Il-2 Sturmovik: Training Video - Dealing with B&Z attacks and initializing scissors ENG/GER

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13 жыл бұрын

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I was permanently asked how to deal with enemies on my tail, so I decided to make this video. You can use the shown technique in Il-2 Sturmovik 1946, Cliffs of Dover and, maybe, Rise of Flight, too.
When you are being attacked with high speed, you have build up angle at the right moment. If your enemy recently attacked you and starts climbing, build up distance to him by entering a shallow dive. When he comes down to you again, build up angle by flying a slight turn in the beginning, seconds later you must tighten it. If you did that correctly, your enemy isn´t able to pull the turn and he will pass you. This moment you apply a scissor.
If you like this tutorial, feel free to comment and rate it.
By the way, I am thinking of making a video about busting tanks with Ju87 G-1, Hs129 B-2 or Il-2 Typ3. Il-2 is not all about fighter jocks :-D
Mich erreichten mehrere Fragen, wie man mit einem Gegner auf der 6-Uhr fertig wird. Um diese Fragen zumindest teilweise zu beantworten, habe ich dieses Video erstellt. Diese Technik lässt sich in Il-2 Sturmovik 1946 und Cliffs of Dover, vielleicht sogar auch bei Rise of Flight anwenden.
When du angestürzt wirst, musst du möglichst schnell einen Winkel zum Gegner aufbauen. Hat dich dein Gegner gerade erst angestürzt und zieht nun wieder hoch, musst du Distanz zu ihm aufbauen, indem du in einen leichten Sturzflug übergehst. Wenn er wieder zu dir herunter stürzt, beginnst du eine leichte Kurve und ziehst diese dann immer enger. Wenn du alles richtig gemacht hast, kann dein Gegner nicht durch die Kurve folgen und fliegt hinter dir vorbei. In diesem Augenblick musst du die erste Schere fliegen.
Wenn dir dieses Video gefällt, würde ich mich sehr über Kommentare oder Grüße in unserem Gästebuch auf unserer Homepage freuen. Schau einfach mal bei uns rein, wir halten viele Informationen rund um Il-2 1946 und Cliffs of Dover bereit. Fragen beantworten wir gerne im öffentlichen Forum und freuen uns natürlich besonders über Bewerbungen.
Ich denke, mein nächstes Video wird sich um das Panzerknacken mit der Ju87 G-1, Hs129 B-2 und IL-2 Typ3 drehen. In Il-2 geht es ja nicht immer nur um die Jagd :-D

Пікірлер: 70
@zoeaya1698 9 жыл бұрын
This is so cool... I'm also learning German, so this helps me learn some new words as well! Subbed!
@ViTaCoLa08 12 жыл бұрын
1A Video, verständliche Erklärung & saubere Darstellung. Ich danke für eure Mühe und hoffe mit etwas Übung das 'gelernte' umsetzen zu können :)
@taffelost 13 жыл бұрын
I'm a total noob at proper flight sim combat. I'm one of those who goes the straight line and usually get blown out of the sky by the pro's. I love seeing the thought and philosopy behind proper tactics. Thanks for the education!
@-R3DB4R0N- 13 жыл бұрын
wie im KV13 von mir schon gelobt, tue ich das gerne auch hier: Super Video, sowohl aus handwerklicher, wie inhaltlicher Sicht !!! Vielen Dank, Ruhland :D StG2 Winni
@reinhart1605 10 жыл бұрын
You have some great tutorials and videos, got me out of a few tight situations. Pleaaaaase continue to make them :)
@aplittlely 10 жыл бұрын
You are good person to be taking the time to help out your fallow flight simmers. It would have taken a lot of time. Good on you m8.
@Corsair8X 12 жыл бұрын
This was very helpful. I had no idea what to do in such a situation. Now I have an idea that I can practice. Thank you.
@IIChaotII 13 жыл бұрын
sehr geiles video... kein wunder das ich immer so abkacke ^^ aber jetzt habe ich gelernt und konnte es auch schon anwenden... so langsam nähre ich mich den jäger statt des gejagten ^^
@5jg27farber 13 жыл бұрын
My Staffel always talk about your IL-2 Videos and we all agree they are great!
