIDES ALLAH you have neither any Wali (protector or guardian) nor any helper. " . QURAN(39:3) Surely, the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allah only. And those who take Auliya' (protectors and helpers) besides Him (say): "We worship them only that they may bring us NEAR TO Allah." Verily, Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly, Allah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever.. THINK brother if you have been invoking (doing duas to) others BESIDES ALLAH and you find out it was a wrong thing to do then you would be in BIG trouble on JUDGEMENT DAY ! However, If you spent all you life only invoking ALLAH(SWT) directly than I cannot image ALLAH(SWT) saying why did you not pray to someone else ? ..... AND ALLAH(SWT) knows best.
@rasheed-hb8sp 7 жыл бұрын
you have 0 common sense how does this apply to what is been mentioned? Are you worshiping the Prophet PBH or AwliyaAllah? you are confused
@mikaelfaridguangxi240 7 жыл бұрын
This is moshin khan translation, the wahhabi translation and also worst translation of holy quran Allah is not near by his knowledge, quran says he is near! He is nearer than our own veil to us! How dare those wahhabi change the quran by translation? Astaghfirullah
@moeydandan4981 12 жыл бұрын
may allah give you jannah for uploading this video
@mohammedayub44 11 жыл бұрын
a blind sahaba came to the prophet pbuh and wanted to be cured the prophet pbuh told him to read 2 rakat nawafil and ask ALLAH swt to cure him with the waseela of the prophet pbuh.why wasn't he told to directly ask ALLAH swt.can you achieve guidance without following THE GUIDE,the sunnah of the prophet pbuh has to be followed now and untill the end,the prophet pbuh could have prayed for the blind man,but this was a lesson or guidance for us to follow,may ALLAH swt guide us,
@sanaullasharief5319 9 жыл бұрын
Allah is Samee, Baseer and Qadeer. He listens directly 24/7 . No need of waseela.
@عبداللہبنعبداللہ-ن2ر 8 жыл бұрын
+sanaulla sharief ALLAH is everything, but he deal with his creature according to their approach. Why did ALLAH choose Jirael for to bring his word upon his Messenger Muhammad (PBUH)? Why didn't ALLAH sent it directly upon his messenger? Why ALLAH made Jibrael a Waseela between?
@sanaullasharief5319 8 жыл бұрын
Do you mean, Allah needs some one to help Him in bringing our invocations to his attention?
@swiftspy 9 жыл бұрын
I am not from any madhab but I prefer to stick to Allah only for prayers. Once we are dead, some good deeds we did may continue to help others who are alive but I don't think the dead can bring any help when using him to ask Allah.
@swiftspy 9 жыл бұрын
+hassan dagher I dont care about schools akhi... there were no schools when prophet Muhammad left this world. It is tempting but it is false.
@swiftspy 9 жыл бұрын
+hassan dagher I surely did not read bukhari to know how to pray, fast, make zakat or pilgrimage. It is called the sunna el3amaliya, our prophet was the teacher and it came to us by practice. How do you think muslims did before Bukhari? Many things that reaches us are not part of Islam.
@swiftspy 9 жыл бұрын
+hassan dagher What do you mean?
@swiftspy 9 жыл бұрын
+hassan dagher Sourves are the Quran and what my mother taught me.
@swiftspy 9 жыл бұрын
+hassan dagher How to make wudu and salat for example.
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
QURAN(7:194) "Verily, those whom you call upon BESIDES ALLAH are slaves like you. So call upon them and let them answer you if you are truthful. "
@azhariway8858 10 жыл бұрын
SubhanAllah, Exteme Cherrypicking Dawa of your Extreme Anthropomorphic school of thought is absurd to an utmost and severe ignoramus degree.....If you ever took the time to read the Surah Al-A'raf verse 190-195 with no doubt one realizes it talks about the "IDOLS" and "GODS" people took other then the ONE TRUE POWER OF ALL...believing those GODS/IDOLS had power OTHER
@ahmadarbee7326 9 жыл бұрын
Azhari Way
@JudgeD007 9 жыл бұрын
Azhari Way It is permissible to ask a pious person who is alive to do dua for you but not to go to someone in the grave ! BRING YOUR PROOF ffrom the QURAN or HADITH. Here is my proof:- As this Hadith shows the SAHABA did not go to the prophet's grave and ask for things !!! Narrated Anas: Whenever drought threatened them, 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, used to ask Al-Abbas bin 'Abdul Muttalib to invoke Allah for rain. He used to say, "O Allah! We used to ask our Prophet to invoke You for rain, and You would bless us with rain, and now we ask his uncle to invoke You for rain. O Allah ! Bless us with rain."(1) And so it would rain. (Sahih Bukhari Book #17, Hadith #123)
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
Calling on other beside ALLAH (ie doing duas to). Let us see what ALLAH(SWT) has to say on this:- QURAN(2:107) "Know you not that it is Allah to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And BESIDES ALLAH you have neither any Wali (protector or guardian) nor any helper. "
@azhariway8858 10 жыл бұрын
Allah has angels on the earth - other than the [two] record-keepers - who keep a record [even] of the leaves that fall on the ground. Therefore, if one of you is crippled in a deserted land where no-one is in sight, let him cry out: Help O servants of Allah.Imam al Haytami (rah) said after this hadith: It is narrated by Al-Bazzar and all its narrators are reliable (thiqa) [Reference: Majma az Zawaid, Volume 10, Hadith No. 17104] not only is it a Reliable THIQA HADITH... it has been acted upon by various ULEMA AND LEADERS OF ISLAMIC KNOWLEDGE such as Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal >Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Hanbal (rah) said that he heard his father (Imam Ahmed) who said: I performed Hajj 5 times, thrice on foot and twice on ride or he said thrice on ride and twice on foot, once when I was on foot I lost my way hence I started to exclaim this: O Allah’s servants show me the way (يا عباد الله دلوني على الطريق), I kept on repeating this until I came back on track. [Imam Baihaqi in Shu’ayb ul Iman, Volume 6, Page No 128, Hadith No. 7697] Not only is there hadiths to proof it there is also Ayats of the quran....subhanallah you are one big fool for ascribing verses of relating to polythiests to believers in the ONENESS of ALLAH. May allah guide you.
@naimulhasanshourav6795 5 жыл бұрын
All hadiths are fake. Only quran is authentic.
@abdulrouf6725 4 жыл бұрын
@@naimulhasanshourav6795 you already failed👎☹👎
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
QURAN(22:73) "O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it (carefully): Verily! Those on whom you call BESIDES ALLAH, cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought. "
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
tawassul is not calling other than Allah thinking that created thing can accept our dua ..we do tawassul knowing it Allah who accept the dua...its two different scenerio...the explanation given by the shaykhs is easy to understand
@bontoirfan 11 жыл бұрын
Anas b. malik reported Allah's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) as saying: I came. And in the narration transmitted on the authority of Haddib (the words are): I happened to pass by Moses (عليه السلام) on the occasion of the Night journey near the red mound (and found him) saying his prayer in his Grave. [Sahih Muslim Book 030, Number 5858:]
@GausulwaraNiyaazCommittee 4 жыл бұрын
@jahanakhatoon4780 2 ай бұрын
Maslake aala hajrat zindabad
@monizag 8 жыл бұрын
I Agree that tawasul is permitted. However, Fellow Muslims please stop cursing one another under comments. I personally noticed that despite Zakir being in the forefront of defending Islamic teaching, he does appear to me a little bit arrogant. This is where Imam Ghazali was correct about those who are arrogant.
