Illyrians: origins of their name | Çfarë do të thotë fjala "ilir"?

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In this video, we're going to discuss the name and etymology of the Illyrians on the basis of linguistic studies.
Në këtë video, do të shqyrtojmë më hollësisht etnonimin e ilirëve në bazë të studimeve gjuhësore.

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2 жыл бұрын
Kemi shkruar mendimet tona për disa komente: Faleminderit për toponimin (Uj)lurth. Patjetër lidhet etimologjikisht dhe fonologjikisht me *(H)ulluri, ashtu siç lidhet Lura. Illyrians
@ogfrankfurter8247 2 жыл бұрын
What about the illyria having to do with stars. yll. Since we see many evidence that stars were very important to them.
@blockie9706 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah exactly the star Sun was the main object of the worship for the Illyrians.
@illyria8119 2 жыл бұрын
Faleminderit shum për videon 🇦🇱
@fatjoncanaj4660 2 жыл бұрын
You should do videos on the south too about toponomy
@youtubearkiv7612 2 жыл бұрын
Të lumtë për videon. Doja të shtoja se: Në Mirditë ndodhet një fshat që quhet Lurth, 2 km me në lindje të tij, një tjetër që quhet Ujë. Me sa di unë, e gjithë zona ku ndodhen keto dy fshatra quhet Uj-Lurth. Ndoshta ilir do të thotë gjarpër uji. Ose thjesht gjarpër. Në histori, pas ilirëve vijnë Arbnit. Ka shumë afërsi mes emrit Arbër dhe Gjarpër. Ndryshe nga krahinat e tjera të Shqipërisë që kanë toponime sllave, në Mirditë, mbi 95% e toponimeve dhe mikro toponimeve janë puro shqip. Por nga toponimet sllave nuk ka shpëtuar as Mirdita. Gjatë luftës në Ukrainë, në lajme dëgjova se diku egzistonte një ishull i quajtur zmija, ose ship: ishulli i gjarpërinjve. Ti kthehemi Mirditës, e cila diku afër Rrëshenit ka një përrua që quhet ZMEJA. Pra ne sllavisht: Gjarpër. Ky toponim është ndër të paktët sllave në të gjithë Mirditën. A është ndryshuar qëllimisht? Se di. Ndoshta ilirët kanë patur emërtime të ndryshme për Gjarprin, sipas secilit fis. Tek Mesapët është zbuluar se ato i thonin gjarprit ABEIS. Nëse do t'a përshtasim në shqipen e sotme (geg) Â BEISH Â BISH pra ne toskërisht ËSHTË BISHË. Një tjetër variant imi është Â BISHT ËSHTË BISHT Pra ka formen e bishtit. Një tjetër fjalë e shqipes tregon se si ndryshon dhe sa të afërtta janë fjalët me njëra tjetrën. Përshëmbull: litari që lidh fëmijën në djep. Në dialektin Mirditor quhet GJALMA. nëse e ndajmë në dy rrokje GJAL (dialekt Mirditor) DJALË MA - MBAN Pra, GJALMA mban djalin të lidhur në djep. Këtë e thashë sepse kur kam lexuar për ILIRIN mitologjik, thuhej se atë e mbështolli një gjarpër mitik teksa po flinte. Duke i dhënë fuqi etj etj Pra GJALMA është vetë Gjarpëri Gjalmë dhe Gjalper janë fjalë të afërta.
@jemi1952 2 жыл бұрын
Shikoni dhe lumin Lur afer Prevezes. Duhet te kete te njejten rrenje.