@lifeofjoyandcreation 8 жыл бұрын
Klasse Video! Hab sehr viel gelernt und wende die Taktik sehr erfolgreich an! Erst dieses Video hat mir die Angst vor Gegner mit höherer Energie bzw. Angriffen von oben genommen! Wäre toll, wenn Du noch mehr machen könntest.
@onecheman 11 жыл бұрын
3:11 Is a nice theory. I've other (more in slow but agile planes: if he is over you, and you flight near ground, you force it to reject the dive or if him/her stay in it, will surelly eat the floor
@Xeus1985 13 жыл бұрын
sehr tolles videos für neueinstiger in die szene! wirklich großes Lob Ruhland. haste spitze gemacht! übersichtlich und schön erklärt! 5/5 *****
@UbiquitousBooks 10 жыл бұрын
Very clear tutorial, thank you!
@tororossosuperbiker 13 жыл бұрын
kann mich Xeus nur anschliessen, sehr sehr lehrreiches video! gut erklärt und super durch die grafiken anschaulich gemacht... mich persönlich würde ein video sehr sehr interessieren bei dem du einen flug detailliert erklärst wie in der 1. szene, dem klassischen scherenkampf. StG2_superbiker
@TechaPhysics 12 жыл бұрын
Great presentation and visuals, easy to understand in English too. :)
@formationbiz 11 жыл бұрын
Excellent tip! More please!
@rickmorgan3930 10 жыл бұрын
Great video!! thanks for posting
@schmalzfaust 11 жыл бұрын
Sehr gut. Du hast dir ein Abo verdient. Bitte mehr solcher Videos! :)
Superb !!!
@tianlan6068 8 жыл бұрын
Very insightful, I believe this could also be applied to Warthunder
@GRIFOguto 11 жыл бұрын
Nice training videos :)
@stevezee5171 10 жыл бұрын
Excellent tactics.
@MrCursyy 12 жыл бұрын
Geiles video! Keep on making them ;P
@UberStrikerful 7 жыл бұрын
Very insightful indeed. I might try this in War Thunder...
@RealismFTW 12 жыл бұрын could be a real flight instructor... Very good video
@CaptJohn 11 жыл бұрын
Nice video~! GJ :))
@lsx001 13 жыл бұрын
where did u get this video from? id like to see more videos explaining aircombat tactics.
@reinhart1605 10 жыл бұрын
@lsx001 13 жыл бұрын
@Yperanthropoidsx a lot of experts suggested that flying in pair increases the chance of success, but where and how do i go about in finding a wingman? is there an literature i can read to learn more about other tactics? how did you learn and practice those tactics to be successful in online combat? vielen dank!
@lsx001 13 жыл бұрын
@MisogiWaAikidoDesu i apologize man, i looked at ur name and it's japanese so i assumed it wasn't you. lol but great video, thanks again. i've been flying on and off line for quite sometimes and i just always fly with my instinct and most of the time that doesn't work too well. i always get shot down online. i would like to request a video on how to aim a head of the target. i just can't seem to get it right.
@wuach0911 11 жыл бұрын
nice theory, BTW what mod did you use ???
@steelpanther88 12 жыл бұрын
I could understand the basic principle in this tactic, which is quite evil and beautiful :D If mustang flies a predictable escape course with the end curve of the trap, focke could gun him from a long distance with some luck? And you must fly a plane that has enough dive speed compared against focke wulf speed? Sometimes you do see the diving focke in time, and evade gunfire, but then I usually try to dive to safety usually focke just zoom climbs away into the stratosphere after attack
@steelpanther88 11 жыл бұрын
how do you know you are close to "winning" the rolling scissors fight? I mean how do you see which one of you going to be able to gain shooting position first. It's a manouver I'm seldom able to execute successfully (e.g. spitfire vs 109)
@5jg27farber 12 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up from 5./JG27 & 9./ZG26!