@jabalnur52 8 жыл бұрын
+monizag If you read IHYA ULUMUDEEN properly, you will know who is the really arrogant!
@5eek3r0fknowl3dg3 8 жыл бұрын
how to do dawah according to the sunnah[SAW] shown to us by the sahabas RA:- Kalimah: Imaan - An article of faith in which a Muslim accepts that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his last messenger". Salat: "Prayer - Five daily prayers that are essential to spiritual elevation, piety, and a life free from the ills of the material world" Ilm and Zikr: "The knowledge and remembrance of Allah - conducted in sessions in which the congregation listens to preaching by the emir, performs prayers, recites the Quran and reads Hadith from the books comprising Riyadhu As-Salehin,Muntakhab Ahadith (Collection of authentic Ahadith without commentry),Hayatus Sahaba and Fadhaa'il-e A'maal Vol 1 & 2 and other books. Ikraam-e-Muslimeen: "Honoring a Muslim - The treatment of fellow Muslims with honor and deference" Ikhlas-e-Niyyat: "Sincerity of Intention - Reforming one’s life in supplication to Allah by performing every human action for the sake of Allah and toward the goal of self-transformation" Dawat'o' Tableegh (Dawah): "Inviting and Preaching - The sparing of time to live a life based on faith and learning its virtues, following in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad, and taking His message door to door for the sake of faith. "
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
we shud learnaqeeda first
@binmoiz 4 жыл бұрын
The Wahhabis don’t consider making Tawassul through good deeds, duas of a living person or by Allah’s Names & Attributes to be shirk. The main point of contention is making through Tawassul through the dead. We have to be fair and just in our criticism. May Allah unite us all.
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
yes i know this...but its also allowed to do tawassul through those who died...as the shayhk said...shaykh al yaqubi is 34 descendant of hazrat ali and bibi fatima pbut...ahlu bayt will always be upon haqq till qiyamaah where they will be with nabi saw at the qawsar
@jabalnur52 8 жыл бұрын
Despite reading the surah al fatehah 17 times daily, those who approved tawassul forgot the fifth ayat, whic the unanimously accepted tafsir is: "It is unto him that we worship, and unto him that we ask for help"
@MiroMayne 8 жыл бұрын
+Jabalnur Jabalthur We still ask Allah for help, but by the means of The Prophet. So basically it means supplicating by saying ''for the sake of Rasoolullah''. It was even done by Sayyiduna Adam. Here's a hadith proving it and the hadith includes notes regarding its chain in case you want to argue that. The Hadith: scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t34.0-12/12442821_10207306955024636_1218151621_n.jpg?oh=b59dd2830b5483205510aaca8a0d0e7c&oe=573D8CB9 Source: Ibn Kathir "Milad" (English translation) p.11 This is what Tawassul is. The ball is in your court now.
@dr.mohammedinamulhaq Жыл бұрын
Allaahu akbar
@slysly1778 4 жыл бұрын
@ZionistAreNazis1 12 жыл бұрын
Here is the PROOF of Tawwassul from the Hadiths ; Tirmidhi relates through his chain of Narrators; Uthman Ibn Hunayf that a blind man came to the holy Prophet (saw) and said I have been afflicted in mu eye sites so please pray to Allah for me the Holy Prophet (saw) said to the go and make Wudu and perform two Raka prayers and say O Allah I ask U and turn to U through my Prophet Muhammad (saw) I seek your Intercession with my LORD for the return of my eye sites
@slysly1778 4 жыл бұрын
@bontoirfan 11 жыл бұрын
Qadhi Shawkawni writes: "In the Qur'an it is mentioned that martyrs are alive and food is provided for them. The Prophets and righteous people are a lot higher in status than them so what will be their place? It has been proven through Ahadith that Prophets are alive in their graves. Both Imam at-Tirmidhi and Imam al-Bayhaqi have said that these are authentic Ahadith" [Nayl al-Awtar, Volume 003, Page No. 82]
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
provision...yesthey already enjoying some enjoyment of paradise in qabar like food ,bed and air and sight of jannah through some sort of window or portal ...
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
QURAN(6:64) Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Allah rescues you from it and from all (other) distresses, and yet you worship others BESIDES ALLAH."
@azhariway8858 10 жыл бұрын
Then again.....We suffer from another Crooked way of using the blessed verses of the quran by none other then wahabi such as you. This notion of this blessed verse from God MOST WISE is that People WORSHIP FALSE GODS EVEN WHEN THOSE FALSE GODS ARE BUT POWERLESS MATERIAL MADE OF STONE, DIRT, AND SOMETIMES A SIMPLE IMAGES SUCH AS THOR OR THE GOD OF WAR ATHENA......and GOD is trying to teach us...that worshipping other then him is but a FALLACY is an ultimate evil...yet you are trying to apply this to TAWWASUL....... when it is no where NEAR WORSHIP. You are indeed a follower of a crooked sect. If you consider tawassul shirk....how about on judgement day you go ask other then Muhammad(s.a.w) for intercession......A laughable idea indeed....as much as a failure.
@mehmoodahmed2110 5 жыл бұрын
@mohamudkahin9456 5 жыл бұрын
Regardless of whether dead ot alive it is permissible. The first to object was ibn taymiyah and there he drifted from the ijmaac, (concensus ) the objectors are blind followers of ibn taymiyah
@imran81182 11 жыл бұрын
I challenge whole wahabi/salafi sect on the topic of tawassul.. Show me any 1 ayat from quran which says waseela is prohibited for muslims... as said by zakir naik there are 25 verses.. i challenge you all wahabis to show me just 1.. you can take ur time till qayamat..
@qasis42 8 жыл бұрын
can we Muslims just please stop arguing and bickering between each other. lets go back to Qur'an and sunnah and stop all this sectarianism.
@swiftspy 8 жыл бұрын
We try brother but what separates us is not Quran but sunna and hadiths.
@abdulrazzaqshah9082 8 жыл бұрын
+swiftspy Quran relates the right path in Surah Al Fatiha: 6-Guide us the straight way - - - 7-The way of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, not of those who have been condemned [by Thee], nor of those who go astray! > > > The right path is the path of those who are blessed by the Allah ( سبحٰنہ و تعالٰی ) and Quran terms them as Aulia Allah may Allah be pleased with them all. > > > And right path is not the path of Shiatan and Aulia Ashaitan
@عبداللہبنعبداللہ-ن2ر 8 жыл бұрын
What ISLAM does these Salafies follow? They have breached the UMMAH. For 1400 years UMMAH was united and there were disagreement and that was just the difference of opinion, but none called other the Mushrik, since the ENGLISH allotted a sect and brought it forth, it destroyed the UMMAH. These Salafis' know nothing but to call all other Muslims; Mushrik and Kafir. Who they are? And who've given 'em this licence to call other Mushrik. It's only their Salafiat which makes it easy to call any other MUSLIM a Mushrik. They are extremist, they fitted their machine guns of Fatawas which fire billions of rounds of FATWAS on MUSLIMS to tell their followers that see he's Kafir and Mushrik. May ALLAH guide 'em and if there's no guidance for 'em may ALLAH send 'em to hell at once and save the UMMAH of MUHAMMAD (PBUH) from their Sher and Fitna. آمین
@bontoirfan 11 жыл бұрын
Hadith #1 عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِکٍ رضي الله عنه أَنَّ رَسُوْلَ اﷲِ صلي الله عليه وآله وسلم قَالَ : أَتَيْتُ، (وفي رواية هدّاب:) مَرَرْتُ عَلَي مُوْسَي لَيْلَةَ أُسْرِيَ بِي عِنْدَ الْکَثِيْبِ الْأَحْمَرِ وَهُوَ قَائِمٌ يُصَلِّي فِي قَبْرِه
@shafeequeahmed4272 4 жыл бұрын
Assalamu Alaikum brothers Can anyone give me a single Dua from Qur'an or Sunnah that contains Tawassul or Istighasa of Rasulullah, Sahaba or Wali??