@jusufg350 2 жыл бұрын
Nice vid
@dalina25 Жыл бұрын
Ancient Greece were Albanians 🇦🇱 PROOF --> Hellene = Yll Hene = Star Moon Albania = Yll Banoj = Star Dwellers Illyrian = Yll Rri Un = I’m a Star Dwellers Pellasgian = Pi Yllis Qe Jan = From The Stars They Are Olympian = Ylli Mbi Han = Star above Moon Aphrodite = Afer Dita = Near Day / Dawn Athena = Yll Ti E Hena = You are the Star and Moon Venus Aphrodite = Vjen Afer Dites = Comes before the Day Approaches Juno Junon = Je Non/Ju Non = You Are Mother Parthenon = Part e Jon = Our First Ancestors. Artemis = Ardht e Mi = My Predecessors. Hera = Je Ra = You Have Fallen Heracles = Je Ra Ka Ylli = You fall from the stars Achilles = Ai Qiellis / Ai Ka Ylli = From Sky/Stars Angel Engel Enki = En Qiell = In the Sky Rhea = Reja = Clouds Zeus = Zot = God Triton = Driton = Light Up Fates Moira = Fat Mira = Good Luck Cronos = Kronoj = Create Ares = Aj Rre = He Fights Demeter = Dimer Ti = You are Winter Hestia = Vjesht Ti Je = You are Autumn Kore Persephone = Korrje Par Se E Bone / Punoj - The First Crops you Make / Work Poseidon = Posedon = Owns / Possessor Apollo = Ai Pi Ylli = He is from the Star Apollonia = Ai Pi Yllis Une = He from the Stars Me Macedonia = Madhe Dhe Une = The Great Land Me Acropolis = Aja ka Ra Pi Ylli= It Fell From the Star Prometheus = Permi Dheut = Above Earth Ganymede = Qe Jeni Mi dhe = Above Earth You Are Nemesis = Nem e zez = Black Curse Eros Psyche = I Ra Psych - He enchanted her with the Evil Eye Neptune - Ne Jep Ty Ujin = We Give You The Water Uranus = Uj Ran = Rain Jupiter = Je Pi Yje Ti = You are from the Stars Mars = Madh = Great Saturn = Zot Erdhen = The Gods Mercury = Mi Er Ky Rri = Above the Air You Dwell Hermes = Erdh Mi Er = Came from above the Air Amazon = Jam E Zoja = I’m a goddess Hecate Empusa = Hekja Ti Em Pushtaj = Remove it, It Has Possessed Me Nymphai = Ne Jemi Pi Ujis = We are from the Waters Nysiads = Nusja Ujit = Water Bride Druids = Druit = Wood / Woods Siren = Ze i Rren = The Voice That Lie Dragon = Dreq Jon = They Are Devils Charybdis = Kari Pidhi = Cock - Pussy Kulshedra = Kuq Je Dreq = You are a Red Devil Hydra = Uj Dreq = Water Devil Vampire = Dhom Pir = Drink with Teeth Daimon = Ndimon = Helpers Scylla = Se ka Sill Ujin = That Has Twirl The Water Echo = Je Zo = You are a Voice Medusa = Madhe Se Je = Great you Are Gorgon = Eger Goj / Eger Qe Jon / Wild Mouth /They are Wild Chiron = Sheron = Cures Agnodice = Aj Shnosh Diken = He Cures Someone Byzantine = Beson ti = Besojn Ton = You Believe/ All Believers Basilica = Bes Yllis qe je = Star Faith you are Ocean = Uj Qe Jan = Water They Are Tricrania = Tri Kry Ni Je = Three Heads but one you Trinicria = Tri Ni kry Je = Three and one Head Trinity = Tri Ni Ti = Three One You Gemini = Qe jemi Ni = That we are one Legion = Ligji Jon = Our Law Religion = Ri Ligji Jon = Our New Law Troy = Troja Jon = Our Land Priam = Pari Jam = I’m The First Spartans = Spart Tan = Our First Ancesters Sparta = Shpata = Sword Pausanias = Pasunia = Wealth / The Rich Once Leonidas = Ylli Jon I dhes = Our Lord of the Land Bucephalus = Buker pi yllis = Beautiful Horse Monument = Mane Mend = Keep In Mind Museum = Mesojme = We Learn Library = Libra rri = The Books Stay Egyptian Gods Thoth = Zoti = God Seth = Sheh Ty = Sees You Anubis = Une Pi Yje = I’m From The Stars Hapi = Ha Pi = Eat Drink Tefnet = Tjep Shnet = Gives You Health Nut = Nat = Night Khonsu = Ky Hona = He Is the Moon Sekhmet = Sheh Kijamet = Sees Doomsday Geb = Qe Jep = He Gives Maat = Mat/Madh = Measure/Great Bastet = Bes Te Ti = Believe in You Osiris = O Siri = Is The Eye Isis = Yllis ZiZ = Black Universe Amun Amon Amin Aman = Ylli Mi Han Tutankhamun = Zot Jan Ka ylli Mi Han = Gods Are From stars above The Moon Pyramide = Pi Yll Ra Mi Dhe = From the stars Fell on Earth YHWH = Je Havaja = You Are Heaven 🙏ooooomt
@jemi1952 2 жыл бұрын
We need more real Albanology. We need more real linguistics. We need less "pelasgology" and dumb pseudo-linguistics by types like Elena Kocaqi. Albanologists never considered as serious ludicrous etymologies about "stars" (yll) and "free men" (i lirë) but here we are in 2022 and such things still have to be explained because people believe all kinds of dumb stuff they read.