@Sinistercabbage 11 жыл бұрын
Whats your victory to death ratio in the multiplayer?
@smfisch 10 жыл бұрын
Great video! I have a question, I was hoping OP or someone else could answer it. Around 3:20 specifically, the graphic -- I am under the impression that the steeper the angle, the less energy efficient the maneuver. As in, a steep dive, climb, or turn (angle of bank, 90 degree being least efficient). Is this true? As in, when you are in a steep dive or sharp climb, your exchange between alt:speed is far less efficient than that if you were in a shallow dive or dive (or a shallower angle of bank). So I suppose my question ends up being, more or less, what should the D9 do? Maintain altitude or enter a shallow climb to keep an energy advantage even though you momentairly have lost the angular advantage? Try to rope a dope and be weary of traps?
@MrWigglesWorth 10 жыл бұрын
A steep dive is more energy efficient than a shallow dive. A shallow climb is more energy efficient than a steep climb. It's all about the four forces acting on your plane. Drag, all you can do is fly smoothly to prevent unnecessary drag. Thrust you can control, but this should be at it's maximum unless overspeeding is becoming a concern. Lift and gravity are the two biggest factors. The direction lift acts in is constant relative to the plane, and variable relative to earth. The direction gravity acts in is variable relative to the plane, and constant relative to the earth. In a dive, drag and lift are both working against you, sapping kinetic energy, while thrust and gravity provide kinetic energy. Diving more steeply reduces the lift element. increasing the net gain in energy. It also aligns gravity with your velocity vector, also increasing net gain in energy. When climbing, it flips around - Lift and thrust are moving you upward, adding kinetic energy which is immediately converted to potential energy as you climb, while drag and gravity work against you. Climbing more steeply reduces the lift element, decreasing net gain in energy. It also aligns gravity *against* your velocity vector, decreasing net gain in energy. Now, climbing is a little more nuanced, because you don't want to climb TOO shallowly, otherwise your losing kinetic energy to drag that could have been converted into potential energy. Every plane has a most efficient climb speed, known as V-y. A good rule of thumb is to figure out what pitch gives you V-y with maximum throttle, and use that pitch to climb away after a dive. In short, by diving steeply and climbing shallowly, you maximize the forces working in your favor, and minimize the forces working against you. As far as your last question, discipline is key when you're the one Boom'n'Zooming. Know what energy traps look like and don't fall for them. If someone maneuvers hard, just let them go and speed away, then try again after you've regained altitude.
@smfisch 10 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your explanation. I would like to point out that when you make a steep climb and you do throttle back to prevent over speeding that you are in essence not using the full potential of your engine's realistic energy potential at that moment. You could take a more shallow dive and keep your throttle up and maintain altitude which gives you a higher energy overall compared to a steep diver who throttles back to prevent overspeeding. Maybe I am terming what I am talking about incorrectly by calling a steep dive "energy inefficient" (though it is to me in a way because of the above explanation). I understand what you are explaining though -- if you go too vertical in a climb you limit lift, and in a shallow dive you are working against gravity as opposed to a steep dive. Pardon the briefness...youtubes new layout; I found your reply at a weird time and couldn't help but type *something* back. I don' t think I nearly hit anything on the head but...I am head, message received, and correspondence willing to be made to learn more if you are also willing to take that time. Cheers. :)
@Eisenjacke 13 жыл бұрын
man sieht ja das der gegner zur kurve übergeht, und wenn man richtig stürzt, damit meine ich nicht zu früh, kann man auch die energie beibehalten. wird der winkel dann doch zu stark, habe ich genug energie nach oben zu ziehen oder nicht?
@fuxxxenjunior 13 жыл бұрын
is das eig cliff of dover
@Sinistercabbage 11 жыл бұрын
Nice Iam able to top 3:1. Just with tactics its hard to get a kill. I remember when I was very new to this game and I could attack, perhaps damage the enemy and succsefully run away. For most part that is my tactics but it wasnt succesful until I didnt become a bit better at shooting. I think real pilots did the same to survive the war.