@fifafreebies8941 2 жыл бұрын
Translation: Imam Tabrani has narrated an incident that a person repeatedly visited Uthman bin Affan (ra) concerning something he needed but Uthman paid no attention to him. The man went to Uthman bin Hunaif (ra) and complained to him about the matter- [Note: this was after the death of the Prophet and after the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar ] so Uthman bin Hunaif said : “Go to the place of Wudu, then come to the Masjid, perform two Rak'ats and then say : “O Allah!, I ask you and turn to you through our Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy. O Muhammad! I turn through you to my lord, that He fulfil my need” and mention your need. Then come so that I can go with you [to the caliph Uthman] So the man left and did as he had been told, then went to the door of Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him), and the doorman came, took him by the hand, brought him to Uthman ibn Affan, and seated him next to him on a cushion. 'Uthman asked, "What do you need?" and the man mentioned what he wanted, and Uthman accomplished it for him ...(till the end of hadith) The hadith is rigorously authenticated (sahih), as Tabarani explicitly states in his "al-Mu'jam al-saghir." The translator (Nuh Ha Mim Keller), wishing to verify the matter further, to the hadith with its chain of narrators to hadith specialist Sheikh Shu'ayb Arna'ut, who after examining it, agreed that it was rigorously authenticated (sahih) as Tabarani indicated, a judgement which was also confirmed to the translator by the Morrocan hadith specialist Sheikh 'Abdullah Muhammad Ghimari, who characterized the hadith as "very rigorously authenticated," and noted that hadith masters Haythami and Mundhiri had explicitly concurred with Tabarani on its being rigorously authenticated (sahih)
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
QURAN(2:165) "And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others BESIDES ALLAH as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else). If only, those who do wrong could see, when they will see the torment, that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is Severe in punishment. "
@azhariway8858 10 жыл бұрын
Another Fail of your chance to spread Salafi-dawa and take a strike at the Majority of muslims in order to pin on our innocent heads of your game of Shirk pointing.......How dare you use a verse on the majority of muslims who believe and follow verse 163 of surah Al-Baqarah : And your Allah is ONE Allah: There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful?????? We Love ALLAH more then ANYTHING HE CREATED.....and we HOLD HIM EQUAL TO NO ONE and its is IMPOSSIBLE < to do so to begin with. #FAILURE for your spread of fitnah even more so your khawarij-wahabite idealogy... KNOW THAT ALLAH IS WATCHING YOUR TWISTED USE OF HIS HIS HOLY WORDS AGAINST FELLOW BELIEVERS IN HIS ONENESS...you must think this is some sort of gangwarfare in religion and deem it your mission to fight against other muslims...what a disgusting way ....May ALLAH guide you.
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
QURAN(10,66) "No doubt! Verily, to Allah belongs whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth. And those who worship and invoke others BESIDES ALLAH, in fact they follow not the (Allah's so-called) partners, they follow only a conjecture "
@azhariway8858 10 жыл бұрын
You have used Gods Holy verses over 4 times now.....presuming your gesturing and positioning it to interpret that Majority of Muslims and our Islamic Consensus about the issue of istigatha and tawassul is infact SHIRK according to you and your minority group of batil scientists of Najd and Labratories of Evil wahabite scholorism........Well sorry to say at the least...your incorrect. No Muslim on earth...WORSHIPS OTHER THEN the 1 ALLAH. As I Have proofed in previous comments you use Quran verses to your own desire according to your twisted education about istigatha and tawassul. When Allah will say, “O Eisa, the son of Maryam! Remember My favour upon you and your mother; when I supported you with the Holy Spirit; you were speaking to people from the cradle and in maturity; and when I taught you the Book and wisdom and the Taurat and the Injeel; and when you used to mould a bird-like sculpture from clay, by My command, and blow into it - so it (the living bird) used to fly by My command, and you used to cure him who was born blind and cure the leper, by My command; "AND WHEN YOU USED TO RAISE UP THE DEAD, BY MY COMMAND" and when I restrained the Descendants of Israel against you when you came to them with clear proofs, and the disbelievers among them said, ‘This is nothing but clear magic’ [(Surah al-Ma’idah (5:110)] as you can see.... IT IS FROM ALLAH'S POWER that any human may HEAL in a miraculous way and it is from ALLAH'S POWER any muslim may seek help from through any prophet of saint of god or any rightous angel or even rightous muslim here or in the here-after. Subhanallah a #FAILURE on your part of lack of understanding..... What a hilarious group of Thiefs you are to use Verses that are to inform the misguided polythiests of pagan arabia to stop worshipping IDOLS and worship ALLAH and follow his prophets(S.A.W) to know the right way of Life in peace and correctness.
@ImranAli-hd1rl 10 жыл бұрын
Azhari Way i want to correct u here , u said " IT IS FROM ALLAH'S POWER that any human may HEAL in a miraculous way and it is from ALLAH'S POWER any muslim may seek help from through any prophet of saint of god or any rightous angel or even rightous muslim here or in the here-after. u said any human, by the way he was not just a human, he was a mightiest messenger of allah he was kalimat ullah. allah says (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us': it is a matter (so) decreed." surah maryam aayat 21. and what do u say about this verse where allah says in quran ,AD OONI YASTAJIBLAKUM, that means ask me iwill fulfill your prayers. Their messengers said to them: "True, we are human like yourselves, but Allah doth grant His grace to such of His servants as He pleases. It is not for us to bring you an authority except as Allah permits. And on Allah let all men of faith put their trust. (11) "No reason have we why we should not put our trust on Allah. Indeed He has guided us to the Ways we (follow). We shall certainly bear with patience all the hurt you may cause us: for those who put their trust should put their trust on Allah." (12) surah ibraheem.