@blockie9706 2 жыл бұрын
E nga pra rrjedh fjala ilir (illyr)? Nga *gjarpër uji* dhe eshte transformuar rastësisht në 'ilir' (hillur)? Kjo eshte edhe qesharake. Te gjitha fiset qytetet, toponimet ilire kan lidhje te afert me shqipen e sotme, psh dardani me fjalen 'dardhë', taulanti me fjalen 'tallendushe' (dallendyshe), enkelejt me 'ngjalë' (ne proto-shqip 'engella'), qyteti ulqini (ulkini) me fjalen 'ulk' (ujk), emri i mbretit bardhyl me 'bardhë' dhe 'yll' etj etj. E sheh gjuha shqipe nuk eshte se ka evoluar plotesisht sa qe fjalet ta ndryshojne komplet tingullin. Dhe illyr duhet ta ketë nje fjale me te perafert.
@Highlander-M 2 жыл бұрын
thankfully lately we found some light for objective analysis and not dumb charlatan pseudoscience that was becoming very annoying
@illyrianqika5470 2 жыл бұрын
@Ascension.z 2 жыл бұрын
Do you think maybe you could make a video talking about the history of the Albanian northern tribes in Montenegro/malaise?
@GamesOfficialYouTube 2 жыл бұрын
They are albanised serbs
@Ascension.z 2 жыл бұрын
@@GamesOfficialKZbin OK I get it you ride the small bus.
@GamesOfficialYouTube 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ascension.z wtf is that supposed to mean
@Ascension.z 2 жыл бұрын
@@GamesOfficialKZbin i’ll let you figure that out bud.
@GamesOfficialYouTube 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ascension.z I dont know Im albanian, we are stupid.
@LABWARRIOR-ho4zd 2 жыл бұрын
Nice video bro❤️
@ahad1609 2 жыл бұрын
What do you say about Erkuncis who say that Skodra cannot be Albanian as Sc and Sk became H in Albanian
@zyoliexan7452 2 жыл бұрын
sorry -iliri-No Grek✖-=ylli🌟✔Albanian =Skkrim =Kendim✔✔✔✔Pls Search For Truth ⚖✔
@blockie9706 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure that the name Illyrian is related to the Albanian words like 'yll', ''ill' (meaning star), or dill (meaning sun) since illyrians were people who worshiped the Sun star.
@jemi1952 2 жыл бұрын
They worshipped snakes, wolves, deers and other beings and deities too. What does it have to do with etymology? "ill" is just a medieval Tosk variation of "yll".
@blockie9706 2 жыл бұрын
@@jemi1952 This is what i'm saying. "illy" might derive from the word 'ylli'. In linguistics this is called "metathesis" (transposition of sounds or syllables in a word or of word in a sentence) and It's very common, just like for example Laberia todays region in southern Albania or Illyrian tribe Labeatae, both of them presents a metathesis from the word Alb to -> Lab.
@agimgashi7810 2 жыл бұрын
👍 ✌️ 👌 🦅
@Dragonman998 Жыл бұрын
Enchelei or Enchel = (in Albanian) ‘Ngjala’ for Eel.
@izetosmani Жыл бұрын
Yes in Greece before 1900 before the exchange population deal made between Greece and Turkey in Greece were more than 90% of population Albanian ethnicity which they calling themselves Arvanite or Cham or Aromanian but after the exchange population deal made between Greece and Turkey Greece give to Turkey some Arvanite byzantine Muslim people who they calling themselves Cham and Turkey give them for exchange Caucasian Anatolian balkanas slavik Cyprus Russian Aegean island levante baltic Arabic pensiluan Eastern European western European Eastern Asia western Asia central Asia Eastern India Western India southern India northern India Chinese Ethiopia etc etc and now they are more than 8 milion Arvanite byzantine people which are Albanian ethnicity people andvthey are less than 4 million turks Caucasian Anatolian balkanas slavik Cyprus Russian Aegean island levante baltic Arabic pensiluan Eastern European western European Eastern Asia western Asia central Asia Eastern India Western India southern India northern India Chinese Ethiopia etc etc and they are more than 100 milon of Arvanite byzantine people around the world like in Europe USA Australia Canada New Zealand and Latin America and Africa and all thos Arvanite byzantine people have Arbresh byzantine sisters and brothers in Italy who are more than 10 milion of them and they are more than 100 million of them around the world like in Europe USA Australia Canada New Zealand and Latin America and Africa thos Arbresh byzantine people left the Greece exactly peloponnese 600 hundred years ago because they didn't wanted to be under occupation of otomans and all thos Arvanite byzantine people and Arbresh byzantine people have same blood same DNA same mother language like Albanien people
@guritarasi8732 2 жыл бұрын
ILLYR have many meanings in Albanian language only and all are acceptable🙃
@user-wq1iv9eb6w 2 жыл бұрын
Ylliri and not Illyri. But whatever Ylliri or Illyri is Ylli ri-Illy ri-New Star. Bardyli-Bardh ylli-White Star. The name Ylliri may come from King Hylli the son of Heracles or Hercules. Heracles or Hercules was Pelasgian/Albanian hero. Hylli is the new King and he came from today Croatia. Here in Europe and propably in Illyricum or how we calling today Ballkan was inhabited from Illyrians/Albanias and Pelasgian/Albanian. All Europe,Asia Minor and all Mediterranian was inhabited from Illyrians/Albanias, Dardanians/Albanians, Pelasgians/Albanians etc. 🦅🇦🇱🦅
@user-wq1iv9eb6w 2 жыл бұрын
The name ancient time was "Ylliri" and you can see Herodotous Map. Ylliri was all Illyricum,Italy,France,Germany,Swizerland,Austria etc in the Herodotus Map.