@shuridshurid 11 жыл бұрын
Do you play War Thunder? It is in Beta currently, but it is still good. If you and your squadron would like to join, come on over, we hope to be the best flight sim out there
@Eisenjacke 13 жыл бұрын
@fuxxxenjunior nein ist es nicht, gemodet sieht auch il2-st.1946 schick aus ;-) das ist eindeutig il2-st. 1946
@shuridshurid 11 жыл бұрын
@MisogiWaAikidoDesu Do you play War Thunder? It is in Beta currently, but it is still good. If you and your squadron would like to join, come on over, we hope to be the best flight sim out there
@chrigifonsi6799 10 жыл бұрын
Wie spielt man il2 1946 online?
@bakkecske91 9 жыл бұрын
hyperlobby google it
@LiezAllLiez 11 жыл бұрын
Good thing this vid is not representative of how the actual WW2 pilots were flying their planes mainly due to lack of practice (nobody was dogfighting non stop for several years to get such skills) and lack of actual gunnery practice (meaning nobody even attempted a 90 degree shot at a passing plane). If this is not true i want to see some wartime footage proving me wrong. This also makes me feel better as im a lousy shot (piloting comes second when you cant hit the plane in front of you...).
@flightsimvids2105 10 жыл бұрын
Superb tutorial, thank you, Danke Sehr! (My Cliffs of Dover videos are just for entertainment...)
@Eisenjacke 13 жыл бұрын
hm auf die energie-verlust-falle, fällt ein erfahrener pilot sicher nicht rein. das sind fehler aus denen du profitierst. aber trotzdem sehr gut gemacht das vid.
@Hiesse1 12 жыл бұрын
alter scheiße spielst du gut :) ich bin echter segelflieger :) habe auch lange il2 gespielt aber nicht soooo unglaublihch gut !
@SWSagume 12 жыл бұрын
mein me110 revell model hat das gleiche logo wie euers :D
@geramos109 8 жыл бұрын
youre right in teorical part but in this case you are still alive cause of you enemy has no canon, only 7mm mg
@finicu88 8 жыл бұрын
that spitfire had 2x hispano mk II. The FW 190 D-9 has 4 20mm cannons.
@geramos109 8 жыл бұрын
Yes. I was talking about the first combat with the french plane. The next one is ok
@martinraguz388 7 жыл бұрын
+E69_geramos109 But still theose P36 Hawks can be very dangerous in good hands. That French plane is P36 Hawk. aI think it is.
@SanyaTheNightWitch69420 10 жыл бұрын
So.. would this work in Warthunder.. lol
@quorkquork 10 жыл бұрын
Why wouldn't it work?
@SanyaTheNightWitch69420 10 жыл бұрын
Since flight mechanics are probably not even the same but hey Im just asking :)
@hydadruid7606 10 жыл бұрын
Sanya Bennett It will work in Warthunder. The boom and zoom tactics work in even the oldest and most crude simulators. So let this soak in and it will even help you if you ever dogfight in real life with a WW2 fighter :-)
@SanyaTheNightWitch69420 10 жыл бұрын
hydadruid haha thanks
@revolrz22 10 жыл бұрын
Not really. Since engagement ranges in both Arcade and Realistic Battle are higher than in hardcore sims, it's far more difficult to prepare this kind of energy trap.
@Spandex08 11 жыл бұрын
they actually fought like this - these are not techniques and maneuvers invented and applicable only in games.. especially for german pilots WHO do fought several years, and perfected the boom and zoom tactics, some have over 300 aerial victories... allies and soviets all have sub 100..
@Eisenjacke 13 жыл бұрын
ich mein der kann ja dann unten rumdümpeln wie er will ...
@halolime117 10 жыл бұрын
I'd like this video if you had the game name in the video :/
@adamjenvald3448 10 жыл бұрын
You're kidding right?
@zoeaya1698 9 жыл бұрын
Like a lime It does.. Fool.
@chrigifonsi6799 10 жыл бұрын
Bwie spielt man Il2 1846 online
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