@shimar8 9 жыл бұрын
Quran :- And when there comes to them a Book from Allah, confirming what is with them,- although from of old they had prayed for victory against those without Faith,- when there comes to them that which they (should) have recognised, they refuse to believe in it but the curse of Allah is on those without Faith. (Surah Baqrah 2:89) Imam Qurtubi related the tradition through Ibn ‘Abbas: The Jews of Khaybar were often at war with the Ghatafan (tribe). When they confronted each other (in battle) the Jews were defeated. They attacked again, offering this prayer, “(O Lord,) we beg You through the mediation of the Unlettered Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) about whom You have promised us that you will send him to us at the end of time. Please help us against them.” Ibn ‘Abbas adds: whenever they faced the enemy, they offered this prayer and defeated the Ghatafan (tribe). But when the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was sent, they denied (him). So Allah the Exalted revealed the verse: “And before that they themselves had (prayed) for victory (through the mediation of the last Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Book revealed to him) over the disbelievers,” that is, through your mediation, O Muhammad.[Tafsir Qurtubi, al-Jami li Ahkam al-Quran, Volume 002, Page No. 89-90, Under the Verse 2:89]
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
As this Hadith shows the SAHABA did not go to the prophet's grave and ask for things !!! Narrated Anas: Whenever drought threatened them, 'Umar bin Al-Khattab, used to ask Al-Abbas bin 'Abdul Muttalib to invoke Allah for rain. He used to say, "O Allah! We used to ask our Prophet to invoke You for rain, and You would bless us with rain, and now we ask his uncle to invoke You for rain. O Allah ! Bless us with rain."(1) And so it would rain. (Sahih Bukhari Book #17, Hadith #123)
@azhariway8858 10 жыл бұрын
Tabarani, in his "al-Mu'jam al saghir", reports a hadith from 'Uthman ibn Hunayf that a man repeatedly visited Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him) concerning something he needed, but Uthman paid no attention to him or his need. The man met Ibn Hunayf and complained to him about the matter - this being after the death (wisal) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and after the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar - so Uthman ibn Hunayf, who was one of the Companions who collected hadiths and was learned in the religion of Allah, said: "Go to the place of ablution and perform ablution (wudu), then come to the mosque, perform two rak'as of prayer therein, and say:'O Allah, I ask You and turn to You through our Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I turn through you to my Lord, that He may fulfill my need,' and mention your need. Then come so that I can go with you [to the caliph Uthman]." So the man left and did as he had been told, then went to the door of Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him), and the doorman came, took him by the hand, brought him to Uthman ibn Affan, and seated him next to him on a cushion. 'Uthman asked, "What do you need?" and the man mentioned what he wanted, and Uthman accomplished it for him, then he said, "I hadn't remembered your need until just now," adding, "Whenever you need something, just mention it." Then, the man departed, met Uthman ibn Hunayf, and said to him, "May Allah reward you! He didn't see to my need or pay any attention to me until you spoke with him." Uthman ibn Hunayf replied, "By Allah, I didn't speak to him, but I have seen a blind man come to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) and complain to him of the loss of his eyesight. The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "Can you not bear it?' and the man replied, 'O Messenger of Allah, I do not have anyone to lead me around, and it is a great hardship for me.' The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) told him, 'Go to the place of ablution and perform ablution (wudu), then pray two rak'as of prayer and make the supplications.'" Ibn Hunayf went on, "By Allah, we didn't part company or speak long before the man returned to us as if nothing had ever been wrong with him." The account has been classified as rigously authenticated (SAHIH) by Baihaqi, Mundhiri, and Haythami." Imam Nawawi in his "Al-Adhkar (281-282)", and "al-Majmu" explicitly record that "tawassul" through the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) and asking his intercession are recommended."
@JudgeD007 9 жыл бұрын
Azhari Way THINK brother if you have been invoking (doing duas to) others BESIDES ALLAH and you find out it was a wrong thing to do then you would be in BIG trouble on JUDGEMENT DAY ! However, If you spent all you life only invoking ALLAH(SWT) directly than I cannot image ALLAH(SWT) saying why did you not pray to someone else ? ..... AND ALLAH(SWT) knows best.
@REEZU88 11 жыл бұрын
u mis-interpreting that hadith,,, the true version is here:Prophet(saw) said "Go make ablution (wudu), perform two rak'as of prayer, and then say: Oh Allah, I ask u & turn to u thru my Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I seek your waseela with my Lord for the return of my eyesight [ in another version "for my need, that it may be fulfilled.O Allah, grant him waseela for me Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) added "And if there is some need, do the same"
@Lovelayswithin 13 жыл бұрын
@ananimity3039 12 жыл бұрын
Sahih or not, the Qur'an supersedes any Haddith. "Iiaka nabba du wa Iiaka nastaeen" "You alone we worship, You alone we ask for help" AL-Fatiah So huh? Why didnt the blind man just ask Allah to cure him? If it was Allahs will, he would have cured him anyways. There is always a chance that some Haddith could be a lie or a twisted version of the actual event through too long a chain of narration. I am not an expert on this as I am a new convert, but I am searching for the TRUE Islam.
@ozzieksk 10 жыл бұрын
Tirmidhi relates through his chain of Narrators; Uthman Ibn Hunayf that a blind man came to the holy Prophet (saw) and said I have been afflicted in mu eye sites so please pray to Allah for me the Holy Prophet (saw) said to the go and make Wudu and perform two Raka prayers and say O Allah I ask U and turn to U through my Prophet Muhammad (saw) I seek your Intercession with my LORD for the return of my eye sites
@ImranAli-hd1rl 10 жыл бұрын
allah says in quran ,AD OONI YASTAJIBLAKUM, that means ask me iwill fulfill your prayers.
@ozzieksk 10 жыл бұрын
shahzad aram Still we ask him. We know that without his permission nothing can be done. However, we put our prophet sallahau ve sellem between us. Because Allah loves him so much habibi he accepts our dua. I already wrote the hadists about him. Muhammed Ibni Wahab is different ideas than sunnah. Yet, there is a hadists about him. Narrated Ibn ‘Umar(r): The Prophet said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The People said, “And also on our NAJD.” He said, “O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen.” The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! And also on our NAJD.” I think the third time the Prophet said, “There (in NAJD) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the head of Satan.” Sahi Bukhari (Book #88, Hadith #214) So It is clearly seem that, Our resool sallalahu ve sellem already warned us form this fitnah. So it is up to you if you follow Muhammed Ibni Wahab.
@ananimity3039 12 жыл бұрын
I didnt mean they were in their graves, their souls are in Jannah. A Shaheed is not in his body. How can they hear you if they are in Jannah? I am a new convert and I am having grave (no pun intended) questions about tawassul....I have already been shunned from my Masjid for being a "wahabi" just for asking about this stuff. I dont Think you can say Oh Allah, based on the good deeds of this righteous (dead) man, grant me this or that...Why should I get rewarded for Abbas's good deeds?
@a2zchannel531 8 жыл бұрын
المدد یا رسول اللہﷺ 💗 لبیک اللہم لبیک یا رسول اللہﷺ 💗
@a444usa 13 жыл бұрын
May Allah bless the ulama of Ahle-sunnat wal Jamaat (Ameen) and give hidayah to everyone(Ameen)
@umairnasir1149 11 жыл бұрын
Go back and listen Shaykh Habib Ali in the end of video. He is explaining authentic narration after The holy Prophet pubh. Open your eyes and brain, Sufism is exactly the leading way to seek love of Allah and Prophet pbuh and cosequently the paradise. Not like wahabism which have no more its roots in all golden eras during Prophet pubh life and also not in succesive eras after Him.
@MrAjmal2010 7 жыл бұрын
Mashah Allah...spread more words brother!!
@666kaz999 12 жыл бұрын
Hindu: Goes to a shop, buys an idol, takes it home, puts it on the shelf, it falls down, picks it up, puts it on the shelf, asks the idol for things. Shia: People wash a dead body, wrap it up, dig a grave, place the body in the grave, bury the body, ask the dead body for things. These idols/dead people cant do anything for themselves so how can they do anything for you? Ask Allah (swt) for everything, He is the Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.
@BashirAhmad-tr1ot 6 жыл бұрын
Going to the doctor is not worshiping but supplication is worshiping. Imam is using very weak logic to justify wrong doing. Allah says in Quran: Al-Baqara (The Cow) - 2:186 "AND IF My servants ask thee about Me - behold, I am NEAR; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me: let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that they might follow the right way". Allah did not say ask through intermediary like prophet peace be upon him, saint, grave and any other thing. Labeling people does not help us in the day of judgment.