@LABWARRIOR-ho4zd 2 жыл бұрын
@jemi1952 2 жыл бұрын
O shok mos shkruaj gjana te tilla. Kemi nevoje per historiane e gjuhetare serioze, jo per perralla pellazgjike.
@user-wq1iv9eb6w 2 жыл бұрын
@@LABWARRIOR-ho4zd Po meTaQiMaminTy a behem burr?!!!!🤮😡😡😡
@user-wq1iv9eb6w 2 жыл бұрын
@@jemi1952 Ytttt njeri i shpifur,ropshkerdhyer,antishqipetar!!!🤮🤮🤮😡😡😡😡😡
@seyl717 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting but how did you derive to water snakes? Ud-lo as being derived from P.I.E word for water makes perfect sense, but where do you get the snake from? In Proto-Albanian Gjarpen would have been Serpenā.
@peekaboo12 9 ай бұрын
Albanians need to educate themselves on the Amazigh or Imazigh (Berbers). Then proceed to educate themselves on the history of Islam in southern Italy along with Norman-Arab-Byzantine culture.
@FabiolaDedja 9 ай бұрын
Gezuar ,po' perse kaqe kundershtime pere gjuhen e bekuar nga Zoti ,qe nuke e pranojne gjuhetaret te ndryshm ,qe sduan me dashje ta pranojne ,se kjo histori dhe arkeollogji eshte e verteta me e madhe e kesaj gjuhe e histori hyjnore ,qe eshte sajuar nder shekuj ,pere ata qe skane histori ,dhe Jane bere me histori te vjedhura faleminderit .
@adrianzinizin9027 2 жыл бұрын
My man super strong in research and explaining ❤️🤌
@noemicsillatoth2473 10 ай бұрын
The ancestors of the Freemasons...
@ganikurpali5855 Жыл бұрын
Jo lurë po Shqip lur!
@ORIGJIN Жыл бұрын
Hylleri why not since it’s the same but is the very modern version: Hylleri-Hillary it means the new star that came (hy:coming in, enter/yll or il/al/el/yll are all the same name for star/ri mean new and like re is also used i all the modern worlds like re-naissance,re-construction and so one to express the idea of New) , in Albanian iliri-ylliri it’s the same because il-el-al-yl(l) it all means star from one region to another but no one gets confused since we all know that prononciation can me different but the meaning is clear for a Albanian speaker. So yll-i-ri simply means « the new star » and as i-lir means « the free one », it’s very easy so relate the two concepts that express the same symbole. Don’t we talk about a star is born in English to talk about the creativity and the freedom of a person to express themselves in a particular way? So just a random Albanian speaker can explain the name even after it has been manipulated by Greeks and Slavics with different writings. The power of Albanian language is that the meaning or the symbole in the world will always survive to any change or interpretation. Iliri-illiri-illyricum-hyllri and so on are just variation of the same meaning that you also find in Al-ban and it refers to the noun star and the fact of being free, free as a star. 👐👐👐👐🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🦅🦅 No need to be a scientist juste use commun sens for what is made for: knowing the truth.
@GamesOfficialYouTube 2 жыл бұрын
@ahad1609 2 жыл бұрын
A slav come speak a little bit slavic
@ermalkrasniqi1592 2 жыл бұрын
Why do u think that? Proof ? Anything?
@klementosmeni7302 2 жыл бұрын
@shqipemalesore2620 Жыл бұрын
Dude,you are a Slav,you have nothing to do with Pre-Slavic Balkans😂😂😂😂🇦🇱
@ardiankryemadhi4985 Жыл бұрын
Expenation is ok ...but dhe Ilirian languahe now albanian is dhe pelazgian language not unknown ju full.
@SkylineRB Жыл бұрын
I lir jam. ILIRJA. 🤌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻
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