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
QURAN(5:76) Say (O Muhammad SAW to mankind): "How do you worship BESIDES ALLAH something which has no power either to harm or to benefit you? But it is Allah Who is the All­Hearer, All­Knower."
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
tawassul is not worship of other beside Allah...furthermore the awliyah ,prophets and messangers continue to benefit us even thou they passed away...one example is their teachings and another is musa alayhissalam asking for reduction of prayers
@yaseenk63 12 жыл бұрын
Is Tawassul Permissible? By Shaykh Ninowy search for this on youtube Allahu A'lam
@abdulrouf6725 4 жыл бұрын
By Islam. It is permissible.
@AbbasAD85 11 жыл бұрын
Salam Alaikum. Some notes to point out; the blind man asked for intercession not through the prophet himself, but through his duaa, which is completely different. The blind man said "so please PRAY TO ALLAH for me", to which the prophet -pbuh- replied "If you wish I shall pray, and if you wish be patient for it is better." The prophet says "I shall pray". What did the man say? He said "Then pray", again realizing that this tawassul is through his prayer not through the prophet himself.
@enkaan1676 4 жыл бұрын
So before Muhammed pbuh came people who asked Jesus pbuh for help were not doing wrong then.
@AbbasAD85 11 жыл бұрын
I also want to make one last comment in case people get upset about me saying that the prophet -pbuh- is dead. It is no issue, for he is in his grave. AbuBakr -rau- after the passing of our prophet came out to the people and said "For you who worshipped Muhammad, Muhammad died. For you who worshipped Allah, Allah is alive and does not die". Last comment about AlImam Malik with Abu Jafar, the story is maudhoo (a fabrication/lie).
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
that why the prophet saw said that be careful of who u take ur deen from
@BashirAhmad-tr1ot 5 жыл бұрын
Tawassul from live person is permissible. You can ask a righteous Muslim to pray for you as Omer ask Abass to pray to Allah for rain. Tawassul is not permissible from dead even from prophet. If it were permissible, Omer would have not asked Abass for the rain instead he would have ask prophet peace be upon him for rain. Allah best knows. Labeling and cursing will not benefit us. Try to be a good Muslim and pray for each other guidance.
@AbbasAD85 11 жыл бұрын
My friend. Intercession through a person is not allowed at all. We know this from the prophet's life. In his lifetime whenever there was an issue the Sahaba (rau) came to him (pbuh) and asked him to pray for them, which he did. They never prayed through him without asking for his prayer. Which is why Omar Bin AlKhattab prayed through AlAbbas' prayer and not through AlAbbas himself, and we know the text of AlAbbas' prayer, otherwise this would not work. Cont.
@queenieislam204 8 жыл бұрын
the face of Allah is special and seeing him the reward for the mutaqin but Allah accepted the dua of the prophet directly without jibreal in between Allah and His Apostle
@عبداللہبنعبداللہ-ن2ر 8 жыл бұрын
+Nasteha Abukar Jibreal ain't no superior than ALLAH's apostle, he's superior among his kind, then why would Prophet (PBUH) make Jibreal twasul? It makes no sense for placing Jibreal between ALLAH and MUHAMMAD (PBUH).
@queenieislam204 8 жыл бұрын
Allah's apostle was the best human being Allah created but equalising between the prophet and angel Gabriel is something we shouldn't dare remember in surah baqarah ayat 97 Allah says (say whoever is an enemy to jibriel it Is he who brought it down upon your heart by permission of Allah confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tiding for the believers)
@عبداللہبنعبداللہ-ن2ر 8 жыл бұрын
+Nasteha Abukar You just fired a fatwa on me like other salfis', I've got one question for you that the Ayah you've quoted from Al-Baqara; would you please read my comment and lemme know where I said something that makes me an enemy of Jibrael (AS). Don't be like the 99% of Salafies to fire fatwas from your machine gun without knowing or understanding something. Human being can be best and worst at the same time, while angels could only be good. ALLAH revealed Qur'an upon Prophet Muhammad which clearly makes him better than any other creation of ALLAH, and I still stick to my words and I stick it to 'cause, لاالہ الااللہ محمدرسول اللہ۔ After ALLAH it always comes MUHAMMAD no body else. So, I'd love to make you a humble request that you should take your fatwa back and stop firing and bombarding your fatwas on Muslim. Thanks.
@queenieislam204 8 жыл бұрын
+‫عبداللہ بن عبداللہ‬‎ assalamu aleikum akhi fillah I'm nobody to make fat it was only a doubt cause i saw many who really turned their back on Islam but I apologize man is to error sorry for my misunderstanding
@queenieislam204 8 жыл бұрын
+‫عبداللہ بن عبداللہ‬‎ imagine have no idea who the salafis are and you're claiming amongst them its awkward isn't it, anyway as sister in Islam I apologize you once again
@yoyodev 10 жыл бұрын
And [He revealed] that the masjids are for Allah , so do not invoke with Allah anyone. (Aayah No. 18, Surah Al-Jinn, Chapter No. 72, Holy Qur’an). Say, [O Muhammad], "I only invoke my Lord and do not associate with Him anyone." (Aayah No. 20, Surah Al-Jinn, Chapter No. 72, Holy Qur’an). Say, "Indeed, there will never protect me from Allah anyone [if I should disobey], nor will I find in other than Him a refuge. (Aayah No. 22, Surah Al-Jinn, Chapter No. 72, Holy Qur’an).
@selenasmith7753 11 жыл бұрын
You say you challenge whole "wahabi/salafi" sect, but there is nothing challenging about this topic. It's so simple, Sub'hanAllaah! Why would you or anyone else for that matter in your right minds go and ask people who are dead for help, no matter who they may be. They're dead....They cannot harm nor benefit.....So again why??? Why??? Would you go and beseech the dead and your shuyookh? And why would you have a picture of your shaykh in your turbans and kufis?
@AdorIslam 10 жыл бұрын
When people do not agree with you, then you start name calling them. One simple question here is that, you produce the source of where the earlier generations celebrated his birthday or had Moulid. These are innovations and it has nothing to do with Wahhabism or any other ism.
@mehmoodahmed2110 5 жыл бұрын
The makers of this video are the sole causes of the fittna in the umma the Saudis are doing a good job in the upkeep of the Haram shareef mashaALLAH .( jealousy is a bad thing its a type of pride. feroan pride himself in the worst shirk ). ALLAH BLESSED them all Muslims who unite . And curse them shaytaan who breaks them unity in the umma .
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
its the saud who devided the ummah...not these scholar...these scholar are upon the sanad which reach to the prophet saw
@user-ju8ze5dh3b 11 жыл бұрын
When Muhammad PBUH died, Abu Bakr RA quoted following verses of Quran.: 1.Verily, you (O Muhammad) will die, and verily, they (too) will die”-al-Zumar 39:30 2.Muhammad is no more than a Messenger, and indeed (many) Messengers have passed a way before him. If he dies or is killed, will you then turn back on your heels (as disbelievers)? And he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful." Surah 3: 144 Read Quran first.
@666kaz999 12 жыл бұрын
@usdubey As Muslims, we are not to worship anything but Allah (swt). This includes not asking the dead for anything because they cant hear us/do anything even if they could. This was the point I was trying to make to other MUSLIMS. Suffering is basically a result of mans greed. We can pray people one day learn to think of other people less fortunate then themselves. And if you think god is an illusion, then thats your business, my comment was not intended for you.
@mohamudkahin9456 5 жыл бұрын
Trace back history. The wahabi group were formed the british .i wonder with suni scholars who debate with them .debating with them is like reading a scripture in front of a donkey.. The movement should be isolated.
@abdulrouf6725 4 жыл бұрын
It is true. But they are misguiding our Ummah. Even the reverts. So sunni scholars want to debate him. But,Even though they never change, it helps to truth seekers and reverts.
@ZionistAreNazis1 12 жыл бұрын
Here are More Proof that Prophets are ALIVE in their graves ; Ibn Masud narrated that the Holy Prophet (saw) said my death is a great good for U your actions are displayed to me and I see goodness I praise Allah and see EVIL I will ask forgiveness of him (Narrated by Ibn Masood (ra) by Bazzar in his Musnad (1.397)
@AbbasAD85 11 жыл бұрын
Omar bin AlKhattab -rau- would not have left the prophet -pbuh- to ask through AlAbbas without a valid reason. The reason was the prophet was no longer alive. As for those who say it's ok to ask one of a lesser position, then we must ask why he didn't ask the prophet? Even though the situation was quite dire and repeated many times, would it have been possible that he left the better solution? The answer is that he knew that asking a dead person for anything would be shirk, for he can do nothing
@JudgeD007 10 жыл бұрын
QURAN(7:37) Who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)? For such their appointed portion (good things of this worldly life and their period of stay therein) will reach them from the Book (of Decrees) until, when Our Messengers (the angel of death and his assistants) come to them to take their souls, they (the angels) will say: "Where are those whom you used to invoke and worship BESIDES ALLAH," they will reply, "They have vanished and deserted us." And they will bear witness against themselves, that they were disbelievers.
@azhariway8858 10 жыл бұрын
Verse 37 of Surah Al-A'raf is a general verse speaking of the disbelieving Polythiests who admit they're Gods/Idols which they deemed as "Protecters" alongside a Universal Entity/Creator called God which they knew of. And Were of those who "Rejected" Allahs signs such as his Messengers and Prophets and Heeded not they're warnings and chose the worldy life and Non-responding invented GODS of Ancient times Over the ONE TRUE GOD ALLAH(swt) believing STONE GODS THAT NIETHER SEE OR HEAR CAN PROTECT THEM.....and made a jest and ignorances about GOD and his signs.....Subhanallah.....YOU DARE USE THIS AYAT ON FELLOW MUSLIMS WHO BELIEVE GOD IS 1 and Is the SOURCE OF ALL POWER? and upon A FELLOW MUSLIM WHO WORSHIPS ONLY GOD? What a blasphemous you live.
@JudgeD007 9 жыл бұрын
Azhari Way Brother almost the whole of the QURAN (if not all of it) was revealed upon situations during the time of the Prophet(SAW). If you take that attitude then very little will apply to us. The QURAN applies to all until the Judgement Day. Our Prophet(SAW) told us to pass on even 1 ayat. Hence, even the one ayat carries a complete message. As you say this is a 'GENERAL VERSE" - which means it is applicable to all situations then and in the future. Here are some ayats. Don't tell me they do not apply to people today!. QURAN(22:73) "O mankind! A similitude has been coined, so listen to it (carefully): Verily! Those on whom you call BESIDES ALLAH, cannot create (even) a fly, even though they combine together for the purpose. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly. So weak are (both) the seeker and the sought. " . QURAN(10,66) "No doubt! Verily, to Allah belongs whosoever is in the heavens and whosoever is in the earth. And those who worship and invoke others BESIDES ALLAH, in fact they follow not the (Allah's so-called) partners, they follow only a conjecture " . QURAN(7:194) "Verily, those whom you call upon BESIDES ALLAH are slaves like you. So call upon them and let them answer you if you are truthful. " . QURAN(7:37) Who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.)? For such their appointed portion (good things of this worldly life and their period of stay therein) will reach them from the Book (of Decrees) until, when Our Messengers (the angel of death and his assistants) come to them to take their souls, they (the angels) will say: "Where are those whom you used to invoke and worship BESIDES ALLAH," they will reply, "They have vanished and deserted us." And they will bear witness against themselves, that they were disbelievers. . QURAN(2:165) "And of mankind are some who take (for worship) others BESIDES ALLAH as rivals (to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more (than anything else). If only, those who do wrong could see, when they will see the torment, that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is Severe in punishment. " . QURAN(2:107) "Know you not that it is Allah to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth? And BESIDES ALLAH you have neither any Wali (protector or guardian) nor any helper. " . QURAN(39:3) Surely, the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allah only. And those who take Auliya' (protectors and helpers) besides Him (say): "We worship them only that they may bring us NEAR TO Allah." Verily, Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly, Allah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever.. THINK brother if you have been invoking (doing duas to) others BESIDES ALLAH and you find out it was a wrong thing to do then you would be in BIG trouble on JUDGEMENT DAY ! However, If you spent all you life only invoking ALLAH(SWT) directly than I cannot image ALLAH(SWT) saying why did you not pray to someone else ? ..... AND ALLAH(SWT) knows best.
@jbr8879 7 жыл бұрын
U simply and hardly trying to call whole muslims disbelievers
@usdubey 13 жыл бұрын
In Pakistan near Hyderabad (Sindh) big Zamindars and Military Officials have kept 15000 Muslim families as slaves as bonded laborers. They don't give them any salaries. In lieu of whole days of work they hardly get half fed. Their young girls and brides are raped by zamindars at will. This story can be viewed on Nat Geo Daredevils Pakistan. A German NGO has rescued 130 such families by way of buying them back. Does Allah exists just for zamindars only not for believer laborers?
@MuzzamilMohamedAP 8 жыл бұрын
the imam here narates that Ummar (RA) asked Allah by the tawsul of Abbas (RA).so that tawsul is accepted.Nobody has objection when you ask help from a living person we are even taught that dua of people who are fasting ,Travelling for the right cause,kids,newly reverts dua are heard faster then compared to general people we are arguing on asking the dead person.Y did Ummar(RA) take Abbas(RA) as tawsul and not prophet (SAW)
@soccerabs22 8 жыл бұрын
+Muzzamil Mohamed It was also related that once Abdullah ibn Umar had an illness (the disease was called “khadar”) which made him unable to move his leg, he was told to mention the most beloved person to him so he said “Ya Muhammad” and his leg immediately got better, rising like a camel whose rope is removed. Among those who narrated this hadith is Ibn Taymiyyah in his book Kalimul Tayyib (Good Sayings), who the people that are deviant love very much. The Prophet said about Abdullah ibn Umar that he is “Rajulun Salih”, so how could someone who was praised as an upright man by the Prophet have committed the grave sin of shirk?
@MuzzamilMohamedAP 8 жыл бұрын
soccerabs22 could you please tell when this incident happened
@TheMercifulAndJust 8 жыл бұрын
Feeble mind sinful soul stop looking at matters beyond your IQ Taqwa scope ! Save us from the diseases of your mind and soul! You're harming your own self by your own degenerate ignorance!
@TonyyStarrkk1994 8 жыл бұрын
Tawassul is permissible if you do it through your own good actions or through one of the names of Allah, or you ask a righteous man or woman to make dua for you. It is Shirk if you are asking a dead person, or a prophet, or you are asking on behalf of someone else virtues. The matter is as simple as that. Stop splitting Islam into even more sects, it is a major sin to divide the Muslim ummah in this manner.
@AbbasAD85 11 жыл бұрын
Based on this, we know that today you can go to a man who you know is very obedient and observant of God's rules, and ask him to pray for you. The prophet -pbuh- is no longer with us, so we can no longer ask him to pray for us, so no taawassul can be done through him. As can be clear from Omar bin Alkhattab praying through AlAbbas's prayer (instead of the prophet), not even through AlAbbas himself. We know this because AlAbbas also prayed, otherwise this would be invalid. May God bless us all.
@farookshaikh70 7 жыл бұрын
subhanallah...... ya habibi ...ya rasulallah....aehle sunnah wal jamaatahu haqahu......
@JohnSmith-nt9co 11 жыл бұрын
Any hadith that conflicts with la ilaha ilalla Muhammad ur Rassulalla is garbage.
@MyBuzzL 8 жыл бұрын
iam sorry, can i have the references in quran and the sstrong sunnah about tawasul with my prophet name (muhammad saw), i understant tawasul with allah's names (QS. Al A’raf:180), with our good deeds (QS. Al Baqarah:127), and another person (pray QS. Yusuf:97). pls answer anyone, especialy "TheEmpireofFaith", sorry my bad english waalikumsalam
@iammrf1 8 жыл бұрын
+buzz salam brother Ibn Abi Shaybah recorded with a sahih chain from Malik Al-Dar, `Umar's treasurer, that the people suffered a drought during the caliphate of `Umar, whereupon a man came to the grave of the Prophet and said: "O Messenger of Allah, ask for rain for your Community, for verily they have but perished," after which the Prophet appeared to him in a dream and told him: "Go to `Umar and give him my greeting, then tell him that they will be watered. Tell him: You must be clever, you must be clever!" The man went and told `Umar. The latter said: "O my Lord, I spare no effort except in what escapes my power!" (Fath Al-Bari 2:495). This account has been authenticated by Ibn Kathir and Ibn Hajar 'Asqalani.
@sanaullasharief5319 8 жыл бұрын
Jabir e Whenever you quote a 'hadees', you have to mention the status of it , like sahih, hasan, mouzou, etc.-------What is the status of this narration?
@iammrf1 8 жыл бұрын
Ibn Kathir (r) cites it from Bayhaqi in al-Bidaya wa al-nihaya and says: isnaduhu sahih ; Ibn Abi Shayba(r) cites it in his Musannaf with a sound (sahih) chain as confirmed by Ibn Hajar(r) who says: rawa Ibn Abi Shayba bi isnadin sahih and cites the hadith in Fath al-bari. sanaulla sharief
@lovemamahouse 11 жыл бұрын
Stop Arguing about khilafiyah things, it's not gonna solve till qiamah,if we arguing and fight about it,it just cause hatred between each others.
@FarhanDawah 4 жыл бұрын
Can anybody tell me why the face of scholors of ahlusunna are brighter than salafis
@khademulislam1897 8 жыл бұрын
We are Muslims. People wake up. Don't divide us by calling this or that........ Let's unite us. Let's hold the rope of Allah together. Let's go to the fundamentals. Let's talk about similarities not the differences. Let's Allah make the decision (not you or me). Please Stop these kind of materials on the internet. We are thinking that we are doing good but these actions are devil.....
@عبداللہبنعبداللہ-ن2ر 8 жыл бұрын
+Khademul Islam Brother I've got one question for you that who has breached the IJMAH (UNITY) of UMMAH?
@zakuza92 12 жыл бұрын
Mohammed is the reincarnation of demon Tripurasura as predicted in Bhavishya Purana. Lord Shiva is who Allah is. Shiva was the one who killed Tripurasura, thus granting him salvation/moksha.
@shimar8 9 жыл бұрын
We sent not the Messenger, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come to the Messenger and asked Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had (also) asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful.(Al-Qur'an, Surah an-Nisa, 4:64) When Salah cannot be accepted without reciting Attahiyat and Durood o shareef....How can any duwa be accepted without reciting durood o shareef before and after duwa??? When our Rasool Allah did not ever forget his sinners ummah even when he reached ARSH and when RASOOL ALLAH was infront of ALLAH ..how can any TRUTHFUL MUSLIM ever forget our RASOOL ALLAH in any thing...
@Irancolor 9 жыл бұрын
very well said brother my greeting from Iran.
@TheSniper707 12 жыл бұрын
If you agree they are alive in their graves, why do u still think its shirk? Asking someone to pray for us or intercede in our favour is not worshipping the person and associating the person with Allah(swt).Arent we going to ask the Prophet(saw) to intercede in our favour on Yawm ul Qiyamah?
@abbysheyba8421 3 жыл бұрын
The argument of the Quraish was similar to that of today's people: they only invoked their idols as a means or intermediary towards reaching Allah "We only worship them so that they may bring us closer to Allah." [39: 3]. Similarly, the Walis (saints) and Sheikhs and prophets are still called upon by those seeking need, in the hope that they could fulfil their needs. Yet This practice was never done by the Companions nor their predecessors, but rather was done by Hindus and other pagans who Muslims came in contact with during later conquests.
@fuadfathi1234 5 жыл бұрын
Aal-e-Imran 3:144 وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلِهِ ٱلرُّسُلُۚ أَفَإِي۟ن مَّاتَ أَوْ قُتِلَ ٱنقَلَبْتُمْ عَلَىٰٓ أَعْقَٰبِكُمْۚ وَمَن يَنقَلِبْ عَلَىٰ عَقِبَيْهِ فَلَن يَضُرَّ ٱللَّهَ شَيْـًٔاۗ وَسَيَجْزِى ٱللَّهُ ٱلشَّٰكِرِينَ Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful. THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W IS DEAD. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE EVEN AFTER SEEING THIS AYAH THEN YOU DON'T BELIEVE ALLAH IS TRUTHFUL.
@user-ju8ze5dh3b 11 жыл бұрын
You are right but,We are also living in this dimension of world only..And in these verses Allah is talking about this dimension only.. How can you justify communication with those in barzakh?? You have got any reference from Quran or Hadees? Can you explain: "You cannot make those who are in the graves hear" (An-Naml-35:22) and: "You cannot make the dead hear..." (Fatir-27:80)
@Justme-vq8rx 3 жыл бұрын
The point is on prooving the Prophet (saw) is "alive", and is able to hear and make dua in his grave. If he is it makes senses bc it's like asking someone to make dua for you. If he is not, it doesn't make sense bc you are calling upon a dead person who's not able to benefit you, when you have Allah who with certainty hear you and will benefit you for sure. So we have to shift the debat bc until now what you've been doing from both side is: - "it's Halal" -"no it's shirk" -"no, I have an evidence" -"no your proof is not acceptable, it's shirk" -"yes my proof is acceptable it is Halal" Like, if we can even get along on the sources it is irrelevant to discuss over the permission of the act. So first solve the problem of the sources, theb establish if the Prophet "live" in his grave then we will discuss if it Halal or not.
@theindubitable Жыл бұрын
You know medicine brother? Is it more alive than the Prophet is in his grave? If not, why can we let the medicine without hesitation to intercede for us to give us health. Is the health in the medicine or in Allahs power?
@Justme-vq8rx Жыл бұрын
@@theindubitable Trying to answer question by conjecturing is never a good thing, especially when it is linked to the invisible world, because there might element we don't have knowledge of. Also with all due respect I don't really understand the purpose of answering these non obvious questions
@theindubitable Жыл бұрын
@@Justme-vq8rx Brother, I am not here to take you down. Your a muslim and my brother. And you are right, there somethings we do not know. But asking you a question is asking myself a question. I want to know what we think about medicin interceding for us though it is a dead material.
@Justme-vq8rx Жыл бұрын
@@theindubitable I am not trying to take you down or disrespect you either, just sometimes I think we lose time debating on things we can't have a definite answer of, like interpretation may be right and the other can also be as right. And to answer your question, I just don't know
@theindubitable Жыл бұрын
@@Justme-vq8rx Well, that's fair brother. And I agree, it's a difficult question to go about talking about over KZbin. I wish Allah grants you illumination in the topic.
@queenieislam204 8 жыл бұрын
when musa a.s wanted to see Allah the mountain melted and musa a.s fainted
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
he did not see Allah though as Allah is not contain in time and space...i still want to knowwat happen ...did a portion or one of the veiled of the unseen lifted ?
@zond7290 3 жыл бұрын
2:01 lmao GREAT salawat man (just kidding, WTH was that??)
@mehmoodahmed2110 5 жыл бұрын
I wish this question be answered from Quran and ahadis clearly . Like how Zakir Naik gave reference. Of course the prophets ,friends of ALLAH The pious etc are living . Sura fateha e yakanabodo wa eyakanastaeen. ALLAH GUIDE US THE UMMA .
@Khan12078 12 жыл бұрын
@str8manchester coming from someone who worships a man with one leg, one eye, and smiling face sitting on a throne.
@mohammedayub44 11 жыл бұрын
we all have to worship ALLAH swt alone ,but we have to follow guidance,who are the guides?ALLAH swt sent about 124000 guides,and the best of these was RASSOOL ALLAH pbuh,we can't reach ALLAH swt without loving, understanding,and following,the sunnah of the prophet pbuh,if you don't love rassool ALLAH pbuh more then your parent's ,children,wealth etc your iman is not complete,
@bontoirfan 11 жыл бұрын
Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (Allah have mercy on him) states in his monumental commentary of Sahih al-Bukhari i.e. Fath al-Bari: "When the living of the martyrs is proven from the text of the Qur’an, then this is also proven from a analogical point of view. And the Prophets are superior then the martyrs" [Fath al-Bari, Volume 006: Page No. 379]
@lurfiashelas 10 жыл бұрын
calling all innovations r shirk there is something wrong with ur aqeedah...learn ur quran,hadith n arabic properly...
@666kaz999 12 жыл бұрын
@usdubey Yes my business is separate from yours, as a Muslim, choosing to pray/fast does not affect anyones day to day life. Certain groups who do impose their beliefs upon others through violence/killing are obviously not properly educated or have ulterior motives. I cannot speak for the actions of over a billion Muslims around the world, but then again you cant speak for all the atheists around the world. This separation may have something to do with suffering, but is far from the root cause.
@fayzulislam4790 11 жыл бұрын
we can ask allah directly..but in this video both comment r logical..but i think we should not ask to any men or women cz allah is ready to listen u 24 hours..is this important when we can pray to allah directly,,should be there any one involved in it..
@TheSniper707 12 жыл бұрын
Mashallah i am glad you reverted to Islam and u r doing ur best to learn. I think you are confusing tawassul with istighatha. There are 2 different concepts. Tawassul is for example asking Allah(swt) to forgive us for the sake of his beloved prophet(saw). Its not obligatory to ask Allah in this manner. You can choose not to do it if you are not comfortable but to say it is shirk its really not understanding the definition of shirk.
@abdulhai93 10 жыл бұрын
Why dont they just ask Allah ? Allah is the provider of all thinvs
@ozzieksk 10 жыл бұрын
Allah loves Muhammed sallalahu ve sellem and so he accepts our dua because we put our prophet pbuph inbetween.
@AbdullahKhan-ku3vi 10 жыл бұрын
You did not pay attention. They do ask Allah (swt) only but with an addition of for the sake of. Isn't it asking to Allah (swt)?
@ozzieksk 10 жыл бұрын
Abdullah Khan Tirmidhi relates, through his chain of narrators from 'Uthman ibn Hunayf, that a blind man came to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and said, "I've been afflicted in my eyesight, so please pray to Allah for me." The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) said: "Go make ablution (wudu), perform two rak'as of prayer, and then say: "Oh Allah, I ask You and turn to You through my Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I seek your intercession with my Lord for the return of my eyesight [and in another version: "for my need, that it may be fulfilled. O Allah, grant him intercession for me"]."
@jbr8879 7 жыл бұрын
Why you are going to doctor....
@josephadam4440 8 жыл бұрын
I know all about Muslim country cuz I'm from one of them. I believe in Allah as you are. everything is about power. so is it possible to find Allah without religion? answer is yes. I found him here, why cuz I have freedom to choose.I feel bad for those innocent Muslim who are victims of long beared mollahs.
@doityourownway 12 жыл бұрын
Its Shirk. Yes, yet " most of this ummah" I think the brother had gone too far; but he is forgiven as he was ignorant as those he claimed to be. Tawassul is a form of guidance from the spiritual teachers. The way of the sufis, understanding Allah through his creations simply not enough. Any layman can learn and appreciate it one way or another. A spiritual journey in the Creator's favour through zikr (the remembrance of Allah)- to enhance "the awareness" of Allah beyond all senses/consciousness.
@belid2010 8 жыл бұрын
No intermediary. Go and ask to Allah directly.
@noorhassan4361 8 жыл бұрын
umar RA went to Abbas RA not Allah . why did he go to ghairullah ?
@belid2010 8 жыл бұрын
+NB 9...Allah is All-hearing and All-Seeing.
@noorhassan4361 8 жыл бұрын
abduselam mohammed Yes but why did umar RA go to ghairullah not Allah directly ?
@belid2010 8 жыл бұрын
+NB 9...Asking others instead of Allah is Shirk. Beware from committing Shirk. Allah said in the Quran ask me and i will respond. Allah is the only one we should ask and non else.
@noorhassan4361 8 жыл бұрын
abduselam mohammed is it mahaal akhlan or mahaal sharaan?. If u dont now what it means I will explain. Is it shirk in sharia or is it rationally impossible?
@shamsheermhd 13 жыл бұрын
The example of doctor is illogical. Doctor can't help you without medicine. and also you can go to non-muslim doctor for your sickness. So according to ur example of doctor, we can also ask non-muslim.. Please don't confuse muslim.. You can only ask Allah.. May allah give hidaya to all... Please refer surah 2, ayath no 165
@AbbasAD85 11 жыл бұрын
I also don't know what you are talking about. The hadith I mentioned is used by some to allow tawassul, I am merely correcting the interpretation. Do not argue without knowledge my friend, for it is a very grave sin. You obviously don't know much about Sunnah or Qur'an, otherwise you would know Allah -swt- has a hand and a face and a leg. And in case you're (obviously) confused, I am not shia. So please learn something about Islam before talking.
@abouttime07 13 жыл бұрын
@usdubey can you please post link to Nat Geo Daredevils Pakistan.cant seem to find it thanks
@FractalGearFieldTheory 12 жыл бұрын
I can't believe how many muslims like this video. THIS REALLY EATS AWAY AT MY HOPE FOR THE MUSLIMEEN. Why don't you just seek tawasul from Jesus like the Christians and leave Islam. Islam does not need the confusion you are spreading. This video is obviously put out by Shia , because this is not part of the sunnah.
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